diff options
authorSteven Bennetts <>2009-10-19 02:17:01 +0000
committerSteven Bennetts <>2009-10-19 02:17:01 +0000
commitea1bfae838c59e24ec1a962f7d015d609b63d083 (patch)
parent8103710c054ec6ea4a46f9732e569e543691184b (diff)
Merging revisions 2070-2084 of into P:\svn\viewer-2.0.0, respecting ancestry
* Bugs: EXT-792 EXT-1519 EXT-1514 EXT-1245 EXT-1600 EXT-1535 EXT-1174 EXT-1241 * Dev: EXT-1271 EXT-1601 EXT-1154
30 files changed, 1253 insertions, 680 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
index 467e1e8342..2da0e29393 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
@@ -7687,6 +7687,39 @@
+ <key>FriendsSortOrder</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Specifies sort order for friends (0 = by name, 1 = by online status)</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>U32</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>NearbyPeopleSortOrder</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Specifies sort order for nearby people (0 = by name, 2 = by most recent)</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>U32</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ </map>
+ <key>RecentPeopleSortOrder</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Specifies sort order for recent people (0 = by name, 2 = by most recent)</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>U32</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ </map>
diff --git a/indra/newview/llcallingcard.cpp b/indra/newview/llcallingcard.cpp
index 359bb23f05..7a81d0c4a1 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llcallingcard.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llcallingcard.cpp
@@ -726,10 +726,11 @@ void LLAvatarTracker::processNotify(LLMessageSystem* msg, bool online)
if (!notifyMsg.empty())
- LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(session_id, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, notifyMsg);
+ //*TODO instead of adding IM message about online/offline status
+ //do something like graying avatar icon on messages from a user that went offline, and make it colored when online.
mModifyMask |= LLFriendObserver::ONLINE;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.cpp
index 5ed7821b1b..4708d7ba36 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelgroup.cpp
@@ -309,18 +309,31 @@ void LLPanelGroup::update(LLGroupChange gc)
childSetValue("group_name", gdatap->mName);
+ LLButton* btn_join = getChild<LLButton>("btn_join");
+ LLUICtrl* join_text = getChild<LLUICtrl>("join_cost_text");
LLGroupData agent_gdatap;
bool is_member = gAgent.getGroupData(mID,agent_gdatap);
- LLButton* btn_join = getChild<LLButton>("btn_join");
bool join_btn_visible = !is_member && gdatap->mOpenEnrollment;
+ join_text->setVisible(join_btn_visible);
LLStringUtil::format_map_t string_args;
- string_args["[AMOUNT]"] = llformat("%d", gdatap->mMembershipFee);
- std::string fee_buff = getString("group_join_btn", string_args);
- btn_join->setLabelSelected(fee_buff);
- btn_join->setLabelUnselected(fee_buff);
+ std::string fee_buff;
+ if(gdatap->mMembershipFee)
+ {
+ string_args["[AMOUNT]"] = llformat("%d", gdatap->mMembershipFee);
+ fee_buff = getString("group_join_btn", string_args);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fee_buff = getString("group_join_free", string_args);
+ }
+ childSetValue("join_cost_text",fee_buff);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.cpp
index 5f96407d7d..2cbd80a72d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ BOOL LLLandmarksPanel::postBuild()
// mast be called before any other initXXX methods to init Gear menu
+ U32 sort_order = gSavedSettings.getU32(LLInventoryPanel::DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
+ mSortByDate = sort_order & LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE;
@@ -227,6 +229,21 @@ LLFolderViewItem* LLLandmarksPanel::getCurSelectedItem () const
return mCurrentSelectedList ? mCurrentSelectedList->getRootFolder()->getCurSelectedItem() : NULL;
+void LLLandmarksPanel::updateSortOrder(LLInventoryPanel* panel, bool byDate)
+ if(!panel) return;
+ U32 order = panel->getSortOrder();
+ if (byDate)
+ {
+ panel->setSortOrder( order | LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ panel->setSortOrder( order & ~LLInventoryFilter::SO_DATE );
+ }
// virtual
void LLLandmarksPanel::processParcelInfo(const LLParcelData& parcel_data)
@@ -240,20 +257,27 @@ void LLLandmarksPanel::processParcelInfo(const LLParcelData& parcel_data)
LLInventoryItem* inv_item = mCurrentSelectedList->getModel()->getItem(id);
- LLPanelPick* panel_pick = new LLPanelPick(TRUE);
- LLSD params;
+ LLPanelPickEdit* panel_pick = LLPanelPickEdit::create();
LLVector3d landmark_global_pos;
- panel_pick->prepareNewPick(landmark_global_pos,cur_item->getName(),inv_item->getDescription(),
- parcel_data.snapshot_id,parcel_data.parcel_id);
- // by default save button should be enabled
- panel_pick->childSetEnabled("save_changes_btn", TRUE);
// let's toggle pick panel into panel places
LLPanel* panel_places = LLSideTray::getInstance()->getChild<LLPanel>("panel_places");//-> sidebar_places
LLRect paren_rect(panel_places->getRect());
panel_pick->reshape(paren_rect.getWidth(),paren_rect.getHeight(), TRUE);
+ panel_pick->onOpen(LLSD());
+ LLPickData data;
+ data.pos_global = landmark_global_pos;
+ = cur_item->getName();
+ data.desc = inv_item->getDescription();
+ data.snapshot_id = parcel_data.snapshot_id;
+ data.parcel_id = parcel_data.parcel_id;
+ panel_pick->setPickData(&data);
+ LLSD params;
params["parcel_id"] =parcel_data.parcel_id;
/* set exit callback to get back onto panel places
in callback we will make cleaning up( delete pick_panel instance,
@@ -261,6 +285,8 @@ void LLLandmarksPanel::processParcelInfo(const LLParcelData& parcel_data)
panel_pick, panel_places,params));
+ panel_pick->setSaveCallback(boost::bind(&LLLandmarksPanel::onPickPanelExit,this,
+ panel_pick, panel_places,params));
@@ -343,6 +369,7 @@ void LLLandmarksPanel::initLandmarksPanel(LLInventorySubTreePanel* inventory_lis
inventory_list->setSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLLandmarksPanel::onSelectionChange, this, inventory_list, _1, _2));
+ updateSortOrder(inventory_list, mSortByDate);
LLPlacesFolderView* root_folder = dynamic_cast<LLPlacesFolderView*>(inventory_list->getRootFolder());
if (root_folder)
@@ -552,7 +579,7 @@ void LLLandmarksPanel::onCopyPasteAction(const LLSD& userdata) const
-void LLLandmarksPanel::onFoldingAction(const LLSD& userdata) const
+void LLLandmarksPanel::onFoldingAction(const LLSD& userdata)
if(!mCurrentSelectedList) return;
@@ -568,6 +595,14 @@ void LLLandmarksPanel::onFoldingAction(const LLSD& userdata) const
+ else if ( "sort_by_date" == command_name)
+ {
+ mSortByDate = !mSortByDate;
+ updateSortOrder(mFavoritesInventoryPanel, mSortByDate);
+ updateSortOrder(mLandmarksInventoryPanel, mSortByDate);
+ updateSortOrder(mMyInventoryPanel, mSortByDate);
+ updateSortOrder(mLibraryInventoryPanel, mSortByDate);
+ }
root_folder->doToSelected(&gInventory, userdata);
@@ -585,6 +620,22 @@ bool LLLandmarksPanel::isActionEnabled(const LLSD& userdata) const
return mCurrentSelectedList ? mCurrentSelectedList->getRootFolder()->canPaste() : false;
+ else if ( "sort_by_date" == command_name)
+ {
+ return mSortByDate;
+ }
+ // do not allow teleport and more info for multi-selections
+ else if ("teleport" == command_name || "more_info" == command_name)
+ {
+ return mCurrentSelectedList ?
+ static_cast<LLPlacesFolderView*>(mCurrentSelectedList->getRootFolder())->getSelectedCount() == 1 : false;
+ }
+ // we can add folder, or change item/folder only in Landmarks Accordion
+ else if ("add_folder" == command_name || "rename" == command_name || "delete" == command_name)
+ {
+ return mLandmarksInventoryPanel == mCurrentSelectedList;
+ }
return true;
@@ -647,7 +698,7 @@ void LLLandmarksPanel::onCustomAction(const LLSD& userdata)
-void LLLandmarksPanel::onPickPanelExit( LLPanelPick* pick_panel, LLView* owner, const LLSD& params)
+void LLLandmarksPanel::onPickPanelExit( LLPanelPickEdit* pick_panel, LLView* owner, const LLSD& params)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.h b/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.h
index e74a7fdc88..389a04a76f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanellandmarks.h
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ protected:
bool isLandmarkSelected() const;
LLLandmark* getCurSelectedLandmark() const;
LLFolderViewItem* getCurSelectedItem () const;
+ void updateSortOrder(LLInventoryPanel* panel, bool byDate);
//LLRemoteParcelInfoObserver interface
/*virtual*/ void processParcelInfo(const LLParcelData& parcel_data);
@@ -93,10 +94,10 @@ private:
void onTrashButtonClick() const;
void onAddAction(const LLSD& command_name) const;
void onCopyPasteAction(const LLSD& command_name) const;
- void onFoldingAction(const LLSD& command_name) const;
+ void onFoldingAction(const LLSD& command_name);
bool isActionEnabled(const LLSD& command_name) const;
void onCustomAction(const LLSD& command_name);
- void onPickPanelExit( LLPanelPick* pick_panel, LLView* owner, const LLSD& params);
+ void onPickPanelExit( LLPanelPickEdit* pick_panel, LLView* owner, const LLSD& params);
LLInventorySubTreePanel* mFavoritesInventoryPanel;
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ private:
LLInventorySubTreePanel* mCurrentSelectedList;
LLPanel* mListCommands;
+ bool mSortByDate;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelpeople.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelpeople.cpp
index c94c38983d..9dc80c0515 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelpeople.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelpeople.cpp
@@ -87,7 +87,39 @@ protected:
+/** Compares avatar items by online status, then by name */
+class LLAvatarItemStatusComparator : public LLAvatarItemComparator
+ LLAvatarItemStatusComparator() {};
+ /**
+ * @return true if item1 < item2, false otherwise
+ */
+ virtual bool doCompare(const LLAvatarListItem* item1, const LLAvatarListItem* item2) const
+ {
+ LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance();
+ bool online1 = at.isBuddyOnline(item1->getAvatarId());
+ bool online2 = at.isBuddyOnline(item2->getAvatarId());
+ if (online1 == online2)
+ {
+ std::string name1 = item1->getAvatarName();
+ std::string name2 = item2->getAvatarName();
+ LLStringUtil::toUpper(name1);
+ LLStringUtil::toUpper(name2);
+ return name1 < name2;
+ }
+ return online1 > online2;
+ }
static const LLAvatarItemRecentComparator RECENT_COMPARATOR;
+static const LLAvatarItemStatusComparator STATUS_COMPARATOR;
static LLRegisterPanelClassWrapper<LLPanelPeople> t_people("panel_people");
@@ -395,7 +427,8 @@ BOOL LLPanelPeople::postBuild()
- mRecentList->setComparator(&RECENT_COMPARATOR);
+ setSortOrder(mRecentList, (ESortOrder)gSavedSettings.getU32("RecentPeopleSortOrder"), false);
+ setSortOrder(mAllFriendList, (ESortOrder)gSavedSettings.getU32("FriendsSortOrder"), false);
LLPanel* groups_panel = getChild<LLPanel>(GROUP_TAB_NAME);
groups_panel->childSetAction("activate_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPeople::onActivateButtonClicked, this));
@@ -446,12 +479,16 @@ BOOL LLPanelPeople::postBuild()
// Create menus.
LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar registrar;
+ LLUICtrl::EnableCallbackRegistry::ScopedRegistrar enable_registrar;
registrar.add("People.Group.Plus.Action", boost::bind(&LLPanelPeople::onGroupPlusMenuItemClicked, this, _2));
registrar.add("People.Friends.ViewSort.Action", boost::bind(&LLPanelPeople::onFriendsViewSortMenuItemClicked, this, _2));
registrar.add("People.Nearby.ViewSort.Action", boost::bind(&LLPanelPeople::onNearbyViewSortMenuItemClicked, this, _2));
registrar.add("People.Groups.ViewSort.Action", boost::bind(&LLPanelPeople::onGroupsViewSortMenuItemClicked, this, _2));
registrar.add("People.Recent.ViewSort.Action", boost::bind(&LLPanelPeople::onRecentViewSortMenuItemClicked, this, _2));
+ enable_registrar.add("People.Friends.ViewSort.CheckItem", boost::bind(&LLPanelPeople::onFriendsViewSortMenuItemCheck, this, _2));
+ enable_registrar.add("People.Recent.ViewSort.CheckItem", boost::bind(&LLPanelPeople::onRecentViewSortMenuItemCheck, this, _2));
LLMenuGL* plus_menu = LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->createFromFile<LLMenuGL>("menu_group_plus.xml", gMenuHolder, LLViewerMenuHolderGL::child_registry_t::instance());
mGroupPlusMenuHandle = plus_menu->getHandle();
@@ -672,6 +709,42 @@ void LLPanelPeople::showGroupMenu(LLMenuGL* menu)
LLMenuGL::showPopup(parent_panel, menu, menu_x, menu_y);
+void LLPanelPeople::setSortOrder(LLAvatarList* list, ESortOrder order, bool save)
+ switch (order)
+ {
+ case E_SORT_BY_NAME:
+ list->sortByName();
+ break;
+ list->setComparator(&STATUS_COMPARATOR);
+ list->sort();
+ break;
+ list->setComparator(&RECENT_COMPARATOR);
+ list->sort();
+ break;
+ default:
+ llwarns << "Unrecognized people sort order for " << list->getName() << llendl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (save)
+ {
+ std::string setting;
+ if (list == mAllFriendList || list == mOnlineFriendList)
+ setting = "FriendsSortOrder";
+ else if (list == mRecentList)
+ setting = "RecentPeopleSortOrder";
+ else if (list == mNearbyList)
+ setting = "NearbyPeopleSortOrder"; // *TODO: unused by current implementation
+ if (!setting.empty())
+ gSavedSettings.setU32(setting, order);
+ }
void LLPanelPeople::onVisibilityChange(const LLSD& new_visibility)
if (new_visibility.asBoolean() == FALSE)
@@ -854,9 +927,11 @@ void LLPanelPeople::onFriendsViewSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata)
if (chosen_item == "sort_name")
+ setSortOrder(mAllFriendList, E_SORT_BY_NAME);
else if (chosen_item == "sort_status")
+ setSortOrder(mAllFriendList, E_SORT_BY_STATUS);
else if (chosen_item == "view_icons")
@@ -900,18 +975,44 @@ void LLPanelPeople::onRecentViewSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata)
if (chosen_item == "sort_recent")
- mRecentList->setComparator(&RECENT_COMPARATOR);
- mRecentList->sort();
+ setSortOrder(mRecentList, E_SORT_BY_MOST_RECENT);
else if (chosen_item == "sort_name")
- mRecentList->sortByName();
+ setSortOrder(mRecentList, E_SORT_BY_NAME);
else if (chosen_item == "view_icons")
+ // *TODO: implement showing/hiding icons
+bool LLPanelPeople::onFriendsViewSortMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata)
+ std::string item = userdata.asString();
+ U32 sort_order = gSavedSettings.getU32("FriendsSortOrder");
+ if (item == "sort_name")
+ return sort_order == E_SORT_BY_NAME;
+ if (item == "sort_status")
+ return sort_order == E_SORT_BY_STATUS;
+ return false;
+bool LLPanelPeople::onRecentViewSortMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata)
+ std::string item = userdata.asString();
+ U32 sort_order = gSavedSettings.getU32("RecentPeopleSortOrder");
+ if (item == "sort_recent")
+ return sort_order == E_SORT_BY_MOST_RECENT;
+ if (item == "sort_name")
+ return sort_order == E_SORT_BY_NAME;
+ return false;
void LLPanelPeople::onCallButtonClicked()
// *TODO: not implemented yet
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelpeople.h b/indra/newview/llpanelpeople.h
index 03802015ce..aa78080d7e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelpeople.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelpeople.h
@@ -57,6 +57,13 @@ public:
class Updater;
+ typedef enum e_sort_oder {
+ } ESortOrder;
// methods indirectly called by the updaters
void updateFriendList();
void updateNearbyList();
@@ -69,6 +76,7 @@ private:
void buttonSetEnabled(const std::string& btn_name, bool enabled);
void buttonSetAction(const std::string& btn_name, const commit_signal_t::slot_type& cb);
void showGroupMenu(LLMenuGL* menu);
+ void setSortOrder(LLAvatarList* list, ESortOrder order, bool save = true);
void onVisibilityChange( const LLSD& new_visibility);
@@ -104,6 +112,9 @@ private:
void onGroupsViewSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata);
void onRecentViewSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata);
+ bool onFriendsViewSortMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata);
+ bool onRecentViewSortMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata);
// misc callbacks
static void onAvatarPicked(
const std::vector<std::string>& names,
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelpick.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelpick.cpp
index 424e453a2f..664ebfd7a4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelpick.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelpick.cpp
@@ -68,265 +68,161 @@
std::string SET_LOCATION_NOTICE("(will update after save)");
-LLPanelPick::LLPanelPick(BOOL edit_mode/* = FALSE */)
-: LLPanel(), LLAvatarPropertiesObserver(), LLRemoteParcelInfoObserver(),
- mEditMode(edit_mode),
- mSnapshotCtrl(NULL),
- mPickId(LLUUID::null),
- mCreatorId(LLUUID::null),
- mDataReceived(FALSE),
- mIsPickNew(false),
- mLocationChanged(false)
- if (edit_mode)
- {
- LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, XML_PANEL_EDIT_PICK);
- LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().addObserver(gAgentID, this);
- }
- else
- {
- LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, XML_PANEL_PICK_INFO);
- }
+LLPanelPickInfo* LLPanelPickInfo::create()
+ LLPanelPickInfo* panel = new LLPanelPickInfo();
+ LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(panel, XML_PANEL_PICK_INFO);
+ return panel;
+ : LLPanel()
+ , LLAvatarPropertiesObserver()
+ , LLRemoteParcelInfoObserver()
+ , mAvatarId(LLUUID::null)
+ , mSnapshotCtrl(NULL)
+ , mPickId(LLUUID::null)
- if (mCreatorId.notNull()) LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().removeObserver(mCreatorId, this);
-void LLPanelPick::reset()
- setEditMode(FALSE);
- mPickId.setNull();
- mCreatorId.setNull();
- mParcelId.setNull();
- setPickName("");
- setPickDesc("");
- setPickLocation("");
- mSnapshotCtrl->setImageAssetID(LLUUID::null);
- //*HACK just setting asset id to NULL not enough to clear
- //the texture controls, w/o setValid(FALSE) it continues to
- //draw the previously set image
- mSnapshotCtrl->setValid(FALSE);
- mDataReceived = FALSE;
- mPosGlobal.clearVec();
- childSetValue("maturity", "");
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->removeObserver(getAvatarId(), this);
-BOOL LLPanelPick::postBuild()
+void LLPanelPickInfo::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
- mSnapshotCtrl = getChild<LLTextureCtrl>(XML_SNAPSHOT);
- if (mEditMode)
- {
- enableSaveButton(FALSE);
- mSnapshotCtrl->setOnSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onPickChanged, this, _1));
- LLLineEditor* line_edit = getChild<LLLineEditor>("pick_name");
- line_edit->setKeystrokeCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onPickChanged, this, _1), NULL);
- LLTextEditor* text_edit = getChild<LLTextEditor>("pick_desc");
- text_edit->setKeystrokeCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onPickChanged, this, _1));
- childSetAction("cancel_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onClickCancel, this));
- childSetAction("set_to_curr_location_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onClickSet, this));
- childSetAction(XML_BTN_SAVE, boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onClickSave, this));
- mSnapshotCtrl->setMouseEnterCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::childSetVisible, this, "edit_icon", true));
- mSnapshotCtrl->setMouseLeaveCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::childSetVisible, this, "edit_icon", false));
- }
- else
+ LLUUID avatar_id = key["avatar_id"];
+ if(avatar_id.isNull())
- childSetAction("edit_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onClickEdit, this));
- childSetAction("teleport_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onClickTeleport, this));
- childSetAction("show_on_map_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::onClickMap, this));
+ return;
- // EXT-822. We have to process "Back" button click in both Edit & View Modes
- if (!mBackCb.empty())
+ if(getAvatarId().notNull())
- LLButton* button = findChild<LLButton>("back_btn");
- if (button) button->setClickedCallback(mBackCb);
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->removeObserver(
+ getAvatarId(), this);
- return TRUE;
-void LLPanelPick::init(LLUUID creator_id, LLUUID pick_id)
- mCreatorId = creator_id;
- mPickId = pick_id;
- //*TODO consider removing this, already called by setEditMode()
- updateButtons();
- requestData();
-void LLPanelPick::requestData()
- mDataReceived = FALSE;
- LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().addObserver(mCreatorId, this);
- LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().sendPickInfoRequest(mCreatorId, mPickId);
-void LLPanelPick::init(LLPickData *pick_data)
- mPickId = pick_data->pick_id;
- mCreatorId = pick_data->creator_id;
+ setAvatarId(avatar_id);
- setPickName(pick_data->name);
- setPickDesc(pick_data->desc);
- mSnapshotCtrl->setImageAssetID(pick_data->snapshot_id);
+ resetData();
+ resetControls();
- //*HACK see reset() where the texture control was set to FALSE
- mSnapshotCtrl->setValid(TRUE);
+ setPickId(key["pick_id"]);
+ setPickName(key["pick_name"]);
+ setPickDesc(key["pick_desc"]);
+ setSnapshotId(key["snapshot_id"]);
- mPosGlobal = pick_data->pos_global;
- mSimName = pick_data->sim_name;
- mParcelId = pick_data->parcel_id;
- setPickLocation(createLocationText(pick_data->user_name, pick_data->original_name,
- pick_data->sim_name, pick_data->pos_global));
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->addObserver(
+ getAvatarId(), this);
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->sendPickInfoRequest(
+ getAvatarId(), getPickId());
-void LLPanelPick::prepareNewPick(const LLVector3d pos_global,
- const std::string& name,
- const std::string& desc,
- const LLUUID& snapshot_id,
- const LLUUID& parcel_id)
+BOOL LLPanelPickInfo::postBuild()
- mPickId.generate();
- mCreatorId = gAgent.getID();
- mPosGlobal = pos_global;
- setPickName(name);
- setPickDesc(desc);
- mSnapshotCtrl->setImageAssetID(snapshot_id);
- mParcelId = parcel_id;
- setPickLocation(createLocationText(std::string(""), SET_LOCATION_NOTICE, name, pos_global));
+ mSnapshotCtrl = getChild<LLTextureCtrl>(XML_SNAPSHOT);
childSetLabelArg(XML_BTN_SAVE, SAVE_BTN_LABEL, std::string("Pick"));
- mIsPickNew = true;
+ childSetAction("teleport_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPickInfo::onClickTeleport, this));
+ childSetAction("show_on_map_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPickInfo::onClickMap, this));
+ childSetAction("back_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPickInfo::onClickBack, this));
+ return TRUE;
-// Fill in some reasonable defaults for a new pick.
-void LLPanelPick::prepareNewPick()
+void LLPanelPickInfo::processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType type)
- // Try to fill in the current parcel
- LLParcel* parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel();
- if (parcel)
+ if(APT_PICK_INFO != type)
- prepareNewPick(gAgent.getPositionGlobal(),
- parcel->getName(),
- parcel->getDesc(),
- parcel->getSnapshotID(),
- parcel->getID());
+ return;
-/*virtual*/ void LLPanelPick::processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType type)
- if (APT_PICK_INFO != type) return;
- if (!data) return;
- LLPickData* pick_data = static_cast<LLPickData *>(data);
- if (!pick_data) return;
- if (mPickId != pick_data->pick_id) return;
- init(pick_data);
- mDataReceived = TRUE;
- LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().removeObserver(mCreatorId, this);
- if (!mEditMode)
+ LLPickData* pick_info = static_cast<LLPickData*>(data);
+ if(!pick_info
+ || pick_info->creator_id != getAvatarId()
+ || pick_info->pick_id != getPickId())
- LLRemoteParcelInfoProcessor::getInstance()->addObserver(pick_data->parcel_id, this);
- LLRemoteParcelInfoProcessor::getInstance()->sendParcelInfoRequest(pick_data->parcel_id);
+ return;
+ setSnapshotId(pick_info->snapshot_id);
+ setPickName(pick_info->name);
+ setPickDesc(pick_info->desc);
+ setPosGlobal(pick_info->pos_global);
+ setPickLocation(createLocationText(pick_info->user_name, pick_info->original_name,
+ pick_info->sim_name, pick_info->pos_global));
-void LLPanelPick::setEditMode( BOOL edit_mode )
- if (mEditMode == edit_mode) return;
- mEditMode = edit_mode;
- // preserve data before killing controls
- LLUUID snapshot_id = mSnapshotCtrl->getImageAssetID();
- LLRect old_rect = getRect();
- deleteAllChildren();
+ // *NOTE dzaporozhan
+ // We want to keep listening to APT_PICK_INFO because user may
+ // edit the Pick and we have to update Pick info panel.
+ // revomeObserver is called from onClickBack
- // *WORKAROUND: for EXT-931. Children are created for both XML_PANEL_EDIT_PICK & XML_PANEL_PICK_INFO files
- // The reason is in LLPanel::initPanelXML called from the LLUICtrlFactory::buildPanel().
- // It creates children from the xml file stored while previous initializing in the "mXMLFilename" member
- // and then in creates children from the parameters passed from the LLUICtrlFactory::buildPanel().
- // Xml filename is stored after LLPanel::initPanelXML is called (added with export-from-ll/viewer-2-0, r1594 into LLUICtrlFactory::buildPanel & LLUICtrlFactory::buildFloater)
- // In case panel creates children from the different xml files they appear from both files.
- // So, let clear xml filename related to this instance.
- setXMLFilename("");
+void LLPanelPickInfo::setExitCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb)
+ getChild<LLButton>("back_btn")->setClickedCallback(cb);
- if (edit_mode)
+void LLPanelPickInfo::processParcelInfo(const LLParcelData& parcel_data)
+ // HACK: Flag 0x2 == adult region,
+ // Flag 0x1 == mature region, otherwise assume PG
+ std::string rating_icon = "icon_event.tga";
+ if (parcel_data.flags & 0x2)
- LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, XML_PANEL_EDIT_PICK);
+ rating_icon = "icon_event_adult.tga";
- else
+ else if (parcel_data.flags & 0x1)
- LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, XML_PANEL_PICK_INFO);
+ rating_icon = "icon_event_mature.tga";
- //*NOTE this code is from LLPanelMeProfile.togglePanel()... doubt this is a right way to do things
- reshape(old_rect.getWidth(), old_rect.getHeight());
- old_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(0, old_rect.getHeight(), old_rect.getWidth(), old_rect.getHeight());
- setRect(old_rect);
- // time to restore data
- setPickName(mName);
- setPickDesc(mDesc);
- setPickLocation(mLocation);
- mSnapshotCtrl->setImageAssetID(snapshot_id);
+ childSetValue("maturity", rating_icon);
- updateButtons();
+ //*NOTE we don't removeObserver(...) ourselves cause LLRemoveParcelProcessor does it for us
-void LLPanelPick::onPickChanged(LLUICtrl* ctrl)
+void LLPanelPickInfo::setEditPickCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb)
- if(mLocationChanged)
- {
- // Pick was enabled in onClickSet
- return;
- }
+ getChild<LLButton>("edit_btn")->setClickedCallback(cb);
- if( mSnapshotCtrl->isDirty()
- || getChild<LLLineEditor>("pick_name")->isDirty()
- || getChild<LLTextEditor>("pick_desc")->isDirty() )
+void LLPanelPickInfo::resetControls()
+ if(getAvatarId() == gAgent.getID())
- enableSaveButton(TRUE);
+ childSetEnabled("edit_btn", TRUE);
+ childSetVisible("edit_btn", TRUE);
- enableSaveButton(FALSE);
+ childSetEnabled("edit_btn", FALSE);
+ childSetVisible("edit_btn", FALSE);
+void LLPanelPickInfo::resetData()
+ setPickName(LLStringUtil::null);
+ setPickDesc(LLStringUtil::null);
+ setPickLocation(LLStringUtil::null);
+ setPickId(LLUUID::null);
+ setSnapshotId(LLUUID::null);
+ mPosGlobal.clearVec();
+ childSetValue("maturity", LLStringUtil::null);
-std::string LLPanelPick::createLocationText(const std::string& owner_name, const std::string& original_name,
- const std::string& sim_name, const LLVector3d& pos_global)
+// static
+std::string LLPanelPickInfo::createLocationText(const std::string& owner_name, const std::string& original_name, const std::string& sim_name, const LLVector3d& pos_global)
std::string location_text;
@@ -354,23 +250,23 @@ std::string LLPanelPick::createLocationText(const std::string& owner_name, const
return location_text;
-void LLPanelPick::setPickName(std::string name)
+void LLPanelPickInfo::setSnapshotId(const LLUUID& id)
+ mSnapshotCtrl->setImageAssetID(id);
+ mSnapshotCtrl->setValid(TRUE);
+void LLPanelPickInfo::setPickName(const std::string& name)
childSetValue(XML_NAME, name);
- //preserving non-wrapped text for info/edit modes switching
- mName = name;
-void LLPanelPick::setPickDesc(std::string desc)
+void LLPanelPickInfo::setPickDesc(const std::string& desc)
childSetValue(XML_DESC, desc);
- //preserving non-wrapped text for info/edit modes switching
- mDesc = desc;
-void LLPanelPick::setPickLocation(const std::string& location)
+void LLPanelPickInfo::setPickLocation(const std::string& location)
childSetValue(XML_LOCATION, location);
@@ -378,208 +274,253 @@ void LLPanelPick::setPickLocation(const std::string& location)
mLocation = location;
-std::string LLPanelPick::getPickName()
+void LLPanelPickInfo::onClickMap()
- return childGetValue(XML_NAME).asString();
+ LLFloaterWorldMap::getInstance()->trackLocation(getPosGlobal());
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("world_map", "center");
-std::string LLPanelPick::getPickDesc()
+void LLPanelPickInfo::onClickTeleport()
- return childGetValue(XML_DESC).asString();
+ if (!getPosGlobal().isExactlyZero())
+ {
+ gAgent.teleportViaLocation(getPosGlobal());
+ LLFloaterWorldMap::getInstance()->trackLocation(getPosGlobal());
+ }
-std::string LLPanelPick::getPickLocation()
+void LLPanelPickInfo::onClickBack()
- return childGetValue(XML_LOCATION).asString();
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::getInstance()->removeObserver(getAvatarId(), this);
-void LLPanelPick::sendUpdate()
+LLPanelPickEdit* LLPanelPickEdit::create()
- LLPickData pick_data;
+ LLPanelPickEdit* panel = new LLPanelPickEdit();
+ LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(panel, XML_PANEL_EDIT_PICK);
+ return panel;
- // If we don't have a pick id yet, we'll need to generate one,
- // otherwise we'll keep overwriting pick_id 00000 in the database.
- if (mPickId.isNull()) mPickId.generate();
+ : LLPanelPickInfo()
+ , mLocationChanged(false)
+ , mNeedData(true)
- pick_data.agent_id = gAgent.getID();
- pick_data.session_id = gAgent.getSessionID();
- pick_data.pick_id = mPickId;
- pick_data.creator_id = gAgentID;
- //legacy var need to be deleted
- pick_data.top_pick = FALSE;
- pick_data.parcel_id = mParcelId;
- = getPickName();
- pick_data.desc = getPickDesc();
- pick_data.snapshot_id = mSnapshotCtrl->getImageAssetID();
- pick_data.pos_global = mPosGlobal;
- pick_data.sort_order = 0;
- pick_data.enabled = TRUE;
+void LLPanelPickEdit::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
+ LLUUID pick_id = key["pick_id"];
+ mNeedData = true;
- mDataReceived = FALSE;
- LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().addObserver(gAgentID, this);
+ // creating new Pick
+ if(pick_id.isNull())
+ {
+ setAvatarId(gAgent.getID());
- LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().sendPickInfoUpdate(&pick_data);
+ resetData();
+ resetControls();
+ setPosGlobal(gAgent.getPositionGlobal());
+ LLUUID parcel_id = LLUUID::null, snapshot_id = LLUUID::null;
+ std::string pick_name, pick_desc;
-void LLPanelPick::onClickEdit()
- if (mEditMode) return;
- if (!mDataReceived) return;
- setEditMode(TRUE);
+ LLParcel* parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel();
+ if(parcel)
+ {
+ parcel_id = parcel->getID();
+ pick_name = parcel->getName();
+ pick_desc = parcel->getDesc();
+ snapshot_id = parcel->getSnapshotID();
+ }
+ setParcelID(parcel_id);
+ childSetValue("pick_name", pick_name);
+ childSetValue("pick_desc", pick_desc);
+ setSnapshotId(snapshot_id);
+ setPickLocation(createLocationText(LLStringUtil::null, SET_LOCATION_NOTICE,
+ pick_name, getPosGlobal()));
+ enableSaveButton(true);
+ }
+ // editing existing pick
+ else
+ {
+ LLPanelPickInfo::onOpen(key);
+ enableSaveButton(false);
+ }
+ resetDirty();
-void LLPanelPick::onClickTeleport()
+void LLPanelPickEdit::setPickData(const LLPickData* pick_data)
- teleport(mPosGlobal);
+ if(!pick_data)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ mNeedData = false;
+ setParcelID(pick_data->parcel_id);
+ childSetValue("pick_name", pick_data->name);
+ childSetValue("pick_desc", pick_data->desc);
+ setSnapshotId(pick_data->snapshot_id);
+ setPickLocation(createLocationText(pick_data->user_name, pick_data->original_name, /*pick_data->sim_name,*/
+ pick_data->name, pick_data->pos_global));
-void LLPanelPick::onClickMap()
+BOOL LLPanelPickEdit::postBuild()
- showOnMap(mPosGlobal);
+ LLPanelPickInfo::postBuild();
+ mSnapshotCtrl->setOnSelectCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPickEdit::onPickChanged, this, _1));
+ mSnapshotCtrl->setMouseEnterCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPickEdit::childSetVisible, this, "edit_icon", true));
+ mSnapshotCtrl->setMouseLeaveCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPickEdit::childSetVisible, this, "edit_icon", false));
+ LLLineEditor* line_edit = getChild<LLLineEditor>("pick_name");
+ line_edit->setKeystrokeCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPickEdit::onPickChanged, this, _1), NULL);
-void LLPanelPick::onClickCancel()
+ LLTextEditor* text_edit = getChild<LLTextEditor>("pick_desc");
+ text_edit->setKeystrokeCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPickEdit::onPickChanged, this, _1));
+ childSetAction(XML_BTN_SAVE, boost::bind(&LLPanelPickEdit::onClickSave, this));
+ childSetAction("set_to_curr_location_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelPickEdit::onClickSetLocation, this));
+ return TRUE;
+void LLPanelPickEdit::setSaveCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb)
- if (!mEditMode) return;
- if (mIsPickNew)
- {
- mBackCb(this, LLSD());
- return;
- }
+ getChild<LLButton>("save_changes_btn")->setClickedCallback(cb);
- LLUUID pick_id = mPickId;
- LLUUID creator_id = mCreatorId;
- reset();
- init(creator_id, pick_id);
+void LLPanelPickEdit::setCancelCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb)
+ getChild<LLButton>("cancel_btn")->setClickedCallback(cb);
-// static
-void LLPanelPick::onClickSet()
+void LLPanelPickEdit::resetDirty()
- if (!mEditMode) return;
- if (!mIsPickNew && !mDataReceived) return;
+ LLPanelPickInfo::resetDirty();
- // Save location for later.
- mPosGlobal = gAgent.getPositionGlobal();
+ getChild<LLLineEditor>("pick_name")->resetDirty();
+ getChild<LLTextEditor>("pick_desc")->resetDirty();
+ mSnapshotCtrl->resetDirty();
+ mLocationChanged = false;
- LLParcel* parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel();
- if (parcel)
+BOOL LLPanelPickEdit::isDirty() const
+ if( LLPanelPickInfo::isDirty()
+ || mLocationChanged
+ || mSnapshotCtrl->isDirty()
+ || getChild<LLLineEditor>("pick_name")->isDirty()
+ || getChild<LLTextEditor>("pick_desc")->isDirty())
- mParcelId = parcel->getID();
- mSimName = parcel->getName();
+ return TRUE;
- setPickLocation(createLocationText(std::string(""), SET_LOCATION_NOTICE, mSimName, mPosGlobal));
- mLocationChanged = true;
- enableSaveButton(TRUE);
+ return FALSE;
-// static
-void LLPanelPick::onClickSave()
+void LLPanelPickEdit::sendUpdate()
- if (!mEditMode) return;
- if (!mIsPickNew && !mDataReceived) return;
+ LLPickData pick_data;
- sendUpdate();
- if (mIsPickNew)
+ // If we don't have a pick id yet, we'll need to generate one,
+ // otherwise we'll keep overwriting pick_id 00000 in the database.
+ if (getPickId().isNull())
- mBackCb(this, LLSD());
- return;
+ getPickId().generate();
- setEditMode(FALSE);
+ pick_data.agent_id = gAgent.getID();
+ pick_data.session_id = gAgent.getSessionID();
+ pick_data.pick_id = getPickId();
+ pick_data.creator_id = gAgent.getID();;
+ //legacy var need to be deleted
+ pick_data.top_pick = FALSE;
+ pick_data.parcel_id = mParcelId;
+ = childGetValue(XML_NAME).asString();
+ pick_data.desc = childGetValue(XML_DESC).asString();
+ pick_data.snapshot_id = mSnapshotCtrl->getImageAssetID();
+ pick_data.pos_global = getPosGlobal();
+ pick_data.sort_order = 0;
+ pick_data.enabled = TRUE;
+ LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().sendPickInfoUpdate(&pick_data);
-void LLPanelPick::updateButtons()
+void LLPanelPickEdit::onPickChanged(LLUICtrl* ctrl)
- // on Pick Info panel (for non-Agent picks) edit_btn should be invisible
- if (mEditMode)
+ if(isDirty())
- childSetLabelArg(XML_BTN_SAVE, SAVE_BTN_LABEL, std::string("Changes"));
+ enableSaveButton(true);
- else
+ else
- if (mCreatorId != gAgentID)
- {
- childSetEnabled("edit_btn", FALSE);
- childSetVisible("edit_btn", FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- childSetEnabled("edit_btn", TRUE);
- childSetVisible("edit_btn", TRUE);
- }
+ enableSaveButton(false);
-void LLPanelPick::setExitCallback(commit_callback_t cb)
+void LLPanelPickEdit::resetData()
- mBackCb = cb;
- LLButton* button = findChild<LLButton>("back_btn");
- if (button) button->setClickedCallback(mBackCb);
+ LLPanelPickInfo::resetData();
+ mLocationChanged = false;
-void LLPanelPick::teleport(const LLVector3d& position)
+void LLPanelPickEdit::enableSaveButton(bool enable)
- if (!position.isExactlyZero())
- {
- gAgent.teleportViaLocation(position);
- LLFloaterWorldMap::getInstance()->trackLocation(position);
- }
+ childSetEnabled(XML_BTN_SAVE, enable);
-void LLPanelPick::showOnMap(const LLVector3d& position)
+void LLPanelPickEdit::onClickSetLocation()
- LLFloaterWorldMap::getInstance()->trackLocation(position);
- LLFloaterReg::showInstance("world_map", "center");
+ // Save location for later use.
+ setPosGlobal(gAgent.getPositionGlobal());
+ LLParcel* parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel();
+ if (parcel)
+ {
+ mParcelId = parcel->getID();
+ mSimName = parcel->getName();
+ }
+ setPickLocation(createLocationText(
+ LLStringUtil::null, SET_LOCATION_NOTICE, mSimName, getPosGlobal()));
+ mLocationChanged = true;
+ enableSaveButton(TRUE);
-void LLPanelPick::processParcelInfo(const LLParcelData& parcel_data)
+void LLPanelPickEdit::onClickSave()
- if (mEditMode) return;
+ sendUpdate();
- // HACK: Flag 0x2 == adult region,
- // Flag 0x1 == mature region, otherwise assume PG
- std::string rating_icon = "icon_event.tga";
- if (parcel_data.flags & 0x2)
- {
- rating_icon = "icon_event_adult.tga";
- }
- else if (parcel_data.flags & 0x1)
- {
- rating_icon = "icon_event_mature.tga";
- }
- childSetValue("maturity", rating_icon);
+ mLocationChanged = false;
- //*NOTE we don't removeObserver(...) ourselves cause LLRemoveParcelProcessor does it for us
+ LLSD params;
+ params["action"] = "save_new_pick";
+ notifyParent(params);
-void LLPanelPick::enableSaveButton(bool enable)
+void LLPanelPickEdit::processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType type)
- if(!mEditMode)
+ if(mNeedData)
- return;
+ LLPanelPickInfo::processProperties(data, type);
- childSetEnabled(XML_BTN_SAVE, enable);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelpick.h b/indra/newview/llpanelpick.h
index 7cc2a04c53..c5b13c69ea 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelpick.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelpick.h
@@ -45,48 +45,40 @@ class LLTextureCtrl;
class LLMessageSystem;
class LLAvatarPropertiesObserver;
-class LLPanelPick : public LLPanel, public LLAvatarPropertiesObserver, LLRemoteParcelInfoObserver
+ * Panel for displaying Pick Information - snapshot, name, description, etc.
+ */
+class LLPanelPickInfo : public LLPanel, public LLAvatarPropertiesObserver, LLRemoteParcelInfoObserver
- LOG_CLASS(LLPanelPick);
+ LOG_CLASS(LLPanelPickInfo);
- LLPanelPick(BOOL edit_mode = FALSE);
- /*virtual*/ ~LLPanelPick();
- // switches the panel to the VIEW mode and resets controls
- void reset();
+ // Creates new panel
+ static LLPanelPickInfo* create();
- /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
+ virtual ~LLPanelPickInfo();
- // Prepares a new pick, including creating an id, giving a sane
- // initial position, etc (saved on clicking Save Pick button - onClickSave callback).
- void prepareNewPick();
- void prepareNewPick(const LLVector3d pos_global,
- const std::string& name,
- const std::string& desc,
- const LLUUID& snapshot_id,
- const LLUUID& parcel_id);
+ /**
+ * Initializes panel properties
+ *
+ * By default Pick will be created for current Agent location.
+ * Use setPickData to change Pick properties.
+ */
+ /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& key);
- //initializes the panel with data of the pick with id = pick_id
- //owned by the avatar with id = creator_id
- void init(LLUUID creator_id, LLUUID pick_id);
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
/*virtual*/ void processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType type);
- // switches the panel to either View or Edit mode
- void setEditMode(BOOL edit_mode);
- void onPickChanged(LLUICtrl* ctrl);
- // because this panel works in two modes (edit/view) we are
- // free from managing two panel for editing and viewing picks and so
- // are free from controlling switching between them in the parent panel (e.g. Me Profile)
- // but that causes such a complication that we cannot set a callback for a "Back" button
- // from the parent panel only once, so we have to preserve that callback
- // in the pick panel and set it for the back button everytime postBuild() is called.
- void setExitCallback(commit_callback_t cb);
+ /**
+ * Sets "Back" button click callback
+ */
+ virtual void setExitCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb);
- static void teleport(const LLVector3d& position);
- static void showOnMap(const LLVector3d& position);
+ /**
+ * Sets "Edit" button click callback
+ */
+ virtual void setEditPickCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb);
//This stuff we got from LLRemoteParcelObserver, in the last two we intentionally do nothing
/*virtual*/ void processParcelInfo(const LLParcelData& parcel_data);
@@ -95,63 +87,154 @@ public:
+ LLPanelPickInfo();
+ /**
+ * Resets Pick information
+ */
+ virtual void resetData();
+ /**
+ * Resets UI controls (visibility, values)
+ */
+ virtual void resetControls();
* "Location text" is actually the owner name, the original
* name that owner gave the parcel, and the location.
- static std::string createLocationText(const std::string& owner_name, const std::string& original_name,
- const std::string& sim_name, const LLVector3d& pos_global);
+ static std::string createLocationText(
+ const std::string& owner_name,
+ const std::string& original_name,
+ const std::string& sim_name,
+ const LLVector3d& pos_global);
+ virtual void setAvatarId(const LLUUID& avatar_id) { mAvatarId = avatar_id; }
+ virtual LLUUID& getAvatarId() { return mAvatarId; }
+ /**
+ * Sets snapshot id.
+ *
+ * Will mark snapshot control as valid if id is not null.
+ * Will mark snapshot control as invalid if id is null. If null id is a valid value,
+ * you have to manually mark snapshot is valid.
+ */
+ virtual void setSnapshotId(const LLUUID& id);
+ virtual void setPickId(const LLUUID& id) { mPickId = id; }
+ virtual LLUUID& getPickId() { return mPickId; }
+ virtual void setPickName(const std::string& name);
+ virtual void setPickDesc(const std::string& desc);
+ virtual void setPickLocation(const std::string& location);
+ virtual void setPosGlobal(const LLVector3d& pos) { mPosGlobal = pos; }
+ virtual LLVector3d& getPosGlobal() { return mPosGlobal; }
+ /**
+ * Callback for "Map" button, opens Map
+ */
+ void onClickMap();
- void setPickName(std::string name);
- void setPickDesc(std::string desc);
- void setPickLocation(const std::string& location);
+ /**
+ * Callback for "Teleport" button, teleports user to Pick location.
+ */
+ void onClickTeleport();
- std::string getPickName();
- std::string getPickDesc();
- std::string getPickLocation();
+ void onClickBack();
- void sendUpdate();
- void requestData();
- void init(LLPickData *pick_data);
+ LLTextureCtrl* mSnapshotCtrl;
- void updateButtons();
+ LLUUID mAvatarId;
+ LLVector3d mPosGlobal;
+ LLUUID mParcelId;
+ LLUUID mPickId;
+ std::string mSimName;
+ std::string mLocation;
- //-----------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------
- void onClickEdit();
- void onClickTeleport();
- void onClickMap();
+ * Panel for creating/editing Pick.
+ */
+class LLPanelPickEdit : public LLPanelPickInfo
+ LOG_CLASS(LLPanelPickEdit);
- //-----------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------
- void onClickSet();
- void onClickSave();
- void onClickCancel();
+ /**
+ * Creates new panel
+ */
+ static LLPanelPickEdit* create();
- void enableSaveButton(bool enable);
+ /*virtual*/ ~LLPanelPickEdit();
+ /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& key);
+ virtual void setPickData(const LLPickData* pick_data);
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
+ /**
+ * Sets "Save" button click callback
+ */
+ virtual void setSaveCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb);
+ /**
+ * Sets "Cancel" button click callback
+ */
+ virtual void setCancelCallback(const commit_callback_t& cb);
+ /**
+ * Resets panel and all cantrols to unedited state
+ */
+ /*virtual*/ void resetDirty();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if any of Pick properties was changed by user.
+ */
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL isDirty() const;
+ /*virtual*/ void processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType type);
- BOOL mEditMode;
- LLTextureCtrl* mSnapshotCtrl;
- BOOL mDataReceived;
- bool mIsPickNew;
- LLUUID mPickId;
- LLUUID mCreatorId;
- LLVector3d mPosGlobal;
- LLUUID mParcelId;
- std::string mSimName;
+ LLPanelPickEdit();
- //These strings are used to keep non-wrapped text
- std::string mName;
- std::string mDesc;
- std::string mLocation;
+ /**
+ * Sends Pick properties to server.
+ */
+ void sendUpdate();
+ /**
+ * Callback for Pick snapshot, name and description changed event.
+ */
+ void onPickChanged(LLUICtrl* ctrl);
+ /*virtual*/ void resetData();
+ /**
+ * Enables/disables "Save" button
+ */
+ void enableSaveButton(bool enable);
+ /**
+ * Callback for "Set Location" button click
+ */
+ void onClickSetLocation();
+ /**
+ * Callback for "Save" button click
+ */
+ void onClickSave();
- commit_callback_t mBackCb;
bool mLocationChanged;
+ bool mNeedData;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelpicks.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelpicks.cpp
index 979e9618da..073da5cc06 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelpicks.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelpicks.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
#include "llagent.h"
#include "llavatarconstants.h"
#include "llflatlistview.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "llfloaterworldmap.h"
#include "lltexturectrl.h"
#include "llviewergenericmessage.h" // send_generic_message
#include "llmenugl.h"
@@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ LLPanelPicks::LLPanelPicks()
+ , mPanelPickInfo(NULL)
+ , mPanelPickEdit(NULL)
@@ -197,7 +201,7 @@ void LLPanelPicks::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
mPopupMenu->setItemVisible("pick_separator", TRUE);
- if(getAvatarId() != key.asUUID())
+ if(getAvatarId() != id)
@@ -247,7 +251,13 @@ void LLPanelPicks::onClickTeleport()
LLPickItem* pick_item = getSelectedPickItem();
if (!pick_item) return;
- LLPanelPick::teleport(pick_item->getPosGlobal());
+ LLVector3d pos = pick_item->getPosGlobal();
+ if (!pos.isExactlyZero())
+ {
+ gAgent.teleportViaLocation(pos);
+ LLFloaterWorldMap::getInstance()->trackLocation(pos);
+ }
@@ -255,7 +265,9 @@ void LLPanelPicks::onClickMap()
LLPickItem* pick_item = getSelectedPickItem();
if (!pick_item) return;
- LLPanelPick::showOnMap(pick_item->getPosGlobal());
+ LLFloaterWorldMap::getInstance()->trackLocation(pick_item->getPosGlobal());
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("world_map", "center");
@@ -308,19 +320,18 @@ void LLPanelPicks::setProfilePanel(LLPanelProfile* profile_panel)
void LLPanelPicks::buildPickPanel()
- if (mPickPanel == NULL)
- {
- mPickPanel = new LLPanelPick();
- mPickPanel->setExitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onClickBack, this));
- }
+// if (mPickPanel == NULL)
+// {
+// mPickPanel = new LLPanelPick();
+// mPickPanel->setExitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickClose, this, NULL));
+// }
void LLPanelPicks::onClickNew()
- buildPickPanel();
- mPickPanel->setEditMode(TRUE);
- mPickPanel->prepareNewPick();
- getProfilePanel()->togglePanel(mPickPanel);
+ createPickEditPanel();
+ getProfilePanel()->openPanel(mPanelPickEdit, LLSD());
void LLPanelPicks::onClickInfo()
@@ -328,28 +339,98 @@ void LLPanelPicks::onClickInfo()
LLSD selected_value = mPicksList->getSelectedValue();
if (selected_value.isUndefined()) return;
- buildPickPanel();
- mPickPanel->reset();
- mPickPanel->init(selected_value[PICK_CREATOR_ID], selected_value[PICK_ID]);
- getProfilePanel()->togglePanel(mPickPanel);
+ LLPickItem* pick = (LLPickItem*)mPicksList->getSelectedItem();
+ createPickInfoPanel();
+ LLSD params;
+ params["pick_id"] = pick->getPickId();
+ params["avatar_id"] = pick->getCreatorId();
+ params["snapshot_id"] = pick->getSnapshotId();
+ params["pick_name"] = pick->getPickName();
+ params["pick_desc"] = pick->getPickDesc();
+ getProfilePanel()->openPanel(mPanelPickInfo, params);
-void LLPanelPicks::onClickBack()
+void LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickClose(LLPanel* panel)
- getProfilePanel()->togglePanel(mPickPanel);
+ panel->setVisible(FALSE);
-void LLPanelPicks::onClickMenuEdit()
+void LLPanelPicks::createPickInfoPanel()
+ if(!mPanelPickInfo)
+ {
+ mPanelPickInfo = LLPanelPickInfo::create();
+ mPanelPickInfo->setExitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickClose, this, mPanelPickInfo));
+ mPanelPickInfo->setEditPickCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickEdit, this));
+ mPanelPickInfo->setVisible(FALSE);
+ }
+void LLPanelPicks::createPickEditPanel()
+ if(!mPanelPickEdit)
+ {
+ mPanelPickEdit = LLPanelPickEdit::create();
+ mPanelPickEdit->setExitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickClose, this, mPanelPickEdit));
+ mPanelPickEdit->setSaveCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickClose, this, mPanelPickEdit));
+ mPanelPickEdit->setCancelCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickClose, this, mPanelPickEdit));
+ mPanelPickEdit->setVisible(FALSE);
+ }
+// void LLPanelPicks::openPickEditPanel(LLPickItem* pick)
+// {
+// if(!pick)
+// {
+// return;
+// }
+// }
+// void LLPanelPicks::openPickInfoPanel(LLPickItem* pick)
+// {
+// if(!mPanelPickInfo)
+// {
+// mPanelPickInfo = LLPanelPickInfo::create();
+// mPanelPickInfo->setExitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickClose, this, mPanelPickInfo));
+// mPanelPickInfo->setEditPickCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickEdit, this));
+// mPanelPickInfo->setVisible(FALSE);
+// }
+// LLSD params;
+// params["pick_id"] = pick->getPickId();
+// params["avatar_id"] = pick->getCreatorId();
+// params["snapshot_id"] = pick->getSnapshotId();
+// params["pick_name"] = pick->getPickName();
+// params["pick_desc"] = pick->getPickDesc();
+// getProfilePanel()->openPanel(mPanelPickInfo, params);
+// }
+void LLPanelPicks::onPanelPickEdit()
- //*TODO, refactor - most of that is similar to onClickInfo
LLSD selected_value = mPicksList->getSelectedValue();
if (selected_value.isUndefined()) return;
- buildPickPanel();
- mPickPanel->reset();
- mPickPanel->init(selected_value[PICK_CREATOR_ID], selected_value[PICK_ID]);
- mPickPanel->setEditMode(TRUE);
- getProfilePanel()->togglePanel(mPickPanel);
+ LLPickItem* pick = dynamic_cast<LLPickItem*>(mPicksList->getSelectedItem());
+ createPickEditPanel();
+ LLSD params;
+ params["pick_id"] = pick->getPickId();
+ params["avatar_id"] = pick->getCreatorId();
+ params["snapshot_id"] = pick->getSnapshotId();
+ params["pick_name"] = pick->getPickName();
+ params["pick_desc"] = pick->getPickDesc();
+ getProfilePanel()->openPanel(mPanelPickEdit, params);
+void LLPanelPicks::onClickMenuEdit()
+ onPanelPickEdit();
inline LLPanelProfile* LLPanelPicks::getProfilePanel()
@@ -391,6 +472,10 @@ void LLPickItem::init(LLPickData* pick_data)
mPosGlobal = pick_data->pos_global;
+ mSimName = pick_data->sim_name;
+ mPickDescription = pick_data->desc;
+ mUserName = pick_data->user_name;
+ mOriginalName = pick_data->original_name;
LLTextureCtrl* picture = getChild<LLTextureCtrl>("picture");
@@ -445,38 +530,32 @@ const std::string LLPickItem::getDescription()
void LLPickItem::update()
- mNeedData = true;
+ setNeedData(true);
LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().sendPickInfoRequest(mCreatorID, mPickID);
- mNeedData = false;
void LLPickItem::processProperties(void *data, EAvatarProcessorType type)
- if (APT_PICK_INFO != type) return;
- if (!data) return;
+ if (APT_PICK_INFO != type)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
LLPickData* pick_data = static_cast<LLPickData *>(data);
- if (!pick_data) return;
- if (mPickID != pick_data->pick_id) return;
+ if (!pick_data || mPickID != pick_data->pick_id)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ setNeedData(false);
LLAvatarPropertiesProcessor::instance().removeObserver(mCreatorID, this);
-// virtual
-void LLPanelPicks::onClosePanel()
- // Toggle off Pick Info panel if it is visible.
- if(mPickPanel && mPickPanel->getVisible())
- {
- getProfilePanel()->togglePanel(mPickPanel);
- }
BOOL LLPickItem::postBuild()
- setMouseEnterCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::childSetVisible, this, "hovered_icon", true));
- setMouseLeaveCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPick::childSetVisible, this, "hovered_icon", false));
+ setMouseEnterCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPickInfo::childSetVisible, this, "hovered_icon", true));
+ setMouseLeaveCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPickInfo::childSetVisible, this, "hovered_icon", false));
return TRUE;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelpicks.h b/indra/newview/llpanelpicks.h
index 18c571c735..6264a19318 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelpicks.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelpicks.h
@@ -44,11 +44,12 @@ class LLPanelProfile;
class LLMessageSystem;
class LLVector3d;
class LLPanelProfileTab;
-class LLPanelPick;
class LLAgent;
class LLMenuGL;
class LLPickItem;
class LLFlatListView;
+class LLPanelPickInfo;
+class LLPanelPickEdit;
class LLPanelPicks
: public LLPanelProfileTab
@@ -74,11 +75,6 @@ public:
// parent panels failed to work (picks related code was in me profile panel)
void setProfilePanel(LLPanelProfile* profile_panel);
- /**
- * Closes LLPanelPick if it is visible.
- */
- /*virtual*/ void onClosePanel();
void onClickDelete();
void onClickTeleport();
@@ -89,7 +85,8 @@ private:
void onClickNew();
void onClickInfo();
- void onClickBack();
+ void onPanelPickClose(LLPanel* panel);
+ void onPanelPickEdit();
void onClickMenuEdit();
void buildPickPanel();
@@ -104,10 +101,17 @@ private:
LLPanelProfile* getProfilePanel();
+ void createPickInfoPanel();
+ void createPickEditPanel();
+// void openPickEditPanel(LLPickItem* pick);
+// void openPickInfoPanel(LLPickItem* pick);
LLMenuGL* mPopupMenu;
LLPanelProfile* mProfilePanel;
- LLPanelPick* mPickPanel;
+ LLPanelPickInfo* mPickPanel;
LLFlatListView* mPicksList;
+ LLPanelPickInfo* mPanelPickInfo;
+ LLPanelPickEdit* mPanelPickEdit;
class LLPickItem : public LLPanel, public LLAvatarPropertiesObserver
@@ -144,6 +148,14 @@ public:
const std::string getDescription();
+ const std::string& getSimName() { return mSimName; }
+ const std::string& getUserName() { return mUserName; }
+ const std::string& getOriginalName() { return mOriginalName; }
+ const std::string& getPickDesc() { return mPickDescription; }
/*virtual*/ void processProperties(void* data, EAvatarProcessorType type);
void update();
@@ -165,6 +177,10 @@ protected:
bool mNeedData;
std::string mPickName;
+ std::string mUserName;
+ std::string mOriginalName;
+ std::string mPickDescription;
+ std::string mSimName;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.cpp
index 39055e4732..2372063fbd 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.cpp
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ void LLPanelPlaceInfo::createLandmark(const LLUUID& folder_id)
folder_id.notNull() ? folder_id : gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK));
-void LLPanelPlaceInfo::createPick(const LLVector3d& pos_global, LLPanelPick* pick_panel)
+void LLPanelPlaceInfo::createPick(const LLVector3d& pos_global, LLPanelPickEdit* pick_panel)
std::string name = mParcelName->getText();
if (name.empty())
@@ -916,11 +916,13 @@ void LLPanelPlaceInfo::createPick(const LLVector3d& pos_global, LLPanelPick* pic
name = mRegionName->getText();
- pick_panel->prepareNewPick(pos_global,
- name,
- mDescEditor->getText(),
- mSnapshotCtrl->getImageAssetID(),
- mParcelID);
+ LLPickData data;
+ data.pos_global = pos_global;
+ = name;
+ data.desc = mDescEditor->getText();
+ data.snapshot_id = mSnapshotCtrl->getImageAssetID();
+ data.parcel_id = mParcelID;
+ pick_panel->setPickData(&data);
// virtual
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.h b/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.h
index 3e8344ff12..06fee2224e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelplaceinfo.h
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class LLButton;
class LLComboBox;
class LLInventoryItem;
class LLLineEditor;
-class LLPanelPick;
+class LLPanelPickEdit;
class LLParcel;
class LLIconCtrl;
class LLTextBox;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public:
// Create a pick for the location specified
// by global_pos.
- void createPick(const LLVector3d& pos_global, LLPanelPick* pick_panel);
+ void createPick(const LLVector3d& pos_global, LLPanelPickEdit* pick_panel);
BOOL isMediaPanelVisible();
void toggleMediaPanel(BOOL visible);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelplaces.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelplaces.cpp
index b2541ac1b0..f30bb1a0a6 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelplaces.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelplaces.cpp
@@ -635,20 +635,21 @@ void LLPanelPlaces::onOverflowMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& param)
if (mPickPanel == NULL)
- mPickPanel = new LLPanelPick();
+ mPickPanel = LLPanelPickEdit::create();
mPickPanel->setExitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPlaces::togglePickPanel, this, FALSE));
+ mPickPanel->setCancelCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPlaces::togglePickPanel, this, FALSE));
+ mPickPanel->setSaveCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelPlaces::togglePickPanel, this, FALSE));
+ mPickPanel->onOpen(LLSD());
+ mPlaceInfo->createPick(mPosGlobal, mPickPanel);
LLRect rect = getRect();
mPickPanel->reshape(rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
- mPickPanel->setEditMode(TRUE);
- mPlaceInfo->createPick(mPosGlobal, mPickPanel);
else if (item == "add_to_favbar")
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelplaces.h b/indra/newview/llpanelplaces.h
index ce20ffdc91..70c50b2058 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelplaces.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelplaces.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
class LLInventoryItem;
class LLFilterEditor;
class LLLandmark;
-class LLPanelPick;
+class LLPanelPickEdit;
class LLPanelPlaceInfo;
class LLPanelPlacesTab;
class LLParcelSelection;
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ private:
LLPanelPlacesTab* mActivePanel;
LLTabContainer* mTabContainer;
LLPanelPlaceInfo* mPlaceInfo;
- LLPanelPick* mPickPanel;
+ LLPanelPickEdit* mPickPanel;
LLToggleableMenu* mPlaceMenu;
LLToggleableMenu* mLandmarkMenu;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp
index cda7942c1d..08d2baf6cd 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.cpp
@@ -117,25 +117,21 @@ void LLPanelProfile::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
void LLPanelProfile::togglePanel(LLPanel* panel)
// TRUE - we need to open/expand "panel"
- bool expand = getChildList()->back() != panel; // mTabCtrl->getVisible();
+ bool expand = getChildList()->front() != panel; // mTabCtrl->getVisible();
if (expand)
- //*NOTE on view profile panel along with tabcontainer there is
- // a backbutton that will be shown when there will be a panel over it even
- //if that panel has visible backgroud
- setAllChildrenVisible(FALSE);
- panel->setVisible(TRUE);
if (panel->getParent() != this)
- addChildInBack(panel);
+ addChild(panel);
- sendChildToBack(panel);
+ sendChildToFront(panel);
+ panel->setVisible(TRUE);
LLRect new_rect = getRect();
panel->reshape(new_rect.getWidth(), new_rect.getHeight());
new_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(0, new_rect.getHeight(), new_rect.getWidth(), new_rect.getHeight());
@@ -143,13 +139,12 @@ void LLPanelProfile::togglePanel(LLPanel* panel)
- this->setAllChildrenVisible(TRUE);
if (panel->getParent() == this)
- sendChildToBack(getTabCtrl());
@@ -174,3 +169,34 @@ void LLPanelProfile::setAllChildrenVisible(BOOL visible)
+void LLPanelProfile::openPanel(LLPanel* panel, const LLSD& params)
+ if (panel->getParent() != this)
+ {
+ addChild(panel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sendChildToFront(panel);
+ }
+ panel->setVisible(TRUE);
+ panel->onOpen(params);
+ LLRect new_rect = getRect();
+ panel->reshape(new_rect.getWidth(), new_rect.getHeight());
+ new_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(0, new_rect.getHeight(), new_rect.getWidth(), new_rect.getHeight());
+ panel->setRect(new_rect);
+void LLPanelProfile::notifyParent(const LLSD& info)
+ // lets update Picks list after Pick was saved
+ if("save_new_pick" == info["action"])
+ {
+ onOpen(info);
+ return;
+ }
+ LLPanel::notifyParent(info);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.h b/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.h
index bb893f257a..e0b827c986 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelprofile.h
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ public:
virtual void togglePanel(LLPanel*);
+ virtual void openPanel(LLPanel* panel, const LLSD& params);
+ void notifyParent(const LLSD& info);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelteleporthistory.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelteleporthistory.cpp
index 96efb885dd..207ed723b2 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelteleporthistory.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelteleporthistory.cpp
@@ -221,7 +221,8 @@ LLTeleportHistoryPanel::LLTeleportHistoryPanel()
- mLastSelectedScrollList(NULL)
+ mLastSelectedFlatlList(NULL),
+ mLastSelectedItemIndex(-1)
LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_teleport_history.xml");
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ BOOL LLTeleportHistoryPanel::postBuild()
mTeleportHistory = LLTeleportHistoryStorage::getInstance();
if (mTeleportHistory)
- mTeleportHistory->setHistoryChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLTeleportHistoryPanel::showTeleportHistory, this));
+ mTeleportHistory->setHistoryChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLTeleportHistoryPanel::onTeleportHistoryChange, this));
mHistoryAccordion = getChild<LLAccordionCtrl>("history_accordion");
@@ -308,10 +309,10 @@ void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::onSearchEdit(const std::string& string)
// virtual
void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::onShowOnMap()
- if (!mLastSelectedScrollList)
+ if (!mLastSelectedFlatlList)
- LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem* itemp = dynamic_cast<LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem *> (mLastSelectedScrollList->getSelectedItem());
+ LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem* itemp = dynamic_cast<LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem *> (mLastSelectedFlatlList->getSelectedItem());
@@ -328,10 +329,10 @@ void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::onShowOnMap()
// virtual
void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::onTeleport()
- if (!mLastSelectedScrollList)
+ if (!mLastSelectedFlatlList)
- LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem* itemp = dynamic_cast<LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem *> (mLastSelectedScrollList->getSelectedItem());
+ LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem* itemp = dynamic_cast<LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem *> (mLastSelectedFlatlList->getSelectedItem());
@@ -369,14 +370,14 @@ void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::updateVerbs()
if (!isTabVisible())
- if (!mLastSelectedScrollList)
+ if (!mLastSelectedFlatlList)
- LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem* itemp = dynamic_cast<LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem *> (mLastSelectedScrollList->getSelectedItem());
+ LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem* itemp = dynamic_cast<LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem *> (mLastSelectedFlatlList->getSelectedItem());
mTeleportBtn->setEnabled(NULL != itemp && itemp->getIndex() < (S32)mTeleportHistory->getItems().size() - 1);
mShowOnMapBtn->setEnabled(NULL != itemp);
@@ -480,8 +481,14 @@ void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::refresh()
if (curr_flat_view)
- curr_flat_view->addItem(new LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem(mCurrentItem, &mContextMenu, items[mCurrentItem].mTitle));
+ {
+ LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem* item = new LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem(mCurrentItem, &mContextMenu, items[mCurrentItem].mTitle);
+ curr_flat_view->addItem(item);
+ if (mLastSelectedItemIndex == mCurrentItem)
+ curr_flat_view->selectItem(item, true);
+ }
if (++added_items >= ADD_LIMIT)
@@ -496,6 +503,12 @@ void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::refresh()
mDirty = false;
+void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::onTeleportHistoryChange()
+ mLastSelectedItemIndex = -1;
+ showTeleportHistory();
void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::showTeleportHistory()
mDirty = true;
@@ -516,7 +529,10 @@ void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::showTeleportHistory()
void LLTeleportHistoryPanel::handleItemSelect(LLFlatListView* selected)
- mLastSelectedScrollList = selected;
+ mLastSelectedFlatlList = selected;
+ LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem* item = dynamic_cast<LLTeleportHistoryFlatItem *> (mLastSelectedFlatlList->getSelectedItem());
+ if (item)
+ mLastSelectedItemIndex = item->getIndex();
S32 tabs_cnt = mItemContainers.size();
@@ -633,8 +649,6 @@ bool LLTeleportHistoryPanel::onClearTeleportHistoryDialog(const LLSD& notificati
LLTeleportHistoryStorage *th = LLTeleportHistoryStorage::getInstance();
- showTeleportHistory();
return false;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelteleporthistory.h b/indra/newview/llpanelteleporthistory.h
index bc3595e66d..49a97c5022 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelteleporthistory.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelteleporthistory.h
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ private:
void refresh();
void getNextTab(const LLDate& item_date, S32& curr_tab, LLDate& tab_date);
+ void onTeleportHistoryChange();
void showTeleportHistory();
void handleItemSelect(LLFlatListView* );
LLFlatListView* getFlatListViewFromTab(LLAccordionCtrlTab *);
@@ -98,7 +99,8 @@ private:
LLTeleportHistoryStorage* mTeleportHistory;
LLAccordionCtrl* mHistoryAccordion;
- LLFlatListView* mLastSelectedScrollList;
+ LLFlatListView* mLastSelectedFlatlList;
+ S32 mLastSelectedItemIndex;
bool mDirty;
S32 mCurrentItem;
std::string mFilterSubString;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llplacesinventorybridge.cpp b/indra/newview/llplacesinventorybridge.cpp
index ef02882c0d..b3b4857727 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llplacesinventorybridge.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llplacesinventorybridge.cpp
@@ -79,13 +79,8 @@ void LLPlacesLandmarkBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
fill_items_with_menu_items(items, menu);
- // Disable "Landmark More Information" menu item for
- // multiple landmarks selected. Only one landmark
- // info panel can be shown at a time.
- if ((flags & FIRST_SELECTED_ITEM) == 0)
- {
- disabled_items.push_back(std::string("more_info"));
- }
+ // Disabled items are processed via LLLandmarksPanel::isActionEnabled()
+ // they should be synchronized with Places/My Landmarks/Gear menu. See EXT-1601
hideContextEntries(menu, items, disabled_items);
@@ -101,13 +96,10 @@ void LLPlacesFolderBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
LLInventoryPanel* inv_panel = dynamic_cast<LLInventoryPanel*>(mInventoryPanel.get());
bool is_open = false;
- bool disable_changing = true;
if (inv_panel)
LLFolderViewFolder* folder = dynamic_cast<LLFolderViewFolder*>(inv_panel->getRootFolder()->getItemByID(mUUID));
is_open = (NULL != folder) && folder->isOpen();
- disable_changing = !is_landmarks_panel(inv_panel);
// collect all items' names
@@ -118,12 +110,8 @@ void LLPlacesFolderBridge::buildContextMenu(LLMenuGL& menu, U32 flags)
std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find(items.begin(), items.end(), collapse_expand_item_to_hide);
if (it != items.end()) items.erase(it);
- if (disable_changing)
- {
- disabled_items.push_back(std::string("add_folder"));
- disabled_items.push_back(std::string("rename"));
- disabled_items.push_back(std::string("delete"));
- }
+ // Disabled items are processed via LLLandmarksPanel::isActionEnabled()
+ // they should be synchronized with Places/My Landmarks/Gear menu. See EXT-1601
// repeat parent functionality
sSelf = this; // necessary for "New Folder" functionality
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
index aa662b713e..b268413d36 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
#include "llmenugl.h"
#include "llmoveview.h"
#include "llmutelist.h"
+#include "llnearbychat.h"
#include "llnotifications.h"
#include "llnotify.h"
#include "llpanelgrouplandmoney.h"
@@ -1986,6 +1987,12 @@ void process_improved_im(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data)
// IMs from objcts don't open IM sessions.
chat.mSourceType = CHAT_SOURCE_OBJECT;
LLFloaterChat::addChat(chat, FALSE, FALSE);
+ // archive message in nearby chat
+ LLNearbyChat* nearby_chat = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance<LLNearbyChat>("nearby_chat", LLSD());
+ if(nearby_chat)
+ nearby_chat->addMessage(chat);
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/colors.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/colors.xml
index 4d8f88c80b..e2cc1481c4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/colors.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/colors.xml
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
reference="White_05" />
- reference="Unused?" />
+ reference="White_25" />
reference="Unused?" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_people_friends_view_sort.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_people_friends_view_sort.xml
index 3c7b6dad14..cc17e9dd4b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_people_friends_view_sort.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_people_friends_view_sort.xml
@@ -2,12 +2,26 @@
<menu name="menu_group_plus"
left="0" bottom="0" visible="false"
mouse_opaque="false" opaque="true" color="MenuDefaultBgColor" drop_shadow="false">
- <menu_item_call name="sort_name" label="Sort by Name">
- <menu_item_call.on_click function="People.Friends.ViewSort.Action" userdata="sort_name" />
- </menu_item_call>
- <menu_item_call name="sort_status" label="Sort by Status">
- <menu_item_call.on_click function="People.Friends.ViewSort.Action" userdata="sort_status" />
- </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_check
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+ name="sort_status">
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+ function="People.Friends.ViewSort.Action"
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+ function="People.Friends.ViewSort.CheckItem"
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+ label="Add Landmark"
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+ name="add_landmark">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Add.Action"
+ parameter="add_landmark" />
+ </menu_item_call>
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+ label="Add Folder"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="add_folder">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Add.Action"
+ parameter="category" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Enable"
+ parameter="category" />
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+ parameter="copy" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Enable"
+ parameter="paste" />
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+ name="rename">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.CopyPaste.Action"
+ parameter="rename" />
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+ label="Delete"
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+ name="delete">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.CopyPaste.Action"
+ parameter="delete" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Folding.Action"
+ parameter="expand" />
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+ name="collapse">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Folding.Action"
+ parameter="collapse" />
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+ label="Expand all folders"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="expand_all">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Folding.Action"
+ parameter="expand_all" />
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+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Collapse all folders"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="collapse_all">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Folding.Action"
+ parameter="collapse_all" />
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+ label="Sort by Date"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="sort_by_date">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Enable"
+ parameter="sort_by_date" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Folding.Action"
+ parameter="sort_by_date" />
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@@ -1,56 +1,150 @@
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- </menu_item_call>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Custom.Action"
+ parameter="teleport" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Enable"
+ parameter="teleport" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="More Information"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="more_info">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Custom.Action"
+ parameter="more_info" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Enable"
+ parameter="more_info" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Show on Map"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="show_on_map">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Custom.Action"
+ parameter="show_on_map" />
+ </menu_item_call>
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+ layout="topleft" />
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Add Landmark"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="add_landmark">
+ <on_click
+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Add.Action"
+ parameter="add_landmark" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Add Folder"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="add_folder">
+ <on_click
+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Add.Action"
+ parameter="category" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Enable"
+ parameter="category" />
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+ layout="topleft" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.CopyPaste.Action"
+ parameter="cut" />
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+ label="Copy Landmark"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="copy_landmark">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.CopyPaste.Action"
+ parameter="copy" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Copy SLURL"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="copy_slurl">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.CopyPaste.Action"
+ parameter="copy_slurl" />
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+ label="Paste"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="paste">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.CopyPaste.Action"
+ parameter="paste" />
+ <on_enable
+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Enable"
+ parameter="paste" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Rename"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="rename">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.CopyPaste.Action"
+ parameter="rename" />
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+ label="Delete"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="delete">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.CopyPaste.Action"
+ parameter="delete" />
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+ layout="topleft" />
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+ label="Expand all folders"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="expand_all">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Folding.Action"
+ parameter="expand_all" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Collapse all folders"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="collapse_all">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Folding.Action"
+ parameter="collapse_all" />
+ </menu_item_call>
+ <menu_item_check
+ label="Sort by Date"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="sort_by_date">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Enable"
+ parameter="sort_by_date" />
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Folding.Action"
+ parameter="sort_by_date" />
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+ <menu_item_call
+ label="Create Pick"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="create_pick">
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+ function="Places.LandmarksGear.Custom.Action"
+ parameter="create_pick" />
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+ follows="left|top|right|bottom"
label="Edit Pick"
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
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+ reserve_scroll_corner="false"
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--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_general.xml
@@ -24,20 +24,6 @@ Hover your mouse over the options for more help.
Retrieving member data
- <panel.string
- name="group_join_btn">
- Join (L$[AMOUNT])
- </panel.string>
- <!--<button
- follows="left|top"
- height="16"
- label="?"
- label_selected="?"
- layout="topleft"
- left="255"
- name="help_button"
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- width="20" /> -->
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+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_group_info_sidetray.xml
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
Join (L$[AMOUNT])
+ <panel.string
+ name="group_join_free">
+ Free
+ </panel.string>
@@ -87,16 +91,28 @@
width="140" />
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ follows="left|top"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="0"
+ name="join_cost_text"
+ top_pad="10"
+ visible="true"
+ width="140">
+ Free
+ </text>
- label="Join"
- label_selected="Join"
+ label="Join now!"
+ label_selected="Join now!"
- width="65" />
+ width="85" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_pick_info.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_pick_info.xml
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@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
- reserve_scroll_corner="true"
+ reserve_scroll_corner="false"
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
- word_wrap="true" />
+ use_ellipses="true" />