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authorruslantproductengine <>2019-05-14 18:38:21 +0300
committerruslantproductengine <>2019-05-14 18:38:21 +0300
commitdea875201e33df89fbf1b09a6ae87a1c17c28772 (patch)
parent964afabae667c55ccb2d7051e6a6793773b025e0 (diff)
SL-11160 Test build viewer can crash (assert) on multi selection
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp
index d6baf6c816..d3649e3603 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp
@@ -5838,6 +5838,82 @@ void LLSelectMgr::renderSilhouettes(BOOL for_hud)
gGL.scalef(cur_zoom, cur_zoom, cur_zoom);
+ bool wireframe_selection = (gFloaterTools && gFloaterTools->getVisible()) || LLSelectMgr::sRenderHiddenSelections;
+ F32 fogCfx = (F32)llclamp((LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelectionCenterGlobal() - gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionGlobal()).magVec() / (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getBBoxOfSelection().getExtentLocal().magVec() * 4), 0.0, 1.0);
+ static LLColor4 sParentColor = LLColor4(sSilhouetteParentColor[VRED], sSilhouetteParentColor[VGREEN], sSilhouetteParentColor[VBLUE], LLSelectMgr::sHighlightAlpha);
+ static LLColor4 sChildColor = LLColor4(sSilhouetteChildColor[VRED], sSilhouetteChildColor[VGREEN], sSilhouetteChildColor[VBLUE], LLSelectMgr::sHighlightAlpha);
+ auto renderMeshSelection_f = [fogCfx, wireframe_selection](LLSelectNode* node, LLViewerObject* objectp)
+ {
+ //Need to because crash on ATI 3800 (and similar cards) MAINT-5018
+ LLGLDisable multisample(LLPipeline::RenderFSAASamples > 0 ? GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB : 0);
+ LLGLSLShader* shader = LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr;
+ if (shader)
+ {
+ gDebugProgram.bind();
+ }
+ gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW);
+ gGL.pushMatrix();
+ BOOL is_hud_object = objectp->isHUDAttachment();
+ if (objectp->mDrawable->isActive())
+ {
+ gGL.loadMatrix(gGLModelView);
+ gGL.multMatrix((F32*)objectp->getRenderMatrix().mMatrix);
+ }
+ else if (!is_hud_object)
+ {
+ gGL.loadIdentity();
+ gGL.multMatrix(gGLModelView);
+ LLVector3 trans = objectp->getRegion()->getOriginAgent();
+ gGL.translatef(trans.mV[0], trans.mV[1], trans.mV[2]);
+ }
+ LLColor4 hlColor = objectp->isRootEdit() ? sParentColor : sChildColor;
+ bool bRenderHidenSelection = node->isTransient() ? false : LLSelectMgr::sRenderHiddenSelections;
+ LLVOVolume* vobj = objectp->mDrawable->getVOVolume();
+ if (vobj)
+ {
+ LLVertexBuffer::unbind();
+ gGL.pushMatrix();
+ gGL.multMatrix((F32*)vobj->getRelativeXform().mMatrix);
+ if (objectp->mDrawable->isState(LLDrawable::RIGGED))
+ {
+ vobj->updateRiggedVolume();
+ }
+ }
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
+ S32 num_tes = llmin((S32)objectp->getNumTEs(), (S32)objectp->getNumFaces()); // avatars have TEs but no faces
+ for (S32 te = 0; te < num_tes; ++te)
+ {
+ if (node->isTESelected(te))
+ {
+ objectp->mDrawable->getFace(te)->renderOneWireframe(hlColor, fogCfx, wireframe_selection, bRenderHidenSelection, nullptr != shader);
+ }
+ }
+ gGL.popMatrix();
+ gGL.popMatrix();
+ glLineWidth(1.f);
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
+ if (shader)
+ {
+ shader->bind();
+ }
+ };
if (mSelectedObjects->getNumNodes())
LLUUID inspect_item_id= LLUUID::null;
@@ -5855,12 +5931,6 @@ void LLSelectMgr::renderSilhouettes(BOOL for_hud)
- bool wireframe_selection = (gFloaterTools && gFloaterTools->getVisible()) || LLSelectMgr::sRenderHiddenSelections;
- F32 fogCfx = (F32)llclamp((LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelectionCenterGlobal() - gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionGlobal()).magVec() / (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getBBoxOfSelection().getExtentLocal().magVec() * 4), 0.0, 1.0);
- static LLColor4 sParentColor = LLColor4(sSilhouetteParentColor[VRED], sSilhouetteParentColor[VGREEN], sSilhouetteParentColor[VBLUE], LLSelectMgr::sHighlightAlpha);
- static LLColor4 sChildColor = LLColor4(sSilhouetteChildColor[VRED], sSilhouetteChildColor[VGREEN], sSilhouetteChildColor[VBLUE], LLSelectMgr::sHighlightAlpha);
LLUUID focus_item_id = LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->getFocusedObjectID();
for (S32 pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
@@ -5880,72 +5950,7 @@ void LLSelectMgr::renderSilhouettes(BOOL for_hud)
&& objectp->mDrawable->getVOVolume()
&& objectp->mDrawable->getVOVolume()->isMesh())
- //Need to because crash on ATI 3800 (and similar cards) MAINT-5018
- LLGLDisable multisample(LLPipeline::RenderFSAASamples > 0 ? GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB : 0);
- LLGLSLShader* shader = LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr;
- if (shader)
- {
- gDebugProgram.bind();
- }
- gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW);
- gGL.pushMatrix();
- BOOL is_hud_object = objectp->isHUDAttachment();
- if (objectp->mDrawable->isActive())
- {
- gGL.loadMatrix(gGLModelView);
- gGL.multMatrix((F32*)objectp->getRenderMatrix().mMatrix);
- }
- else if (!is_hud_object)
- {
- gGL.loadIdentity();
- gGL.multMatrix(gGLModelView);
- LLVector3 trans = objectp->getRegion()->getOriginAgent();
- gGL.translatef(trans.mV[0], trans.mV[1], trans.mV[2]);
- }
- LLColor4 hlColor = objectp->isRootEdit() ? sParentColor : sChildColor;
- bool bRenderHidenSelection = node->isTransient() ? false : LLSelectMgr::sRenderHiddenSelections;
- LLVOVolume* vobj = objectp->mDrawable->getVOVolume();
- if (vobj)
- {
- LLVertexBuffer::unbind();
- gGL.pushMatrix();
- gGL.multMatrix((F32*)vobj->getRelativeXform().mMatrix);
- if (objectp->mDrawable->isState(LLDrawable::RIGGED))
- {
- vobj->updateRiggedVolume();
- }
- }
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
- S32 num_tes = llmin((S32)objectp->getNumTEs(), (S32)objectp->getNumFaces()); // avatars have TEs but no faces
- for (S32 te = 0; te < num_tes; ++te)
- {
- if (node->isTESelected(te))
- {
- objectp->mDrawable->getFace(te)->renderOneWireframe(hlColor, fogCfx, wireframe_selection, bRenderHidenSelection, nullptr != shader);
- }
- }
- gGL.popMatrix();
- gGL.popMatrix();
- glLineWidth(1.f);
- glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
- if (shader)
- {
- shader->bind();
- }
+ renderMeshSelection_f(node, objectp);
@@ -5999,7 +6004,13 @@ void LLSelectMgr::renderSilhouettes(BOOL for_hud)
- if (subtracting_from_selection)
+ if (objectp->mDrawable
+ && objectp->mDrawable->getVOVolume()
+ && objectp->mDrawable->getVOVolume()->isMesh())
+ {
+ renderMeshSelection_f(node, objectp);
+ }
+ else if (subtracting_from_selection)