diff options
authorLeslie Linden <>2011-12-06 11:19:58 -0800
committerLeslie Linden <>2011-12-06 11:19:58 -0800
commita255fadfab359931d591c6a874abbea5fcf13526 (patch)
parent3236cbd585860f76a14c4837c70cb5823a4fd7d5 (diff)
Updated to trigger a 'get' to establish marketplace session cookie when outbox panel created.
5 files changed, 129 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.cpp b/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.cpp
index 1c189f6ee2..2f8c5bc9ee 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llmarketplacefunctions.cpp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ std::string getMarketplaceBaseURL()
url += "api/1/";
url += gAgent.getID().getString();
- url += "/inventory";
+ url += "/inventory/";
return url;
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ std::string getMarketplaceURL_InventoryImport()
std::string url = getMarketplaceBaseURL();
- url += "/import";
+ url += "import/";
return url;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceoutbox.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceoutbox.cpp
index 6a2bf58701..99d744891a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceoutbox.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceoutbox.cpp
@@ -140,6 +140,11 @@ LLInventoryPanel * LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::setupInventoryPanel()
// Hide the placeholder text
+ // Establish marketplace cookies for http client
+ establishMarketplaceSessionCookie();
+ updateImportButtonStatus();
return mInventoryPanel;
@@ -195,6 +200,28 @@ void timeDelay(LLCoros::self& self, LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox* outboxPanel)
gTimeDelayDebugFunc = "";
+std::string gImportPollingFunc = "";
+void importPoll(LLCoros::self& self, LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox* outboxPanel)
+ waitForEventOn(self, "mainloop");
+ while (outboxPanel->isImportInProgress())
+ {
+ LLTimer delayTimer;
+ delayTimer.reset();
+ delayTimer.setTimerExpirySec(5.0f);
+ while (!delayTimer.hasExpired())
+ {
+ waitForEventOn(self, "mainloop");
+ }
+ //outboxPanel->
+ }
+ gImportPollingFunc = "";
class LLInventoryImportPostResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
@@ -207,16 +234,16 @@ public:
void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content)
- llinfos << "inventory/import post status: " << status << ", reason: " << reason << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "inventory/import post status: " << status << ", reason: " << reason << llendl;
if (isGoodStatus(status))
// Complete success
- llinfos << "success" << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "success" << llendl;
- llwarns << "failed" << llendl;
+ llwarns << "*** Marketplace *** " << "failed" << llendl;
mOutboxPanel->onImportPostComplete(status, content);
@@ -229,64 +256,119 @@ private:
class LLInventoryImportGetResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder
- LLInventoryImportGetResponder(LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox * outboxPanel)
+ LLInventoryImportGetResponder(LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox * outboxPanel, bool ignoreResults)
: LLCurl::Responder()
+ , mIgnoreResults(ignoreResults)
, mOutboxPanel(outboxPanel)
void completed(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content)
- llinfos << "inventory/import get status: " << status << ", reason: " << reason << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "inventory/import get status: " << status << ", reason: " << reason << llendl;
if (isGoodStatus(status))
// Complete success
- llinfos << "success" << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "success" << llendl;
- llwarns << "failed" << llendl;
+ llwarns << "*** Marketplace *** " << "failed" << llendl;
- mOutboxPanel->onImportGetComplete(status, content);
+ mOutboxPanel->onImportGetComplete(status, content, mIgnoreResults);
+ bool mIgnoreResults;
LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox * mOutboxPanel;
-void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::onImportButtonClicked()
+void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::importPostTrigger()
- // Get the import animation going
mImportInProgress = true;
mImportFrameTimer = 0;
- updateImportButtonStatus();
// Make the url for the inventory import request
std::string url = getMarketplaceURL_InventoryImport();
- llinfos << "http post: " << url << llendl;
- LLHTTPClient::post(url, LLSD(), new LLInventoryImportPostResponder(this), LLViewerMedia::getHeaders());
+ LLSD headers = LLViewerMedia::getHeaders();
+ headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive";
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "http post: " << url << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "headers: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(headers) << llendl;
+ LLHTTPClient::post(url, LLSD(), new LLInventoryImportPostResponder(this), headers);
// Set a timer (for testing only)
//gTimeDelayDebugFunc = LLCoros::instance().launch("LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox timeDelay", boost::bind(&timeDelay, _1, this));
+void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::importGetTrigger()
+ mImportGetPending = true;
+ std::string url = getMarketplaceURL_InventoryImport();
+ LLSD headers = LLViewerMedia::getHeaders();
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "http get: " << url << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "headers: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(headers) << llendl;
+ const bool do_not_ignore_results = false;
+ LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLInventoryImportGetResponder(this, do_not_ignore_results), headers);
+void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::establishMarketplaceSessionCookie()
+ mImportInProgress = true;
+ mImportGetPending = true;
+ std::string url = getMarketplaceURL_InventoryImport();
+ LLSD headers = LLViewerMedia::getHeaders();
+ const bool ignore_results = true;
+ LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLInventoryImportGetResponder(this, ignore_results), headers);
void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::onImportPostComplete(U32 status, const LLSD& content)
- llinfos << "onImportPostComplete status = " << status << llendl;
- llinfos << "onImportPostComplete content = " << content.asString() << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "status = " << status << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "content = " << ll_pretty_print_sd(content) << llendl;
+ mImportInProgress = (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_DONE);
+ updateImportButtonStatus();
+ if (!mImportInProgress)
+ {
+ char status_string[16];
+ sprintf(status_string, "%d", status);
+ LLSD subs;
+ subs["ERROR_CODE"] = status_string;
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("OutboxImportFailed", subs, LLSD::emptyMap());
+ }
+ // The POST request returns the IMPORT_DONE code on success
+ //if (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_DONE)
+ //{
+ // gImportPollingFunc = LLCoros::instance().launch("LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox importPoll", boost::bind(&importPoll, _1, this));
+ //}
-void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::onImportGetComplete(U32 status, const LLSD& content)
+void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::onImportGetComplete(U32 status, const LLSD& content, bool ignoreResults)
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "status = " << status << llendl;
+ llinfos << "*** Marketplace *** " << "content = " << ll_pretty_print_sd(content) << llendl;
mImportGetPending = false;
mImportInProgress = (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_PROCESSING);
- if (!mImportInProgress)
+ if (!mImportInProgress && !ignoreResults)
if (status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_DONE)
@@ -298,55 +380,16 @@ void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::onImportGetComplete(U32 status, const LLSD& conte
- llassert(status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_JOB_FAILED);
+ char status_string[16];
+ sprintf(status_string, "%d", status);
+ LLSD subs;
+ subs["ERROR_CODE"] = status_string;
+ //llassert(status == MarketplaceErrorCodes::IMPORT_JOB_FAILED);
LLNotificationsUtil::add("OutboxImportFailed", LLSD::emptyMap(), LLSD::emptyMap());
- //const LLSD& errors_list = content["errors"];
- //if (errors_list.size() == 0)
- //{
- // LLNotificationsUtil::add("OutboxUploadComplete", LLSD::emptyMap(), LLSD::emptyMap());
- //}
- //else
- //{
- // LLNotificationsUtil::add("OutboxUploadHadErrors", LLSD::emptyMap(), LLSD::emptyMap());
- //}
- //llinfos << "Marketplace upload llsd:" << llendl;
- //llinfos << ll_pretty_print_sd(content) << llendl;
- //llinfos << llendl;
- //const LLSD& imported_list = content["imported"];
- //LLSD::array_const_iterator it = imported_list.beginArray();
- //for ( ; it != imported_list.endArray(); ++it)
- //{
- // LLUUID imported_folder = (*it).asUUID();
- // llinfos << "Successfully uploaded folder " << imported_folder.asString() << " to marketplace." << llendl;
- //}
- //for (it = errors_list.beginArray(); it != errors_list.endArray(); ++it)
- //{
- // const LLSD& item_error_map = (*it);
- // LLUUID error_folder = item_error_map["folder_id"].asUUID();
- // const std::string& error_string = item_error_map["identifier"].asString();
- // LLUUID error_item = item_error_map["item_id"].asUUID();
- // const std::string& error_item_name = item_error_map["item_name"].asString();
- // const std::string& error_message = item_error_map["message"].asString();
- // llinfos << "Error item " << error_folder.asString() << ", " << error_string << ", "
- // << error_item.asString() << ", " << error_item_name << ", " << error_message << llendl;
- //
- // LLFolderViewFolder * item_folder = mInventoryPanel->getRootFolder()->getFolderByID(error_folder);
- // LLOutboxFolderViewFolder * outbox_item_folder = dynamic_cast<LLOutboxFolderViewFolder *>(item_folder);
- // llassert(outbox_item_folder);
- // outbox_item_folder->setErrorString(error_string);
- //}
void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::updateImportButtonStatus()
@@ -380,12 +423,21 @@ U32 LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::getTotalItemCount() const
if (outbox_folder)
item_count += outbox_folder->getFoldersCount();
+ item_count += outbox_folder->getItemsCount();
return item_count;
+void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::onImportButtonClicked()
+ importPostTrigger();
+ // Get the import animation going
+ updateImportButtonStatus();
void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::draw()
const U32 item_count = getTotalItemCount();
@@ -414,15 +466,9 @@ void LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox::draw()
if ((mImportFrameTimer % 50 == 0) && !mImportGetPending)
- mImportGetPending = true;
- std::string url = getMarketplaceURL_InventoryImport();
- llinfos << "http get: " << url << llendl;
- LLHTTPClient::get(url, new LLInventoryImportGetResponder(this), LLViewerMedia::getHeaders());
+ importGetTrigger();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceoutbox.h b/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceoutbox.h
index a776ee0919..9cbb9cf21b 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceoutbox.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceoutbox.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
bool isImportInProgress() const;
void onImportPostComplete(U32 status, const LLSD& content);
- void onImportGetComplete(U32 status, const LLSD& content);
+ void onImportGetComplete(U32 status, const LLSD& content, bool ignoreResults);
/*virtual*/ BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop,
EDragAndDropType cargo_type,
@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ protected:
void handleLoginComplete();
void onFocusReceived();
void onSelectionChange();
+ void importPostTrigger();
+ void importGetTrigger();
+ void establishMarketplaceSessionCookie();
LLInventoryPanel * mInventoryPanel;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermedia.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermedia.cpp
index 02d8036666..eb7a4aa538 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermedia.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermedia.cpp
@@ -1390,6 +1390,7 @@ LLSD LLViewerMedia::getHeaders()
LLSD headers = LLSD::emptyMap();
headers["Accept"] = "*/*";
+ headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";
headers["Cookie"] = sOpenIDCookie;
headers["User-Agent"] = getCurrentUserAgent();
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
index 46a6da2450..8d0d76b58e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Marketplace import completed with errors! Please correct the problems in your o
-Marketplace import failed! Please try again later. Thanks.
+Marketplace import failed with error [ERROR_CODE]! Please try again later. Thanks.