diff options
authorSeth ProductEngine <>2011-10-10 17:09:46 +0300
committerSeth ProductEngine <>2011-10-10 17:09:46 +0300
commit9273459251a6c59f8fabc50d9eef0b78e092e6fd (patch)
parent4c663ca8b997bd74fb3b646c3cb3870555dfeb91 (diff)
EXP-1285 FIXED Chiclets moved to the upper right of the viewer window.
- Floaters dock to chiclets at the bottom. - Floaters docking region limited to non-toolbar view. - Chiclet bar is positioned between the right toolbar and the minimized floaters stacked at the top left corner by default.
17 files changed, 680 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llui/lldockcontrol.cpp b/indra/llui/lldockcontrol.cpp
index 6e39fcd714..6397bbd0de 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lldockcontrol.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lldockcontrol.cpp
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ void LLDockControl::setDock(LLView* dockWidget)
void LLDockControl::getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect)
- rect = mDockableFloater->getRootView()->getRect();
+ rect = mDockableFloater->getRootView()->getChild<LLView>("non_toolbar_panel")->getRect();
void LLDockControl::repositionDockable()
diff --git a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
index 97ccfeac29..6cbd76bc71 100644
--- a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ set(viewer_SOURCE_FILES
+ llchicletbar.cpp
@@ -684,6 +685,7 @@ set(viewer_HEADER_FILES
+ llchicletbar.h
diff --git a/indra/newview/llagent.cpp b/indra/newview/llagent.cpp
index 31a73c8c31..10aa67c78f 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llagent.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llagent.cpp
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
#include "llagentwearables.h"
#include "llagentui.h"
#include "llanimationstates.h"
-#include "llbottomtray.h"
#include "llcallingcard.h"
#include "llcapabilitylistener.h"
#include "llchannelmanager.h"
+#include "llchicletbar.h"
#include "llconsole.h"
#include "llenvmanager.h"
#include "llfirstuse.h"
@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@ void LLAgent::endAnimationUpdateUI()
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->onMouselookModeOut();
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->setVisible(TRUE);
@@ -1978,7 +1978,7 @@ void LLAgent::endAnimationUpdateUI()
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->onMouselookModeIn();
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->setVisible(FALSE);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llchiclet.cpp b/indra/newview/llchiclet.cpp
index 245157923d..a076374903 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llchiclet.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llchiclet.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include "llagent.h"
#include "llavataractions.h"
-#include "llbottomtray.h"
+#include "llchicletbar.h"
#include "lleventtimer.h"
#include "llgroupactions.h"
#include "lliconctrl.h"
@@ -214,10 +214,10 @@ void LLSysWellChiclet::updateWidget(bool is_window_empty)
- LLSD params;
- params["well_empty"] = is_window_empty;
- params["well_name"] = getName();
- notifyParent(params);
+ if (LLChicletBar::instanceExists())
+ {
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->showWellButton(getName(), !is_window_empty);
+ }
// virtual
BOOL LLSysWellChiclet::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ void LLIMWellChiclet::createMenu()
void LLIMWellChiclet::messageCountChanged(const LLSD& session_data)
const LLUUID& session_id = session_data["session_id"];
- const S32 counter = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getTotalUnreadIMCount();
+ const S32 counter = LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getTotalUnreadIMCount();
const bool im_not_visible = !LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("im_container")
&& !LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("impanel", session_id);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llchicletbar.cpp b/indra/newview/llchicletbar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a17e1d13f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llchicletbar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ * @file llchicletbar.cpp
+ * @brief LLChicletBar class implementation
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" // must be first include
+#include "llchicletbar.h"
+// library includes
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
+#include "lllayoutstack.h"
+// newview includes
+#include "llchiclet.h"
+#include "llimfloater.h" // for LLIMFloater
+#include "llsyswellwindow.h"
+ const std::string& PANEL_CHICLET_NAME = "chiclet_list_panel";
+ S32 get_panel_min_width(LLLayoutStack* stack, LLView* panel)
+ {
+ S32 minimal_width = 0;
+ llassert(stack);
+ if ( stack && panel && panel->getVisible() )
+ {
+ stack->getPanelMinSize(panel->getName(), &minimal_width);
+ }
+ return minimal_width;
+ }
+ S32 get_panel_max_width(LLLayoutStack* stack, LLPanel* panel)
+ {
+ S32 max_width = 0;
+ llassert(stack);
+ if ( stack && panel && panel->getVisible() )
+ {
+ stack->getPanelMaxSize(panel->getName(), &max_width);
+ }
+ return max_width;
+ }
+ S32 get_curr_width(LLUICtrl* ctrl)
+ {
+ S32 cur_width = 0;
+ if ( ctrl && ctrl->getVisible() )
+ {
+ cur_width = ctrl->getRect().getWidth();
+ }
+ return cur_width;
+ }
+LLChicletBar::LLChicletBar(const LLSD&)
+: mChicletPanel(NULL),
+ mToolbarStack(NULL)
+ // Firstly add our self to IMSession observers, so we catch session events
+ // before chiclets do that.
+ LLIMMgr::getInstance()->addSessionObserver(this);
+ buildFromFile("panel_chiclet_bar.xml");
+ if (!LLSingleton<LLIMMgr>::destroyed())
+ {
+ LLIMMgr::getInstance()->removeSessionObserver(this);
+ }
+LLIMChiclet* LLChicletBar::createIMChiclet(const LLUUID& session_id)
+ LLIMChiclet::EType im_chiclet_type = LLIMChiclet::getIMSessionType(session_id);
+ switch (im_chiclet_type)
+ {
+ case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_IM:
+ return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLIMP2PChiclet>(session_id);
+ case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_GROUP:
+ return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLIMGroupChiclet>(session_id);
+ case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_AD_HOC:
+ return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLAdHocChiclet>(session_id);
+ case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+ break;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void LLChicletBar::sessionAdded(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id)
+ if (!getChicletPanel()) return;
+ LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id);
+ if (!session) return;
+ // no need to spawn chiclets for participants in P2P calls called through Avaline
+ if (session->isP2P() && session->isOtherParticipantAvaline()) return;
+ if (getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLChiclet>(session_id)) return;
+ LLIMChiclet* chiclet = createIMChiclet(session_id);
+ if(chiclet)
+ {
+ chiclet->setIMSessionName(name);
+ chiclet->setOtherParticipantId(other_participant_id);
+ LLIMFloater::onIMChicletCreated(session_id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ llwarns << "Could not create chiclet" << llendl;
+ }
+void LLChicletBar::sessionRemoved(const LLUUID& session_id)
+ if(getChicletPanel())
+ {
+ // IM floater should be closed when session removed and associated chiclet closed
+ LLIMFloater* iMfloater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance<LLIMFloater>("impanel", session_id);
+ if (iMfloater != NULL)
+ {
+ iMfloater->closeFloater();
+ }
+ getChicletPanel()->removeChiclet(session_id);
+ }
+void LLChicletBar::sessionIDUpdated(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id)
+ //this is only needed in case of outgoing ad-hoc/group chat sessions
+ LLChicletPanel* chiclet_panel = getChicletPanel();
+ if (chiclet_panel)
+ {
+ //it should be ad-hoc im chiclet or group im chiclet
+ LLChiclet* chiclet = chiclet_panel->findChiclet<LLChiclet>(old_session_id);
+ if (chiclet) chiclet->setSessionId(new_session_id);
+ }
+S32 LLChicletBar::getTotalUnreadIMCount()
+ return getChicletPanel()->getTotalUnreadIMCount();
+BOOL LLChicletBar::postBuild()
+ mToolbarStack = getChild<LLLayoutStack>("toolbar_stack");
+ mChicletPanel = getChild<LLChicletPanel>("chiclet_list");
+ showWellButton("im_well", !LLIMWellWindow::getInstance()->isWindowEmpty());
+ showWellButton("notification_well", !LLNotificationWellWindow::getInstance()->isWindowEmpty());
+ return TRUE;
+void LLChicletBar::showWellButton(const std::string& well_name, bool visible)
+ LLView * panel = findChild<LLView>(well_name + "_panel");
+ if (!panel) return;
+ panel->setVisible(visible);
+void LLChicletBar::log(LLView* panel, const std::string& descr)
+ if (NULL == panel) return;
+ LLView* layout = panel->getParent();
+ LL_DEBUGS("Chiclet Bar Rects") << descr << ": "
+ << "panel: " << panel->getName()
+ << ", rect: " << panel->getRect()
+ << " layout: " << layout->getName()
+ << ", rect: " << layout->getRect()
+ << LL_ENDL;
+void LLChicletBar::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
+ static S32 debug_calling_number = 0;
+ lldebugs << "**************************************** " << ++debug_calling_number << llendl;
+ S32 current_width = getRect().getWidth();
+ S32 delta_width = width - current_width;
+ lldebugs << "Reshaping: "
+ << ", width: " << width
+ << ", cur width: " << current_width
+ << ", delta_width: " << delta_width
+ << ", called_from_parent: " << called_from_parent
+ << llendl;
+ if (mChicletPanel) log(mChicletPanel, "before");
+ // Difference between chiclet bar width required to fit its children and the actual width. (see EXT-991)
+ // Positive value means that chiclet bar is not wide enough.
+ // Negative value means that there is free space.
+ static S32 extra_shrink_width = 0;
+ bool should_be_reshaped = true;
+ if (mChicletPanel && mToolbarStack)
+ {
+ // Firstly, update layout stack to ensure we deal with correct panel sizes.
+ {
+ BOOL saved_anim = mToolbarStack->getAnimate();
+ // Set chiclet panel to be autoresized by default.
+ mToolbarStack->updatePanelAutoResize(PANEL_CHICLET_NAME, TRUE);
+ // Disable animation to prevent layout updating in several frames.
+ mToolbarStack->setAnimate(FALSE);
+ // Force the updating of layout to reset panels collapse factor.
+ mToolbarStack->updateLayout();
+ // Restore animate state.
+ mToolbarStack->setAnimate(saved_anim);
+ }
+ // chiclet bar is narrowed
+ if (delta_width < 0)
+ {
+ if (extra_shrink_width > 0) // not enough space
+ {
+ extra_shrink_width += llabs(delta_width);
+ should_be_reshaped = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ extra_shrink_width = processWidthDecreased(delta_width);
+ // increase new width to extra_shrink_width value to not reshape less than chiclet bar minimum
+ width += extra_shrink_width;
+ }
+ }
+ // chiclet bar is widened
+ else
+ {
+ if (extra_shrink_width > delta_width)
+ {
+ // Still not enough space.
+ // Only subtract the delta from the required delta and don't reshape.
+ extra_shrink_width -= delta_width;
+ should_be_reshaped = false;
+ }
+ else if (extra_shrink_width > 0)
+ {
+ // If we have some extra shrink width let's reduce delta_width & width
+ delta_width -= extra_shrink_width;
+ width -= extra_shrink_width;
+ extra_shrink_width = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (should_be_reshaped)
+ {
+ lldebugs << "Reshape all children with width: " << width << llendl;
+ LLPanel::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent);
+ }
+ if (mChicletPanel) log(mChicletPanel, "after");
+S32 LLChicletBar::processWidthDecreased(S32 delta_width)
+ bool still_should_be_processed = true;
+ const S32 chiclet_panel_shrink_headroom = getChicletPanelShrinkHeadroom();
+ // Decreasing width of chiclet panel.
+ if (chiclet_panel_shrink_headroom > 0)
+ {
+ // we have some space to decrease chiclet panel
+ S32 shrink_by = llmin(-delta_width, chiclet_panel_shrink_headroom);
+ lldebugs << "delta_width: " << delta_width
+ << ", panel_delta_min: " << chiclet_panel_shrink_headroom
+ << ", shrink_by: " << shrink_by
+ << llendl;
+ // is chiclet panel wide enough to process resizing?
+ delta_width += chiclet_panel_shrink_headroom;
+ still_should_be_processed = delta_width < 0;
+ lldebugs << "Shrinking chiclet panel by " << shrink_by << " px" << llendl;
+ mChicletPanel->getParent()->reshape(mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth() - shrink_by, mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getHeight());
+ log(mChicletPanel, "after processing panel decreasing via chiclet panel");
+ lldebugs << "RS_CHICLET_PANEL"
+ << ", delta_width: " << delta_width
+ << llendl;
+ }
+ S32 extra_shrink_width = 0;
+ if (still_should_be_processed)
+ {
+ extra_shrink_width = -delta_width;
+ llwarns << "There is no enough width to reshape all children: "
+ << extra_shrink_width << llendl;
+ }
+ return extra_shrink_width;
+S32 LLChicletBar::getChicletPanelShrinkHeadroom() const
+ static const S32 min_width = mChicletPanel->getMinWidth();
+ const S32 cur_width = mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth();
+ S32 shrink_headroom = cur_width - min_width;
+ llassert(shrink_headroom >= 0); // the panel cannot get narrower than the minimum
+ return shrink_headroom;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llchicletbar.h b/indra/newview/llchicletbar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..224dfbb647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llchicletbar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+* @file llchicletbar.h
+* @brief LLChicletBar class header file
+* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$
+* Second Life Viewer Source Code
+* Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
+* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+* version 2.1 of the License only.
+* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+* $/LicenseInfo$
+#include "llpanel.h"
+#include "llimview.h"
+class LLChicletPanel;
+class LLIMChiclet;
+class LLLayoutPanel;
+class LLLayoutStack;
+class LLChicletBar
+ : public LLSingleton<LLChicletBar>
+ , public LLPanel
+ , public LLIMSessionObserver
+ LOG_CLASS(LLChicletBar);
+ friend class LLSingleton<LLChicletBar>;
+ ~LLChicletBar();
+ BOOL postBuild();
+ LLChicletPanel* getChicletPanel() { return mChicletPanel; }
+ // LLIMSessionObserver observe triggers
+ virtual void sessionAdded(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id);
+ virtual void sessionRemoved(const LLUUID& session_id);
+ void sessionIDUpdated(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id);
+ S32 getTotalUnreadIMCount();
+ /*virtual*/ void reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent);
+ /**
+ * Creates IM Chiclet based on session type (IM chat or Group chat)
+ */
+ LLIMChiclet* createIMChiclet(const LLUUID& session_id);
+ /**
+ * Shows/hides panel with specified well button (IM or Notification)
+ *
+ * @param well_name - name of the well panel to be processed.
+ * @param visible - a flag specifying whether a button should be shown or hidden.
+ */
+ void showWellButton(const std::string& well_name, bool visible);
+ /**
+ * Updates child controls size and visibility when it is necessary to reduce total width.
+ *
+ * @param delta_width - value by which chiclet bar should be shrunk. It is a negative value.
+ * @returns positive value which chiclet bar can not process when it reaches its minimal width.
+ * Zero if there was enough space to process delta_width.
+ */
+ S32 processWidthDecreased(S32 delta_width);
+ /** helper function to log debug messages */
+ void log(LLView* panel, const std::string& descr);
+ /**
+ * @return difference between current chiclet panel width and the minimum.
+ */
+ S32 getChicletPanelShrinkHeadroom() const;
+ LLChicletBar(const LLSD& key = LLSD());
+ LLChicletPanel* mChicletPanel;
+ LLLayoutStack* mToolbarStack;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimfloater.cpp b/indra/newview/llimfloater.cpp
index 14d85246e9..f5cda52d44 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimfloater.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llimfloater.cpp
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
#include "llappviewer.h"
#include "llavatarnamecache.h"
#include "llbutton.h"
-#include "llbottomtray.h"
#include "llchannelmanager.h"
#include "llchiclet.h"
+#include "llchicletbar.h"
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llimfloatercontainer.h" // to replace separate IM Floaters with multifloater container
#include "llinventoryfunctions.h"
@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ void LLIMFloater::onFocusLost()
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(mSessionID, false);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(mSessionID, false);
void LLIMFloater::onFocusReceived()
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(mSessionID, true);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(mSessionID, true);
if (getVisible())
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ LLIMFloater* LLIMFloater::show(const LLUUID& session_id)
if (floater->getDockControl() == NULL)
LLChiclet* chiclet =
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLChiclet>(
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLChiclet>(
if (chiclet == NULL)
@@ -452,11 +452,11 @@ LLIMFloater* LLIMFloater::show(const LLUUID& session_id)
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->scrollToChiclet(chiclet);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->scrollToChiclet(chiclet);
floater->setDockControl(new LLDockControl(chiclet, floater, floater->getDockTongue(),
- LLDockControl::TOP, boost::bind(&LLIMFloater::getAllowedRect, floater, _1)));
+ LLDockControl::BOTTOM));
// window is positioned, now we can show it.
@@ -466,11 +466,6 @@ LLIMFloater* LLIMFloater::show(const LLUUID& session_id)
return floater;
-void LLIMFloater::getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect)
- rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled();
void LLIMFloater::setDocked(bool docked, bool pop_on_undock)
// update notification channel state
@@ -522,7 +517,7 @@ void LLIMFloater::setVisible(BOOL visible)
- LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLIMChiclet>(mSessionID);
+ LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLIMChiclet>(mSessionID);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimfloater.h b/indra/newview/llimfloater.h
index 8a3020ea10..f7cd35b5eb 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimfloater.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llimfloater.h
@@ -145,8 +145,6 @@ private:
static void* createPanelIMControl(void* userdata);
static void* createPanelGroupControl(void* userdata);
static void* createPanelAdHocControl(void* userdata);
- // gets a rect that bounds possible positions for the LLIMFloater on a screen (EXT-1111)
- void getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect);
// Add the "User is typing..." indicator.
void addTypingIndicator(const LLIMInfo* im_info);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimview.cpp b/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
index 4602533736..441ea2923d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llimview.cpp
@@ -1675,11 +1675,6 @@ LLCallDialog::~LLCallDialog()
-void LLCallDialog::getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect)
- rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled();
BOOL LLCallDialog::postBuild()
if (!LLDockableFloater::postBuild())
@@ -1690,8 +1685,7 @@ BOOL LLCallDialog::postBuild()
setDockControl(new LLDockControl(
anchor_panel, this,
- getDockTongue(), LLDockControl::TOP,
- boost::bind(&LLCallDialog::getAllowedRect, this, _1)));
+ getDockTongue(), LLDockControl::TOP));
return TRUE;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llimview.h b/indra/newview/llimview.h
index 0ee56c8070..93b604d36a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llimview.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llimview.h
@@ -508,8 +508,6 @@ protected:
virtual bool lifetimeHasExpired();
virtual void onLifetimeExpired();
- virtual void getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect);
* Sets icon depend on session.
diff --git a/indra/newview/llscriptfloater.cpp b/indra/newview/llscriptfloater.cpp
index 170e23e4c5..85a7e75271 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llscriptfloater.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llscriptfloater.cpp
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
#include "llscriptfloater.h"
#include "llagentcamera.h"
-#include "llbottomtray.h"
#include "llchannelmanager.h"
#include "llchiclet.h"
+#include "llchicletbar.h"
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "lllslconstants.h"
#include "llnotifications.h"
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ bool LLScriptFloater::toggle(const LLUUID& notification_id)
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(notification_id, true);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(notification_id, true);
return true;
@@ -131,11 +131,6 @@ void LLScriptFloater::setNotificationId(const LLUUID& id)
mObjectId = notification_id_to_object_id(id);
-void LLScriptFloater::getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect)
- rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled();
void LLScriptFloater::createForm(const LLUUID& notification_id)
// delete old form
@@ -211,7 +206,7 @@ void LLScriptFloater::setVisible(BOOL visible)
- LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLIMChiclet>(getNotificationId());
+ LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLIMChiclet>(getNotificationId());
@@ -224,7 +219,7 @@ void LLScriptFloater::onMouseDown()
// Remove new message icon
- LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLIMChiclet>(getNotificationId());
+ LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLIMChiclet>(getNotificationId());
if (chiclet == NULL)
llerror("Dock chiclet for LLScriptFloater doesn't exist", 0);
@@ -267,7 +262,7 @@ void LLScriptFloater::onFocusLost()
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(getNotificationId(), false);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(getNotificationId(), false);
@@ -276,7 +271,7 @@ void LLScriptFloater::onFocusReceived()
// first focus will be received before setObjectId() call - don't toggle chiclet
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(getNotificationId(), true);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(getNotificationId(), true);
@@ -284,7 +279,7 @@ void LLScriptFloater::dockToChiclet(bool dock)
if (getDockControl() == NULL)
- LLChiclet* chiclet = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLChiclet>(getNotificationId());
+ LLChiclet* chiclet = LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLChiclet>(getNotificationId());
if (chiclet == NULL)
llwarns << "Dock chiclet for LLScriptFloater doesn't exist" << llendl;
@@ -292,7 +287,7 @@ void LLScriptFloater::dockToChiclet(bool dock)
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->scrollToChiclet(chiclet);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->scrollToChiclet(chiclet);
// Stop saving position while we dock floater
@@ -300,7 +295,7 @@ void LLScriptFloater::dockToChiclet(bool dock)
setDockControl(new LLDockControl(chiclet, this, getDockTongue(),
- LLDockControl::TOP, boost::bind(&LLScriptFloater::getAllowedRect, this, _1)));
+ LLDockControl::BOTTOM));
@@ -352,7 +347,7 @@ void LLScriptFloaterManager::onAddNotification(const LLUUID& notification_id)
script_notification_map_t::const_iterator it = findUsingObjectId(object_id);
if(it != mNotifications.end())
- LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLIMChiclet>(it->first);
+ LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLIMChiclet>(it->first);
// Pass the new_message icon state further.
@@ -375,11 +370,11 @@ void LLScriptFloaterManager::onAddNotification(const LLUUID& notification_id)
// Create inventory offer chiclet for offer type notifications
if( OBJ_GIVE_INVENTORY == obj_type )
- LLBottomTray::instance().getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLInvOfferChiclet>(notification_id);
+ LLChicletBar::instance().getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLInvOfferChiclet>(notification_id);
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLScriptChiclet>(notification_id);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLScriptChiclet>(notification_id);
LLIMWellWindow::getInstance()->addObjectRow(notification_id, set_new_message);
@@ -413,7 +408,7 @@ void LLScriptFloaterManager::onRemoveNotification(const LLUUID& notification_id)
// remove related chiclet
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->removeChiclet(notification_id);
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->removeChiclet(notification_id);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llscriptfloater.h b/indra/newview/llscriptfloater.h
index 8e959a3d0e..70451194b3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llscriptfloater.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llscriptfloater.h
@@ -185,8 +185,6 @@ protected:
void createForm(const LLUUID& object_id);
- /*virtual*/ void getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect);
* Hide all notification toasts.
diff --git a/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.cpp b/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.cpp
index cb49976e5f..ffe864e220 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.cpp
@@ -35,16 +35,17 @@
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llnotifications.h"
-#include "llbottomtray.h"
#include "llscriptfloater.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
#include "llviewerwindow.h"
#include "llchiclet.h"
+#include "llchicletbar.h"
#include "lltoastpanel.h"
#include "llnotificationmanager.h"
#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
#include "llspeakers.h"
+#include "lltoolbarview.h"
LLSysWellWindow::LLSysWellWindow(const LLSD& key) : LLTransientDockableFloater(NULL, true, key),
@@ -140,15 +141,6 @@ void LLSysWellWindow::initChannel()
-void LLSysWellWindow::getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect)
- rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled();
void LLSysWellWindow::setVisible(BOOL visible)
if (visible)
@@ -156,8 +148,8 @@ void LLSysWellWindow::setVisible(BOOL visible)
if (NULL == getDockControl() && getDockTongue().notNull())
setDockControl(new LLDockControl(
- LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChild<LLView>(getAnchorViewName()), this,
- getDockTongue(), LLDockControl::TOP, boost::bind(&LLSysWellWindow::getAllowedRect, this, _1)));
+ LLChicletBar::getInstance()->getChild<LLView>(getAnchorViewName()), this,
+ getDockTongue(), LLDockControl::BOTTOM));
diff --git a/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.h b/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.h
index 9f8ab01810..52e5370505 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llsyswellwindow.h
@@ -76,11 +76,6 @@ public:
static const S32 MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH = 318;
- // gets a rect that bounds possible positions for the SysWellWindow on a screen (EXT-1111)
- void getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect);
// init Window's channel
virtual void initChannel();
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp
index 665b31a427..85f74c9fdd 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
// newview includes
#include "llagent.h"
#include "llbox.h"
+#include "llchicletbar.h"
#include "llconsole.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"
#include "llcylinder.h"
@@ -1848,13 +1849,12 @@ void LLViewerWindow::initWorldUI()
- // new bottom panel
- LLPanel* bottom_tray_container = getRootView()->getChild<LLPanel>("bottom_tray_container");
- LLBottomTray* bottom_tray = LLBottomTray::getInstance();
- bottom_tray->setShape(bottom_tray_container->getLocalRect());
- bottom_tray->setFollowsAll();
- bottom_tray_container->addChild(bottom_tray);
- bottom_tray_container->setVisible(TRUE);
+ LLPanel* chiclet_container = getRootView()->getChild<LLPanel>("chiclet_container");
+ LLChicletBar* chiclet_bar = LLChicletBar::getInstance();
+ chiclet_bar->setShape(chiclet_container->getLocalRect());
+ chiclet_bar->setFollowsAll();
+ chiclet_container->addChild(chiclet_bar);
+ chiclet_container->setVisible(TRUE);
LLRect morph_view_rect = full_window;
morph_view_rect.stretch( -STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT );
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_chiclet_bar.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_chiclet_bar.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..355a76e05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_chiclet_bar.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+ background_visible="false"
+ chrome="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="30"
+ layout="topleft"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="chiclet_bar"
+ width="1310">
+ <layout_stack
+ border_size="0"
+ clip="false"
+ follows="all"
+ height="30"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="toolbar_stack"
+ orientation="horizontal"
+ top="0"
+ width="1310">
+ <layout_panel
+ follows="left|right"
+ height="30"
+ layout="topleft"
+ min_width="95"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="chiclet_list_panel"
+ top="0"
+ user_resize="false"
+ width="189">
+ <chiclet_panel
+ chiclet_padding="4"
+ follows="left|right"
+ height="24"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="1"
+ min_width="95"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="chiclet_list"
+ top="7"
+ width="189">
+ <button
+ auto_resize="true"
+ follows="right"
+ height="29"
+ image_hover_selected="SegmentedBtn_Left_Over"
+ image_hover_unselected="SegmentedBtn_Left_Over"
+ image_overlay="Arrow_Small_Left"
+ image_pressed="SegmentedBtn_Left_Press"
+ image_pressed_selected="SegmentedBtn_Left_Press"
+ image_selected="SegmentedBtn_Left_Off"
+ image_unselected="SegmentedBtn_Left_Off"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="chicklet_left_scroll_button"
+ tab_stop="false"
+ top="-28"
+ visible="false"
+ width="7" />
+ <button
+ auto_resize="true"
+ follows="right"
+ height="29"
+ image_hover_selected="SegmentedBtn_Right_Over"
+ image_hover_unselected="SegmentedBtn_Right_Over"
+ image_overlay="Arrow_Small_Right"
+ image_pressed="SegmentedBtn_Right_Press"
+ image_pressed_selected="SegmentedBtn_Right_Press"
+ image_selected="SegmentedBtn_Right_Off"
+ image_unselected="SegmentedBtn_Right_Off"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="chicklet_right_scroll_button"
+ tab_stop="false"
+ top="-28"
+ visible="false"
+ width="7" />
+ </chiclet_panel>
+ </layout_panel>
+ <layout_panel auto_resize="false"
+ user_resize="false"
+ width="4"
+ min_width="4"/>
+ <layout_panel
+ auto_resize="false"
+ follows="right"
+ height="28"
+ layout="topleft"
+ min_height="28"
+ min_width="37"
+ name="im_well_panel"
+ top="0"
+ user_resize="false"
+ width="37">
+ <chiclet_im_well
+ follows="right"
+ height="28"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ max_displayed_count="99"
+ name="im_well"
+ top="0"
+ width="35">
+ <!--
+Emulate 4 states of button by background images, see details in EXT-3147. The same should be for notification_well button
+xml attribute Description
+image_unselected "Unlit" - there are no new messages
+image_selected "Unlit" + "Selected" - there are no new messages and the Well is open
+image_pressed "Lit" - there are new messages
+image_pressed_selected "Lit" + "Selected" - there are new messages and the Well is open
+ -->
+ <button
+ auto_resize="true"
+ follows="right"
+ halign="center"
+ height="23"
+ image_overlay="Unread_IM"
+ image_overlay_alignment="center"
+ image_pressed="WellButton_Lit"
+ image_pressed_selected="WellButton_Lit_Selected"
+ image_selected="PushButton_Press"
+ label_color="Black"
+ left="0"
+ name="Unread IM messages"
+ tool_tip="Conversations"
+ width="34">
+ <init_callback
+ function="Button.SetDockableFloaterToggle"
+ parameter="im_well_window" />
+ </button>
+ </chiclet_im_well>
+ </layout_panel>
+ <layout_panel
+ auto_resize="false"
+ follows="right"
+ height="28"
+ layout="topleft"
+ min_height="28"
+ min_width="37"
+ name="notification_well_panel"
+ top="0"
+ user_resize="false"
+ width="37">
+ <chiclet_notification
+ follows="right"
+ height="23"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ max_displayed_count="99"
+ name="notification_well"
+ top="5"
+ width="35">
+ <button
+ auto_resize="true"
+ bottom_pad="3"
+ follows="right"
+ halign="center"
+ height="23"
+ image_overlay="Notices_Unread"
+ image_overlay_alignment="center"
+ image_pressed="WellButton_Lit"
+ image_pressed_selected="WellButton_Lit_Selected"
+ image_selected="PushButton_Press"
+ label_color="Black"
+ left="0"
+ name="Unread"
+ tool_tip="Notifications"
+ width="34">
+ <init_callback
+ function="Button.SetDockableFloaterToggle"
+ parameter="notification_well_window" />
+ </button>
+ </chiclet_notification>
+ </layout_panel>
+ </layout_stack>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_toolbar_view.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_toolbar_view.xml
index 5475fcd245..3c69a0cb6c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_toolbar_view.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_toolbar_view.xml
@@ -64,14 +64,32 @@
- width="100">
+ width="200">
<view top="0"
- width="100"/>
+ width="200"/>
+ <view top="0"
+ follows="left|top|bottom"
+ height="100"
+ left="0"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="minimized_floaters_region"
+ width="160"/>
+ <panel follows="left|top|right"
+ layout="topleft"
+ height="30"
+ left_pad="10"
+ mouse_opaque="false"
+ name="chiclet_container"
+ tab_stop="false"
+ top="0"
+ bg_visible="false"
+ width="20">
+ </panel>
<panel bottom="100"
@@ -80,7 +98,7 @@
- width="100"/>
+ width="200"/>
<layout_panel name="right_toolbar_panel"