diff options
authorAndrey Kleshchev <>2022-01-17 20:45:46 +0200
committerAndrey Kleshchev <>2022-01-17 20:45:46 +0200
commit8ea7867528cf2c03f2fc60a361663af2a4084bfb (patch)
parent1b929cb9a9d9216d1d34fb6dc4b0ea91600935b1 (diff)
SL-16344 #3 Moved LLPanelFace related code into LLPanelFace
5 files changed, 857 insertions, 885 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp
index d2d4b7b364..f04666cb79 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatertools.cpp
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llfocusmgr.h"
#include "llmediaentry.h"
-#include "llmediactrl.h"
#include "llmenugl.h"
#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
#include "llpanelcontents.h"
@@ -240,7 +239,6 @@ BOOL LLFloaterTools::postBuild()
mRadioGroupMove = getChild<LLRadioGroup>("move_radio_group");
mRadioGroupEdit = getChild<LLRadioGroup>("edit_radio_group");
mBtnGridOptions = getChild<LLButton>("Options...");
- mTitleMedia = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("title_media");
mBtnLink = getChild<LLButton>("link_btn");
mBtnUnlink = getChild<LLButton>("unlink_btn");
@@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ LLFloaterTools::LLFloaterTools(const LLSD& key)
- mTitleMedia(NULL),
@@ -369,8 +366,7 @@ LLFloaterTools::LLFloaterTools(const LLSD& key)
- mHasSelection(TRUE),
- mNeedMediaTitle(TRUE)
+ mHasSelection(TRUE)
gFloaterTools = this;
@@ -394,9 +390,6 @@ LLFloaterTools::LLFloaterTools(const LLSD& key)
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.applyToSelection", boost::bind(&click_apply_to_selection, this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.commitRadioLand", boost::bind(&commit_radio_group_land,_1));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.LandBrushForce", boost::bind(&commit_slider_dozer_force,_1));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.AddMedia", boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnAddMedia,this));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.DeleteMedia", boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnDeleteMedia,this));
- mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.EditMedia", boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnEditMedia,this));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.LinkObjects", boost::bind(&LLSelectMgr::linkObjects, LLSelectMgr::getInstance()));
mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.UnlinkObjects", boost::bind(&LLSelectMgr::unlinkObjects, LLSelectMgr::getInstance()));
@@ -522,7 +515,7 @@ void LLFloaterTools::refresh()
- refreshMedia();
+ mPanelFace->refreshMedia();
@@ -549,9 +542,6 @@ void LLFloaterTools::draw()
mDirty = FALSE;
- // grab media name/title and update the UI widget
- updateMediaTitle();
// mCheckSelectIndividual->set(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EditLinkedParts"));
@@ -874,8 +864,7 @@ void LLFloaterTools::onClose(bool app_quitting)
// destroy media source used to grab media title
- if( mTitleMedia )
- mTitleMedia->unloadMediaSource();
+ mPanelFace->unloadMedia();
// Different from handle_reset_view in that it doesn't actually
// move the camera if EditCameraMovement is not set.
@@ -1128,51 +1117,6 @@ void LLFloaterTools::onFocusReceived()
-// Media stuff
-void LLFloaterTools::refreshMedia()
- getMediaState();
-bool LLFloaterTools::selectedMediaEditable()
- U32 owner_mask_on;
- U32 owner_mask_off;
- U32 valid_owner_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm( PERM_OWNER,
- &owner_mask_on, &owner_mask_off );
- U32 group_mask_on;
- U32 group_mask_off;
- U32 valid_group_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm( PERM_GROUP,
- &group_mask_on, &group_mask_off );
- U32 everyone_mask_on;
- U32 everyone_mask_off;
- S32 valid_everyone_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm( PERM_EVERYONE,
- &everyone_mask_on, &everyone_mask_off );
- bool selected_Media_editable = false;
- // if perms we got back are valid
- if ( valid_owner_perms &&
- valid_group_perms &&
- valid_everyone_perms )
- {
- if ( ( owner_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY ) ||
- ( group_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY ) ||
- ( group_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY ) )
- {
- selected_Media_editable = true;
- }
- else
- // user is NOT allowed to press the RESET button
- {
- selected_Media_editable = false;
- };
- };
- return selected_Media_editable;
void LLFloaterTools::updateLandImpacts()
LLParcel *parcel = mParcelSelection->getParcel();
@@ -1209,784 +1153,3 @@ void LLFloaterTools::updateLandImpacts()
-void LLFloaterTools::getMediaState()
- LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects =LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection();
- LLViewerObject* first_object = selected_objects->getFirstObject();
- LLTextBox* media_info = getChild<LLTextBox>("media_info");
- if( !(first_object
- && first_object->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME
- &&first_object->permModify()
- ))
- {
- getChildView("add_media")->setEnabled(FALSE);
- media_info->clear();
- clearMediaSettings();
- return;
- }
- std::string url = first_object->getRegion()->getCapability("ObjectMedia");
- bool has_media_capability = (!url.empty());
- if(!has_media_capability)
- {
- getChildView("add_media")->setEnabled(FALSE);
- LL_WARNS("LLFloaterToolsMedia") << "Media not enabled (no capability) in this region!" << LL_ENDL;
- clearMediaSettings();
- return;
- }
- BOOL is_nonpermanent_enforced = (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getFirstRootNode()
- && LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetRootsNonPermanentEnforced())
- || LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetNonPermanentEnforced();
- bool editable = is_nonpermanent_enforced && (first_object->permModify() || selectedMediaEditable());
- // Check modify permissions and whether any selected objects are in
- // the process of being fetched. If they are, then we're not editable
- if (editable)
- {
- LLObjectSelection::iterator iter = selected_objects->begin();
- LLObjectSelection::iterator end = selected_objects->end();
- for ( ; iter != end; ++iter)
- {
- LLSelectNode* node = *iter;
- LLVOVolume* object = dynamic_cast<LLVOVolume*>(node->getObject());
- if (NULL != object)
- {
- if (!object->permModify())
- {
- LL_INFOS("LLFloaterToolsMedia")
- << "Selection not editable due to lack of modify permissions on object id "
- << object->getID() << LL_ENDL;
- editable = false;
- break;
- }
- // XXX DISABLE this for now, because when the fetch finally
- // does come in, the state of this floater doesn't properly
- // update. Re-selecting fixes the problem, but there is
- // contention as to whether this is a sufficient solution.
-// if (object->isMediaDataBeingFetched())
-// {
-// LL_INFOS("LLFloaterToolsMedia")
-// << "Selection not editable due to media data being fetched for object id "
-// << object->getID() << LL_ENDL;
-// editable = false;
-// break;
-// }
- }
- }
- }
- // Media settings
- bool bool_has_media = false;
- struct media_functor : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<bool>
- {
- bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
- {
- LLTextureEntry *te = object->getTE(face);
- if (te)
- {
- return te->hasMedia();
- }
- return false;
- }
- } func;
- // check if all faces have media(or, all dont have media)
- LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func, bool_has_media );
- const LLMediaEntry default_media_data;
- struct functor_getter_media_data : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< LLMediaEntry>
- {
- functor_getter_media_data(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- LLMediaEntry get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return *(object->getTE(face)->getMediaData());
- return mMediaEntry;
- };
- const LLMediaEntry& mMediaEntry;
- } func_media_data(default_media_data);
- LLMediaEntry media_data_get;
- LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleMedia = !(selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_media_data, media_data_get ));
- std::string multi_media_info_str = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media");
- std::string media_title = "";
- // update UI depending on whether "object" (prim or face) has media
- // and whether or not you are allowed to edit it.
- getChildView("add_media")->setEnabled(editable);
- // IF all the faces have media (or all dont have media)
- if ( LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo )
- {
- // TODO: get media title and set it.
- media_info->clear();
- // if identical is set, all faces are same (whether all empty or has the same media)
- if(!(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleMedia) )
- {
- // Media data is valid
- if(media_data_get!=default_media_data)
- {
- // initial media title is the media URL (until we get the name)
- media_title = media_data_get.getHomeURL();
- }
- // else all faces might be empty.
- }
- else // there' re Different Medias' been set on on the faces.
- {
- media_title = multi_media_info_str;
- }
- getChildView("delete_media")->setEnabled(bool_has_media && editable );
- // TODO: display a list of all media on the face - use 'identical' flag
- }
- else // not all face has media but at least one does.
- {
- // seleted faces have not identical value
- LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleValidMedia = selected_objects->isMultipleTEValue(&func_media_data, default_media_data );
- if(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleValidMedia)
- {
- media_title = multi_media_info_str;
- }
- else
- {
- // Media data is valid
- if(media_data_get!=default_media_data)
- {
- // initial media title is the media URL (until we get the name)
- media_title = media_data_get.getHomeURL();
- }
- }
- getChildView("delete_media")->setEnabled(TRUE);
- }
- navigateToTitleMedia(media_title);
- media_info->setText(media_title);
- // load values for media settings
- updateMediaSettings();
- LLFloaterMediaSettings::initValues(mMediaSettings, editable );
-// called when a user wants to add media to a prim or prim face
-void LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnAddMedia()
- // check if multiple faces are selected
- if(LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->isMultipleTESelected())
- {
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("MultipleFacesSelected", LLSD(), LLSD(), multipleFacesSelectedConfirm);
- }
- else
- {
- onClickBtnEditMedia();
- }
-// static
-bool LLFloaterTools::multipleFacesSelectedConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
- S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
- switch( option )
- {
- case 0: // "Yes"
- gFloaterTools->onClickBtnEditMedia();
- break;
- case 1: // "No"
- default:
- break;
- }
- return false;
-// called when a user wants to edit existing media settings on a prim or prim face
-// TODO: test if there is media on the item and only allow editing if present
-void LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnEditMedia()
- refreshMedia();
- LLFloaterReg::showInstance("media_settings");
-// called when a user wants to delete media from a prim or prim face
-void LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnDeleteMedia()
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("DeleteMedia", LLSD(), LLSD(), deleteMediaConfirm);
-// static
-bool LLFloaterTools::deleteMediaConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
- S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
- switch( option )
- {
- case 0: // "Yes"
- LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionSetMedia( 0, LLSD() );
- if(LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("media_settings"))
- {
- LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("media_settings");
- }
- break;
- case 1: // "No"
- default:
- break;
- }
- return false;
-void LLFloaterTools::clearMediaSettings()
- LLFloaterMediaSettings::clearValues(false);
-void LLFloaterTools::navigateToTitleMedia( const std::string url )
- std::string multi_media_info_str = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media");
- if (url.empty() || multi_media_info_str == url)
- {
- // nothing to show
- mNeedMediaTitle = false;
- }
- else if (mTitleMedia)
- {
- LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mTitleMedia->getMediaPlugin();
- // check if url changed or if we need a new media source
- if (mTitleMedia->getCurrentNavUrl() != url || media_plugin == NULL)
- {
- mTitleMedia->navigateTo( url );
- LLViewerMediaImpl* impl = LLViewerMedia::getInstance()->getMediaImplFromTextureID(mTitleMedia->getTextureID());
- if (impl)
- {
- // if it's a page with a movie, we don't want to hear it
- impl->setVolume(0);
- };
- }
- // flag that we need to update the title (even if no request were made)
- mNeedMediaTitle = true;
- }
-void LLFloaterTools::updateMediaTitle()
- // only get the media name if we need it
- if ( ! mNeedMediaTitle )
- return;
- // get plugin impl
- LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mTitleMedia->getMediaPlugin();
- if ( media_plugin && mTitleMedia->getCurrentNavUrl() == media_plugin->getNavigateURI())
- {
- // get the media name (asynchronous - must call repeatedly)
- std::string media_title = media_plugin->getMediaName();
- // only replace the title if what we get contains something
- if ( ! media_title.empty() )
- {
- // update the UI widget
- LLTextBox* media_title_field = getChild<LLTextBox>("media_info");
- if ( media_title_field )
- {
- media_title_field->setText( media_title );
- // stop looking for a title when we get one
- // FIXME: check this is the right approach
- mNeedMediaTitle = false;
- };
- };
- };
-void LLFloaterTools::updateMediaSettings()
- bool identical( false );
- std::string base_key( "" );
- std::string value_str( "" );
- int value_int = 0;
- bool value_bool = false;
- LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects =LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection();
- // TODO: (CP) refactor this using something clever or boost or both !!
- const LLMediaEntry default_media_data;
- // controls
- U8 value_u8 = default_media_data.getControls();
- struct functor_getter_controls : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< U8 >
- {
- functor_getter_controls(const LLMediaEntry &entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- U8 get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getControls();
- return mMediaEntry.getControls();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_controls(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_controls, value_u8 );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_u8;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // First click (formerly left click)
- value_bool = default_media_data.getFirstClickInteract();
- struct functor_getter_first_click : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_first_click(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getFirstClickInteract();
- return mMediaEntry.getFirstClickInteract();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_first_click(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_first_click, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Home URL
- value_str = default_media_data.getHomeURL();
- struct functor_getter_home_url : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::string >
- {
- functor_getter_home_url(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- std::string get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getHomeURL();
- return mMediaEntry.getHomeURL();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_home_url(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_home_url, value_str );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_str;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Current URL
- value_str = default_media_data.getCurrentURL();
- struct functor_getter_current_url : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::string >
- {
- functor_getter_current_url(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- std::string get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getCurrentURL();
- return mMediaEntry.getCurrentURL();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_current_url(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_current_url, value_str );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_str;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Auto zoom
- value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoZoom();
- struct functor_getter_auto_zoom : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_auto_zoom(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoZoom();
- return mMediaEntry.getAutoZoom();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_auto_zoom(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_auto_zoom, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Auto play
- //value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoPlay();
- // set default to auto play TRUE -- angela EXT-5172
- value_bool = true;
- struct functor_getter_auto_play : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_auto_play(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoPlay();
- //return mMediaEntry.getAutoPlay(); set default to auto play TRUE -- angela EXT-5172
- return true;
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_auto_play(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_auto_play, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Auto scale
- // set default to auto scale TRUE -- angela EXT-5172
- //value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoScale();
- value_bool = true;
- struct functor_getter_auto_scale : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_auto_scale(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoScale();
- // return mMediaEntry.getAutoScale(); set default to auto scale TRUE -- angela EXT-5172
- return true;
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_auto_scale(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_auto_scale, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Auto loop
- value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoLoop();
- struct functor_getter_auto_loop : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_auto_loop(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoLoop();
- return mMediaEntry.getAutoLoop();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_auto_loop(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_auto_loop, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // width pixels (if not auto scaled)
- value_int = default_media_data.getWidthPixels();
- struct functor_getter_width_pixels : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< int >
- {
- functor_getter_width_pixels(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- int get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWidthPixels();
- return mMediaEntry.getWidthPixels();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_width_pixels(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_width_pixels, value_int );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_int;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // height pixels (if not auto scaled)
- value_int = default_media_data.getHeightPixels();
- struct functor_getter_height_pixels : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< int >
- {
- functor_getter_height_pixels(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- int get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getHeightPixels();
- return mMediaEntry.getHeightPixels();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_height_pixels(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_height_pixels, value_int );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_int;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Enable Alt image
- value_bool = default_media_data.getAltImageEnable();
- struct functor_getter_enable_alt_image : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_enable_alt_image(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAltImageEnable();
- return mMediaEntry.getAltImageEnable();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_enable_alt_image(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_enable_alt_image, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::ALT_IMAGE_ENABLE_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Perms - owner interact
- value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER );
- struct functor_getter_perms_owner_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_perms_owner_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER));
- return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER );
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_perms_owner_interact(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_owner_interact, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_OWNER_INTERACT_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Perms - owner control
- value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER );
- struct functor_getter_perms_owner_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_perms_owner_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER));
- return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER );
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_perms_owner_control(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects ->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_owner_control, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_OWNER_CONTROL_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Perms - group interact
- value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP );
- struct functor_getter_perms_group_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_perms_group_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP));
- return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP );
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_perms_group_interact(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_group_interact, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_GROUP_INTERACT_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Perms - group control
- value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP );
- struct functor_getter_perms_group_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_perms_group_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP));
- return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP );
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_perms_group_control(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_group_control, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_GROUP_CONTROL_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Perms - anyone interact
- value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE );
- struct functor_getter_perms_anyone_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_perms_anyone_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE));
- return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE );
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_perms_anyone_interact(default_media_data);
- identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_anyone_interact, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_ANYONE_INTERACT_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // Perms - anyone control
- value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE );
- struct functor_getter_perms_anyone_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_perms_anyone_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE));
- return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE );
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_perms_anyone_control(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_anyone_control, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_ANYONE_CONTROL_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // security - whitelist enable
- value_bool = default_media_data.getWhiteListEnable();
- struct functor_getter_whitelist_enable : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
- {
- functor_getter_whitelist_enable(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWhiteListEnable();
- return mMediaEntry.getWhiteListEnable();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_whitelist_enable(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_whitelist_enable, value_bool );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_ENABLE_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
- // security - whitelist URLs
- std::vector<std::string> value_vector_str = default_media_data.getWhiteList();
- struct functor_getter_whitelist_urls : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::vector<std::string> >
- {
- functor_getter_whitelist_urls(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {}
- std::vector<std::string> get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face )
- {
- if ( object )
- if ( object->getTE(face) )
- if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() )
- return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWhiteList();
- return mMediaEntry.getWhiteList();
- };
- const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
- } func_whitelist_urls(default_media_data);
- identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_whitelist_urls, value_vector_str );
- base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_KEY );
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ].clear();
- std::vector< std::string >::iterator iter = value_vector_str.begin();
- while( iter != value_vector_str.end() )
- {
- std::string white_list_url = *iter;
- mMediaSettings[ base_key ].append( white_list_url );
- ++iter;
- };
- mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatertools.h b/indra/newview/llfloatertools.h
index ffff564ad4..3bb6492a6e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloatertools.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatertools.h
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ class LLRadioGroup;
class LLSlider;
class LLTabContainer;
class LLTextBox;
-class LLMediaCtrl;
class LLTool;
class LLParcelSelection;
class LLObjectSelection;
@@ -98,11 +97,6 @@ public:
static void setEditTool(void* data);
void setTool(const LLSD& user_data);
void saveLastTool();
- void onClickBtnDeleteMedia();
- void onClickBtnAddMedia();
- void onClickBtnEditMedia();
- void clearMediaSettings();
- bool selectedMediaEditable();
void updateLandImpacts();
static void setGridMode(S32 mode);
@@ -111,13 +105,6 @@ public:
void refresh();
- void refreshMedia();
- void getMediaState();
- void updateMediaSettings();
- void navigateToTitleMedia( const std::string url ); // navigate if changed
- void updateMediaTitle();
- static bool deleteMediaConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
- static bool multipleFacesSelectedConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
static void setObjectType( LLPCode pcode );
void onClickGridOptions();
@@ -193,19 +180,12 @@ public:
LLParcelSelectionHandle mParcelSelection;
LLObjectSelectionHandle mObjectSelection;
- LLMediaCtrl *mTitleMedia;
- bool mNeedMediaTitle;
BOOL mDirty;
BOOL mHasSelection;
std::map<std::string, std::string> mStatusText;
- LLSD mMediaSettings;
static bool sShowObjectCost;
static bool sPreviousFocusOnAvatar;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterurlentry.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterurlentry.cpp
index 63bce3d2eb..9ca880b10f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llfloaterurlentry.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterurlentry.cpp
@@ -112,16 +112,6 @@ void LLFloaterURLEntry::headerFetchComplete(S32 status, const std::string& mime_
- else
- {
- LLPanelFace* panel_face = dynamic_cast<LLPanelFace*>(mPanelLandMediaHandle.get());
- if(panel_face)
- {
- panel_face->setMediaType(mime_type);
- panel_face->setMediaURL(mMediaURLEdit->getValue().asString());
- }
- }
getChildView("loading_label")->setVisible( false);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp
index 71657239a6..f616677d7f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp
@@ -45,10 +45,14 @@
#include "llcombobox.h"
#include "lldrawpoolbump.h"
#include "llface.h"
+#include "llfloatermediasettings.h"
+#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "lllineeditor.h"
#include "llmaterialmgr.h"
+#include "llmediactrl.h"
#include "llmediaentry.h"
#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
+#include "llpanelcontents.h"
#include "llradiogroup.h"
#include "llresmgr.h"
#include "llselectmgr.h"
@@ -155,6 +159,10 @@ BOOL LLPanelFace::postBuild()
childSetCommitCallback("environment",&LLPanelFace::onCommitMaterialEnv, this);
childSetCommitCallback("maskcutoff",&LLPanelFace::onCommitMaterialMaskCutoff, this);
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.AddMedia", boost::bind(&LLPanelFace::onClickBtnAddMedia, this));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.DeleteMedia", boost::bind(&LLPanelFace::onClickBtnDeleteMedia, this));
+ mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.EditMedia", boost::bind(&LLPanelFace::onClickBtnEditMedia, this));
childSetAction("button align",&LLPanelFace::onClickAutoFix,this);
childSetAction("button align textures", &LLPanelFace::onAlignTexture, this);
@@ -298,7 +306,9 @@ BOOL LLPanelFace::postBuild()
mCtrlGlow->setCommitCallback(LLPanelFace::onCommitGlow, this);
+ mTitleMedia = getChild<LLMediaCtrl>("title_media");
+ mTitleMediaText = getChild<LLTextBox>("media_info");
@@ -307,7 +317,9 @@ BOOL LLPanelFace::postBuild()
: LLPanel(),
- mIsAlpha(false)
+ mIsAlpha(false),
+ mTitleMedia(NULL),
+ mNeedMediaTitle(true)
USE_TEXTURE = LLTrans::getString("use_texture");
@@ -315,7 +327,7 @@ LLPanelFace::LLPanelFace()
- // Children all cleaned up by default view destructor.
+ unloadMedia();
@@ -1574,6 +1586,752 @@ void LLPanelFace::refresh()
+void LLPanelFace::refreshMedia()
+ LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection();
+ LLViewerObject* first_object = selected_objects->getFirstObject();
+ if (!(first_object
+ && first_object->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME
+ && first_object->permModify()
+ ))
+ {
+ getChildView("add_media")->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ mTitleMediaText->clear();
+ clearMediaSettings();
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string url = first_object->getRegion()->getCapability("ObjectMedia");
+ bool has_media_capability = (!url.empty());
+ if (!has_media_capability)
+ {
+ getChildView("add_media")->setEnabled(FALSE);
+ LL_WARNS("LLFloaterToolsMedia") << "Media not enabled (no capability) in this region!" << LL_ENDL;
+ clearMediaSettings();
+ return;
+ }
+ BOOL is_nonpermanent_enforced = (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getFirstRootNode()
+ && LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetRootsNonPermanentEnforced())
+ || LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetNonPermanentEnforced();
+ bool editable = is_nonpermanent_enforced && (first_object->permModify() || selectedMediaEditable());
+ // Check modify permissions and whether any selected objects are in
+ // the process of being fetched. If they are, then we're not editable
+ if (editable)
+ {
+ LLObjectSelection::iterator iter = selected_objects->begin();
+ LLObjectSelection::iterator end = selected_objects->end();
+ for (; iter != end; ++iter)
+ {
+ LLSelectNode* node = *iter;
+ LLVOVolume* object = dynamic_cast<LLVOVolume*>(node->getObject());
+ if (NULL != object)
+ {
+ if (!object->permModify())
+ {
+ LL_INFOS("LLFloaterToolsMedia")
+ << "Selection not editable due to lack of modify permissions on object id "
+ << object->getID() << LL_ENDL;
+ editable = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Media settings
+ bool bool_has_media = false;
+ struct media_functor : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<bool>
+ {
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ LLTextureEntry *te = object->getTE(face);
+ if (te)
+ {
+ return te->hasMedia();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } func;
+ // check if all faces have media(or, all dont have media)
+ LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func, bool_has_media);
+ const LLMediaEntry default_media_data;
+ struct functor_getter_media_data : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< LLMediaEntry>
+ {
+ functor_getter_media_data(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ LLMediaEntry get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return *(object->getTE(face)->getMediaData());
+ return mMediaEntry;
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry& mMediaEntry;
+ } func_media_data(default_media_data);
+ LLMediaEntry media_data_get;
+ LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleMedia = !(selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_media_data, media_data_get));
+ std::string multi_media_info_str = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media");
+ std::string media_title = "";
+ // update UI depending on whether "object" (prim or face) has media
+ // and whether or not you are allowed to edit it.
+ getChildView("add_media")->setEnabled(editable);
+ // IF all the faces have media (or all dont have media)
+ if (LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo)
+ {
+ // TODO: get media title and set it.
+ mTitleMediaText->clear();
+ // if identical is set, all faces are same (whether all empty or has the same media)
+ if (!(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleMedia))
+ {
+ // Media data is valid
+ if (media_data_get != default_media_data)
+ {
+ // initial media title is the media URL (until we get the name)
+ media_title = media_data_get.getHomeURL();
+ }
+ // else all faces might be empty.
+ }
+ else // there' re Different Medias' been set on on the faces.
+ {
+ media_title = multi_media_info_str;
+ }
+ getChildView("delete_media")->setEnabled(bool_has_media && editable);
+ // TODO: display a list of all media on the face - use 'identical' flag
+ }
+ else // not all face has media but at least one does.
+ {
+ // seleted faces have not identical value
+ LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleValidMedia = selected_objects->isMultipleTEValue(&func_media_data, default_media_data);
+ if (LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleValidMedia)
+ {
+ media_title = multi_media_info_str;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Media data is valid
+ if (media_data_get != default_media_data)
+ {
+ // initial media title is the media URL (until we get the name)
+ media_title = media_data_get.getHomeURL();
+ }
+ }
+ getChildView("delete_media")->setEnabled(TRUE);
+ }
+ navigateToTitleMedia(media_title);
+ mTitleMediaText->setText(media_title);
+ // load values for media settings
+ updateMediaSettings();
+ LLFloaterMediaSettings::initValues(mMediaSettings, editable);
+void LLPanelFace::unloadMedia()
+ // destroy media source used to grab media title
+ if (mTitleMedia)
+ mTitleMedia->unloadMediaSource();
+void LLPanelFace::draw()
+ // grab media name/title and update the UI widget
+ // Todo: move it, it's preferable not to update
+ // labels inside draw
+ updateMediaTitle();
+ // mCheckSelectIndividual->set(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EditLinkedParts"));
+ LLPanel::draw();
+void LLPanelFace::navigateToTitleMedia( const std::string url )
+ std::string multi_media_info_str = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media");
+ if (url.empty() || multi_media_info_str == url)
+ {
+ // nothing to show
+ mNeedMediaTitle = false;
+ }
+ else if (mTitleMedia)
+ {
+ LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mTitleMedia->getMediaPlugin();
+ // check if url changed or if we need a new media source
+ if (mTitleMedia->getCurrentNavUrl() != url || media_plugin == NULL)
+ {
+ mTitleMedia->navigateTo( url );
+ LLViewerMediaImpl* impl = LLViewerMedia::getInstance()->getMediaImplFromTextureID(mTitleMedia->getTextureID());
+ if (impl)
+ {
+ // if it's a page with a movie, we don't want to hear it
+ impl->setVolume(0);
+ };
+ }
+ // flag that we need to update the title (even if no request were made)
+ mNeedMediaTitle = true;
+ }
+bool LLPanelFace::selectedMediaEditable()
+ U32 owner_mask_on;
+ U32 owner_mask_off;
+ U32 valid_owner_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm(PERM_OWNER,
+ &owner_mask_on, &owner_mask_off);
+ U32 group_mask_on;
+ U32 group_mask_off;
+ U32 valid_group_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm(PERM_GROUP,
+ &group_mask_on, &group_mask_off);
+ U32 everyone_mask_on;
+ U32 everyone_mask_off;
+ S32 valid_everyone_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm(PERM_EVERYONE,
+ &everyone_mask_on, &everyone_mask_off);
+ bool selected_Media_editable = false;
+ // if perms we got back are valid
+ if (valid_owner_perms &&
+ valid_group_perms &&
+ valid_everyone_perms)
+ {
+ if ((owner_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY) ||
+ (group_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY) ||
+ (group_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY))
+ {
+ selected_Media_editable = true;
+ }
+ else
+ // user is NOT allowed to press the RESET button
+ {
+ selected_Media_editable = false;
+ };
+ };
+ return selected_Media_editable;
+void LLPanelFace::clearMediaSettings()
+ LLFloaterMediaSettings::clearValues(false);
+void LLPanelFace::updateMediaSettings()
+ bool identical(false);
+ std::string base_key("");
+ std::string value_str("");
+ int value_int = 0;
+ bool value_bool = false;
+ LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection();
+ // TODO: (CP) refactor this using something clever or boost or both !!
+ const LLMediaEntry default_media_data;
+ // controls
+ U8 value_u8 = default_media_data.getControls();
+ struct functor_getter_controls : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< U8 >
+ {
+ functor_getter_controls(const LLMediaEntry &entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ U8 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getControls();
+ return mMediaEntry.getControls();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_controls(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_controls, value_u8);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_u8;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // First click (formerly left click)
+ value_bool = default_media_data.getFirstClickInteract();
+ struct functor_getter_first_click : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_first_click(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getFirstClickInteract();
+ return mMediaEntry.getFirstClickInteract();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_first_click(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_first_click, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Home URL
+ value_str = default_media_data.getHomeURL();
+ struct functor_getter_home_url : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::string >
+ {
+ functor_getter_home_url(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ std::string get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getHomeURL();
+ return mMediaEntry.getHomeURL();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_home_url(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_home_url, value_str);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_str;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Current URL
+ value_str = default_media_data.getCurrentURL();
+ struct functor_getter_current_url : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::string >
+ {
+ functor_getter_current_url(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ std::string get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getCurrentURL();
+ return mMediaEntry.getCurrentURL();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_current_url(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_current_url, value_str);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_str;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Auto zoom
+ value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoZoom();
+ struct functor_getter_auto_zoom : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_auto_zoom(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoZoom();
+ return mMediaEntry.getAutoZoom();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_auto_zoom(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_auto_zoom, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Auto play
+ //value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoPlay();
+ // set default to auto play TRUE -- angela EXT-5172
+ value_bool = true;
+ struct functor_getter_auto_play : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_auto_play(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoPlay();
+ //return mMediaEntry.getAutoPlay(); set default to auto play TRUE -- angela EXT-5172
+ return true;
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_auto_play(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_auto_play, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Auto scale
+ // set default to auto scale TRUE -- angela EXT-5172
+ //value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoScale();
+ value_bool = true;
+ struct functor_getter_auto_scale : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_auto_scale(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoScale();
+ // return mMediaEntry.getAutoScale(); set default to auto scale TRUE -- angela EXT-5172
+ return true;
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_auto_scale(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_auto_scale, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Auto loop
+ value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoLoop();
+ struct functor_getter_auto_loop : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_auto_loop(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoLoop();
+ return mMediaEntry.getAutoLoop();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_auto_loop(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_auto_loop, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // width pixels (if not auto scaled)
+ value_int = default_media_data.getWidthPixels();
+ struct functor_getter_width_pixels : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< int >
+ {
+ functor_getter_width_pixels(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ int get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWidthPixels();
+ return mMediaEntry.getWidthPixels();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_width_pixels(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_width_pixels, value_int);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_int;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // height pixels (if not auto scaled)
+ value_int = default_media_data.getHeightPixels();
+ struct functor_getter_height_pixels : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< int >
+ {
+ functor_getter_height_pixels(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ int get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getHeightPixels();
+ return mMediaEntry.getHeightPixels();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_height_pixels(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_height_pixels, value_int);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_int;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Enable Alt image
+ value_bool = default_media_data.getAltImageEnable();
+ struct functor_getter_enable_alt_image : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_enable_alt_image(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAltImageEnable();
+ return mMediaEntry.getAltImageEnable();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_enable_alt_image(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_enable_alt_image, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::ALT_IMAGE_ENABLE_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Perms - owner interact
+ value_bool = 0 != (default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER);
+ struct functor_getter_perms_owner_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_perms_owner_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER));
+ return 0 != (mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER);
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_perms_owner_interact(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_perms_owner_interact, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLPanelContents::PERMS_OWNER_INTERACT_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Perms - owner control
+ value_bool = 0 != (default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER);
+ struct functor_getter_perms_owner_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_perms_owner_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER));
+ return 0 != (mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER);
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_perms_owner_control(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_perms_owner_control, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLPanelContents::PERMS_OWNER_CONTROL_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Perms - group interact
+ value_bool = 0 != (default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP);
+ struct functor_getter_perms_group_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_perms_group_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP));
+ return 0 != (mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP);
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_perms_group_interact(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_perms_group_interact, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLPanelContents::PERMS_GROUP_INTERACT_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Perms - group control
+ value_bool = 0 != (default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP);
+ struct functor_getter_perms_group_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_perms_group_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP));
+ return 0 != (mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP);
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_perms_group_control(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_perms_group_control, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLPanelContents::PERMS_GROUP_CONTROL_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Perms - anyone interact
+ value_bool = 0 != (default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE);
+ struct functor_getter_perms_anyone_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_perms_anyone_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE));
+ return 0 != (mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE);
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_perms_anyone_interact(default_media_data);
+ identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue(&func_perms_anyone_interact, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLPanelContents::PERMS_ANYONE_INTERACT_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // Perms - anyone control
+ value_bool = 0 != (default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE);
+ struct functor_getter_perms_anyone_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_perms_anyone_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE));
+ return 0 != (mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE);
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_perms_anyone_control(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_perms_anyone_control, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLPanelContents::PERMS_ANYONE_CONTROL_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // security - whitelist enable
+ value_bool = default_media_data.getWhiteListEnable();
+ struct functor_getter_whitelist_enable : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool >
+ {
+ functor_getter_whitelist_enable(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWhiteListEnable();
+ return mMediaEntry.getWhiteListEnable();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_whitelist_enable(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_whitelist_enable, value_bool);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_ENABLE_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key] = value_bool;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+ // security - whitelist URLs
+ std::vector<std::string> value_vector_str = default_media_data.getWhiteList();
+ struct functor_getter_whitelist_urls : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::vector<std::string> >
+ {
+ functor_getter_whitelist_urls(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {}
+ std::vector<std::string> get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
+ {
+ if (object)
+ if (object->getTE(face))
+ if (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData())
+ return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWhiteList();
+ return mMediaEntry.getWhiteList();
+ };
+ const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry;
+ } func_whitelist_urls(default_media_data);
+ identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue(&func_whitelist_urls, value_vector_str);
+ base_key = std::string(LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_KEY);
+ mMediaSettings[base_key].clear();
+ std::vector< std::string >::iterator iter = value_vector_str.begin();
+ while (iter != value_vector_str.end())
+ {
+ std::string white_list_url = *iter;
+ mMediaSettings[base_key].append(white_list_url);
+ ++iter;
+ };
+ mMediaSettings[base_key + std::string(LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX)] = !identical;
+void LLPanelFace::updateMediaTitle()
+ // only get the media name if we need it
+ if (!mNeedMediaTitle)
+ return;
+ // get plugin impl
+ LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mTitleMedia->getMediaPlugin();
+ if (media_plugin && mTitleMedia->getCurrentNavUrl() == media_plugin->getNavigateURI())
+ {
+ // get the media name (asynchronous - must call repeatedly)
+ std::string media_title = media_plugin->getMediaName();
+ // only replace the title if what we get contains something
+ if (!media_title.empty())
+ {
+ // update the UI widget
+ if (mTitleMediaText)
+ {
+ mTitleMediaText->setText(media_title);
+ // stop looking for a title when we get one
+ mNeedMediaTitle = false;
+ };
+ };
+ };
// Static functions
@@ -1655,7 +2413,7 @@ void LLPanelFace::updateVisibility()
// Media controls
- getChildView("media_info")->setVisible(show_media);
+ mTitleMediaText->setVisible(show_media);
getChildView("button align")->setVisible(show_media);
@@ -2027,6 +2785,75 @@ void LLPanelFace::onSelectNormalTexture(const LLSD& data)
sendBump(nmap_id.isNull() ? 0 : BUMPY_TEXTURE);
+// called when a user wants to edit existing media settings on a prim or prim face
+// TODO: test if there is media on the item and only allow editing if present
+void LLPanelFace::onClickBtnEditMedia()
+ refreshMedia();
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("media_settings");
+// called when a user wants to delete media from a prim or prim face
+void LLPanelFace::onClickBtnDeleteMedia()
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("DeleteMedia", LLSD(), LLSD(), deleteMediaConfirm);
+// called when a user wants to add media to a prim or prim face
+void LLPanelFace::onClickBtnAddMedia()
+ // check if multiple faces are selected
+ if (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->isMultipleTESelected())
+ {
+ refreshMedia();
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("MultipleFacesSelected", LLSD(), LLSD(), multipleFacesSelectedConfirm);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ onClickBtnEditMedia();
+ }
+// static
+bool LLPanelFace::deleteMediaConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
+ S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
+ switch (option)
+ {
+ case 0: // "Yes"
+ LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionSetMedia(0, LLSD());
+ if (LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("media_settings"))
+ {
+ LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("media_settings");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: // "No"
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+// static
+bool LLPanelFace::multipleFacesSelectedConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
+ S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
+ switch (option)
+ {
+ case 0: // "Yes"
+ LLFloaterReg::showInstance("media_settings");
+ break;
+ case 1: // "No"
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
void LLPanelFace::syncOffsetX(LLPanelFace* self, F32 offsetU)
@@ -2538,15 +3365,6 @@ void LLPanelFace::onAlignTexture(void* userdata)
-// TODO: I don't know who put these in or what these are for???
-void LLPanelFace::setMediaURL(const std::string& url)
-void LLPanelFace::setMediaType(const std::string& mime_type)
// static
void LLPanelFace::onCommitPlanarAlign(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata)
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelface.h b/indra/newview/llpanelface.h
index 2d57d89a44..c1ef42317a 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpanelface.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelface.h
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class LLUICtrl;
class LLViewerObject;
class LLFloater;
class LLMaterialID;
+class LLMediaCtrl;
// Represents an edit for use in replicating the op across one or more materials in the selection set.
@@ -97,8 +98,10 @@ public:
virtual ~LLPanelFace();
void refresh();
- void setMediaURL(const std::string& url);
- void setMediaType(const std::string& mime_type);
+ void refreshMedia();
+ void unloadMedia();
+ /*virtual*/ void draw();
LLMaterialPtr createDefaultMaterial(LLMaterialPtr current_material)
@@ -114,6 +117,12 @@ public:
LLRender::eTexIndex getTextureChannelToEdit();
+ void navigateToTitleMedia(const std::string url);
+ bool selectedMediaEditable();
+ void clearMediaSettings();
+ void updateMediaSettings();
+ void updateMediaTitle();
void getState();
void sendTexture(); // applies and sends texture
@@ -140,6 +149,9 @@ protected:
void onCommitNormalTexture(const LLSD& data);
void onCancelNormalTexture(const LLSD& data);
void onSelectNormalTexture(const LLSD& data);
+ void onClickBtnEditMedia();
+ void onClickBtnDeleteMedia();
+ void onClickBtnAddMedia();
void onCommitColor(const LLSD& data);
void onCommitShinyColor(const LLSD& data);
void onCommitAlpha(const LLSD& data);
@@ -150,6 +162,9 @@ protected:
void onCloseTexturePicker(const LLSD& data);
+ static bool deleteMediaConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
+ static bool multipleFacesSelectedConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
// Make UI reflect state of currently selected material (refresh)
// and UI mode (e.g. editing normal map v diffuse map)
@@ -234,6 +249,9 @@ private:
F32 getCurrentShinyOffsetU();
F32 getCurrentShinyOffsetV();
+ LLMediaCtrl *mTitleMedia;
+ LLTextBox *mTitleMediaText;
// Update visibility of controls to match current UI mode
// (e.g. materials vs media editing)
@@ -417,6 +435,9 @@ private:
bool mUpdateInFlight;
bool mUpdatePending;
+ LLSD mMediaSettings;
+ bool mNeedMediaTitle;
#if defined(DEF_GET_MAT_STATE)