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authorJames Cook <>2010-04-30 17:32:27 -0700
committerJames Cook <>2010-04-30 17:32:27 -0700
commit831dd9ca40f199f2a9e89eee56d12e217ced0cc4 (patch)
parentea7d6eab6f58b994825cf051741a874ec1681515 (diff)
Partial display name support in money transaction notifications
4 files changed, 184 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llnotificationhandlerutil.cpp b/indra/newview/llnotificationhandlerutil.cpp
index b5e0d998fe..cd859c9cb8 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llnotificationhandlerutil.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llnotificationhandlerutil.cpp
@@ -116,8 +116,7 @@ const static std::string GRANTED_MODIFY_RIGHTS("GrantedModifyRights"),
-// PAYMENT_RECEIVED_FOR("PaymentReceivedFor"),
-// PAYMENT_SENT("PaymentSent"),
+ PAYMENT_SENT("PaymentSent"),
@@ -139,8 +138,7 @@ bool LLHandlerUtil::canLogToIM(const LLNotificationPtr& notification)
return GRANTED_MODIFY_RIGHTS == notification->getName()
|| REVOKED_MODIFY_RIGHTS == notification->getName()
|| PAYMENT_RECEIVED == notification->getName()
-// || PAYMENT_RECEIVED_FOR == notification->getName()
-// || PAYMENT_SENT == notification->getName()
+ || PAYMENT_SENT == notification->getName()
|| OFFER_FRIENDSHIP == notification->getName()
|| FRIENDSHIP_OFFERED == notification->getName()
|| FRIENDSHIP_ACCEPTED == notification->getName()
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
index 0d4bf6e40f..ea41c6da11 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ extern BOOL gDebugClicks;
// function prototypes
bool check_offer_throttle(const std::string& from_name, bool check_only);
+static void process_money_balance_reply_extended(LLMessageSystem* msg);
+static void process_money_balance_reply_legacy(const std::string& desc);
//inventory offer throttle globals
LLFrameTimer gThrottleTimer;
@@ -4588,14 +4590,66 @@ void process_money_balance_reply( LLMessageSystem* msg, void** )
S32 credit = 0;
S32 committed = 0;
std::string desc;
+ LLUUID tid;
+ msg->getUUID("MoneyData", "TransactionID", tid);
msg->getS32("MoneyData", "MoneyBalance", balance);
msg->getS32("MoneyData", "SquareMetersCredit", credit);
msg->getS32("MoneyData", "SquareMetersCommitted", committed);
msg->getStringFast(_PREHASH_MoneyData, _PREHASH_Description, desc);
LL_INFOS("Messaging") << "L$, credit, committed: " << balance << " " << credit << " "
<< committed << LL_ENDL;
+ if (gStatusBar)
+ {
+ gStatusBar->setBalance(balance);
+ gStatusBar->setLandCredit(credit);
+ gStatusBar->setLandCommitted(committed);
+ }
+ if (desc.empty()
+ || !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NotifyMoneyChange"))
+ {
+ // ...nothing to display
+ return;
+ }
+ // Suppress duplicate messages about the same transaction
+ static std::deque<LLUUID> recent;
+ if (std::find(recent.rbegin(), recent.rend(), tid) != recent.rend())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Once the 'recent' container gets large enough, chop some
+ // off the beginning.
+ const U32 MAX_LOOKBACK = 30;
+ const S32 POP_FRONT_SIZE = 12;
+ if(recent.size() > MAX_LOOKBACK)
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS("Messaging") << "Removing oldest transaction records" << LL_ENDL;
+ recent.erase(recent.begin(), recent.begin() + POP_FRONT_SIZE);
+ }
+ //LL_DEBUGS("Messaging") << "Pushing back transaction " << tid << LL_ENDL;
+ recent.push_back(tid);
+ if (msg->has("TransactionInfo"))
+ {
+ // JAMESDEBUG TODO - for test, do both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ process_money_balance_reply_legacy(desc);
+ // ...message has extended info for localization
+ process_money_balance_reply_extended(msg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // *NOTE: Can remove this after server 1.40 is widely deployed.
+ process_money_balance_reply_legacy(desc);
+ }
+static void process_money_balance_reply_extended(LLMessageSystem* msg)
// Added in server 1.40 and viewer 2.1, support for localization
// and agent ids for name lookup.
S32 transaction_type = 0;
@@ -4605,163 +4659,150 @@ void process_money_balance_reply( LLMessageSystem* msg, void** )
BOOL is_dest_group = FALSE;
S32 amount = 0;
std::string item_description;
- if (msg->has("TransactionInfo"))
- {
- msg->getS32("TransactionInfo", "TransactionType", transaction_type);
- msg->getUUID("TransactionInfo", "SourceID", source_id);
- msg->getBOOL("TransactionInfo", "IsSourceGroup", is_source_group);
- msg->getUUID("TransactionInfo", "DestID", dest_id);
- msg->getBOOL("TransactionInfo", "IsDestGroup", is_dest_group);
- msg->getS32("TransactionInfo", "Amount", amount);
- msg->getString("TransactionInfo", "ItemDescription", item_description);
- LL_DEBUGS("Money") << "MoneyBalanceReply source " << source_id
- << " dest " << dest_id
- << " item " << item_description << LL_ENDL;
- }
- if (gStatusBar)
- {
- // S32 old_balance = gStatusBar->getBalance();
- // This is an update, not the first transmission of balance
- /* if (old_balance != 0)
- {
- // this is actually an update
- if (balance > old_balance)
- {
- LLFirstUse::useBalanceIncrease(balance - old_balance);
- }
- else if (balance < old_balance)
- {
- LLFirstUse::useBalanceDecrease(balance - old_balance);
- }
- }
- */
- gStatusBar->setBalance(balance);
- gStatusBar->setLandCredit(credit);
- gStatusBar->setLandCommitted(committed);
- }
+ msg->getS32("TransactionInfo", "TransactionType", transaction_type);
+ msg->getUUID("TransactionInfo", "SourceID", source_id);
+ msg->getBOOL("TransactionInfo", "IsSourceGroup", is_source_group);
+ msg->getUUID("TransactionInfo", "DestID", dest_id);
+ msg->getBOOL("TransactionInfo", "IsDestGroup", is_dest_group);
+ msg->getS32("TransactionInfo", "Amount", amount);
+ msg->getString("TransactionInfo", "ItemDescription", item_description);
+ LL_INFOS("Money") << "MoneyBalanceReply source " << source_id
+ << " dest " << dest_id
+ << " type " << transaction_type
+ << " item " << item_description << LL_ENDL;
+ const char* source_type = (is_source_group ? "group" : "agent");
+ std::string source_slurl =
+ LLSLURL::buildCommand( source_type, source_id, "about");
+ const char* dest_type = (is_dest_group ? "group" : "agent");
+ std::string dest_slurl =
+ LLSLURL::buildCommand( dest_type, dest_id, "about");
- LLUUID tid;
- msg->getUUID("MoneyData", "TransactionID", tid);
- static std::deque<LLUUID> recent;
- if(!desc.empty() && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NotifyMoneyChange")
- && (std::find(recent.rbegin(), recent.rend(), tid) == recent.rend()))
- {
- // Make the user confirm the transaction, since they might
- // have missed something during an event.
- // *TODO: Translate
- LLSD args;
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
- // this is a marker to retrieve avatar name from server message:
- // "<avatar name> paid you L$"
- const std::string marker = "paid you L$";
+ switch (transaction_type)
+ {
+ default:
+ llinfos << "HERE!" << llendl;
+ break;
+ }
- args["MESSAGE"] = desc;
+// *NOTE: This can be removed after server 1.40 is widely deployed, as it will
+// send an extra TransactionInfo block to allow proper localization.
+static void process_money_balance_reply_legacy(const std::string& desc)
+ LLSD args;
- // extract avatar name from system message
- S32 marker_pos = desc.find(marker, 0);
+ // this is a marker to retrieve avatar name from server message:
+ // "<avatar name> paid you L$"
+ const std::string marker = "paid you L$";
- std::string base_name = desc.substr(0, marker_pos);
- std::string name = base_name;
- LLStringUtil::trim(name);
+ args["MESSAGE"] = desc;
- // if name extracted and name cache contains avatar id send loggable notification
- LLUUID from_id;
- if(name.size() > 0 && gCacheName->getUUID(name, from_id))
- {
- //description always comes not localized. lets fix this
+ // extract avatar name from system message
+ S32 marker_pos = desc.find(marker, 0);
- //ammount paid
- std::string ammount = desc.substr(marker_pos + marker.length(),desc.length() - marker.length() - marker_pos);
+ std::string base_name = desc.substr(0, marker_pos);
- //reform description
- LLStringUtil::format_map_t str_args;
- str_args["NAME"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
- str_args["AMOUNT"] = ammount;
- std::string new_description = LLTrans::getString("paid_you_ldollars", str_args);
- args["MESSAGE"] = new_description;
- args["NAME"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
- LLSD payload;
- payload["from_id"] = from_id;
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("PaymentReceived", args, payload);
- }
- //AD *HACK: Parsing incoming string to localize messages that come from server! EXT-5986
- // It's only a temporarily and ineffective measure. It doesn't affect performance much
- // because we get here only for specific type of messages, but anyway it is not right to do it!
- // *TODO: Server-side changes should be made and this code removed.
- else
+ std::string name = base_name;
+ LLStringUtil::trim(name);
+ // if name extracted and name cache contains avatar id send loggable notification
+ LLUUID from_id;
+ if(name.size() > 0 && gCacheName->getUUID(name, from_id))
+ {
+ //description always comes not localized. lets fix this
+ //ammount paid
+ std::string ammount = desc.substr(marker_pos + marker.length(),desc.length() - marker.length() - marker_pos);
+ //reform description
+ LLStringUtil::format_map_t str_args;
+ str_args["NAME"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
+ str_args["AMOUNT"] = ammount;
+ std::string new_description = LLTrans::getString("paid_you_ldollars", str_args);
+ args["MESSAGE"] = new_description;
+ args["NAME"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
+ LLSD payload;
+ payload["from_id"] = from_id;
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("PaymentReceived", args, payload);
+ }
+ //AD *HACK: Parsing incoming string to localize messages that come from server! EXT-5986
+ // It's only a temporarily and ineffective measure. It doesn't affect performance much
+ // because we get here only for specific type of messages, but anyway it is not right to do it!
+ // *TODO: Server-side changes should be made and this code removed.
+ else
+ {
+ if(desc.find("You paid")==0)
- if(desc.find("You paid")==0)
+ // Regular expression for message parsing- change it in case of server-side changes.
+ // Each set of parenthesis will later be used to find arguments of message we generate
+ // in the end of this if- (.*) gives us name of money receiver, (\\d+)-amount of money we pay
+ // and ([^$]*)- reason of payment
+ boost::regex expr("You paid (?:.{0}|(.*) )L\\$(\\d+)\\s?([^$]*)\\.");
+ boost::match_results <std::string::const_iterator> matches;
+ if(boost::regex_match(desc, matches, expr))
- // Regular expression for message parsing- change it in case of server-side changes.
- // Each set of parenthesis will later be used to find arguments of message we generate
- // in the end of this if- (.*) gives us name of money receiver, (\\d+)-amount of money we pay
- // and ([^$]*)- reason of payment
- boost::regex expr("You paid (?:.{0}|(.*) )L\\$(\\d+)\\s?([^$]*)\\.");
- boost::match_results <std::string::const_iterator> matches;
- if(boost::regex_match(desc, matches, expr))
+ // Name of full localizable notification string
+ // there are three types of this string- with name of receiver and reason of payment,
+ // without name and without reason (but not simultaneously)
+ // example of string without name - You paid L$100 to create a group.
+ // example of string without reason - You paid Smdby Linden L$100.
+ // example of string with reason and name - You paid Smbdy Linden L$100 for a land access pass.
+ std::string line = "you_paid_ldollars_no_name";
+ // arguments of string which will be in notification
+ LLStringUtil::format_map_t str_args;
+ // extracting amount of money paid (without L$ symbols). It is always present.
+ str_args["[AMOUNT]"] = std::string(matches[2]);
+ // extracting name of person/group you are paying (it may be absent)
+ std::string name = std::string(matches[1]);
+ if(!name.empty())
- // Name of full localizable notification string
- // there are three types of this string- with name of receiver and reason of payment,
- // without name and without reason (but not simultaneously)
- // example of string without name - You paid L$100 to create a group.
- // example of string without reason - You paid Smdby Linden L$100.
- // example of string with reason and name - You paid Smbdy Linden L$100 for a land access pass.
- std::string line = "you_paid_ldollars_no_name";
- // arguments of string which will be in notification
- LLStringUtil::format_map_t str_args;
- // extracting amount of money paid (without L$ symbols). It is always present.
- str_args["[AMOUNT]"] = std::string(matches[2]);
- // extracting name of person/group you are paying (it may be absent)
- std::string name = std::string(matches[1]);
- if(!name.empty())
- {
- str_args["[NAME]"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
- line = "you_paid_ldollars";
- }
- // extracting reason of payment (it may be absent)
- std::string reason = std::string(matches[3]);
- if (reason.empty())
- {
- line = "you_paid_ldollars_no_reason";
- }
- else
- {
- std::string localized_reason;
- // if we haven't found localized string for reason of payment leave it as it was
- str_args["[REASON]"] = LLTrans::findString(localized_reason, reason) ? localized_reason : reason;
- }
+ str_args["[NAME]"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
+ line = "you_paid_ldollars";
+ }
- // forming final message string by retrieving localized version from xml
- // and applying previously found arguments
- line = LLTrans::getString(line, str_args);
- args["MESSAGE"] = line;
+ // extracting reason of payment (it may be absent)
+ std::string reason = std::string(matches[3]);
+ if (reason.empty())
+ {
+ line = "you_paid_ldollars_no_reason";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string localized_reason;
+ // if we haven't found localized string for reason of payment leave it as it was
+ str_args["[REASON]"] = LLTrans::findString(localized_reason, reason) ? localized_reason : reason;
- }
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("SystemMessage", args);
+ // forming final message string by retrieving localized version from xml
+ // and applying previously found arguments
+ line = LLTrans::getString(line, str_args);
+ args["MESSAGE"] = line;
+ }
- // Once the 'recent' container gets large enough, chop some
- // off the beginning.
- const U32 MAX_LOOKBACK = 30;
- const S32 POP_FRONT_SIZE = 12;
- if(recent.size() > MAX_LOOKBACK)
- {
- LL_DEBUGS("Messaging") << "Removing oldest transaction records" << LL_ENDL;
- recent.erase(recent.begin(), recent.begin() + POP_FRONT_SIZE);
- }
- //LL_DEBUGS("Messaging") << "Pushing back transaction " << tid << LL_ENDL;
- recent.push_back(tid);
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("SystemMessage", args);
bool handle_special_notification_callback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
index 1e93c3cc98..47c2e496bd 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
@@ -4686,21 +4686,12 @@ Please select at least one type of content to search (General, Moderate, or Adul
- <!--
- <notification
- icon="notify.tga"
- name="PaymentReceivedFor"
- type="notify">
-[NAME] paid you L$[AMOUNT] for [REASON].
- </notification>
-You paid [NAME] L$[AMOUNT][REASON].
- -->
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
index 69a2b4f7eb..f6e91452c3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
@@ -3054,6 +3054,7 @@ If you continue to receive this message, contact the [SUPPORT_SITE].
<string name="you_paid_ldollars">You paid [NAME] L$[AMOUNT] [REASON].</string>
<string name="you_paid_ldollars_no_reason">You paid [NAME] L$[AMOUNT].</string>
<string name="you_paid_ldollars_no_name">You paid L$[AMOUNT] [REASON].</string>
+ <string name="for item">for [ITEM]</string>
<string name="for a parcel of land">for a parcel of land</string>
<string name="for a land access pass">for a land access pass</string>
<string name="for deeding land">for deeding land</string>