diff options
authorDave Parks <>2022-09-30 10:57:01 -0500
committerDave Parks <>2022-09-30 10:57:01 -0500
commit7d426815019ac5394e5821f1c6ba374e12606aaa (patch)
parentd001c52c346d957375afc36bd83550a5702d4727 (diff)
SL-18239 Unify PBR and non-PBR treatment of ambient/SSAO/irradiance. Restore SSAO to release version.
10 files changed, 74 insertions, 447 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/llworkerthread.cpp b/indra/llcommon/llworkerthread.cpp
index bd2eb2089c..cd4d587752 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/llworkerthread.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/llworkerthread.cpp
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ void LLWorkerThread::clearDeleteList()
(*iter)->mRequestHandle = LLWorkerThread::nullHandle();
+ (*iter)->clearFlags(LLWorkerClass::WCF_WORKING);
delete *iter ;
mDeleteList.clear() ;
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/aoUtil.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/aoUtil.glsl
index 73c125bbdc..23adbded5e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/aoUtil.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/aoUtil.glsl
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ uniform sampler2DRect depthMap;
uniform float ssao_radius;
uniform float ssao_max_radius;
+uniform float ssao_factor;
+uniform float ssao_factor_inv;
uniform mat4 inv_proj;
uniform vec2 screen_res;
@@ -81,14 +83,14 @@ float calcAmbientOcclusion(vec4 pos, vec3 norm, vec2 pos_screen)
float ret = 1.0;
vec3 pos_world =;
+ vec2 noise_reflect = texture2D(noiseMap, pos_screen.xy/128.0).xy;
float angle_hidden = 0.0;
float points = 0;
- // it was found that keeping # of samples a constant was the fastest, probably due to compiler optimizations (unrolling?)
float scale = min(ssao_radius / -pos_world.z, ssao_max_radius);
- vec2 noise_reflect = texture2D(noiseMap, pos_screen.xy/128.0).xy;
+ // it was found that keeping # of samples a constant was the fastest, probably due to compiler optimizations (unrolling?)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
vec2 samppos_screen = pos_screen + scale * reflect(getKern(i), noise_reflect);
@@ -103,14 +105,14 @@ float calcAmbientOcclusion(vec4 pos, vec3 norm, vec2 pos_screen)
//(k should vary inversely with # of samples, but this is taken care of later)
float funky_val = (dot((samppos_world - 0.05*norm - pos_world), norm) > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
- angle_hidden = angle_hidden + funky_val * min(1.0/dist2, 1.0);
+ angle_hidden = angle_hidden + funky_val * min(1.0/dist2, ssao_factor_inv);
// 'blocked' samples (significantly closer to camera relative to pos_world) are "no data", not "no occlusion"
float diffz_val = (diff.z > -1.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
points = points + diffz_val;
- angle_hidden = min(angle_hidden/points, 1.0);
+ angle_hidden = min(ssao_factor*angle_hidden/points, 1.0);
float points_val = (points > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
ret = (1.0 - (points_val * angle_hidden));
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl
index 44bf61be84..beadec434c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl
@@ -27,395 +27,26 @@
-// This shader is used for both writing opaque/masked content to the gbuffer and writing blended content to the framebuffer during the alpha pass.
+// Debug stub for non-pbr material
-uniform float emissive_brightness; // fullbright flag, 1.0 == fullbright, 0.0 otherwise
-uniform int sun_up_factor;
-#ifdef WATER_FOG
-vec4 applyWaterFogView(vec3 pos, vec4 color);
-vec3 atmosFragLighting(vec3 l, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
-vec3 scaleSoftClipFrag(vec3 l);
-vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
-vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light);
-void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, out vec3 atten, bool use_ao);
-vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs);
-vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cs);
out vec4 frag_color;
-#define frag_color gl_FragColor
+out vec4 frag_data[4];
-float sampleDirectionalShadow(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec2 pos_screen);
-uniform samplerCube environmentMap;
-uniform sampler2D lightFunc;
-// Inputs
-uniform vec4 morphFactor;
-uniform vec3 camPosLocal;
-uniform mat3 env_mat;
-uniform vec3 sun_dir;
-uniform vec3 moon_dir;
-VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord;
-VARYING vec3 vary_position;
-uniform mat4 proj_mat;
-uniform mat4 inv_proj;
-uniform vec2 screen_res;
-uniform vec4 light_position[8];
-uniform vec3 light_direction[8];
-uniform vec4 light_attenuation[8];
-uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8];
-float getAmbientClamp();
-vec3 calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 light_col, vec3 npos, vec3 diffuse, vec4 spec, vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight, inout float glare, float ambiance)
- // SL-14895 inverted attenuation work-around
- // This routine is tweaked to match deferred lighting, but previously used an inverted la value. To reconstruct
- // that previous value now that the inversion is corrected, we reverse the calculations in LLPipeline::setupHWLights()
- // to recover the `adjusted_radius` value previously being sent as la.
- float falloff_factor = (12.0 * fa) - 9.0;
- float inverted_la = falloff_factor / la;
- // Yes, it makes me want to cry as well. DJH
- vec3 col = vec3(0);
- //get light vector
- vec3 lv = - v;
- //get distance
- float dist = length(lv);
- float da = 1.0;
- dist /= inverted_la;
- if (dist > 0.0 && inverted_la > 0.0)
- {
- //normalize light vector
- lv = normalize(lv);
- //distance attenuation
- float dist_atten = clamp(1.0 - (dist - 1.0*(1.0 - fa)) / fa, 0.0, 1.0);
- dist_atten *= dist_atten;
- dist_atten *= 2.0f;
- if (dist_atten <= 0.0)
- {
- return col;
- }
- // spotlight coefficient.
- float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight);
- da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2
- //angular attenuation
- da *= dot(n, lv);
- float lit = 0.0f;
- float amb_da = ambiance;
- if (da >= 0)
- {
- lit = max(da * dist_atten, 0.0);
- col = lit * light_col * diffuse;
- amb_da += (da*0.5 + 0.5) * ambiance;
- }
- amb_da += (da*da*0.5 + 0.5) * ambiance;
- amb_da *= dist_atten;
- amb_da = min(amb_da, 1.0f - lit);
- // SL-10969 need to see why these are blown out
- //col.rgb += amb_da * light_col * diffuse;
- if (spec.a > 0.0)
- {
- //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm);
- vec3 h = normalize(lv + npos);
- float nh = dot(n, h);
- float nv = dot(n, npos);
- float vh = dot(npos, h);
- float sa = nh;
- float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4 + 0.5;
- float gtdenom = 2 * nh;
- float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh));
- if (nh > 0.0)
- {
- float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt / (nh*da);
- vec3 speccol = lit*scol*light_col.rgb*spec.rgb;
- speccol = clamp(speccol, vec3(0), vec3(1));
- col += speccol;
- float cur_glare = max(speccol.r, speccol.g);
- cur_glare = max(cur_glare, speccol.b);
- glare = max(glare, speccol.r);
- glare += max(cur_glare, 0.0);
- }
- }
- }
- return max(col, vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
-out vec4 frag_data[3];
-#define frag_data gl_FragData
-uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; //always in sRGB space
-uniform sampler2D bumpMap;
-uniform sampler2D specularMap;
-VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2;
-uniform float env_intensity;
-uniform vec4 specular_color; // specular color RGB and specular exponent (glossiness) in alpha
-uniform float minimum_alpha;
-VARYING vec3 vary_mat0;
-VARYING vec3 vary_mat1;
-VARYING vec3 vary_mat2;
-VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1;
-VARYING vec3 vary_normal;
-VARYING vec4 vertex_color;
-VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0;
-vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n);
void main()
- vec2 pos_screen = vary_texcoord0.xy;
- vec4 diffcol = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy);
- diffcol.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb;
- // Comparing floats cast from 8-bit values, produces acne right at the 8-bit transition points
- float bias = 0.001953125; // 1/512, or half an 8-bit quantization
- if (diffcol.a < minimum_alpha-bias)
- {
- discard;
- }
- vec3 gamma_diff = diffcol.rgb;
- diffcol.rgb = srgb_to_linear(diffcol.rgb);
- vec4 spec = texture2D(specularMap, vary_texcoord2.xy);
- spec.rgb *= specular_color.rgb;
- vec4 spec = vec4(specular_color.rgb, 1.0);
- vec4 norm = texture2D(bumpMap, vary_texcoord1.xy);
- = * 2 - 1;
- vec3 tnorm = vec3(dot(,vary_mat0),
- dot(,vary_mat1),
- dot(,vary_mat2));
- vec4 norm = vec4(0,0,0,1.0);
- vec3 tnorm = vary_normal;
- = normalize(;
- vec2 abnormal = encode_normal(;
- vec4 final_color = diffcol;
- final_color.a = emissive_brightness;
- final_color.a = max(final_color.a, emissive_brightness);
- vec4 final_specular = spec;
- vec4 final_normal = vec4(encode_normal(normalize(tnorm)), env_intensity * spec.a, GBUFFER_FLAG_HAS_ATMOS);
- final_specular.a = specular_color.a * norm.a;
+ frag_color = vec4(1,0,0,0.5);
- vec4 final_normal = vec4(encode_normal(normalize(tnorm)), env_intensity, GBUFFER_FLAG_HAS_ATMOS);
- final_specular.a = specular_color.a;
- //forward rendering, output just lit sRGBA
- vec3 pos = vary_position;
- float shadow = 1.0f;
- shadow = sampleDirectionalShadow(,, pos_screen);
- spec = final_specular;
- vec4 diffuse = final_color;
- float envIntensity = final_normal.z;
- vec3 color = vec3(0,0,0);
- vec3 light_dir = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sun_dir : moon_dir;
- float bloom = 0.0;
- vec3 sunlit;
- vec3 amblit;
- vec3 additive;
- vec3 atten;
- calcAtmosphericVars(, light_dir, 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false);
- // This call breaks the Mac GLSL compiler/linker for unknown reasons (17Mar2020)
- // The call is either a no-op or a pure (pow) gamma adjustment, depending on GPU level
- // TODO: determine if we want to re-apply the gamma adjustment, and if so understand & fix Mac breakage
- //color = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color);
- vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(,;
- //we're in sRGB space, so gamma correct this dot product so
- // lighting from the sun stays sharp
- float da = clamp(dot(normalize(,, 0.0, 1.0);
- da = pow(da, 1.0 / 1.3);
- color = amblit;
- //darken ambient for normals perpendicular to light vector so surfaces in shadow
- // and facing away from light still have some definition to them.
- // do NOT gamma correct this dot product so ambient lighting stays soft
- float ambient = min(abs(dot(,, 1.0);
- ambient *= 0.5;
- ambient *= ambient;
- ambient = (1.0 - ambient);
- vec3 sun_contrib = min(da, shadow) * sunlit;
- color *= ambient;
- color += sun_contrib;
- color *= gamma_diff.rgb;
- float glare = 0.0;
- if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection
- {
- float sa = dot(refnormpersp,;
- vec3 dumbshiny = sunlit * shadow * (texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r);
- // add the two types of shiny together
- vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb;
- bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6;
- glare = max(spec_contrib.r, spec_contrib.g);
- glare = max(glare, spec_contrib.b);
- color += spec_contrib;
- }
- color = mix(color.rgb, diffcol.rgb, diffuse.a);
- if (envIntensity > 0.0)
- {
- //add environmentmap
- vec3 env_vec = env_mat * refnormpersp;
- vec3 reflected_color = textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb;
- color = mix(color, reflected_color, envIntensity);
- float cur_glare = max(reflected_color.r, reflected_color.g);
- cur_glare = max(cur_glare, reflected_color.b);
- cur_glare *= envIntensity*4.0;
- glare += cur_glare;
- }
- color = atmosFragLighting(color, additive, atten);
- color = scaleSoftClipFrag(color);
- //convert to linear before adding local lights
- color = srgb_to_linear(color);
- vec3 npos = normalize(;
- vec3 light = vec3(0, 0, 0);
- final_specular.rgb = srgb_to_linear(final_specular.rgb); // SL-14035
-#define LIGHT_LOOP(i) light.rgb += calcPointLightOrSpotLight(light_diffuse[i].rgb, npos, diffuse.rgb, final_specular,,, light_position[i], light_direction[i].xyz, light_attenuation[i].x, light_attenuation[i].y, light_attenuation[i].z, glare, light_attenuation[i].w );
- color += light;
- glare = min(glare, 1.0);
- float al = max(diffcol.a, glare)*vertex_color.a;
-#ifdef WATER_FOG
- vec4 temp = applyWaterFogView(pos, vec4(color, al));
- color = temp.rgb;
- al = temp.a;
- frag_color = vec4(color, al);
-#else // mode is not DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND, encode to gbuffer
- // deferred path // See: C++: addDeferredAttachment(), shader: softenLightF.glsl
- frag_data[0] = final_color; // gbuffer is sRGB
- frag_data[1] = final_specular; // XYZ = Specular color. W = Specular exponent.
- frag_data[2] = final_normal; // XY = Normal. Z = Env. intensity. W = 1 skip atmos (mask off fog)
+ // emissive red PBR material
+ frag_data[0] = vec4(0,0,0,0);
+ frag_data[1] = vec4(0,0,0,0);
+ frag_data[2] = vec4(1,0,0,GBUFFER_FLAG_HAS_PBR);
+ frag_data[3] = vec4(1,0,0,0);
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl
index 28d1ae2027..12f500e224 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, ou
atten = vec3(1,0,1);
-void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive,
- out vec3 atten, bool use_ao)
+void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 norm, vec3 light_dir, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive,
+ out vec3 atten)
amblit = vec3(0.2, 0, 0.2);
sunlit = vec3(1,0,1);
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaF.glsl
index 39aec699fe..b4406aabc0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/alphaF.glsl
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ vec2 encode_normal (vec3 n);
vec3 scaleSoftClipFragLinear(vec3 l);
vec3 atmosFragLightingLinear(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
-void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 atten, out vec3 additive, bool use_ao);
+void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 norm, vec3 light_dir, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 atten, out vec3 additive);
float sampleDirectionalShadow(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec2 pos_screen);
@@ -243,12 +243,12 @@ void main()
vec3 additive;
vec3 atten;
- calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(, light_dir, 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false);
+ calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(, norm, light_dir, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten);
- vec3 ambenv;
+ vec3 irradiance;
vec3 glossenv;
vec3 legacyenv;
- sampleReflectionProbesLegacy(ambenv, glossenv, legacyenv,,, 0.0, 0.0);
+ sampleReflectionProbesLegacy(irradiance, glossenv, legacyenv,,, 0.0, 0.0);
float da = dot(,;
@@ -261,15 +261,9 @@ void main()
color.a = final_alpha;
- float ambient = min(abs(dot(,, 1.0);
- ambient *= 0.5;
- ambient *= ambient;
- ambient = (1.0 - ambient);
vec3 sun_contrib = min(final_da, shadow) * sunlit;
- color.rgb = max(amblit, ambenv);
- color.rgb *= ambient;
+ color.rgb = max(amblit, irradiance);
color.rgb += sun_contrib;
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/pbralphaF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/pbralphaF.glsl
index 13544af0b1..9bbc4f87bf 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/pbralphaF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/pbralphaF.glsl
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ uniform vec2 light_deferred_attenuation[8]; // light size and falloff
vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 c);
vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 c);
-// These are in deferredUtil.glsl but we can't set: mFeatures.isDeferred to include it
-void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, out vec3 atten, bool use_ao);
+void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 norm, vec3 light_dir, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 atten, out vec3 additive);
vec3 atmosFragLightingLinear(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
vec3 scaleSoftClipFragLinear(vec3 l);
@@ -140,15 +139,6 @@ void main()
vec3 light_dir = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sun_dir : moon_dir;
vec3 pos = vary_position;
- float scol = 1.0;
- float ambocc = 1.0;
- vec3 sunlit;
- vec3 amblit;
- vec3 additive;
- vec3 atten;
- calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(, light_dir, ambocc, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, true);
// IF .mFeatures.mIndexedTextureChannels = LLGLSLShader::sIndexedTextureChannels;
// vec3 col = vertex_color.rgb * diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy).rgb;
@@ -174,6 +164,13 @@ void main()
norm *= gl_FrontFacing ? 1.0 : -1.0;
+ float scol = 1.0;
+ vec3 sunlit;
+ vec3 amblit;
+ vec3 additive;
+ vec3 atten;
+ calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(, norm, light_dir, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten);
vec2 frag = vary_fragcoord.xy/vary_fragcoord.z*0.5+0.5;
frag *= screen_res;
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl
index 0093e8a31e..8937488484 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl
@@ -146,15 +146,29 @@ void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, ou
vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 col);
+// provide a touch of lighting in the opposite direction of the sun light
+ // so areas in shadow don't lose all detail
+float ambientLighting(vec3 norm, vec3 light_dir)
+ float ambient = min(abs(dot(,, 1.0);
+ ambient *= 0.56;
+ ambient *= ambient;
+ ambient = (1.0 - ambient);
+ return ambient;
// return colors in linear space
-void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive,
- out vec3 atten, bool use_ao)
+void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 norm, vec3 light_dir, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive,
+ out vec3 atten)
#if 1
calcAtmosphericVars(inPositionEye, light_dir, 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false);
sunlit = srgb_to_linear(sunlit);
additive = srgb_to_linear(additive);
amblit = ambient_linear;
+ amblit *= ambientLighting(norm, light_dir);
//EXPERIMENTAL -- attempt to factor out srgb_to_linear conversions above
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/materialF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/materialF.glsl
index c1f60da7ee..1150d40007 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/materialF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/materialF.glsl
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ vec4 applyWaterFogView(vec3 pos, vec4 color);
vec3 atmosFragLightingLinear(vec3 l, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
vec3 scaleSoftClipFragLinear(vec3 l);
-void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, out vec3 atten, bool use_ao);
+void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 norm, vec3 light_dir, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 atten, out vec3 additive);
vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportFragLinear(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs);
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ void main()
vec3 amblit;
vec3 additive;
vec3 atten;
- calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(, light_dir, 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false);
+ calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(,, light_dir, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten);
vec3 ambenv;
vec3 glossenv;
@@ -311,12 +311,6 @@ void main()
// use sky settings ambient or irradiance map sample, whichever is brighter
color = max(amblit, ambenv);
- float ambient = min(abs(dot(,, 1.0);
- ambient *= 0.5;
- ambient *= ambient;
- ambient = (1.0 - ambient);
- color.rgb *= ambient;
float da = clamp(dot(,, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 sun_contrib = min(da, shadow) * sunlit;
color.rgb += sun_contrib;
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/reflectionProbeF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/reflectionProbeF.glsl
index a1125cc1dd..80f9e29123 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/reflectionProbeF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/reflectionProbeF.glsl
@@ -529,7 +529,6 @@ void sampleReflectionProbesLegacy(inout vec3 ambenv, inout vec3 glossenv, inout
vec3 refnormpersp = reflect(,;
ambenv = sampleProbeAmbient(pos, norm);
- ambenv /= 1.725;
if (glossiness > 0.0)
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/softenLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/softenLightF.glsl
index 3e44e87f1e..e5ffe55163 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/softenLightF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class3/deferred/softenLightF.glsl
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ uniform vec2 screen_res;
vec3 getNorm(vec2 pos_screen);
vec4 getPositionWithDepth(vec2 pos_screen, float depth);
-void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, out vec3 atten, bool use_ao);
+void calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 norm, vec3 light_dir, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 atten, out vec3 additive);
vec3 atmosFragLightingLinear(vec3 l, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
vec3 scaleSoftClipFragLinear(vec3 l);
vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportFragLinear(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
@@ -112,9 +112,11 @@ void main()
float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, tc.xy).r;
vec4 pos = getPositionWithDepth(tc, depth);
vec4 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, tc);
+ float envIntensity = norm.z;
+ = getNorm(tc);
vec3 light_dir = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sun_dir : moon_dir;
- vec4 diffuse = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc);
+ vec4 baseColor = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc);
vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, vary_fragcoord.xy); // NOTE: PBR linear Emissive
#if defined(HAS_SUN_SHADOW) || defined(HAS_SSAO)
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ void main()
#if defined(HAS_SUN_SHADOW)
- float scol = max(scol_ambocc.r, diffuse.a);
+ float scol = max(scol_ambocc.r, baseColor.a);
float scol = 1.0;
@@ -140,15 +142,10 @@ void main()
vec3 additive;
vec3 atten;
- calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(, light_dir, 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false);
- vec3 ambenv;
- vec3 glossenv;
- vec3 legacyenv;
+ calcAtmosphericVarsLinear(,, light_dir, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten);
- = getNorm(tc);
vec3 orm = texture2DRect(specularRect, tc).rgb;
float perceptualRoughness = orm.g;
float metallic = orm.b;
@@ -162,11 +159,11 @@ void main()
vec3 radiance = vec3(0);
sampleReflectionProbes(irradiance, radiance,,, gloss);
- irradiance = max(amblit*0.75,irradiance);
+ // Take maximium of legacy ambient vs irradiance sample as irradiance
+ // NOTE: ao is applied in pbrIbl, do not apply here
+ irradiance = max(amblit,irradiance);
vec3 f0 = vec3(0.04);
- vec3 baseColor = diffuse.rgb;
vec3 diffuseColor = baseColor.rgb*(vec3(1.0)-f0);
diffuseColor *= 1.0 - metallic;
@@ -185,35 +182,33 @@ void main()
- //should only be true of WL sky, just port over diffuse value
- color = srgb_to_linear(diffuse.rgb);
+ //should only be true of WL sky, just port over base color value
+ color = srgb_to_linear(baseColor.rgb);
// legacy shaders are still writng sRGB to gbuffer
- diffuse.rgb = srgb_to_linear(diffuse.rgb);
+ baseColor.rgb = srgb_to_linear(baseColor.rgb);
spec.rgb = srgb_to_linear(spec.rgb);
- float envIntensity = norm.z;
- = getNorm(tc);
float da = clamp(dot(,, 0.0, 1.0);
- sampleReflectionProbesLegacy(ambenv, glossenv, legacyenv,,, spec.a, envIntensity);
+ vec3 irradiance = vec3(0);
+ vec3 glossenv = vec3(0);
+ vec3 legacyenv = vec3(0);
+ sampleReflectionProbesLegacy(irradiance, glossenv, legacyenv,,, spec.a, envIntensity);
// use sky settings ambient or irradiance map sample, whichever is brighter
- color = max(amblit, ambenv*ambocc);
+ irradiance = max(amblit, irradiance);
- float ambient = min(abs(dot(,, 1.0);
- ambient *= 0.5;
- ambient *= ambient;
- ambient = (1.0 - ambient);
- color.rgb *= ambient;
+ // apply lambertian IBL only (see pbrIbl)
+ color.rgb = irradiance * ambocc;
vec3 sun_contrib = min(da, scol) * sunlit;
color.rgb += sun_contrib;
- color.rgb *= diffuse.rgb;
+ color.rgb *= baseColor.rgb;
vec3 refnormpersp = reflect(,;
if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection
@@ -229,14 +224,14 @@ void main()
applyGlossEnv(color, glossenv, spec,,;
- color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, diffuse.rgb, diffuse.a);
+ color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, baseColor.rgb, baseColor.a);
if (envIntensity > 0.0)
{ // add environment map
applyLegacyEnv(color, legacyenv, spec,,, envIntensity);
- color = mix(atmosFragLightingLinear(color, additive, atten), fullbrightAtmosTransportFragLinear(color, additive, atten), diffuse.a);
+ color = mix(atmosFragLightingLinear(color, additive, atten), fullbrightAtmosTransportFragLinear(color, additive, atten), baseColor.a);
color = scaleSoftClipFragLinear(color);