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authorNat Goodspeed <>2024-09-03 12:34:21 -0400
committerNat Goodspeed <>2024-09-03 12:34:21 -0400
commit6a4b9b1184c142ca1b317296fa12304bf231fc7d (patch)
parent9dc916bfcafd43890be20623d359be82e84f73ac (diff)
Add test_result_view.lua; fix minor bugs in result_view.lua.
2 files changed, 65 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/result_view.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/result_view.lua
index 4a58636f2f..d53d953c24 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/result_view.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/require/result_view.lua
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ local function result_view(key_length, fetch)
-- can we find this index within the current slice?
local reli = i - this.start
if 0 <= reli and reli < #this.slice then
- return this.slice[reli]
+ -- Lua 1-relative indexing
+ return this.slice[reli + 1]
-- is this index outside the overall result set?
if not (0 <= i and i < this.length) then
@@ -31,16 +32,17 @@ local function result_view(key_length, fetch)
-- fetch a new slice starting at i, using provided fetch()
local start
- this.slice, start = fetch(key, i)
+ this.slice, start = fetch(this.key, i)
-- It's possible that caller-provided fetch() function forgot
-- to return the adjusted start index of the new slice. In
-- Lua, 0 tests as true, so if fetch() returned (slice, 0),
- -- we'll duly reset this.start to 0.
- if start then
- this.start = start
- end
- -- hopefully this slice contains the desired i
- return this.slice[i - this.start]
+ -- we'll duly reset this.start to 0. Otherwise, assume the
+ -- requested index was not adjusted: that the returned slice
+ -- really does start at i.
+ this.start = start or i
+ -- Hopefully this slice contains the desired i.
+ -- Back to 1-relative indexing.
+ return this.slice[i - this.start + 1]
-- We purposely avoid putting any array entries (int keys) into
-- our table so that access to any int key will always call our
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/test_result_view.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/test_result_view.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..304633a472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/test_result_view.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+-- Verify the functionality of result_view.
+result_view = require 'result_view'
+alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+assert(#alphabet == 26)
+alphabits = string.split(alphabet, '')
+print('function slice()')
+function slice(t, index, count)
+ return table.move(t, index, index + count - 1, 1, {})
+print('verify slice()')
+-- verify that slice() does what we expect
+assert(table.concat(slice(alphabits, 4, 3)) == "def")
+assert(table.concat(slice(alphabits, 14, 3)) == "nop")
+assert(table.concat(slice(alphabits, 25, 3)) == "yz")
+print('function fetch()')
+function fetch(key, index)
+ -- fetch function is defined to be 0-relative: fix for Lua data
+ -- constrain view of alphabits to slices of at most 3 elements
+ return slice(alphabits, index+1, 3), index
+-- for test purposes, key is irrelevant, so just 'key'
+view = result_view({'key', #alphabits}, fetch)
+print('function check_iter()')
+function check_iter(...)
+ result = {}
+ for k, v in ... do
+ table.insert(result, v)
+ end
+ assert(table.concat(result) == alphabet)
+print('raw index access')
+assert(view[5] == 'e')
+assert(view[10] == 'j')
+assert(view[15] == 'o')
+assert(view[20] == 't')
+assert(view[25] == 'y')