diff options
authorRider Linden <>2018-01-23 12:03:03 -0800
committerRider Linden <>2018-01-23 12:03:03 -0800
commit5e544ee35d70fa9e27774ba30ccae06aa6d4d5f9 (patch)
parent6489598d57571d5b984cb37eec4dd4421ce86c2a (diff)
Adding a couple files that got skipped.
7 files changed, 1974 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
index 673f251da2..0c3de2826f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ set(viewer_SOURCE_FILES
+ llfloatereditextdaycycle.cpp
@@ -838,7 +839,7 @@ set(viewer_HEADER_FILES
- llfloatereditdaycycle.h
+ llfloatereditextdaycycle.h
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatereditextdaycycle.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloatereditextdaycycle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c62ef85b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatereditextdaycycle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+ * @file llfloatereditextdaycycle.cpp
+ * @brief Floater to create or edit a day cycle
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llfloatereditextdaycycle.h"
+// libs
+#include "llbutton.h"
+#include "llcheckboxctrl.h"
+#include "llcombobox.h"
+#include "llloadingindicator.h"
+#include "llmultisliderctrl.h"
+#include "llnotifications.h"
+#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
+#include "llspinctrl.h"
+#include "lltimectrl.h"
+// newview
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llregioninfomodel.h"
+#include "llviewerregion.h"
+#include "llenvironment.h"
+#include "lltrans.h"
+const F32 LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::sHoursPerDay = 24.0f;
+LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle(const LLSD &key)
+: LLFloater(key)
+, mDayCycleNameEditor(NULL)
+, mDayCyclesCombo(NULL)
+, mTimeSlider(NULL)
+, mKeysSlider(NULL)
+, mSkyPresetsCombo(NULL)
+, mTimeCtrl(NULL)
+, mMakeDefaultCheckBox(NULL)
+, mSaveButton(NULL)
+// virtual
+BOOL LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::postBuild()
+ mDayCycleNameEditor = getChild<LLLineEditor>("day_cycle_name");
+ mDayCyclesCombo = getChild<LLComboBox>("day_cycle_combo");
+ mTimeSlider = getChild<LLMultiSliderCtrl>("WLTimeSlider");
+ mKeysSlider = getChild<LLMultiSliderCtrl>("WLDayCycleKeys");
+ mSkyPresetsCombo = getChild<LLComboBox>("WLSkyPresets");
+ mTimeCtrl = getChild<LLTimeCtrl>("time");
+ mSaveButton = getChild<LLButton>("save");
+ mMakeDefaultCheckBox = getChild<LLCheckBoxCtrl>("make_default_cb");
+ initCallbacks();
+ // add the time slider
+ mTimeSlider->addSlider();
+ return TRUE;
+// virtual
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
+ bool new_day = isNewDay();
+ std::string param = key.asString();
+ std::string floater_title = getString(std::string("title_") + param);
+ std::string hint = getString(std::string("hint_" + param));
+ // Update floater title.
+ setTitle(floater_title);
+ // Update the hint at the top.
+ getChild<LLUICtrl>("hint")->setValue(hint);
+ // Hide the hint to the right of the combo if we're invoked to create a new preset.
+ getChildView("note")->setVisible(!new_day);
+ // Switch between the day cycle presets combobox and day cycle name input field.
+ mDayCyclesCombo->setVisible(!new_day);
+ mDayCycleNameEditor->setVisible(new_day);
+ // TODO: Make sure only one instance of the floater exists?
+ reset();
+// virtual
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onClose(bool app_quitting)
+ if (!app_quitting) // there's no point to change environment if we're quitting
+ {
+ LLEnvironment::instance().applyChosenEnvironment();
+ }
+// virtual
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::draw()
+ syncTimeSlider();
+ LLFloater::draw();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::initCallbacks(void)
+#if 0
+ mDayCycleNameEditor->setKeystrokeCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDayCycleNameEdited, this), NULL);
+ mDayCyclesCombo->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDayCycleSelected, this));
+ mDayCyclesCombo->setTextEntryCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDayCycleNameEdited, this));
+ mTimeSlider->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onTimeSliderMoved, this));
+ mKeysSlider->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onKeyTimeMoved, this));
+ mTimeCtrl->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onKeyTimeChanged, this));
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onKeyPresetChanged, this));
+ getChild<LLButton>("WLAddKey")->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onAddKey, this));
+ getChild<LLButton>("WLDeleteKey")->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDeleteKey, this));
+ mSaveButton->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onBtnSave, this));
+ mSaveButton->setRightMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::dumpTrack, this));
+ getChild<LLButton>("cancel")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onBtnCancel, this));
+ // Connect to env manager events.
+ LLEnvManagerNew& env_mgr = LLEnvManagerNew::instance();
+ env_mgr.setRegionSettingsChangeCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onRegionSettingsChange, this));
+ gAgent.addRegionChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onRegionChange, this));
+ env_mgr.setRegionSettingsAppliedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onRegionSettingsApplied, this, _1));
+ // Connect to day cycle manager events.
+ LLDayCycleManager::instance().setModifyCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDayCycleListChange, this));
+ // Connect to sky preset list changes.
+ LLWLParamManager::instance().setPresetListChangeCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onSkyPresetListChange, this));
+ // Connect to region info updates.
+ LLRegionInfoModel::instance().setUpdateCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onRegionInfoUpdate, this));
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::syncTimeSlider()
+#if 0
+ // set time
+ mTimeSlider->setCurSliderValue((F32)LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mAnimator.getDayTime() * sHoursPerDay);
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::loadTrack()
+// // clear the slider
+// mKeysSlider->clear();
+// mSliderToKey.clear();
+// // add sliders
+// LL_DEBUGS() << "Adding " << LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mDay.mTimeMap.size() << " keys to slider" << LL_ENDL;
+// LLWLDayCycle& cur_dayp = LLWLParamManager::instance().mDay;
+// for (std::map<F32, LLWLParamKey>::iterator it = cur_dayp.mTimeMap.begin(); it != cur_dayp.mTimeMap.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// addSliderKey(it->first * sHoursPerDay, it->second);
+// }
+// // set drop-down menu to match preset of currently-selected keyframe (one is automatically selected initially)
+// const std::string& cur_sldr = mKeysSlider->getCurSlider();
+// if (strlen(cur_sldr.c_str()) > 0) // only do this if there is a curSldr, otherwise we put an invalid entry into the map
+// {
+// mSkyPresetsCombo->selectByValue(mSliderToKey[cur_sldr].keyframe.toStringVal());
+// }
+// syncTimeSlider();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::applyTrack()
+#if 0
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "Applying track (" << mSliderToKey.size() << ")" << LL_ENDL;
+ // if no keys, do nothing
+ if (mSliderToKey.size() == 0)
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "No keys, not syncing" << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ llassert_always(mSliderToKey.size() == mKeysSlider->getValue().size());
+ // create a new animation track
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mDay.clearKeyframes();
+ // add the keys one by one
+ for (std::map<std::string, SliderKey>::iterator it = mSliderToKey.begin();
+ it != mSliderToKey.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mDay.addKeyframe(it->second.time / sHoursPerDay,
+ it->second.keyframe);
+ }
+ // set the param manager's track to the new one
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->resetAnimator(
+ mTimeSlider->getCurSliderValue() / sHoursPerDay, false);
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mAnimator.update(
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mCurParams);
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::refreshSkyPresetsList()
+#if 0
+ // Don't allow selecting region skies for a local day cycle,
+ // because thus we may end up with invalid day cycle.
+ bool include_region_skies = getSelectedDayCycle().scope == LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION;
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->removeall();
+ LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t region_presets;
+ LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t user_presets, sys_presets;
+ LLWLParamManager::instance().getPresetNames(region_presets, user_presets, sys_presets);
+ if (include_region_skies)
+ {
+ // Add region presets.
+ for (LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = region_presets.begin(); it != region_presets.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ std::string preset_name = *it;
+ std::string item_title = preset_name + " (" + getRegionName() + ")";
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->add(preset_name, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION).toStringVal());
+ }
+ if (!region_presets.empty())
+ {
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->addSeparator();
+ }
+ }
+ // Add user presets.
+ for (LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = user_presets.begin(); it != user_presets.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toStringVal());
+ }
+ if (!user_presets.empty())
+ {
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->addSeparator();
+ }
+ // Add system presets.
+ for (LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = sys_presets.begin(); it != sys_presets.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toStringVal());
+ }
+ // set defaults on combo boxes
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->selectFirstItem();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::refreshDayCyclesList()
+#if 0
+ llassert(isNewDay() == false);
+ mDayCyclesCombo->removeall();
+#if 0 // Disable editing existing day cycle until the workflow is clear enough.
+ const LLSD& region_day = LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getRegionSettings().getWLDayCycle();
+ if (region_day.size() > 0)
+ {
+ LLWLParamKey key(getRegionName(), LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION);
+ mDayCyclesCombo->add(, key.toLLSD());
+ mDayCyclesCombo->addSeparator();
+ }
+ LLDayCycleManager::preset_name_list_t user_days, sys_days;
+ LLDayCycleManager::instance().getPresetNames(user_days, sys_days);
+ // Add user days.
+ for (LLDayCycleManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = user_days.begin(); it != user_days.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ mDayCyclesCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toLLSD());
+ }
+ if (user_days.size() > 0)
+ {
+ mDayCyclesCombo->addSeparator();
+ }
+ // Add system days.
+ for (LLDayCycleManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = sys_days.begin(); it != sys_days.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ mDayCyclesCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toLLSD());
+ }
+ mDayCyclesCombo->setLabel(getString("combo_label"));
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onTimeSliderMoved()
+#if 0
+ /// get the slider value
+ F32 val = mTimeSlider->getCurSliderValue() / sHoursPerDay;
+ // set the value, turn off animation
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mAnimator.setDayTime((F64)val);
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mAnimator.deactivate();
+ // then call update once
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mAnimator.update(
+ LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->mCurParams);
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onKeyTimeMoved()
+#if 0
+ if (mKeysSlider->getValue().size() == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // make sure we have a slider
+ const std::string& cur_sldr = mKeysSlider->getCurSlider();
+ if (cur_sldr == "")
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ F32 time24 = mKeysSlider->getCurSliderValue();
+ // check to see if a key exists
+ LLWLParamKey key = mSliderToKey[cur_sldr].keyframe;
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "Setting key time: " << time24 << LL_ENDL;
+ mSliderToKey[cur_sldr].time = time24;
+ // if it exists, turn on check box
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->selectByValue(key.toStringVal());
+ mTimeCtrl->setTime24(time24);
+ applyTrack();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onKeyTimeChanged()
+#if 0
+ // if no keys, skipped
+ if (mSliderToKey.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ F32 time24 = mTimeCtrl->getTime24();
+ const std::string& cur_sldr = mKeysSlider->getCurSlider();
+ mKeysSlider->setCurSliderValue(time24, TRUE);
+ F32 time = mKeysSlider->getCurSliderValue() / sHoursPerDay;
+ // now set the key's time in the sliderToKey map
+ LL_DEBUGS() << "Setting key time: " << time << LL_ENDL;
+ mSliderToKey[cur_sldr].time = time;
+ applyTrack();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onKeyPresetChanged()
+#if 0
+ // do nothing if no sliders
+ if (mKeysSlider->getValue().size() == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // change the map
+ std::string stringVal = mSkyPresetsCombo->getSelectedValue().asString();
+ LLWLParamKey new_key(stringVal);
+ llassert(!;
+ const std::string& cur_sldr = mKeysSlider->getCurSlider();
+ // if null, don't use
+ if (cur_sldr == "")
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ mSliderToKey[cur_sldr].keyframe = new_key;
+ // Apply changes to current day cycle.
+ applyTrack();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onAddKey()
+#if 0
+ llassert_always(mSliderToKey.size() == mKeysSlider->getValue().size());
+ S32 max_sliders;
+ LLEnvKey::EScope scope = LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL; // *TODO: editing region day cycle
+ switch (scope)
+ {
+ case LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL:
+ max_sliders = 20; // *HACK this should be LLWLPacketScrubber::MAX_LOCAL_KEY_FRAMES;
+ break;
+ case LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION:
+ max_sliders = 12; // *HACK this should be LLWLPacketScrubber::MAX_REGION_KEY_FRAMES;
+ break;
+ default:
+ max_sliders = (S32) mKeysSlider->getMaxValue();
+ break;
+ }
+#if 0
+ if ((S32)mSliderToKey.size() >= max_sliders)
+ {
+ LLSD args;
+ args["SCOPE"] = LLEnvManagerNew::getScopeString(scope);
+ args["MAX"] = max_sliders;
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("DayCycleTooManyKeyframes", args, LLSD(), LLNotificationFunctorRegistry::instance().DONOTHING);
+ return;
+ }
+ // add the slider key
+ std::string key_val = mSkyPresetsCombo->getSelectedValue().asString();
+ LLWLParamKey sky_params(key_val);
+ llassert(!;
+ F32 time = mTimeSlider->getCurSliderValue();
+ addSliderKey(time, sky_params);
+ // apply the change to current day cycles
+ applyTrack();
+#if 0
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::addSliderKey(F32 time, LLWLParamKey keyframe)
+ // make a slider
+ const std::string& sldr_name = mKeysSlider->addSlider(time);
+ if (sldr_name.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // set the key
+ SliderKey newKey(keyframe, mKeysSlider->getCurSliderValue());
+ llassert_always(sldr_name != LLStringUtil::null);
+ // add to map
+ mSliderToKey.insert(std::pair<std::string, SliderKey>(sldr_name, newKey));
+ llassert_always(mSliderToKey.size() == mKeysSlider->getValue().size());
+#if 0
+LLWLParamKey LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::getSelectedDayCycle()
+ LLWLParamKey dc_key;
+ if (mDayCycleNameEditor->getVisible())
+ {
+ = mDayCycleNameEditor->getText();
+ dc_key.scope = LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LLSD combo_val = mDayCyclesCombo->getValue();
+ if (!combo_val.isArray()) // manually typed text
+ {
+ = combo_val.asString();
+ dc_key.scope = LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc_key.fromLLSD(combo_val);
+ }
+ }
+ return dc_key;
+bool LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::isNewDay() const
+ return mKey.asString() == "new";
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::dumpTrack()
+#if 0
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Dumping day cycle" << LL_ENDL;
+ LLWLDayCycle& cur_dayp = LLWLParamManager::instance().mDay;
+ for (std::map<F32, LLWLParamKey>::iterator it = cur_dayp.mTimeMap.begin(); it != cur_dayp.mTimeMap.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ F32 time = it->first * 24.0f;
+ S32 h = (S32) time;
+ S32 m = (S32) ((time - h) * 60.0f);
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << llformat("(%.3f) %02d:%02d", time, h, m) << " => " << it-> << LL_ENDL;
+ }
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::enableEditing(bool enable)
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->setEnabled(enable);
+ mTimeCtrl->setEnabled(enable);
+ getChild<LLPanel>("day_cycle_slider_panel")->setCtrlsEnabled(enable);
+ mSaveButton->setEnabled(enable);
+ mMakeDefaultCheckBox->setEnabled(enable);
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::reset()
+#if 0
+ // clear the slider
+ mKeysSlider->clear();
+ mSliderToKey.clear();
+ refreshSkyPresetsList();
+ if (isNewDay())
+ {
+ mDayCycleNameEditor->setValue(LLSD());
+ F32 time = 0.5f * sHoursPerDay;
+ mSaveButton->setEnabled(FALSE); // will be enabled as soon as users enters a name
+ mTimeSlider->setCurSliderValue(time);
+ addSliderKey(time, LLWLParamKey("Default", LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL));
+ onKeyTimeMoved(); // update the time control and sky sky combo
+ applyTrack();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ refreshDayCyclesList();
+ // Disable controls until a day cycle to edit is selected.
+ enableEditing(false);
+ }
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::saveRegionDayCycle()
+#if 0
+ LLEnvManagerNew& env_mgr = LLEnvManagerNew::instance();
+ LLWLDayCycle& cur_dayp = LLWLParamManager::instance().mDay; // the day cycle being edited
+ // Get current day cycle and the sky preset it references.
+ LLSD day_cycle = cur_dayp.asLLSD();
+ LLSD sky_map;
+ cur_dayp.getSkyMap(sky_map);
+ // Apply it to the region.
+ LLEnvironmentSettings new_region_settings;
+ new_region_settings.saveParams(day_cycle, sky_map, env_mgr.getRegionSettings().getWaterParams(), 0.0f);
+#if 1
+ LLEnvManagerNew::instance().setRegionSettings(new_region_settings);
+#else // Temporary disabled ability to upload new region settings from the Day Cycle Editor.
+ if (!LLEnvManagerNew::instance().sendRegionSettings(new_region_settings))
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "Error applying region environment settings" << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ setApplyProgress(true);
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::setApplyProgress(bool started)
+ LLLoadingIndicator* indicator = getChild<LLLoadingIndicator>("progress_indicator");
+ indicator->setVisible(started);
+ if (started)
+ {
+ indicator->start();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ indicator->stop();
+ }
+bool LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::getApplyProgress() const
+ return getChild<LLLoadingIndicator>("progress_indicator")->getVisible();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDeleteKey()
+#if 0
+ if (mSliderToKey.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (mSliderToKey.size() == 1)
+ {
+ LLNotifications::instance().add("EnvCannotDeleteLastDayCycleKey", LLSD(), LLSD());
+ return;
+ }
+ // delete from map
+ const std::string& sldr_name = mKeysSlider->getCurSlider();
+ std::map<std::string, SliderKey>::iterator mIt = mSliderToKey.find(sldr_name);
+ mSliderToKey.erase(mIt);
+ mKeysSlider->deleteCurSlider();
+ if (mSliderToKey.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const std::string& name = mKeysSlider->getCurSlider();
+ mSkyPresetsCombo->selectByValue(mSliderToKey[name].keyframe.toStringVal());
+ F32 time24 = mSliderToKey[name].time;
+ mTimeCtrl->setTime24(time24);
+ applyTrack();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onRegionSettingsChange()
+#if 0
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Region settings changed" << LL_ENDL;
+ if (getApplyProgress()) // our region settings have being applied
+ {
+ setApplyProgress(false);
+ // Change preference if requested.
+ if (mMakeDefaultCheckBox->getValue())
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Changed environment preference to region settings" << LL_ENDL;
+ LLEnvManagerNew::instance().setUseRegionSettings(true);
+ }
+ closeFloater();
+ }
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onRegionChange()
+#if 0
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Region changed" << LL_ENDL;
+ // If we're editing the region day cycle
+ if (getSelectedDayCycle().scope == LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION)
+ {
+ reset(); // undoes all unsaved changes
+ }
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onRegionSettingsApplied(bool success)
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Region settings applied: " << success << LL_ENDL;
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ // stop progress indicator
+ setApplyProgress(false);
+ }
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onRegionInfoUpdate()
+#if 0
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Region info updated" << LL_ENDL;
+ bool can_edit = true;
+ // If we've selected the region day cycle for editing.
+ if (getSelectedDayCycle().scope == LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION)
+ {
+ // check whether we have the access
+ can_edit = LLEnvManagerNew::canEditRegionSettings();
+ }
+ enableEditing(can_edit);
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDayCycleNameEdited()
+#if 0
+ // Disable saving a day cycle having empty name.
+ LLWLParamKey key = getSelectedDayCycle();
+ mSaveButton->setEnabled(!;
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDayCycleSelected()
+#if 0
+ LLSD day_data;
+ LLWLParamKey dc_key = getSelectedDayCycle();
+ bool can_edit = true;
+ if (dc_key.scope == LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL)
+ {
+ if (!LLDayCycleManager::instance().getPreset(, day_data))
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "No day cycle named " << << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ day_data = LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getRegionSettings().getWLDayCycle();
+ if (day_data.size() == 0)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "Empty region day cycle" << LL_ENDL;
+ llassert(day_data.size() > 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ can_edit = LLEnvManagerNew::canEditRegionSettings();
+ }
+ // We may need to add or remove region skies from the list.
+ refreshSkyPresetsList();
+ F32 slider_time = mTimeSlider->getCurSliderValue() / sHoursPerDay;
+ LLWLParamManager::instance().applyDayCycleParams(day_data, dc_key.scope, slider_time);
+ loadTrack();
+ enableEditing(false);
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onBtnSave()
+#if 0
+ LLDayCycleManager& day_mgr = LLDayCycleManager::instance();
+ LLWLParamKey selected_day = getSelectedDayCycle();
+ if (selected_day.scope == LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION)
+ {
+ saveRegionDayCycle();
+ closeFloater();
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string name =;
+ if (name.empty())
+ {
+ // *TODO: show an alert
+ LL_WARNS() << "Empty day cycle name" << LL_ENDL;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Don't allow overwriting system presets.
+ if (day_mgr.isSystemPreset(name))
+ {
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("WLNoEditDefault");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Save, ask for confirmation for overwriting an existing preset.
+ if (day_mgr.presetExists(name))
+ {
+ LLNotificationsUtil::add("WLSavePresetAlert", LLSD(), LLSD(), boost::bind(&LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onSaveAnswer, this, _1, _2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // new preset, hence no confirmation needed
+ onSaveConfirmed();
+ }
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onBtnCancel()
+ closeFloater();
+bool LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onSaveAnswer(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response)
+ S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response);
+ // If they choose save, do it. Otherwise, don't do anything
+ if (option == 0)
+ {
+ onSaveConfirmed();
+ }
+ return false;
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onSaveConfirmed()
+#if 0
+ std::string name = getSelectedDayCycle().name;
+ // Save preset.
+ LLSD data = LLWLParamManager::instance().mDay.asLLSD();
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Saving day cycle " << name << ": " << data << LL_ENDL;
+ LLDayCycleManager::instance().savePreset(name, data);
+ // Change preference if requested.
+ if (mMakeDefaultCheckBox->getValue())
+ {
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << name << " is now the new preferred day cycle" << LL_ENDL;
+ LLEnvManagerNew::instance().setUseDayCycle(name);
+ }
+ closeFloater();
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onDayCycleListChange()
+ if (!isNewDay())
+ {
+ refreshDayCyclesList();
+ }
+void LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::onSkyPresetListChange()
+ refreshSkyPresetsList();
+ // Refresh sliders from the currently visible day cycle.
+ loadTrack();
+// static
+std::string LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle::getRegionName()
+ return gAgent.getRegion() ? gAgent.getRegion()->getName() : LLTrans::getString("Unknown");
diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatereditextdaycycle.h b/indra/newview/llfloatereditextdaycycle.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bed5db14b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llfloatereditextdaycycle.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * @file llfloatereditextdaycycle.h
+ * @brief Floater to create or edit a day cycle
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llfloater.h"
+class LLCheckBoxCtrl;
+class LLComboBox;
+class LLLineEditor;
+class LLMultiSliderCtrl;
+class LLTimeCtrl;
+ * Floater for creating or editing a day cycle.
+ */
+class LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle : public LLFloater
+ LOG_CLASS(LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle);
+ LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle(const LLSD &key);
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
+ /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& key);
+ /*virtual*/ void onClose(bool app_quitting);
+ /*virtual*/ void draw();
+ /// sync the time slider with day cycle structure
+ void syncTimeSlider();
+ // makes sure key slider has what's in day cycle
+ void loadTrack();
+ /// makes sure day cycle data structure has what's in menu
+ void applyTrack();
+ /// refresh the sky presets combobox
+ void refreshSkyPresetsList();
+ /// refresh the day cycle combobox
+ void refreshDayCyclesList();
+ /// add a slider to the track
+// void addSliderKey(F32 time, LLWLParamKey keyframe);
+ void initCallbacks();
+// LLWLParamKey getSelectedDayCycle();
+ bool isNewDay() const;
+ void dumpTrack();
+ void enableEditing(bool enable);
+ void reset();
+ void saveRegionDayCycle();
+ void setApplyProgress(bool started);
+ bool getApplyProgress() const;
+ void onTimeSliderMoved(); /// time slider moved
+ void onKeyTimeMoved(); /// a key frame moved
+ void onKeyTimeChanged(); /// a key frame's time changed
+ void onKeyPresetChanged(); /// sky preset selected
+ void onAddKey(); /// new key added on slider
+ void onDeleteKey(); /// a key frame deleted
+ void onRegionSettingsChange();
+ void onRegionChange();
+ void onRegionSettingsApplied(bool success);
+ void onRegionInfoUpdate();
+ void onDayCycleNameEdited();
+ void onDayCycleSelected();
+ void onBtnSave();
+ void onBtnCancel();
+ bool onSaveAnswer(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response);
+ void onSaveConfirmed();
+ void onDayCycleListChange();
+ void onSkyPresetListChange();
+ static std::string getRegionName();
+ /// convenience class for holding keyframes mapped to sliders
+// struct SliderKey
+// {
+// public:
+// SliderKey(LLWLParamKey kf, F32 t) : keyframe(kf), time(t) {}
+// SliderKey() : keyframe(), time(0.f) {} // Don't use this default constructor
+// LLWLParamKey keyframe;
+// F32 time;
+// };
+ static const F32 sHoursPerDay;
+ LLLineEditor* mDayCycleNameEditor;
+ LLComboBox* mDayCyclesCombo;
+ LLMultiSliderCtrl* mTimeSlider;
+ LLMultiSliderCtrl* mKeysSlider;
+ LLComboBox* mSkyPresetsCombo;
+ LLTimeCtrl* mTimeCtrl;
+ LLCheckBoxCtrl* mMakeDefaultCheckBox;
+ LLButton* mSaveButton;
+ // map of sliders to parameters
+// std::map<std::string, SliderKey> mSliderToKey;
+#endif // LL_LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle_H
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelenvironment.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelenvironment.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b606e1de08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelenvironment.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ * @file llpanelenvironment.cpp
+ * @brief LLPanelExperiences class implementation
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2013&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+#include "llpanelprofile.h"
+#include "lluictrlfactory.h"
+#include "llexperiencecache.h"
+#include "llagent.h"
+#include "llviewerregion.h"
+#include "llpanelenvironment.h"
+#include "llslurl.h"
+#include "lllayoutstack.h"
+static LLPanelInjector<LLPanelEnvironmentInfo> register_environment_panel("environment_panel");
+ mEnableEditing(false),
+ mRegionSettingsRadioGroup(NULL),
+ mDayLengthSlider(NULL),
+ mDayOffsetSlider(NULL),
+ mAllowOverRide(NULL)
+// virtual
+BOOL LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::postBuild()
+ mRegionSettingsRadioGroup = getChild<LLRadioGroup>("environment_select_radio_group");
+ mRegionSettingsRadioGroup->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onSwitchDefaultSelection, this));
+ mDayLengthSlider = getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("day_length_sld");
+ mDayOffsetSlider = getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("day_offset_sld");
+ mAllowOverRide = getChild<LLCheckBoxCtrl>("allow_override_chk");
+ childSetCommitCallback("edit_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onBtnEdit, this), NULL);
+ childSetCommitCallback("apply_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onBtnApply, this), NULL);
+ childSetCommitCallback("cancel_btn", boost::bind(&LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onBtnCancel, this), NULL);
+ return TRUE;
+// virtual
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
+ LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Panel opened, refreshing" << LL_ENDL;
+ refresh();
+// virtual
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onVisibilityChange(BOOL new_visibility)
+ // If hiding (user switched to another tab or closed the floater),
+ // display user's preferred environment.
+ // switching back and forth between agent's environment and the one being edited.
+ //
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::refresh()
+#if 0
+ if (gDisconnected)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ populateWaterPresetsList();
+ populateSkyPresetsList();
+ populateDayCyclesList();
+ // Init radio groups.
+ const LLEnvironmentSettings& settings = LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getRegionSettings();
+ const LLSD& dc = settings.getWLDayCycle();
+ LLSD::Real first_frame_time = dc.size() > 0 ? dc[0][0].asReal() : 0.0f;
+ const bool use_fixed_sky = dc.size() == 1 && first_frame_time < 0;
+ mRegionSettingsRadioGroup->setSelectedIndex(settings.getSkyMap().size() == 0 ? 0 : 1);
+ mDayCycleSettingsRadioGroup->setSelectedIndex(use_fixed_sky ? 0 : 1);
+ setControlsEnabled(mEnableEditing);
+ setDirty(false);
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::setControlsEnabled(bool enabled)
+ mRegionSettingsRadioGroup->setEnabled(enabled);
+ mDayLengthSlider->setEnabled(false);
+ mDayOffsetSlider->setEnabled(false);
+ mAllowOverRide->setEnabled(enabled);
+ getChildView("edit_btn")->setEnabled(false);
+ getChildView("apply_btn")->setEnabled(enabled);
+ getChildView("cancel_btn")->setEnabled(enabled);
+ if (enabled)
+ {
+ // Enable/disable some controls based on currently selected radio buttons.
+ bool use_defaults = mRegionSettingsRadioGroup->getSelectedIndex() == 0;
+ getChild<LLView>("edit_btn")->setEnabled(!use_defaults);
+ mDayLengthSlider->setEnabled(!use_defaults);
+ mDayOffsetSlider->setEnabled(!use_defaults);
+ }
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::setApplyProgress(bool started)
+// LLLoadingIndicator* indicator = getChild<LLLoadingIndicator>("progress_indicator");
+// indicator->setVisible(started);
+// if (started)
+// {
+// indicator->start();
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// indicator->stop();
+// }
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::setDirty(bool dirty)
+ getChildView("apply_btn")->setEnabled(dirty);
+ getChildView("cancel_btn")->setEnabled(dirty);
+// void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::sendRegionSunUpdate()
+// {
+// #if 0
+// LLRegionInfoModel& region_info = LLRegionInfoModel::instance();
+// // If the region is being switched to fixed sky,
+// // change the region's sun hour according to the (fixed) sun position.
+// // This is needed for llGetSunDirection() LSL function to work properly (STORM-1330).
+// const LLSD& sky_map = mNewRegionSettings.getSkyMap();
+// bool region_use_fixed_sky = sky_map.size() == 1;
+// if (region_use_fixed_sky)
+// {
+// LLWLParamSet param_set;
+// llassert(sky_map.isMap());
+// param_set.setAll(sky_map.beginMap()->second);
+// F32 sun_angle = param_set.getSunAngle();
+// LL_DEBUGS("Windlight Sync") << "Old sun hour: " << region_info.mSunHour << LL_ENDL;
+// // convert value range from 0..2pi to 6..30
+// region_info.mSunHour = fmodf((sun_angle / F_TWO_PI) * 24.f, 24.f) + 6.f;
+// }
+// region_info.setUseFixedSun(region_use_fixed_sky);
+// region_info.mUseEstateSun = !region_use_fixed_sky;
+// LL_DEBUGS("Windlight Sync") << "Sun hour: " << region_info.mSunHour << LL_ENDL;
+// region_info.sendRegionTerrain(LLFloaterRegionInfo::getLastInvoice());
+// #endif
+// }
+// void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::fixEstateSun()
+// {
+// // We don't support fixed sun estates anymore and need to fix
+// // such estates for region day cycle to take effect.
+// // *NOTE: Assuming that current estate settings have arrived already.
+// LLEstateInfoModel& estate_info = LLEstateInfoModel::instance();
+// if (estate_info.getUseFixedSun())
+// {
+// LL_INFOS() << "Switching estate to global sun" << LL_ENDL;
+// estate_info.setUseFixedSun(false);
+// estate_info.sendEstateInfo();
+// }
+// }
+// void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::populateWaterPresetsList()
+// {
+// #if 0
+// mWaterPresetCombo->removeall();
+// // If the region already has water params, add them to the list.
+// const LLEnvironmentSettings& region_settings = LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getRegionSettings();
+// if (region_settings.getWaterParams().size() != 0)
+// {
+// const std::string& region_name = gAgent.getRegion()->getName();
+// mWaterPresetCombo->add(region_name, LLWLParamKey(region_name, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION).toLLSD());
+// mWaterPresetCombo->addSeparator();
+// }
+// std::list<std::string> user_presets, system_presets;
+// LLWaterParamManager::instance().getPresetNames(user_presets, system_presets);
+// // Add local user presets first.
+// for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = user_presets.begin(); it != user_presets.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// mWaterPresetCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toLLSD());
+// }
+// if (user_presets.size() > 0)
+// {
+// mWaterPresetCombo->addSeparator();
+// }
+// // Add local system presets.
+// for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = system_presets.begin(); it != system_presets.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// mWaterPresetCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toLLSD());
+// }
+// // There's no way to select current preset because its name is not stored on server.
+// #endif
+// }
+// void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::populateSkyPresetsList()
+// {
+// #if 0
+// mSkyPresetCombo->removeall();
+// LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t region_presets;
+// LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t user_presets, sys_presets;
+// LLWLParamManager::instance().getPresetNames(region_presets, user_presets, sys_presets);
+// // Add region presets.
+// std::string region_name = gAgent.getRegion() ? gAgent.getRegion()->getName() : LLTrans::getString("Unknown");
+// for (LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = region_presets.begin(); it != region_presets.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// std::string preset_name = *it;
+// std::string item_title = preset_name + " (" + region_name + ")";
+// mSkyPresetCombo->add(item_title, LLWLParamKey(preset_name, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION).toStringVal());
+// }
+// if (!region_presets.empty())
+// {
+// mSkyPresetCombo->addSeparator();
+// }
+// // Add user presets.
+// for (LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = user_presets.begin(); it != user_presets.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// mSkyPresetCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toStringVal());
+// }
+// if (!user_presets.empty())
+// {
+// mSkyPresetCombo->addSeparator();
+// }
+// // Add system presets.
+// for (LLWLParamManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = sys_presets.begin(); it != sys_presets.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// mSkyPresetCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toStringVal());
+// }
+// // Select current preset.
+// LLSD sky_map = LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getRegionSettings().getSkyMap();
+// if (sky_map.size() == 1) // if the region is set to fixed sky
+// {
+// std::string preset_name = sky_map.beginMap()->first;
+// mSkyPresetCombo->selectByValue(LLWLParamKey(preset_name, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION).toStringVal());
+// }
+// #endif
+// }
+// void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::populateDayCyclesList()
+// {
+// #if 0
+// mDayCyclePresetCombo->removeall();
+// // If the region already has env. settings, add its day cycle to the list.
+// const LLSD& cur_region_dc = LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getRegionSettings().getWLDayCycle();
+// if (cur_region_dc.size() != 0)
+// {
+// LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
+// llassert(region != NULL);
+// LLWLParamKey key(region->getName(), LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION);
+// mDayCyclePresetCombo->add(region->getName(), key.toStringVal());
+// mDayCyclePresetCombo->addSeparator();
+// }
+// // Add local user day cycles.
+// LLDayCycleManager::preset_name_list_t user_days, sys_days;
+// LLDayCycleManager::instance().getPresetNames(user_days, sys_days);
+// for (LLDayCycleManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = user_days.begin(); it != user_days.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// mDayCyclePresetCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toStringVal());
+// }
+// if (user_days.size() > 0)
+// {
+// mDayCyclePresetCombo->addSeparator();
+// }
+// // Add local system day cycles.
+// for (LLDayCycleManager::preset_name_list_t::const_iterator it = sys_days.begin(); it != sys_days.end(); ++it)
+// {
+// mDayCyclePresetCombo->add(*it, LLWLParamKey(*it, LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL).toStringVal());
+// }
+// // Current day cycle is already selected.
+// #endif
+// }
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onSwitchDefaultSelection()
+ bool use_defaults = mRegionSettingsRadioGroup->getSelectedIndex() == 0;
+ getChild<LLView>("user_environment_settings")->setEnabled(!use_defaults);
+ setDirty(true);
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onBtnApply()
+ doApply();
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::doApply()
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onBtnCancel()
+ // Reload last saved region settings.
+ refresh();
+void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onBtnEdit()
+// void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onRegionSettingschange()
+// {
+// LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Region settings changed, refreshing" << LL_ENDL;
+// refresh();
+// // Stop applying progress indicator (it may be running if it's us who initiated settings update).
+// setApplyProgress(false);
+// }
+// void LLPanelEnvironmentInfo::onRegionSettingsApplied(bool ok)
+// {
+// // If applying new settings has failed, stop the indicator right away.
+// // Otherwise it will be stopped when we receive the updated settings from server.
+// if (ok)
+// {
+// // Set the region sun phase/flags according to the chosen new preferences.
+// //
+// // If we do this earlier we may get jerky transition from fixed sky to a day cycle (STORM-1481).
+// // That is caused by the simulator re-sending the region info, which in turn makes us
+// // re-request and display old region environment settings while the new ones haven't been applied yet.
+// sendRegionSunUpdate();
+// // Switch estate to not using fixed sun for the region day cycle to work properly (STORM-1506).
+// fixEstateSun();
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// setApplyProgress(false);
+// // We need to re-request environment setting here,
+// // otherwise our subsequent attempts to change region settings will fail with the following error:
+// // "Unable to update environment settings because the last update your viewer saw was not the same
+// // as the last update sent from the simulator. Try sending your update again, and if this
+// // does not work, try leaving and returning to the region."
+// // LLEnvManagerNew::instance().requestRegionSettings();
+// }
+// }
diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelenvironment.h b/indra/newview/llpanelenvironment.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b5238d3e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/llpanelenvironment.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * @file llpanelenvironment.h
+ * @brief LLPanelExperiences class definition
+ *
+ * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2013&license=viewerlgpl$
+ * Second Life Viewer Source Code
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Linden Research, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * version 2.1 of the License only.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
+ * $/LicenseInfo$
+ */
+#include "llaccordionctrltab.h"
+#include "llradiogroup.h"
+#include "llcheckboxctrl.h"
+#include "llsliderctrl.h"
+#include "llsettingsdaycycle.h"
+class LLViewerRegion;
+class LLPanelEnvironmentInfo : public LLPanel
+ LOG_CLASS(LLPanelEnvironmentInfo);
+ LLPanelEnvironmentInfo();
+ // LLPanel
+ /*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
+ /*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& key);
+ // LLView
+ /*virtual*/ void onVisibilityChange(BOOL new_visibility);
+ virtual void refresh();
+ void setControlsEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void setApplyProgress(bool started);
+ void setDirty(bool dirty);
+ void onSwitchDefaultSelection();
+ void onBtnApply();
+ void onBtnCancel();
+ void onBtnEdit();
+ virtual void doApply(); // = 0;
+ /// New environment settings that are being applied to the region.
+ // LLEnvironmentSettings mNewRegionSettings;
+ bool mEnableEditing;
+ LLRadioGroup* mRegionSettingsRadioGroup;
+ LLSliderCtrl* mDayLengthSlider;
+ LLSliderCtrl* mDayOffsetSlider;
+ LLCheckBoxCtrl* mAllowOverRide;
+ LLSettingsDay::ptr_t mEditingDayCycle;
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerfloaterreg.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerfloaterreg.cpp
index c0fed2fff5..e133ef22a1 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewerfloaterreg.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewerfloaterreg.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
#include "llfloaterdeleteprefpreset.h"
#include "llfloaterdestinations.h"
#include "llfloatereditdaycycle.h"
+#include "llfloatereditextdaycycle.h"
#include "llfloatereditsky.h"
#include "llfloatereditwater.h"
#include "llfloaterenvironmentsettings.h"
@@ -225,6 +226,9 @@ void LLViewerFloaterReg::registerFloaters()
LLFloaterReg::add("env_edit_water", "floater_edit_water_preset.xml", (LLFloaterBuildFunc)&LLFloaterReg::build<LLFloaterEditWater>);
LLFloaterReg::add("env_edit_day_cycle", "floater_edit_day_cycle.xml", (LLFloaterBuildFunc)&LLFloaterReg::build<LLFloaterEditDayCycle>);
+ LLFloaterReg::add("env_edit_extdaycycle", "floater_edit_ext_daycycle.xml", (LLFloaterBuildFunc)&LLFloaterReg::build<LLFloaterEditExtDayCycle>);
LLFloaterReg::add("event", "floater_event.xml", (LLFloaterBuildFunc)&LLFloaterReg::build<LLFloaterEvent>);
LLFloaterReg::add("experiences", "floater_experiences.xml", (LLFloaterBuildFunc)&LLFloaterReg::build<LLFloaterExperiences>);
LLFloaterReg::add("experience_profile", "floater_experienceprofile.xml", (LLFloaterBuildFunc)&LLFloaterReg::build<LLFloaterExperienceProfile>);
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_edit_ext_day_cycle.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_edit_ext_day_cycle.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9a3ad0c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_edit_ext_day_cycle.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+ legacy_header_height="18"
+ height="381"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="Edit Day cycle"
+ help_topic="day_presets"
+ save_rect="true"
+ title="Edit Day Cycle"
+ width="705">
+ <string name="title_new">Create a New Day Cycle</string>
+ <string name="title_edit">Edit Day Cycle</string>
+ <string name="hint_new">Name your day cycle, adjust the controls to create it, and click "Save".</string>
+ <string name="hint_edit">To edit your day cycle, adjust the controls below and click "Save".</string>
+ <string name="combo_label">-Select a preset-</string>
+ <text
+ follows="top|left|right"
+ height="10"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="10"
+ name="hint"
+ top="25"
+ width="685" />
+ <text
+ follows="top|left|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="10"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="10"
+ name="label"
+ top_pad="25"
+ width="120">
+ Preset Name:
+ </text>
+ <combo_box
+ allow_text_entry="true"
+ follows="top|left"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ max_chars="100"
+ name="day_cycle_combo"
+ top_delta="-5"
+ width="200" />
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+ height="20"
+ left_delta="0"
+ name="day_cycle_name"
+ top_delta="0"
+ visible="true"
+ width="200" />
+ <text
+ follows="top|left|right"
+ height="95"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="note"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="345"
+ wrap="true">
+ Note: if you change the name of your preset, you will be creating a new preset and the existing preset will not be changed.
+ </text>
+ <!--======== Controls panel ========-->
+ <text
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="10"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="10"
+ name="hint_item1"
+ top="100"
+ width="300">
+ - Click on a tab to edit the specific sky settings and time.
+ </text>
+ <text
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="10"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="hint_item2"
+ top_pad="10"
+ width="300">
+ - Click and drag the tabs to set the transition times.
+ </text>
+ <text
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="10"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="hint_item3"
+ top_pad="10"
+ width="300">
+ - Use the scrubber to preview your day cycle.
+ </text>
+ <panel
+ follows="top|left"
+ height="100"
+ name="day_cycle_slider_panel"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="25"
+ top_pad="15"
+ width="660">
+ <multi_slider
+ can_edit_text="true"
+ control_name="WLTimeSlider"
+ decimal_digits="0"
+ draw_track="false"
+ follows="bottom"
+ height="10"
+ increment="0.0833333"
+ initial_value="0"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="20"
+ max_sliders="20"
+ max_val="24"
+ name="WLTimeSlider"
+ show_text="false"
+ top_pad="0"
+ use_triangle="true"
+ width="525" />
+ <multi_slider
+ can_edit_text="true"
+ control_name="WLDayCycleKeys"
+ decimal_digits="0"
+ follows="bottom"
+ height="10"
+ increment="0.0833333"
+ initial_value="0"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="0"
+ max_sliders="20"
+ max_val="24"
+ name="WLDayCycleKeys"
+ show_text="false"
+ top_pad="15"
+ width="525" />
+ <button
+ height="20"
+ label="Add Key"
+ label_selected="Add Key"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="20"
+ name="WLAddKey"
+ top_delta="-18"
+ width="96" />
+ <button
+ height="20"
+ label="Delete Key"
+ label_selected="Delete Key"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="WLDeleteKey"
+ top_pad="5"
+ width="96" />
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="8"
+ name="WL12am"
+ top="74"
+ width="55">
+ 12am
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="WL3am"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="55">
+ 3am
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="WL6am"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="55">
+ 6am
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="WL9amHash"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="55">
+ 9am
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="WL12pmHash"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="55">
+ 12pm
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="WL3pm"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="55">
+ 3pm
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="WL6pm"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="55">
+ 6pm
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="WL9pm"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="55">
+ 9pm
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="10"
+ name="WL12am2"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="55">
+ 12am
+ </text>
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="14"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="20"
+ name="WL12amHash"
+ top="54"
+ width="6">
+ |
+ </text>
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
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+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
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+ name="WL3amHash"
+ top_delta="3"
+ width="6">
+ I
+ </text>
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="14"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="59"
+ name="WL6amHash"
+ top_delta="-3"
+ width="6">
+ |
+ </text>
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="11"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="59"
+ name="WL9amHash2"
+ top_delta="3"
+ width="6">
+ I
+ </text>
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="14"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="59"
+ name="WL12pmHash2"
+ top_delta="-3"
+ width="6">
+ |
+ </text>
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="11"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="59"
+ name="WL3pmHash"
+ top_delta="3"
+ width="6">
+ I
+ </text>
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="14"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="59"
+ name="WL6pmHash"
+ top_delta="-3"
+ width="6">
+ |
+ </text>
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="11"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="59"
+ name="WL9pmHash"
+ top_delta="3"
+ width="6">
+ I
+ </text>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="14"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="59"
+ name="WL12amHash2"
+ top_delta="-3"
+ width="6">
+ |
+ </text>
+ </panel>
+ <text
+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="192"
+ name="WLCurKeyPresetText"
+ top_pad="10"
+ width="80">
+ Sky Setting:
+ </text>
+ <combo_box
+ height="18"
+ label="Preset"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="5"
+ name="WLSkyPresets"
+ width="205" />
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+ type="string"
+ length="1"
+ border_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ font="SansSerif"
+ height="16"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_delta="-40"
+ name="WLCurKeyTimeText"
+ top_pad="15"
+ width="35">
+ Time:
+ </text>
+ <time
+ follows="left|top"
+ height="16"
+ label_width="0"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="3"
+ name="time"
+ top_delta="-1"
+ value="6:00 AM"
+ width="75"/>
+ <view_border
+ bevel_style="none"
+ follows="top|left"
+ height="0"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="10"
+ name="horiz_separator"
+ top_pad="20"
+ width="685"/>
+ <loading_indicator
+ height="23"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="25"
+ name="progress_indicator"
+ top="350"
+ visible="false"
+ width="23" />
+ <check_box
+ follows="top|left"
+ height="10"
+ label="Make this my new day cycle"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="310"
+ name="make_default_cb"
+ top_delta="13"
+ width="230"/>
+ <button
+ follows="bottom|right"
+ height="23"
+ label="Save"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="0"
+ name="save"
+ top_delta="-13"
+ width="70"/>
+ <button
+ follows="bottom|right"
+ height="23"
+ label="Cancel"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left_pad="15"
+ name="cancel"
+ top_delta="0"
+ width="70"/>
+ </floater>