diff options
author | Andrey Lihatskiy <alihatskiy@productengine.com> | 2020-09-28 22:29:19 +0300 |
committer | Andrey Lihatskiy <alihatskiy@productengine.com> | 2020-09-28 22:29:19 +0300 |
commit | 1d458de94934d0d56cef15596d414f155db166a0 (patch) | |
tree | 8c835b12674ca0dab4214496974848c27babd139 | |
parent | e9d50aeb3d1fa6b6251296f792d75cbc480f68fb (diff) | |
parent | bac6652cdcd2d8333df04c3ebd3a6a7b752328b3 (diff) |
Merge branch 'master' into DRTVWR-515-maint
# Conflicts:
# indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp
232 files changed, 4408 insertions, 3750 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format index 0b19cae838..ee8a8a8c92 100644 --- a/.clang-format +++ b/.clang-format @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@ --- +# clang-format version 10.0.0+ Language: Cpp # BasedOnStyle: Microsoft AccessModifierOffset: -2 AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align -AlignConsecutiveMacros: false -AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false -AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false -AlignEscapedNewlines: Right +AlignConsecutiveMacros: true +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true +AlignEscapedNewlines: Left AlignOperands: true AlignTrailingComments: true -AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: true -AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLine: true -AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true +AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: false +AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLine: false +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Always AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All @@ -29,21 +30,21 @@ BreakBeforeBraces: Allman BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true -BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false -BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon +BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true +BreakConstructorInitializers: AfterColon BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false BreakStringLiterals: true -ColumnLimit: 120 +ColumnLimit: 140 CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' CompactNamespaces: false -ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false +ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 Cpp11BracedListStyle: true DeriveLineEnding: true DerivePointerAlignment: false DisableFormat: false -ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false +ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: true FixNamespaceComments: true ForEachMacros: - foreach @@ -62,18 +63,18 @@ IncludeCategories: SortPriority: 0 IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$' IncludeIsMainSourceRegex: '' -IndentCaseLabels: false +IndentCaseLabels: true IndentGotoLabels: true IndentPPDirectives: None IndentWidth: 4 IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false JavaScriptQuotes: Leave JavaScriptWrapImports: true -KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false MacroBlockBegin: '' MacroBlockEnd: '' MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 -NamespaceIndentation: None +NamespaceIndentation: Inner ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Auto ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2 ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false @@ -94,16 +95,16 @@ SpaceAfterCStyleCast: true SpaceAfterLogicalNot: false SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true -SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: false +SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: true SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true SpaceInEmptyBlock: false SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false -SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2 SpacesInAngles: false -SpacesInContainerLiterals: true +SpacesInContainerLiterals: false SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false SpacesInParentheses: false SpacesInSquareBrackets: false diff --git a/autobuild.xml b/autobuild.xml index 51515b3696..eacf11fb0f 100644 --- a/autobuild.xml +++ b/autobuild.xml @@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ <key>archive</key> <map> <key>hash</key> - <string>d670d00aa732b97d105d287b62582762</string> + <string>9b8bcc3be6dbe40a04c9c81c313f70dc</string> <key>url</key> - <string>http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/ct2/55065/512118/apr_suite-</string> + <string>http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/ct2/68333/658209/apr_suite-</string> </map> <key>name</key> <string>darwin64</string> @@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ <key>archive</key> <map> <key>hash</key> - <string>83b4a047db5f7ee462753d91e6277cba</string> + <string>6bdf460c18ee004b41a46afc80041a92</string> <key>url</key> - <string>http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/ct2/55143/512317/apr_suite-</string> + <string>http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/ct2/68334/658225/apr_suite-</string> </map> <key>name</key> <string>windows</string> @@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ <key>archive</key> <map> <key>hash</key> - <string>b3bbf168b39e25c08cc1febddeb33332</string> + <string>83104bfa4dabb77cd70d185e38a95b49</string> <key>url</key> - <string>http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/ct2/55139/512304/apr_suite-</string> + <string>http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/ct2/68332/658215/apr_suite-</string> </map> <key>name</key> <string>windows64</string> </map> </map> <key>version</key> - <string></string> + <string></string> </map> <key>boost</key> <map> @@ -2187,16 +2187,16 @@ <key>archive</key> <map> <key>hash</key> - <string>8501cbaa7e0f254614694da784a9c61c</string> + <string>b677ee43822212f0a27c838dc8bf3623</string> <key>url</key> - <string>http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/ct2/64944/606925/llca-202008010216.546021-common-546021.tar.bz2</string> + <string>http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/ct2/67622/646614/llca-202009010215.548269-common-548269.tar.bz2</string> </map> <key>name</key> <string>common</string> </map> </map> <key>version</key> - <string>202008010216.546021</string> + <string>202009010215.548269</string> </map> <key>llphysicsextensions_source</key> <map> @@ -3906,9 +3906,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 nghttp2 contributors</string> <array> <string>-G</string> <string>${AUTOBUILD_WIN_CMAKE_GEN|NOTWIN}</string> - <string>-DUNATTENDED:BOOL=ON</string> <string>-DINSTALL_PROPRIETARY=FALSE</string> <string>-DUSE_KDU=FALSE</string> + <string>-DOPENAL:BOOL=ON</string> </array> </map> <key>name</key> @@ -3979,6 +3979,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 nghttp2 contributors</string> <string>-DUNATTENDED:BOOL=ON</string> <string>-DINSTALL_PROPRIETARY=FALSE</string> <string>-DUSE_KDU=FALSE</string> + <string>-DOPENAL:BOOL=ON</string> </array> </map> <key>name</key> diff --git a/doc/contributions.txt b/doc/contributions.txt index 4d8165faf2..e2b69a9fe4 100755 --- a/doc/contributions.txt +++ b/doc/contributions.txt @@ -258,6 +258,8 @@ Beansy Twine Benja Kepler VWR-746 Benjamin Bigdipper +Beq Janus + BUG-227094 Beth Walcher Bezilon Kasei Biancaluce Robbiani @@ -829,6 +831,7 @@ Khyota Wulluf Kimar Coba Kithrak Kirkorian Kitty Barnett + BUG-228665 VWR-19699 STORM-288 STORM-799 @@ -1301,6 +1304,7 @@ Shyotl Kuhr MAINT-2334 MAINT-6913 STORM-2143 + SL-11625 Siana Gearz STORM-960 STORM-1088 @@ -1340,6 +1344,7 @@ Sovereign Engineer MAINT-7343 SL-11079 OPEN-343 + SL-11625 SpacedOut Frye VWR-34 VWR-45 @@ -1445,6 +1450,8 @@ Thickbrick Sleaford STORM-956 STORM-1147 STORM-1325 +Thoys Pan + SL-12396 Thraxis Epsilon SVC-371 VWR-383 diff --git a/indra/cmake/00-Common.cmake b/indra/cmake/00-Common.cmake index 865c057e33..8aea50e02b 100644 --- a/indra/cmake/00-Common.cmake +++ b/indra/cmake/00-Common.cmake @@ -63,7 +63,13 @@ if (WINDOWS) # Without PreferredToolArchitecture=x64, as of 2020-06-26 the 32-bit # compiler on our TeamCity build hosts has started running out of virtual # memory for the precompiled header file. - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /MP /p:PreferredToolArchitecture=x64") + # CP changed to only append the flag for 32bit builds - on 64bit builds, + # locally at least, the build output is spammed with 1000s of 'D9002' + # warnings about this switch being ignored. + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /MP") + if( ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32 ) + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /p:PreferredToolArchitecture=x64") + endif() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO} /Zo" diff --git a/indra/cmake/Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake b/indra/cmake/Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake index 429bda473b..8efad33f71 100644 --- a/indra/cmake/Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake +++ b/indra/cmake/Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake @@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ if(WINDOWS) set(release_files ${release_files} fmod.dll) endif (FMODSTUDIO) + if (OPENAL) + list(APPEND release_files openal32.dll alut.dll) + endif (OPENAL) + #******************************* # Copy MS C runtime dlls, required for packaging. if (MSVC80) diff --git a/indra/edit-me-to-trigger-new-build.txt b/indra/edit-me-to-trigger-new-build.txt index e69de29bb2..48082f72f0 100644 --- a/indra/edit-me-to-trigger-new-build.txt +++ b/indra/edit-me-to-trigger-new-build.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +12 diff --git a/indra/llaudio/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/llaudio/CMakeLists.txt index 8b628a058e..558ede7bf6 100644 --- a/indra/llaudio/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/indra/llaudio/CMakeLists.txt @@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ if (FMODSTUDIO) endif (FMODSTUDIO) if (OPENAL) + include_directories( + ${OPENAL_LIBRARIES} + ) + list(APPEND llaudio_SOURCE_FILES llaudioengine_openal.cpp lllistener_openal.cpp diff --git a/indra/llaudio/llaudioengine_openal.cpp b/indra/llaudio/llaudioengine_openal.cpp index a38d8291fa..3bdd0302ee 100644 --- a/indra/llaudio/llaudioengine_openal.cpp +++ b/indra/llaudio/llaudioengine_openal.cpp @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ LLAudioEngine_OpenAL::~LLAudioEngine_OpenAL() bool LLAudioEngine_OpenAL::init(const S32 num_channels, void* userdata, const std::string &app_title) { mWindGen = NULL; - LLAudioEngine::init(num_channels, userdata); + LLAudioEngine::init(num_channels, userdata, app_title); if(!alutInit(NULL, NULL)) { diff --git a/indra/llcorehttp/_httpoprequest.cpp b/indra/llcorehttp/_httpoprequest.cpp index 0f76ff23ea..7bea8e9f9c 100644 --- a/indra/llcorehttp/_httpoprequest.cpp +++ b/indra/llcorehttp/_httpoprequest.cpp @@ -1007,11 +1007,20 @@ CURLcode HttpOpRequest::curlSslCtxCallback(CURL *curl, void *sslctx, void *userd { HttpOpRequest::ptr_t op(HttpOpRequest::fromHandle<HttpOpRequest>(userdata)); - if (op->mCallbackSSLVerify) - { - SSL_CTX * ctx = (SSL_CTX *)sslctx; - // disable any default verification for server certs - SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL); + if (op->mCallbackSSLVerify) + { + SSL_CTX * ctx = (SSL_CTX *)sslctx; + if (op->mReqOptions && op->mReqOptions->getSSLVerifyPeer()) + { + // verification for ssl certs + SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL); + } + else + { + // disable any default verification for server certs + // Ex: setting urls (assume non-SL) for parcel media in LLFloaterURLEntry + SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL); + } // set the verification callback. SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(ctx, sslCertVerifyCallback, userdata); // the calls are void diff --git a/indra/llinventory/llsettingssky.cpp b/indra/llinventory/llsettingssky.cpp index 306c732920..81937dbda5 100644 --- a/indra/llinventory/llsettingssky.cpp +++ b/indra/llinventory/llsettingssky.cpp @@ -1295,6 +1295,9 @@ void LLSettingsSky::clampColor(LLColor3& color, F32 gamma, F32 scale) const color = linear; } +// Similar/Shared Algorithms: +// indra\llinventory\llsettingssky.cpp -- LLSettingsSky::calculateLightSettings() +// indra\newview\app_settings\shaders\class1\windlight\atmosphericsFuncs.glsl -- calcAtmosphericVars() void LLSettingsSky::calculateLightSettings() const { // Initialize temp variables diff --git a/indra/llmath/llvector4a.h b/indra/llmath/llvector4a.h index 222f3cf235..27abf39537 100644 --- a/indra/llmath/llvector4a.h +++ b/indra/llmath/llvector4a.h @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ class LLRotation; // of this writing, July 08, 2010) about getting it implemented before you resort to // LLVector3/LLVector4. ///////////////////////////////// -class LLVector4a; +struct LLVector4a; LL_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) -class LLVector4a +struct LLVector4a { public: @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ public: // CONSTRUCTORS //////////////////////////////////// + //LLVector4a is plain data which should never have a default constructor or destructor(malloc&free won't trigger it) LLVector4a() { //DO NOT INITIALIZE -- The overhead is completely unnecessary ll_assert_aligned(this,16); diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llcoproceduremanager.cpp b/indra/llmessage/llcoproceduremanager.cpp index 42c19e3b1c..26684a4d9e 100644 --- a/indra/llmessage/llcoproceduremanager.cpp +++ b/indra/llmessage/llcoproceduremanager.cpp @@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ public: /// inline size_t countActive() const { - return mActiveCoprocs.size(); + return mActiveCoprocsCount; } /// Returns the total number of coprocedures either queued or in active processing. /// - inline size_t count() const + inline S32 count() const { return countPending() + countActive(); } @@ -113,12 +113,10 @@ private: // because the consuming coroutine might outlive this LLCoprocedurePool // instance. typedef boost::shared_ptr<CoprocQueue_t> CoprocQueuePtr; - typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t> ActiveCoproc_t; std::string mPoolName; - size_t mPoolSize, mPending{0}; + size_t mPoolSize, mActiveCoprocsCount, mPending; CoprocQueuePtr mPendingCoprocs; - ActiveCoproc_t mActiveCoprocs; LLTempBoundListener mStatusListener; typedef std::map<std::string, LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t> CoroAdapterMap_t; @@ -191,8 +189,13 @@ LLUUID LLCoprocedureManager::enqueueCoprocedure(const std::string &pool, const s void LLCoprocedureManager::setPropertyMethods(SettingQuery_t queryfn, SettingUpdate_t updatefn) { + // functions to discover and store the pool sizes mPropertyQueryFn = queryfn; mPropertyDefineFn = updatefn; + + // workaround until we get mutex into initializePool + initializePool("VAssetStorage"); + initializePool("Upload"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -276,6 +279,8 @@ void LLCoprocedureManager::close(const std::string &pool) LLCoprocedurePool::LLCoprocedurePool(const std::string &poolName, size_t size): mPoolName(poolName), mPoolSize(size), + mActiveCoprocsCount(0), + mPending(0), mPendingCoprocs(boost::make_shared<CoprocQueue_t>(DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE)), mHTTPPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID), mCoroMapping() @@ -401,8 +406,7 @@ void LLCoprocedurePool::coprocedureInvokerCoro( } // we actually popped an item --mPending; - - ActiveCoproc_t::iterator itActive = mActiveCoprocs.insert(ActiveCoproc_t::value_type(coproc->mId, httpAdapter)).first; + mActiveCoprocsCount++; LL_DEBUGS("CoProcMgr") << "Dequeued and invoking coprocedure(" << coproc->mName << ") with id=" << coproc->mId.asString() << " in pool \"" << mPoolName << "\" (" << mPending << " left)" << LL_ENDL; @@ -410,19 +414,25 @@ void LLCoprocedurePool::coprocedureInvokerCoro( { coproc->mProc(httpAdapter, coproc->mId); } + catch (const LLCoros::Stop &e) + { + LL_INFOS("LLCoros") << "coprocedureInvokerCoro terminating because " + << e.what() << LL_ENDL; + throw; // let toplevel handle this as LLContinueError + } catch (...) { LOG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(STRINGIZE("Coprocedure('" << coproc->mName << "', id=" << coproc->mId.asString() << ") in pool '" << mPoolName << "'")); // must NOT omit this or we deplete the pool - mActiveCoprocs.erase(itActive); + mActiveCoprocsCount--; continue; } LL_DEBUGS("CoProcMgr") << "Finished coprocedure(" << coproc->mName << ")" << " in pool \"" << mPoolName << "\"" << LL_ENDL; - mActiveCoprocs.erase(itActive); + mActiveCoprocsCount--; } } diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llexperiencecache.cpp b/indra/llmessage/llexperiencecache.cpp index 7d96ac4b02..64c01bd9eb 100644 --- a/indra/llmessage/llexperiencecache.cpp +++ b/indra/llmessage/llexperiencecache.cpp @@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ const F64 LLExperienceCache::DEFAULT_EXPIRATION = 600.0; const S32 LLExperienceCache::DEFAULT_QUOTA = 128; // this is megabytes const int LLExperienceCache::SEARCH_PAGE_SIZE = 30; +bool LLExperienceCache::sShutdown = false; + //========================================================================= -LLExperienceCache::LLExperienceCache(): - mShutdown(false) +LLExperienceCache::LLExperienceCache() { } LLExperienceCache::~LLExperienceCache() { - } void LLExperienceCache::initSingleton() @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void LLExperienceCache::cleanup() { cache_stream << (*this); } - mShutdown = true; + sShutdown = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ void LLExperienceCache::requestExperiences() ostr << urlBase << "?page_size=" << PAGE_SIZE1; RequestQueue_t requests; - while (!mRequestQueue.empty()) + while (!mRequestQueue.empty() && !sShutdown) { RequestQueue_t::iterator it = mRequestQueue.begin(); LLUUID key = (*it); @@ -398,8 +398,6 @@ void LLExperienceCache::idleCoro() LL_INFOS("ExperienceCache") << "Launching Experience cache idle coro." << LL_ENDL; do { - llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(SECS_BETWEEN_REQUESTS); - if (mEraseExpiredTimer.checkExpirationAndReset(ERASE_EXPIRED_TIMEOUT)) { eraseExpired(); @@ -410,7 +408,9 @@ void LLExperienceCache::idleCoro() requestExperiences(); } - } while (!mShutdown); + llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(SECS_BETWEEN_REQUESTS); + + } while (!sShutdown); // The coroutine system will likely be shut down by the time we get to this point // (or at least no further cycling will occur on it since the user has decided to quit.) diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llexperiencecache.h b/indra/llmessage/llexperiencecache.h index f9ff69c2b6..1c97133723 100644 --- a/indra/llmessage/llexperiencecache.h +++ b/indra/llmessage/llexperiencecache.h @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ private: LLFrameTimer mEraseExpiredTimer; // Periodically clean out expired entries from the cache CapabilityQuery_t mCapability; std::string mCacheFileName; - bool mShutdown; + static bool sShutdown; // control for coroutines, they exist out of LLExperienceCache's scope, so they need a static control void idleCoro(); void eraseExpired(); diff --git a/indra/llmessage/llteleportflags.h b/indra/llmessage/llteleportflags.h index b3fcad036e..fd1e702832 100644 --- a/indra/llmessage/llteleportflags.h +++ b/indra/llmessage/llteleportflags.h @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ const U32 TELEPORT_FLAGS_VIA_REGION_ID = 1 << 12; const U32 TELEPORT_FLAGS_IS_FLYING = 1 << 13; const U32 TELEPORT_FLAGS_SHOW_RESET_HOME = 1 << 14; const U32 TELEPORT_FLAGS_FORCE_REDIRECT = 1 << 15; // used to force a redirect to some random location - used when kicking someone from land. +const U32 TELEPORT_FLAGS_VIA_GLOBAL_COORDS = 1 << 16; +const U32 TELEPORT_FLAGS_WITHIN_REGION = 1 << 17; const U32 TELEPORT_FLAGS_MASK_VIA = TELEPORT_FLAGS_VIA_LURE | TELEPORT_FLAGS_VIA_LANDMARK diff --git a/indra/llrender/llimagegl.cpp b/indra/llrender/llimagegl.cpp index ff74380217..3b6a49735e 100644 --- a/indra/llrender/llimagegl.cpp +++ b/indra/llrender/llimagegl.cpp @@ -985,38 +985,56 @@ BOOL LLImageGL::preAddToAtlas(S32 discard_level, const LLImageRaw* raw_image) return FALSE; } - if( !mHasExplicitFormat ) - { - switch (mComponents) - { - case 1: - // Use luminance alpha (for fonts) - mFormatInternal = GL_LUMINANCE8; - mFormatPrimary = GL_LUMINANCE; - mFormatType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - break; - case 2: - // Use luminance alpha (for fonts) - mFormatInternal = GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8; - mFormatPrimary = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; - mFormatType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - break; - case 3: - mFormatInternal = GL_RGB8; - mFormatPrimary = GL_RGB; - mFormatType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - break; - case 4: - mFormatInternal = GL_RGBA8; - mFormatPrimary = GL_RGBA; - mFormatType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; - break; - default: - LL_ERRS() << "Bad number of components for texture: " << (U32)getComponents() << LL_ENDL; - } - } + if (!mHasExplicitFormat) + { + switch (mComponents) + { + case 1: + // Use luminance alpha (for fonts) + mFormatInternal = GL_LUMINANCE8; + mFormatPrimary = GL_LUMINANCE; + mFormatType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; + break; + case 2: + // Use luminance alpha (for fonts) + mFormatInternal = GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8; + mFormatPrimary = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; + mFormatType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; + break; + case 3: +#if USE_SRGB_DECODE + if (gGLManager.mHasTexturesRGBDecode) + { + mFormatInternal = GL_SRGB8; + } + else +#endif + { + mFormatInternal = GL_RGB8; + } + mFormatPrimary = GL_RGB; + mFormatType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; + break; + case 4: +#if USE_SRGB_DECODE + if (gGLManager.mHasTexturesRGBDecode) + { + mFormatInternal = GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8; + } + else +#endif + { + mFormatInternal = GL_RGBA8; + } + mFormatPrimary = GL_RGBA; + mFormatType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; + break; + default: + LL_ERRS() << "Bad number of components for texture: " << (U32) getComponents() << LL_ENDL; + } + } - mCurrentDiscardLevel = discard_level; + mCurrentDiscardLevel = discard_level; mDiscardLevelInAtlas = discard_level; mTexelsInAtlas = raw_image->getWidth() * raw_image->getHeight() ; mLastBindTime = sLastFrameTime; diff --git a/indra/llrender/llrender.cpp b/indra/llrender/llrender.cpp index ebc4659bcf..11d9ef3f57 100644 --- a/indra/llrender/llrender.cpp +++ b/indra/llrender/llrender.cpp @@ -849,26 +849,32 @@ void LLTexUnit::debugTextureUnit(void) } } -void LLTexUnit::setTextureColorSpace(eTextureColorSpace space) { +void LLTexUnit::setTextureColorSpace(eTextureColorSpace space) +{ mTexColorSpace = space; #if USE_SRGB_DECODE - if (gGLManager.mHasTexturesRGBDecode) { - - if (space == TCS_SRGB) { + if (gGLManager.mHasTexturesRGBDecode) + { + if (space == TCS_SRGB) + { glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT, GL_DECODE_EXT); } - else { + else + { glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT, GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT); } - if (gDebugGL) { + if (gDebugGL) + { assert_glerror(); } } + else #endif - glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT, GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT); - + { + glTexParameteri(sGLTextureType[mCurrTexType], GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT, GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT); + } } LLLightState::LLLightState(S32 index) @@ -1192,46 +1198,46 @@ void LLRender::refreshState(void) void LLRender::syncLightState() { - LLGLSLShader* shader = LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr; + LLGLSLShader *shader = LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr; - if (!shader) - { - return; - } + if (!shader) + { + return; + } - if (shader->mLightHash != mLightHash) - { - shader->mLightHash = mLightHash; + if (shader->mLightHash != mLightHash) + { + shader->mLightHash = mLightHash; - LLVector4 position[8]; - LLVector3 direction[8]; - LLVector4 attenuation[8]; - LLVector3 diffuse[8]; - LLVector3 diffuse_b[8]; - bool sun_primary[8]; + LLVector4 position[LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS]; + LLVector3 direction[LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS]; + LLVector4 attenuation[LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS]; + LLVector3 diffuse[LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS]; + LLVector3 diffuse_b[LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS]; + bool sun_primary[LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS]; - for (U32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) - { - LLLightState* light = mLightState[i]; + for (U32 i = 0; i < LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS; i++) + { + LLLightState *light = mLightState[i]; - position[i] = light->mPosition; - direction[i] = light->mSpotDirection; + position[i] = light->mPosition; + direction[i] = light->mSpotDirection; attenuation[i].set(light->mLinearAtten, light->mQuadraticAtten, light->mSpecular.mV[2], light->mSpecular.mV[3]); - diffuse[i].set(light->mDiffuse.mV); + diffuse[i].set(light->mDiffuse.mV); diffuse_b[i].set(light->mDiffuseB.mV); sun_primary[i] = light->mSunIsPrimary; - } + } - shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_POSITION, 8, position[0].mV); - shader->uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_DIRECTION, 8, direction[0].mV); - shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_ATTENUATION, 8, attenuation[0].mV); - shader->uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_DIFFUSE, 8, diffuse[0].mV); - shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_AMBIENT, 1, mAmbientLightColor.mV); + shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_POSITION, LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS, position[0].mV); + shader->uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_DIRECTION, LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS, direction[0].mV); + shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_ATTENUATION, LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS, attenuation[0].mV); + shader->uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_DIFFUSE, LL_NUM_LIGHT_UNITS, diffuse[0].mV); + shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_AMBIENT, 1, mAmbientLightColor.mV); shader->uniform1i(LLShaderMgr::SUN_UP_FACTOR, sun_primary[0] ? 1 : 0); shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::AMBIENT, 1, mAmbientLightColor.mV); shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::SUNLIGHT_COLOR, 1, diffuse[0].mV); shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::MOONLIGHT_COLOR, 1, diffuse_b[0].mV); - } + } } void LLRender::syncMatrices() @@ -1539,11 +1545,17 @@ void LLRender::matrixMode(eMatrixMode mode) { U32 tex_index = gGL.getCurrentTexUnitIndex(); // the shaders don't actually reference anything beyond texture_matrix0/1 outside of terrain rendering - llassert_always(tex_index <= 3); - mode = eMatrixMode(MM_TEXTURE0 + gGL.getCurrentTexUnitIndex()); + llassert(tex_index <= 3); + mode = eMatrixMode(MM_TEXTURE0 + tex_index); + if (mode > MM_TEXTURE3) + { + // getCurrentTexUnitIndex() can go as high as 32 (LL_NUM_TEXTURE_LAYERS) + // Large value will result in a crash at mMatrix + LL_WARNS_ONCE() << "Attempted to assign matrix mode out of bounds: " << mode << LL_ENDL; + mode = MM_TEXTURE0; + } } - llassert(mode < NUM_MATRIX_MODES); mMatrixMode = mode; } diff --git a/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.cpp b/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.cpp index 9fb4f7f2b0..e3c0255290 100644 --- a/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.cpp +++ b/indra/llrender/llrendertarget.cpp @@ -501,23 +501,23 @@ U32 LLRenderTarget::getNumTextures() const return mTex.size(); } - void LLRenderTarget::bindTexture(U32 index, S32 channel, LLTexUnit::eTextureFilterOptions filter_options) { - gGL.getTexUnit(channel)->bindManual(mUsage, getTexture(index)); + gGL.getTexUnit(channel)->bindManual(mUsage, getTexture(index)); bool isSRGB = false; llassert(mInternalFormat.size() > index); switch (mInternalFormat[index]) { - case GL_SRGB_ALPHA: case GL_SRGB: + case GL_SRGB8: + case GL_SRGB_ALPHA: case GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8: isSRGB = true; - break; + break; default: - break; + break; } gGL.getTexUnit(channel)->setTextureFilteringOption(filter_options); diff --git a/indra/llrender/llshadermgr.cpp b/indra/llrender/llshadermgr.cpp index 1383020873..236ebbd78f 100644 --- a/indra/llrender/llshadermgr.cpp +++ b/indra/llrender/llshadermgr.cpp @@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ void LLShaderMgr::initAttribsAndUniforms() llassert(mReservedUniforms.size() == LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT_FAR_Z+1); - + //NOTE: MUST match order in eGLSLReservedUniforms mReservedUniforms.push_back("proj_mat"); mReservedUniforms.push_back("proj_near"); mReservedUniforms.push_back("proj_p"); diff --git a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrl.cpp b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrl.cpp index edcbc3fbb7..61a119800e 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrl.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrl.cpp @@ -655,6 +655,37 @@ void LLAccordionCtrl::onScrollPosChangeCallback(S32, LLScrollbar*) { updateLayout(getRect().getWidth(),getRect().getHeight()); } + +// virtual +void LLAccordionCtrl::onUpdateScrollToChild(const LLUICtrl *cntrl) +{ + if (mScrollbar && mScrollbar->getVisible()) + { + // same as scrollToShowRect + LLRect rect; + cntrl->localRectToOtherView(cntrl->getLocalRect(), &rect, this); + + // Translate to parent coordinatess to check if we are in visible rectangle + rect.translate(getRect().mLeft, getRect().mBottom); + + if (!getRect().contains(rect)) + { + // for accordition's scroll, height is in pixels + // Back to local coords and calculate position for scroller + S32 bottom = mScrollbar->getDocPos() - rect.mBottom + getRect().mBottom; + S32 top = mScrollbar->getDocPos() - rect.mTop + getRect().mTop; + + S32 scroll_pos = llclamp(mScrollbar->getDocPos(), + bottom, // min vertical scroll + top); // max vertical scroll + + mScrollbar->setDocPos(scroll_pos); + } + } + + LLUICtrl::onUpdateScrollToChild(cntrl); +} + void LLAccordionCtrl::onOpen (const LLSD& key) { for(size_t i=0;i<mAccordionTabs.size();++i) diff --git a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrl.h b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrl.h index 1fe64c472e..b38a76d27f 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrl.h +++ b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrl.h @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ public: void draw(); void onScrollPosChangeCallback(S32, LLScrollbar*); + virtual void onUpdateScrollToChild(const LLUICtrl * cntrl); void onOpen (const LLSD& key); S32 notifyParent(const LLSD& info); diff --git a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.cpp b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.cpp index 1034a21905..098621b543 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.cpp @@ -452,6 +452,35 @@ void LLAccordionCtrlTab::onVisibilityChange(BOOL new_visibility) notifyParent(LLSD().with("child_visibility_change", new_visibility)); } +// virtual +void LLAccordionCtrlTab::onUpdateScrollToChild(const LLUICtrl *cntrl) +{ + if (mScrollbar && mScrollbar->getVisible()) + { + LLRect rect; + cntrl->localRectToOtherView(cntrl->getLocalRect(), &rect, this); + + // Translate to parent coordinatess to check if we are in visible rectangle + rect.translate(getRect().mLeft, getRect().mBottom); + + if (!getRect().contains(rect)) + { + // for accordition's scroll, height is in pixels + // Back to local coords and calculate position for scroller + S32 bottom = mScrollbar->getDocPos() - rect.mBottom + getRect().mBottom; + S32 top = mScrollbar->getDocPos() - rect.mTop + getRect().mTop; + + S32 scroll_pos = llclamp(mScrollbar->getDocPos(), + bottom, // min vertical scroll + top); // max vertical scroll + + mScrollbar->setDocPos(scroll_pos); + } + } + + LLUICtrl::onUpdateScrollToChild(cntrl); +} + BOOL LLAccordionCtrlTab::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if(mCollapsible && mHeaderVisible && mCanOpenClose) diff --git a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.h b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.h index 0263bce4be..2c72e8c036 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.h +++ b/indra/llui/llaccordionctrltab.h @@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ public: * Raises notifyParent event with "child_visibility_change" = new_visibility */ void onVisibilityChange(BOOL new_visibility); + virtual void onUpdateScrollToChild(const LLUICtrl * cntrl); // Changes expand/collapse state and triggers expand/collapse callbacks virtual BOOL handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); diff --git a/indra/llui/llbadgeowner.cpp b/indra/llui/llbadgeowner.cpp index 0557cd4375..5f11c383ef 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llbadgeowner.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llbadgeowner.cpp @@ -56,6 +56,14 @@ void LLBadgeOwner::initBadgeParams(const LLBadge::Params& p) } } +void LLBadgeOwner::reshapeBadge(const LLRect& new_rect) +{ + if (mBadge) + { + mBadge->setShape(new_rect); + } +} + void LLBadgeOwner::setBadgeVisibility(bool visible) { if (mBadge) diff --git a/indra/llui/llbadgeowner.h b/indra/llui/llbadgeowner.h index 01ed95f3a3..4ce208fa0d 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llbadgeowner.h +++ b/indra/llui/llbadgeowner.h @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ public: bool hasBadgeHolderParent() const { return mHasBadgeHolderParent; }; void setBadgeVisibility(bool visible); void setDrawBadgeAtTop(bool draw_at_top); + void reshapeBadge(const LLRect& new_rect); private: diff --git a/indra/llui/llcombobox.cpp b/indra/llui/llcombobox.cpp index c7f0326ed4..52dc908655 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llcombobox.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llcombobox.cpp @@ -514,6 +514,14 @@ S32 LLComboBox::getCurrentIndex() const return -1; } +void LLComboBox::setEnabledByValue(const LLSD& value, BOOL enabled) +{ + LLScrollListItem *found = mList->getItem(value); + if (found) + { + found->setEnabled(enabled); + } +} void LLComboBox::createLineEditor(const LLComboBox::Params& p) { diff --git a/indra/llui/llcombobox.h b/indra/llui/llcombobox.h index 7d38c051a5..4af3313162 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llcombobox.h +++ b/indra/llui/llcombobox.h @@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ public: BOOL setCurrentByIndex( S32 index ); S32 getCurrentIndex() const; + void setEnabledByValue(const LLSD& value, BOOL enabled); + void createLineEditor(const Params&); //======================================================================== diff --git a/indra/llui/lllineeditor.cpp b/indra/llui/lllineeditor.cpp index 70304cdfd2..1badd54fca 100644 --- a/indra/llui/lllineeditor.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/lllineeditor.cpp @@ -2151,6 +2151,7 @@ void LLLineEditor::clear() void LLLineEditor::onTabInto() { selectAll(); + LLUICtrl::onTabInto(); } //virtual diff --git a/indra/llui/llmultisliderctrl.cpp b/indra/llui/llmultisliderctrl.cpp index 20e2b569f1..b3df7c154b 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llmultisliderctrl.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llmultisliderctrl.cpp @@ -509,6 +509,7 @@ void LLMultiSliderCtrl::onTabInto() { mEditor->onTabInto(); } + LLF32UICtrl::onTabInto(); } void LLMultiSliderCtrl::reportInvalidData() diff --git a/indra/llui/llnotifications.cpp b/indra/llui/llnotifications.cpp index 6a7075301b..06ec648178 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llnotifications.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llnotifications.cpp @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ LLNotificationForm::LLNotificationForm(const LLSD& sd) } else { - LL_WARNS() << "Invalid form data " << sd << LL_ENDL; + LL_WARNS("Notifications") << "Invalid form data " << sd << LL_ENDL; mFormData = LLSD::emptyArray(); } } @@ -448,11 +448,11 @@ LLNotificationTemplate::LLNotificationTemplate(const LLNotificationTemplate::Par mUniqueContext.push_back(context.value); } - LL_DEBUGS() << "notification \"" << mName << "\": tag count is " << p.tags.size() << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("Notifications") << "notification \"" << mName << "\": tag count is " << p.tags.size() << LL_ENDL; BOOST_FOREACH(const LLNotificationTemplate::Tag& tag, p.tags) { - LL_DEBUGS() << " tag \"" << std::string(tag.value) << "\"" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("Notifications") << " tag \"" << std::string(tag.value) << "\"" << LL_ENDL; mTags.push_back(tag.value); } @@ -1398,8 +1398,14 @@ void LLNotifications::initSingleton() createDefaultChannels(); } +void LLNotifications::cleanupSingleton() +{ + clear(); +} + void LLNotifications::createDefaultChannels() { + LL_INFOS("Notifications") << "Generating default notification channels" << LL_ENDL; // now construct the various channels AFTER loading the notifications, // because the history channel is going to rewrite the stored notifications file mDefaultChannels.push_back(new LLNotificationChannel("Enabled", "", @@ -1455,7 +1461,7 @@ void LLNotifications::forceResponse(const LLNotification::Params& params, S32 op if (selected_item.isUndefined()) { - LL_WARNS() << "Invalid option" << option << " for notification " << (std::string)params.name << LL_ENDL; + LL_WARNS("Notifications") << "Invalid option" << option << " for notification " << (std::string)params.name << LL_ENDL; return; } response[selected_item["name"].asString()] = true; @@ -1489,12 +1495,12 @@ void replaceSubstitutionStrings(LLXMLNodePtr node, StringMap& replacements) if (found != replacements.end()) { replacement = found->second; - LL_DEBUGS() << "replaceSubstitutionStrings: value: \"" << value << "\" repl: \"" << replacement << "\"." << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("Notifications") << "replaceSubstitutionStrings: value: \"" << value << "\" repl: \"" << replacement << "\"." << LL_ENDL; it->second->setValue(replacement); } else { - LL_WARNS() << "replaceSubstitutionStrings FAILURE: could not find replacement \"" << value << "\"." << LL_ENDL; + LL_WARNS("Notifications") << "replaceSubstitutionStrings FAILURE: could not find replacement \"" << value << "\"." << LL_ENDL; } } } @@ -1533,7 +1539,7 @@ void addPathIfExists(const std::string& new_path, std::vector<std::string>& path bool LLNotifications::loadTemplates() { - LL_INFOS() << "Reading notifications template" << LL_ENDL; + LL_INFOS("Notifications") << "Reading notifications template" << LL_ENDL; // Passing findSkinnedFilenames(constraint=LLDir::ALL_SKINS) makes it // output all relevant pathnames instead of just the ones from the most // specific skin. @@ -1604,7 +1610,7 @@ bool LLNotifications::loadTemplates() mTemplates[notification.name] = LLNotificationTemplatePtr(new LLNotificationTemplate(notification)); } - LL_INFOS() << "...done" << LL_ENDL; + LL_INFOS("Notifications") << "...done" << LL_ENDL; return true; } @@ -1832,7 +1838,7 @@ bool LLNotifications::isVisibleByRules(LLNotificationPtr n) for(it = mVisibilityRules.begin(); it != mVisibilityRules.end(); it++) { // An empty type/tag/name string will match any notification, so only do the comparison when the string is non-empty in the rule. - LL_DEBUGS() + LL_DEBUGS("Notifications") << "notification \"" << n->getName() << "\" " << "testing against " << ((*it)->mVisible?"show":"hide") << " rule, " << "name = \"" << (*it)->mName << "\" " @@ -1877,7 +1883,7 @@ bool LLNotifications::isVisibleByRules(LLNotificationPtr n) if((*it)->mResponse.empty()) { // Response property is empty. Cancel this notification. - LL_DEBUGS() << "cancelling notification " << n->getName() << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("Notifications") << "cancelling notification " << n->getName() << LL_ENDL; cancel(n); } @@ -1888,7 +1894,7 @@ bool LLNotifications::isVisibleByRules(LLNotificationPtr n) // TODO: verify that the response template has an item with the correct name response[(*it)->mResponse] = true; - LL_DEBUGS() << "responding to notification " << n->getName() << " with response = " << response << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("Notifications") << "responding to notification " << n->getName() << " with response = " << response << LL_ENDL; n->respond(response); } @@ -1900,7 +1906,7 @@ bool LLNotifications::isVisibleByRules(LLNotificationPtr n) break; } - LL_DEBUGS() << "allowing notification " << n->getName() << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("Notifications") << "allowing notification " << n->getName() << LL_ENDL; return true; } @@ -1961,7 +1967,7 @@ void LLPostponedNotification::onAvatarNameCache(const LLUUID& agent_id, // from PE merge - we should figure out if this is the right thing to do if (name.empty()) { - LL_WARNS() << "Empty name received for Id: " << agent_id << LL_ENDL; + LL_WARNS("Notifications") << "Empty name received for Id: " << agent_id << LL_ENDL; name = SYSTEM_FROM; } diff --git a/indra/llui/llnotifications.h b/indra/llui/llnotifications.h index cac687f53d..2f4578da17 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llnotifications.h +++ b/indra/llui/llnotifications.h @@ -957,6 +957,7 @@ public: private: /*virtual*/ void initSingleton(); + /*virtual*/ void cleanupSingleton(); void loadPersistentNotifications(); @@ -1069,6 +1070,7 @@ public: LLPersistentNotificationChannel() : LLNotificationChannel("Persistent", "Visible", ¬ificationFilter) {} + virtual ~LLPersistentNotificationChannel() {} typedef std::vector<LLNotificationPtr> history_list_t; history_list_t::iterator beginHistory() { sortHistory(); return mHistory.begin(); } diff --git a/indra/llui/llsliderctrl.cpp b/indra/llui/llsliderctrl.cpp index 3b89a8ca63..d80a434f22 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llsliderctrl.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llsliderctrl.cpp @@ -479,6 +479,7 @@ void LLSliderCtrl::onTabInto() { mEditor->onTabInto(); } + LLF32UICtrl::onTabInto(); } void LLSliderCtrl::reportInvalidData() diff --git a/indra/llui/llspinctrl.cpp b/indra/llui/llspinctrl.cpp index ce3fc29d32..ee78b82429 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llspinctrl.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llspinctrl.cpp @@ -442,7 +442,8 @@ void LLSpinCtrl::setAllowEdit(BOOL allow_edit) void LLSpinCtrl::onTabInto() { - mEditor->onTabInto(); + mEditor->onTabInto(); + LLF32UICtrl::onTabInto(); } diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp index fc1301351d..48a1ce1083 100644 --- a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp @@ -1017,7 +1017,38 @@ BOOL LLTextBase::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) // handle triple click if (!mTripleClickTimer.hasExpired()) { - selectAll(); + S32 real_line = getLineNumFromDocIndex(mCursorPos, false); + S32 line_start = -1; + S32 line_end = -1; + for (line_list_t::const_iterator it = mLineInfoList.begin(), end_it = mLineInfoList.end(); + it != end_it; + ++it) + { + if (it->mLineNum < real_line) + { + continue; + } + if (it->mLineNum > real_line) + { + break; + } + if (line_start == -1) + { + line_start = it->mDocIndexStart; + } + line_end = it->mDocIndexEnd; + line_end = llclamp(line_end, 0, getLength()); + } + + if (line_start == -1) + { + return TRUE; + } + + mSelectionEnd = line_start; + mSelectionStart = line_end; + setCursorPos(line_start); + return TRUE; } diff --git a/indra/llui/lluictrl.cpp b/indra/llui/lluictrl.cpp index c98da0d410..544a76e8d5 100644 --- a/indra/llui/lluictrl.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/lluictrl.cpp @@ -721,8 +721,9 @@ void LLUICtrl::resetDirty() } // virtual -void LLUICtrl::onTabInto() +void LLUICtrl::onTabInto() { + onUpdateScrollToChild(this); } // virtual diff --git a/indra/llui/llview.cpp b/indra/llui/llview.cpp index bd1b1183a5..cd47e2ecea 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llview.cpp +++ b/indra/llui/llview.cpp @@ -646,6 +646,16 @@ void LLView::onVisibilityChange ( BOOL new_visibility ) } // virtual +void LLView::onUpdateScrollToChild(const LLUICtrl * cntrl) +{ + LLView* parent_view = getParent(); + if (parent_view) + { + parent_view->onUpdateScrollToChild(cntrl); + } +} + +// virtual void LLView::translate(S32 x, S32 y) { mRect.translate(x, y); diff --git a/indra/llui/llview.h b/indra/llui/llview.h index db81900aaf..5c91c37d3c 100644 --- a/indra/llui/llview.h +++ b/indra/llui/llview.h @@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ public: virtual BOOL setLabelArg( const std::string& key, const LLStringExplicit& text ); virtual void onVisibilityChange ( BOOL new_visibility ); + virtual void onUpdateScrollToChild(const LLUICtrl * cntrl); void pushVisible(BOOL visible) { mLastVisible = mVisible; setVisible(visible); } void popVisible() { setVisible(mLastVisible); } diff --git a/indra/llwindow/llopenglview-objc.mm b/indra/llwindow/llopenglview-objc.mm index 5b9dce02c4..d2c5b11c3d 100644 --- a/indra/llwindow/llopenglview-objc.mm +++ b/indra/llwindow/llopenglview-objc.mm @@ -359,10 +359,10 @@ attributedStringInfo getSegments(NSAttributedString *str) callRightMouseDown(mMousePos, [theEvent modifierFlags]); mSimulatedRightClick = true; } else { - if ([theEvent clickCount] >= 2) + if ([theEvent clickCount] == 2) { callDoubleClick(mMousePos, [theEvent modifierFlags]); - } else if ([theEvent clickCount] == 1) { + } else if ([theEvent clickCount] >= 1) { callLeftMouseDown(mMousePos, [theEvent modifierFlags]); } } diff --git a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt index 0d204fd716..0cc297720e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1620,6 +1620,10 @@ if (WINDOWS) # causes those systems to run in a Windows 8 compatibility mode, which works. LIST(APPEND viewer_SOURCE_FILES windows.manifest) endif (ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 64) + + if (OPENAL) + LIST(APPEND viewer_LIBRARIES ${OPENAL_LIBRARIES}) + endif (OPENAL) endif (WINDOWS) # Add the xui files. This is handy for searching for xui elements @@ -1721,6 +1725,12 @@ if (FMODSTUDIO) endif (FMODSTUDIO) set_source_files_properties(llstartup.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${LLSTARTUP_COMPILE_FLAGS}") + +if (HAVOK OR HAVOK_TPV) + set(LLSTARTUP_COMPILE_FLAGS "${LLSTARTUP_COMPILE_FLAGS} -DLL_HAVOK") +endif (HAVOK OR HAVOK_TPV) + +# progress view disables/enables icons based on available packages set_source_files_properties(llprogressview.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${LLSTARTUP_COMPILE_FLAGS}") list(APPEND viewer_SOURCE_FILES ${viewer_HEADER_FILES}) @@ -1843,6 +1853,13 @@ if (WINDOWS) ) endif (FMODSTUDIO) + if (OPENAL) + list(APPEND COPY_INPUT_DEPENDENCIES + ${SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/OpenAL32.dll + ${SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/alut.dll + ) + endif (OPENAL) + add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/copy_touched.bat COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} @@ -1853,6 +1870,7 @@ if (WINDOWS) --artwork=${ARTWORK_DIR} "--bugsplat=${BUGSPLAT_DB}" "--fmodstudio=${FMODSTUDIO}" + "--openal=${OPENAL}" --build=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --buildtype=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} "--channel=${VIEWER_CHANNEL}" @@ -1915,6 +1933,7 @@ if (WINDOWS) --artwork=${ARTWORK_DIR} "--bugsplat=${BUGSPLAT_DB}" "--fmodstudio=${FMODSTUDIO}" + "--openal=${OPENAL}" --build=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --buildtype=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} "--channel=${VIEWER_CHANNEL}" @@ -2062,6 +2081,7 @@ if (LINUX) --artwork=${ARTWORK_DIR} "--bugsplat=${BUGSPLAT_DB}" "--fmodstudio=${FMODSTUDIO}" + "--openal=${OPENAL}" --build=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --buildtype=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} "--channel=${VIEWER_CHANNEL}" @@ -2089,6 +2109,7 @@ if (LINUX) --artwork=${ARTWORK_DIR} "--bugsplat=${BUGSPLAT_DB}" "--fmodstudio=${FMODSTUDIO}" + "--openal=${OPENAL}" --build=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --buildtype=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} "--channel=${VIEWER_CHANNEL}" @@ -2166,6 +2187,7 @@ if (DARWIN) --artwork=${ARTWORK_DIR} "--bugsplat=${BUGSPLAT_DB}" "--fmodstudio=${FMODSTUDIO}" + "--openal=${OPENAL}" --build=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --buildtype=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} --bundleid=${MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER} @@ -2201,6 +2223,7 @@ if (DARWIN) --artwork=${ARTWORK_DIR} "--bugsplat=${BUGSPLAT_DB}" "--fmodstudio=${FMODSTUDIO}" + "--openal=${OPENAL}" --build=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --buildtype=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} "--channel=${VIEWER_CHANNEL}" diff --git a/indra/newview/VIEWER_VERSION.txt b/indra/newview/VIEWER_VERSION.txt index 4b20d9700d..b03e20c456 100644 --- a/indra/newview/VIEWER_VERSION.txt +++ b/indra/newview/VIEWER_VERSION.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -6.4.8 +6.4.10 diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml index a18492c554..927b49107a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml @@ -812,17 +812,6 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>0</integer> </map> - <key>FramePerSecondLimit</key> - <map> - <key>Comment</key> - <string>Controls upper limit of frames per second</string> - <key>Persist</key> - <integer>1</integer> - <key>Type</key> - <string>U32</string> - <key>Value</key> - <integer>120</integer> - </map> <key>BackgroundYieldTime</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> @@ -14420,7 +14409,7 @@ <key>VoiceCallsFriendsOnly</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> - <string>Only accept voice calls from residents on your friends list</string> + <string>(Deprecated) Only accept voice calls from residents on your friends list</string> <key>Persist</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Type</key> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_per_account.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_per_account.xml index 8f4ca6c633..537744b44c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_per_account.xml +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings_per_account.xml @@ -220,6 +220,17 @@ <key>Value</key> <integer>1</integer> </map> + <key>VoiceCallsFriendsOnly</key> + <map> + <key>Comment</key> + <string>Only accept voice calls and receive IMs from residents on your friends list</string> + <key>Persist</key> + <integer>1</integer> + <key>Type</key> + <string>Boolean</string> + <key>Value</key> + <integer>0</integer> + </map> <key>VoiceEffectDefault</key> <map> <key>Comment</key> diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsV.glsl index caa4fe1f65..b7036e02cf 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/cloudsV.glsl @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ -/** +/** * @file WLCloudsV.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. - * + * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. - * + * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * + * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * + * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ @@ -33,26 +33,26 @@ ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output parameters -VARYING vec4 vary_CloudColorSun; -VARYING vec4 vary_CloudColorAmbient; +VARYING vec4 vary_CloudColorSun; +VARYING vec4 vary_CloudColorAmbient; VARYING float vary_CloudDensity; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord3; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord3; VARYING float altitude_blend_factor; // Inputs uniform vec3 camPosLocal; -uniform vec4 lightnorm; -uniform vec4 sunlight_color; -uniform vec4 moonlight_color; -uniform int sun_up_factor; -uniform vec4 ambient_color; -uniform vec4 blue_horizon; -uniform vec4 blue_density; +uniform vec4 lightnorm; +uniform vec4 sunlight_color; +uniform vec4 moonlight_color; +uniform int sun_up_factor; +uniform vec4 ambient_color; +uniform vec4 blue_horizon; +uniform vec4 blue_density; uniform float haze_horizon; uniform float haze_density; @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ uniform float cloud_shadow; uniform float density_multiplier; uniform float max_y; -uniform vec4 glow; +uniform vec4 glow; uniform float sun_moon_glow_factor; uniform vec4 cloud_color; @@ -70,133 +70,123 @@ uniform float cloud_scale; // NOTE: Keep these in sync! // indra\newview\app_settings\shaders\class1\deferred\skyV.glsl // indra\newview\app_settings\shaders\class1\deferred\cloudsV.glsl +// indra\newview\app-settings\shaders\class2\windlight\cloudsV.glsl // indra\newview\lllegacyatmospherics.cpp +// indra\newview\llsettingsvo.cpp void main() { - - // World / view / projection - gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - - // Texture coords - vary_texcoord0 = texcoord0; - vary_texcoord0.xy -= 0.5; - vary_texcoord0.xy /= cloud_scale; - vary_texcoord0.xy += 0.5; - - vary_texcoord1 = vary_texcoord0; - vary_texcoord1.x += lightnorm.x * 0.0125; - vary_texcoord1.y += lightnorm.z * 0.0125; - - vary_texcoord2 = vary_texcoord0 * 16.; - vary_texcoord3 = vary_texcoord1 * 16.; - - // Get relative position - vec3 P = position.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0,50,0); - - altitude_blend_factor = clamp((P.y + 512.0) / max_y, 0.0, 1.0); - - // Set altitude - if (P.y > 0.) - { - P *= (max_y / P.y); - } - else - { - altitude_blend_factor = 0; // SL-11589 Fix clouds drooping below horizon - P *= (-32000. / P.y); - } - - // Can normalize then - vec3 Pn = normalize(P); - float Plen = length(P); - - // Initialize temp variables - vec4 temp1 = vec4(0.); - vec4 temp2 = vec4(0.); - vec4 blue_weight; - vec4 haze_weight; - //vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; - vec4 sunlight = sunlight_color; - vec4 light_atten; - - float dens_mul = density_multiplier; - - // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere - // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes - light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (dens_mul * max_y); - - // Calculate relative weights - temp1 = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); - blue_weight = blue_density / temp1; - haze_weight = haze_density / temp1; - - // Compute sunlight from P & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) - temp2.y = max(0., max(0., Pn.y) * 1.0 + lightnorm.y ); - temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; - sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); - - // Distance - temp2.z = Plen * dens_mul; - - // Transparency (-> temp1) - // ATI Bugfix -- can't store temp1*temp2.z in a variable because the ati - // compiler gets confused. - temp1 = exp(-temp1 * temp2.z); - - - // Compute haze glow - temp2.x = dot(Pn, lightnorm.xyz); - temp2.x = 1. - temp2.x; - // temp2.x is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun - temp2.x = max(temp2.x, .001); - // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) - temp2.x *= glow.x; - // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") - temp2.x = pow(temp2.x, glow.z); - // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function - - temp2.x *= sun_moon_glow_factor; - - // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" - temp2.x += .25; - - // Increase ambient when there are more clouds - vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; - tmpAmbient += (1. - tmpAmbient) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; - - // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage - sunlight *= (1. - cloud_shadow); - - // Haze color below cloud - vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = ( blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * temp2.x + tmpAmbient) - ); - - // CLOUDS - temp2.y = max(0., lightnorm.y * 2.); - temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; - sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); - - // Cloud color out - vary_CloudColorSun = (sunlight * temp2.x) * cloud_color; - vary_CloudColorAmbient = tmpAmbient * cloud_color; - - // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere - temp1 = sqrt(temp1); //less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds - vary_CloudColorSun *= temp1; - vary_CloudColorAmbient *= temp1; - vec4 oHazeColorBelowCloud = additiveColorBelowCloud * (1. - temp1); - - // Make a nice cloud density based on the cloud_shadow value that was passed in. - vary_CloudDensity = 2. * (cloud_shadow - 0.25); - - - // Combine these to minimize register use - vary_CloudColorAmbient += oHazeColorBelowCloud; - - // needs this to compile on mac - //vary_AtmosAttenuation = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); - - // END CLOUDS + // World / view / projection + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + + // Texture coords + // SL-13084 EEP added support for custom cloud textures -- flip them horizontally to match the preview of Clouds > Cloud Scroll + vary_texcoord0 = vec2(-texcoord0.x, texcoord0.y); // See: LLSettingsVOSky::applySpecial + + vary_texcoord0.xy -= 0.5; + vary_texcoord0.xy /= cloud_scale; + vary_texcoord0.xy += 0.5; + + vary_texcoord1 = vary_texcoord0; + vary_texcoord1.x += lightnorm.x * 0.0125; + vary_texcoord1.y += lightnorm.z * 0.0125; + + vary_texcoord2 = vary_texcoord0 * 16.; + vary_texcoord3 = vary_texcoord1 * 16.; + + // Get relative position + vec3 rel_pos = position.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0, 50, 0); + + altitude_blend_factor = clamp((rel_pos.y + 512.0) / max_y, 0.0, 1.0); + + // Set altitude + if (rel_pos.y > 0) + { + rel_pos *= (max_y / rel_pos.y); + } + if (rel_pos.y < 0) + { + altitude_blend_factor = 0; // SL-11589 Fix clouds drooping below horizon + rel_pos *= (-32000. / rel_pos.y); + } + + // Can normalize then + vec3 rel_pos_norm = normalize(rel_pos); + float rel_pos_len = length(rel_pos); + + // Initialize temp variables + vec4 sunlight = sunlight_color; + vec4 light_atten; + + // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere + // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes + light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (density_multiplier * max_y); + + // Calculate relative weights + vec4 combined_haze = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); + vec4 blue_weight = blue_density / combined_haze; + vec4 haze_weight = haze_density / combined_haze; + + // Compute sunlight from rel_pos & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) + float off_axis = 1.0 / max(1e-6, max(0., rel_pos_norm.y) + lightnorm.y); + sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * off_axis); + + // Distance + float density_dist = rel_pos_len * density_multiplier; + + // Transparency (-> combined_haze) + // ATI Bugfix -- can't store combined_haze*density_dist in a variable because the ati + // compiler gets confused. + combined_haze = exp(-combined_haze * density_dist); + + // Compute haze glow + float haze_glow = 1.0 - dot(rel_pos_norm, lightnorm.xyz); + // haze_glow is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun + haze_glow = max(haze_glow, .001); + // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) + haze_glow *= glow.x; + // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") + haze_glow = pow(haze_glow, glow.z); + // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + + haze_glow *= sun_moon_glow_factor; + + // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" + // For sun, add to glow. For moon, remove glow entirely. SL-13768 + haze_glow = (sun_moon_glow_factor < 1.0) ? 0.0 : (haze_glow + 0.25); + + // Increase ambient when there are more clouds + vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; + tmpAmbient += (1. - tmpAmbient) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; + + // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage + sunlight *= (1. - cloud_shadow); + + // Haze color below cloud + vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = + (blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * haze_glow + tmpAmbient)); + + // CLOUDS + off_axis = 1.0 / max(1e-6, lightnorm.y * 2.); + sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * off_axis); + + // Cloud color out + vary_CloudColorSun = (sunlight * haze_glow) * cloud_color; + vary_CloudColorAmbient = tmpAmbient * cloud_color; + + // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere + combined_haze = sqrt(combined_haze); // less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds + vary_CloudColorSun *= combined_haze; + vary_CloudColorAmbient *= combined_haze; + vec4 oHazeColorBelowCloud = additiveColorBelowCloud * (1. - combined_haze); + + // Make a nice cloud density based on the cloud_shadow value that was passed in. + vary_CloudDensity = 2. * (cloud_shadow - 0.25); + + // Combine these to minimize register use + vary_CloudColorAmbient += oHazeColorBelowCloud; + + // needs this to compile on mac + // vary_AtmosAttenuation = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); + + // END CLOUDS } - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyF.glsl index bd0ad3bce8..6b36d00f97 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/fullbrightShinyF.glsl @@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ VARYING vec4 vary_position; uniform samplerCube environmentMap; +// render_hud_attachments() -> HUD objects set LLShaderMgr::NO_ATMO; used in LLDrawPoolAlpha::beginRenderPass() +uniform int no_atmo; + vec3 fullbrightShinyAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten); vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); @@ -51,7 +54,9 @@ void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, ou vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 c); vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 c); - +// See: +// class1\deferred\fullbrightShinyF.glsl +// class1\lighting\lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl void main() { #ifdef HAS_DIFFUSE_LOOKUP @@ -59,25 +64,39 @@ void main() #else vec4 color = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); #endif - + color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; - vec3 pos = vary_position.xyz/vary_position.w; - vec3 sunlit; - vec3 amblit; - vec3 additive; - vec3 atten; + // SL-9632 HUDs are affected by Atmosphere + if (no_atmo == 0) + { + vec3 sunlit; + vec3 amblit; + vec3 additive; + vec3 atten; + vec3 pos = vary_position.xyz/vary_position.w; + + calcAtmosphericVars(pos.xyz, vec3(0), 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false); - calcAtmosphericVars(pos.xyz, vec3(0), 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false); - - vec3 envColor = textureCube(environmentMap, vary_texcoord1.xyz).rgb; - float env_intensity = vertex_color.a; - color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, env_intensity); + vec3 envColor = textureCube(environmentMap, vary_texcoord1.xyz).rgb; + float env_intensity = vertex_color.a; //color.rgb = srgb_to_linear(color.rgb); - - color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(color.rgb, additive, atten); - color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, env_intensity); + + color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(color.rgb, additive, atten); + color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + } + +/* + // NOTE: HUD objects will be full bright. Uncomment if you want "some" environment lighting effecting these HUD objects. + else + { + vec3 envColor = textureCube(environmentMap, vary_texcoord1.xyz).rgb; + float env_intensity = vertex_color.a; + color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, env_intensity); + } +*/ color.a = 1.0; diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl index 0afd1a9672..80d19102b6 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/materialF.glsl @@ -1,439 +1,443 @@ -/**
-* @file materialF.glsl
-* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$
-* Second Life Viewer Source Code
-* Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc.
-* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-* version 2.1 of the License only.
-* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
-* $/LicenseInfo$
-// This shader is used for both writing opaque/masked content to the gbuffer and writing blended content to the framebuffer during the alpha pass.
-uniform float emissive_brightness; // fullbright flag, 1.0 == fullbright, 0.0 otherwise
-uniform int sun_up_factor;
-#ifdef WATER_FOG
-vec4 applyWaterFogView(vec3 pos, vec4 color);
-vec3 atmosFragLighting(vec3 l, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
-vec3 scaleSoftClipFrag(vec3 l);
-vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten);
-vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light);
-void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, out vec3 atten, bool use_ao);
-vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs);
-vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cs);
-out vec4 frag_color;
-#define frag_color gl_FragColor
-float sampleDirectionalShadow(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec2 pos_screen);
-uniform samplerCube environmentMap;
-uniform sampler2D lightFunc;
-// Inputs
-uniform vec4 morphFactor;
-uniform vec3 camPosLocal;
-uniform mat3 env_mat;
-uniform vec3 sun_dir;
-uniform vec3 moon_dir;
-VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord;
-VARYING vec3 vary_position;
-uniform mat4 proj_mat;
-uniform mat4 inv_proj;
-uniform vec2 screen_res;
-uniform vec4 light_position[8];
-uniform vec3 light_direction[8];
-uniform vec4 light_attenuation[8];
-uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8];
-float getAmbientClamp();
-vec3 calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 light_col, vec3 npos, vec3 diffuse, vec4 spec, vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight, inout float glare, float ambiance)
- vec3 col = vec3(0);
- //get light vector
- vec3 lv = lp.xyz - v;
- //get distance
- float dist = length(lv);
- float da = 1.0;
- dist /= la;
- if (dist > 0.0 && la > 0.0)
- {
- //normalize light vector
- lv = normalize(lv);
- //distance attenuation
- float dist_atten = clamp(1.0 - (dist - 1.0*(1.0 - fa)) / fa, 0.0, 1.0);
- dist_atten *= dist_atten;
- dist_atten *= 2.0f;
- if (dist_atten <= 0.0)
- {
- return col;
- }
- // spotlight coefficient.
- float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight);
- da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2
- //angular attenuation
- da *= dot(n, lv);
- float lit = 0.0f;
- float amb_da = ambiance;
- if (da >= 0)
- {
- lit = max(da * dist_atten, 0.0);
- col = lit * light_col * diffuse;
- amb_da += (da*0.5 + 0.5) * ambiance;
- }
- amb_da += (da*da*0.5 + 0.5) * ambiance;
- amb_da *= dist_atten;
- amb_da = min(amb_da, 1.0f - lit);
- // SL-10969 need to see why these are blown out
- //col.rgb += amb_da * light_col * diffuse;
- if (spec.a > 0.0)
- {
- //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm);
- vec3 h = normalize(lv + npos);
- float nh = dot(n, h);
- float nv = dot(n, npos);
- float vh = dot(npos, h);
- float sa = nh;
- float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4 + 0.5;
- float gtdenom = 2 * nh;
- float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh));
- if (nh > 0.0)
- {
- float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt / (nh*da);
- vec3 speccol = lit*scol*light_col.rgb*spec.rgb;
- speccol = clamp(speccol, vec3(0), vec3(1));
- col += speccol;
- float cur_glare = max(speccol.r, speccol.g);
- cur_glare = max(cur_glare, speccol.b);
- glare = max(glare, speccol.r);
- glare += max(cur_glare, 0.0);
- }
- }
- }
- return max(col, vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
-out vec4 frag_data[3];
-#define frag_data gl_FragData
-uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; //always in sRGB space
-uniform sampler2D bumpMap;
-uniform sampler2D specularMap;
-VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2;
-uniform float env_intensity;
-uniform vec4 specular_color; // specular color RGB and specular exponent (glossiness) in alpha
-uniform float minimum_alpha;
-VARYING vec3 vary_mat0;
-VARYING vec3 vary_mat1;
-VARYING vec3 vary_mat2;
-VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1;
-VARYING vec3 vary_normal;
-VARYING vec4 vertex_color;
-VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0;
-vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n);
-void main()
- vec2 pos_screen = vary_texcoord0.xy;
- vec4 diffcol = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy);
- diffcol.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb;
- // Comparing floats cast from 8-bit values, produces acne right at the 8-bit transition points
- float bias = 0.001953125; // 1/512, or half an 8-bit quantization
- if (diffcol.a < minimum_alpha-bias)
- {
- discard;
- }
- vec3 gamma_diff = diffcol.rgb;
- diffcol.rgb = srgb_to_linear(diffcol.rgb);
- vec4 spec = texture2D(specularMap, vary_texcoord2.xy);
- spec.rgb *= specular_color.rgb;
- vec4 spec = vec4(specular_color.rgb, 1.0);
- vec4 norm = texture2D(bumpMap, vary_texcoord1.xy);
- norm.xyz = norm.xyz * 2 - 1;
- vec3 tnorm = vec3(dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat0),
- dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat1),
- dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat2));
- vec4 norm = vec4(0,0,0,1.0);
- vec3 tnorm = vary_normal;
- norm.xyz = normalize(tnorm.xyz);
- vec2 abnormal = encode_normal(norm.xyz);
- vec4 final_color = diffcol;
- final_color.a = emissive_brightness;
- final_color.a = max(final_color.a, emissive_brightness);
- vec4 final_specular = spec;
- vec4 final_normal = vec4(encode_normal(normalize(tnorm)), env_intensity * spec.a, 0.0);
- final_specular.a = specular_color.a * norm.a;
- vec4 final_normal = vec4(encode_normal(normalize(tnorm)), env_intensity, 0.0);
- final_specular.a = specular_color.a;
- //forward rendering, output just lit sRGBA
- vec3 pos = vary_position;
- float shadow = 1.0f;
- shadow = sampleDirectionalShadow(pos.xyz, norm.xyz, pos_screen);
- spec = final_specular;
- vec4 diffuse = final_color;
- float envIntensity = final_normal.z;
- vec3 color = vec3(0,0,0);
- vec3 light_dir = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sun_dir : moon_dir;
- float bloom = 0.0;
- vec3 sunlit;
- vec3 amblit;
- vec3 additive;
- vec3 atten;
- calcAtmosphericVars(pos.xyz, light_dir, 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false);
- // This call breaks the Mac GLSL compiler/linker for unknown reasons (17Mar2020)
- // The call is either a no-op or a pure (pow) gamma adjustment, depending on GPU level
- // TODO: determine if we want to re-apply the gamma adjustment, and if so understand & fix Mac breakage
- //color = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color);
- vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz));
- //we're in sRGB space, so gamma correct this dot product so
- // lighting from the sun stays sharp
- float da = clamp(dot(normalize(norm.xyz), light_dir.xyz), 0.0, 1.0);
- da = pow(da, 1.0 / 1.3);
- color = amblit;
- //darken ambient for normals perpendicular to light vector so surfaces in shadow
- // and facing away from light still have some definition to them.
- // do NOT gamma correct this dot product so ambient lighting stays soft
- float ambient = min(abs(dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz)), 1.0);
- ambient *= 0.5;
- ambient *= ambient;
- ambient = (1.0 - ambient);
- vec3 sun_contrib = min(da, shadow) * sunlit;
- color *= ambient;
- color += sun_contrib;
- color *= gamma_diff.rgb;
- float glare = 0.0;
- if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection
- {
-#if 1 //EEP
- vec3 npos = -normalize(pos.xyz);
- //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm);
- vec3 h = normalize(light_dir.xyz + npos);
- float nh = dot(norm.xyz, h);
- float nv = dot(norm.xyz, npos);
- float vh = dot(npos, h);
- float sa = nh;
- float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4 + 0.5;
- float gtdenom = 2 * nh;
- float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh));
- if (nh > 0.0)
- {
- float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt / (nh*da);
- vec3 sp = sun_contrib*scol / 6.0f;
- sp = clamp(sp, vec3(0), vec3(1));
- bloom = dot(sp, sp) / 4.0;
- color += sp * spec.rgb;
- }
-#else // PRODUCTION
- float sa = dot(refnormpersp, sun_dir.xyz);
- vec3 dumbshiny = sunlit*shadow*(texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r);
- // add the two types of shiny together
- vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb;
- bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6;
- glare = max(spec_contrib.r, spec_contrib.g);
- glare = max(glare, spec_contrib.b);
- color += spec_contrib;
- }
- color = mix(color.rgb, diffcol.rgb, diffuse.a);
- if (envIntensity > 0.0)
- {
- //add environmentmap
- vec3 env_vec = env_mat * refnormpersp;
- vec3 reflected_color = textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb;
- color = mix(color, reflected_color, envIntensity);
- float cur_glare = max(reflected_color.r, reflected_color.g);
- cur_glare = max(cur_glare, reflected_color.b);
- cur_glare *= envIntensity*4.0;
- glare += cur_glare;
- }
- color = atmosFragLighting(color, additive, atten);
- color = scaleSoftClipFrag(color);
- //convert to linear before adding local lights
- color = srgb_to_linear(color);
- vec3 npos = normalize(-pos.xyz);
- vec3 light = vec3(0, 0, 0);
-#define LIGHT_LOOP(i) light.rgb += calcPointLightOrSpotLight(light_diffuse[i].rgb, npos, diffuse.rgb, final_specular, pos.xyz, norm.xyz, light_position[i], light_direction[i].xyz, light_attenuation[i].x, light_attenuation[i].y, light_attenuation[i].z, glare, light_attenuation[i].w );
- color += light;
- glare = min(glare, 1.0);
- float al = max(diffcol.a, glare)*vertex_color.a;
- //convert to srgb as this color is being written post gamma correction
- color = linear_to_srgb(color);
-#ifdef WATER_FOG
- vec4 temp = applyWaterFogView(pos, vec4(color, al));
- color = temp.rgb;
- al = temp.a;
- frag_color = vec4(color, al);
-#else // mode is not DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND, encode to gbuffer
- // deferred path
- frag_data[0] = final_color; //gbuffer is sRGB
- frag_data[1] = final_specular; // XYZ = Specular color. W = Specular exponent.
- frag_data[2] = final_normal; // XY = Normal. Z = Env. intensity.
+/** +* @file materialF.glsl +* +* $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ +* Second Life Viewer Source Code +* Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. +* +* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; +* version 2.1 of the License only. +* +* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +* Lesser General Public License for more details. +* +* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +* +* Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA +* $/LicenseInfo$ +*/ + +/*[EXTRA_CODE_HERE]*/ + +//class1/deferred/materialF.glsl + +// This shader is used for both writing opaque/masked content to the gbuffer and writing blended content to the framebuffer during the alpha pass. + +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_NONE 0 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND 1 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK 2 +#define DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_EMISSIVE 3 + +uniform float emissive_brightness; // fullbright flag, 1.0 == fullbright, 0.0 otherwise +uniform int sun_up_factor; + +#ifdef WATER_FOG +vec4 applyWaterFogView(vec3 pos, vec4 color); +#endif + +vec3 atmosFragLighting(vec3 l, vec3 additive, vec3 atten); +vec3 scaleSoftClipFrag(vec3 l); + +vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten); +vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); + +void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, out vec3 atten, bool use_ao); + +vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 cs); +vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 cs); + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) + +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_color; +#else +#define frag_color gl_FragColor +#endif + +#ifdef HAS_SUN_SHADOW +float sampleDirectionalShadow(vec3 pos, vec3 norm, vec2 pos_screen); +#endif + +uniform samplerCube environmentMap; +uniform sampler2D lightFunc; + +// Inputs +uniform vec4 morphFactor; +uniform vec3 camPosLocal; +uniform mat3 env_mat; + +uniform vec3 sun_dir; +uniform vec3 moon_dir; +VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; + +VARYING vec3 vary_position; + +uniform mat4 proj_mat; +uniform mat4 inv_proj; +uniform vec2 screen_res; + +uniform vec4 light_position[8]; +uniform vec3 light_direction[8]; +uniform vec4 light_attenuation[8]; +uniform vec3 light_diffuse[8]; + +float getAmbientClamp(); + +vec3 calcPointLightOrSpotLight(vec3 light_col, vec3 npos, vec3 diffuse, vec4 spec, vec3 v, vec3 n, vec4 lp, vec3 ln, float la, float fa, float is_pointlight, inout float glare, float ambiance) +{ + vec3 col = vec3(0); + + //get light vector + vec3 lv = lp.xyz - v; + + //get distance + float dist = length(lv); + float da = 1.0; + + dist /= la; + + if (dist > 0.0 && la > 0.0) + { + //normalize light vector + lv = normalize(lv); + + //distance attenuation + float dist_atten = clamp(1.0 - (dist - 1.0*(1.0 - fa)) / fa, 0.0, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + dist_atten *= 2.0f; + + if (dist_atten <= 0.0) + { + return col; + } + + // spotlight coefficient. + float spot = max(dot(-ln, lv), is_pointlight); + da *= spot*spot; // GL_SPOT_EXPONENT=2 + + //angular attenuation + da *= dot(n, lv); + + float lit = 0.0f; + + float amb_da = ambiance; + if (da >= 0) + { + lit = max(da * dist_atten, 0.0); + col = lit * light_col * diffuse; + amb_da += (da*0.5 + 0.5) * ambiance; + } + amb_da += (da*da*0.5 + 0.5) * ambiance; + amb_da *= dist_atten; + amb_da = min(amb_da, 1.0f - lit); + + // SL-10969 need to see why these are blown out + //col.rgb += amb_da * light_col * diffuse; + + if (spec.a > 0.0) + { + //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); + vec3 h = normalize(lv + npos); + float nh = dot(n, h); + float nv = dot(n, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4 + 0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) + { + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt / (nh*da); + vec3 speccol = lit*scol*light_col.rgb*spec.rgb; + speccol = clamp(speccol, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + col += speccol; + + float cur_glare = max(speccol.r, speccol.g); + cur_glare = max(cur_glare, speccol.b); + glare = max(glare, speccol.r); + glare += max(cur_glare, 0.0); + } + } + } + + return max(col, vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); +} + +#else +#ifdef DEFINE_GL_FRAGCOLOR +out vec4 frag_data[3]; +#else +#define frag_data gl_FragData +#endif +#endif + +uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; //always in sRGB space + +#ifdef HAS_NORMAL_MAP +uniform sampler2D bumpMap; +#endif + +#ifdef HAS_SPECULAR_MAP +uniform sampler2D specularMap; + +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2; +#endif + +uniform float env_intensity; +uniform vec4 specular_color; // specular color RGB and specular exponent (glossiness) in alpha + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) +uniform float minimum_alpha; +#endif + +#ifdef HAS_NORMAL_MAP +VARYING vec3 vary_mat0; +VARYING vec3 vary_mat1; +VARYING vec3 vary_mat2; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1; +#else +VARYING vec3 vary_normal; +#endif + +VARYING vec4 vertex_color; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; + +vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n); + +void main() +{ + vec2 pos_screen = vary_texcoord0.xy; + + vec4 diffcol = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); + diffcol.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) + + // Comparing floats cast from 8-bit values, produces acne right at the 8-bit transition points + float bias = 0.001953125; // 1/512, or half an 8-bit quantization + if (diffcol.a < minimum_alpha-bias) + { + discard; + } +#endif + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) + vec3 gamma_diff = diffcol.rgb; + diffcol.rgb = srgb_to_linear(diffcol.rgb); +#endif + +#ifdef HAS_SPECULAR_MAP + vec4 spec = texture2D(specularMap, vary_texcoord2.xy); + spec.rgb *= specular_color.rgb; +#else + vec4 spec = vec4(specular_color.rgb, 1.0); +#endif + +#ifdef HAS_NORMAL_MAP + vec4 norm = texture2D(bumpMap, vary_texcoord1.xy); + + norm.xyz = norm.xyz * 2 - 1; + + vec3 tnorm = vec3(dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat0), + dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat1), + dot(norm.xyz,vary_mat2)); +#else + vec4 norm = vec4(0,0,0,1.0); + vec3 tnorm = vary_normal; +#endif + + norm.xyz = normalize(tnorm.xyz); + + vec2 abnormal = encode_normal(norm.xyz); + + vec4 final_color = diffcol; + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE != DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_EMISSIVE) + final_color.a = emissive_brightness; +#else + final_color.a = max(final_color.a, emissive_brightness); +#endif + + vec4 final_specular = spec; + +#ifdef HAS_SPECULAR_MAP + vec4 final_normal = vec4(encode_normal(normalize(tnorm)), env_intensity * spec.a, 0.0); + final_specular.a = specular_color.a * norm.a; +#else + vec4 final_normal = vec4(encode_normal(normalize(tnorm)), env_intensity, 0.0); + final_specular.a = specular_color.a; +#endif + +#if (DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE == DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND) + + //forward rendering, output just lit sRGBA + vec3 pos = vary_position; + + float shadow = 1.0f; + +#ifdef HAS_SUN_SHADOW + shadow = sampleDirectionalShadow(pos.xyz, norm.xyz, pos_screen); +#endif + + spec = final_specular; + vec4 diffuse = final_color; + float envIntensity = final_normal.z; + + vec3 color = vec3(0,0,0); + + vec3 light_dir = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sun_dir : moon_dir; + + float bloom = 0.0; + vec3 sunlit; + vec3 amblit; + vec3 additive; + vec3 atten; + + calcAtmosphericVars(pos.xyz, light_dir, 1.0, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, false); + + // This call breaks the Mac GLSL compiler/linker for unknown reasons (17Mar2020) + // The call is either a no-op or a pure (pow) gamma adjustment, depending on GPU level + // TODO: determine if we want to re-apply the gamma adjustment, and if so understand & fix Mac breakage + //color = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color); + + vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz)); + + //we're in sRGB space, so gamma correct this dot product so + // lighting from the sun stays sharp + float da = clamp(dot(normalize(norm.xyz), light_dir.xyz), 0.0, 1.0); + da = pow(da, 1.0 / 1.3); + + color = amblit; + + //darken ambient for normals perpendicular to light vector so surfaces in shadow + // and facing away from light still have some definition to them. + // do NOT gamma correct this dot product so ambient lighting stays soft + float ambient = min(abs(dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz)), 1.0); + ambient *= 0.5; + ambient *= ambient; + ambient = (1.0 - ambient); + + vec3 sun_contrib = min(da, shadow) * sunlit; + + color *= ambient; + + color += sun_contrib; + + color *= gamma_diff.rgb; + + float glare = 0.0; + + if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection + { + /* // Reverting this specular calculation to previous 'dumbshiny' version - DJH 6/17/2020 + // Preserving the refactored version as a comment for potential reconsideration, + // overriding the general rule to avoid pollutiong the source with commented code. + // + // If you're reading this in 2021+, feel free to obliterate. + + vec3 npos = -normalize(pos.xyz); + + //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); + vec3 h = normalize(light_dir.xyz + npos); + float nh = dot(norm.xyz, h); + float nv = dot(norm.xyz, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4 + 0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) + { + float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt / (nh*da); + vec3 sp = sun_contrib*scol / 6.0f; + sp = clamp(sp, vec3(0), vec3(1)); + bloom = dot(sp, sp) / 4.0; + color += sp * spec.rgb; + } + */ + + float sa = dot(refnormpersp, sun_dir.xyz); + vec3 dumbshiny = sunlit * shadow * (texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); + + // add the two types of shiny together + vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb; + bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6; + + glare = max(spec_contrib.r, spec_contrib.g); + glare = max(glare, spec_contrib.b); + + color += spec_contrib; + } + + color = mix(color.rgb, diffcol.rgb, diffuse.a); + + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { + //add environmentmap + vec3 env_vec = env_mat * refnormpersp; + + vec3 reflected_color = textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb; + + color = mix(color, reflected_color, envIntensity); + + float cur_glare = max(reflected_color.r, reflected_color.g); + cur_glare = max(cur_glare, reflected_color.b); + cur_glare *= envIntensity*4.0; + glare += cur_glare; + } + + color = atmosFragLighting(color, additive, atten); + color = scaleSoftClipFrag(color); + + //convert to linear before adding local lights + color = srgb_to_linear(color); + + vec3 npos = normalize(-pos.xyz); + + vec3 light = vec3(0, 0, 0); + +#define LIGHT_LOOP(i) light.rgb += calcPointLightOrSpotLight(light_diffuse[i].rgb, npos, diffuse.rgb, final_specular, pos.xyz, norm.xyz, light_position[i], light_direction[i].xyz, light_attenuation[i].x, light_attenuation[i].y, light_attenuation[i].z, glare, light_attenuation[i].w ); + + LIGHT_LOOP(1) + LIGHT_LOOP(2) + LIGHT_LOOP(3) + LIGHT_LOOP(4) + LIGHT_LOOP(5) + LIGHT_LOOP(6) + LIGHT_LOOP(7) + + color += light; + + glare = min(glare, 1.0); + float al = max(diffcol.a, glare)*vertex_color.a; + + //convert to srgb as this color is being written post gamma correction + color = linear_to_srgb(color); + +#ifdef WATER_FOG + vec4 temp = applyWaterFogView(pos, vec4(color, al)); + color = temp.rgb; + al = temp.a; +#endif + + frag_color = vec4(color, al); + +#else // mode is not DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND, encode to gbuffer + + // deferred path + frag_data[0] = final_color; //gbuffer is sRGB + frag_data[1] = final_specular; // XYZ = Specular color. W = Specular exponent. + frag_data[2] = final_normal; // XY = Normal. Z = Env. intensity. +#endif +} + diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/moonF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/moonF.glsl index 80f232948a..35068899ee 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/moonF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/moonF.glsl @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /** - * @file moonF.glsl + * @file class1\deferred\moonF.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. + * Copyright (C) 2005, 2020 Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public @@ -36,34 +36,33 @@ out vec4 frag_data[3]; uniform vec4 color; uniform vec4 sunlight_color; uniform vec4 moonlight_color; -uniform vec3 lumWeights; +uniform vec3 moon_dir; uniform float moon_brightness; -uniform float minLuminance; uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; -uniform sampler2D altDiffuseMap; -uniform float blend_factor; // interp factor between moon A/B + VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 c); -void main() -{ - vec4 moonA = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); - vec4 moonB = texture2D(altDiffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); - vec4 c = mix(moonA, moonB, blend_factor); - c.rgb = srgb_to_linear(c.rgb); +/// Soft clips the light with a gamma correction +vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); - // mix factor which blends when sunlight is brighter - // and shows true moon color at night - vec3 luma_weights = vec3(0.3, 0.5, 0.3); +void main() +{ + // Restore Pre-EEP alpha fade moon near horizon + float fade = 1.0; + if( moon_dir.z > 0 ) + fade = clamp( moon_dir.z*moon_dir.z*4.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); - vec4 light_color = max(sunlight_color, moonlight_color); - float mix = 1.0 - dot(normalize(light_color.rgb), luma_weights); + vec4 c = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); +// c.rgb = srgb_to_linear(c.rgb); + c.rgb *= moonlight_color.rgb; + c.rgb *= moon_brightness; - vec3 exp = vec3(1.0 - mix * moon_brightness) * 2.0 - 1.0; - c.rgb = pow(c.rgb, exp); + c.rgb *= fade; + c.a *= fade; - //c.rgb *= moonlight_color.rgb; + c.rgb = scaleSoftClip(c.rgb); frag_data[0] = vec4(c.rgb, c.a); frag_data[1] = vec4(0.0); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/moonV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/moonV.glsl index e1bac4f248..c4922afd7d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/moonV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/moonV.glsl @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ /** - * @file moonV.glsl + * @file class1\deferred\moonV.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * Copyright (C) 2007, 2020 Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public @@ -32,18 +32,13 @@ ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 eye_pos); - void main() { //transform vertex - vec3 offset = vec3(0, 0, 50); - vec4 vert = vec4(position.xyz - offset, 1.0); + vec4 vert = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); vec4 pos = (modelview_matrix * vert); gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix*vert; - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl index 0d1cc81786..8c402fcb54 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ -/** - * @file multiPointLightF.glsl +/** + * @file class1/deferred/multiPointLightF.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * + * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. - * + * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * + * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * + * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ @@ -36,119 +36,112 @@ out vec4 frag_color; uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; uniform sampler2DRect diffuseRect; uniform sampler2DRect specularRect; -uniform samplerCube environmentMap; -uniform sampler2D noiseMap; -uniform sampler2D lightFunc; +uniform samplerCube environmentMap; +uniform sampler2D noiseMap; +uniform sampler2D lightFunc; - -uniform vec3 env_mat[3]; +uniform vec3 env_mat[3]; uniform float sun_wash; +uniform int light_count; +uniform vec4 light[LIGHT_COUNT]; +uniform vec4 light_col[LIGHT_COUNT]; -uniform int light_count; - -uniform vec4 light[LIGHT_COUNT]; -uniform vec4 light_col[LIGHT_COUNT]; - -VARYING vec4 vary_fragcoord; -uniform vec2 screen_res; - +uniform vec2 screen_res; uniform float far_z; +uniform mat4 inv_proj; -uniform mat4 inv_proj; +VARYING vec4 vary_fragcoord; vec4 getPosition(vec2 pos_screen); vec3 getNorm(vec2 pos_screen); vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 c); -void main() +void main() { - vec3 out_col = vec3(0,0,0); - #if defined(LOCAL_LIGHT_KILL) - discard; -#else - vec2 frag = (vary_fragcoord.xy*0.5+0.5)*screen_res; - vec3 pos = getPosition(frag.xy).xyz; - if (pos.z < far_z) - { - discard; - } - - vec3 norm = getNorm(frag.xy); - - vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); - vec3 diff = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, frag.xy).rgb; - diff.rgb = srgb_to_linear(diff.rgb); - - float noise = texture2D(noiseMap, frag.xy/128.0).b; - vec3 npos = normalize(-pos); - - // As of OSX 10.6.7 ATI Apple's crash when using a variable size loop - for (int i = 0; i < LIGHT_COUNT; ++i) - { - vec3 lv = light[i].xyz-pos; - float dist = length(lv); - dist /= light[i].w; - if (dist <= 1.0) - { - float da = dot(norm, lv); - if (da > 0.0) - { - lv = normalize(lv); - da = dot(norm, lv); - - float fa = light_col[i].a+1.0; - float dist_atten = clamp(1.0-(dist-1.0*(1.0-fa))/fa, 0.0, 1.0); - dist_atten *= dist_atten; - - // Tweak falloff slightly to match pre-EEP attenuation - // NOTE: this magic number also shows up in a great many other places, search for dist_atten *= to audit - dist_atten *= 2.0; - - dist_atten *= noise; - - float lit = da * dist_atten; - - vec3 col = light_col[i].rgb*lit*diff; - - //vec3 col = vec3(dist2, light_col[i].a, lit); - - if (spec.a > 0.0) - { - lit = min(da*6.0, 1.0) * dist_atten; - //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); - vec3 h = normalize(lv+npos); - float nh = dot(norm, h); - float nv = dot(norm, npos); - float vh = dot(npos, h); - float sa = nh; - float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; - - float gtdenom = 2 * nh; - float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); - - if (nh > 0.0) - { - float scol = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); - col += lit*scol*light_col[i].rgb*spec.rgb; - //col += spec.rgb; - } - } - - out_col += col; - } - } - } + discard; // Bail immediately #endif - - frag_color.rgb = out_col; - frag_color.a = 0.0; + + vec3 out_col = vec3(0, 0, 0); + vec2 frag = (vary_fragcoord.xy * 0.5 + 0.5) * screen_res; + vec3 pos = getPosition(frag.xy).xyz; + if (pos.z < far_z) + { + discard; + } + + vec3 norm = getNorm(frag.xy); + + vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, frag.xy); + spec.rgb = srgb_to_linear(spec.rgb); + vec3 diff = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, frag.xy).rgb; + diff.rgb = srgb_to_linear(diff.rgb); + + float noise = texture2D(noiseMap, frag.xy / 128.0).b; + vec3 npos = normalize(-pos); + + // As of OSX 10.6.7 ATI Apple's crash when using a variable size loop + for (int i = 0; i < LIGHT_COUNT; ++i) + { + vec3 lv = light[i].xyz - pos; + float dist = length(lv); + dist /= light[i].w; + if (dist <= 1.0) + { + float da = dot(norm, lv); + if (da > 0.0) + { + lv = normalize(lv); + da = dot(norm, lv); + + float fa = light_col[i].a + 1.0; + float dist_atten = clamp(1.0 - (dist - 1.0 * (1.0 - fa)) / fa, 0.0, 1.0); + dist_atten *= dist_atten; + + // Tweak falloff slightly to match pre-EEP attenuation + // NOTE: this magic number also shows up in a great many other places, search for dist_atten *= to audit + dist_atten *= 2.0; + + dist_atten *= noise; + + float lit = da * dist_atten; + + vec3 col = light_col[i].rgb * lit * diff; + + if (spec.a > 0.0) + { + lit = min(da * 6.0, 1.0) * dist_atten; + vec3 h = normalize(lv + npos); + float nh = dot(norm, h); + float nv = dot(norm, npos); + float vh = dot(npos, h); + float sa = nh; + float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5) * 0.4 + 0.5; + + float gtdenom = 2 * nh; + float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); + + if (nh > 0.0) + { + float scol = fres * texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r * gt / (nh * da); + col += lit * scol * light_col[i].rgb * spec.rgb; + } + } + + out_col += col; + } + } + } + + frag_color.rgb = out_col; + frag_color.a = 0.0; #ifdef IS_AMD_CARD - // If it's AMD make sure the GLSL compiler sees the arrays referenced once by static index. Otherwise it seems to optimise the storage awawy which leads to unfun crashes and artifacts. - vec4 dummy1 = light[0]; - vec4 dummy2 = light_col[0]; - vec4 dummy3 = light[LIGHT_COUNT-1]; - vec4 dummy4 = light_col[LIGHT_COUNT-1]; + // If it's AMD make sure the GLSL compiler sees the arrays referenced once by static index. Otherwise it seems to optimise the storage + // awawy which leads to unfun crashes and artifacts. + vec4 dummy1 = light[0]; + vec4 dummy2 = light_col[0]; + vec4 dummy3 = light[LIGHT_COUNT - 1]; + vec4 dummy4 = light_col[LIGHT_COUNT - 1]; #endif } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyV.glsl index ead754ec76..28a1faf24f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/skyV.glsl @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ -/** +/** * @file WLSkyV.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. - * + * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. - * + * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * + * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * + * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ VARYING vec4 vary_HazeColor; // Inputs uniform vec3 camPosLocal; -uniform vec4 lightnorm; -uniform vec4 sunlight_color; -uniform vec4 moonlight_color; -uniform int sun_up_factor; -uniform vec4 ambient_color; -uniform vec4 blue_horizon; -uniform vec4 blue_density; +uniform vec4 lightnorm; +uniform vec4 sunlight_color; +uniform vec4 moonlight_color; +uniform int sun_up_factor; +uniform vec4 ambient_color; +uniform vec4 blue_horizon; +uniform vec4 blue_density; uniform float haze_horizon; uniform float haze_density; @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ uniform float density_multiplier; uniform float distance_multiplier; uniform float max_y; -uniform vec4 glow; +uniform vec4 glow; uniform float sun_moon_glow_factor; uniform vec4 cloud_color; @@ -63,103 +63,91 @@ uniform vec4 cloud_color; // indra\newview\lllegacyatmospherics.cpp void main() { - - // World / view / projection + // World / view / projection vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - gl_Position = pos; - - // Get relative position - vec3 P = position.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0,50,0); - - // Set altitude - if (P.y > 0.) - { - P *= (max_y / P.y); - } - else - { - P *= (-32000. / P.y); - } - - // Can normalize then - vec3 Pn = normalize(P); - - float Plen = length(P); - - // Initialize temp variables - vec4 temp1 = vec4(0.); - vec4 temp2 = vec4(0.); - vec4 blue_weight; - vec4 haze_weight; - vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; - vec4 light_atten; - - float dens_mul = density_multiplier; - - // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere - // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes - light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (dens_mul * max_y); - - // Calculate relative weights - temp1 = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); - blue_weight = blue_density / temp1; - haze_weight = haze_density / temp1; - - // Compute sunlight from P & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) - temp2.y = max(0., max(0., Pn.y) * 1.0 + lightnorm.y ); - temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; - sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); - - // Distance - temp2.z = Plen * dens_mul; - - // Transparency (-> temp1) - // ATI Bugfix -- can't store temp1*temp2.z in a variable because the ati - // compiler gets confused. - temp1 = exp(-temp1 * temp2.z); + gl_Position = pos; + + // Get relative position + vec3 rel_pos = position.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0, 50, 0); + + // Adj position vector to clamp altitude + if (rel_pos.y > 0) + { + rel_pos *= (max_y / rel_pos.y); + } + if (rel_pos.y < 0) + { + rel_pos *= (-32000. / rel_pos.y); + } + + // Can normalize then + vec3 rel_pos_norm = normalize(rel_pos); - // Compute haze glow - temp2.x = dot(Pn, lightnorm.xyz); - temp2.x = 1. - temp2.x; - // temp2.x is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun - temp2.x = max(temp2.x, .001); - // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) - temp2.x *= glow.x; - // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") - temp2.x = pow(temp2.x, glow.z); - // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + float rel_pos_len = length(rel_pos); - // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" - temp2.x += .25; + // Initialize temp variables + vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; + vec4 light_atten; - vec4 color = ( blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + ambient_color) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * temp2.x + ambient_color) - ); + // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere + // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes + light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (density_multiplier * max_y); + // Calculate relative weights + vec4 combined_haze = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); + vec4 blue_weight = blue_density / combined_haze; + vec4 haze_weight = haze_density / combined_haze; + + // Compute sunlight from rel_pos & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) + float off_axis = 1.0 / max(1e-6, max(0., rel_pos_norm.y) + lightnorm.y); + sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * off_axis); + + // Distance + float density_dist = rel_pos_len * density_multiplier; + + // Transparency (-> combined_haze) + // ATI Bugfix -- can't store combined_haze*density_dist in a variable because the ati + // compiler gets confused. + combined_haze = exp(-combined_haze * density_dist); + + // Compute haze glow + float haze_glow = 1.0 - dot(rel_pos_norm, lightnorm.xyz); + // haze_glow is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun + haze_glow = max(haze_glow, .001); + // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) + haze_glow *= glow.x; + // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") + haze_glow = pow(haze_glow, glow.z); + // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + + // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" + // For sun, add to glow. For moon, remove glow entirely. SL-13768 + haze_glow = (sun_moon_glow_factor < 1.0) ? 0.0 : (haze_glow + 0.25); + + vec4 color = + (blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + ambient_color) + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * haze_glow + ambient_color)); // Final atmosphere additive - color *= (1. - temp1); + color *= (1. - combined_haze); - // Increase ambient when there are more clouds - vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; - tmpAmbient += max(vec4(0), (1. - ambient_color)) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; + // Increase ambient when there are more clouds + vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; + tmpAmbient += max(vec4(0), (1. - ambient_color)) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; - // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage - sunlight *= max(0.0, (1. - cloud_shadow)); + // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage + sunlight *= max(0.0, (1. - cloud_shadow)); - // Haze color below cloud - vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = ( blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * temp2.x + tmpAmbient) - ); + // Haze color below cloud + vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = + (blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * haze_glow + tmpAmbient)); - // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere - temp1 = sqrt(temp1); //less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds + // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere + combined_haze = sqrt(combined_haze); // less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds - // At horizon, blend high altitude sky color towards the darker color below the clouds - color += (additiveColorBelowCloud - color) * (1. - sqrt(temp1)); + // At horizon, blend high altitude sky color towards the darker color below the clouds + color += (additiveColorBelowCloud - color) * (1. - sqrt(combined_haze)); // Haze color above cloud - vary_HazeColor = color; + vary_HazeColor = color; } - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightF.glsl index a5804220bc..f80f1a985a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/softenLightF.glsl @@ -124,41 +124,15 @@ void main() if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection { + float sa = dot(refnormpersp, light_dir.xyz); + vec3 dumbshiny = sunlit * (texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); -#if 1 //EEP - vec3 npos = -normalize(pos.xyz); - - //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); - vec3 h = normalize(light_dir.xyz+npos); - float nh = dot(norm.xyz, h); - float nv = dot(norm.xyz, npos); - float vh = dot(npos, h); - float sa = nh; - float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; - - float gtdenom = 2 * nh; - float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); - - if (nh > 0.0) - { - float scontrib = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); - vec3 sp = sun_contrib*scontrib / 6.0; - sp = clamp(sp, vec3(0), vec3(1)); - bloom += dot(sp, sp) / 4.0; - color += sp * spec.rgb; - } -#else //PRODUCTION - float sa = dot(refnormpersp, light_dir.xyz); - vec3 dumbshiny = sunlit*(texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); - // add the two types of shiny together vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb; - bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6; + bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6; color.rgb += spec_contrib; -#endif - } - + color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, diffuse.rgb, diffuse.a); if (envIntensity > 0.0) diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/encodeNormF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/encodeNormF.glsl index 50e781fa78..6cd2445522 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/encodeNormF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/environment/encodeNormF.glsl @@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ * $/LicenseInfo$ */ +// Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection +// See: https://aras-p.info/texts/CompactNormalStorage.html +// Also see: A_bit_more_deferred_-_CryEngine3.ppt vec2 encode_normal(vec3 n) { float f = sqrt(8 * n.z + 8); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl index f665394b46..0bb48061e0 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ out vec4 frag_color; uniform float minimum_alpha; +// render_hud_attachments() -> HUD objects set LLShaderMgr::NO_ATMO; +uniform int no_atmo; + vec3 atmosLighting(vec3 light); vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); @@ -41,16 +44,19 @@ void default_lighting() { vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); - color *= vertex_color; - if (color.a < minimum_alpha) { discard; } + + color *= vertex_color; - color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); - - color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + // SL-9632 HUDs are affected by Atmosphere + if (no_atmo == 0) + { + color.rgb = atmosLighting(color.rgb); + color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + } frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl index 46390e4a0e..1855cfceeb 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightAlphaMaskF.glsl @@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ out vec4 frag_color; #endif uniform float minimum_alpha; -uniform float texture_gamma; +uniform float texture_gamma; // either 1.0 or 2.2; see: "::TEXTURE_GAMMA" + +// render_hud_attachments() -> HUD objects set LLShaderMgr::NO_ATMO; used in LLDrawPoolAlpha::beginRenderPass() +uniform int no_atmo; vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); @@ -50,9 +53,17 @@ void fullbright_lighting() color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(texture_gamma)); - color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); - - color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + + // SL-9632 HUDs are affected by Atmosphere + if (no_atmo == 0) + { + color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); + color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + } + + //*TODO: Are we missing an inverse pow() here? + // class1\lighting\lightFullbrightF.glsl has: + // color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0/texture_gamma)); frag_color = color; } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl index b967709c57..5fcdf3107c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightF.glsl @@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; uniform float texture_gamma; +// render_hud_attachments() -> HUD objects set LLShaderMgr::NO_ATMO; +uniform int no_atmo; + vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); @@ -43,9 +46,12 @@ void fullbright_lighting() color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(texture_gamma)); - color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); - - color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + // SL-9632 HUDs are affected by Atmosphere + if (no_atmo == 0) + { + color.rgb = fullbrightAtmosTransport(color.rgb); + color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + } color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0/texture_gamma)); diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl index 567811cd75..6f7e777d23 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/lighting/lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl @@ -35,20 +35,37 @@ VARYING vec3 vary_texcoord1; uniform samplerCube environmentMap; +// render_hud_attachments() -> HUD objects set LLShaderMgr::NO_ATMO; used in LLDrawPoolAlpha::beginRenderPass() +uniform int no_atmo; + vec3 fullbrightShinyAtmosTransport(vec3 light); vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); +// See: +// class1\deferred\fullbrightShinyF.glsl +// class1\lighting\lightFullbrightShinyF.glsl void fullbright_shiny_lighting() { vec4 color = diffuseLookup(vary_texcoord0.xy); color.rgb *= vertex_color.rgb; - - vec3 envColor = textureCube(environmentMap, vary_texcoord1.xyz).rgb; - color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, vertex_color.a*0.75); // MAGIC NUMBER SL-12574; ALM: Off, Quality > Low - color.rgb = fullbrightShinyAtmosTransport(color.rgb); + // SL-9632 HUDs are affected by Atmosphere + if (no_atmo == 0) + { + vec3 envColor = textureCube(environmentMap, vary_texcoord1.xyz).rgb; + color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, vertex_color.a*0.75); // MAGIC NUMBER SL-12574; ALM: Off, Quality > Low - color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + color.rgb = fullbrightShinyAtmosTransport(color.rgb); + color.rgb = fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color.rgb); + } +/* + // NOTE: HUD objects will be full bright. Uncomment if you want "some" environment lighting effecting these HUD objects. + else + { + vec3 envColor = textureCube(environmentMap, vary_texcoord1.xyz).rgb; + color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, envColor.rgb, vertex_color.a*0.75); // MAGIC NUMBER SL-12574; ALM: Off, Quality > Low + } +*/ color.a = 1.0; diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl index a59bd9c0a6..9ef7704b70 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/objects/simpleV.glsl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/** +/** * @file simpleV.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ uniform mat4 texture_matrix0; uniform mat4 modelview_matrix; uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; +// render_hud_attachments() -> HUD objects set LLShaderMgr::NO_ATMO; used in LLDrawPoolAlpha::beginRenderPass() +uniform int no_atmo; + ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; void passTextureIndex(); ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; @@ -46,19 +49,23 @@ void main() { //transform vertex vec4 vert = vec4(position.xyz,1.0); - passTextureIndex(); - vec4 pos = (modelview_matrix * vert); gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix*vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + + passTextureIndex(); vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0, 0, 1)).xy; - - - - vec3 norm = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); + // SL-9632 HUDs are affected by Atmosphere + if (no_atmo == 1) + { + vertex_color = diffuse_color; + } + else + { + vec4 pos = (modelview_matrix * vert); + vec3 norm = normalize(normal_matrix * normal); - vec4 color = calcLighting(pos.xyz, norm, diffuse_color); - vertex_color = color; + calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); - + vertex_color = calcLighting(pos.xyz, norm, diffuse_color); + } } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl index dcb02bd1c1..ea2690ba09 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/atmosphericsFuncs.glsl @@ -1,154 +1,134 @@ -/** +/** * @file class1\windlight\atmosphericsFuncs.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2019, Linden Research, Inc. - * + * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. - * + * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * + * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * + * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ -uniform vec4 lightnorm; -uniform vec4 sunlight_color; -uniform vec4 moonlight_color; -uniform int sun_up_factor; -uniform vec4 ambient_color; -uniform vec4 blue_horizon; -uniform vec4 blue_density; +uniform vec4 lightnorm; +uniform vec4 sunlight_color; +uniform vec4 moonlight_color; +uniform int sun_up_factor; +uniform vec4 ambient_color; +uniform vec4 blue_horizon; +uniform vec4 blue_density; uniform float haze_horizon; uniform float haze_density; uniform float cloud_shadow; uniform float density_multiplier; uniform float distance_multiplier; uniform float max_y; -uniform vec4 glow; +uniform vec4 glow; uniform float scene_light_strength; -uniform mat3 ssao_effect_mat; -uniform int no_atmo; +uniform mat3 ssao_effect_mat; +uniform int no_atmo; uniform float sun_moon_glow_factor; -float getAmbientClamp() +float getAmbientClamp() { return 1.0f; } + +void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, + out vec3 atten, bool use_ao) { - return 1.0f; -} + vec3 rel_pos = inPositionEye; + //(TERRAIN) limit altitude + if (abs(rel_pos.y) > max_y) rel_pos *= (max_y / rel_pos.y); -void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, out vec3 atten, bool use_ao) { + vec3 rel_pos_norm = normalize(rel_pos); + float rel_pos_len = length(rel_pos); + vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; - vec3 P = inPositionEye; - - //(TERRAIN) limit altitude - if (P.y > max_y) P *= (max_y / P.y); - if (P.y < -max_y) P *= (-max_y / P.y); + // sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere + // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes + vec4 light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (density_multiplier * max_y); + // I had thought blue_density and haze_density should have equal weighting, + // but attenuation due to haze_density tends to seem too strong - vec3 tmpLightnorm = lightnorm.xyz; + vec4 combined_haze = blue_density + vec4(haze_density); + vec4 blue_weight = blue_density / combined_haze; + vec4 haze_weight = vec4(haze_density) / combined_haze; - vec3 Pn = normalize(P); - float Plen = length(P); + //(TERRAIN) compute sunlight from lightnorm y component. Factor is roughly cosecant(sun elevation) (for short rays like terrain) + float above_horizon_factor = 1.0 / max(1e-6, lightnorm.y); + sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * above_horizon_factor); // for sun [horizon..overhead] this maps to an exp curve [0..1] + + // main atmospheric scattering line integral + float density_dist = rel_pos_len * density_multiplier; - vec4 temp1 = vec4(0); - vec3 temp2 = vec3(0); - vec4 blue_weight; - vec4 haze_weight; - vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; - vec4 light_atten; + // Transparency (-> combined_haze) + // ATI Bugfix -- can't store combined_haze*density_dist*distance_multiplier in a variable because the ati + // compiler gets confused. + combined_haze = exp(-combined_haze * density_dist * distance_multiplier); - float dens_mul = density_multiplier; - float dist_mul = distance_multiplier; + // final atmosphere attenuation factor + atten = combined_haze.rgb; - //sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere - //this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes - light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (dens_mul * max_y); - //I had thought blue_density and haze_density should have equal weighting, - //but attenuation due to haze_density tends to seem too strong + // compute haze glow + float haze_glow = dot(rel_pos_norm, lightnorm.xyz); - temp1 = blue_density + vec4(haze_density); - blue_weight = blue_density / temp1; - haze_weight = vec4(haze_density) / temp1; + // dampen sun additive contrib when not facing it... + // SL-13539: This "if" clause causes an "additive" white artifact at roughly 77 degreees. + // if (length(light_dir) > 0.01) + haze_glow *= max(0.0f, dot(light_dir, rel_pos_norm)); - //(TERRAIN) compute sunlight from lightnorm only (for short rays like terrain) - temp2.y = max(0.0, tmpLightnorm.y); - if (abs(temp2.y) > 0.000001f) - { - temp2.y = 1. / abs(temp2.y); - } - temp2.y = max(0.0000001f, temp2.y); - sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * temp2.y); + haze_glow = 1. - haze_glow; + // haze_glow is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun + haze_glow = max(haze_glow, .001); // set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) + haze_glow *= glow.x; + // higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") + haze_glow = pow(haze_glow, glow.z); + // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function - // main atmospheric scattering line integral - temp2.z = Plen * dens_mul; + // add "minimum anti-solar illumination" + haze_glow += .25; - // Transparency (-> temp1) - // ATI Bugfix -- can't store temp1*temp2.z*dist_mul in a variable because the ati - // compiler gets confused. - temp1 = exp(-temp1 * temp2.z * dist_mul); + haze_glow *= sun_moon_glow_factor; - //final atmosphere attenuation factor - atten = temp1.rgb; - - //compute haze glow - //(can use temp2.x as temp because we haven't used it yet) - temp2.x = dot(Pn, tmpLightnorm.xyz); + vec4 amb_color = ambient_color; - // dampen sun additive contrib when not facing it... - if (length(light_dir) > 0.01) - { - temp2.x *= max(0.0f, dot(light_dir, Pn)); - } - temp2.x = 1. - temp2.x; - //temp2.x is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun - temp2.x = max(temp2.x, .001); //was glow.y - //set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) - temp2.x *= glow.x; - //higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") - temp2.x = pow(temp2.x, glow.z); - //glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function - - //add "minimum anti-solar illumination" - temp2.x += .25; - - temp2.x *= sun_moon_glow_factor; - - vec4 amb_color = ambient_color; - - //increase ambient when there are more clouds + // increase ambient when there are more clouds vec4 tmpAmbient = amb_color + (vec4(1.) - amb_color) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; - + /* decrease value and saturation (that in HSV, not HSL) for occluded areas * // for HSV color/geometry used here, see http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/index.html?node52.html * // The following line of code performs the equivalent of: * float ambAlpha = tmpAmbient.a; * float ambValue = dot(vec3(tmpAmbient), vec3(0.577)); // projection onto <1/rt(3), 1/rt(3), 1/rt(3)>, the neutral white-black axis * vec3 ambHueSat = vec3(tmpAmbient) - vec3(ambValue); - * tmpAmbient = vec4(RenderSSAOEffect.valueFactor * vec3(ambValue) + RenderSSAOEffect.saturationFactor *(1.0 - ambFactor) * ambHueSat, ambAlpha); + * tmpAmbient = vec4(RenderSSAOEffect.valueFactor * vec3(ambValue) + RenderSSAOEffect.saturationFactor *(1.0 - ambFactor) * ambHueSat, + * ambAlpha); */ if (use_ao) { tmpAmbient = vec4(mix(ssao_effect_mat * tmpAmbient.rgb, tmpAmbient.rgb, ambFactor), tmpAmbient.a); } - //haze color - additive = - vec3(blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight*(1.-cloud_shadow) + tmpAmbient) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight*(1.-cloud_shadow) * temp2.x - + tmpAmbient)); + // Similar/Shared Algorithms: + // indra\llinventory\llsettingssky.cpp -- LLSettingsSky::calculateLightSettings() + // indra\newview\app_settings\shaders\class1\windlight\atmosphericsFuncs.glsl -- calcAtmosphericVars() + // haze color + vec3 cs = sunlight.rgb * (1. - cloud_shadow); + additive = (blue_horizon.rgb * blue_weight.rgb) * (cs + tmpAmbient.rgb) + (haze_horizon * haze_weight.rgb) * (cs * haze_glow + tmpAmbient.rgb); - //brightness of surface both sunlight and ambient + // brightness of surface both sunlight and ambient sunlit = sunlight.rgb * 0.5; amblit = tmpAmbient.rgb * .25; - additive *= vec3(1.0 - temp1); + additive *= vec3(1.0 - combined_haze); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/moonF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/moonF.glsl index 24f3992e32..2425a2ad04 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/moonF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/moonF.glsl @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. + * Copyright (C) 2005, 2020 Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public @@ -36,28 +36,30 @@ out vec4 frag_color; uniform vec4 color; uniform vec4 sunlight_color; uniform vec4 moonlight_color; -uniform vec3 lumWeights; +uniform vec3 moon_dir; uniform float moon_brightness; -uniform float minLuminance; uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; -uniform sampler2D altDiffuseMap; -uniform float blend_factor; // interp factor between moon A/B + VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); + void main() { - vec4 moonA = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); - vec4 moonB = texture2D(altDiffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); - vec4 c = mix(moonA, moonB, blend_factor); + // Restore Pre-EEP alpha fade moon near horizon + float fade = 1.0; + if( moon_dir.z > 0 ) + fade = clamp( moon_dir.z*moon_dir.z*4.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); + + vec4 c = texture2D(diffuseMap, vary_texcoord0.xy); +// c.rgb = pow(c.rgb, vec3(0.7f)); // can't use "srgb_to_linear(color.rgb)" as that is a deferred only function + c.rgb *= moonlight_color.rgb; + c.rgb *= moon_brightness; - // mix factor which blends when sunlight is brighter - // and shows true moon color at night - vec3 luma_weights = vec3(0.3, 0.5, 0.3); - float mix = 1.0f - dot(normalize(sunlight_color.rgb), luma_weights); + c.rgb *= fade; + c.a *= fade; - vec3 exp = vec3(1.0 - mix * moon_brightness) * 2.0 - 1.0; - c.rgb = pow(c.rgb, exp); - //c.rgb *= moonlight_color.rgb; + c.rgb = scaleSoftClip(c.rgb); frag_color = vec4(c.rgb, c.a); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/moonV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/moonV.glsl index 8cd4b2ef47..2fceb5f743 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/moonV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/windlight/moonV.glsl @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code - * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. + * Copyright (C) 2007, 2020 Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public @@ -30,20 +30,15 @@ uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; -void calcAtmospherics(vec3 inPositionEye); - VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; void main() { //transform vertex - vec3 offset = vec3(0, 0, 50); - vec4 vert = vec4(position.xyz - offset, 1.0); + vec4 vert = vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); vec4 pos = (modelview_matrix * vert); gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix*vert; vary_texcoord0 = (texture_matrix0 * vec4(texcoord0,0,1)).xy; - - calcAtmospherics(pos.xyz); } diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/skyF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/skyF.glsl index 1dce85a83b..1485c515a4 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/skyF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/skyF.glsl @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ -/** +/** * @file class2/deferred/skyF.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. - * + * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. - * + * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * + * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * + * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; // Inputs uniform vec3 camPosLocal; -uniform vec4 lightnorm; -uniform vec4 sunlight_color; -uniform vec4 moonlight_color; -uniform int sun_up_factor; -uniform vec4 ambient_color; -uniform vec4 blue_horizon; -uniform vec4 blue_density; +uniform vec4 lightnorm; +uniform vec4 sunlight_color; +uniform vec4 moonlight_color; +uniform int sun_up_factor; +uniform vec4 ambient_color; +uniform vec4 blue_horizon; +uniform vec4 blue_density; uniform float haze_horizon; uniform float haze_density; @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ uniform float density_multiplier; uniform float distance_multiplier; uniform float max_y; -uniform vec4 glow; +uniform vec4 glow; uniform float sun_moon_glow_factor; uniform vec4 cloud_color; @@ -73,16 +73,16 @@ uniform float ice_level; vec3 rainbow(float d) { - d = clamp(d, -1.0, 0.0); - float rad = (droplet_radius - 5.0f) / 1024.0f; - return pow(texture2D(rainbow_map, vec2(rad, d)).rgb, vec3(1.8)) * moisture_level; + d = clamp(d, -1.0, 0.0); + float rad = (droplet_radius - 5.0f) / 1024.0f; + return pow(texture2D(rainbow_map, vec2(rad, d)).rgb, vec3(1.8)) * moisture_level; } vec3 halo22(float d) { - d = clamp(d, 0.1, 1.0); - float v = sqrt(clamp(1 - (d * d), 0, 1)); - return texture2D(halo_map, vec2(0, v)).rgb * ice_level; + d = clamp(d, 0.1, 1.0); + float v = sqrt(clamp(1 - (d * d), 0, 1)); + return texture2D(halo_map, vec2(0, v)).rgb * ice_level; } /// Soft clips the light with a gamma correction @@ -90,115 +90,96 @@ vec3 scaleSoftClip(vec3 light); void main() { - // World / view / projection - // Get relative position - vec3 P = pos.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0,50,0); + // Get relative position (offset why?) + vec3 rel_pos = pos.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0, 50, 0); - // Set altitude - if (P.y > 0.) + // Adj position vector to clamp altitude + if (rel_pos.y > 0.) { - P *= (max_y / P.y); + rel_pos *= (max_y / rel_pos.y); } - else + if (rel_pos.y < 0.) { - P *= (-32000. / P.y); + rel_pos *= (-32000. / rel_pos.y); } - // Can normalize then - vec3 Pn = normalize(P); - float Plen = length(P); + // Normalized + vec3 rel_pos_norm = normalize(rel_pos); + float rel_pos_len = length(rel_pos); // Initialize temp variables - vec4 temp1 = vec4(0.); - vec4 temp2 = vec4(0.); - vec4 blue_weight; - vec4 haze_weight; vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; - vec4 light_atten; - - float dens_mul = density_multiplier; // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes - light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (dens_mul * max_y); + vec4 light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (density_multiplier * max_y); // Calculate relative weights - temp1 = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); - blue_weight = blue_density / temp1; - haze_weight = haze_density / temp1; + vec4 combined_haze = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); + vec4 blue_weight = blue_density / combined_haze; + vec4 haze_weight = haze_density / combined_haze; - // Compute sunlight from P & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) - temp2.y = max(0., max(0., Pn.y) * 1.0 + lightnorm.y ); - temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; - sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); + // Compute sunlight from rel_pos & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) + float off_axis = 1.0 / max(1e-6, max(0, rel_pos_norm.y) + lightnorm.y); + sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * off_axis); // Distance - temp2.z = Plen * dens_mul; + float density_dist = rel_pos_len * density_multiplier; - // Transparency (-> temp1) - // ATI Bugfix -- can't store temp1*temp2.z in a variable because the ati + // Transparency (-> combined_haze) + // ATI Bugfix -- can't store combined_haze*density_dist in a variable because the ati // compiler gets confused. - temp1 = exp(-temp1 * temp2.z); + combined_haze = exp(-combined_haze * density_dist); // Compute haze glow - temp2.x = dot(Pn, lightnorm.xyz); - temp2.x = 1. - temp2.x; - // temp2.x is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun - temp2.x = max(temp2.x, .001); - // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) - temp2.x *= glow.x; - // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") - temp2.x = pow(temp2.x, glow.z); - // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + float haze_glow = dot(rel_pos_norm, lightnorm.xyz); + haze_glow = 1. - haze_glow; + // haze_glow is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun + haze_glow = max(haze_glow, .001); + // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) + haze_glow *= glow.x; + // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") + haze_glow = pow(haze_glow, glow.z); + // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" - temp2.x += .25; - - temp2.x *= sun_moon_glow_factor; + // For sun, add to glow. For moon, remove glow entirely. SL-13768 + haze_glow = (sun_moon_glow_factor < 1.0) ? 0.0 : (sun_moon_glow_factor * (haze_glow + 0.25)); // Haze color above cloud - vec4 color = ( blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + ambient_color) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * temp2.x + ambient_color) - ); + vec4 color = blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + ambient_color) + + haze_horizon * haze_weight * (sunlight * haze_glow + ambient_color); // Final atmosphere additive - color *= (1. - temp1); + color *= (1. - combined_haze); // Increase ambient when there are more clouds - vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; - tmpAmbient += max(vec4(0), (1. - ambient_color)) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; + // TODO 9/20: DJH what does this do? max(0,(1-ambient)) will change the color + vec4 ambient = ambient_color + max(vec4(0), (1. - ambient_color)) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage sunlight *= max(0.0, (1. - cloud_shadow)); // Haze color below cloud - vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = (blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * temp2.x + tmpAmbient) - ); + vec4 add_below_cloud = blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + ambient) + + haze_horizon * haze_weight * (sunlight * haze_glow + ambient); - - // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere - temp1 = sqrt(temp1); //less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds + combined_haze = sqrt(combined_haze); // less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds // At horizon, blend high altitude sky color towards the darker color below the clouds - color += (additiveColorBelowCloud - color) * (1. - sqrt(temp1)); - - float optic_d = dot(Pn, lightnorm.xyz); - - vec3 halo_22 = halo22(optic_d); + color += (add_below_cloud - color) * (1. - sqrt(combined_haze)); + float optic_d = dot(rel_pos_norm, lightnorm.xyz); + vec3 halo_22 = halo22(optic_d); color.rgb += rainbow(optic_d); - color.rgb += halo_22; - color.rgb *= 2.; color.rgb = scaleSoftClip(color.rgb); - /// Gamma correct for WL (soft clip effect). + // Gamma correct for WL (soft clip effect). frag_data[0] = vec4(color.rgb, 1.0); - frag_data[1] = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); - frag_data[2] = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); //1.0 in norm.w masks off fog + frag_data[1] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + frag_data[2] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // 1.0 in norm.w masks off fog } - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl index b0dff0c628..f4db53e0b7 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ -/** +/** * @file class2/deferred/softenLightF.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2007, Linden Research, Inc. - * + * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. - * + * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * + * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * + * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ uniform sampler2DRect specularRect; uniform sampler2DRect normalMap; uniform sampler2DRect lightMap; uniform sampler2DRect depthMap; -uniform samplerCube environmentMap; +uniform samplerCube environmentMap; uniform sampler2D lightFunc; uniform float blur_size; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ uniform mat3 env_mat; uniform vec3 sun_dir; uniform vec3 moon_dir; -uniform int sun_up_factor; +uniform int sun_up_factor; VARYING vec2 vary_fragcoord; uniform mat4 inv_proj; @@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ vec4 getPositionWithDepth(vec2 pos_screen, float depth); void calcAtmosphericVars(vec3 inPositionEye, vec3 light_dir, float ambFactor, out vec3 sunlit, out vec3 amblit, out vec3 additive, out vec3 atten, bool use_ao); float getAmbientClamp(); -vec3 atmosFragLighting(vec3 l, vec3 additive, vec3 atten); -vec3 scaleSoftClipFrag(vec3 l); -vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten); -vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); +vec3 atmosFragLighting(vec3 l, vec3 additive, vec3 atten); +vec3 scaleSoftClipFrag(vec3 l); +vec3 fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(vec3 light, vec3 additive, vec3 atten); +vec3 fullbrightScaleSoftClip(vec3 light); vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 c); vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 c); @@ -73,128 +73,85 @@ vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 c); vec4 applyWaterFogView(vec3 pos, vec4 color); #endif -void main() +void main() { - vec2 tc = vary_fragcoord.xy; - float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, tc.xy).r; - vec4 pos = getPositionWithDepth(tc, depth); - vec4 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, tc); + vec2 tc = vary_fragcoord.xy; + float depth = texture2DRect(depthMap, tc.xy).r; + vec4 pos = getPositionWithDepth(tc, depth); + vec4 norm = texture2DRect(normalMap, tc); float envIntensity = norm.z; - norm.xyz = getNorm(tc); - - vec3 light_dir = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sun_dir : moon_dir; - float da = clamp(dot(norm.xyz, light_dir.xyz), 0.0, 1.0); - float light_gamma = 1.0/1.3; - da = pow(da, light_gamma); - + norm.xyz = getNorm(tc); + + vec3 light_dir = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sun_dir : moon_dir; + float da = clamp(dot(norm.xyz, light_dir.xyz), 0.0, 1.0); + float light_gamma = 1.0 / 1.3; + da = pow(da, light_gamma); + vec4 diffuse = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc); - - vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, vary_fragcoord.xy); + vec4 spec = texture2DRect(specularRect, vary_fragcoord.xy); vec2 scol_ambocc = texture2DRect(lightMap, vary_fragcoord.xy).rg; - scol_ambocc = pow(scol_ambocc, vec2(light_gamma)); + scol_ambocc = pow(scol_ambocc, vec2(light_gamma)); + float scol = max(scol_ambocc.r, diffuse.a); + float ambocc = scol_ambocc.g; - float scol = max(scol_ambocc.r, diffuse.a); + vec3 color = vec3(0); + float bloom = 0.0; - float ambocc = scol_ambocc.g; + vec3 sunlit; + vec3 amblit; + vec3 additive; + vec3 atten; + calcAtmosphericVars(pos.xyz, light_dir, ambocc, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, true); - vec3 color = vec3(0); - float bloom = 0.0; + color.rgb = amblit; + + float ambient = min(abs(dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz)), 1.0); + ambient *= 0.5; + ambient *= ambient; + ambient = (1.0 - ambient); + color.rgb *= ambient; + + vec3 sun_contrib = min(da, scol) * sunlit; + color.rgb += sun_contrib; + color.rgb *= diffuse.rgb; + + vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz)); + + if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection { - vec3 sunlit; - vec3 amblit; - vec3 additive; - vec3 atten; - - calcAtmosphericVars(pos.xyz, light_dir, ambocc, sunlit, amblit, additive, atten, true); - - color.rgb = amblit; - - float ambient = min(abs(dot(norm.xyz, sun_dir.xyz)), 1.0); - ambient *= 0.5; - ambient *= ambient; - ambient = (1.0 - ambient); - - color.rgb *= ambient; - - vec3 sun_contrib = min(da, scol) * sunlit; - - color.rgb += sun_contrib; - - color.rgb *= diffuse.rgb; - - vec3 refnormpersp = normalize(reflect(pos.xyz, norm.xyz)); - - if (spec.a > 0.0) // specular reflection - { - -#if 1 //EEP - vec3 npos = -normalize(pos.xyz); - - //vec3 ref = dot(pos+lv, norm); - vec3 h = normalize(light_dir.xyz+npos); - float nh = dot(norm.xyz, h); - float nv = dot(norm.xyz, npos); - float vh = dot(npos, h); - float sa = nh; - float fres = pow(1 - dot(h, npos), 5)*0.4+0.5; - - float gtdenom = 2 * nh; - float gt = max(0, min(gtdenom * nv / vh, gtdenom * da / vh)); - - if (nh > 0.0) - { - float scontrib = fres*texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(nh, spec.a)).r*gt/(nh*da); - vec3 sp = sun_contrib*scontrib / 6.0; - sp = clamp(sp, vec3(0), vec3(1)); - bloom += dot(sp, sp) / 4.0; - color += sp * spec.rgb; - } -#else //PRODUCTION - float sa = dot(refnormpersp, light_dir.xyz); - vec3 dumbshiny = sunlit*(texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); - - // add the two types of shiny together - vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb; - bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6; - color.rgb += spec_contrib; -#endif + float sa = dot(refnormpersp, light_dir.xyz); + vec3 dumbshiny = sunlit * scol * (texture2D(lightFunc, vec2(sa, spec.a)).r); + + // add the two types of shiny together + vec3 spec_contrib = dumbshiny * spec.rgb; + bloom = dot(spec_contrib, spec_contrib) / 6; + color.rgb += spec_contrib; + } + + color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, diffuse.rgb, diffuse.a); - } - - color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, diffuse.rgb, diffuse.a); - - if (envIntensity > 0.0) - { //add environmentmap - vec3 env_vec = env_mat * refnormpersp; - vec3 reflected_color = textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb; - color = mix(color.rgb, reflected_color, envIntensity); - } - - if (norm.w < 0.5) - { - color = mix(atmosFragLighting(color, additive, atten), fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(color, additive, atten), diffuse.a); - color = mix(scaleSoftClipFrag(color), fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color), diffuse.a); - } - - #ifdef WATER_FOG - vec4 fogged = applyWaterFogView(pos.xyz,vec4(color, bloom)); - color = fogged.rgb; - bloom = fogged.a; - #endif + if (envIntensity > 0.0) + { // add environmentmap + vec3 env_vec = env_mat * refnormpersp; + vec3 reflected_color = textureCube(environmentMap, env_vec).rgb; + color = mix(color.rgb, reflected_color, envIntensity); + } + if (norm.w < 0.5) + { + color = mix(atmosFragLighting(color, additive, atten), fullbrightAtmosTransportFrag(color, additive, atten), diffuse.a); + color = mix(scaleSoftClipFrag(color), fullbrightScaleSoftClip(color), diffuse.a); } -// linear debuggables -//color.rgb = vec3(final_da); -//color.rgb = vec3(ambient); -//color.rgb = vec3(scol); -//color.rgb = diffuse_srgb.rgb; +#ifdef WATER_FOG + vec4 fogged = applyWaterFogView(pos.xyz, vec4(color, bloom)); + color = fogged.rgb; + bloom = fogged.a; +#endif // convert to linear as fullscreen lights need to sum in linear colorspace // and will be gamma (re)corrected downstream... - frag_color.rgb = srgb_to_linear(color.rgb); - frag_color.a = bloom; + frag_color.a = bloom; } - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsV.glsl index 2c1475d547..1f881eb44b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/cloudsV.glsl @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ -/** +/** * @file class2\wl\cloudsV.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. - * + * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. - * + * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * + * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * + * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ @@ -33,25 +33,26 @@ ATTRIBUTE vec2 texcoord0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output parameters -VARYING vec4 vary_CloudColorSun; -VARYING vec4 vary_CloudColorAmbient; +VARYING vec4 vary_CloudColorSun; +VARYING vec4 vary_CloudColorAmbient; VARYING float vary_CloudDensity; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2; -VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord3; + +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord0; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord1; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord2; +VARYING vec2 vary_texcoord3; VARYING float altitude_blend_factor; // Inputs uniform vec3 camPosLocal; -uniform vec4 lightnorm; -uniform vec4 sunlight_color; -uniform vec4 moonlight_color; -uniform int sun_up_factor; -uniform vec4 ambient_color; -uniform vec4 blue_horizon; -uniform vec4 blue_density; +uniform vec4 lightnorm; +uniform vec4 sunlight_color; +uniform vec4 moonlight_color; +uniform int sun_up_factor; +uniform vec4 ambient_color; +uniform vec4 blue_horizon; +uniform vec4 blue_density; uniform float haze_horizon; uniform float haze_density; @@ -59,141 +60,133 @@ uniform float cloud_shadow; uniform float density_multiplier; uniform float max_y; -uniform vec4 glow; +uniform vec4 glow; uniform float sun_moon_glow_factor; uniform vec4 cloud_color; uniform float cloud_scale; +// NOTE: Keep these in sync! +// indra\newview\app_settings\shaders\class1\deferred\skyV.glsl +// indra\newview\app_settings\shaders\class1\deferred\cloudsV.glsl +// indra\newview\app-settings\shaders\class2\windlight\cloudsV.glsl +// indra\newview\lllegacyatmospherics.cpp +// indra\newview\llsettingsvo.cpp void main() { + // World / view / projection + gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + + // Texture coords + // SL-13084 EEP added support for custom cloud textures -- flip them horizontally to match the preview of Clouds > Cloud Scroll + vary_texcoord0 = vec2(-texcoord0.x, texcoord0.y); // See: LLSettingsVOSky::applySpecial - // World / view / projection - gl_Position = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); + vary_texcoord0.xy -= 0.5; + vary_texcoord0.xy /= cloud_scale; + vary_texcoord0.xy += 0.5; - vary_texcoord0 = texcoord0; + vary_texcoord1 = vary_texcoord0; + vary_texcoord1.x += lightnorm.x * 0.0125; + vary_texcoord1.y += lightnorm.z * 0.0125; - // Get relative position - vec3 P = position.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0,50,0); + vary_texcoord2 = vary_texcoord0 * 16.; + vary_texcoord3 = vary_texcoord1 * 16.; + + // Get relative position + vec3 rel_pos = position.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0, 50, 0); // fade clouds beyond a certain point so the bottom of the sky dome doesn't look silly at high altitude - altitude_blend_factor = clamp((P.y + 512.0) / max_y, 0.0, 1.0); - - // Set altitude - if (P.y > 0.) - { - P *= (max_y / P.y); - } - else - { - P *= (-32000. / P.y); - } - - // Can normalize then - vec3 Pn = normalize(P); - float Plen = length(P); - - // Initialize temp variables - vec4 temp1 = vec4(0.); - vec4 temp2 = vec4(0.); - vec4 blue_weight; - vec4 haze_weight; - //vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; - vec4 sunlight = sunlight_color; - vec4 light_atten; - - float dens_mul = density_multiplier; - - // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere - // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes - light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (dens_mul * max_y); - - // Calculate relative weights - temp1 = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); - blue_weight = blue_density / temp1; - haze_weight = haze_density / temp1; - - // Compute sunlight from P & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) - temp2.y = max(0., max(0., Pn.y) * 1.0 + lightnorm.y ); - temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; - sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); - - // Distance - temp2.z = Plen * dens_mul; - - // Transparency (-> temp1) - // ATI Bugfix -- can't store temp1*temp2.z in a variable because the ati - // compiler gets confused. - temp1 = exp(-temp1 * temp2.z); - - - // Compute haze glow - temp2.x = dot(Pn, lightnorm.xyz); - temp2.x = 1. - temp2.x; - // temp2.x is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun - temp2.x = max(temp2.x, .001); - // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) - temp2.x *= glow.x; - // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") - temp2.x = pow(temp2.x, glow.z); - // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function - - temp2.x *= sun_moon_glow_factor; - - // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" - temp2.x += .25; - - // Increase ambient when there are more clouds - vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; - tmpAmbient += (1. - tmpAmbient) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; - - // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage - sunlight *= (1. - cloud_shadow); - - // Haze color below cloud - vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = ( blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * temp2.x + tmpAmbient) - ); - - // CLOUDS - temp2.y = max(0., lightnorm.y * 2.); - temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; - sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); - - // Cloud color out - vary_CloudColorSun = (sunlight * temp2.x) * cloud_color; - vary_CloudColorAmbient = tmpAmbient * cloud_color; - - // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere - temp1 = sqrt(temp1); //less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds - vary_CloudColorSun *= temp1; - vary_CloudColorAmbient *= temp1; - vec4 oHazeColorBelowCloud = additiveColorBelowCloud * (1. - temp1); - - // Make a nice cloud density based on the cloud_shadow value that was passed in. - vary_CloudDensity = 2. * (cloud_shadow - 0.25); - - - // Texture coords - vary_texcoord0 = texcoord0; - vary_texcoord0.xy -= 0.5; - vary_texcoord0.xy /= cloud_scale; - vary_texcoord0.xy += 0.5; - - vary_texcoord1 = vary_texcoord0; - vary_texcoord1.x += lightnorm.x * 0.0125; - vary_texcoord1.y += lightnorm.z * 0.0125; - - vary_texcoord2 = vary_texcoord0 * 16.; - vary_texcoord3 = vary_texcoord1 * 16.; - - // Combine these to minimize register use - vary_CloudColorAmbient += oHazeColorBelowCloud; - - // needs this to compile on mac - //vary_AtmosAttenuation = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); - - // END CLOUDS + altitude_blend_factor = clamp((rel_pos.y + 512.0) / max_y, 0.0, 1.0); + + // Adj position vector to clamp altitude + if (rel_pos.y > 0.) + { + rel_pos *= (max_y / rel_pos.y); + } + if (rel_pos.y < 0.) + { + rel_pos *= (-32000. / rel_pos.y); + } + + // Can normalize then + vec3 rel_pos_norm = normalize(rel_pos); + float rel_pos_len = length(rel_pos); + + // Initialize temp variables + vec4 sunlight = sunlight_color; + vec4 light_atten; + + // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere + // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes + light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (density_multiplier * max_y); + + // Calculate relative weights + vec4 combined_haze = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); + vec4 blue_weight = blue_density / combined_haze; + vec4 haze_weight = haze_density / combined_haze; + + // Compute sunlight from rel_pos & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) + float off_axis = 1.0 / max(1e-6, max(0., rel_pos_norm.y) + lightnorm.y); + sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * off_axis); + + // Distance + float density_dist = rel_pos_len * density_multiplier; + + // Transparency (-> combined_haze) + // ATI Bugfix -- can't store combined_haze*density_dist in a variable because the ati + // compiler gets confused. + combined_haze = exp(-combined_haze * density_dist); + + // Compute haze glow + float haze_glow = 1.0 - dot(rel_pos_norm, lightnorm.xyz); + // haze_glow is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun + haze_glow = max(haze_glow, .001); + // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) + haze_glow *= glow.x; + // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") + haze_glow = pow(haze_glow, glow.z); + // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + + haze_glow *= sun_moon_glow_factor; + + // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" + // For sun, add to glow. For moon, remove glow entirely. SL-13768 + haze_glow = (sun_moon_glow_factor < 1.0) ? 0.0 : (haze_glow + 0.25); + + // Increase ambient when there are more clouds + vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; + tmpAmbient += (1. - tmpAmbient) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; + + // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage + sunlight *= (1. - cloud_shadow); + + // Haze color below cloud + vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = + (blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * haze_glow + tmpAmbient)); + + // CLOUDS + off_axis = 1.0 / max(1e-6, lightnorm.y * 2.); + sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * off_axis); + + // Cloud color out + vary_CloudColorSun = (sunlight * haze_glow) * cloud_color; + vary_CloudColorAmbient = tmpAmbient * cloud_color; + + // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere + combined_haze = sqrt(combined_haze); // less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds + vary_CloudColorSun *= combined_haze; + vary_CloudColorAmbient *= combined_haze; + vec4 oHazeColorBelowCloud = additiveColorBelowCloud * (1. - combined_haze); + + // Make a nice cloud density based on the cloud_shadow value that was passed in. + vary_CloudDensity = 2. * (cloud_shadow - 0.25); + + // Combine these to minimize register use + vary_CloudColorAmbient += oHazeColorBelowCloud; + + // needs this to compile on mac + // vary_AtmosAttenuation = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0); + + // END CLOUDS } - diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyV.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyV.glsl index 0d141342ce..a0a33b8642 100644 --- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyV.glsl +++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class2/windlight/skyV.glsl @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ -/** +/** * @file class2\wl\skyV.glsl * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2005, Linden Research, Inc. - * + * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. - * + * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. - * + * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - * + * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ - + uniform mat4 modelview_projection_matrix; ATTRIBUTE vec3 position; @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ VARYING vec4 vary_HazeColor; // Inputs uniform vec3 camPosLocal; -uniform vec4 lightnorm; -uniform vec4 sunlight_color; -uniform vec4 moonlight_color; -uniform int sun_up_factor; -uniform vec4 ambient_color; -uniform vec4 blue_horizon; -uniform vec4 blue_density; +uniform vec4 lightnorm; +uniform vec4 sunlight_color; +uniform vec4 moonlight_color; +uniform int sun_up_factor; +uniform vec4 ambient_color; +uniform vec4 blue_horizon; +uniform vec4 blue_density; uniform float haze_horizon; uniform float haze_density; @@ -52,110 +52,98 @@ uniform float density_multiplier; uniform float distance_multiplier; uniform float max_y; -uniform vec4 glow; +uniform vec4 glow; uniform float sun_moon_glow_factor; uniform vec4 cloud_color; void main() { - - // World / view / projection + // World / view / projection vec4 pos = modelview_projection_matrix * vec4(position.xyz, 1.0); - gl_Position = pos; - - // Get relative position - vec3 P = position.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0,50,0); - - // Set altitude - if (P.y > 0.) - { - P *= (max_y / P.y); - } - else - { - P *= (-32000. / P.y); - } - - // Can normalize then - vec3 Pn = normalize(P); - - float Plen = length(P); - - // Initialize temp variables - vec4 temp1 = vec4(0.); - vec4 temp2 = vec4(0.); - vec4 blue_weight; - vec4 haze_weight; - vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; - vec4 light_atten; - - float dens_mul = density_multiplier; - - // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere - // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes - light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (dens_mul * max_y); - - // Calculate relative weights - temp1 = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); - blue_weight = blue_density / temp1; - haze_weight = haze_density / temp1; - - // Compute sunlight from P & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) - temp2.y = max(0., max(0., Pn.y) * 1.0 + lightnorm.y ); - temp2.y = 1. / temp2.y; - sunlight *= exp( - light_atten * temp2.y); - - // Distance - temp2.z = Plen * dens_mul; - - // Transparency (-> temp1) - // ATI Bugfix -- can't store temp1*temp2.z in a variable because the ati - // compiler gets confused. - temp1 = exp(-temp1 * temp2.z); + gl_Position = pos; + + // Get relative position + vec3 rel_pos = position.xyz - camPosLocal.xyz + vec3(0, 50, 0); + + // Adj position vector to clamp altitude + if (rel_pos.y > 0.) + { + rel_pos *= (max_y / rel_pos.y); + } + if (rel_pos.y < 0.) + { + rel_pos *= (-32000. / rel_pos.y); + } - // Compute haze glow - temp2.x = dot(Pn, lightnorm.xyz); - temp2.x = 1. - temp2.x; - // temp2.x is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun - temp2.x = max(temp2.x, .001); - // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) - temp2.x *= glow.x; - // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") - temp2.x = pow(temp2.x, glow.z); - // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + // Can normalize then + vec3 rel_pos_norm = normalize(rel_pos); - // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" - temp2.x += .25; + float rel_pos_len = length(rel_pos); - vec4 color = ( blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + ambient_color) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * temp2.x + ambient_color) - ); + // Initialize temp variables + vec4 sunlight = (sun_up_factor == 1) ? sunlight_color : moonlight_color; + vec4 light_atten; + // Sunlight attenuation effect (hue and brightness) due to atmosphere + // this is used later for sunlight modulation at various altitudes + light_atten = (blue_density + vec4(haze_density * 0.25)) * (density_multiplier * max_y); + + // Calculate relative weights + vec4 combined_haze = abs(blue_density) + vec4(abs(haze_density)); + vec4 blue_weight = blue_density / combined_haze; + vec4 haze_weight = haze_density / combined_haze; + + // Compute sunlight from rel_pos & lightnorm (for long rays like sky) + float off_axis = 1.0 / max(1e-6, max(0., rel_pos_norm.y) + lightnorm.y); + sunlight *= exp(-light_atten * off_axis); + + // Distance + float density_dist = rel_pos_len * density_multiplier; + + // Transparency (-> combined_haze) + // ATI Bugfix -- can't store combined_haze*density_dist in a variable because the ati + // compiler gets confused. + combined_haze = exp(-combined_haze * density_dist); + + // Compute haze glow + float haze_glow = 1.0 - dot(rel_pos_norm, lightnorm.xyz); + // haze_glow is 0 at the sun and increases away from sun + haze_glow = max(haze_glow, .001); + // Set a minimum "angle" (smaller glow.y allows tighter, brighter hotspot) + haze_glow *= glow.x; + // Higher glow.x gives dimmer glow (because next step is 1 / "angle") + haze_glow = pow(haze_glow, glow.z); + // glow.z should be negative, so we're doing a sort of (1 / "angle") function + + // Add "minimum anti-solar illumination" + // For sun, add to glow. For moon, remove glow entirely. SL-13768 + haze_glow = (sun_moon_glow_factor < 1.0) ? 0.0 : (haze_glow + 0.25); + + vec4 color = + (blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + ambient_color) + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * haze_glow + ambient_color)); // Final atmosphere additive - color *= (1. - temp1); + color *= (1. - combined_haze); - // Increase ambient when there are more clouds - vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; - tmpAmbient += max(vec4(0), (1. - ambient_color)) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; + // Increase ambient when there are more clouds + vec4 tmpAmbient = ambient_color; + tmpAmbient += max(vec4(0), (1. - ambient_color)) * cloud_shadow * 0.5; - // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage - sunlight *= max(0.0, (1. - cloud_shadow)); + // Dim sunlight by cloud shadow percentage + sunlight *= max(0.0, (1. - cloud_shadow)); - // Haze color below cloud - vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = ( blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) - + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * temp2.x + tmpAmbient) - ); + // Haze color below cloud + vec4 additiveColorBelowCloud = + (blue_horizon * blue_weight * (sunlight + tmpAmbient) + (haze_horizon * haze_weight) * (sunlight * haze_glow + tmpAmbient)); - // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere - temp1 = sqrt(temp1); //less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds + // Attenuate cloud color by atmosphere + combined_haze = sqrt(combined_haze); // less atmos opacity (more transparency) below clouds - // At horizon, blend high altitude sky color towards the darker color below the clouds - color += (additiveColorBelowCloud - color) * (1. - sqrt(temp1)); + // At horizon, blend high altitude sky color towards the darker color below the clouds + color += (additiveColorBelowCloud - color) * (1. - sqrt(combined_haze)); // Haze color above cloud - vary_HazeColor = color; + vary_HazeColor = color; } - diff --git a/indra/newview/llagent.cpp b/indra/newview/llagent.cpp index f3df79fb6b..166c2d67c8 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llagent.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llagent.cpp @@ -867,9 +867,7 @@ void LLAgent::setRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp) if (mRegionp != regionp) { - std::string ip = regionp->getHost().getString(); - LL_INFOS("AgentLocation") << "Moving agent into region: " << regionp->getName() - << " located at " << ip << LL_ENDL; + LL_INFOS("AgentLocation") << "Moving agent into region: " << regionp->getName() << LL_ENDL; if (mRegionp) { // We've changed regions, we're now going to change our agent coordinate frame. diff --git a/indra/newview/llagentcamera.cpp b/indra/newview/llagentcamera.cpp index 9e65409256..672104dd70 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llagentcamera.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llagentcamera.cpp @@ -354,6 +354,18 @@ void LLAgentCamera::resetView(BOOL reset_camera, BOOL change_camera) resetPanDiff(); resetOrbitDiff(); mHUDTargetZoom = 1.f; + + if (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->mAllowSelectAvatar) + { + // resetting camera also resets position overrides in debug mode 'AllowSelectAvatar' + LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_handle = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection(); + if (selected_handle->getObjectCount() == 1 + && selected_handle->getFirstObject() != NULL + && selected_handle->getFirstObject()->isAvatar()) + { + LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->resetObjectOverrides(selected_handle); + } + } } // Allow camera to be moved somewhere other than behind avatar. diff --git a/indra/newview/llappcorehttp.cpp b/indra/newview/llappcorehttp.cpp index afa4414968..134a34137b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappcorehttp.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llappcorehttp.cpp @@ -522,20 +522,20 @@ void LLAppCoreHttp::refreshSettings(bool initial) LLCore::HttpStatus LLAppCoreHttp::sslVerify(const std::string &url, const LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t &handler, void *appdata) { - X509_STORE_CTX *ctx = static_cast<X509_STORE_CTX *>(appdata); - LLCore::HttpStatus result; - LLPointer<LLCertificateStore> store = gSecAPIHandler->getCertificateStore(""); - LLPointer<LLCertificateChain> chain = gSecAPIHandler->getCertificateChain(ctx); - LLSD validation_params = LLSD::emptyMap(); - LLURI uri(url); + LLCore::HttpStatus result; + try + { + X509_STORE_CTX *ctx = static_cast<X509_STORE_CTX *>(appdata); + LLPointer<LLCertificateStore> store = gSecAPIHandler->getCertificateStore(""); + LLPointer<LLCertificateChain> chain = gSecAPIHandler->getCertificateChain(ctx); + LLSD validation_params = LLSD::emptyMap(); + LLURI uri(url); - validation_params[CERT_HOSTNAME] = uri.hostName(); + validation_params[CERT_HOSTNAME] = uri.hostName(); - // *TODO: In the case of an exception while validating the cert, we need a way - // to pass the offending(?) cert back out. *Rider* + // *TODO: In the case of an exception while validating the cert, we need a way + // to pass the offending(?) cert back out. *Rider* - try - { // don't validate hostname. Let libcurl do it instead. That way, it'll handle redirects store->validate(VALIDATION_POLICY_SSL & (~VALIDATION_POLICY_HOSTNAME), chain, validation_params); } diff --git a/indra/newview/llappdelegate-objc.mm b/indra/newview/llappdelegate-objc.mm index 47fde299c7..a2b7362608 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappdelegate-objc.mm +++ b/indra/newview/llappdelegate-objc.mm @@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ struct AttachmentInfo std::vector<AttachmentInfo> info{ AttachmentInfo(metadata.logFilePathname, "text/plain"), AttachmentInfo(metadata.userSettingsPathname, "text/xml"), + AttachmentInfo(metadata.accountSettingsPathname, "text/xml"), AttachmentInfo(metadata.staticDebugPathname, "text/xml") }; diff --git a/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.cpp b/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.cpp index 1a33059188..168b8eb47a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llappearancemgr.cpp @@ -3582,6 +3582,10 @@ void LLAppearanceMgr::serverAppearanceUpdateCoro(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAd } llcoro::suspend(); + if (LLApp::isQuitting()) + { + return; + } S32 retryCount(0); bool bRetry; do @@ -3645,6 +3649,11 @@ void LLAppearanceMgr::serverAppearanceUpdateCoro(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAd LLSD result = httpAdapter->postAndSuspend(httpRequest, url, postData); + if (LLApp::isQuitting()) + { + return; + } + LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); @@ -3680,6 +3689,10 @@ void LLAppearanceMgr::serverAppearanceUpdateCoro(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAd LL_WARNS("Avatar") << "Bake retry #" << retryCount << " in " << timeout << " seconds." << LL_ENDL; llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(timeout); + if (LLApp::isQuitting()) + { + return; + } bRetry = true; continue; } diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp b/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp index dfb7327619..a80a7d588a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ #include "llviewermedia.h" #include "llviewerparcelaskplay.h" #include "llviewerparcelmedia.h" +#include "llviewershadermgr.h" #include "llviewermediafocus.h" #include "llviewermessage.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" @@ -688,8 +689,7 @@ LLAppViewer::LLAppViewer() mPeriodicSlowFrame(LLCachedControl<bool>(gSavedSettings,"Periodic Slow Frame", FALSE)), mFastTimerLogThread(NULL), mSettingsLocationList(NULL), - mIsFirstRun(false), - mMinMicroSecPerFrame(0.f) + mIsFirstRun(false) { if(NULL != sInstance) { @@ -1258,10 +1258,6 @@ bool LLAppViewer::init() joystick = LLViewerJoystick::getInstance(); joystick->setNeedsReset(true); - /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - - gSavedSettings.getControl("FramePerSecondLimit")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLAppViewer::onChangeFrameLimit, this, _2)); - onChangeFrameLimit(gSavedSettings.getLLSD("FramePerSecondLimit")); return true; } @@ -1481,21 +1477,6 @@ bool LLAppViewer::doFrame() display(); - static U64 last_call = 0; - if (!gTeleportDisplay || gGLManager.mIsIntel) // SL-10625...throttle early, throttle often with Intel - { - // Frame/draw throttling - U64 elapsed_time = LLTimer::getTotalTime() - last_call; - if (elapsed_time < mMinMicroSecPerFrame) - { - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_SLEEP); - // llclamp for when time function gets funky - U64 sleep_time = llclamp(mMinMicroSecPerFrame - elapsed_time, (U64)1, (U64)1e6); - micro_sleep(sleep_time, 0); - } - } - last_call = LLTimer::getTotalTime(); - pingMainloopTimeout("Main:Snapshot"); LLFloaterSnapshot::update(); // take snapshots LLFloaterOutfitSnapshot::update(); @@ -3122,8 +3103,9 @@ LLSD LLAppViewer::getViewerInfo() const info["POSITION"] = ll_sd_from_vector3d(pos); info["POSITION_LOCAL"] = ll_sd_from_vector3(gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(pos)); info["REGION"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getName(); - info["HOSTNAME"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getHost().getHostName(); - info["HOSTIP"] = gAgent.getRegion()->getHost().getString(); + + boost::regex regex("\\.(secondlife|lindenlab)\\..*"); + info["HOSTNAME"] = boost::regex_replace(gAgent.getRegion()->getHost().getHostName(), regex, ""); info["SERVER_VERSION"] = gLastVersionChannel; LLSLURL slurl; LLAgentUI::buildSLURL(slurl); @@ -3997,6 +3979,7 @@ static LLNotificationFunctorRegistration finish_quit_reg("ConfirmQuit", finish_q void LLAppViewer::userQuit() { + LL_INFOS() << "User requested quit" << LL_ENDL; if (gDisconnected || !gViewerWindow || !gViewerWindow->getProgressView() @@ -4857,13 +4840,14 @@ void LLAppViewer::idle() { return; } + + gViewerWindow->updateUI(); + if (gTeleportDisplay) { return; } - gViewerWindow->updateUI(); - /////////////////////////////////////// // Agent and camera movement // @@ -5439,19 +5423,6 @@ void LLAppViewer::disconnectViewer() LLUrlEntryParcel::setDisconnected(gDisconnected); } -bool LLAppViewer::onChangeFrameLimit(LLSD const & evt) -{ - if (evt.asInteger() > 0) - { - mMinMicroSecPerFrame = (U64)(1000000.0f / F32(evt.asInteger())); - } - else - { - mMinMicroSecPerFrame = 0; - } - return false; -} - void LLAppViewer::forceErrorLLError() { LL_ERRS() << "This is a deliberate llerror" << LL_ENDL; diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewer.h b/indra/newview/llappviewer.h index e8b3464c6e..8f0f54de3b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappviewer.h +++ b/indra/newview/llappviewer.h @@ -255,8 +255,6 @@ private: void sendLogoutRequest(); void disconnectViewer(); - bool onChangeFrameLimit(LLSD const & evt); - // *FIX: the app viewer class should be some sort of singleton, no? // Perhaps its child class is the singleton and this should be an abstract base. static LLAppViewer* sInstance; @@ -313,10 +311,7 @@ private: // llcorehttp library init/shutdown helper LLAppCoreHttp mAppCoreHttp; - bool mIsFirstRun; - U64 mMinMicroSecPerFrame; // frame throttling - - + bool mIsFirstRun; }; // consts from viewer.h diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewerlistener.cpp b/indra/newview/llappviewerlistener.cpp index 94250f1fc2..2380a8ebf0 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappviewerlistener.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llappviewerlistener.cpp @@ -52,10 +52,12 @@ LLAppViewerListener::LLAppViewerListener(const LLAppViewerGetter& getter): void LLAppViewerListener::requestQuit(const LLSD& event) { + LL_INFOS() << "Listener requested quit" << LL_ENDL; mAppViewerGetter()->requestQuit(); } void LLAppViewerListener::forceQuit(const LLSD& event) { + LL_INFOS() << "Listener requested force quit" << LL_ENDL; mAppViewerGetter()->forceQuit(); } diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewermacosx-for-objc.h b/indra/newview/llappviewermacosx-for-objc.h index 37e8a3917a..79c3efff91 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappviewermacosx-for-objc.h +++ b/indra/newview/llappviewermacosx-for-objc.h @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ struct CrashMetadata { std::string logFilePathname; std::string userSettingsPathname; + std::string accountSettingsPathname; std::string staticDebugPathname; std::string OSInfo; std::string agentFullname; diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewermacosx.cpp b/indra/newview/llappviewermacosx.cpp index 3111540a13..662164af2d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappviewermacosx.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llappviewermacosx.cpp @@ -199,10 +199,11 @@ CrashMetadataSingleton::CrashMetadataSingleton() else { LL_INFOS() << "Metadata from '" << staticDebugPathname << "':" << LL_ENDL; - logFilePathname = get_metadata(info, "SLLog"); - userSettingsPathname = get_metadata(info, "SettingsFilename"); - OSInfo = get_metadata(info, "OSInfo"); - agentFullname = get_metadata(info, "LoginName"); + logFilePathname = get_metadata(info, "SLLog"); + userSettingsPathname = get_metadata(info, "SettingsFilename"); + accountSettingsPathname = get_metadata(info, "PerAccountSettingsFilename"); + OSInfo = get_metadata(info, "OSInfo"); + agentFullname = get_metadata(info, "LoginName"); // Translate underscores back to spaces LLStringUtil::replaceChar(agentFullname, '_', ' '); regionName = get_metadata(info, "CurrentRegion"); diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewerwin32.cpp b/indra/newview/llappviewerwin32.cpp index 156a1c5893..9b1c0d1f8b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llappviewerwin32.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llappviewerwin32.cpp @@ -139,6 +139,9 @@ namespace { // user name, when we have it sBugSplatSender->setDefaultUserName(WCSTR(gAgentAvatarp->getFullname())); + + sBugSplatSender->sendAdditionalFile( + WCSTR(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, "settings_per_account.xml"))); } // LL_ERRS message, when there is one diff --git a/indra/newview/llchiclet.cpp b/indra/newview/llchiclet.cpp index dedb06c945..8d89455cd4 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llchiclet.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llchiclet.cpp @@ -1092,6 +1092,10 @@ void LLScriptChiclet::onMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& user_data) { LLScriptFloaterManager::instance().removeNotification(getSessionId()); } + else if ("close all" == action) + { + LLIMWellWindow::getInstance()->closeAll(); + } } void LLScriptChiclet::createPopupMenu() diff --git a/indra/newview/llcompilequeue.cpp b/indra/newview/llcompilequeue.cpp index 76e16f5a1f..3aaaaf52f5 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llcompilequeue.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llcompilequeue.cpp @@ -347,6 +347,13 @@ void LLFloaterCompileQueue::processExperienceIdResults(LLSD result, LLUUID paren bool LLFloaterCompileQueue::processScript(LLHandle<LLFloaterCompileQueue> hfloater, const LLPointer<LLViewerObject> &object, LLInventoryObject* inventory, LLEventPump &pump) { + if (LLApp::isQuitting()) + { + // Reply from coroutine came on shutdown + // We are quiting, don't start any more coroutines! + return true; + } + LLSD result; LLCheckedHandle<LLFloaterCompileQueue> floater(hfloater); // Dereferencing floater may fail. If they do they throw LLExeceptionStaleHandle. @@ -381,6 +388,8 @@ bool LLFloaterCompileQueue::processScript(LLHandle<LLFloaterCompileQueue> hfloat result = llcoro::suspendUntilEventOnWithTimeout(pump, fetch_timeout, LLSDMap("timeout", LLSD::Boolean(true))); + floater.check(); + if (result.has("timeout")) { // A timeout filed in the result will always be true if present. LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; @@ -404,6 +413,12 @@ bool LLFloaterCompileQueue::processScript(LLHandle<LLFloaterCompileQueue> hfloat } + if (!gAssetStorage) + { + // viewer likely is shutting down + return true; + } + { HandleScriptUserData userData(pump.getName()); @@ -468,6 +483,8 @@ bool LLFloaterCompileQueue::processScript(LLHandle<LLFloaterCompileQueue> hfloat result = llcoro::suspendUntilEventOnWithTimeout(pump, fetch_timeout, LLSDMap("timeout", LLSD::Boolean(true))); + floater.check(); + if (result.has("timeout")) { // A timeout filed in the result will always be true if present. LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; @@ -797,6 +814,7 @@ void LLFloaterScriptQueue::objectScriptProcessingQueueCoro(std::string action, L // but offers no guarantee of doing so. llcoro::suspend(); } + floater.check(); } floater->addStringMessage("Done"); diff --git a/indra/newview/llconversationlog.cpp b/indra/newview/llconversationlog.cpp index dcffaf5930..9d78c528b6 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llconversationlog.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llconversationlog.cpp @@ -499,6 +499,10 @@ bool LLConversationLog::saveToFile(const std::string& filename) conv_it->getSessionID().toString(conversation_id); conv_it->getParticipantID().toString(participant_id); + bool is_adhoc = (conv_it->getConversationType() == LLIMModel::LLIMSession::ADHOC_SESSION); + std::string conv_name = is_adhoc ? conv_it->getConversationName() : LLURI::escape(conv_it->getConversationName()); + std::string file_name = is_adhoc ? conv_it->getHistoryFileName() : LLURI::escape(conv_it->getHistoryFileName()); + // examples of two file entries // [1343221177] 0 1 0 John Doe| 7e4ec5be-783f-49f5-71dz-16c58c64c145 4ec62a74-c246-0d25-2af6-846beac2aa55 john.doe| // [1343222639] 2 0 0 Ad-hoc Conference| c3g67c89-c479-4c97-b21d-32869bcfe8rc 68f1c33e-4135-3e3e-a897-8c9b23115c09 Ad-hoc Conference hash597394a0-9982-766d-27b8-c75560213b9a| @@ -507,10 +511,10 @@ bool LLConversationLog::saveToFile(const std::string& filename) (S32)conv_it->getConversationType(), (S32)0, (S32)conv_it->hasOfflineMessages(), - LLURI::escape(conv_it->getConversationName()).c_str(), + conv_name.c_str(), participant_id.c_str(), conversation_id.c_str(), - LLURI::escape(conv_it->getHistoryFileName()).c_str()); + file_name.c_str()); } fclose(fp); return true; @@ -558,14 +562,18 @@ bool LLConversationLog::loadFromFile(const std::string& filename) conv_id_buffer, history_file_name); + bool is_adhoc = ((SessionType)stype == LLIMModel::LLIMSession::ADHOC_SESSION); + std::string conv_name = is_adhoc ? conv_name_buffer : LLURI::unescape(conv_name_buffer); + std::string file_name = is_adhoc ? history_file_name : LLURI::unescape(history_file_name); + ConversationParams params; params.time(LLUnits::Seconds::fromValue(time)) .conversation_type((SessionType)stype) .has_offline_ims(has_offline_ims) - .conversation_name(LLURI::unescape(conv_name_buffer)) + .conversation_name(conv_name) .participant_id(LLUUID(part_id_buffer)) .session_id(LLUUID(conv_id_buffer)) - .history_filename(LLURI::unescape(history_file_name)); + .history_filename(file_name); LLConversation conversation(params); diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawable.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawable.cpp index 8c6cbc020b..2219f20272 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawable.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawable.cpp @@ -1178,11 +1178,33 @@ LLSpatialPartition* LLDrawable::getSpatialPartition() } else if (isRoot()) { - if (mSpatialBridge && (mSpatialBridge->asPartition()->mPartitionType == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_HUD) != mVObjp->isHUDAttachment()) + if (mSpatialBridge) { - // remove obsolete bridge - mSpatialBridge->markDead(); - setSpatialBridge(NULL); + U32 partition_type = mSpatialBridge->asPartition()->mPartitionType; + bool is_hud = mVObjp->isHUDAttachment(); + bool is_animesh = mVObjp->isAnimatedObject() && mVObjp->getControlAvatar() != NULL; + bool is_attachment = mVObjp->isAttachment() && !is_hud && !is_animesh; + if ((partition_type == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_HUD) != is_hud) + { + // Was/became HUD + // remove obsolete bridge + mSpatialBridge->markDead(); + setSpatialBridge(NULL); + } + else if ((partition_type == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_CONTROL_AV) != is_animesh) + { + // Was/became part of animesh + // remove obsolete bridge + mSpatialBridge->markDead(); + setSpatialBridge(NULL); + } + else if ((partition_type == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_AVATAR) != is_attachment) + { + // Was/became part of avatar + // remove obsolete bridge + mSpatialBridge->markDead(); + setSpatialBridge(NULL); + } } //must be an active volume if (!mSpatialBridge) @@ -1191,6 +1213,15 @@ LLSpatialPartition* LLDrawable::getSpatialPartition() { setSpatialBridge(new LLHUDBridge(this, getRegion())); } + else if (mVObjp->isAnimatedObject() && mVObjp->getControlAvatar()) + { + setSpatialBridge(new LLControlAVBridge(this, getRegion())); + } + // check HUD first, because HUD is also attachment + else if (mVObjp->isAttachment()) + { + setSpatialBridge(new LLAvatarBridge(this, getRegion())); + } else { setSpatialBridge(new LLVolumeBridge(this, getRegion())); @@ -1698,12 +1729,26 @@ void LLDrawable::updateFaceSize(S32 idx) LLBridgePartition::LLBridgePartition(LLViewerRegion* regionp) : LLSpatialPartition(0, FALSE, 0, regionp) { - mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR; + mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME; mPartitionType = LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE; mLODPeriod = 16; mSlopRatio = 0.25f; } +LLAvatarPartition::LLAvatarPartition(LLViewerRegion* regionp) + : LLBridgePartition(regionp) +{ + mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR; + mPartitionType = LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_AVATAR; +} + +LLControlAVPartition::LLControlAVPartition(LLViewerRegion* regionp) + : LLBridgePartition(regionp) +{ + mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV; + mPartitionType = LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_CONTROL_AV; +} + LLHUDBridge::LLHUDBridge(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerRegion* regionp) : LLVolumeBridge(drawablep, regionp) { diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpool.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpool.cpp index 2aee7b450a..d583a692f9 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpool.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpool.cpp @@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ LLDrawPool *LLDrawPool::createPool(const U32 type, LLViewerTexture *tex0) poolp = new LLDrawPoolAlpha(); break; case POOL_AVATAR: - poolp = new LLDrawPoolAvatar(); + case POOL_CONTROL_AV: + poolp = new LLDrawPoolAvatar(type); break; case POOL_TREE: poolp = new LLDrawPoolTree(tex0); @@ -383,16 +384,6 @@ LLRenderPass::~LLRenderPass() } -LLDrawPool* LLRenderPass::instancePool() -{ -#if LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD - LL_WARNS() << "Attempting to instance a render pass. Invalid operation." << LL_ENDL; -#else - LL_ERRS() << "Attempting to instance a render pass. Invalid operation." << LL_ENDL; -#endif - return NULL; -} - void LLRenderPass::renderGroup(LLSpatialGroup* group, U32 type, U32 mask, BOOL texture) { LLSpatialGroup::drawmap_elem_t& draw_info = group->mDrawMap[type]; @@ -449,7 +440,7 @@ void LLRenderPass::applyModelMatrix(const LLDrawInfo& params) if (params.mModelMatrix != gGLLastMatrix) { gGLLastMatrix = params.mModelMatrix; - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); gGL.loadMatrix(gGLModelView); if (params.mModelMatrix) { diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpool.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpool.h index 4eb9a4151d..ecd9bd034f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpool.h +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpool.h @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ public: POOL_GRASS, POOL_INVISIBLE, // see below * POOL_AVATAR, + POOL_CONTROL_AV, // Animesh POOL_VOIDWATER, POOL_WATER, POOL_GLOW, @@ -110,7 +111,6 @@ public: virtual S32 getShaderLevel() const { return mShaderLevel; } static LLDrawPool* createPool(const U32 type, LLViewerTexture *tex0 = NULL); - virtual LLDrawPool *instancePool() = 0; // Create an empty new instance of the pool. virtual LLViewerTexture* getTexture() = 0; virtual BOOL isFacePool() { return FALSE; } virtual void resetDrawOrders() = 0; @@ -138,31 +138,30 @@ public: PASS_POST_BUMP, PASS_MATERIAL, PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA, - PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_MASK, + PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_MASK, // Diffuse texture used as alpha mask PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_EMISSIVE, PASS_SPECMAP, PASS_SPECMAP_BLEND, - PASS_SPECMAP_MASK, + PASS_SPECMAP_MASK, // Diffuse texture used as alpha mask and specular texture(map) PASS_SPECMAP_EMISSIVE, PASS_NORMMAP, PASS_NORMMAP_BLEND, - PASS_NORMMAP_MASK, + PASS_NORMMAP_MASK, // Diffuse texture used as alpha mask and normal map PASS_NORMMAP_EMISSIVE, PASS_NORMSPEC, PASS_NORMSPEC_BLEND, - PASS_NORMSPEC_MASK, + PASS_NORMSPEC_MASK, // Diffuse texture used as alpha mask with normal and specular map PASS_NORMSPEC_EMISSIVE, PASS_GLOW, PASS_ALPHA, PASS_ALPHA_MASK, - PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, + PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, // Diffuse texture used as alpha mask and fullbright PASS_ALPHA_INVISIBLE, NUM_RENDER_TYPES, }; LLRenderPass(const U32 type); virtual ~LLRenderPass(); - /*virtual*/ LLDrawPool* instancePool(); /*virtual*/ LLViewerTexture* getDebugTexture() { return NULL; } LLViewerTexture* getTexture() { return NULL; } BOOL isDead() { return FALSE; } diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolalpha.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolalpha.cpp index da0467315f..4ee08e869a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolalpha.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolalpha.cpp @@ -314,11 +314,15 @@ void LLDrawPoolAlpha::render(S32 pass) LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0); pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_ALPHA_MASK, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); - pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_ALPHA_INVISIBLE, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); + // Material alpha mask gGL.diffuseColor4f(0, 0, 1, 1); pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_MASK, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); + pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMMAP_MASK, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); + pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_SPECMAP_MASK, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); + pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMSPEC_MASK, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); + pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); gGL.diffuseColor4f(0, 1, 0, 1); pushBatches(LLRenderPass::PASS_INVISIBLE, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0, FALSE); diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.cpp index 789a254389..6fc39f213e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.cpp @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ S32 cube_channel = -1; static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_SHADOW_AVATAR("Avatar Shadow"); -LLDrawPoolAvatar::LLDrawPoolAvatar() : - LLFacePool(POOL_AVATAR) +LLDrawPoolAvatar::LLDrawPoolAvatar(U32 type) : + LLFacePool(type) { } @@ -136,15 +136,6 @@ BOOL LLDrawPoolAvatar::isDead() } return TRUE; } - -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// instancePool() -//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -LLDrawPool *LLDrawPoolAvatar::instancePool() -{ - return new LLDrawPoolAvatar(); -} - S32 LLDrawPoolAvatar::getShaderLevel() const { @@ -1741,11 +1732,16 @@ void LLDrawPoolAvatar::getRiggedGeometry( LLVolume* volume, const LLVolumeFace& vol_face) { - face->setGeomIndex(0); - face->setIndicesIndex(0); - - //rigged faces do not batch textures - face->setTextureIndex(255); + face->setGeomIndex(0); + face->setIndicesIndex(0); + + if (face->getTextureIndex() != FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES) + { + face->setDrawInfo(NULL); + } + + //rigged faces do not batch textures + face->setTextureIndex(FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES); if (buffer.isNull() || buffer->getTypeMask() != data_mask || !buffer->isWriteable()) { @@ -1810,7 +1806,7 @@ void LLDrawPoolAvatar::getRiggedGeometry( } else { - face->setPoolType(LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR); + face->setPoolType(mType); // either POOL_AVATAR or POOL_CONTROL_AV } //LL_INFOS() << "Rebuilt face " << face->getTEOffset() << " of " << face->getDrawable() << " at " << gFrameTimeSeconds << LL_ENDL; @@ -2494,7 +2490,7 @@ LLColor3 LLDrawPoolAvatar::getDebugColor() const void LLDrawPoolAvatar::addRiggedFace(LLFace* facep, U32 type) { llassert (facep->isState(LLFace::RIGGED)); - llassert(getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR); + llassert(getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR || getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV); if (facep->getPool() && facep->getPool() != this) { LL_ERRS() << "adding rigged face that's already in another pool" << LL_ENDL; @@ -2516,7 +2512,7 @@ void LLDrawPoolAvatar::addRiggedFace(LLFace* facep, U32 type) void LLDrawPoolAvatar::removeRiggedFace(LLFace* facep) { llassert (facep->isState(LLFace::RIGGED)); - llassert(getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR); + llassert(getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR || getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV); if (facep->getPool() != this) { LL_ERRS() << "Tried to remove a rigged face from the wrong pool" << LL_ENDL; diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.h index cb09eb18e2..92a8538958 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.h +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolavatar.h @@ -178,12 +178,10 @@ typedef enum virtual S32 getShaderLevel() const; - LLDrawPoolAvatar(); + LLDrawPoolAvatar(U32 type); static LLMatrix4& getModelView(); - /*virtual*/ LLDrawPool *instancePool(); - /*virtual*/ S32 getNumPasses(); /*virtual*/ void beginRenderPass(S32 pass); /*virtual*/ void endRenderPass(S32 pass); diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolground.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolground.cpp index 6bd2631d3b..5b74264dab 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolground.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolground.cpp @@ -46,11 +46,6 @@ LLDrawPoolGround::LLDrawPoolGround() : { } -LLDrawPool *LLDrawPoolGround::instancePool() -{ - return new LLDrawPoolGround(); -} - void LLDrawPoolGround::prerender() { mShaderLevel = LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->getShaderLevel(LLViewerShaderMgr::SHADER_ENVIRONMENT); diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolground.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolground.h index a4f8a3fcf5..15b1dc60a2 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolground.h +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolground.h @@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ public: LLDrawPoolGround(); - /*virtual*/ LLDrawPool *instancePool(); - /*virtual*/ void prerender(); /*virtual*/ void render(S32 pass = 0); }; diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolsky.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolsky.cpp index dbe8724088..b6f55e800a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolsky.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolsky.cpp @@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ LLDrawPoolSky::LLDrawPoolSky() { } -LLDrawPool *LLDrawPoolSky::instancePool() -{ - return new LLDrawPoolSky(); -} - void LLDrawPoolSky::prerender() { mShaderLevel = LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->getShaderLevel(LLViewerShaderMgr::SHADER_ENVIRONMENT); @@ -128,23 +123,12 @@ void LLDrawPoolSky::renderSkyFace(U8 index) return; } - F32 interp_val = gSky.mVOSkyp ? gSky.mVOSkyp->getInterpVal() : 0.0f; - if (index < 6) // sky tex...interp { llassert(mSkyTex); mSkyTex[index].bindTexture(true); // bind the current tex face->renderIndexed(); - - if (interp_val > 0.01f) // iff, we've got enough info to lerp (a to and a from) - { - LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); - llassert(mSkyTex); - mSkyTex[index].bindTexture(false); // bind the "other" texture - gGL.diffuseColor4f(1, 1, 1, interp_val); // lighting is disabled - face->renderIndexed(); - } } else // heavenly body faces, no interp... { diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolsky.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolsky.h index 916d8c1cbe..d1dcd6b22e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolsky.h +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolsky.h @@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ public: LLDrawPoolSky(); - /*virtual*/ LLDrawPool *instancePool(); - /*virtual*/ S32 getNumPostDeferredPasses() { return getNumPasses(); } /*virtual*/ void beginPostDeferredPass(S32 pass) { beginRenderPass(pass); } /*virtual*/ void endPostDeferredPass(S32 pass) { endRenderPass(pass); } diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolterrain.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolterrain.cpp index 33a11631fe..37dc80e2b7 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolterrain.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolterrain.cpp @@ -87,13 +87,6 @@ LLDrawPoolTerrain::~LLDrawPoolTerrain() llassert( gPipeline.findPool( getType(), getTexture() ) == NULL ); } - -LLDrawPool *LLDrawPoolTerrain::instancePool() -{ - return new LLDrawPoolTerrain(mTexturep); -} - - U32 LLDrawPoolTerrain::getVertexDataMask() { if (LLPipeline::sShadowRender) diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolterrain.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolterrain.h index 04e27d9370..5b4558020d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolterrain.h +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolterrain.h @@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ public: LLDrawPoolTerrain(LLViewerTexture *texturep); virtual ~LLDrawPoolTerrain(); - /*virtual*/ LLDrawPool *instancePool(); - /*virtual*/ S32 getNumDeferredPasses() { return 1; } /*virtual*/ void beginDeferredPass(S32 pass); /*virtual*/ void endDeferredPass(S32 pass); diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpooltree.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpooltree.cpp index b885008cae..0d5195bdbf 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpooltree.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpooltree.cpp @@ -51,11 +51,6 @@ LLDrawPoolTree::LLDrawPoolTree(LLViewerTexture *texturep) : mTexturep->setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::TAM_WRAP); } -LLDrawPool *LLDrawPoolTree::instancePool() -{ - return new LLDrawPoolTree(mTexturep); -} - void LLDrawPoolTree::prerender() { mShaderLevel = LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->getShaderLevel(LLViewerShaderMgr::SHADER_OBJECT); diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpooltree.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpooltree.h index 9c1e60f5eb..13f9ec8dce 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpooltree.h +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpooltree.h @@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ public: LLDrawPoolTree(LLViewerTexture *texturep); - /*virtual*/ LLDrawPool *instancePool(); - /*virtual*/ void prerender(); /*virtual*/ S32 getNumDeferredPasses() { return 1; } diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwater.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwater.cpp index 073adfb627..7249f22555 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwater.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwater.cpp @@ -104,13 +104,6 @@ void LLDrawPoolWater::restoreGL() }*/ } -LLDrawPool *LLDrawPoolWater::instancePool() -{ - LL_ERRS() << "Should never be calling instancePool on a water pool!" << LL_ENDL; - return NULL; -} - - void LLDrawPoolWater::prerender() { mShaderLevel = (gGLManager.mHasCubeMap && LLCubeMap::sUseCubeMaps) ? LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->getShaderLevel(LLViewerShaderMgr::SHADER_WATER) : 0; diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwater.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwater.h index d436557e1c..a5d163e0d7 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwater.h +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwater.h @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ public: LLDrawPoolWater(); /*virtual*/ ~LLDrawPoolWater(); - /*virtual*/ LLDrawPool *instancePool(); static void restoreGL(); /*virtual*/ S32 getNumPostDeferredPasses() { return 0; } //getNumPasses(); } diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwlsky.cpp b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwlsky.cpp index 961d72c62e..d4e7f1600e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwlsky.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwlsky.cpp @@ -216,10 +216,11 @@ void LLDrawPoolWLSky::renderSkyHaze(const LLVector3& camPosLocal, F32 camHeightL if (gPipeline.canUseWindLightShaders() && gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_SKY)) { + LLSettingsSky::ptr_t psky = LLEnvironment::instance().getCurrentSky(); LLGLSPipelineDepthTestSkyBox sky(true, false); sky_shader->bind(); sky_shader->uniform1i(LLShaderMgr::SUN_UP_FACTOR, 1); - sky_shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::SUN_MOON_GLOW_FACTOR, 1.0f); + sky_shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::SUN_MOON_GLOW_FACTOR, psky->getSunMoonGlowFactor()); renderDome(origin, camHeightLocal, sky_shader); sky_shader->unbind(); } @@ -531,8 +532,6 @@ void LLDrawPoolWLSky::renderHeavenlyBodies() } } - blend_factor = LLEnvironment::instance().getCurrentSky()->getBlendFactor(); - face = gSky.mVOSkyp->mFace[LLVOSky::FACE_MOON]; if (gSky.mVOSkyp->getMoon().getDraw() && face && face->getTexture(LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP) && face->getGeomCount() && moon_shader) @@ -550,17 +549,17 @@ void LLDrawPoolWLSky::renderHeavenlyBodies() { // Bind current and next sun textures moon_shader->bindTexture(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_MAP, tex_a, LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); - blend_factor = 0; + //blend_factor = 0; } else if (tex_b && !tex_a) { moon_shader->bindTexture(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_MAP, tex_b, LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); - blend_factor = 0; + //blend_factor = 0; } else if (tex_b != tex_a) { moon_shader->bindTexture(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_MAP, tex_a, LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); - moon_shader->bindTexture(LLShaderMgr::ALTERNATE_DIFFUSE_MAP, tex_b, LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); + //moon_shader->bindTexture(LLShaderMgr::ALTERNATE_DIFFUSE_MAP, tex_b, LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); } LLSettingsSky::ptr_t psky = LLEnvironment::instance().getCurrentSky(); @@ -570,7 +569,8 @@ void LLDrawPoolWLSky::renderHeavenlyBodies() moon_shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::MOON_BRIGHTNESS, moon_brightness); moon_shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::MOONLIGHT_COLOR, 1, gSky.mVOSkyp->getMoon().getColor().mV); moon_shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_COLOR, 1, color.mV); - moon_shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::BLEND_FACTOR, blend_factor); + //moon_shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::BLEND_FACTOR, blend_factor); + moon_shader->uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_MOON_DIR, 1, psky->getMoonDirection().mV); // shader: moon_dir face->renderIndexed(); @@ -632,11 +632,6 @@ void LLDrawPoolWLSky::prerender() //LL_INFOS() << "wlsky prerendering pass." << LL_ENDL; } -LLDrawPoolWLSky *LLDrawPoolWLSky::instancePool() -{ - return new LLDrawPoolWLSky(); -} - LLViewerTexture* LLDrawPoolWLSky::getTexture() { return NULL; diff --git a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwlsky.h b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwlsky.h index 3acfda4eee..a4f176d6db 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwlsky.h +++ b/indra/newview/lldrawpoolwlsky.h @@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ public: //static LLDrawPool* createPool(const U32 type, LLViewerTexture *tex0 = NULL); - // Create an empty new instance of the pool. - /*virtual*/ LLDrawPoolWLSky *instancePool(); ///< covariant override /*virtual*/ LLViewerTexture* getTexture(); /*virtual*/ BOOL isFacePool() { return FALSE; } /*virtual*/ void resetDrawOrders(); diff --git a/indra/newview/llface.cpp b/indra/newview/llface.cpp index 18ea184da6..4a802ad9aa 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llface.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llface.cpp @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void LLFace::init(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerObject* objp) } mTEOffset = -1; - mTextureIndex = 255; + mTextureIndex = FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES; setDrawable(drawablep); mVObjp = objp; @@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ void LLFace::destroy() if(mTexture[i].notNull()) { mTexture[i]->removeFace(i, this) ; + mTexture[i] = NULL; } } @@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ void LLFace::destroy() if (mDrawPoolp) { - if (this->isState(LLFace::RIGGED) && mDrawPoolp->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR) + if (this->isState(LLFace::RIGGED) && (mDrawPoolp->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV || mDrawPoolp->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR)) { ((LLDrawPoolAvatar*) mDrawPoolp)->removeRiggedFace(this); } @@ -203,7 +204,6 @@ void LLFace::destroy() { mDrawPoolp->removeFace(this); } - mDrawPoolp = NULL; } @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void LLFace::destroy() delete mTextureMatrix; mTextureMatrix = NULL; - if (mDrawablep.notNull()) + if (mDrawablep) { LLSpatialGroup* group = mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup(); if (group) @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ void LLFace::destroy() } setDrawInfo(NULL); - + mDrawablep = NULL; mVObjp = NULL; } @@ -456,13 +456,13 @@ void LLFace::setTextureIndex(U8 index) { mTextureIndex = index; - if (mTextureIndex != 255) + if (mTextureIndex != FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES) { mDrawablep->setState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION); } else { - if (mDrawInfo && mDrawInfo->mTextureList.size() <= 1) + if (mDrawInfo && !mDrawInfo->mTextureList.empty()) { LL_ERRS() << "Face with no texture index references indexed texture draw info." << LL_ENDL; } @@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ void LLFace::updateCenterAgent() void LLFace::renderSelected(LLViewerTexture *imagep, const LLColor4& color) { - if (mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup() == NULL) + if (mDrawablep == NULL || mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup() == NULL) { return; } @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ void LLFace::renderSelected(LLViewerTexture *imagep, const LLColor4& color) mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup()->rebuildGeom(); mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup()->rebuildMesh(); - if(mDrawablep.isNull() || mVertexBuffer.isNull()) + if(mVertexBuffer.isNull()) { return; } @@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ BOOL LLFace::getGeometryVolume(const LLVolume& volume, mVertexBuffer->bindForFeedback(0, LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_VERTEX, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount); - U8 index = mTextureIndex < 255 ? mTextureIndex : 0; + U8 index = mTextureIndex < FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES ? mTextureIndex : 0; S32 val = 0; U8* vp = (U8*) &val; @@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@ BOOL LLFace::getGeometryVolume(const LLVolume& volume, LLVector4a texIdx; - S32 index = mTextureIndex < 255 ? mTextureIndex : 0; + S32 index = mTextureIndex < FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES ? mTextureIndex : 0; F32 val = 0.f; S32* vp = (S32*) &val; @@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@ S32 LLFace::renderElements(const U16 *index_array) const S32 LLFace::renderIndexed() { - if(mDrawablep.isNull() || mDrawPoolp == NULL) + if(mDrawablep == NULL || mDrawPoolp == NULL) { return 0; } diff --git a/indra/newview/llface.h b/indra/newview/llface.h index c74d4e3fa8..3611539ff8 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llface.h +++ b/indra/newview/llface.h @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class LLDrawInfo; const F32 MIN_ALPHA_SIZE = 1024.f; const F32 MIN_TEX_ANIM_SIZE = 512.f; +const U8 FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES = 255; class LLFace : public LLTrace::MemTrackableNonVirtual<LLFace, 16> { @@ -279,8 +280,13 @@ private: LLXformMatrix* mXform; LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> mTexture[LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS]; - - LLPointer<LLDrawable> mDrawablep; + + // mDrawablep is not supposed to be null, don't use LLPointer because + // mDrawablep owns LLFace and LLPointer is a good way to either cause a + // memory leak or a 'delete each other' situation if something deletes + // drawable wrongly. + LLDrawable* mDrawablep; + // LLViewerObject technically owns drawable, but also it should be strictly managed LLPointer<LLViewerObject> mVObjp; S32 mTEOffset; diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterbuycurrency.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterbuycurrency.cpp index 91436e52fe..25348474a1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterbuycurrency.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterbuycurrency.cpp @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ public: void onClickBuy(); void onClickCancel(); - void onClickErrorWeb(); }; LLFloater* LLFloaterBuyCurrency::buildFloater(const LLSD& key) @@ -132,7 +131,6 @@ BOOL LLFloaterBuyCurrencyUI::postBuild() getChild<LLUICtrl>("buy_btn")->setCommitCallback( boost::bind(&LLFloaterBuyCurrencyUI::onClickBuy, this)); getChild<LLUICtrl>("cancel_btn")->setCommitCallback( boost::bind(&LLFloaterBuyCurrencyUI::onClickCancel, this)); - getChild<LLUICtrl>("error_web")->setCommitCallback( boost::bind(&LLFloaterBuyCurrencyUI::onClickErrorWeb, this)); center(); @@ -173,7 +171,6 @@ void LLFloaterBuyCurrencyUI::updateUI() // hide most widgets - we'll turn them on as needed next getChildView("info_buying")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("info_cannot_buy")->setVisible(FALSE); getChildView("info_need_more")->setVisible(FALSE); getChildView("purchase_warning_repurchase")->setVisible(FALSE); getChildView("purchase_warning_notenough")->setVisible(FALSE); @@ -183,32 +180,16 @@ void LLFloaterBuyCurrencyUI::updateUI() if (hasError) { // display an error from the server - getChildView("normal_background")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("error_background")->setVisible(TRUE); - getChildView("info_cannot_buy")->setVisible(TRUE); - getChildView("cannot_buy_message")->setVisible(TRUE); - getChildView("balance_label")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("balance_amount")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("buying_label")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("buying_amount")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("total_label")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("total_amount")->setVisible(FALSE); - - LLTextBox* message = getChild<LLTextBox>("cannot_buy_message"); - if (message) - { - message->setText(mManager.errorMessage()); - } - - getChildView("error_web")->setVisible( !mManager.errorURI().empty()); + LLSD args; + args["TITLE"] = getString("info_cannot_buy"); + args["MESSAGE"] = mManager.errorMessage(); + LLNotificationsUtil::add("CouldNotBuyCurrency", args); + closeFloater(); } else { // display the main Buy L$ interface getChildView("normal_background")->setVisible(TRUE); - getChildView("error_background")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("cannot_buy_message")->setVisible(FALSE); - getChildView("error_web")->setVisible(FALSE); if (mHasTarget) { @@ -278,14 +259,6 @@ void LLFloaterBuyCurrencyUI::onClickCancel() LLStatusBar::sendMoneyBalanceRequest(); } -void LLFloaterBuyCurrencyUI::onClickErrorWeb() -{ - LLWeb::loadURL(mManager.errorURI()); - closeFloater(); - // Update L$ balance - LLStatusBar::sendMoneyBalanceRequest(); -} - // static void LLFloaterBuyCurrency::buyCurrency() { diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterconversationpreview.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterconversationpreview.cpp index 44725cab70..dd2baacb7e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterconversationpreview.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterconversationpreview.cpp @@ -84,10 +84,7 @@ BOOL LLFloaterConversationPreview::postBuild() file = "chat"; } mChatHistoryFileName = file; - if (mIsGroup) - { - mChatHistoryFileName += GROUP_CHAT_SUFFIX; - } + LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["[NAME]"] = name; std::string title = getString("Title", args); diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterimagepreview.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterimagepreview.cpp index 696f748613..028c922a4d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterimagepreview.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterimagepreview.cpp @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ #include "llagent.h" #include "llbutton.h" +#include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "lldrawpoolavatar.h" @@ -115,8 +116,14 @@ BOOL LLFloaterImagePreview::postBuild() mSculptedPreview = new LLImagePreviewSculpted(256, 256); mSculptedPreview->setPreviewTarget(mRawImagep, 2.0f); - if (mRawImagep->getWidth() * mRawImagep->getHeight () <= LL_IMAGE_REZ_LOSSLESS_CUTOFF * LL_IMAGE_REZ_LOSSLESS_CUTOFF) - getChildView("lossless_check")->setEnabled(TRUE); + if (mRawImagep->getWidth() * mRawImagep->getHeight() <= LL_IMAGE_REZ_LOSSLESS_CUTOFF * LL_IMAGE_REZ_LOSSLESS_CUTOFF) + { + // We want "lossless_check" to be unchecked when it is disabled, regardless of + // LosslessJ2CUpload state, so only assign control when enabling checkbox + LLCheckBoxCtrl* check_box = getChild<LLCheckBoxCtrl>("lossless_check"); + check_box->setEnabled(TRUE); + check_box->setControlVariable(gSavedSettings.getControl("LosslessJ2CUpload")); + } } else { diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterimcontainer.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterimcontainer.cpp index 540d2366a9..c3ef92f8cd 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterimcontainer.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterimcontainer.cpp @@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "boost/foreach.hpp" + +const S32 EVENTS_PER_IDLE_LOOP = 100; + // // LLFloaterIMContainer // @@ -66,7 +69,8 @@ LLFloaterIMContainer::LLFloaterIMContainer(const LLSD& seed, const Params& param mConversationsRoot(NULL), mConversationsEventStream("ConversationsEvents"), mInitialized(false), - mIsFirstLaunch(true) + mIsFirstLaunch(true), + mConversationEventQueue() { mEnableCallbackRegistrar.add("IMFloaterContainer.Check", boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMContainer::isActionChecked, this, _2)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("IMFloaterContainer.Action", boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMContainer::onCustomAction, this, _2)); @@ -434,7 +438,9 @@ void LLFloaterIMContainer::idle(void* user_data) { LLFloaterIMContainer* self = static_cast<LLFloaterIMContainer*>(user_data); - if (!self->getVisible() || self->isMinimized()) + self->idleProcessEvents(); + + if (!self->getVisible() || self->isMinimized()) { return; } @@ -465,7 +471,7 @@ void LLFloaterIMContainer::idleUpdate() while (current_participant_model != end_participant_model) { LLConversationItemParticipant* participant_model = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItemParticipant*>(*current_participant_model); - participant_model->setModeratorOptionsVisible(is_moderator && participant_model->getUUID() != gAgentID); + participant_model->setModeratorOptionsVisible(is_moderator); participant_model->setGroupBanVisible(can_ban && participant_model->getUUID() != gAgentID); current_participant_model++; @@ -495,13 +501,28 @@ void LLFloaterIMContainer::idleUpdate() } } +void LLFloaterIMContainer::idleProcessEvents() +{ + if (!mConversationEventQueue.empty()) + { + S32 events_to_handle = llmin((S32)mConversationEventQueue.size(), EVENTS_PER_IDLE_LOOP); + for (S32 i = 0; i < events_to_handle; i++) + { + handleConversationModelEvent(mConversationEventQueue.back()); + mConversationEventQueue.pop_back(); + } + } +} + bool LLFloaterIMContainer::onConversationModelEvent(const LLSD& event) { - // For debug only - //std::ostringstream llsd_value; - //llsd_value << LLSDOStreamer<LLSDNotationFormatter>(event) << std::endl; - //LL_INFOS() << "LLFloaterIMContainer::onConversationModelEvent, event = " << llsd_value.str() << LL_ENDL; - // end debug + mConversationEventQueue.push_front(event); + return true; +} + + +void LLFloaterIMContainer::handleConversationModelEvent(const LLSD& event) +{ // Note: In conversations, the model is not responsible for creating the view, which is a good thing. This means that // the model could change substantially and the view could echo only a portion of this model (though currently the @@ -518,7 +539,7 @@ bool LLFloaterIMContainer::onConversationModelEvent(const LLSD& event) if (!session_view) { // We skip events that are not associated with a session - return false; + return; } LLConversationViewParticipant* participant_view = session_view->findParticipant(participant_id); LLFloaterIMSessionTab *conversation_floater = (session_id.isNull() ? @@ -545,9 +566,9 @@ bool LLFloaterIMContainer::onConversationModelEvent(const LLSD& event) { LLConversationItemSession* session_model = dynamic_cast<LLConversationItemSession*>(mConversationsItems[session_id]); LLConversationItemParticipant* participant_model = (session_model ? session_model->findParticipant(participant_id) : NULL); + LLIMModel::LLIMSession * im_sessionp = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (!participant_view && session_model && participant_model) - { - LLIMModel::LLIMSession * im_sessionp = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); + { if (session_id.isNull() || (im_sessionp && !im_sessionp->isP2PSessionType())) { participant_view = createConversationViewParticipant(participant_model); @@ -558,7 +579,8 @@ bool LLFloaterIMContainer::onConversationModelEvent(const LLSD& event) // Add a participant view to the conversation floater if (conversation_floater && participant_model) { - conversation_floater->addConversationViewParticipant(participant_model); + bool skip_updating = im_sessionp && im_sessionp->isGroupChat(); + conversation_floater->addConversationViewParticipant(participant_model, !skip_updating); } } else if (type == "update_participant") @@ -581,12 +603,6 @@ bool LLFloaterIMContainer::onConversationModelEvent(const LLSD& event) mConversationViewModel.requestSortAll(); mConversationsRoot->arrangeAll(); - if (conversation_floater) - { - conversation_floater->refreshConversation(); - } - - return false; } void LLFloaterIMContainer::draw() @@ -1419,12 +1435,21 @@ bool LLFloaterIMContainer::enableContextMenuItem(const std::string& item, uuid_v { return is_single_select; } - - // Beyond that point, if only the user agent is selected, everything is disabled - if (is_single_select && (single_id == gAgentID)) - { - return false; - } + + bool is_moderator_option = ("can_moderate_voice" == item) || ("can_allow_text_chat" == item) || ("can_mute" == item) || ("can_unmute" == item); + + // Beyond that point, if only the user agent is selected, everything is disabled + if (is_single_select && (single_id == gAgentID)) + { + if (is_moderator_option) + { + return enableModerateContextMenuItem(item, true); + } + else + { + return false; + } + } // If the user agent is selected with others, everything is disabled for (uuid_vec_t::const_iterator id = uuids.begin(); id != uuids.end(); ++id) @@ -1490,11 +1515,11 @@ bool LLFloaterIMContainer::enableContextMenuItem(const std::string& item, uuid_v { return canBanSelectedMember(single_id); } - else if (("can_moderate_voice" == item) || ("can_allow_text_chat" == item) || ("can_mute" == item) || ("can_unmute" == item)) - { - // *TODO : get that out of here... - return enableModerateContextMenuItem(item); - } + else if (is_moderator_option) + { + // *TODO : get that out of here... + return enableModerateContextMenuItem(item); + } // By default, options that not explicitely disabled are enabled return true; @@ -1864,7 +1889,7 @@ LLConversationViewParticipant* LLFloaterIMContainer::createConversationViewParti return LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLConversationViewParticipant>(params); } -bool LLFloaterIMContainer::enableModerateContextMenuItem(const std::string& userdata) +bool LLFloaterIMContainer::enableModerateContextMenuItem(const std::string& userdata, bool is_self) { // only group moderators can perform actions related to this "enable callback" if (!isGroupModerator()) @@ -1884,7 +1909,7 @@ bool LLFloaterIMContainer::enableModerateContextMenuItem(const std::string& user { return voice_channel; } - else if ("can_mute" == userdata) + else if (("can_mute" == userdata) && !is_self) { return voice_channel && !isMuted(getCurSelectedViewModelItem()->getUUID()); } @@ -1894,7 +1919,7 @@ bool LLFloaterIMContainer::enableModerateContextMenuItem(const std::string& user } // The last invoke is used to check whether the "can_allow_text_chat" will enabled - return LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isParticipantAvatar(getCurSelectedViewModelItem()->getUUID()); + return LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isParticipantAvatar(getCurSelectedViewModelItem()->getUUID()) && !is_self; } bool LLFloaterIMContainer::isGroupModerator() diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterimcontainer.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterimcontainer.h index 78b3572111..468b47f1f1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterimcontainer.h +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterimcontainer.h @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ private: void doToSelectedGroup(const LLSD& userdata); static void confirmMuteAllCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response); - bool enableModerateContextMenuItem(const std::string& userdata); + bool enableModerateContextMenuItem(const std::string& userdata, bool is_self = false); LLSpeaker * getSpeakerOfSelectedParticipant(LLSpeakerMgr * speaker_managerp); LLSpeakerMgr * getSpeakerMgrForSelectedParticipant(); bool isGroupModerator(); @@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ private: bool isParticipantListExpanded(); void idleUpdate(); // for convenience (self) from static idle + void idleProcessEvents(); LLButton* mExpandCollapseBtn; LLButton* mStubCollapseBtn; @@ -220,6 +221,7 @@ private: LLConversationViewSession* createConversationItemWidget(LLConversationItem* item); LLConversationViewParticipant* createConversationViewParticipant(LLConversationItem* item); bool onConversationModelEvent(const LLSD& event); + void handleConversationModelEvent(const LLSD& event); // Conversation list data LLPanel* mConversationsListPanel; // This is the main widget we add conversation widget to @@ -229,6 +231,8 @@ private: LLFolderView* mConversationsRoot; LLEventStream mConversationsEventStream; + std::deque<LLSD> mConversationEventQueue; + LLTimer mParticipantRefreshTimer; }; diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterimsessiontab.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterimsessiontab.cpp index c75109db36..fd3f8b21ce 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterimsessiontab.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterimsessiontab.cpp @@ -470,9 +470,10 @@ void LLFloaterIMSessionTab::appendMessage(const LLChat& chat, const LLSD &args) } } - +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_BUILD_CONVERSATION_VIEW_PARTICIPANT("Build Conversation View"); void LLFloaterIMSessionTab::buildConversationViewParticipant() { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_BUILD_CONVERSATION_VIEW_PARTICIPANT); // Clear the widget list since we are rebuilding afresh from the model conversations_widgets_map::iterator widget_it = mConversationsWidgets.begin(); while (widget_it != mConversationsWidgets.end()) @@ -501,14 +502,20 @@ void LLFloaterIMSessionTab::buildConversationViewParticipant() } } -void LLFloaterIMSessionTab::addConversationViewParticipant(LLConversationItem* participant_model) +void LLFloaterIMSessionTab::addConversationViewParticipant(LLConversationItem* participant_model, bool update_view) { + if (!participant_model) + { + // Nothing to do if the model is inexistent + return; + } + // Check if the model already has an associated view LLUUID uuid = participant_model->getUUID(); LLFolderViewItem* widget = get_ptr_in_map(mConversationsWidgets,uuid); // If not already present, create the participant view and attach it to the root, otherwise, just refresh it - if (widget) + if (widget && update_view) { updateConversationViewParticipant(uuid); // overkill? } @@ -529,8 +536,8 @@ void LLFloaterIMSessionTab::removeConversationViewParticipant(const LLUUID& part { mConversationsRoot->extractItem(widget); delete widget; - mConversationsWidgets.erase(participant_id); } + mConversationsWidgets.erase(participant_id); } void LLFloaterIMSessionTab::updateConversationViewParticipant(const LLUUID& participant_id) diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterimsessiontab.h b/indra/newview/llfloaterimsessiontab.h index 169eb1cf7f..375461cfc1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterimsessiontab.h +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterimsessiontab.h @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public: /*virtual*/ void setFocus(BOOL focus); // Handle the left hand participant list widgets - void addConversationViewParticipant(LLConversationItem* item); + void addConversationViewParticipant(LLConversationItem* item, bool update_view = true); void removeConversationViewParticipant(const LLUUID& participant_id); void updateConversationViewParticipant(const LLUUID& participant_id); void refreshConversation(); diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterloadprefpreset.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterloadprefpreset.cpp index fa17a9d40e..f89daf3e04 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterloadprefpreset.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterloadprefpreset.cpp @@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ void LLFloaterLoadPrefPreset::onOpen(const LLSD& key) EDefaultOptions option = DEFAULT_TOP; LLPresetsManager::getInstance()->setPresetNamesInComboBox(mSubdirectory, combo, option); + std::string preset_graphic_active = gSavedSettings.getString("PresetGraphicActive"); + if (!preset_graphic_active.empty()) + { + combo->setSimple(preset_graphic_active); + } } void LLFloaterLoadPrefPreset::onPresetsListChange() @@ -74,6 +79,11 @@ void LLFloaterLoadPrefPreset::onPresetsListChange() EDefaultOptions option = DEFAULT_TOP; LLPresetsManager::getInstance()->setPresetNamesInComboBox(mSubdirectory, combo, option); + std::string preset_graphic_active = gSavedSettings.getString("PresetGraphicActive"); + if (!preset_graphic_active.empty()) + { + combo->setSimple(preset_graphic_active); + } } void LLFloaterLoadPrefPreset::onBtnCancel() diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterperms.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterperms.cpp index 3968f43485..649a107d74 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterperms.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterperms.cpp @@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ void LLFloaterPermsDefault::sendInitialPerms() if(!mCapSent) { updateCap(); - setCapSent(true); } } @@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ void LLFloaterPermsDefault::updateCapCoro(std::string url) { const std::string& reason = status.toString(); // Do not display the same error more than once in a row - if (reason != previousReason) + if ((reason != previousReason) && mCapSent) { previousReason = reason; LLSD args; diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.cpp index 81f4b2234c..96094dcf14 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterpreference.cpp @@ -1094,6 +1094,7 @@ void LLFloaterPreference::onBtnCancel(const LLSD& userdata) if (userdata.asString() == "closeadvanced") { LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("prefs_graphics_advanced"); + updateMaxComplexity(); } else { @@ -1926,6 +1927,8 @@ void LLFloaterPreference::setPersonalInfo(const std::string& visibility, bool im getChildView("log_path_button")->setEnabled(TRUE); getChildView("chat_font_size")->setEnabled(TRUE); getChildView("conversation_log_combo")->setEnabled(TRUE); + getChild<LLUICtrl>("voice_call_friends_only_check")->setEnabled(TRUE); + getChild<LLUICtrl>("voice_call_friends_only_check")->setValue(gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly")); } @@ -2034,6 +2037,14 @@ void LLFloaterPreference::updateMaxComplexity() LLAvatarComplexityControls::updateMax( getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("IndirectMaxComplexity"), getChild<LLTextBox>("IndirectMaxComplexityText")); + + LLFloaterPreferenceGraphicsAdvanced* floater_graphics_advanced = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance<LLFloaterPreferenceGraphicsAdvanced>("prefs_graphics_advanced"); + if (floater_graphics_advanced) + { + LLAvatarComplexityControls::updateMax( + floater_graphics_advanced->getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("IndirectMaxComplexity"), + floater_graphics_advanced->getChild<LLTextBox>("IndirectMaxComplexityText")); + } } bool LLFloaterPreference::loadFromFilename(const std::string& filename, std::map<std::string, std::string> &label_map) @@ -2081,6 +2092,14 @@ void LLFloaterPreferenceGraphicsAdvanced::updateMaxComplexity() LLAvatarComplexityControls::updateMax( getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("IndirectMaxComplexity"), getChild<LLTextBox>("IndirectMaxComplexityText")); + + LLFloaterPreference* floater_preferences = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance<LLFloaterPreference>("preferences"); + if (floater_preferences) + { + LLAvatarComplexityControls::updateMax( + floater_preferences->getChild<LLSliderCtrl>("IndirectMaxComplexity"), + floater_preferences->getChild<LLTextBox>("IndirectMaxComplexityText")); + } } void LLFloaterPreference::onChangeMaturity() @@ -2554,9 +2573,13 @@ void LLPanelPreference::showMultipleViewersWarning(LLUICtrl* checkbox, const LLS void LLPanelPreference::showFriendsOnlyWarning(LLUICtrl* checkbox, const LLSD& value) { - if (checkbox && checkbox->getValue()) + if (checkbox) { - LLNotificationsUtil::add("FriendsAndGroupsOnly"); + gSavedPerAccountSettings.setBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly", checkbox->getValue().asBoolean()); + if (checkbox->getValue()) + { + LLNotificationsUtil::add("FriendsAndGroupsOnly"); + } } } @@ -2659,7 +2682,6 @@ class LLPanelPreferencePrivacy : public LLPanelPreference public: LLPanelPreferencePrivacy() { - mAccountIndependentSettings.push_back("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly"); mAccountIndependentSettings.push_back("AutoDisengageMic"); } @@ -2916,6 +2938,7 @@ void LLFloaterPreferenceGraphicsAdvanced::onClickCloseBtn(bool app_quitting) { instance->cancel(); } + updateMaxComplexity(); } LLFloaterPreferenceProxy::~LLFloaterPreferenceProxy() diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloaterreporter.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloaterreporter.cpp index 702d612343..7bfba2a6d7 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloaterreporter.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloaterreporter.cpp @@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ void LLFloaterReporter::takeNewSnapshot() // Take a screenshot, but don't draw this floater. setVisible(FALSE); - if (!gViewerWindow->rawSnapshot(mImageRaw, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, TRUE, FALSE, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderHUDInSnapshot"), TRUE, FALSE)) + if (!gViewerWindow->rawSnapshot(mImageRaw,IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE /*UI*/, TRUE, FALSE)) { LL_WARNS() << "Unable to take screenshot" << LL_ENDL; setVisible(TRUE); diff --git a/indra/newview/llfloatersaveprefpreset.cpp b/indra/newview/llfloatersaveprefpreset.cpp index 5f3cf9d95b..dd47d02bfa 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llfloatersaveprefpreset.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llfloatersaveprefpreset.cpp @@ -86,7 +86,10 @@ void LLFloaterSavePrefPreset::onBtnSave() { std::string name = mPresetCombo->getSimple(); - if ((name == LLTrans::getString(PRESETS_DEFAULT)) || (name == PRESETS_DEFAULT)) + std::string upper_name(name); + LLStringUtil::toUpper(upper_name); + + if ((name == LLTrans::getString(PRESETS_DEFAULT)) || (upper_name == PRESETS_DEFAULT_UPPER)) { LLNotificationsUtil::add("DefaultPresetNotSaved"); } diff --git a/indra/newview/llgroupmgr.cpp b/indra/newview/llgroupmgr.cpp index dbf7639539..32f88b49ac 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llgroupmgr.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llgroupmgr.cpp @@ -944,10 +944,14 @@ static void formatDateString(std::string &date_string) } } +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PROCESS_GROUP_MEMBERS_REPLY("Process Group Members"); + // static void LLGroupMgr::processGroupMembersReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupMembersReply" << LL_ENDL; + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROCESS_GROUP_MEMBERS_REPLY); + + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupMembersReply" << LL_ENDL; LLUUID agent_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id ); if (gAgent.getID() != agent_id) @@ -1050,10 +1054,14 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processGroupMembersReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->notifyObservers(GC_MEMBER_DATA); } +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PROCESS_GROUP_PROPERTIES_REPLY("Process Group Properties"); + //static void LLGroupMgr::processGroupPropertiesReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupPropertiesReply" << LL_ENDL; + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROCESS_GROUP_PROPERTIES_REPLY); + + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupPropertiesReply" << LL_ENDL; if (!msg) { LL_ERRS() << "Can't access the messaging system" << LL_ENDL; @@ -1119,13 +1127,25 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processGroupPropertiesReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) group_datap->mGroupPropertiesDataComplete = true; group_datap->mChanged = TRUE; + properties_request_map_t::iterator request = LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->mPropRequests.find(group_id); + if (request != LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->mPropRequests.end()) + { + LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->mPropRequests.erase(request); + } + else + { + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "GroupPropertyResponse received with no pending request. Response was slow." << LL_ENDL; + } LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->notifyObservers(GC_PROPERTIES); } +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PROCESS_GROUP_ROLE_DATA_REPLY("Process Group Role Data"); // static void LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleDataReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleDataReply" << LL_ENDL; + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROCESS_GROUP_ROLE_DATA_REPLY); + + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleDataReply" << LL_ENDL; LLUUID agent_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id ); if (gAgent.getID() != agent_id) @@ -1186,7 +1206,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleDataReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) - LL_DEBUGS() << "Adding role data: " << name << " {" << role_id << "}" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "Adding role data: " << name << " {" << role_id << "}" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupRoleData* rd = new LLGroupRoleData(role_id,name,title,desc,powers,member_count); group_datap->mRoles[role_id] = rd; } @@ -1207,10 +1227,13 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleDataReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->notifyObservers(GC_ROLE_DATA); } +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PROCESS_GROUP_ROLE_MEMBERS_REPLY("Process Group Role Members"); // static void LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleMembersReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleMembersReply" << LL_ENDL; + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROCESS_GROUP_ROLE_MEMBERS_REPLY); + + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleMembersReply" << LL_ENDL; LLUUID agent_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id ); if (gAgent.getID() != agent_id) @@ -1271,7 +1294,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleMembersReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) if (rd && md) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "Adding role-member pair: " << role_id << ", " << member_id << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "Adding role-member pair: " << role_id << ", " << member_id << LL_ENDL; rd->addMember(member_id); md->addRole(role_id,rd); } @@ -1323,7 +1346,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processGroupRoleMembersReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) // static void LLGroupMgr::processGroupTitlesReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupTitlesReply" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::processGroupTitlesReply" << LL_ENDL; LLUUID agent_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id ); if (gAgent.getID() != agent_id) @@ -1356,7 +1379,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processGroupTitlesReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) if (!title.mTitle.empty()) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr adding title: " << title.mTitle << ", " << title.mRoleID << ", " << (title.mSelected ? 'Y' : 'N') << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr adding title: " << title.mTitle << ", " << title.mRoleID << ", " << (title.mSelected ? 'Y' : 'N') << LL_ENDL; group_datap->mTitles.push_back(title); } } @@ -1368,7 +1391,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processGroupTitlesReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data) // static void LLGroupMgr::processEjectGroupMemberReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void ** data) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "processEjectGroupMemberReply" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "processEjectGroupMemberReply" << LL_ENDL; LLUUID group_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupData, _PREHASH_GroupID, group_id); BOOL success; @@ -1384,7 +1407,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processEjectGroupMemberReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void ** data // static void LLGroupMgr::processJoinGroupReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void ** data) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "processJoinGroupReply" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "processJoinGroupReply" << LL_ENDL; LLUUID group_id; BOOL success; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupData, _PREHASH_GroupID, group_id); @@ -1404,7 +1427,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processJoinGroupReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void ** data) // static void LLGroupMgr::processLeaveGroupReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void ** data) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "processLeaveGroupReply" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "processLeaveGroupReply" << LL_ENDL; LLUUID group_id; BOOL success; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupData, _PREHASH_GroupID, group_id); @@ -1488,6 +1511,28 @@ LLGroupMgrGroupData* LLGroupMgr::createGroupData(const LLUUID& id) return group_datap; } +bool LLGroupMgr::hasPendingPropertyRequest(const LLUUID & id) +{ + properties_request_map_t::iterator existing_req = LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->mPropRequests.find(id); + if (existing_req != LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->mPropRequests.end()) + { + if (gFrameTime - existing_req->second < MIN_GROUP_PROPERTY_REQUEST_FREQ) + { + return true; + } + else + { + LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->mPropRequests.erase(existing_req); + } + } + return false; +} + +void LLGroupMgr::addPendingPropertyRequest(const LLUUID& id) +{ + LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->mPropRequests[id] = gFrameTime; +} + void LLGroupMgr::notifyObservers(LLGroupChange gc) { for (group_map_t::iterator gi = mGroups.begin(); gi != mGroups.end(); ++gi) @@ -1566,10 +1611,17 @@ void LLGroupMgr::addGroup(LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap) void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupPropertiesRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupPropertiesRequest" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupPropertiesRequest" << LL_ENDL; // This will happen when we get the reply //LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = createGroupData(group_id); + if (LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->hasPendingPropertyRequest(group_id)) + { + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupPropertiesRequest suppressed repeat for " << group_id << LL_ENDL; + return; + } + LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->addPendingPropertyRequest(group_id); + LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessage("GroupProfileRequest"); msg->nextBlock("AgentData"); @@ -1582,7 +1634,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupPropertiesRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupMembersRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupMembersRequest" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupMembersRequest" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = createGroupData(group_id); if (group_datap->mMemberRequestID.isNull()) { @@ -1604,7 +1656,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupMembersRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleDataRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleDataRequest" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleDataRequest" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = createGroupData(group_id); if (group_datap->mRoleDataRequestID.isNull()) { @@ -1625,7 +1677,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleDataRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleMembersRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleMembersRequest" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleMembersRequest" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = createGroupData(group_id); if (group_datap->mRoleMembersRequestID.isNull()) @@ -1635,7 +1687,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleMembersRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) || !group_datap->isRoleDataComplete()) { // *TODO: KLW FIXME: Should we start a member or role data request? - LL_INFOS() << " Pending: " << (group_datap->mPendingRoleMemberRequest ? "Y" : "N") + LL_INFOS("GrpMgr") << " Pending: " << (group_datap->mPendingRoleMemberRequest ? "Y" : "N") << " MemberDataComplete: " << (group_datap->mMemberDataComplete ? "Y" : "N") << " RoleDataComplete: " << (group_datap->mRoleDataComplete ? "Y" : "N") << LL_ENDL; group_datap->mPendingRoleMemberRequest = TRUE; @@ -1659,7 +1711,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleMembersRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupTitlesRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupTitlesRequest" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupTitlesRequest" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = createGroupData(group_id); group_datap->mTitles.clear(); @@ -1678,7 +1730,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupTitlesRequest(const LLUUID& group_id) void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupTitleUpdate(const LLUUID& group_id, const LLUUID& title_role_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupTitleUpdate" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupTitleUpdate" << LL_ENDL; LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessage("GroupTitleUpdate"); @@ -1737,7 +1789,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendCreateGroupRequest(const std::string& name, void LLGroupMgr::sendUpdateGroupInfo(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendUpdateGroupInfo" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendUpdateGroupInfo" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = createGroupData(group_id); LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; @@ -1766,7 +1818,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendUpdateGroupInfo(const LLUUID& group_id) void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleMemberChanges(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleMemberChanges" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleMemberChanges" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = createGroupData(group_id); if (group_datap->mRoleMemberChanges.empty()) return; @@ -2313,7 +2365,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::processCapGroupMembersRequest(const LLSD& content) void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleChanges(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleChanges" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleChanges" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = getGroupData(group_id); if (group_datap && group_datap->pendingRoleChanges()) @@ -2328,7 +2380,7 @@ void LLGroupMgr::sendGroupRoleChanges(const LLUUID& group_id) void LLGroupMgr::cancelGroupRoleChanges(const LLUUID& group_id) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "LLGroupMgr::cancelGroupRoleChanges" << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "LLGroupMgr::cancelGroupRoleChanges" << LL_ENDL; LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap = getGroupData(group_id); if (group_datap) group_datap->cancelRoleChanges(); @@ -2362,7 +2414,7 @@ bool LLGroupMgr::parseRoleActions(const std::string& xml_filename) std::string action_set_name; if (action_set->getAttributeString("name", action_set_name)) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "Loading action set " << action_set_name << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "Loading action set " << action_set_name << LL_ENDL; role_action_data->mName = action_set_name; } else @@ -2403,7 +2455,7 @@ bool LLGroupMgr::parseRoleActions(const std::string& xml_filename) std::string action_name; if (action->getAttributeString("name", action_name)) { - LL_DEBUGS() << "Loading action " << action_name << LL_ENDL; + LL_DEBUGS("GrpMgr") << "Loading action " << action_name << LL_ENDL; role_action->mName = action_name; } else diff --git a/indra/newview/llgroupmgr.h b/indra/newview/llgroupmgr.h index cf9735e38a..0d25e8fb22 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llgroupmgr.h +++ b/indra/newview/llgroupmgr.h @@ -448,6 +448,8 @@ private: void notifyObserver(const LLUUID& group_id, LLGroupChange gc); void addGroup(LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap); LLGroupMgrGroupData* createGroupData(const LLUUID &id); + bool hasPendingPropertyRequest(const LLUUID& id); + void addPendingPropertyRequest(const LLUUID& id); typedef std::multimap<LLUUID,LLGroupMgrObserver*> observer_multimap_t; observer_multimap_t mObservers; @@ -455,6 +457,10 @@ private: typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLGroupMgrGroupData*> group_map_t; group_map_t mGroups; + const U64MicrosecondsImplicit MIN_GROUP_PROPERTY_REQUEST_FREQ = 100000;//100ms between requests should be enough to avoid spamming. + typedef std::map<LLUUID, U64MicrosecondsImplicit> properties_request_map_t; + properties_request_map_t mPropRequests; + typedef std::set<LLParticularGroupObserver*> observer_set_t; typedef std::map<LLUUID,observer_set_t> observer_map_t; observer_map_t mParticularObservers; diff --git a/indra/newview/llhudnametag.cpp b/indra/newview/llhudnametag.cpp index 81d862a827..4ed802138d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llhudnametag.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llhudnametag.cpp @@ -415,7 +415,8 @@ void LLHUDNameTag::clearString() void LLHUDNameTag::addLine(const std::string &text_utf8, const LLColor4& color, const LLFontGL::StyleFlags style, - const LLFontGL* font) + const LLFontGL* font, + const bool use_ellipses) { LLWString wline = utf8str_to_wstring(text_utf8); if (!wline.empty()) @@ -432,18 +433,52 @@ void LLHUDNameTag::addLine(const std::string &text_utf8, tokenizer tokens(wline, sep); tokenizer::iterator iter = tokens.begin(); - while (iter != tokens.end()) - { - U32 line_length = 0; - do - { - F32 max_pixels = HUD_TEXT_MAX_WIDTH; - S32 segment_length = font->maxDrawableChars(iter->substr(line_length).c_str(), max_pixels, wline.length(), LLFontGL::WORD_BOUNDARY_IF_POSSIBLE); - LLHUDTextSegment segment(iter->substr(line_length, segment_length), style, color, font); - mTextSegments.push_back(segment); - line_length += segment_length; - } - while (line_length != iter->size()); + const F32 max_pixels = HUD_TEXT_MAX_WIDTH; + while (iter != tokens.end()) + { + U32 line_length = 0; + if (use_ellipses) + { + // "QualityAssuranceAssuresQuality1" will end up like "QualityAssuranceAssuresQual..." + // "QualityAssuranceAssuresQuality QualityAssuranceAssuresQuality" will end up like "QualityAssuranceAssuresQual..." + // "QualityAssurance AssuresQuality1" will end up as "QualityAssurance AssuresQua..." because we are enforcing single line + do + { + S32 segment_length = font->maxDrawableChars(iter->substr(line_length).c_str(), max_pixels, wline.length(), LLFontGL::ANYWHERE); + if (segment_length + line_length < wline.length()) // since we only draw one string, line_length should be 0 + { + // token does does not fit into signle line, need to draw "...". + // Use four dots for ellipsis width to generate padding + const LLWString dots_pad(utf8str_to_wstring(std::string("...."))); + S32 elipses_width = font->getWidthF32(dots_pad.c_str()); + // truncated string length + segment_length = font->maxDrawableChars(iter->substr(line_length).c_str(), max_pixels - elipses_width, wline.length(), LLFontGL::ANYWHERE); + const LLWString dots(utf8str_to_wstring(std::string("..."))); + LLHUDTextSegment segment(iter->substr(line_length, segment_length) + dots, style, color, font); + mTextSegments.push_back(segment); + break; // consider it to be complete + } + else + { + // token fits fully into string + LLHUDTextSegment segment(iter->substr(line_length, segment_length), style, color, font); + mTextSegments.push_back(segment); + line_length += segment_length; + } + } while (line_length != iter->size()); + } + else + { + // "QualityAssuranceAssuresQuality 1" will be split into two lines "QualityAssuranceAssuresQualit" and "y 1" + // "QualityAssurance AssuresQuality 1" will be split into two lines "QualityAssurance" and "AssuresQuality" + do + { + S32 segment_length = font->maxDrawableChars(iter->substr(line_length).c_str(), max_pixels, wline.length(), LLFontGL::WORD_BOUNDARY_IF_POSSIBLE); + LLHUDTextSegment segment(iter->substr(line_length, segment_length), style, color, font); + mTextSegments.push_back(segment); + line_length += segment_length; + } while (line_length != iter->size()); + } ++iter; } } diff --git a/indra/newview/llhudnametag.h b/indra/newview/llhudnametag.h index 38a4f18415..20272a8232 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llhudnametag.h +++ b/indra/newview/llhudnametag.h @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public: void clearString(); // Add text a line at a time, allowing custom formatting - void addLine(const std::string &text_utf8, const LLColor4& color, const LLFontGL::StyleFlags style = LLFontGL::NORMAL, const LLFontGL* font = NULL); + void addLine(const std::string &text_utf8, const LLColor4& color, const LLFontGL::StyleFlags style = LLFontGL::NORMAL, const LLFontGL* font = NULL, const bool use_ellipses = false); // For bubble chat, set the part above the chat text void setLabel(const std::string& label_utf8); diff --git a/indra/newview/llimprocessing.cpp b/indra/newview/llimprocessing.cpp index e1b58dde51..1e43e4ea3a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llimprocessing.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llimprocessing.cpp @@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ void LLIMProcessing::processNewMessage(LLUUID from_id, || (dialog == IM_FROM_TASK && LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(session_id)); BOOL is_owned_by_me = FALSE; BOOL is_friend = (LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(from_id) == NULL) ? false : true; - BOOL accept_im_from_only_friend = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly"); + BOOL accept_im_from_only_friend = gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly"); BOOL is_linden = chat.mSourceType != CHAT_SOURCE_OBJECT && LLMuteList::getInstance()->isLinden(name); @@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ void LLIMProcessing::processNewMessage(LLUUID from_id, { return; } - else if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly") && (LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(from_id) == NULL)) + else if (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly") && (LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(from_id) == NULL)) { return; } diff --git a/indra/newview/llimview.cpp b/indra/newview/llimview.cpp index 72162a1242..c5cc35f1f9 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llimview.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llimview.cpp @@ -515,6 +515,7 @@ LLIMModel::LLIMModel() { addNewMsgCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMSession::newIMCallback, _1)); addNewMsgCallback(boost::bind(&on_new_message, _1)); + LLCallDialogManager::instance(); } LLIMModel::LLIMSession::LLIMSession(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const EInstantMessage& type, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const uuid_vec_t& ids, bool voice, bool has_offline_msg) @@ -2687,7 +2688,7 @@ void LLIMMgr::addMessage( } bool skip_message = false; bool from_linden = LLMuteList::getInstance()->isLinden(from); - if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly") && !from_linden) + if (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly") && !from_linden) { // Evaluate if we need to skip this message when that setting is true (default is false) skip_message = (LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(other_participant_id) == NULL); // Skip non friends... @@ -2746,7 +2747,7 @@ void LLIMMgr::addMessage( } //Play sound for new conversations - if (!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundNewConversation") == TRUE)) + if (!skip_message & !gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundNewConversation") == TRUE)) { make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession"); } @@ -3076,7 +3077,7 @@ void LLIMMgr::inviteToSession( if (voice_invite) { bool isRejectGroupCall = (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsRejectGroup") && (notify_box_type == "VoiceInviteGroup")); - bool isRejectNonFriendCall = (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly") && (LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(caller_id) == NULL)); + bool isRejectNonFriendCall = (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly") && (LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(caller_id) == NULL)); if (isRejectGroupCall || isRejectNonFriendCall || gAgent.isDoNotDisturb()) { if (gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && !isRejectGroupCall && !isRejectNonFriendCall) diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp b/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp index 657c65c68d..539d80532c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llinventorybridge.cpp @@ -4101,12 +4101,6 @@ void LLFolderBridge::buildContextMenuOptions(U32 flags, menuentry_vec_t& items items.push_back(std::string("New Body Parts")); items.push_back(std::string("New Settings")); items.push_back(std::string("upload_def")); - - if (!LLEnvironment::instance().isInventoryEnabled()) - { - disabled_items.push_back("New Settings"); - } - } } getClipboardEntries(false, items, disabled_items, flags); diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventoryfilter.cpp b/indra/newview/llinventoryfilter.cpp index 6e46713e04..2a22eb1329 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llinventoryfilter.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llinventoryfilter.cpp @@ -193,10 +193,15 @@ bool LLInventoryFilter::checkFolder(const LLUUID& folder_id) const // when applying a filter, matching folders get their contents downloaded first // but make sure we are not interfering with pre-download if (isNotDefault() - && !gInventory.isCategoryComplete(folder_id) && LLStartUp::getStartupState() > STATE_WEARABLES_WAIT) - { - LLInventoryModelBackgroundFetch::instance().start(folder_id); + { + LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = gInventory.getCategory(folder_id); + if (!cat || (cat->getVersion() == LLViewerInventoryCategory::VERSION_UNKNOWN)) + { + // At the moment background fetch only cares about VERSION_UNKNOWN, + // so do not check isCategoryComplete that compares descendant count + LLInventoryModelBackgroundFetch::instance().start(folder_id); + } } // Marketplace folder filtering @@ -288,21 +293,34 @@ bool LLInventoryFilter::checkAgainstFilterType(const LLFolderViewModelItemInvent // Pass if this item's type is of the correct filter type if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_OBJECT) { - - // If it has no type, pass it, unless it's a link. - if (object_type == LLInventoryType::IT_NONE) - { - if (object && object->getIsLinkType()) - { - return FALSE; - } - } - else if ((1LL << object_type & mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes) == U64(0)) - { - return FALSE; - } + switch (object_type) + { + case LLInventoryType::IT_NONE: + // If it has no type, pass it, unless it's a link. + if (object && object->getIsLinkType()) + { + return FALSE; + } + break; + case LLInventoryType::IT_UNKNOWN: + { + // Unknows are only shown when we show every type. + // Unknows are 255 and won't fit in 64 bits. + if (mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes != 0xffffffffffffffffULL) + { + return FALSE; + } + break; + } + default: + if ((1LL << object_type & mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes) == U64(0)) + { + return FALSE; + } + break; + } } - + if(filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_WORN) { if (!get_is_item_worn(object_id)) @@ -427,18 +445,32 @@ bool LLInventoryFilter::checkAgainstFilterType(const LLInventoryItem* item) cons // Pass if this item's type is of the correct filter type if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_OBJECT) { - // If it has no type, pass it, unless it's a link. - if (object_type == LLInventoryType::IT_NONE) - { - if (item && item->getIsLinkType()) - { - return false; - } - } - else if ((1LL << object_type & mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes) == U64(0)) - { - return false; - } + switch (object_type) + { + case LLInventoryType::IT_NONE: + // If it has no type, pass it, unless it's a link. + if (item && item->getIsLinkType()) + { + return FALSE; + } + break; + case LLInventoryType::IT_UNKNOWN: + { + // Unknows are only shown when we show every type. + // Unknows are 255 and won't fit in 64 bits. + if (mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes != 0xffffffffffffffffULL) + { + return FALSE; + } + break; + } + default: + if ((1LL << object_type & mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes) == U64(0)) + { + return FALSE; + } + break; + } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.cpp b/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.cpp index c6075b4066..7ff1006773 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.cpp @@ -1755,41 +1755,7 @@ LLInventoryRecentItemsPanel::LLInventoryRecentItemsPanel( const Params& params) /************************************************************************/ /* Asset Pre-Filtered Inventory Panel related class */ -/* Exchanges filter's flexibility for speed of generation and */ -/* improved performance */ /************************************************************************/ -class LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel : public LLInventoryPanel -{ -public: - struct Params - : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLInventoryPanel::Params> - { - Mandatory<std::string> filter_asset_type; - - Params() : filter_asset_type("filter_asset_type") {} - }; - - void initFromParams(const Params& p); -protected: - LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel(const Params& p) : LLInventoryPanel(p) {} - friend class LLUICtrlFactory; -public: - ~LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel() {} - - /*virtual*/ BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop, - EDragAndDropType cargo_type, - void* cargo_data, - EAcceptance* accept, - std::string& tooltip_msg) override; - -protected: - /*virtual*/ LLFolderViewItem* buildNewViews(const LLUUID& id) override; - /*virtual*/ void itemChanged(const LLUUID& item_id, U32 mask, const LLInventoryObject* model_item) override; - -private: - LLAssetType::EType mAssetType; -}; - void LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel::initFromParams(const Params& p) { diff --git a/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.h b/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.h index b55eb2b828..b51dc17cdd 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.h +++ b/indra/newview/llinventorypanel.h @@ -338,4 +338,42 @@ private: bool mViewsInitialized; // Views have been generated }; +/************************************************************************/ +/* Asset Pre-Filtered Inventory Panel related class */ +/* Exchanges filter's flexibility for speed of generation and */ +/* improved performance */ +/************************************************************************/ + +class LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel : public LLInventoryPanel +{ +public: + struct Params + : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLInventoryPanel::Params> + { + Mandatory<std::string> filter_asset_type; + + Params() : filter_asset_type("filter_asset_type") {} + }; + + void initFromParams(const Params& p); +protected: + LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel(const Params& p) : LLInventoryPanel(p) {} + friend class LLUICtrlFactory; +public: + ~LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel() {} + + /*virtual*/ BOOL handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop, + EDragAndDropType cargo_type, + void* cargo_data, + EAcceptance* accept, + std::string& tooltip_msg) override; + +protected: + /*virtual*/ LLFolderViewItem* buildNewViews(const LLUUID& id) override; + /*virtual*/ void itemChanged(const LLUUID& item_id, U32 mask, const LLInventoryObject* model_item) override; + +private: + LLAssetType::EType mAssetType; +}; + #endif // LL_LLINVENTORYPANEL_H diff --git a/indra/newview/lllandmarklist.cpp b/indra/newview/lllandmarklist.cpp index c58540914e..1fc70cd6d6 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lllandmarklist.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lllandmarklist.cpp @@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ // Globals LLLandmarkList gLandmarkList; +// number is mostly arbitrary, but it should be below DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE pool size, +// which is 4096, to not overfill the pool if user has more than 4K of landmarks, +// and low number helps with not flooding server with requests +const S32 MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_REQUESTS = 512; + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLLandmarkList @@ -69,6 +74,11 @@ LLLandmark* LLLandmarkList::getAsset(const LLUUID& asset_uuid, loaded_callback_t { return NULL; } + if ( mWaitList.find(asset_uuid) != mWaitList.end() ) + { + // Landmark is sheduled for download, but not requested yet + return NULL; + } landmark_requested_list_t::iterator iter = mRequestedList.find(asset_uuid); if (iter != mRequestedList.end()) @@ -86,6 +96,13 @@ LLLandmark* LLLandmarkList::getAsset(const LLUUID& asset_uuid, loaded_callback_t mLoadedCallbackMap.insert(vt); } + if (mRequestedList.size() > MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_REQUESTS) + { + // Postpone download till queu is emptier + mWaitList.insert(asset_uuid); + return NULL; + } + gAssetStorage->getAssetData(asset_uuid, LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK, LLLandmarkList::processGetAssetReply, @@ -155,8 +172,22 @@ void LLLandmarkList::processGetAssetReply( } gLandmarkList.mBadList.insert(uuid); + gLandmarkList.mRequestedList.erase(uuid); //mBadList effectively blocks any load, so no point keeping id in requests + // todo: this should clean mLoadedCallbackMap! } + if (!gLandmarkList.mWaitList.empty()) + { + // start new download from wait list + landmark_uuid_list_t::iterator iter = gLandmarkList.mWaitList.begin(); + LLUUID asset_uuid = *iter; + gLandmarkList.mWaitList.erase(iter); + gAssetStorage->getAssetData(asset_uuid, + LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK, + LLLandmarkList::processGetAssetReply, + NULL); + gLandmarkList.mRequestedList[asset_uuid] = gFrameTimeSeconds; + } } BOOL LLLandmarkList::isAssetInLoadedCallbackMap(const LLUUID& asset_uuid) diff --git a/indra/newview/lllandmarklist.h b/indra/newview/lllandmarklist.h index 3356f866ce..2e7bd25610 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lllandmarklist.h +++ b/indra/newview/lllandmarklist.h @@ -70,9 +70,10 @@ protected: typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLLandmark*> landmark_list_t; landmark_list_t mList; - typedef std::set<LLUUID> landmark_bad_list_t; - landmark_bad_list_t mBadList; - + typedef std::set<LLUUID> landmark_uuid_list_t; + landmark_uuid_list_t mBadList; + landmark_uuid_list_t mWaitList; + typedef std::map<LLUUID,F32> landmark_requested_list_t; landmark_requested_list_t mRequestedList; diff --git a/indra/newview/lllogchat.cpp b/indra/newview/lllogchat.cpp index abd7102aea..48aad3295a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lllogchat.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lllogchat.cpp @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ bool LLLogChat::isTranscriptExist(const LLUUID& avatar_id, bool is_group) { std::string file_name; gCacheName->getGroupName(avatar_id, file_name); - file_name = makeLogFileName(file_name); - return isTranscriptFileFound(makeLogFileName(file_name)); + file_name = makeLogFileName(file_name + GROUP_CHAT_SUFFIX); + return isTranscriptFileFound(file_name); } return false; } diff --git a/indra/newview/llmaniprotate.cpp b/indra/newview/llmaniprotate.cpp index f158aae3d2..c3e39429a2 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llmaniprotate.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llmaniprotate.cpp @@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ BOOL LLManipRotate::handleMouseDownOnPart( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask ) } mMouseCur = mMouseDown; + mAgentSelfAtAxis = gAgent.getAtAxis(); // no point checking if avatar was selected, just save the value // Route future Mouse messages here preemptively. (Release on mouse up.) setMouseCapture( TRUE ); @@ -610,6 +611,26 @@ void LLManipRotate::drag( S32 x, S32 y ) else { object->setRotation(new_rot, damped); + LLVOAvatar* avatar = object->asAvatar(); + if (avatar && avatar->isSelf() + && LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->mAllowSelectAvatar + && !object->getParent()) + { + // Normal avatars use object's orienttion, but self uses + // separate LLCoordFrame + // See LVOAvatar::updateOrientation() + if (gAgentCamera.getFocusOnAvatar()) + { + //Don't rotate camera with avatar + gAgentCamera.setFocusOnAvatar(false, false, false); + } + + LLVector3 at_axis = mAgentSelfAtAxis; + at_axis *= mRotation; + at_axis.mV[VZ] = 0.f; + at_axis.normalize(); + gAgent.resetAxes(at_axis); + } rebuild(object); } @@ -717,7 +738,7 @@ void LLManipRotate::drag( S32 x, S32 y ) LLViewerObject *root_object = (cur == NULL) ? NULL : cur->getRootEdit(); if( cur->permModify() && cur->permMove() && !cur->isPermanentEnforced() && ((root_object == NULL) || !root_object->isPermanentEnforced()) && - !cur->isAvatar()) + (!cur->isAvatar() || LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->mAllowSelectAvatar)) { selectNode->mLastRotation = cur->getRotation(); selectNode->mLastPositionLocal = cur->getPosition(); diff --git a/indra/newview/llmaniprotate.h b/indra/newview/llmaniprotate.h index e8f1c24c58..dc36ef796a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llmaniprotate.h +++ b/indra/newview/llmaniprotate.h @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ private: LLVector3 mMouseDown; LLVector3 mMouseCur; + LLVector3 mAgentSelfAtAxis; // Own agent uses separate rotation method F32 mRadiusMeters; LLVector3 mCenterToCam; diff --git a/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.cpp b/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.cpp index c5ced425f6..b63dabe93c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.cpp @@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::fetchMeshPhysicsShape(const LLUUID& mesh_id) if (!zero) { //attempt to parse - if (physicsShapeReceived(mesh_id, buffer, size)) + if (physicsShapeReceived(mesh_id, buffer, size) == MESH_OK) { delete[] buffer; return true; @@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::fetchMeshHeader(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, bool c LLMeshRepository::sCacheBytesRead += bytes; ++LLMeshRepository::sCacheReads; file.read(buffer, bytes); - if (headerReceived(mesh_params, buffer, bytes)) + if (headerReceived(mesh_params, buffer, bytes) == MESH_OK) { // Found mesh in VFS cache return true; @@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::fetchMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod, return retval; } -bool LLMeshRepoThread::headerReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, U8* data, S32 data_size) +EMeshProcessingResult LLMeshRepoThread::headerReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, U8* data, S32 data_size) { const LLUUID mesh_id = mesh_params.getSculptID(); LLSD header; @@ -1802,30 +1802,39 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::headerReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, U8* dat U32 header_size = 0; if (data_size > 0) { - std::string res_str((char*) data, data_size); + std::istringstream stream; + try + { + std::string res_str((char*)data, data_size); - std::string deprecated_header("<? LLSD/Binary ?>"); + std::string deprecated_header("<? LLSD/Binary ?>"); - if (res_str.substr(0, deprecated_header.size()) == deprecated_header) - { - res_str = res_str.substr(deprecated_header.size()+1, data_size); - header_size = deprecated_header.size()+1; - } - data_size = res_str.size(); + if (res_str.substr(0, deprecated_header.size()) == deprecated_header) + { + res_str = res_str.substr(deprecated_header.size() + 1, data_size); + header_size = deprecated_header.size() + 1; + } + data_size = res_str.size(); - std::istringstream stream(res_str); + stream.str(res_str); + } + catch (std::bad_alloc&) + { + // out of memory, we won't be able to process this mesh + return MESH_OUT_OF_MEMORY; + } if (!LLSDSerialize::fromBinary(header, stream, data_size)) { LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Mesh header parse error. Not a valid mesh asset! ID: " << mesh_id << LL_ENDL; - return false; + return MESH_PARSE_FAILURE; } if (!header.isMap()) { LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Mesh header is invalid for ID: " << mesh_id << LL_ENDL; - return false; + return MESH_INVALID; } if (header.has("version") && header["version"].asInteger() > MAX_MESH_VERSION) @@ -1871,7 +1880,7 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::headerReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, U8* dat } } - return true; + return MESH_OK; } EMeshProcessingResult LLMeshRepoThread::lodReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod, U8* data, S32 data_size) @@ -1916,18 +1925,25 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::skinInfoReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 dat if (data_size > 0) { - std::string res_str((char*) data, data_size); - - std::istringstream stream(res_str); + try + { + std::string res_str((char*)data, data_size); + std::istringstream stream(res_str); - U32 uzip_result = LLUZipHelper::unzip_llsd(skin, stream, data_size); - if (uzip_result != LLUZipHelper::ZR_OK) - { - LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Mesh skin info parse error. Not a valid mesh asset! ID: " << mesh_id - << " uzip result" << uzip_result - << LL_ENDL; - return false; - } + U32 uzip_result = LLUZipHelper::unzip_llsd(skin, stream, data_size); + if (uzip_result != LLUZipHelper::ZR_OK) + { + LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Mesh skin info parse error. Not a valid mesh asset! ID: " << mesh_id + << " uzip result" << uzip_result + << LL_ENDL; + return false; + } + } + catch (std::bad_alloc&) + { + LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Out of memory for mesh ID " << mesh_id << " of size: " << data_size << LL_ENDL; + return false; + } } { @@ -1949,19 +1965,26 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::decompositionReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S3 LLSD decomp; if (data_size > 0) - { - std::string res_str((char*) data, data_size); - - std::istringstream stream(res_str); + { + try + { + std::string res_str((char*)data, data_size); + std::istringstream stream(res_str); - U32 uzip_result = LLUZipHelper::unzip_llsd(decomp, stream, data_size); - if (uzip_result != LLUZipHelper::ZR_OK) - { - LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Mesh decomposition parse error. Not a valid mesh asset! ID: " << mesh_id - << " uzip result: " << uzip_result - << LL_ENDL; - return false; - } + U32 uzip_result = LLUZipHelper::unzip_llsd(decomp, stream, data_size); + if (uzip_result != LLUZipHelper::ZR_OK) + { + LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Mesh decomposition parse error. Not a valid mesh asset! ID: " << mesh_id + << " uzip result: " << uzip_result + << LL_ENDL; + return false; + } + } + catch (std::bad_alloc&) + { + LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Out of memory for mesh ID " << mesh_id << " of size: " << data_size << LL_ENDL; + return false; + } } { @@ -1976,7 +1999,7 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::decompositionReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S3 return true; } -bool LLMeshRepoThread::physicsShapeReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size) +EMeshProcessingResult LLMeshRepoThread::physicsShapeReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size) { LLSD physics_shape; @@ -1993,8 +2016,19 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::physicsShapeReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 volume_params.setType(LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE); volume_params.setSculptID(mesh_id, LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH); LLPointer<LLVolume> volume = new LLVolume(volume_params,0); - std::string mesh_string((char*) data, data_size); - std::istringstream stream(mesh_string); + + std::istringstream stream; + try + { + std::string mesh_string((char*)data, data_size); + stream.str(mesh_string); + } + catch (std::bad_alloc&) + { + // out of memory, we won't be able to process this mesh + delete d; + return MESH_OUT_OF_MEMORY; + } if (volume->unpackVolumeFaces(stream, data_size)) { @@ -2033,7 +2067,7 @@ bool LLMeshRepoThread::physicsShapeReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 LLMutexLock lock(mMutex); mDecompositionQ.push_back(d); } - return true; + return MESH_OK; } LLMeshUploadThread::LLMeshUploadThread(LLMeshUploadThread::instance_list& data, LLVector3& scale, bool upload_textures, @@ -3142,15 +3176,21 @@ void LLMeshHeaderHandler::processData(LLCore::BufferArray * /* body */, S32 /* b U8 * data, S32 data_size) { LLUUID mesh_id = mMeshParams.getSculptID(); - bool success = (! MESH_HEADER_PROCESS_FAILED) - && ((data != NULL) == (data_size > 0)) // if we have data but no size or have size but no data, something is wrong - && gMeshRepo.mThread->headerReceived(mMeshParams, data, data_size); + bool success = (!MESH_HEADER_PROCESS_FAILED) + && ((data != NULL) == (data_size > 0)); // if we have data but no size or have size but no data, something is wrong; llassert(success); + EMeshProcessingResult res = MESH_UNKNOWN; + if (success) + { + res = gMeshRepo.mThread->headerReceived(mMeshParams, data, data_size); + success = (res == MESH_OK); + } if (! success) { // *TODO: Get real reason for parse failure here. Might we want to retry? LL_WARNS(LOG_MESH) << "Unable to parse mesh header. ID: " << mesh_id - << ", Unknown reason. Not retrying." + << ", Size: " << data_size + << ", Reason: " << res << " Not retrying." << LL_ENDL; // Can't get the header so none of the LODs will be available @@ -3430,7 +3470,7 @@ void LLMeshPhysicsShapeHandler::processData(LLCore::BufferArray * /* body */, S3 { if ((!MESH_PHYS_SHAPE_PROCESS_FAILED) && ((data != NULL) == (data_size > 0)) // if we have data but no size or have size but no data, something is wrong - && gMeshRepo.mThread->physicsShapeReceived(mMeshID, data, data_size)) + && gMeshRepo.mThread->physicsShapeReceived(mMeshID, data, data_size) == MESH_OK) { // good fetch from sim, write to VFS for caching LLVFile file(gVFS, mMeshID, LLAssetType::AT_MESH, LLVFile::WRITE); diff --git a/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.h b/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.h index bba0c9f2cb..9a627dabcb 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.h +++ b/indra/newview/llmeshrepository.h @@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ typedef enum e_mesh_processing_result_enum MESH_NO_DATA = 1, MESH_OUT_OF_MEMORY, MESH_HTTP_REQUEST_FAILED, + MESH_PARSE_FAILURE, + MESH_INVALID, MESH_UNKNOWN } EMeshProcessingResult; @@ -336,11 +338,11 @@ public: bool fetchMeshHeader(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, bool can_retry = true); bool fetchMeshLOD(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod, bool can_retry = true); - bool headerReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, U8* data, S32 data_size); + EMeshProcessingResult headerReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, U8* data, S32 data_size); EMeshProcessingResult lodReceived(const LLVolumeParams& mesh_params, S32 lod, U8* data, S32 data_size); bool skinInfoReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size); bool decompositionReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size); - bool physicsShapeReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size); + EMeshProcessingResult physicsShapeReceived(const LLUUID& mesh_id, U8* data, S32 data_size); LLSD& getMeshHeader(const LLUUID& mesh_id); void notifyLoadedMeshes(); diff --git a/indra/newview/lloutfitgallery.cpp b/indra/newview/lloutfitgallery.cpp index 852ba846ff..272e7ae351 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lloutfitgallery.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lloutfitgallery.cpp @@ -1047,6 +1047,7 @@ void LLOutfitGallery::updateSnapshotFolderObserver() void LLOutfitGallery::refreshOutfit(const LLUUID& category_id) { LLViewerInventoryCategory* category = gInventory.getCategory(category_id); + if (category) { bool photo_loaded = false; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t sub_cat_array; diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelexperiences.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelexperiences.cpp index 37981b36a9..91d3b523fb 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpanelexperiences.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llpanelexperiences.cpp @@ -93,9 +93,20 @@ void LLPanelExperiences::setExperienceList( const LLSD& experiences ) item->init(public_key); mExperiencesList->addItem(item, public_key); + + const LLSD& experience_details = LLExperienceCache::instance().get(public_key); + if (experience_details.isUndefined()) + { + LLExperienceCache::instance().get(public_key, boost::bind(&LLPanelExperiences::sortExperiencesList, this)); + } } - mExperiencesList->sort(); + sortExperiencesList(); +} + +void LLPanelExperiences::sortExperiencesList() +{ + mExperiencesList->sort(); } void LLPanelExperiences::getExperienceIdsList(std::vector<LLUUID>& result) diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelexperiences.h b/indra/newview/llpanelexperiences.h index f29fdfdecb..9d5afd1a6a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpanelexperiences.h +++ b/indra/newview/llpanelexperiences.h @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ public: void setExperienceList(const LLSD& experiences); void getExperienceIdsList(std::vector<LLUUID>& result); + void sortExperiencesList(); + LLExperienceItem* getSelectedExperienceItem(); void removeExperiences( const LLSD& ids ); void removeExperience( const LLUUID& id); diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp index 5742b5ad1a..23394b26f2 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llpanelface.cpp @@ -1027,21 +1027,7 @@ void LLPanelFace::updateUI(bool force_set_values /*false*/) getChildView("maskcutoff")->setEnabled(editable && mIsAlpha); getChildView("label maskcutoff")->setEnabled(editable && mIsAlpha); - bool allAttachments = true; - for (LLObjectSelection::iterator iter = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->begin(); - iter != LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->end();iter++) - { - LLSelectNode* node = *iter; - LLViewerObject* object = node->getObject(); - if (!object->isAttachment()) - { - allAttachments = false; - break; - } - } - - texture_ctrl->setBakeTextureEnabled(allAttachments); - + texture_ctrl->setBakeTextureEnabled(TRUE); } else if (id.isNull()) { @@ -1066,21 +1052,8 @@ void LLPanelFace::updateUI(bool force_set_values /*false*/) getChildView("label alphamode")->setEnabled(editable && mIsAlpha); getChildView("maskcutoff")->setEnabled(editable && mIsAlpha); getChildView("label maskcutoff")->setEnabled(editable && mIsAlpha); - - bool allAttachments = true; - for (LLObjectSelection::iterator iter = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->begin(); - iter != LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->end();iter++) - { - LLSelectNode* node = *iter; - LLViewerObject* object = node->getObject(); - if (!object->isAttachment()) - { - allAttachments = false; - break; - } - } - - texture_ctrl->setBakeTextureEnabled(allAttachments); + + texture_ctrl->setBakeTextureEnabled(TRUE); } } @@ -1109,6 +1082,7 @@ void LLPanelFace::updateUI(bool force_set_values /*false*/) bool enabled = (editable && isIdenticalPlanarTexgen()); childSetValue("checkbox planar align", align_planar && enabled); + childSetVisible("checkbox planar align", enabled); childSetEnabled("checkbox planar align", enabled); childSetEnabled("button align textures", enabled && LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getObjectCount() > 1); diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceinboxinventory.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceinboxinventory.cpp index cea7054d6a..7a6631448b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceinboxinventory.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceinboxinventory.cpp @@ -36,12 +36,15 @@ #include "llpanellandmarks.h" #include "llplacesinventorybridge.h" #include "llviewerfoldertype.h" +#include "llsdserialize.h" #define DEBUGGING_FRESHNESS 0 const LLColor4U DEFAULT_WHITE(255, 255, 255); +const std::string NEW_INBOX_FILENAME("inbox_new_items.xml"); + // // statics // @@ -57,7 +60,9 @@ static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLInboxFolderViewItem> r3("inbox_folder_ LLInboxInventoryPanel::LLInboxInventoryPanel(const LLInboxInventoryPanel::Params& p) : LLInventoryPanel(p) -{} +{ + LLInboxNewItemsStorage::getInstance()->load(); +} LLInboxInventoryPanel::~LLInboxInventoryPanel() {} @@ -127,7 +132,7 @@ void LLInboxFolderViewFolder::addItem(LLFolderViewItem* item) } // Compute freshness if our parent is the root folder for the inbox - if (mParentFolder == mRoot) + if ((mParentFolder == mRoot) && !mFresh) { computeFreshness(); } @@ -145,6 +150,12 @@ void LLInboxFolderViewFolder::draw() setBadgeVisibility(mFresh); LLFolderViewFolder::draw(); + + if (mFresh) + { + reshapeBadge(getRect()); + } + } BOOL LLInboxFolderViewFolder::handleMouseDown( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask ) @@ -167,11 +178,12 @@ void LLInboxFolderViewFolder::selectItem() void LLInboxFolderViewFolder::computeFreshness() { + LLFolderViewModelItemInventory* view_model = static_cast<LLFolderViewModelItemInventory*>(getViewModelItem()); const U32 last_expansion_utc = gSavedPerAccountSettings.getU32("LastInventoryInboxActivity"); if (last_expansion_utc > 0) { - mFresh = (static_cast<LLFolderViewModelItemInventory*>(getViewModelItem())->getCreationDate() > last_expansion_utc); + mFresh = (view_model->getCreationDate() > last_expansion_utc) || LLInboxNewItemsStorage::getInstance()->isItemFresh(view_model->getUUID()); #if DEBUGGING_FRESHNESS if (mFresh) @@ -184,6 +196,11 @@ void LLInboxFolderViewFolder::computeFreshness() { mFresh = true; } + + if (mFresh) + { + LLInboxNewItemsStorage::getInstance()->addFreshItem(view_model->getUUID()); + } } void LLInboxFolderViewFolder::deFreshify() @@ -191,6 +208,7 @@ void LLInboxFolderViewFolder::deFreshify() mFresh = false; gSavedPerAccountSettings.setU32("LastInventoryInboxActivity", time_corrected()); + LLInboxNewItemsStorage::getInstance()->removeItem(static_cast<LLFolderViewModelItemInventory*>(getViewModelItem())->getUUID()); } // @@ -271,5 +289,55 @@ void LLInboxFolderViewItem::deFreshify() gSavedPerAccountSettings.setU32("LastInventoryInboxActivity", time_corrected()); } +LLInboxNewItemsStorage::LLInboxNewItemsStorage() +{ +} + +// static +void LLInboxNewItemsStorage::destroyClass() +{ + LLInboxNewItemsStorage::getInstance()->saveNewItemsIds(); +} + +void LLInboxNewItemsStorage::saveNewItemsIds() +{ + std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, NEW_INBOX_FILENAME); + if (!filename.empty()) + { + LLSD uuids_data; + for (std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator it = mNewItemsIDs.begin(); it != mNewItemsIDs.end(); it++) + { + uuids_data.append((*it)); + } + llofstream file; + file.open(filename.c_str()); + if ( file.is_open() ) + { + LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(uuids_data, file); + file.close(); + } + } +} + +void LLInboxNewItemsStorage::load() +{ + std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, NEW_INBOX_FILENAME); + if (!filename.empty()) + { + llifstream in_file; + in_file.open(filename.c_str()); + + LLSD uuids_data; + if (in_file.is_open()) + { + LLSDSerialize::fromXML(uuids_data, in_file); + in_file.close(); + for (LLSD::array_iterator i = uuids_data.beginArray(); i != uuids_data.endArray(); ++i) + { + mNewItemsIDs.insert((*i).asUUID()); + } + } + } +} // eof diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceinboxinventory.h b/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceinboxinventory.h index 0b27818c95..3e508e801b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceinboxinventory.h +++ b/indra/newview/llpanelmarketplaceinboxinventory.h @@ -113,4 +113,23 @@ protected: bool mFresh; }; +class LLInboxNewItemsStorage : public LLSingleton<LLInboxNewItemsStorage> + , public LLDestroyClass<LLInboxNewItemsStorage> +{ + LLSINGLETON(LLInboxNewItemsStorage); + LOG_CLASS(LLInboxNewItemsStorage); +public: + static void destroyClass(); + void saveNewItemsIds(); + + void load(); + + void addFreshItem(const LLUUID& id) { mNewItemsIDs.insert(id); } + void removeItem(const LLUUID& id) { mNewItemsIDs.erase(id); } + bool isItemFresh(const LLUUID& id) { return (mNewItemsIDs.find(id) != mNewItemsIDs.end()); } + +private: + std::set<LLUUID> mNewItemsIDs; +}; + #endif //LL_INBOXINVENTORYPANEL_H diff --git a/indra/newview/llpaneloutfitsinventory.cpp b/indra/newview/llpaneloutfitsinventory.cpp index 8019335f97..8fff52ca4e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpaneloutfitsinventory.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llpaneloutfitsinventory.cpp @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ LLPanelOutfitsInventory::LLPanelOutfitsInventory() : mMyOutfitsPanel(NULL), mCurrentOutfitPanel(NULL), mActivePanel(NULL), + mAppearanceTabs(NULL), mInitialized(false) { gAgentWearables.addLoadedCallback(boost::bind(&LLPanelOutfitsInventory::onWearablesLoaded, this)); @@ -312,6 +313,7 @@ void LLPanelOutfitsInventory::initTabPanels() void LLPanelOutfitsInventory::onTabChange() { + if (!mAppearanceTabs) return; mActivePanel = dynamic_cast<LLPanelAppearanceTab*>(mAppearanceTabs->getCurrentPanel()); if (!mActivePanel) return; diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp b/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp index 6bb213c0ef..c42cd6c6ba 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.cpp @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ bool get_hud_matrices(glh::matrix4f &proj, glh::matrix4f &model); const LLPanelPrimMediaControls::EZoomLevel LLPanelPrimMediaControls::kZoomLevels[] = { ZOOM_NONE, ZOOM_MEDIUM }; const int LLPanelPrimMediaControls::kNumZoomLevels = 2; +const F32 EXCEEDING_ZOOM_DISTANCE = 0.5f; const S32 ADDR_LEFT_PAD = 3; // @@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ LLPanelPrimMediaControls::LLPanelPrimMediaControls() : mZoomObjectID(LLUUID::null), mZoomObjectFace(0), mVolumeSliderVisible(0), + mZoomedCameraPos(), mWindowShade(NULL), mHideImmediately(false), mSecureURL(false), @@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ void LLPanelPrimMediaControls::focusOnTarget() LLViewerMediaImpl* media_impl = getTargetMediaImpl(); if(media_impl) { - if(!media_impl->hasFocus()) + if (!media_impl->hasFocus()) { // The current target doesn't have media focus -- focus on it. LLViewerObject* objectp = getTargetObject(); @@ -309,7 +311,8 @@ void LLPanelPrimMediaControls::updateShape() bool can_navigate = parcel->getMediaAllowNavigate(); bool enabled = false; - bool is_zoomed = (mCurrentZoom != ZOOM_NONE) && (mTargetObjectID == mZoomObjectID) && (mTargetObjectFace == mZoomObjectFace); + bool is_zoomed = (mCurrentZoom != ZOOM_NONE) && (mTargetObjectID == mZoomObjectID) && (mTargetObjectFace == mZoomObjectFace) && !isZoomDistExceeding(); + // There is no such thing as "has_focus" being different from normal controls set // anymore (as of user feedback from bri 10/09). So we cheat here and force 'has_focus' // to 'true' (or, actually, we use a setting) @@ -1145,7 +1148,7 @@ void LLPanelPrimMediaControls::updateZoom() if (zoom_padding > 0.0f) { // since we only zoom into medium for now, always set zoom_in constraint to true - LLViewerMediaFocus::setCameraZoom(getTargetObject(), mTargetObjectNormal, zoom_padding, true); + mZoomedCameraPos = LLViewerMediaFocus::setCameraZoom(getTargetObject(), mTargetObjectNormal, zoom_padding, true); } // Remember the object ID/face we zoomed into, so we can update the zoom icon appropriately @@ -1405,6 +1408,10 @@ bool LLPanelPrimMediaControls::shouldVolumeSliderBeVisible() return mVolumeSliderVisible > 0; } +bool LLPanelPrimMediaControls::isZoomDistExceeding() +{ + return (gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionGlobal() - mZoomedCameraPos).normalize() >= EXCEEDING_ZOOM_DISTANCE; +} void LLPanelPrimMediaControls::clearFaceOnFade() { diff --git a/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.h b/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.h index a8d0e31cf2..dd0e4ff095 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.h +++ b/indra/newview/llpanelprimmediacontrols.h @@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ private: void showVolumeSlider(); void hideVolumeSlider(); bool shouldVolumeSliderBeVisible(); + + bool isZoomDistExceeding(); static void onScrollUp(void* user_data); static void onScrollUpHeld(void* user_data); @@ -184,6 +186,8 @@ private: F32 mZoomMediumPadding; F32 mZoomFarPadding; S32 mTopWorldViewAvoidZone; + + LLVector3d mZoomedCameraPos; LLUICtrl *mMediaPanelScroll; LLButton *mScrollUpCtrl; diff --git a/indra/newview/llplacesinventorypanel.cpp b/indra/newview/llplacesinventorypanel.cpp index a23830e8e1..1c14acd843 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llplacesinventorypanel.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llplacesinventorypanel.cpp @@ -43,9 +43,8 @@ static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register<LLPlacesInventoryPanel> r("places_invent static const LLPlacesInventoryBridgeBuilder PLACES_INVENTORY_BUILDER; LLPlacesInventoryPanel::LLPlacesInventoryPanel(const Params& p) : - LLInventoryPanel(p), + LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel(p), mSavedFolderState(NULL) - { mInvFVBridgeBuilder = &PLACES_INVENTORY_BUILDER; mSavedFolderState = new LLSaveFolderState(); diff --git a/indra/newview/llplacesinventorypanel.h b/indra/newview/llplacesinventorypanel.h index 27d9b83bd1..5629438415 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llplacesinventorypanel.h +++ b/indra/newview/llplacesinventorypanel.h @@ -32,14 +32,16 @@ class LLLandmarksPanel; class LLFolderView; -class LLPlacesInventoryPanel : public LLInventoryPanel +class LLPlacesInventoryPanel : public LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel { public: struct Params - : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLInventoryPanel::Params> + : public LLInitParam::Block<Params, LLAssetFilteredInventoryPanel::Params> { Params() - {} + { + filter_asset_type = "landmark"; + } }; LLPlacesInventoryPanel(const Params& p); diff --git a/indra/newview/llpresetsmanager.h b/indra/newview/llpresetsmanager.h index d5b384ceb9..0de30e9e01 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llpresetsmanager.h +++ b/indra/newview/llpresetsmanager.h @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ #include <map> static const std::string PRESETS_DEFAULT = "Default"; +static const std::string PRESETS_DEFAULT_UPPER = "DEFAULT"; static const std::string PRESETS_DIR = "presets"; static const std::string PRESETS_GRAPHIC = "graphic"; static const std::string PRESETS_CAMERA = "camera"; diff --git a/indra/newview/llprogressview.cpp b/indra/newview/llprogressview.cpp index e9feae3457..3e3ab3a676 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llprogressview.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llprogressview.cpp @@ -404,28 +404,30 @@ void LLProgressView::initLogos() // with no internal paddings so it gets additional padding icon_width = 77; icon_height = 21; - S32 pad_y = 4; + S32 pad_fmod_y = 4; texture_start_x++; loadLogo(temp_str + "fmod_logo.png", image_codec, - LLRect(texture_start_x, texture_start_y + pad_y + icon_height, texture_start_x + icon_width, texture_start_y + pad_y), + LLRect(texture_start_x, texture_start_y + pad_fmod_y + icon_height, texture_start_x + icon_width, texture_start_y + pad_fmod_y), default_clip, default_clip); texture_start_x += icon_width + default_pad + 1; -#endif +#endif //LL_FMODSTUDIO +#ifdef LL_HAVOK // original image size is 342x113, central element is on a larger side // plus internal padding, so it gets slightly more height than desired 32 icon_width = 88; icon_height = 29; - pad_y = -1; + S32 pad_havok_y = -1; loadLogo(temp_str + "havok_logo.png", image_codec, - LLRect(texture_start_x, texture_start_y + pad_y + icon_height, texture_start_x + icon_width, texture_start_y + pad_y), + LLRect(texture_start_x, texture_start_y + pad_havok_y + icon_height, texture_start_x + icon_width, texture_start_y + pad_havok_y), default_clip, default_clip); texture_start_x += icon_width + default_pad; +#endif //LL_HAVOK // 108x41 icon_width = 74; @@ -545,6 +547,7 @@ void LLProgressView::onCancelButtonClicked(void*) // cancel is pressed while teleporting inside region (EXT-4911) if (LLStartUp::getStartupState() < STATE_STARTED) { + LL_INFOS() << "User requesting quit during login" << LL_ENDL; LLAppViewer::instance()->requestQuit(); } else diff --git a/indra/newview/llsecapi.cpp b/indra/newview/llsecapi.cpp index 10e510b842..26a2df8270 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llsecapi.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llsecapi.cpp @@ -154,3 +154,10 @@ void LLCredential::authenticatorType(std::string &idType) } } + +LLCertException::LLCertException(const LLSD& cert_data, const std::string& msg) + : LLException(msg), + mCertData(cert_data) +{ + LL_WARNS("SECAPI") << "Certificate Error: " << msg << LL_ENDL; +} diff --git a/indra/newview/llsecapi.h b/indra/newview/llsecapi.h index 69b6b32923..14059f828a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llsecapi.h +++ b/indra/newview/llsecapi.h @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ #define CERT_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE "extendedKeyUsage" #define CERT_EKU_SERVER_AUTH SN_server_auth +#define CERT_EKU_TLS_SERVER_AUTH LN_server_auth #define CERT_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTFIER "subjectKeyIdentifier" #define CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER "authorityKeyIdentifier" @@ -334,17 +335,23 @@ std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const LLCredential& cred); class LLCertException: public LLException { public: - LLCertException(const LLSD& cert_data, const std::string& msg): LLException(msg), - mCertData(cert_data) - { - LL_WARNS("SECAPI") << "Certificate Error: " << msg << LL_ENDL; - } + LLCertException(const LLSD& cert_data, const std::string& msg); virtual ~LLCertException() throw() {} LLSD getCertData() const { return mCertData; } protected: LLSD mCertData; }; +class LLAllocationCertException : public LLCertException +{ +public: + LLAllocationCertException(const LLSD& cert_data) : LLCertException(cert_data, "CertAllocationFailure") + { + } + virtual ~LLAllocationCertException() throw() {} +protected: +}; + class LLInvalidCertificate : public LLCertException { public: diff --git a/indra/newview/llsechandler_basic.cpp b/indra/newview/llsechandler_basic.cpp index 55e49100c3..737ef30ada 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llsechandler_basic.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llsechandler_basic.cpp @@ -78,16 +78,16 @@ LLBasicCertificate::LLBasicCertificate(const std::string& pem_cert, BIO * pem_bio = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*)pem_cert.c_str(), pem_cert.length()); if(pem_bio == NULL) { - LL_WARNS("SECAPI") << "Could not allocate an openssl memory BIO." << LL_ENDL; - LLTHROW(LLInvalidCertificate(LLSD::emptyMap())); + LL_WARNS("SECAPI") << "Could not allocate an openssl memory BIO." << LL_ENDL; + LLTHROW(LLAllocationCertException(LLSD::emptyMap())); } mCert = NULL; PEM_read_bio_X509(pem_bio, &mCert, 0, NULL); BIO_free(pem_bio); if (!mCert) { - LL_WARNS("SECAPI") << "Could not decode certificate to x509." << LL_ENDL; - LLTHROW(LLInvalidCertificate(LLSD::emptyMap())); + LL_WARNS("SECAPI") << "Could not decode certificate to x509." << LL_ENDL; + LLTHROW(LLInvalidCertificate(LLSD::emptyMap())); } } @@ -924,9 +924,13 @@ void _validateCert(int validation_policy, LLTHROW(LLCertKeyUsageValidationException(current_cert_info)); } // only validate EKU if the cert has it - if(current_cert_info.has(CERT_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE) && current_cert_info[CERT_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE].isArray() && - (!_LLSDArrayIncludesValue(current_cert_info[CERT_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE], - LLSD((std::string)CERT_EKU_SERVER_AUTH)))) + if(current_cert_info.has(CERT_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE) + && current_cert_info[CERT_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE].isArray() + && (!_LLSDArrayIncludesValue(current_cert_info[CERT_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE], + LLSD((std::string)CERT_EKU_TLS_SERVER_AUTH))) + && (!_LLSDArrayIncludesValue(current_cert_info[CERT_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE], + LLSD((std::string)CERT_EKU_SERVER_AUTH))) + ) { LLTHROW(LLCertKeyUsageValidationException(current_cert_info)); } diff --git a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp index 56068b3bbb..50884762a8 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.cpp @@ -303,6 +303,27 @@ void LLSelectMgr::updateEffects() } } +void LLSelectMgr::resetObjectOverrides() +{ + resetObjectOverrides(getSelection()); +} + +void LLSelectMgr::resetObjectOverrides(LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_handle) +{ + struct f : public LLSelectedNodeFunctor + { + virtual bool apply(LLSelectNode* node) + { + node->mLastPositionLocal.setVec(0, 0, 0); + node->mLastRotation = LLQuaternion(); + node->mLastScale.setVec(0, 0, 0); + return true; + } + } func; + + selected_handle->applyToNodes(&func); +} + void LLSelectMgr::overrideObjectUpdates() { //override any position updates from simulator on objects being edited @@ -3910,11 +3931,11 @@ BOOL LLSelectMgr::selectGetAggregateTexturePermissions(LLAggregatePermissions& r return TRUE; } -BOOL LLSelectMgr::isSelfAvatarSelected() +BOOL LLSelectMgr::isMovableAvatarSelected() { if (mAllowSelectAvatar) { - return (getSelection()->getObjectCount() == 1) && (getSelection()->getFirstRootObject() == gAgentAvatarp); + return (getSelection()->getObjectCount() == 1) && (getSelection()->getFirstRootObject()->isAvatar()) && getSelection()->getFirstMoveableNode(TRUE); } return FALSE; } @@ -5130,18 +5151,27 @@ void LLSelectMgr::sendListToRegions(LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_handle, bool link_operation = message_name == "ObjectLink"; - //clear update override data (allow next update through) - struct f : public LLSelectedNodeFunctor - { - virtual bool apply(LLSelectNode* node) - { - node->mLastPositionLocal.setVec(0,0,0); - node->mLastRotation = LLQuaternion(); - node->mLastScale.setVec(0,0,0); - return true; - } - } func; - selected_handle->applyToNodes(&func); + if (mAllowSelectAvatar) + { + if (selected_handle->getObjectCount() == 1 + && selected_handle->getFirstObject() != NULL + && selected_handle->getFirstObject()->isAvatar()) + { + // Server doesn't move avatars at the moment, it is a local debug feature, + // but server does update position regularly, so do not drop mLastPositionLocal + // Position override for avatar gets reset in LLAgentCamera::resetView(). + } + else + { + // drop mLastPositionLocal (allow next update through) + resetObjectOverrides(selected_handle); + } + } + else + { + //clear update override data (allow next update through) + resetObjectOverrides(selected_handle); + } std::queue<LLSelectNode*> nodes_to_send; @@ -6851,51 +6881,26 @@ void LLSelectMgr::pauseAssociatedAvatars() mSelectedObjects->mSelectType = getSelectTypeForObject(object); - bool is_attached = false; - if (mSelectedObjects->mSelectType == SELECT_TYPE_ATTACHMENT && - isAgentAvatarValid()) + LLVOAvatar* parent_av = NULL; + if (mSelectedObjects->mSelectType == SELECT_TYPE_ATTACHMENT) { // Selection can be obsolete, confirm that this is an attachment - LLViewerObject* parent = (LLViewerObject*)object->getParent(); - while (parent != NULL) - { - if (parent->isAvatar()) - { - is_attached = true; - break; - } - else - { - parent = (LLViewerObject*)parent->getParent(); - } - } + // and find parent avatar + parent_av = object->getAvatarAncestor(); } - - if (is_attached) + // Can be both an attachment and animated object + if (parent_av) { - if (object->isAnimatedObject()) - { - // Is an animated object attachment. - // Pause both the control avatar and the avatar it's attached to. - if (object->getControlAvatar()) - { - mPauseRequests.push_back(object->getControlAvatar()->requestPause()); - } - mPauseRequests.push_back(gAgentAvatarp->requestPause()); - } - else - { - // Is a regular attachment. Pause the avatar it's attached to. - mPauseRequests.push_back(gAgentAvatarp->requestPause()); - } + // It's an attachment. Pause the avatar it's attached to. + mPauseRequests.push_back(parent_av->requestPause()); } - else if (object && object->isAnimatedObject() && object->getControlAvatar()) + + if (object->isAnimatedObject() && object->getControlAvatar()) { - // Is a non-attached animated object. Pause the control avatar. + // It's an animated object. Pause the control avatar. mPauseRequests.push_back(object->getControlAvatar()->requestPause()); } - } } diff --git a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.h b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.h index 3bed484b58..57fdfce152 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llselectmgr.h +++ b/indra/newview/llselectmgr.h @@ -458,6 +458,13 @@ public: void clearSelections(); void update(); void updateEffects(); // Update HUD effects + + // When we edit object's position/rotation/scale we set local + // overrides and ignore any updates (override received valeus). + // When we send data to server, we send local values and reset + // overrides + void resetObjectOverrides(); + void resetObjectOverrides(LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_handle); void overrideObjectUpdates(); // Returns the previous value of mForceSelection @@ -725,7 +732,7 @@ public: LLPermissions* findObjectPermissions(const LLViewerObject* object); - BOOL isSelfAvatarSelected(); + BOOL isMovableAvatarSelected(); void selectDelete(); // Delete on simulator void selectForceDelete(); // just delete, no into trash diff --git a/indra/newview/llsettingsvo.cpp b/indra/newview/llsettingsvo.cpp index 97b5b2a57d..1e5b893cbc 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llsettingsvo.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llsettingsvo.cpp @@ -678,8 +678,17 @@ void LLSettingsVOSky::applySpecial(void *ptarget, bool force) { shader->uniform4fv(LLViewerShaderMgr::LIGHTNORM, 1, light_direction.mV); + // Legacy? SETTING_CLOUD_SCROLL_RATE("cloud_scroll_rate") LLVector4 vect_c_p_d1(mSettings[SETTING_CLOUD_POS_DENSITY1]); - vect_c_p_d1 += LLVector4(LLEnvironment::instance().getCloudScrollDelta()); + LLVector4 cloud_scroll( LLEnvironment::instance().getCloudScrollDelta() ); + + // SL-13084 EEP added support for custom cloud textures -- flip them horizontally to match the preview of Clouds > Cloud Scroll + // Keep in Sync! + // * indra\newview\llsettingsvo.cpp + // * indra\newview\app_settings\shaders\class2\windlight\cloudsV.glsl + // * indra\newview\app_settings\shaders\class1\deferred\cloudsV.glsl + cloud_scroll[0] = -cloud_scroll[0]; + vect_c_p_d1 += cloud_scroll; shader->uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::CLOUD_POS_DENSITY1, 1, vect_c_p_d1.mV); LLSettingsSky::ptr_t psky = LLEnvironment::instance().getCurrentSky(); diff --git a/indra/newview/llspatialpartition.cpp b/indra/newview/llspatialpartition.cpp index 77bbcdada6..afb25778aa 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llspatialpartition.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llspatialpartition.cpp @@ -556,7 +556,9 @@ void LLSpatialGroup::shift(const LLVector4a &offset) if (!getSpatialPartition()->mRenderByGroup && getSpatialPartition()->mPartitionType != LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_TREE && getSpatialPartition()->mPartitionType != LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_TERRAIN && - getSpatialPartition()->mPartitionType != LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE) + getSpatialPartition()->mPartitionType != LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE && + getSpatialPartition()->mPartitionType != LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_AVATAR && + getSpatialPartition()->mPartitionType != LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_CONTROL_AV) { setState(GEOM_DIRTY); gPipeline.markRebuild(this, TRUE); @@ -3448,7 +3450,7 @@ public: U8 index = facep->getTextureIndex(); if (facep->mDrawInfo) { - if (index < 255) + if (index < FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES) { if (facep->mDrawInfo->mTextureList.size() <= index) { diff --git a/indra/newview/llspatialpartition.h b/indra/newview/llspatialpartition.h index 7e65da42f7..919f386d29 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llspatialpartition.h +++ b/indra/newview/llspatialpartition.h @@ -685,6 +685,18 @@ public: virtual void addGeometryCount(LLSpatialGroup* group, U32 &vertex_count, U32& index_count) { LLVolumeGeometryManager::addGeometryCount(group, vertex_count, index_count); } }; +class LLAvatarBridge : public LLVolumeBridge +{ +public: + LLAvatarBridge(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerRegion* regionp); +}; + +class LLControlAVBridge : public LLVolumeBridge +{ +public: + LLControlAVBridge(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerRegion* regionp); +}; + class LLHUDBridge : public LLVolumeBridge { public: @@ -702,6 +714,18 @@ public: virtual void addGeometryCount(LLSpatialGroup* group, U32 &vertex_count, U32& index_count) { } }; +class LLAvatarPartition : public LLBridgePartition +{ +public: + LLAvatarPartition(LLViewerRegion* regionp); +}; + +class LLControlAVPartition : public LLBridgePartition +{ +public: + LLControlAVPartition(LLViewerRegion* regionp); +}; + class LLHUDPartition : public LLBridgePartition { public: diff --git a/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp b/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp index 9c3ad0bb28..2482fe8e79 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llstartup.cpp @@ -917,9 +917,9 @@ bool idle_startup() } // Set PerAccountSettingsFile to the default value. - gSavedSettings.setString("PerAccountSettingsFile", - gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, - LLAppViewer::instance()->getSettingsFilename("Default", "PerAccount"))); + std::string settings_per_account = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, LLAppViewer::instance()->getSettingsFilename("Default", "PerAccount")); + gSavedSettings.setString("PerAccountSettingsFile", settings_per_account); + gDebugInfo["PerAccountSettingsFilename"] = settings_per_account; // Note: can't store warnings files per account because some come up before login @@ -1105,6 +1105,8 @@ bool idle_startup() // Its either downloading or declined. // If optional was skipped this case shouldn't // be reached. + + LL_INFOS("LLStartup") << "Forcing a quit due to update." << LL_ENDL; LLLoginInstance::getInstance()->disconnect(); LLAppViewer::instance()->forceQuit(); } @@ -1125,7 +1127,24 @@ bool idle_startup() { // This was a certificate error, so grab the certificate // and throw up the appropriate dialog. - LLPointer<LLCertificate> certificate = gSecAPIHandler->getCertificate(response["certificate"]); + LLPointer<LLCertificate> certificate; + try + { + certificate = gSecAPIHandler->getCertificate(response["certificate"]); + } + catch (LLCertException &cert_exception) + { + LL_WARNS("LLStartup", "SECAPI") << "Caught " << cert_exception.what() << " certificate expception on getCertificate("<< response["certificate"] << ")" << LL_ENDL; + LLSD args; + args["REASON"] = LLTrans::getString(cert_exception.what()); + + LLNotificationsUtil::add("GeneralCertificateErrorShort", args, response, + general_cert_done); + + reset_login(); + gSavedSettings.setBOOL("AutoLogin", FALSE); + show_connect_box = true; + } if(certificate) { LLSD args = transform_cert_args(certificate); diff --git a/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.cpp b/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.cpp index 6a0464c657..6ccb2f68e5 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.cpp @@ -139,17 +139,17 @@ void LLFloaterTexturePicker::setImageID(const LLUUID& image_id, bool set_selecti if (LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::LLAvatarAppearanceDictionary::isBakedImageId(mImageAssetID)) { - if ( mBakeTextureEnabled && mModeSelector->getSelectedIndex() != 2) + if ( mBakeTextureEnabled && mModeSelector->getValue().asInteger() != 2) { - mModeSelector->setSelectedIndex(2, 0); + mModeSelector->selectByValue(2); onModeSelect(0,this); } } else { - if (mModeSelector->getSelectedIndex() == 2) + if (mModeSelector->getValue().asInteger() == 2) { - mModeSelector->setSelectedIndex(0, 0); + mModeSelector->selectByValue(0); onModeSelect(0,this); } @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ BOOL LLFloaterTexturePicker::postBuild() } mTentativeLabel = getChild<LLTextBox>("Multiple"); - mResolutionLabel = getChild<LLTextBox>("unknown"); + mResolutionLabel = getChild<LLTextBox>("size_lbl"); childSetAction("Default",LLFloaterTexturePicker::onBtnSetToDefault,this); @@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ BOOL LLFloaterTexturePicker::postBuild() mInventoryPanel = getChild<LLInventoryPanel>("inventory panel"); - mModeSelector = getChild<LLRadioGroup>("mode_selection"); + mModeSelector = getChild<LLComboBox>("mode_selection"); mModeSelector->setCommitCallback(onModeSelect, this); - mModeSelector->setSelectedIndex(0, 0); + mModeSelector->selectByValue(0); if(mInventoryPanel) { @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ BOOL LLFloaterTexturePicker::postBuild() getChild<LLComboBox>("l_bake_use_texture_combo_box")->setCommitCallback(onBakeTextureSelect, this); getChild<LLCheckBoxCtrl>("hide_base_mesh_region")->setCommitCallback(onHideBaseMeshRegionCheck, this); - setBakeTextureEnabled(FALSE); + setBakeTextureEnabled(TRUE); return TRUE; } @@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ void LLFloaterTexturePicker::onSelectionChange(const std::deque<LLFolderViewItem void LLFloaterTexturePicker::onModeSelect(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void *userdata) { LLFloaterTexturePicker* self = (LLFloaterTexturePicker*) userdata; - int index = self->mModeSelector->getSelectedIndex(); + int index = self->mModeSelector->getValue().asInteger(); self->getChild<LLButton>("Default")->setVisible(index == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); self->getChild<LLButton>("Blank")->setVisible(index == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); @@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ void LLFloaterTexturePicker::onFilterEdit(const std::string& search_string ) void LLFloaterTexturePicker::setLocalTextureEnabled(BOOL enabled) { - mModeSelector->setIndexEnabled(1,enabled); + mModeSelector->setEnabledByValue(1, enabled); } void LLFloaterTexturePicker::setBakeTextureEnabled(BOOL enabled) @@ -1090,18 +1090,18 @@ void LLFloaterTexturePicker::setBakeTextureEnabled(BOOL enabled) BOOL changed = (enabled != mBakeTextureEnabled); mBakeTextureEnabled = enabled; - mModeSelector->setIndexEnabled(2, enabled); + mModeSelector->setEnabledByValue(2, enabled); - if (!mBakeTextureEnabled && (mModeSelector->getSelectedIndex() == 2)) + if (!mBakeTextureEnabled && (mModeSelector->getValue().asInteger() == 2)) { - mModeSelector->setSelectedIndex(0, 0); + mModeSelector->selectByValue(0); } if (changed && mBakeTextureEnabled && LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::LLAvatarAppearanceDictionary::isBakedImageId(mImageAssetID)) { - if (mModeSelector->getSelectedIndex() != 2) + if (mModeSelector->getValue().asInteger() != 2) { - mModeSelector->setSelectedIndex(2, 0); + mModeSelector->selectByValue(2); } } onModeSelect(0, this); @@ -1156,8 +1156,7 @@ LLTextureCtrl::LLTextureCtrl(const LLTextureCtrl::Params& p) mImageAssetID(p.image_id), mDefaultImageAssetID(p.default_image_id), mDefaultImageName(p.default_image_name), - mFallbackImage(p.fallback_image), - mBakeTextureEnabled(FALSE) + mFallbackImage(p.fallback_image) { // Default of defaults is white image for diff tex @@ -1350,7 +1349,7 @@ void LLTextureCtrl::showPicker(BOOL take_focus) } if (texture_floaterp) { - texture_floaterp->setBakeTextureEnabled(mBakeTextureEnabled); + texture_floaterp->setBakeTextureEnabled(TRUE); } LLFloater* root_floater = gFloaterView->getParentFloater(this); @@ -1529,7 +1528,6 @@ void LLTextureCtrl::setImageAssetID( const LLUUID& asset_id ) void LLTextureCtrl::setBakeTextureEnabled(BOOL enabled) { - mBakeTextureEnabled = enabled; LLFloaterTexturePicker* floaterp = (LLFloaterTexturePicker*)mFloaterHandle.get(); if (floaterp) { diff --git a/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.h b/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.h index b2a34a37c4..92f6f89af6 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.h +++ b/indra/newview/lltexturectrl.h @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ #include "llstring.h" #include "lluictrl.h" #include "llpermissionsflags.h" -#include "llradiogroup.h" #include "lltextbox.h" // for params #include "llviewerinventory.h" #include "llviewborder.h" // for params @@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ #include "llviewertexture.h" #include "llwindow.h" -class LLButton; +class LLComboBox; class LLFloaterTexturePicker; class LLInventoryItem; class LLViewerFetchedTexture; @@ -239,7 +238,6 @@ private: BOOL mShowLoadingPlaceholder; std::string mLoadingPlaceholderString; S32 mLabelWidth; - BOOL mBakeTextureEnabled; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -367,7 +365,7 @@ protected: LLSaveFolderState mSavedFolderState; BOOL mSelectedItemPinned; - LLRadioGroup* mModeSelector; + LLComboBox* mModeSelector; LLScrollListCtrl* mLocalScrollCtrl; private: diff --git a/indra/newview/lltextureview.cpp b/indra/newview/lltextureview.cpp index 0d2edc0268..1c4187d30f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lltextureview.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lltextureview.cpp @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ void LLGLTexMemBar::draw() U32 texFetchLatMed = U32(recording.getMean(LLTextureFetch::sTexFetchLatency).value() * 1000.0f); U32 texFetchLatMax = U32(recording.getMax(LLTextureFetch::sTexFetchLatency).value() * 1000.0f); - text = llformat("GL Tot: %d/%d MB Bound: %d/%d MB FBO: %d MB Raw Tot: %d MB Bias: %.2f Cache: %.1f/%.1f MB", + text = llformat("GL Tot: %d/%d MB Bound: %4d/%4d MB FBO: %d MB Raw Tot: %d MB Bias: %.2f Cache: %.1f/%.1f MB", total_mem.value(), max_total_mem.value(), bound_mem.value(), diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoolgrab.cpp b/indra/newview/lltoolgrab.cpp index a4806ceaf6..f01b374db1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lltoolgrab.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lltoolgrab.cpp @@ -142,8 +142,9 @@ BOOL LLToolGrabBase::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) // call the base class to propogate info to sim LLTool::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask); - - if (!gAgent.leftButtonGrabbed()) + + // leftButtonGrabbed() checks if controls are reserved by scripts, but does not take masks into account + if (!gAgent.leftButtonGrabbed() || ((mask & DEFAULT_GRAB_MASK) != 0 && !gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook())) { // can grab transparent objects (how touch event propagates, scripters rely on this) gViewerWindow->pickAsync(x, y, mask, pickCallback, /*BOOL pick_transparent*/ TRUE); diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoolgrab.h b/indra/newview/lltoolgrab.h index 02ed5c26d7..ce0de0f946 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lltoolgrab.h +++ b/indra/newview/lltoolgrab.h @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class LLPickInfo; void send_ObjectGrab_message(LLViewerObject* object, const LLPickInfo & pick, const LLVector3 &grab_offset); void send_ObjectDeGrab_message(LLViewerObject* object, const LLPickInfo & pick); +const MASK DEFAULT_GRAB_MASK = MASK_CONTROL; /** * LLToolGrabBase contains most of the semantics of LLToolGrab. It's just that diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp b/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp index f499c34ca4..864ce09430 100644 --- a/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/lltoolpie.cpp @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ BOOL LLToolPie::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) else { // perform a separate pick that detects transparent objects since they respond to 1-click actions - LLPickInfo click_action_pick = gViewerWindow->pickImmediate(x, y, TRUE, pick_rigged); + LLPickInfo click_action_pick = gViewerWindow->pickImmediate(x, y, FALSE, pick_rigged); LLViewerObject* click_action_object = click_action_pick.getObject(); @@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ LLTool* LLToolPie::getOverrideTool(MASK mask) { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EnableGrab")) { - if (mask == MASK_CONTROL) + if (mask == DEFAULT_GRAB_MASK) { return LLToolGrab::getInstance(); } diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp index cacdee7e83..54f80a2995 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerassetstorage.cpp @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ /// LLViewerAssetRequest ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // There is also PoolSizeVAssetStorage value in setting that should mirror this name static const std::string VIEWER_ASSET_STORAGE_CORO_POOL = "VAssetStorage"; /** diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp index f025863072..caf79edfe4 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerdisplay.cpp @@ -710,9 +710,6 @@ void display(BOOL rebuild, F32 zoom_factor, int subfield, BOOL for_snapshot) LLGLState::checkTextureChannels(); LLGLState::checkClientArrays(); - BOOL to_texture = gPipeline.canUseVertexShaders() && - LLPipeline::sRenderGlow; - LLAppViewer::instance()->pingMainloopTimeout("Display:Swap"); { @@ -919,31 +916,28 @@ void display(BOOL rebuild, F32 zoom_factor, int subfield, BOOL for_snapshot) stop_glerror(); - if (to_texture) - { - gGL.setColorMask(true, true); - - if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred) - { - gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.bindTarget(); - glClearColor(1,0,1,1); - gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.clear(); - } - else - { - gPipeline.mScreen.bindTarget(); - if (LLPipeline::sUnderWaterRender && !gPipeline.canUseWindLightShaders()) - { - const LLColor4 &col = LLEnvironment::instance().getCurrentWater()->getWaterFogColor(); - glClearColor(col.mV[0], col.mV[1], col.mV[2], 0.f); - } - gPipeline.mScreen.clear(); - } - - gGL.setColorMask(true, false); - } - - LLAppViewer::instance()->pingMainloopTimeout("Display:RenderGeom"); + gGL.setColorMask(true, true); + + if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred) + { + gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.bindTarget(); + glClearColor(1, 0, 1, 1); + gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.clear(); + } + else + { + gPipeline.mScreen.bindTarget(); + if (LLPipeline::sUnderWaterRender && !gPipeline.canUseWindLightShaders()) + { + const LLColor4 &col = LLEnvironment::instance().getCurrentWater()->getWaterFogColor(); + glClearColor(col.mV[0], col.mV[1], col.mV[2], 0.f); + } + gPipeline.mScreen.clear(); + } + + gGL.setColorMask(true, false); + + LLAppViewer::instance()->pingMainloopTimeout("Display:RenderGeom"); if (!(LLAppViewer::instance()->logoutRequestSent() && LLAppViewer::instance()->hasSavedFinalSnapshot()) && !gRestoreGL) @@ -1005,38 +999,20 @@ void display(BOOL rebuild, F32 zoom_factor, int subfield, BOOL for_snapshot) } } - LLAppViewer::instance()->pingMainloopTimeout("Display:RenderFlush"); - - if (to_texture) - { - if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred) - { - gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.flush(); - if(LLRenderTarget::sUseFBO) - { - LLRenderTarget::copyContentsToFramebuffer(gPipeline.mDeferredScreen, 0, 0, gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.getWidth(), - gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.getHeight(), 0, 0, - gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.getWidth(), - gPipeline.mDeferredScreen.getHeight(), - GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); - } - } - else - { - gPipeline.mScreen.flush(); - if(LLRenderTarget::sUseFBO) - { - LLRenderTarget::copyContentsToFramebuffer(gPipeline.mScreen, 0, 0, gPipeline.mScreen.getWidth(), - gPipeline.mScreen.getHeight(), 0, 0, - gPipeline.mScreen.getWidth(), - gPipeline.mScreen.getHeight(), - GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); - } - } - } + LLAppViewer::instance()->pingMainloopTimeout("Display:RenderFlush"); - if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred) - { + LLRenderTarget &rt = (gPipeline.sRenderDeferred ? gPipeline.mDeferredScreen : gPipeline.mScreen); + rt.flush(); + + if (rt.sUseFBO) + { + LLRenderTarget::copyContentsToFramebuffer(rt, 0, 0, rt.getWidth(), rt.getHeight(), 0, 0, rt.getWidth(), + rt.getHeight(), GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, + GL_NEAREST); + } + + if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred) + { gPipeline.renderDeferredLighting(&gPipeline.mScreen); } @@ -1300,19 +1276,12 @@ void render_ui(F32 zoom_factor, int subfield) gGL.popMatrix(); } - { - BOOL to_texture = gPipeline.canUseVertexShaders() && - LLPipeline::sRenderGlow; + // Finalize scene + gPipeline.renderFinalize(); - if (to_texture) - { - gPipeline.renderBloom(gSnapshot, zoom_factor, subfield); - } - - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_HUD); - render_hud_elements(); - render_hud_attachments(); - } + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_HUD); + render_hud_elements(); + render_hud_attachments(); LLGLSDefault gls_default; LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerjointmesh.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerjointmesh.cpp index 6990f56a08..fdfd22c117 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerjointmesh.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerjointmesh.cpp @@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ U32 LLViewerJointMesh::drawShape( F32 pixelArea, BOOL first_pass, BOOL is_dummy) //---------------------------------------------------------------- llassert( !(mTexture.notNull() && mLayerSet) ); // mutually exclusive - LLTexUnit::eTextureAddressMode old_mode = LLTexUnit::TAM_WRAP; LLViewerTexLayerSet *layerset = dynamic_cast<LLViewerTexLayerSet*>(mLayerSet); if (mTestImageName) { @@ -280,22 +279,15 @@ U32 LLViewerJointMesh::drawShape( F32 pixelArea, BOOL first_pass, BOOL is_dummy) gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bind(LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_DEFAULT)); } } - else - if ( !is_dummy && mTexture.notNull() ) + else if ( !is_dummy && mTexture.notNull() ) { - if(mTexture->hasGLTexture()) - { - old_mode = mTexture->getAddressMode(); - } gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bind(mTexture); - gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->setTextureAddressMode(LLTexUnit::TAM_CLAMP); } else { gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bind(LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(IMG_DEFAULT)); } - U32 mask = sRenderMask; U32 start = mMesh->mFaceVertexOffset; @@ -341,12 +333,6 @@ U32 LLViewerJointMesh::drawShape( F32 pixelArea, BOOL first_pass, BOOL is_dummy) gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->setTextureBlendType(LLTexUnit::TB_MULT); } - if (mTexture.notNull() && !is_dummy) - { - gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->bind(mTexture); - gGL.getTexUnit(diffuse_channel)->setTextureAddressMode(old_mode); - } - return triangle_count; } diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.cpp index 71ae7bfbc3..10099eda5b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.cpp @@ -205,8 +205,9 @@ bool LLViewerMediaFocus::getFocus() } // This function selects an ideal viewing distance based on the focused object, pick normal, and padding value -void LLViewerMediaFocus::setCameraZoom(LLViewerObject* object, LLVector3 normal, F32 padding_factor, bool zoom_in_only) +LLVector3d LLViewerMediaFocus::setCameraZoom(LLViewerObject* object, LLVector3 normal, F32 padding_factor, bool zoom_in_only) { + LLVector3d camera_pos; if (object) { gAgentCamera.setFocusOnAvatar(FALSE, ANIMATE); @@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ void LLViewerMediaFocus::setCameraZoom(LLViewerObject* object, LLVector3 normal, distance += depth * 0.5; // Finally animate the camera to this new position and focal point - LLVector3d camera_pos, target_pos; + LLVector3d target_pos; // The target lookat position is the center of the selection (in global coords) target_pos = center; // Target look-from (camera) position is "distance" away from the target along the normal @@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ void LLViewerMediaFocus::setCameraZoom(LLViewerObject* object, LLVector3 normal, if (zoom_in_only && (dist_vec_squared(gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionGlobal(), target_pos) < dist_vec_squared(camera_pos, target_pos))) { - return; + return camera_pos; } gAgentCamera.setCameraPosAndFocusGlobal(camera_pos, target_pos, object->getID() ); @@ -298,6 +299,7 @@ void LLViewerMediaFocus::setCameraZoom(LLViewerObject* object, LLVector3 normal, // If we have no object, focus back on the avatar. gAgentCamera.setFocusOnAvatar(TRUE, ANIMATE); } + return camera_pos; } void LLViewerMediaFocus::onFocusReceived() { diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.h b/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.h index fa469c36e3..effd08a559 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.h +++ b/indra/newview/llviewermediafocus.h @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public: void update(); - static void setCameraZoom(LLViewerObject* object, LLVector3 normal, F32 padding_factor, bool zoom_in_only = false); + static LLVector3d setCameraZoom(LLViewerObject* object, LLVector3 normal, F32 padding_factor, bool zoom_in_only = false); static F32 getBBoxAspectRatio(const LLBBox& bbox, const LLVector3& normal, F32* height, F32* width, F32* depth); bool isFocusedOnFace(LLPointer<LLViewerObject> objectp, S32 face); diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp index 0b44e50dd6..d2ecc529ea 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp @@ -740,6 +740,10 @@ U32 render_type_from_string(std::string render_type) { return LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR; } + else if ("controlAV" == render_type) // Animesh + { + return LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV; + } else if ("surfacePatch" == render_type) { return LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TERRAIN; diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp index 06a8ebbe89..ea9dba3c4e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp @@ -2220,8 +2220,12 @@ protected: } }; +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PROCESS_IMPROVED_IM("Process IM"); + void process_improved_im(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data) { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROCESS_IMPROVED_IM); + LLUUID from_id; BOOL from_group; LLUUID to_id; diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerobject.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerobject.cpp index 9c91cde09a..aa775b2bab 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerobject.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerobject.cpp @@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ LLViewerObject::LLViewerObject(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRe mOnActiveList(FALSE), mOnMap(FALSE), mStatic(FALSE), + mSeatCount(0), mNumFaces(0), mRotTime(0.f), mAngularVelocityRot(), @@ -895,7 +896,12 @@ void LLViewerObject::addChild(LLViewerObject *childp) if(childp->setParent(this)) { mChildList.push_back(childp); - childp->afterReparent(); + childp->afterReparent(); + + if (childp->isAvatar()) + { + mSeatCount++; + } } } @@ -924,6 +930,11 @@ void LLViewerObject::removeChild(LLViewerObject *childp) { childp->setParent(NULL); } + + if (childp->isAvatar()) + { + mSeatCount--; + } break; } } @@ -981,21 +992,10 @@ BOOL LLViewerObject::isChild(LLViewerObject *childp) const return FALSE; } - // returns TRUE if at least one avatar is sitting on this object BOOL LLViewerObject::isSeat() const { - for (child_list_t::const_iterator iter = mChildList.begin(); - iter != mChildList.end(); iter++) - { - LLViewerObject* child = *iter; - if (child->isAvatar()) - { - return TRUE; - } - } - return FALSE; - + return mSeatCount > 0; } BOOL LLViewerObject::setDrawableParent(LLDrawable* parentp) diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerobject.h b/indra/newview/llviewerobject.h index 03c5403a1e..12a9b47307 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerobject.h +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerobject.h @@ -832,6 +832,7 @@ protected: BOOL mOnActiveList; BOOL mOnMap; // On the map. BOOL mStatic; // Object doesn't move. + S32 mSeatCount; S32 mNumFaces; F32 mRotTime; // Amount (in seconds) that object has rotated according to angular velocity (llSetTargetOmega) diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.cpp index c966b7d4f9..d5365e4ee8 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerparcelmgr.cpp @@ -1906,7 +1906,10 @@ void LLViewerParcelMgr::processParcelProperties(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **use || music_url.substr(0, 8) == "https://") { LLViewerRegion *region = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegion(msg->getSender()); - optionally_start_music(music_url, parcel->mLocalID, region->getRegionID()); + if (region) + { + optionally_start_music(music_url, parcel->mLocalID, region->getRegionID()); + } } else { diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp index e67826454b..a30c5156fa 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerregion.cpp @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ const U32 DEFAULT_MAX_REGION_WIDE_PRIM_COUNT = 15000; BOOL LLViewerRegion::sVOCacheCullingEnabled = FALSE; S32 LLViewerRegion::sLastCameraUpdated = 0; S32 LLViewerRegion::sNewObjectCreationThrottle = -1; +LLViewerRegion::vocache_entry_map_t LLViewerRegion::sRegionCacheCleanup; typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> CapabilityMap; @@ -298,6 +299,11 @@ void LLViewerRegionImpl::requestBaseCapabilitiesCoro(U64 regionHandle) ++mSeedCapAttempts; + if (LLApp::isExiting()) + { + return; + } + regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromHandle(regionHandle); if (!regionp) //region was removed { @@ -412,6 +418,11 @@ void LLViewerRegionImpl::requestBaseCapabilitiesCompleteCoro(U64 regionHandle) break; // no retry } + if (LLApp::isExiting()) + { + break; + } + regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromHandle(regionHandle); if (!regionp) //region was removed { @@ -515,6 +526,11 @@ void LLViewerRegionImpl::requestSimulatorFeatureCoro(std::string url, U64 region continue; } + if (LLApp::isExiting()) + { + break; + } + // remove the http_result from the llsd result.erase("http_result"); @@ -609,6 +625,8 @@ LLViewerRegion::LLViewerRegion(const U64 &handle, mImpl->mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLGrassPartition(this)); //PARTITION_GRASS mImpl->mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLVolumePartition(this)); //PARTITION_VOLUME mImpl->mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLBridgePartition(this)); //PARTITION_BRIDGE + mImpl->mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLAvatarPartition(this)); //PARTITION_AVATAR + mImpl->mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLControlAVPartition(this)); //PARTITION_CONTROL_AV mImpl->mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLHUDParticlePartition(this));//PARTITION_HUD_PARTICLE mImpl->mObjectPartition.push_back(new LLVOCachePartition(this)); //PARTITION_VO_CACHE mImpl->mObjectPartition.push_back(NULL); //PARTITION_NONE @@ -633,6 +651,9 @@ void LLViewerRegion::initStats() mAlive = false; // can become false if circuit disconnects } +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_CLEANUP_REGION_OBJECTS("Cleanup Region Objects"); +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_SAVE_REGION_CACHE("Save Region Cache"); + LLViewerRegion::~LLViewerRegion() { mDead = TRUE; @@ -647,7 +668,10 @@ LLViewerRegion::~LLViewerRegion() disconnectAllNeighbors(); LLViewerPartSim::getInstance()->cleanupRegion(this); - gObjectList.killObjects(this); + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_CLEANUP_REGION_OBJECTS); + gObjectList.killObjects(this); + } delete mImpl->mCompositionp; delete mParcelOverlay; @@ -658,7 +682,10 @@ LLViewerRegion::~LLViewerRegion() #endif std::for_each(mImpl->mObjectPartition.begin(), mImpl->mObjectPartition.end(), DeletePointer()); - saveObjectCache(); + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_SAVE_REGION_CACHE); + saveObjectCache(); + } delete mImpl; mImpl = NULL; @@ -727,6 +754,8 @@ void LLViewerRegion::saveObjectCache() mCacheDirty = FALSE; } + // Map of LLVOCacheEntry takes time to release, store map for cleanup on idle + sRegionCacheCleanup.insert(mImpl->mCacheMap.begin(), mImpl->mCacheMap.end()); mImpl->mCacheMap.clear(); } @@ -1488,6 +1517,16 @@ void LLViewerRegion::idleUpdate(F32 max_update_time) return; } +// static +void LLViewerRegion::idleCleanup(F32 max_update_time) +{ + LLTimer update_timer; + while (!sRegionCacheCleanup.empty() && (max_update_time - update_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > 0)) + { + sRegionCacheCleanup.erase(sRegionCacheCleanup.begin()); + } +} + //update the throttling number for new object creation void LLViewerRegion::calcNewObjectCreationThrottle() { @@ -3144,7 +3183,7 @@ void LLViewerRegion::setCapabilitiesReceived(bool received) { mCapabilitiesReceivedSignal(getRegionID()); - //LLFloaterPermsDefault::sendInitialPerms(); + LLFloaterPermsDefault::sendInitialPerms(); // This is a single-shot signal. Forget callbacks to save resources. mCapabilitiesReceivedSignal.disconnect_all_slots(); diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerregion.h b/indra/newview/llviewerregion.h index 1b226ac2c6..477aabb971 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerregion.h +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerregion.h @@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ public: PARTITION_GRASS, PARTITION_VOLUME, PARTITION_BRIDGE, + PARTITION_AVATAR, + PARTITION_CONTROL_AV, // Animesh PARTITION_HUD_PARTICLE, PARTITION_VO_CACHE, PARTITION_NONE, @@ -230,6 +232,9 @@ public: F32 getWidth() const { return mWidth; } + // regions are expensive to release, this function gradually releases cache from memory + static void idleCleanup(F32 max_update_time); + void idleUpdate(F32 max_update_time); void lightIdleUpdate(); bool addVisibleGroup(LLViewerOctreeGroup* group); @@ -548,6 +553,9 @@ private: LLSD mSimulatorFeatures; + typedef std::map<U32, LLPointer<LLVOCacheEntry> > vocache_entry_map_t; + static vocache_entry_map_t sRegionCacheCleanup; + // the materials capability throttle LLFrameTimer mMaterialsCapThrottleTimer; LLFrameTimer mRenderInfoRequestTimer; diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewertexlayer.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewertexlayer.cpp index 7f7d190b92..c501dd0035 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewertexlayer.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewertexlayer.cpp @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ LLViewerTexLayerSetBuffer::LLViewerTexLayerSetBuffer(LLTexLayerSet* const owner, S32 width, S32 height) : // ORDER_LAST => must render these after the hints are created. LLTexLayerSetBuffer(owner), - LLViewerDynamicTexture( width, height, 4, LLViewerDynamicTexture::ORDER_LAST, TRUE ), + LLViewerDynamicTexture(width, height, 4, LLViewerDynamicTexture::ORDER_LAST, FALSE), mNeedsUpdate(TRUE), mNumLowresUpdates(0) { diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp index 8fdb5416a9..8b791a3d6a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llviewerwindow.cpp @@ -1396,6 +1396,7 @@ BOOL LLViewerWindow::handleCloseRequest(LLWindow *window) void LLViewerWindow::handleQuit(LLWindow *window) { + LL_INFOS() << "Window forced quit" << LL_ENDL; LLAppViewer::instance()->forceQuit(); } @@ -3929,12 +3930,12 @@ void LLViewerWindow::renderSelections( BOOL for_gl_pick, BOOL pick_parcel_walls, BOOL draw_handles = TRUE; - if (tool == LLToolCompTranslate::getInstance() && !all_selected_objects_move && !LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->isSelfAvatarSelected()) + if (tool == LLToolCompTranslate::getInstance() && !all_selected_objects_move && !LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->isMovableAvatarSelected()) { draw_handles = FALSE; } - if (tool == LLToolCompRotate::getInstance() && !all_selected_objects_move) + if (tool == LLToolCompRotate::getInstance() && !all_selected_objects_move && !LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->isMovableAvatarSelected()) { draw_handles = FALSE; } diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp index d567623ac0..10f51f7896 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp @@ -2414,6 +2414,7 @@ S32 LLVOAvatar::setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID& uuid) } static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_AVATAR_UPDATE("Avatar Update"); +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_AVATAR_UPDATE_COMPLEXITY("Avatar Update Complexity"); static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_JOINT_UPDATE("Update Joints"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -2456,14 +2457,13 @@ void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, const F64 &time) return; } - if (!(gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR)) + if (!(gPipeline.hasRenderType(mIsControlAvatar ? LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV : LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR)) && !(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("DisableAllRenderTypes")) && !isSelf()) { return; } // Update should be happening max once per frame. - const S32 upd_freq = 4; // force update every upd_freq frames. if ((mLastAnimExtents[0]==LLVector3())|| (mLastAnimExtents[1])==LLVector3()) { @@ -2471,6 +2471,7 @@ void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, const F64 &time) } else { + const S32 upd_freq = 4; // force update every upd_freq frames. mNeedsExtentUpdate = ((LLDrawable::getCurrentFrame()+mID.mData[0])%upd_freq==0); } @@ -2555,8 +2556,41 @@ void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, const F64 &time) } idleUpdateNameTag( mLastRootPos ); + + // Complexity has stale mechanics, but updates still can be very rapid + // so spread avatar complexity calculations over frames to lesen load from + // rapid updates and to make sure all avatars are not calculated at once. + S32 compl_upd_freq = 20; + if (isControlAvatar()) + { + // animeshes do not (or won't) have impostors nor change outfis, + // no need for high frequency + compl_upd_freq = 100; + } + else if (mLastRezzedStatus <= 0) //cloud or init + { + compl_upd_freq = 60; + } + else if (isSelf()) + { + compl_upd_freq = 5; + } + else if (mLastRezzedStatus == 1) //'grey', not fully loaded + { + compl_upd_freq = 40; + } + else if (isInMuteList()) //cheap, buffers value from search + { + compl_upd_freq = 100; + } + + if ((LLFrameTimer::getFrameCount() + mID.mData[0]) % compl_upd_freq == 0) + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_AVATAR_UPDATE_COMPLEXITY); idleUpdateRenderComplexity(); } + idleUpdateDebugInfo(); +} void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdateVoiceVisualizer(bool voice_enabled) { @@ -2866,7 +2900,10 @@ F32 LLVOAvatar::calcMorphAmount() void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdateLipSync(bool voice_enabled) { // Use the Lipsync_Ooh and Lipsync_Aah morphs for lip sync - if ( voice_enabled && (LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->lipSyncEnabled()) && LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getIsSpeaking( mID ) ) + if ( voice_enabled + && mLastRezzedStatus > 0 // no point updating lip-sync for clouds + && (LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->lipSyncEnabled()) + && LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getIsSpeaking( mID ) ) { F32 ooh_morph_amount = 0.0f; F32 aah_morph_amount = 0.0f; @@ -3214,7 +3251,7 @@ void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdateNameTagText(BOOL new_name) std::string title_str = title->getString(); LLStringFn::replace_ascii_controlchars(title_str,LL_UNKNOWN_CHAR); addNameTagLine(title_str, name_tag_color, LLFontGL::NORMAL, - LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall()); + LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall(), true); } static LLUICachedControl<bool> show_display_names("NameTagShowDisplayNames", true); @@ -3234,7 +3271,7 @@ void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdateNameTagText(BOOL new_name) if (show_display_names) { addNameTagLine(av_name.getDisplayName(), name_tag_color, LLFontGL::NORMAL, - LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif()); + LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif(), true); } // Suppress SLID display if display name matches exactly (ugh) if (show_usernames && !av_name.isDisplayNameDefault()) @@ -3242,14 +3279,14 @@ void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdateNameTagText(BOOL new_name) // *HACK: Desaturate the color LLColor4 username_color = name_tag_color * 0.83f; addNameTagLine(av_name.getUserName(), username_color, LLFontGL::NORMAL, - LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall()); + LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall(), true); } } else { const LLFontGL* font = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif(); std::string full_name = LLCacheName::buildFullName( firstname->getString(), lastname->getString() ); - addNameTagLine(full_name, name_tag_color, LLFontGL::NORMAL, font); + addNameTagLine(full_name, name_tag_color, LLFontGL::NORMAL, font, true); } mNameAway = is_away; @@ -3341,7 +3378,7 @@ void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdateNameTagText(BOOL new_name) } } -void LLVOAvatar::addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font) +void LLVOAvatar::addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font, const bool use_ellipses) { llassert(mNameText); if (mVisibleChat) @@ -3350,7 +3387,7 @@ void LLVOAvatar::addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, } else { - mNameText->addLine(line, color, (LLFontGL::StyleFlags)style, font); + mNameText->addLine(line, color, (LLFontGL::StyleFlags)style, font, use_ellipses); } mNameIsSet |= !line.empty(); } @@ -3900,6 +3937,11 @@ void LLVOAvatar::computeUpdatePeriod() { //background avatars are REALLY slow updating impostors mUpdatePeriod = 16; } + else if (mLastRezzedStatus <= 0) + { + // Don't update cloud avatars too often + mUpdatePeriod = 8; + } else if ( shouldImpostor(3) ) { //back 25% of max visible avatars are slow updating impostors mUpdatePeriod = 8; @@ -4286,15 +4328,15 @@ BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent) // Set mUpdatePeriod and visible based on distance and other criteria. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- computeUpdatePeriod(); - visible = (LLDrawable::getCurrentFrame()+mID.mData[0])%mUpdatePeriod == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; + bool needs_update = (LLDrawable::getCurrentFrame()+mID.mData[0])%mUpdatePeriod == 0; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- - // Early out if not visible and not self + // Early out if does not need update and not self // don't early out for your own avatar, as we rely on your animations playing reliably // for example, the "turn around" animation when entering customize avatar needs to trigger // even when your avatar is offscreen //-------------------------------------------------------------------- - if (!visible && !isSelf()) + if (!needs_update && !isSelf()) { updateMotions(LLCharacter::HIDDEN_UPDATE); return FALSE; @@ -4343,12 +4385,17 @@ BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent) mSpeed = speed; // update animations - if (mSpecialRenderMode == 1) // Animation Preview + if (!visible) + { + updateMotions(LLCharacter::HIDDEN_UPDATE); + } + else if (mSpecialRenderMode == 1) // Animation Preview { updateMotions(LLCharacter::FORCE_UPDATE); } else { + // Might be better to do HIDDEN_UPDATE if cloud updateMotions(LLCharacter::NORMAL_UPDATE); } @@ -4376,10 +4423,13 @@ BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent) // Update child joints as needed. mRoot->updateWorldMatrixChildren(); + if (visible) + { // System avatar mesh vertices need to be reskinned. mNeedsSkin = TRUE; + } - return TRUE; + return visible; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -6834,13 +6884,13 @@ LLDrawable *LLVOAvatar::createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline) pipeline->allocDrawable(this); mDrawable->setLit(FALSE); - LLDrawPoolAvatar *poolp = (LLDrawPoolAvatar*) gPipeline.getPool(LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR); + LLDrawPoolAvatar *poolp = (LLDrawPoolAvatar*)gPipeline.getPool(mIsControlAvatar ? LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV : LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR); // Only a single face (one per avatar) //this face will be splitted into several if its vertex buffer is too long. mDrawable->setState(LLDrawable::ACTIVE); mDrawable->addFace(poolp, NULL); - mDrawable->setRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR); + mDrawable->setRenderType(mIsControlAvatar ? LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV : LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR); mNumInitFaces = mDrawable->getNumFaces() ; @@ -6865,7 +6915,7 @@ static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_UPDATE_AVATAR("Update Avatar"); BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable) { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_UPDATE_AVATAR); - if (!(gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR))) + if (!(gPipeline.hasRenderType(mIsControlAvatar ? LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV : LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR))) { return TRUE; } @@ -10021,7 +10071,7 @@ void LLVOAvatar::onActiveOverrideMeshesChanged() U32 LLVOAvatar::getPartitionType() const { // Avatars merely exist as drawables in the bridge partition - return LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE; + return mIsControlAvatar ? LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_CONTROL_AV : LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_AVATAR; } //static @@ -10142,7 +10192,10 @@ void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdateRenderComplexity() // Render Complexity calculateUpdateRenderComplexity(); // Update mVisualComplexity if needed +} +void LLVOAvatar::idleUpdateDebugInfo() +{ if (gPipeline.hasRenderDebugMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_AVATAR_DRAW_INFO)) { std::string info_line; diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h index ca6ac5c902..71a81c2e3d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h +++ b/indra/newview/llvoavatar.h @@ -284,8 +284,9 @@ public: static void invalidateNameTag(const LLUUID& agent_id); // force all name tags to rebuild, useful when display names turned on/off static void invalidateNameTags(); - void addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font); + void addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font, const bool use_ellipses = false); void idleUpdateRenderComplexity(); + void idleUpdateDebugInfo(); void accountRenderComplexityForObject(const LLViewerObject *attached_object, const F32 max_attachment_complexity, LLVOVolume::texture_cost_t& textures, diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoavatarself.cpp b/indra/newview/llvoavatarself.cpp index 16b27fd144..aea12380e8 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llvoavatarself.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llvoavatarself.cpp @@ -2667,11 +2667,6 @@ void LLVOAvatarSelf::onCustomizeStart(bool disable_camera_switch) { gAgentCamera.changeCameraToCustomizeAvatar(); } - -#if 0 - gAgentAvatarp->clearVisualParamWeights(); - gAgentAvatarp->idleUpdateAppearanceAnimation(); -#endif gAgentAvatarp->invalidateAll(); // mark all bakes as dirty, request updates gAgentAvatarp->updateMeshTextures(); // make sure correct textures are applied to the avatar mesh. diff --git a/indra/newview/llvocache.cpp b/indra/newview/llvocache.cpp index 07660ca6ac..689eeee0e3 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llvocache.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llvocache.cpp @@ -347,36 +347,24 @@ void LLVOCacheEntry::dump() const BOOL LLVOCacheEntry::writeToFile(LLAPRFile* apr_file) const { - BOOL success; - success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mLocalID, sizeof(U32)); - if(success) - { - success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mCRC, sizeof(U32)); - } - if(success) - { - success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mHitCount, sizeof(S32)); - } - if(success) - { - success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mDupeCount, sizeof(S32)); - } - if(success) - { - success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&mCRCChangeCount, sizeof(S32)); - } - if(success) - { - S32 size = mDP.getBufferSize(); - success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)&size, sizeof(S32)); - - if(success) - { - success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)mBuffer, size); - } - } - - return success ; + static const S32 data_buffer_size = 6 * sizeof(S32); + static U8 data_buffer[data_buffer_size]; + S32 size = mDP.getBufferSize(); + + memcpy(data_buffer, &mLocalID, sizeof(U32)); + memcpy(data_buffer + sizeof(U32), &mCRC, sizeof(U32)); + memcpy(data_buffer + (2 * sizeof(U32)), &mHitCount, sizeof(S32)); + memcpy(data_buffer + (3 * sizeof(U32)), &mDupeCount, sizeof(S32)); + memcpy(data_buffer + (4 * sizeof(U32)), &mCRCChangeCount, sizeof(S32)); + memcpy(data_buffer + (5 * sizeof(U32)), &size, sizeof(S32)); + + BOOL success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)data_buffer, data_buffer_size); + if (success) + { + success = check_write(apr_file, (void*)mBuffer, size); + } + + return success; } //static @@ -1537,7 +1525,8 @@ void LLVOCache::writeToCache(U64 handle, const LLUUID& id, const LLVOCacheEntry: { S32 num_entries = cache_entry_map.size() ; success = check_write(&apr_file, &num_entries, sizeof(S32)); - + + // This can have a lot of entries, so might be better to dump them into buffer first and write in one go. for (LLVOCacheEntry::vocache_entry_map_t::const_iterator iter = cache_entry_map.begin(); success && iter != cache_entry_map.end(); ++iter) { if(!removal_enabled || iter->second->isValid()) diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoicevivox.cpp b/indra/newview/llvoicevivox.cpp index 42a1cf95a7..976ef61d8e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llvoicevivox.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llvoicevivox.cpp @@ -274,6 +274,8 @@ static void killGateway() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::sShuttingDown = false; + LLVivoxVoiceClient::LLVivoxVoiceClient() : mSessionTerminateRequested(false), mRelogRequested(false), @@ -381,6 +383,7 @@ LLVivoxVoiceClient::~LLVivoxVoiceClient() { mAvatarNameCacheConnection.disconnect(); } + sShuttingDown = true; } //--------------------------------------------------- @@ -411,8 +414,11 @@ void LLVivoxVoiceClient::terminate() } else { + mRelogRequested = false; killGateway(); } + + sShuttingDown = true; } //--------------------------------------------------- @@ -660,12 +666,18 @@ void LLVivoxVoiceClient::voiceControlCoro() U32 retry = 0; - while (gAgent.getTeleportState() != LLAgent::TELEPORT_NONE) + while (gAgent.getTeleportState() != LLAgent::TELEPORT_NONE && !sShuttingDown) { LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "Suspending voiceControlCoro() momentarily for teleport. Tuning: " << mTuningMode << ". Relog: " << mRelogRequested << LL_ENDL; llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(1.0); } + if (sShuttingDown) + { + mIsCoroutineActive = false; + return; + } + do { bool success = startAndConnectSession(); @@ -691,7 +703,7 @@ void LLVivoxVoiceClient::voiceControlCoro() << "disconnected" << " RelogRequested=" << mRelogRequested << LL_ENDL; - if (mRelogRequested) + if (mRelogRequested && !sShuttingDown) { if (!success) { @@ -706,14 +718,14 @@ void LLVivoxVoiceClient::voiceControlCoro() LL_INFOS("Voice") << "will attempt to reconnect to voice" << LL_ENDL; } - while (isGatewayRunning() || gAgent.getTeleportState() != LLAgent::TELEPORT_NONE) + while (isGatewayRunning() || (gAgent.getTeleportState() != LLAgent::TELEPORT_NONE && !sShuttingDown)) { LL_INFOS("Voice") << "waiting for SLVoice to exit" << LL_ENDL; llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(1.0); } } } - while (mVoiceEnabled && mRelogRequested); + while (mVoiceEnabled && mRelogRequested && !sShuttingDown); mIsCoroutineActive = false; LL_INFOS("Voice") << "exiting" << LL_ENDL; } @@ -758,7 +770,7 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::endAndDisconnectSession() bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::callbackEndDaemon(const LLSD& data) { - if (!LLAppViewer::isExiting() && mVoiceEnabled) + if (!sShuttingDown && mVoiceEnabled) { LL_WARNS("Voice") << "SLVoice terminated " << ll_stream_notation_sd(data) << LL_ENDL; terminateAudioSession(false); @@ -915,7 +927,7 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::startAndLaunchDaemon() LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "Connecting to vivox daemon:" << mDaemonHost << LL_ENDL; LLVoiceVivoxStats::getInstance()->reset(); - while (!mConnected) + while (!mConnected && !sShuttingDown) { LLVoiceVivoxStats::getInstance()->connectionAttemptStart(); LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "Attempting to connect to vivox daemon: " << mDaemonHost << LL_ENDL; @@ -934,6 +946,11 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::startAndLaunchDaemon() } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- + if (sShuttingDown && !mConnected) + { + return false; + } + llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(UPDATE_THROTTLE_SECONDS); while (!mPump) @@ -970,7 +987,7 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::provisionVoiceAccount() { LL_INFOS("Voice") << "Provisioning voice account." << LL_ENDL; - while (!gAgent.getRegion() || !gAgent.getRegion()->capabilitiesReceived()) + while ((!gAgent.getRegion() || !gAgent.getRegion()->capabilitiesReceived()) && !sShuttingDown) { LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "no capabilities for voice provisioning; waiting " << LL_ENDL; // *TODO* Pump a message for wake up. @@ -1014,10 +1031,15 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::provisionVoiceAccount() { provisioned = true; } - } while (!provisioned && retryCount <= PROVISION_RETRY_MAX); + } while (!provisioned && retryCount <= PROVISION_RETRY_MAX && !sShuttingDown); + + if (sShuttingDown && !provisioned) + { + return false; + } LLVoiceVivoxStats::getInstance()->provisionAttemptEnd(provisioned); - if (! provisioned ) + if (!provisioned) { LL_WARNS("Voice") << "Could not access voice provision cap after " << retryCount << " attempts." << LL_ENDL; return false; @@ -1058,6 +1080,11 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::establishVoiceConnection() LL_WARNS("Voice") << "cannot establish connection; enabled "<<mVoiceEnabled<<" initialized "<<mIsInitialized<<LL_ENDL; return false; } + + if (sShuttingDown) + { + return false; + } LLSD result; bool connected(false); @@ -1078,7 +1105,7 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::establishVoiceConnection() connected = LLSD::Boolean(result["connector"]); if (!connected) { - if (result.has("retry") && ++retries <= CONNECT_RETRY_MAX) + if (result.has("retry") && ++retries <= CONNECT_RETRY_MAX && !sShuttingDown) { F32 timeout = LLSD::Real(result["retry"]); timeout *= retries; @@ -1106,7 +1133,7 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::establishVoiceConnection() LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << (connected ? "" : "not ") << "connected, " << (giving_up ? "" : "not ") << "giving up" << LL_ENDL; - } while (!connected && !giving_up); + } while (!connected && !giving_up && !sShuttingDown); if (giving_up) { @@ -1193,7 +1220,7 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::loginToVivox() { std::string loginresp = result["login"]; - if ((loginresp == "retry") || (loginresp == "timeout")) + if (((loginresp == "retry") || (loginresp == "timeout")) && !sShuttingDown) { LL_WARNS("Voice") << "login failed with status '" << loginresp << "' " << " count " << loginRetryCount << "/" << LOGIN_RETRY_MAX @@ -1235,9 +1262,14 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::loginToVivox() { account_login = true; } + else if (sShuttingDown) + { + mIsLoggingIn = false; + return false; + } } - } while (!response_ok || !account_login); + } while ((!response_ok || !account_login) && !sShuttingDown); mRelogRequested = false; mIsLoggedIn = true; @@ -1690,12 +1722,12 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::terminateAudioSession(bool wait) // the region chat. mSessionTerminateRequested = false; - bool status=((mVoiceEnabled || !mIsInitialized) && !mRelogRequested && !LLApp::isExiting()); + bool status=((mVoiceEnabled || !mIsInitialized) && !mRelogRequested && !sShuttingDown); LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "exiting" << " VoiceEnabled " << mVoiceEnabled << " IsInitialized " << mIsInitialized << " RelogRequested " << mRelogRequested - << " AppExiting " << LLApp::isExiting() + << " ShuttingDown " << (sShuttingDown ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << " returning " << status << LL_ENDL; return status; @@ -1733,6 +1765,12 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::waitForChannel() mIsProcessingChannels = true; llcoro::suspend(); + if (sShuttingDown) + { + mRelogRequested = false; + break; + } + if (mTuningMode) { performMicTuning(); @@ -1777,7 +1815,14 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::waitForChannel() { llcoro::suspendUntilTimeout(1.0); } - } while (mVoiceEnabled && !mRelogRequested); + + if (sShuttingDown) + { + mRelogRequested = false; + break; + } + + } while (mVoiceEnabled && !mRelogRequested && !sShuttingDown); LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "leaving inner waitForChannel loop" @@ -1799,14 +1844,14 @@ bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::waitForChannel() return false; } } - } while (mVoiceEnabled && mRelogRequested && isGatewayRunning()); + } while (mVoiceEnabled && mRelogRequested && isGatewayRunning() && !sShuttingDown); LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "exiting" << " RelogRequested=" << mRelogRequested << " VoiceEnabled=" << mVoiceEnabled << LL_ENDL; - return true; + return !sShuttingDown; } bool LLVivoxVoiceClient::runSession(const sessionStatePtr_t &session) diff --git a/indra/newview/llvoicevivox.h b/indra/newview/llvoicevivox.h index 210c726452..699c85066b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llvoicevivox.h +++ b/indra/newview/llvoicevivox.h @@ -912,6 +912,8 @@ private: bool mIsProcessingChannels; bool mIsCoroutineActive; + static bool sShuttingDown; // corutines can last longer than vivox so we need a static variable as a shutdown flag + LLEventMailDrop mVivoxPump; }; diff --git a/indra/newview/llvovolume.cpp b/indra/newview/llvovolume.cpp index 98eb2d3cdc..ef39faa814 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llvovolume.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llvovolume.cpp @@ -4585,8 +4585,9 @@ BOOL LLVOVolume::lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& { U8 mode = mat->getDiffuseAlphaMode(); - if (mode == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_EMISSIVE || - mode == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_NONE) + if (mode == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_EMISSIVE + || mode == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_NONE + || (mode == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_MASK && mat->getAlphaMaskCutoff() == 0)) { ignore_alpha = true; } @@ -4892,6 +4893,14 @@ U32 LLVOVolume::getPartitionType() const { return LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_HUD; } + if (isAnimatedObject() && getControlAvatar()) + { + return LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_CONTROL_AV; + } + if (isAttachment()) + { + return LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_AVATAR; + } return LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_VOLUME; } @@ -4922,6 +4931,20 @@ LLVolumeGeometryManager() mSlopRatio = 0.25f; } +LLAvatarBridge::LLAvatarBridge(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerRegion* regionp) + : LLVolumeBridge(drawablep, regionp) +{ + mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR; + mPartitionType = LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_AVATAR; +} + +LLControlAVBridge::LLControlAVBridge(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerRegion* regionp) + : LLVolumeBridge(drawablep, regionp) +{ + mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV; + mPartitionType = LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_CONTROL_AV; +} + bool can_batch_texture(LLFace* facep) { if (facep->getTextureEntry()->getBumpmap()) @@ -5100,7 +5123,7 @@ void LLVolumeGeometryManager::registerFace(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLFace* facep, } - if (index < 255 && idx >= 0) + if (index < FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES && idx >= 0) { if (mat || draw_vec[idx]->mMaterial) { //can't batch textures when materials are present (yet) @@ -5146,7 +5169,7 @@ void LLVolumeGeometryManager::registerFace(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLFace* facep, draw_vec[idx]->mEnd += facep->getGeomCount(); draw_vec[idx]->mVSize = llmax(draw_vec[idx]->mVSize, facep->getVirtualSize()); - if (index < 255 && index >= draw_vec[idx]->mTextureList.size()) + if (index < FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES && index >= draw_vec[idx]->mTextureList.size()) { draw_vec[idx]->mTextureList.resize(index+1); draw_vec[idx]->mTextureList[index] = tex; @@ -5233,7 +5256,7 @@ void LLVolumeGeometryManager::registerFace(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLFace* facep, draw_info->mDrawMode = LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP; } - if (index < 255) + if (index < FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES) { //initialize texture list for texture batching draw_info->mTextureList.resize(index+1); draw_info->mTextureList[index] = tex; @@ -5266,7 +5289,8 @@ static LLDrawPoolAvatar* get_avatar_drawpool(LLViewerObject* vobj) LLDrawPool* drawpool = face->getPool(); if (drawpool) { - if (drawpool->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR) + if (drawpool->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR + || drawpool->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV) { return (LLDrawPoolAvatar*) drawpool; } @@ -5545,7 +5569,8 @@ void LLVolumeGeometryManager::rebuildGeom(LLSpatialGroup* group) //remove face from old pool if it exists LLDrawPool* old_pool = facep->getPool(); - if (old_pool && old_pool->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR) + if (old_pool + && (old_pool->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR || old_pool->getType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV)) { ((LLDrawPoolAvatar*) old_pool)->removeRiggedFace(facep); } @@ -6365,7 +6390,7 @@ U32 LLVolumeGeometryManager::genDrawInfo(LLSpatialGroup* group, U32 mask, LLFace //face has no texture index facep->mDrawInfo = NULL; - facep->setTextureIndex(255); + facep->setTextureIndex(FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES); if (geom_count + facep->getGeomCount() > max_vertices) { //cut batches on geom count too big @@ -6429,7 +6454,7 @@ U32 LLVolumeGeometryManager::genDrawInfo(LLSpatialGroup* group, U32 mask, LLFace facep->setGeomIndex(index_offset); facep->setVertexBuffer(buffer); - if (batch_textures && facep->getTextureIndex() == 255) + if (batch_textures && facep->getTextureIndex() == FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES) { LL_ERRS() << "Invalid texture index." << LL_ENDL; } diff --git a/indra/newview/llvowlsky.cpp b/indra/newview/llvowlsky.cpp index 368a3f2335..d428cb1568 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llvowlsky.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llvowlsky.cpp @@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ LLDrawable * LLVOWLSky::createDrawable(LLPipeline * pipeline) inline F32 LLVOWLSky::calcPhi(U32 i) { + // Calc: PI/8 * 1-((1-t^4)*(1-t^4)) { 0<t<1 } + // Demos: \pi/8*\left(1-((1-x^{4})*(1-x^{4}))\right)\ \left\{0<x\le1\right\} + // i should range from [0..SKY_STACKS] so t will range from [0.f .. 1.f] F32 t = float(i) / float(getNumStacks()); diff --git a/indra/newview/llworld.cpp b/indra/newview/llworld.cpp index 8989bae96a..a1a1db35d6 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llworld.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llworld.cpp @@ -730,11 +730,20 @@ void LLWorld::updateRegions(F32 max_update_time) { //perform some necessary but very light updates. (*iter)->lightIdleUpdate(); - } + } + } + + if(max_time > 0.f) + { + max_time = llmin((F32)(max_update_time - update_timer.getElapsedTimeF32()), max_update_time * 0.25f); + } + if(max_time > 0.f) + { + LLViewerRegion::idleCleanup(max_time); } sample(sNumActiveCachedObjects, mNumOfActiveCachedObjects); - } +} void LLWorld::clearAllVisibleObjects() { @@ -1208,11 +1217,14 @@ public: } }; +static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_DISABLE_REGION("Disable Region"); // disable the circuit to this simulator // Called in response to "DisableSimulator" message. void process_disable_simulator(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys, void **user_data) -{ - LLHost host = mesgsys->getSender(); +{ + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_DISABLE_REGION); + + LLHost host = mesgsys->getSender(); //LL_INFOS() << "Disabling simulator with message from " << host << LL_ENDL; LLWorld::getInstance()->removeRegion(host); diff --git a/indra/newview/llxmlrpctransaction.cpp b/indra/newview/llxmlrpctransaction.cpp index 8e2539606b..32c8ce66a0 100644 --- a/indra/newview/llxmlrpctransaction.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/llxmlrpctransaction.cpp @@ -240,16 +240,16 @@ void LLXMLRPCTransaction::Handler::onCompleted(LLCore::HttpHandle handle, if (!status) { + mImpl->setHttpStatus(status); + LLSD errordata = status.getErrorData(); + mImpl->mErrorCertData = errordata; + if ((status.toULong() != CURLE_SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE) && (status.toULong() != CURLE_SSL_CACERT)) { // if we have a curl error that's not already been handled - // (a non cert error), then generate the error message as + // (a non cert error), then generate the warning message as // appropriate - mImpl->setHttpStatus(status); - LLSD errordata = status.getErrorData(); - mImpl->mErrorCertData = errordata; - LL_WARNS() << "LLXMLRPCTransaction error " << status.toHex() << ": " << status.toString() << LL_ENDL; LL_WARNS() << "LLXMLRPCTransaction request URI: " diff --git a/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp b/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp index 01438bfb9f..f565573935 100644 --- a/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp @@ -1049,25 +1049,19 @@ void LLPipeline::updateRenderBump() sRenderBump = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderObjectBump"); } -//static +// static void LLPipeline::updateRenderDeferred() { - bool deferred = (bool(RenderDeferred && - LLRenderTarget::sUseFBO && - LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->isFeatureAvailable("RenderDeferred") && - LLPipeline::sRenderBump && - RenderAvatarVP && - WindLightUseAtmosShaders)) && - !gUseWireframe; - - sRenderDeferred = deferred; - if (deferred) - { //must render glow when rendering deferred since post effect pass is needed to present any lighting at all - sRenderGlow = true; - } + sRenderDeferred = !gUseWireframe && + RenderDeferred && + LLRenderTarget::sUseFBO && + LLPipeline::sRenderBump && + RenderAvatarVP && + WindLightUseAtmosShaders && + (bool) LLFeatureManager::getInstance()->isFeatureAvailable("RenderDeferred"); } -//static +// static void LLPipeline::refreshCachedSettings() { LLPipeline::sAutoMaskAlphaDeferred = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RenderAutoMaskAlphaDeferred"); @@ -1259,24 +1253,20 @@ void LLPipeline::createGLBuffers() GLuint resX = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewWidthRaw(); GLuint resY = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewHeightRaw(); - - if (LLPipeline::sRenderGlow) - { //screen space glow buffers - const U32 glow_res = llmax(1, - llmin(512, 1 << gSavedSettings.getS32("RenderGlowResolutionPow"))); - for (U32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) - { - mGlow[i].allocate(512,glow_res,GL_RGBA,FALSE,FALSE); - } + // allocate screen space glow buffers + const U32 glow_res = llmax(1, llmin(512, 1 << gSavedSettings.getS32("RenderGlowResolutionPow"))); + for (U32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) + { + mGlow[i].allocate(512, glow_res, GL_RGBA, FALSE, FALSE); + } - allocateScreenBuffer(resX,resY); - mScreenWidth = 0; - mScreenHeight = 0; - } - - if (sRenderDeferred) - { + allocateScreenBuffer(resX, resY); + mScreenWidth = 0; + mScreenHeight = 0; + + if (sRenderDeferred) + { if (!mNoiseMap) { const U32 noiseRes = 128; @@ -1609,6 +1599,7 @@ LLDrawPool *LLPipeline::findPool(const U32 type, LLViewerTexture *tex0) break; case LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR: + case LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV: break; // Do nothing case LLDrawPool::POOL_SKY: @@ -1995,7 +1986,7 @@ void LLPipeline::updateMovedList(LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t& moved_list) drawablep->clearState(LLDrawable::EARLY_MOVE | LLDrawable::MOVE_UNDAMPED); if (done) { - if (drawablep->isRoot()) + if (drawablep->isRoot() && !drawablep->isState(LLDrawable::ACTIVE)) { drawablep->makeStatic(); } @@ -3362,6 +3353,7 @@ static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RESET_DRAWORDER("Reset Draw Order"); void LLPipeline::stateSort(LLCamera& camera, LLCullResult &result) { if (hasAnyRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_GROUND, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TERRAIN, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TREE, @@ -5774,6 +5766,7 @@ void LLPipeline::addToQuickLookup( LLDrawPool* new_poolp ) break; case LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR: + case LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV: break; // Do nothing case LLDrawPool::POOL_SKY: @@ -5922,6 +5915,7 @@ void LLPipeline::removeFromQuickLookup( LLDrawPool* poolp ) break; case LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR: + case LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV: break; // Do nothing case LLDrawPool::POOL_SKY: @@ -6427,41 +6421,9 @@ void LLPipeline::setupHWLights(LLDrawPool* pool) light->setAmbient(LLColor4::black); light->setSpecular(LLColor4::black); } - if (gAgentAvatarp && - gAgentAvatarp->mSpecialRenderMode == 3) - { - LLColor4 light_color = LLColor4::white; - light_color.mV[3] = 0.0f; - - LLVector3 light_pos(LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin()); - LLVector4 light_pos_gl(light_pos, 1.0f); - - F32 light_radius = 16.f; - - F32 x = 3.f; - float linatten = x / (light_radius); // % of brightness at radius - - if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred) - { - /*light_color.mV[0] = powf(light_color.mV[0], 2.2f); - light_color.mV[1] = powf(light_color.mV[1], 2.2f); - light_color.mV[2] = powf(light_color.mV[2], 2.2f);*/ - } - mHWLightColors[2] = light_color; - LLLightState* light = gGL.getLight(2); - - light->setPosition(light_pos_gl); - light->setDiffuse(light_color); - light->setDiffuseB(light_color * 0.25f); - light->setAmbient(LLColor4::black); - light->setSpecular(LLColor4::black); - light->setQuadraticAttenuation(0.f); - light->setConstantAttenuation(0.f); - light->setLinearAttenuation(linatten); - light->setSpotExponent(0.f); - light->setSpotCutoff(180.f); - } + // Bookmark comment to allow searching for mSpecialRenderMode == 3 (avatar edit mode), + // prev site of forward (non-deferred) character light injection, removed by SL-13522 09/20 // Init GL state if (!LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) @@ -7151,7 +7113,8 @@ LLViewerObject* LLPipeline::lineSegmentIntersectInWorld(const LLVector4a& start, for (U32 j = 0; j < LLViewerRegion::NUM_PARTITIONS; j++) { if ((j == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_VOLUME) || - (j == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE) || + (j == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE) || + (j == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_CONTROL_AV) || (j == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_TERRAIN) || (j == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_TREE) || (j == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_GRASS)) // only check these partitions for now @@ -7213,7 +7176,7 @@ LLViewerObject* LLPipeline::lineSegmentIntersectInWorld(const LLVector4a& start, { LLViewerRegion* region = *iter; - LLSpatialPartition* part = region->getSpatialPartition(LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE); + LLSpatialPartition* part = region->getSpatialPartition(LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_AVATAR); if (part && hasRenderType(part->mDrawableType)) { LLDrawable* hit = part->lineSegmentIntersect(start, local_end, pick_transparent, pick_rigged, face_hit, &position, tex_coord, normal, tangent); @@ -7539,641 +7502,633 @@ void LLPipeline::bindScreenToTexture() static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_BLOOM("Bloom"); -void LLPipeline::renderBloom(bool for_snapshot, F32 zoom_factor, int subfield) +void LLPipeline::renderFinalize() { - if (!(gPipeline.canUseVertexShaders() && - sRenderGlow)) - { - return; - } + LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + LLGLState::checkStates(); + LLGLState::checkTextureChannels(); - LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); - LLGLState::checkStates(); - LLGLState::checkTextureChannels(); + assertInitialized(); - assertInitialized(); + if (gUseWireframe) + { + glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); + } - if (gUseWireframe) - { - glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); - } + LLVector2 tc1(0, 0); + LLVector2 tc2((F32) mScreen.getWidth() * 2, (F32) mScreen.getHeight() * 2); - LLVector2 tc1(0,0); - LLVector2 tc2((F32) mScreen.getWidth()*2, - (F32) mScreen.getHeight()*2); + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_BLOOM); + gGL.color4f(1, 1, 1, 1); + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE); + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + LLGLDisable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_BLOOM); - gGL.color4f(1,1,1,1); - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE); - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); - LLGLDisable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); - - enableLightsFullbright(); + enableLightsFullbright(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); - LLGLDisable test(GL_ALPHA_TEST); + LLGLDisable test(GL_ALPHA_TEST); - gGL.setColorMask(true, true); - glClearColor(0,0,0,0); - - { - { - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_BLOOM_FBO); - mGlow[2].bindTarget(); - mGlow[2].clear(); - } - - gGlowExtractProgram.bind(); - F32 minLum = llmax((F32) RenderGlowMinLuminance, 0.0f); - F32 maxAlpha = RenderGlowMaxExtractAlpha; - F32 warmthAmount = RenderGlowWarmthAmount; - LLVector3 lumWeights = RenderGlowLumWeights; - LLVector3 warmthWeights = RenderGlowWarmthWeights; - - - gGlowExtractProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_MIN_LUMINANCE, minLum); - gGlowExtractProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_MAX_EXTRACT_ALPHA, maxAlpha); - gGlowExtractProgram.uniform3f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_LUM_WEIGHTS, lumWeights.mV[0], lumWeights.mV[1], lumWeights.mV[2]); - gGlowExtractProgram.uniform3f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_WARMTH_WEIGHTS, warmthWeights.mV[0], warmthWeights.mV[1], warmthWeights.mV[2]); - gGlowExtractProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_WARMTH_AMOUNT, warmthAmount); - LLGLEnable blend_on(GL_BLEND); - LLGLEnable test(GL_ALPHA_TEST); - - gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ADD_WITH_ALPHA); - - mScreen.bindTexture(0, 0, LLTexUnit::TFO_POINT); - - gGL.color4f(1,1,1,1); - gPipeline.enableLightsFullbright(); - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - - gGL.end(); - - gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(mScreen.getUsage()); + gGL.setColorMask(true, true); + glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); - mGlow[2].flush(); - } + if (sRenderGlow) + { + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_BLOOM_FBO); + mGlow[2].bindTarget(); + mGlow[2].clear(); + } - tc1.setVec(0,0); - tc2.setVec(2,2); + gGlowExtractProgram.bind(); + F32 minLum = llmax((F32) RenderGlowMinLuminance, 0.0f); + F32 maxAlpha = RenderGlowMaxExtractAlpha; + F32 warmthAmount = RenderGlowWarmthAmount; + LLVector3 lumWeights = RenderGlowLumWeights; + LLVector3 warmthWeights = RenderGlowWarmthWeights; + + gGlowExtractProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_MIN_LUMINANCE, minLum); + gGlowExtractProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_MAX_EXTRACT_ALPHA, maxAlpha); + gGlowExtractProgram.uniform3f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_LUM_WEIGHTS, lumWeights.mV[0], lumWeights.mV[1], + lumWeights.mV[2]); + gGlowExtractProgram.uniform3f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_WARMTH_WEIGHTS, warmthWeights.mV[0], warmthWeights.mV[1], + warmthWeights.mV[2]); + gGlowExtractProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_WARMTH_AMOUNT, warmthAmount); + + { + LLGLEnable blend_on(GL_BLEND); + LLGLEnable test(GL_ALPHA_TEST); - // power of two between 1 and 1024 - U32 glowResPow = RenderGlowResolutionPow; - const U32 glow_res = llmax(1, - llmin(1024, 1 << glowResPow)); + gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ADD_WITH_ALPHA); - S32 kernel = RenderGlowIterations*2; - F32 delta = RenderGlowWidth / glow_res; - // Use half the glow width if we have the res set to less than 9 so that it looks - // almost the same in either case. - if (glowResPow < 9) - { - delta *= 0.5f; - } - F32 strength = RenderGlowStrength; + mScreen.bindTexture(0, 0, LLTexUnit::TFO_POINT); - gGlowProgram.bind(); - gGlowProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_STRENGTH, strength); + gGL.color4f(1, 1, 1, 1); + gPipeline.enableLightsFullbright(); + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); - for (S32 i = 0; i < kernel; i++) - { - { - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_BLOOM_FBO); - mGlow[i%2].bindTarget(); - mGlow[i%2].clear(); - } - - if (i == 0) - { - gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(&mGlow[2]); - } - else - { - gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(&mGlow[(i-1)%2]); - } + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); - if (i%2 == 0) - { - gGlowProgram.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_DELTA, delta, 0); - } - else - { - gGlowProgram.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_DELTA, 0, delta); - } + gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - - gGL.end(); - - mGlow[i%2].flush(); - } + gGL.end(); - gGlowProgram.unbind(); + gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(mScreen.getUsage()); - /*if (LLRenderTarget::sUseFBO) - { - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_BLOOM_FBO); - glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); - }*/ + mGlow[2].flush(); - gGLViewport[0] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mLeft; - gGLViewport[1] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mBottom; - gGLViewport[2] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getWidth(); - gGLViewport[3] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getHeight(); - glViewport(gGLViewport[0], gGLViewport[1], gGLViewport[2], gGLViewport[3]); + tc1.setVec(0, 0); + tc2.setVec(2, 2); + } - tc2.setVec((F32) mScreen.getWidth(), - (F32) mScreen.getHeight()); + // power of two between 1 and 1024 + U32 glowResPow = RenderGlowResolutionPow; + const U32 glow_res = llmax(1, llmin(1024, 1 << glowResPow)); - gGL.flush(); - - LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + S32 kernel = RenderGlowIterations * 2; + F32 delta = RenderGlowWidth / glow_res; + // Use half the glow width if we have the res set to less than 9 so that it looks + // almost the same in either case. + if (glowResPow < 9) + { + delta *= 0.5f; + } + F32 strength = RenderGlowStrength; - if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred) - { + gGlowProgram.bind(); + gGlowProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_STRENGTH, strength); - bool dof_enabled = !LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->cameraUnderWater() && - (RenderDepthOfFieldInEditMode || !LLToolMgr::getInstance()->inBuildMode()) && - RenderDepthOfField; + for (S32 i = 0; i < kernel; i++) + { + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_BLOOM_FBO); + mGlow[i % 2].bindTarget(); + mGlow[i % 2].clear(); + } + if (i == 0) + { + gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(&mGlow[2]); + } + else + { + gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(&mGlow[(i - 1) % 2]); + } - bool multisample = RenderFSAASamples > 1 && mFXAABuffer.isComplete(); + if (i % 2 == 0) + { + gGlowProgram.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_DELTA, delta, 0); + } + else + { + gGlowProgram.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::GLOW_DELTA, 0, delta); + } - gViewerWindow->setup3DViewport(); - - if (dof_enabled) - { - LLGLSLShader* shader = &gDeferredPostProgram; - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); - //depth of field focal plane calculations - static F32 current_distance = 16.f; - static F32 start_distance = 16.f; - static F32 transition_time = 1.f; + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); - LLVector3 focus_point; + gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); - LLViewerObject* obj = LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->getFocusedObject(); - if (obj && obj->mDrawable && obj->isSelected()) - { //focus on selected media object - S32 face_idx = LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->getFocusedFace(); - if (obj && obj->mDrawable) - { - LLFace* face = obj->mDrawable->getFace(face_idx); - if (face) - { - focus_point = face->getPositionAgent(); - } - } - } - - if (focus_point.isExactlyZero()) - { - if (LLViewerJoystick::getInstance()->getOverrideCamera()) - { //focus on point under cursor - focus_point.set(gDebugRaycastIntersection.getF32ptr()); - } - else if (gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook()) - { //focus on point under mouselook crosshairs - LLVector4a result; - result.clear(); + gGL.end(); - gViewerWindow->cursorIntersect(-1, -1, 512.f, NULL, -1, FALSE, FALSE, - NULL, - &result); + mGlow[i % 2].flush(); + } - focus_point.set(result.getF32ptr()); - } - else - { - //focus on alt-zoom target - LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion(); - if (region) - { - focus_point = LLVector3(gAgentCamera.getFocusGlobal()-region->getOriginGlobal()); - } - } - } + gGlowProgram.unbind(); + } + else // !sRenderGlow, skip the glow ping-pong and just clear the result target + { + mGlow[1].bindTarget(); + mGlow[1].clear(); + mGlow[1].flush(); + } - LLVector3 eye = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin(); - F32 target_distance = 16.f; - if (!focus_point.isExactlyZero()) - { - target_distance = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis() * (focus_point-eye); - } + gGLViewport[0] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mLeft; + gGLViewport[1] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mBottom; + gGLViewport[2] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getWidth(); + gGLViewport[3] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getHeight(); + glViewport(gGLViewport[0], gGLViewport[1], gGLViewport[2], gGLViewport[3]); - if (transition_time >= 1.f && - fabsf(current_distance-target_distance)/current_distance > 0.01f) - { //large shift happened, interpolate smoothly to new target distance - transition_time = 0.f; - start_distance = current_distance; - } - else if (transition_time < 1.f) - { //currently in a transition, continue interpolating - transition_time += 1.f/CameraFocusTransitionTime*gFrameIntervalSeconds.value(); - transition_time = llmin(transition_time, 1.f); + tc2.setVec((F32) mScreen.getWidth(), (F32) mScreen.getHeight()); - F32 t = cosf(transition_time*F_PI+F_PI)*0.5f+0.5f; - current_distance = start_distance + (target_distance-start_distance)*t; - } - else - { //small or no change, just snap to target distance - current_distance = target_distance; - } + gGL.flush(); - //convert to mm - F32 subject_distance = current_distance*1000.f; - F32 fnumber = CameraFNumber; - F32 default_focal_length = CameraFocalLength; + LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); - F32 fov = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getView(); - - const F32 default_fov = CameraFieldOfView * F_PI/180.f; - - //F32 aspect_ratio = (F32) mScreen.getWidth()/(F32)mScreen.getHeight(); - - F32 dv = 2.f*default_focal_length * tanf(default_fov/2.f); + if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred) + { - F32 focal_length = dv/(2*tanf(fov/2.f)); - - //F32 tan_pixel_angle = tanf(LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle); - - // from wikipedia -- c = |s2-s1|/s2 * f^2/(N(S1-f)) - // where N = fnumber - // s2 = dot distance - // s1 = subject distance - // f = focal length - // + bool dof_enabled = !LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->cameraUnderWater() && + (RenderDepthOfFieldInEditMode || !LLToolMgr::getInstance()->inBuildMode()) && + RenderDepthOfField; - F32 blur_constant = focal_length*focal_length/(fnumber*(subject_distance-focal_length)); - blur_constant /= 1000.f; //convert to meters for shader - F32 magnification = focal_length/(subject_distance-focal_length); + bool multisample = RenderFSAASamples > 1 && mFXAABuffer.isComplete(); - { //build diffuse+bloom+CoF - mDeferredLight.bindTarget(); - shader = &gDeferredCoFProgram; + gViewerWindow->setup3DViewport(); - bindDeferredShader(*shader); + if (dof_enabled) + { + LLGLSLShader *shader = &gDeferredPostProgram; + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); - S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mScreen.getUsage()); - if (channel > -1) - { - mScreen.bindTexture(0, channel); - } + // depth of field focal plane calculations + static F32 current_distance = 16.f; + static F32 start_distance = 16.f; + static F32 transition_time = 1.f; - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_FOCAL_DISTANCE, -subject_distance/1000.f); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_BLUR_CONSTANT, blur_constant); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_TAN_PIXEL_ANGLE, tanf(1.f/LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle)); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_MAGNIFICATION, magnification); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_MAX_COF, CameraMaxCoF); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_RES_SCALE, CameraDoFResScale); + LLVector3 focus_point; - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - - gGL.end(); + LLViewerObject *obj = LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->getFocusedObject(); + if (obj && obj->mDrawable && obj->isSelected()) + { // focus on selected media object + S32 face_idx = LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->getFocusedFace(); + if (obj && obj->mDrawable) + { + LLFace *face = obj->mDrawable->getFace(face_idx); + if (face) + { + focus_point = face->getPositionAgent(); + } + } + } - unbindDeferredShader(*shader); - mDeferredLight.flush(); - } + if (focus_point.isExactlyZero()) + { + if (LLViewerJoystick::getInstance()->getOverrideCamera()) + { // focus on point under cursor + focus_point.set(gDebugRaycastIntersection.getF32ptr()); + } + else if (gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook()) + { // focus on point under mouselook crosshairs + LLVector4a result; + result.clear(); - U32 dof_width = (U32) (mScreen.getWidth()*CameraDoFResScale); - U32 dof_height = (U32) (mScreen.getHeight()*CameraDoFResScale); - - { //perform DoF sampling at half-res (preserve alpha channel) - mScreen.bindTarget(); - glViewport(0,0, dof_width, dof_height); - gGL.setColorMask(true, false); + gViewerWindow->cursorIntersect(-1, -1, 512.f, NULL, -1, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, &result); - shader = &gDeferredPostProgram; - bindDeferredShader(*shader); - S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mDeferredLight.getUsage()); - if (channel > -1) - { - mDeferredLight.bindTexture(0, channel); - } + focus_point.set(result.getF32ptr()); + } + else + { + // focus on alt-zoom target + LLViewerRegion *region = gAgent.getRegion(); + if (region) + { + focus_point = LLVector3(gAgentCamera.getFocusGlobal() - region->getOriginGlobal()); + } + } + } - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_MAX_COF, CameraMaxCoF); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_RES_SCALE, CameraDoFResScale); - - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - - gGL.end(); + LLVector3 eye = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin(); + F32 target_distance = 16.f; + if (!focus_point.isExactlyZero()) + { + target_distance = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis() * (focus_point - eye); + } - unbindDeferredShader(*shader); - mScreen.flush(); - gGL.setColorMask(true, true); - } - - { //combine result based on alpha - if (multisample) - { - mDeferredLight.bindTarget(); - glViewport(0, 0, mDeferredScreen.getWidth(), mDeferredScreen.getHeight()); - } - else - { - gGLViewport[0] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mLeft; - gGLViewport[1] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mBottom; - gGLViewport[2] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getWidth(); - gGLViewport[3] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getHeight(); - glViewport(gGLViewport[0], gGLViewport[1], gGLViewport[2], gGLViewport[3]); - } + if (transition_time >= 1.f && fabsf(current_distance - target_distance) / current_distance > 0.01f) + { // large shift happened, interpolate smoothly to new target distance + transition_time = 0.f; + start_distance = current_distance; + } + else if (transition_time < 1.f) + { // currently in a transition, continue interpolating + transition_time += 1.f / CameraFocusTransitionTime * gFrameIntervalSeconds.value(); + transition_time = llmin(transition_time, 1.f); - shader = &gDeferredDoFCombineProgram; - bindDeferredShader(*shader); - - S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mScreen.getUsage()); - if (channel > -1) - { - mScreen.bindTexture(0, channel); - } + F32 t = cosf(transition_time * F_PI + F_PI) * 0.5f + 0.5f; + current_distance = start_distance + (target_distance - start_distance) * t; + } + else + { // small or no change, just snap to target distance + current_distance = target_distance; + } - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_MAX_COF, CameraMaxCoF); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_RES_SCALE, CameraDoFResScale); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_WIDTH, dof_width-1); - shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_HEIGHT, dof_height-1); + // convert to mm + F32 subject_distance = current_distance * 1000.f; + F32 fnumber = CameraFNumber; + F32 default_focal_length = CameraFocalLength; - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - - gGL.end(); + F32 fov = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getView(); - unbindDeferredShader(*shader); + const F32 default_fov = CameraFieldOfView * F_PI / 180.f; - if (multisample) - { - mDeferredLight.flush(); - } - } - } - else - { - if (multisample) - { - mDeferredLight.bindTarget(); - } - LLGLSLShader* shader = &gDeferredPostNoDoFProgram; - - bindDeferredShader(*shader); - - S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mScreen.getUsage()); - if (channel > -1) - { - mScreen.bindTexture(0, channel); - } + // F32 aspect_ratio = (F32) mScreen.getWidth()/(F32)mScreen.getHeight(); - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - - gGL.end(); + F32 dv = 2.f * default_focal_length * tanf(default_fov / 2.f); - unbindDeferredShader(*shader); + F32 focal_length = dv / (2 * tanf(fov / 2.f)); - if (multisample) - { - mDeferredLight.flush(); - } - } + // F32 tan_pixel_angle = tanf(LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle); - if (multisample) - { - //bake out texture2D with RGBL for FXAA shader - mFXAABuffer.bindTarget(); - - S32 width = mScreen.getWidth(); - S32 height = mScreen.getHeight(); - glViewport(0, 0, width, height); + // from wikipedia -- c = |s2-s1|/s2 * f^2/(N(S1-f)) + // where N = fnumber + // s2 = dot distance + // s1 = subject distance + // f = focal length + // - LLGLSLShader* shader = &gGlowCombineFXAAProgram; + F32 blur_constant = focal_length * focal_length / (fnumber * (subject_distance - focal_length)); + blur_constant /= 1000.f; // convert to meters for shader + F32 magnification = focal_length / (subject_distance - focal_length); - shader->bind(); - shader->uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_SCREEN_RES, width, height); + { // build diffuse+bloom+CoF + mDeferredLight.bindTarget(); + shader = &gDeferredCoFProgram; - S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mDeferredLight.getUsage()); - if (channel > -1) - { - mDeferredLight.bindTexture(0, channel); - } - - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - gGL.end(); + bindDeferredShader(*shader); - gGL.flush(); + S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mScreen.getUsage()); + if (channel > -1) + { + mScreen.bindTexture(0, channel); + } - shader->disableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mDeferredLight.getUsage()); - shader->unbind(); - - mFXAABuffer.flush(); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_FOCAL_DISTANCE, -subject_distance / 1000.f); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_BLUR_CONSTANT, blur_constant); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_TAN_PIXEL_ANGLE, tanf(1.f / LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle)); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_MAGNIFICATION, magnification); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_MAX_COF, CameraMaxCoF); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_RES_SCALE, CameraDoFResScale); - shader = &gFXAAProgram; - shader->bind(); + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); - channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_MAP, mFXAABuffer.getUsage()); - if (channel > -1) - { - mFXAABuffer.bindTexture(0, channel, LLTexUnit::TFO_BILINEAR); - } - - gGLViewport[0] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mLeft; - gGLViewport[1] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mBottom; - gGLViewport[2] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getWidth(); - gGLViewport[3] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getHeight(); - glViewport(gGLViewport[0], gGLViewport[1], gGLViewport[2], gGLViewport[3]); - - F32 scale_x = (F32) width/mFXAABuffer.getWidth(); - F32 scale_y = (F32) height/mFXAABuffer.getHeight(); - shader->uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::FXAA_TC_SCALE, scale_x, scale_y); - shader->uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::FXAA_RCP_SCREEN_RES, 1.f/width*scale_x, 1.f/height*scale_y); - shader->uniform4f(LLShaderMgr::FXAA_RCP_FRAME_OPT, -0.5f/width*scale_x, -0.5f/height*scale_y, 0.5f/width*scale_x, 0.5f/height*scale_y); - shader->uniform4f(LLShaderMgr::FXAA_RCP_FRAME_OPT2, -2.f/width*scale_x, -2.f/height*scale_y, 2.f/width*scale_x, 2.f/height*scale_y); - - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - gGL.end(); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); - gGL.flush(); - shader->unbind(); - } - } - else - { - U32 mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0 | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD1; - LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> buff = new LLVertexBuffer(mask, 0); - buff->allocateBuffer(3,0,TRUE); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); - LLStrider<LLVector3> v; - LLStrider<LLVector2> uv1; - LLStrider<LLVector2> uv2; + gGL.end(); - buff->getVertexStrider(v); - buff->getTexCoord0Strider(uv1); - buff->getTexCoord1Strider(uv2); - - uv1[0] = LLVector2(0, 0); - uv1[1] = LLVector2(0, 2); - uv1[2] = LLVector2(2, 0); - - uv2[0] = LLVector2(0, 0); - uv2[1] = LLVector2(0, tc2.mV[1]*2.f); - uv2[2] = LLVector2(tc2.mV[0]*2.f, 0); - - v[0] = LLVector3(-1,-1,0); - v[1] = LLVector3(-1,3,0); - v[2] = LLVector3(3,-1,0); - - buff->flush(); + unbindDeferredShader(*shader); + mDeferredLight.flush(); + } - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + U32 dof_width = (U32)(mScreen.getWidth() * CameraDoFResScale); + U32 dof_height = (U32)(mScreen.getHeight() * CameraDoFResScale); - if (LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) - { - gGlowCombineProgram.bind(); - } - else - { - //tex unit 0 - gGL.getTexUnit(0)->setTextureColorBlend(LLTexUnit::TBO_REPLACE, LLTexUnit::TBS_TEX_COLOR); - //tex unit 1 - gGL.getTexUnit(1)->setTextureColorBlend(LLTexUnit::TBO_ADD, LLTexUnit::TBS_TEX_COLOR, LLTexUnit::TBS_PREV_COLOR); - } - - gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(&mGlow[1]); - gGL.getTexUnit(1)->bind(&mScreen); - - LLGLEnable multisample(RenderFSAASamples > 0 ? GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB : 0); - - buff->setBuffer(mask); - buff->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 3); - - if (LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) - { - gGlowCombineProgram.unbind(); - } - else - { - gGL.getTexUnit(1)->disable(); - gGL.getTexUnit(1)->setTextureBlendType(LLTexUnit::TB_MULT); + { // perform DoF sampling at half-res (preserve alpha channel) + mScreen.bindTarget(); + glViewport(0, 0, dof_width, dof_height); + gGL.setColorMask(true, false); - gGL.getTexUnit(0)->activate(); - gGL.getTexUnit(0)->setTextureBlendType(LLTexUnit::TB_MULT); - } - - } + shader = &gDeferredPostProgram; + bindDeferredShader(*shader); + S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mDeferredLight.getUsage()); + if (channel > -1) + { + mDeferredLight.bindTexture(0, channel); + } - gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_MAX_COF, CameraMaxCoF); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_RES_SCALE, CameraDoFResScale); - if (hasRenderDebugMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_PHYSICS_SHAPES)) - { - if (LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) - { - gSplatTextureRectProgram.bind(); - } + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); - gGL.setColorMask(true, false); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); - LLVector2 tc1(0,0); - LLVector2 tc2((F32) gViewerWindow->getWorldViewWidthRaw()*2, - (F32) gViewerWindow->getWorldViewHeightRaw()*2); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); - LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); - gGL.color4f(1,1,1,0.75f); + gGL.end(); - gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(&mPhysicsDisplay); + unbindDeferredShader(*shader); + mScreen.flush(); + gGL.setColorMask(true, true); + } - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLES); - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - - gGL.end(); - gGL.flush(); + { // combine result based on alpha + if (multisample) + { + mDeferredLight.bindTarget(); + glViewport(0, 0, mDeferredScreen.getWidth(), mDeferredScreen.getHeight()); + } + else + { + gGLViewport[0] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mLeft; + gGLViewport[1] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mBottom; + gGLViewport[2] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getWidth(); + gGLViewport[3] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getHeight(); + glViewport(gGLViewport[0], gGLViewport[1], gGLViewport[2], gGLViewport[3]); + } - if (LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) - { - gSplatTextureRectProgram.unbind(); - } - } + shader = &gDeferredDoFCombineProgram; + bindDeferredShader(*shader); - - if (LLRenderTarget::sUseFBO) - { //copy depth buffer from mScreen to framebuffer - LLRenderTarget::copyContentsToFramebuffer(mScreen, 0, 0, mScreen.getWidth(), mScreen.getHeight(), - 0, 0, mScreen.getWidth(), mScreen.getHeight(), GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); - } - + S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mScreen.getUsage()); + if (channel > -1) + { + mScreen.bindTexture(0, channel); + } - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); - gGL.popMatrix(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); - gGL.popMatrix(); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_MAX_COF, CameraMaxCoF); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_RES_SCALE, CameraDoFResScale); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_WIDTH, dof_width - 1); + shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DOF_HEIGHT, dof_height - 1); - LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); - LLGLState::checkStates(); - LLGLState::checkTextureChannels(); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); + + gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); + + gGL.end(); + + unbindDeferredShader(*shader); + + if (multisample) + { + mDeferredLight.flush(); + } + } + } + else + { + if (multisample) + { + mDeferredLight.bindTarget(); + } + LLGLSLShader *shader = &gDeferredPostNoDoFProgram; + + bindDeferredShader(*shader); + + S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mScreen.getUsage()); + if (channel > -1) + { + mScreen.bindTexture(0, channel); + } + + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); + + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); + + gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); + + gGL.end(); + + unbindDeferredShader(*shader); + + if (multisample) + { + mDeferredLight.flush(); + } + } + + if (multisample) + { + // bake out texture2D with RGBL for FXAA shader + mFXAABuffer.bindTarget(); + + S32 width = mScreen.getWidth(); + S32 height = mScreen.getHeight(); + glViewport(0, 0, width, height); + + LLGLSLShader *shader = &gGlowCombineFXAAProgram; + + shader->bind(); + shader->uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_SCREEN_RES, width, height); + + S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mDeferredLight.getUsage()); + if (channel > -1) + { + mDeferredLight.bindTexture(0, channel); + } + + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); + gGL.end(); + + gGL.flush(); + + shader->disableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, mDeferredLight.getUsage()); + shader->unbind(); + + mFXAABuffer.flush(); + + shader = &gFXAAProgram; + shader->bind(); + + channel = shader->enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_MAP, mFXAABuffer.getUsage()); + if (channel > -1) + { + mFXAABuffer.bindTexture(0, channel, LLTexUnit::TFO_BILINEAR); + } + + gGLViewport[0] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mLeft; + gGLViewport[1] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mBottom; + gGLViewport[2] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getWidth(); + gGLViewport[3] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getHeight(); + glViewport(gGLViewport[0], gGLViewport[1], gGLViewport[2], gGLViewport[3]); + + F32 scale_x = (F32) width / mFXAABuffer.getWidth(); + F32 scale_y = (F32) height / mFXAABuffer.getHeight(); + shader->uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::FXAA_TC_SCALE, scale_x, scale_y); + shader->uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::FXAA_RCP_SCREEN_RES, 1.f / width * scale_x, 1.f / height * scale_y); + shader->uniform4f(LLShaderMgr::FXAA_RCP_FRAME_OPT, -0.5f / width * scale_x, -0.5f / height * scale_y, + 0.5f / width * scale_x, 0.5f / height * scale_y); + shader->uniform4f(LLShaderMgr::FXAA_RCP_FRAME_OPT2, -2.f / width * scale_x, -2.f / height * scale_y, + 2.f / width * scale_x, 2.f / height * scale_y); + + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); + gGL.end(); + + gGL.flush(); + shader->unbind(); + } + } + else // not deferred + { + U32 mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0 | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD1; + LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> buff = new LLVertexBuffer(mask, 0); + buff->allocateBuffer(3, 0, TRUE); + + LLStrider<LLVector3> v; + LLStrider<LLVector2> uv1; + LLStrider<LLVector2> uv2; + + buff->getVertexStrider(v); + buff->getTexCoord0Strider(uv1); + buff->getTexCoord1Strider(uv2); + + uv1[0] = LLVector2(0, 0); + uv1[1] = LLVector2(0, 2); + uv1[2] = LLVector2(2, 0); + + uv2[0] = LLVector2(0, 0); + uv2[1] = LLVector2(0, tc2.mV[1] * 2.f); + uv2[2] = LLVector2(tc2.mV[0] * 2.f, 0); + + v[0] = LLVector3(-1, -1, 0); + v[1] = LLVector3(-1, 3, 0); + v[2] = LLVector3(3, -1, 0); + + buff->flush(); + + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + + if (LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) + { + gGlowCombineProgram.bind(); + } + else + { + // tex unit 0 + gGL.getTexUnit(0)->setTextureColorBlend(LLTexUnit::TBO_REPLACE, LLTexUnit::TBS_TEX_COLOR); + // tex unit 1 + gGL.getTexUnit(1)->setTextureColorBlend(LLTexUnit::TBO_ADD, LLTexUnit::TBS_TEX_COLOR, + LLTexUnit::TBS_PREV_COLOR); + } + + gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(&mGlow[1]); + gGL.getTexUnit(1)->bind(&mScreen); + + LLGLEnable multisample(RenderFSAASamples > 0 ? GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB : 0); + + buff->setBuffer(mask); + buff->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 3); + + if (LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) + { + gGlowCombineProgram.unbind(); + } + else + { + gGL.getTexUnit(1)->disable(); + gGL.getTexUnit(1)->setTextureBlendType(LLTexUnit::TB_MULT); + + gGL.getTexUnit(0)->activate(); + gGL.getTexUnit(0)->setTextureBlendType(LLTexUnit::TB_MULT); + } + } + + gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); + + if (hasRenderDebugMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_PHYSICS_SHAPES)) + { + if (LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) + { + gSplatTextureRectProgram.bind(); + } + + gGL.setColorMask(true, false); + LLVector2 tc1(0, 0); + LLVector2 tc2((F32) gViewerWindow->getWorldViewWidthRaw() * 2, + (F32) gViewerWindow->getWorldViewHeightRaw() * 2); + + LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); + gGL.color4f(1, 1, 1, 0.75f); + + gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(&mPhysicsDisplay); + + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLES); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); + + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); + + gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); + + gGL.end(); + gGL.flush(); + + if (LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction) + { + gSplatTextureRectProgram.unbind(); + } + } + + if (LLRenderTarget::sUseFBO) + { // copy depth buffer from mScreen to framebuffer + LLRenderTarget::copyContentsToFramebuffer(mScreen, 0, 0, mScreen.getWidth(), mScreen.getHeight(), 0, 0, + mScreen.getWidth(), mScreen.getHeight(), + GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); + } + + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); + gGL.popMatrix(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); + gGL.popMatrix(); + + LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + + LLGLState::checkStates(); + LLGLState::checkTextureChannels(); } static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_BIND_DEFERRED("Bind Deferred"); @@ -8453,292 +8408,301 @@ static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_FULLSCREEN_LIGHTS("Fullscreen Lights"); static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PROJECTORS("Projectors"); static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_POST("Post"); - -void LLPipeline::renderDeferredLighting(LLRenderTarget* screen_target) +void LLPipeline::renderDeferredLighting(LLRenderTarget *screen_target) { - if (!sCull) - { - return; - } + if (!sCull) + { + return; + } - LLRenderTarget* deferred_target = &mDeferredScreen; - LLRenderTarget* deferred_depth_target = &mDeferredDepth; - LLRenderTarget* deferred_light_target = &mDeferredLight; + LLRenderTarget *deferred_target = &mDeferredScreen; + LLRenderTarget *deferred_depth_target = &mDeferredDepth; + LLRenderTarget *deferred_light_target = &mDeferredLight; - { - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_DEFERRED); - LLViewerCamera* camera = LLViewerCamera::getInstance(); - { - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE); - deferred_depth_target->copyContents(*deferred_target, 0, 0, deferred_target->getWidth(), deferred_target->getHeight(), - 0, 0, deferred_depth_target->getWidth(), deferred_depth_target->getHeight(), GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); - } + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_DEFERRED); + LLViewerCamera *camera = LLViewerCamera::getInstance(); + { + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE); + deferred_depth_target->copyContents(*deferred_target, + 0, + 0, + deferred_target->getWidth(), + deferred_target->getHeight(), + 0, + 0, + deferred_depth_target->getWidth(), + deferred_depth_target->getHeight(), + GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, + GL_NEAREST); + } - LLGLEnable multisample(RenderFSAASamples > 0 ? GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB : 0); + LLGLEnable multisample(RenderFSAASamples > 0 ? GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB : 0); - if (gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_HUD)) - { - gPipeline.toggleRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_HUD); - } + if (gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_HUD)) + { + gPipeline.toggleRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_HUD); + } - //ati doesn't seem to love actually using the stencil buffer on FBO's - LLGLDisable stencil(GL_STENCIL_TEST); - //glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); - //glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); + // ati doesn't seem to love actually using the stencil buffer on FBO's + LLGLDisable stencil(GL_STENCIL_TEST); + // glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); + // glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); - gGL.setColorMask(true, true); - - //draw a cube around every light - LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + gGL.setColorMask(true, true); - LLGLEnable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); - LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); + // draw a cube around every light + LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + + LLGLEnable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); + LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); glh::matrix4f mat = copy_matrix(gGLModelView); - LLStrider<LLVector3> vert; - mDeferredVB->getVertexStrider(vert); - - vert[0].set(-1,1,0); - vert[1].set(-1,-3,0); - vert[2].set(3,1,0); - - setupHWLights(NULL); //to set mSun/MoonDir; + LLStrider<LLVector3> vert; + mDeferredVB->getVertexStrider(vert); + + vert[0].set(-1, 1, 0); + vert[1].set(-1, -3, 0); + vert[2].set(3, 1, 0); + + setupHWLights(NULL); // to set mSun/MoonDir; glh::vec4f tc(mSunDir.mV); - mat.mult_matrix_vec(tc); - mTransformedSunDir.set(tc.v); + mat.mult_matrix_vec(tc); + mTransformedSunDir.set(tc.v); glh::vec4f tc_moon(mMoonDir.mV); mat.mult_matrix_vec(tc_moon); mTransformedMoonDir.set(tc_moon.v); - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); - if (RenderDeferredSSAO || RenderShadowDetail > 0) - { + if (RenderDeferredSSAO || RenderShadowDetail > 0) + { deferred_light_target->bindTarget(); - { //paint shadow/SSAO light map (direct lighting lightmap) - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_SUN_SHADOW); + { // paint shadow/SSAO light map (direct lighting lightmap) + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_SUN_SHADOW); bindDeferredShader(gDeferredSunProgram, deferred_light_target); - mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - glClearColor(1,1,1,1); + mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); + glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1); deferred_light_target->clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); - glClearColor(0,0,0,0); + glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); glh::matrix4f inv_trans = get_current_modelview().inverse().transpose(); - const U32 slice = 32; - F32 offset[slice*3]; - for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) - { - for (U32 j = 0; j < 8; j++) - { - glh::vec3f v; - v.set_value(sinf(6.284f/8*j), cosf(6.284f/8*j), -(F32) i); - v.normalize(); - inv_trans.mult_matrix_vec(v); - v.normalize(); - offset[(i*8+j)*3+0] = v.v[0]; - offset[(i*8+j)*3+1] = v.v[2]; - offset[(i*8+j)*3+2] = v.v[1]; - } - } + const U32 slice = 32; + F32 offset[slice * 3]; + for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + for (U32 j = 0; j < 8; j++) + { + glh::vec3f v; + v.set_value(sinf(6.284f / 8 * j), cosf(6.284f / 8 * j), -(F32) i); + v.normalize(); + inv_trans.mult_matrix_vec(v); + v.normalize(); + offset[(i * 8 + j) * 3 + 0] = v.v[0]; + offset[(i * 8 + j) * 3 + 1] = v.v[2]; + offset[(i * 8 + j) * 3 + 2] = v.v[1]; + } + } - gDeferredSunProgram.uniform3fv(sOffset, slice, offset); - gDeferredSunProgram.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_SCREEN_RES, deferred_light_target->getWidth(), deferred_light_target->getHeight()); - - { - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_ALWAYS); - stop_glerror(); - mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); - stop_glerror(); - } - - unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredSunProgram); - } + gDeferredSunProgram.uniform3fv(sOffset, slice, offset); + gDeferredSunProgram.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_SCREEN_RES, + deferred_light_target->getWidth(), + deferred_light_target->getHeight()); + + { + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_ALWAYS); + stop_glerror(); + mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); + stop_glerror(); + } + + unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredSunProgram); + } deferred_light_target->flush(); - } - - if (RenderDeferredSSAO) - { //soften direct lighting lightmap - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_SOFTEN_SHADOW); - //blur lightmap + } + + if (RenderDeferredSSAO) + { // soften direct lighting lightmap + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_SOFTEN_SHADOW); + // blur lightmap screen_target->bindTarget(); - glClearColor(1,1,1,1); + glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1); screen_target->clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); - glClearColor(0,0,0,0); - - bindDeferredShader(gDeferredBlurLightProgram); - mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - LLVector3 go = RenderShadowGaussian; - const U32 kern_length = 4; - F32 blur_size = RenderShadowBlurSize; - F32 dist_factor = RenderShadowBlurDistFactor; + glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); - // sample symmetrically with the middle sample falling exactly on 0.0 - F32 x = 0.f; + bindDeferredShader(gDeferredBlurLightProgram); + mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); + LLVector3 go = RenderShadowGaussian; + const U32 kern_length = 4; + F32 blur_size = RenderShadowBlurSize; + F32 dist_factor = RenderShadowBlurDistFactor; - LLVector3 gauss[32]; // xweight, yweight, offset + // sample symmetrically with the middle sample falling exactly on 0.0 + F32 x = 0.f; - for (U32 i = 0; i < kern_length; i++) - { - gauss[i].mV[0] = llgaussian(x, go.mV[0]); - gauss[i].mV[1] = llgaussian(x, go.mV[1]); - gauss[i].mV[2] = x; - x += 1.f; - } + LLVector3 gauss[32]; // xweight, yweight, offset + + for (U32 i = 0; i < kern_length; i++) + { + gauss[i].mV[0] = llgaussian(x, go.mV[0]); + gauss[i].mV[1] = llgaussian(x, go.mV[1]); + gauss[i].mV[2] = x; + x += 1.f; + } + + gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform2f(sDelta, 1.f, 0.f); + gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform1f(sDistFactor, dist_factor); + gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform3fv(sKern, kern_length, gauss[0].mV); + gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform1f(sKernScale, blur_size * (kern_length / 2.f - 0.5f)); + + { + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_ALWAYS); + stop_glerror(); + mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); + stop_glerror(); + } - gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform2f(sDelta, 1.f, 0.f); - gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform1f(sDistFactor, dist_factor); - gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform3fv(sKern, kern_length, gauss[0].mV); - gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform1f(sKernScale, blur_size * (kern_length/2.f - 0.5f)); - - { - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_ALWAYS); - stop_glerror(); - mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); - stop_glerror(); - } - screen_target->flush(); - unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredBlurLightProgram); + unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredBlurLightProgram); bindDeferredShader(gDeferredBlurLightProgram, screen_target); - mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); + mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); deferred_light_target->bindTarget(); - gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform2f(sDelta, 0.f, 1.f); + gDeferredBlurLightProgram.uniform2f(sDelta, 0.f, 1.f); - { - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_ALWAYS); - stop_glerror(); - mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); - stop_glerror(); - } + { + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_ALWAYS); + stop_glerror(); + mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); + stop_glerror(); + } deferred_light_target->flush(); - unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredBlurLightProgram); - } + unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredBlurLightProgram); + } - stop_glerror(); - gGL.popMatrix(); - stop_glerror(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); - stop_glerror(); - gGL.popMatrix(); - stop_glerror(); + stop_glerror(); + gGL.popMatrix(); + stop_glerror(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); + stop_glerror(); + gGL.popMatrix(); + stop_glerror(); screen_target->bindTarget(); - // clear color buffer here - zeroing alpha (glow) is important or it will accumulate against sky - glClearColor(0,0,0,0); + // clear color buffer here - zeroing alpha (glow) is important or it will accumulate against sky + glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); screen_target->clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); - - if (RenderDeferredAtmospheric) - { //apply sunlight contribution - LLGLSLShader& soften_shader = LLPipeline::sUnderWaterRender ? gDeferredSoftenWaterProgram : gDeferredSoftenProgram; - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_ATMOSPHERICS); - bindDeferredShader(soften_shader); + if (RenderDeferredAtmospheric) + { // apply sunlight contribution + LLGLSLShader &soften_shader = LLPipeline::sUnderWaterRender ? gDeferredSoftenWaterProgram : gDeferredSoftenProgram; - LLEnvironment& environment = LLEnvironment::instance(); + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_ATMOSPHERICS); + bindDeferredShader(soften_shader); + + LLEnvironment &environment = LLEnvironment::instance(); soften_shader.uniform1i(LLShaderMgr::SUN_UP_FACTOR, environment.getIsSunUp() ? 1 : 0); soften_shader.uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHTNORM, 1, environment.getClampedLightNorm().mV); - { - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE); - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); - LLGLDisable test(GL_ALPHA_TEST); + { + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE); + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + LLGLDisable test(GL_ALPHA_TEST); - //full screen blit - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); + // full screen blit + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); - mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - - mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); + mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - gGL.popMatrix(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); - gGL.popMatrix(); - } + mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); - unbindDeferredShader(LLPipeline::sUnderWaterRender ? gDeferredSoftenWaterProgram : gDeferredSoftenProgram); - } + gGL.popMatrix(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); + gGL.popMatrix(); + } - { //render non-deferred geometry (fullbright, alpha, etc) - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); - LLGLDisable stencil(GL_STENCIL_TEST); - gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); + unbindDeferredShader(LLPipeline::sUnderWaterRender ? gDeferredSoftenWaterProgram : gDeferredSoftenProgram); + } - gPipeline.pushRenderTypeMask(); - - gPipeline.andRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_SKY, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CLOUDS, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_WL_SKY, - LLPipeline::END_RENDER_TYPES); - - - renderGeomPostDeferred(*LLViewerCamera::getInstance(), false); - gPipeline.popRenderTypeMask(); - } + { // render non-deferred geometry (fullbright, alpha, etc) + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + LLGLDisable stencil(GL_STENCIL_TEST); + gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); - bool render_local = RenderLocalLights; - - if (render_local) - { - gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ADD); - std::list<LLVector4> fullscreen_lights; - LLDrawable::drawable_list_t spot_lights; - LLDrawable::drawable_list_t fullscreen_spot_lights; + gPipeline.pushRenderTypeMask(); - for (U32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) - { - mTargetShadowSpotLight[i] = NULL; - } + gPipeline.andRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_SKY, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CLOUDS, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_WL_SKY, + LLPipeline::END_RENDER_TYPES); - std::list<LLVector4> light_colors; + renderGeomPostDeferred(*LLViewerCamera::getInstance(), false); + gPipeline.popRenderTypeMask(); + } - LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + bool render_local = RenderLocalLights; - { - bindDeferredShader(gDeferredLightProgram); - - if (mCubeVB.isNull()) - { - mCubeVB = ll_create_cube_vb(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB); - } + if (render_local) + { + gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ADD); + std::list<LLVector4> fullscreen_lights; + LLDrawable::drawable_list_t spot_lights; + LLDrawable::drawable_list_t fullscreen_spot_lights; - mCubeVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE); - for (LLDrawable::drawable_set_t::iterator iter = mLights.begin(); iter != mLights.end(); ++iter) - { - LLDrawable* drawablep = *iter; - - LLVOVolume* volume = drawablep->getVOVolume(); - if (!volume) - { - continue; - } + for (U32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) + { + mTargetShadowSpotLight[i] = NULL; + } - if (volume->isAttachment()) - { - if (!sRenderAttachedLights) - { - continue; - } - } + std::list<LLVector4> light_colors; + + LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + + { + bindDeferredShader(gDeferredLightProgram); + + if (mCubeVB.isNull()) + { + mCubeVB = ll_create_cube_vb(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB); + } + + mCubeVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); + + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE); + for (LLDrawable::drawable_set_t::iterator iter = mLights.begin(); iter != mLights.end(); ++iter) + { + LLDrawable *drawablep = *iter; + + LLVOVolume *volume = drawablep->getVOVolume(); + if (!volume) + { + continue; + } + + if (volume->isAttachment()) + { + if (!sRenderAttachedLights) + { + continue; + } + } const LLViewerObject *vobj = drawablep->getVObj(); if (vobj) @@ -8756,325 +8720,324 @@ void LLPipeline::renderDeferredLighting(LLRenderTarget* screen_target) continue; } - LLVector4a center; - center.load3(position.mV); - const F32* c = center.getF32ptr(); - F32 s = volume->getLightRadius()*1.5f; + LLVector4a center; + center.load3(position.mV); + const F32 *c = center.getF32ptr(); + F32 s = volume->getLightRadius() * 1.5f; - //send light color to shader in linear space + // send light color to shader in linear space LLColor3 col = volume->getLightLinearColor(); - - if (col.magVecSquared() < 0.001f) - { - continue; - } - if (s <= 0.001f) - { - continue; - } + if (col.magVecSquared() < 0.001f) + { + continue; + } - LLVector4a sa; - sa.splat(s); - if (camera->AABBInFrustumNoFarClip(center, sa) == 0) - { - continue; - } + if (s <= 0.001f) + { + continue; + } - sVisibleLightCount++; - - if (camera->getOrigin().mV[0] > c[0] + s + 0.2f || - camera->getOrigin().mV[0] < c[0] - s - 0.2f || - camera->getOrigin().mV[1] > c[1] + s + 0.2f || - camera->getOrigin().mV[1] < c[1] - s - 0.2f || - camera->getOrigin().mV[2] > c[2] + s + 0.2f || - camera->getOrigin().mV[2] < c[2] - s - 0.2f) - { //draw box if camera is outside box - if (render_local) - { - if (volume->isLightSpotlight()) - { - drawablep->getVOVolume()->updateSpotLightPriority(); - spot_lights.push_back(drawablep); - continue; - } - - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_LOCAL_LIGHTS); - gDeferredLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_CENTER, 1, c); - gDeferredLightProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_SIZE, s); - gDeferredLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_COLOR, 1, col.mV); + LLVector4a sa; + sa.splat(s); + if (camera->AABBInFrustumNoFarClip(center, sa) == 0) + { + continue; + } + + sVisibleLightCount++; + + if (camera->getOrigin().mV[0] > c[0] + s + 0.2f || camera->getOrigin().mV[0] < c[0] - s - 0.2f || + camera->getOrigin().mV[1] > c[1] + s + 0.2f || camera->getOrigin().mV[1] < c[1] - s - 0.2f || + camera->getOrigin().mV[2] > c[2] + s + 0.2f || camera->getOrigin().mV[2] < c[2] - s - 0.2f) + { // draw box if camera is outside box + if (render_local) + { + if (volume->isLightSpotlight()) + { + drawablep->getVOVolume()->updateSpotLightPriority(); + spot_lights.push_back(drawablep); + continue; + } + + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_LOCAL_LIGHTS); + gDeferredLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_CENTER, 1, c); + gDeferredLightProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_SIZE, s); + gDeferredLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_COLOR, 1, col.mV); gDeferredLightProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_FALLOFF, volume->getLightFalloff(DEFERRED_LIGHT_FALLOFF)); - gGL.syncMatrices(); - - mCubeVB->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 7, 8, get_box_fan_indices(camera, center)); - stop_glerror(); - } - } - else - { - if (volume->isLightSpotlight()) - { - drawablep->getVOVolume()->updateSpotLightPriority(); - fullscreen_spot_lights.push_back(drawablep); - continue; - } + gGL.syncMatrices(); - glh::vec3f tc(c); - mat.mult_matrix_vec(tc); - - fullscreen_lights.push_back(LLVector4(tc.v[0], tc.v[1], tc.v[2], s)); + mCubeVB->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 7, 8, get_box_fan_indices(camera, center)); + stop_glerror(); + } + } + else + { + if (volume->isLightSpotlight()) + { + drawablep->getVOVolume()->updateSpotLightPriority(); + fullscreen_spot_lights.push_back(drawablep); + continue; + } + + glh::vec3f tc(c); + mat.mult_matrix_vec(tc); + + fullscreen_lights.push_back(LLVector4(tc.v[0], tc.v[1], tc.v[2], s)); light_colors.push_back(LLVector4(col.mV[0], col.mV[1], col.mV[2], volume->getLightFalloff(DEFERRED_LIGHT_FALLOFF))); - } - } - unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredLightProgram); - } + } + } - if (!spot_lights.empty()) - { - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE); - bindDeferredShader(gDeferredSpotLightProgram); + // Bookmark comment to allow searching for mSpecialRenderMode == 3 (avatar edit mode), + // prev site of appended deferred character light, removed by SL-13522 09/20 - mCubeVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); + unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredLightProgram); + } - gDeferredSpotLightProgram.enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_PROJECTION); + if (!spot_lights.empty()) + { + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE); + bindDeferredShader(gDeferredSpotLightProgram); - for (LLDrawable::drawable_list_t::iterator iter = spot_lights.begin(); iter != spot_lights.end(); ++iter) - { - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROJECTORS); - LLDrawable* drawablep = *iter; + mCubeVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - LLVOVolume* volume = drawablep->getVOVolume(); + gDeferredSpotLightProgram.enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_PROJECTION); - LLVector4a center; - center.load3(drawablep->getPositionAgent().mV); - const F32* c = center.getF32ptr(); - F32 s = volume->getLightRadius()*1.5f; + for (LLDrawable::drawable_list_t::iterator iter = spot_lights.begin(); iter != spot_lights.end(); ++iter) + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROJECTORS); + LLDrawable *drawablep = *iter; - sVisibleLightCount++; + LLVOVolume *volume = drawablep->getVOVolume(); - setupSpotLight(gDeferredSpotLightProgram, drawablep); - - //send light color to shader in linear space + LLVector4a center; + center.load3(drawablep->getPositionAgent().mV); + const F32 *c = center.getF32ptr(); + F32 s = volume->getLightRadius() * 1.5f; + + sVisibleLightCount++; + + setupSpotLight(gDeferredSpotLightProgram, drawablep); + + // send light color to shader in linear space LLColor3 col = volume->getLightLinearColor(); - - gDeferredSpotLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_CENTER, 1, c); - gDeferredSpotLightProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_SIZE, s); - gDeferredSpotLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_COLOR, 1, col.mV); + + gDeferredSpotLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_CENTER, 1, c); + gDeferredSpotLightProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_SIZE, s); + gDeferredSpotLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_COLOR, 1, col.mV); gDeferredSpotLightProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_FALLOFF, volume->getLightFalloff(DEFERRED_LIGHT_FALLOFF)); - gGL.syncMatrices(); - - mCubeVB->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 7, 8, get_box_fan_indices(camera, center)); - } - gDeferredSpotLightProgram.disableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_PROJECTION); - unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredSpotLightProgram); - } + gGL.syncMatrices(); - //reset mDeferredVB to fullscreen triangle - mDeferredVB->getVertexStrider(vert); - vert[0].set(-1,1,0); - vert[1].set(-1,-3,0); - vert[2].set(3,1,0); + mCubeVB->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 7, 8, get_box_fan_indices(camera, center)); + } + gDeferredSpotLightProgram.disableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_PROJECTION); + unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredSpotLightProgram); + } - { - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE); + // reset mDeferredVB to fullscreen triangle + mDeferredVB->getVertexStrider(vert); + vert[0].set(-1, 1, 0); + vert[1].set(-1, -3, 0); + vert[2].set(3, 1, 0); - //full screen blit - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); + { + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE); - U32 count = 0; + // full screen blit + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); - const U32 max_count = LL_DEFERRED_MULTI_LIGHT_COUNT; - LLVector4 light[max_count]; - LLVector4 col[max_count]; + U32 count = 0; - F32 far_z = 0.f; + const U32 max_count = LL_DEFERRED_MULTI_LIGHT_COUNT; + LLVector4 light[max_count]; + LLVector4 col[max_count]; - while (!fullscreen_lights.empty()) - { - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_FULLSCREEN_LIGHTS); - light[count] = fullscreen_lights.front(); - fullscreen_lights.pop_front(); - col[count] = light_colors.front(); - light_colors.pop_front(); - - far_z = llmin(light[count].mV[2]-light[count].mV[3], far_z); - count++; - if (count == max_count || fullscreen_lights.empty()) - { - U32 idx = count-1; - bindDeferredShader(gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx]); - gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx].uniform1i(LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT_COUNT, count); - gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx].uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT, count, (GLfloat*) light); - gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx].uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT_COL, count, (GLfloat*) col); - gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx].uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT_FAR_Z, far_z); - far_z = 0.f; - count = 0; - mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); - unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx]); - } - } - - bindDeferredShader(gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram); + F32 far_z = 0.f; - gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_PROJECTION); + while (!fullscreen_lights.empty()) + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_FULLSCREEN_LIGHTS); + light[count] = fullscreen_lights.front(); + fullscreen_lights.pop_front(); + col[count] = light_colors.front(); + light_colors.pop_front(); + + far_z = llmin(light[count].mV[2] - light[count].mV[3], far_z); + count++; + if (count == max_count || fullscreen_lights.empty()) + { + U32 idx = count - 1; + bindDeferredShader(gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx]); + gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx].uniform1i(LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT_COUNT, count); + gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx].uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT, count, (GLfloat *) light); + gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx].uniform4fv(LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT_COL, count, (GLfloat *) col); + gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx].uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::MULTI_LIGHT_FAR_Z, far_z); + far_z = 0.f; + count = 0; + mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); + mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); + unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredMultiLightProgram[idx]); + } + } - mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); + bindDeferredShader(gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram); - for (LLDrawable::drawable_list_t::iterator iter = fullscreen_spot_lights.begin(); iter != fullscreen_spot_lights.end(); ++iter) - { - LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROJECTORS); - LLDrawable* drawablep = *iter; - - LLVOVolume* volume = drawablep->getVOVolume(); + gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_PROJECTION); - LLVector3 center = drawablep->getPositionAgent(); - F32* c = center.mV; - F32 light_size_final = volume->getLightRadius()*1.5f; - F32 light_falloff_final = volume->getLightFalloff(DEFERRED_LIGHT_FALLOFF); + mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - sVisibleLightCount++; + for (LLDrawable::drawable_list_t::iterator iter = fullscreen_spot_lights.begin(); iter != fullscreen_spot_lights.end(); ++iter) + { + LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_PROJECTORS); + LLDrawable *drawablep = *iter; + LLVOVolume *volume = drawablep->getVOVolume(); + LLVector3 center = drawablep->getPositionAgent(); + F32 * c = center.mV; + F32 light_size_final = volume->getLightRadius() * 1.5f; + F32 light_falloff_final = volume->getLightFalloff(DEFERRED_LIGHT_FALLOFF); - glh::vec3f tc(c); - mat.mult_matrix_vec(tc); - - setupSpotLight(gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram, drawablep); + sVisibleLightCount++; + + glh::vec3f tc(c); + mat.mult_matrix_vec(tc); - //send light color to shader in linear space + setupSpotLight(gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram, drawablep); + + // send light color to shader in linear space LLColor3 col = volume->getLightLinearColor(); - - gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_CENTER, 1, tc.v); + + gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_CENTER, 1, tc.v); gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_SIZE, light_size_final); - gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_COLOR, 1, col.mV); + gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.uniform3fv(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_COLOR, 1, col.mV); gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::LIGHT_FALLOFF, light_falloff_final); - mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); - } + mDeferredVB->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); + } - gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.disableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_PROJECTION); - unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram); + gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram.disableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_PROJECTION); + unbindDeferredShader(gDeferredMultiSpotLightProgram); - gGL.popMatrix(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); - gGL.popMatrix(); - } - } + gGL.popMatrix(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); + gGL.popMatrix(); + } + } - gGL.setColorMask(true, true); - } + gGL.setColorMask(true, true); + } screen_target->flush(); - //gamma correct lighting - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); - gGL.pushMatrix(); - gGL.loadIdentity(); + // gamma correct lighting + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); + gGL.pushMatrix(); + gGL.loadIdentity(); - { - LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); + { + LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); - LLVector2 tc1(0,0); - LLVector2 tc2((F32) screen_target->getWidth()*2, - (F32) screen_target->getHeight()*2); + LLVector2 tc1(0, 0); + LLVector2 tc2((F32) screen_target->getWidth() * 2, (F32) screen_target->getHeight() * 2); screen_target->bindTarget(); - // Apply gamma correction to the frame here. - gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.bind(); - //mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); - S32 channel = 0; - channel = gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, screen_target->getUsage()); - if (channel > -1) - { + // Apply gamma correction to the frame here. + gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.bind(); + // mDeferredVB->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); + S32 channel = 0; + channel = gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.enableTexture(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, screen_target->getUsage()); + if (channel > -1) + { screen_target->bindTexture(0, channel, LLTexUnit::TFO_POINT); - } - + } + gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::DEFERRED_SCREEN_RES, screen_target->getWidth(), screen_target->getHeight()); - - F32 gamma = gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderDeferredDisplayGamma"); - gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DISPLAY_GAMMA, (gamma > 0.1f) ? 1.0f / gamma : (1.0f/2.2f)); - - gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,-1); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(-1,3); - - gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); - gGL.vertex2f(3,-1); - - gGL.end(); - + F32 gamma = gSavedSettings.getF32("RenderDeferredDisplayGamma"); + + gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::DISPLAY_GAMMA, (gamma > 0.1f) ? 1.0f / gamma : (1.0f / 2.2f)); + + gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, -1); + + gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc2.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(-1, 3); + + gGL.texCoord2f(tc2.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]); + gGL.vertex2f(3, -1); + + gGL.end(); + gGL.getTexUnit(channel)->unbind(screen_target->getUsage()); - gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.unbind(); + gDeferredPostGammaCorrectProgram.unbind(); screen_target->flush(); - } + } - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); - gGL.popMatrix(); - gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); - gGL.popMatrix(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); + gGL.popMatrix(); + gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); + gGL.popMatrix(); screen_target->bindTarget(); - { //render non-deferred geometry (alpha, fullbright, glow) - LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); - LLGLDisable stencil(GL_STENCIL_TEST); - - pushRenderTypeMask(); - andRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_ALPHA, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_FULLBRIGHT, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_GLOW, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_BUMP, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SIMPLE, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_ALPHA, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_ALPHA_MASK, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_BUMP, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_POST_BUMP, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT_SHINY, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_GLOW, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_GRASS, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SHINY, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_INVISIBLE, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_INVISI_SHINY, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_ALPHA_MASK, - LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, - END_RENDER_TYPES); - - renderGeomPostDeferred(*LLViewerCamera::getInstance()); - popRenderTypeMask(); - } + { // render non-deferred geometry (alpha, fullbright, glow) + LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); + LLGLDisable stencil(GL_STENCIL_TEST); + + pushRenderTypeMask(); + andRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_ALPHA, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_FULLBRIGHT, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_GLOW, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_BUMP, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SIMPLE, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_ALPHA, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_ALPHA_MASK, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_BUMP, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_POST_BUMP, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT_SHINY, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_GLOW, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_GRASS, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SHINY, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_INVISIBLE, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_INVISI_SHINY, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_ALPHA_MASK, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, + END_RENDER_TYPES); + + renderGeomPostDeferred(*LLViewerCamera::getInstance()); + popRenderTypeMask(); + } - { - //render highlights, etc. - renderHighlights(); - mHighlightFaces.clear(); + { + // render highlights, etc. + renderHighlights(); + mHighlightFaces.clear(); - renderDebug(); + renderDebug(); - LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); + LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); - if (gPipeline.hasRenderDebugFeatureMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_UI)) - { - // Render debugging beacons. - gObjectList.renderObjectBeacons(); - gObjectList.resetObjectBeacons(); + if (gPipeline.hasRenderDebugFeatureMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_UI)) + { + // Render debugging beacons. + gObjectList.renderObjectBeacons(); + gObjectList.resetObjectBeacons(); gSky.addSunMoonBeacons(); - } - } + } + } - screen_target->flush(); + screen_target->flush(); } void LLPipeline::setupSpotLight(LLGLSLShader& shader, LLDrawable* drawablep) @@ -9291,7 +9254,8 @@ void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera_in) gPipeline.pushRenderTypeMask(); - glh::matrix4f projection = get_current_projection(); + glh::matrix4f saved_modelview = get_current_modelview(); + glh::matrix4f saved_projection = get_current_projection(); glh::matrix4f mat; S32 detail = RenderReflectionDetail; @@ -9330,8 +9294,6 @@ void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera_in) //disable occlusion culling for reflection map for now LLPipeline::sUseOcclusion = 0; - glh::matrix4f current = get_current_modelview(); - if (!camera_is_underwater) { //generate planar reflection map @@ -9340,15 +9302,10 @@ void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera_in) gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); gGL.pushMatrix(); - glh::matrix4f mat; - camera.getOpenGLTransform(mat.m); - - glh::matrix4f scal; - scal.set_scale(glh::vec3f(1, 1, -1)); - mat = scal * mat; + mat.set_scale(glh::vec3f(1, 1, -1)); + mat.set_translate(glh::vec3f(0,0,water_height*2.f)); + mat = saved_modelview * mat; - // convert from CFR to OGL coord sys... - mat = glh::matrix4f((GLfloat*) OGL_TO_CFR_ROTATION) * mat; mReflectionModelView = mat; @@ -9357,6 +9314,12 @@ void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera_in) LLViewerCamera::updateFrustumPlanes(camera, FALSE, TRUE); + glh::vec3f origin(0, 0, 0); + glh::matrix4f inv_mat = mat.inverse(); + inv_mat.mult_matrix_vec(origin); + + camera.setOrigin(origin.v); + glCullFace(GL_FRONT); if (LLDrawPoolWater::sNeedsReflectionUpdate) @@ -9401,7 +9364,7 @@ void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera_in) clearRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PARTICLES, END_RENDER_TYPES); if (detail < 3) { - clearRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, END_RENDER_TYPES); + clearRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV, END_RENDER_TYPES); if (detail < 2) { clearRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME, END_RENDER_TYPES); @@ -9409,7 +9372,7 @@ void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera_in) } } - LLGLUserClipPlane clip_plane(plane, mReflectionModelView, projection); + LLGLUserClipPlane clip_plane(plane, mReflectionModelView, saved_projection); LLGLDisable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); updateCull(camera, mReflectedObjects, -water_clip, &plane); stateSort(camera, mReflectedObjects); @@ -9423,7 +9386,7 @@ void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera_in) gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); gGL.popMatrix(); - set_current_modelview(current); + set_current_modelview(saved_modelview); } //LLPipeline::sUseOcclusion = occlusion; @@ -9479,7 +9442,7 @@ void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera_in) //clip out geometry on the same side of water as the camera w/ enough margin to not include the water geo itself, // but not so much as to clip out parts of avatars that should be seen under the water in the distortion map LLPlane plane(-pnorm, water_dist); - LLGLUserClipPlane clip_plane(plane, current, projection); + LLGLUserClipPlane clip_plane(plane, saved_modelview, saved_projection); gGL.setColorMask(true, true); mWaterDis.clear(); @@ -10116,6 +10079,7 @@ void LLPipeline::generateSunShadow(LLCamera& camera) LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_BUMP, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TREE, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TERRAIN, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_WATER, @@ -10909,7 +10873,9 @@ void LLPipeline::generateImpostor(LLVOAvatar* avatar) if (visually_muted || too_complex) { - andRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, END_RENDER_TYPES); + andRenderTypeMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV, + END_RENDER_TYPES); } else { @@ -10932,6 +10898,7 @@ void LLPipeline::generateImpostor(LLVOAvatar* avatar) LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_INVISIBLE, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PASS_INVISI_SHINY, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, + LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_ALPHA_MASK, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_INVISIBLE, diff --git a/indra/newview/pipeline.h b/indra/newview/pipeline.h index 68ce3fe88d..600bdd9d06 100644 --- a/indra/newview/pipeline.h +++ b/indra/newview/pipeline.h @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public: void resetVertexBuffers(LLDrawable* drawable); void generateImpostor(LLVOAvatar* avatar); void bindScreenToTexture(); - void renderBloom(bool for_snapshot, F32 zoom_factor = 1.f, int subfield = 0); + void renderFinalize(); void init(); void cleanup(); @@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ public: RENDER_TYPE_BUMP = LLDrawPool::POOL_BUMP, RENDER_TYPE_MATERIALS = LLDrawPool::POOL_MATERIALS, RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR = LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR, + RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV = LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV, // Animesh RENDER_TYPE_TREE = LLDrawPool::POOL_TREE, RENDER_TYPE_INVISIBLE = LLDrawPool::POOL_INVISIBLE, RENDER_TYPE_VOIDWATER = LLDrawPool::POOL_VOIDWATER, diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/floater_buy_currency.xml index 3c0428b2b0..b7ac181dd4 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ objektet. </text> <button label="Køb nu" name="buy_btn"/> <button label="Annullér" name="cancel_btn"/> - <text name="info_cannot_buy"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy"> Kan ikke købe - </text> - <button label="Fortsæt til web" name="error_web"/> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_buy_currency.xml index 65926c088c..eb94df1cad 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ </text> <button label="Jetzt kaufen" name="buy_btn"/> <button label="Abbrechen" name="cancel_btn"/> - <text name="info_cannot_buy"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy"> Kaufabbruch - </text> - <button label="Weiter zur Kontoseite" name="error_web"/> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index b818a7d480..81b093b8c2 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ <text name="Multiple"> Mehrere Texturen </text> - <radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="Inventar" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="Lokal" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="Backen" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - Größe: [DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="Inventar" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="Lokal" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="Standard" label_selected="Standard" name="Default"/> <button label="Leer" label_selected="Leer" name="Blank"/> <button label="Keine" label_selected="Keine" name="None"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml index e0aa9fe4a9..16fdb69509 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ </text> <check_box initial_value="true" label="Freunde immer darstellen" name="AlwaysRenderFriends"/> <button label="Ausnahmen..." name="RenderExceptionsButton"/> - <button label="Einstellungen als Voreinstellung speichern..." name="PrefSaveButton"/> - <button label="Voreinstellung laden..." name="PrefLoadButton"/> + <button label="Einstellungen als Voreinstellung speichern" name="PrefSaveButton" width="235" left="5"/> + <button label="Voreinstellung laden" name="PrefLoadButton" width="120"/> min_val="0.125" - <button label="Voreinstellung löschen..." name="PrefDeleteButton"/> - <button label="Auf empfohlene Einstellungen zurücksetzen" name="Defaults"/> + <button label="Voreinstellung löschen" name="PrefDeleteButton" width="130"/> + <button label="Auf empfohlene Einstellungen zurücksetzen" name="Defaults" width="248"/> <button label="Erweiterte Einstellungen..." name="AdvancedSettings"/> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_setup.xml index 1435b7f87d..a8509cabac 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ <text name="Proxy Settings:"> Proxy-Einstellungen: </text> - <button label="Proxy-Einstellungen ändern" label_selected="Durchsuchen" name="set_proxy"/> + <button label="Proxy-Einstellungen ändern" label_selected="Durchsuchen" name="set_proxy" width="160"/> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml index a1dd179765..b2d9e53039 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_about_land.xml @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ No parcel selected. </panel.string> <panel.string name="time_stamp_template"> - [wkday,datetime,local] [mth,datetime,local] [day,datetime,local] [hour,datetime,local]:[min,datetime,local]:[second,datetime,local] [year,datetime,local] - </panel.string> + [wkday,datetime,slt] [mth,datetime,slt] [day,datetime,slt] [hour,datetime,slt]:[min,datetime,slt]:[second,datetime,slt] [year,datetime,slt] + </panel.string> <text type="string" length="1" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_buy_currency.xml index 553c5d51d0..061af1b67c 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ name="buy_currency"> Buy L$ [LINDENS] for approx. [LOCALAMOUNT] </floater.string> + <floater.string + name="info_cannot_buy"> + Unable to Buy + </floater.string> <icon height="215" image_name="Linden_Dollar_Background" @@ -286,42 +290,4 @@ Re-enter amount to see the latest exchange rate. left_pad="10" name="cancel_btn" width="90"/> - <icon - height="215" - image_name="Linden_Dollar_Alert" - layout="topleft" - left="0" - name="error_background" - top="15" - use_draw_context_alpha="false" - width="350"/> - <text - type="string" - font="SansSerifHuge" - left="165" - width="360" - height="25" - top="25" - name="info_cannot_buy"> - Unable to Buy - </text> - <text - type="string" - width="176" - height="125" - top="60" - left="165" - word_wrap="true" - follows="bottom|right" - name="cannot_buy_message"> - </text> - <button - follows="bottom|left" - height="20" - label="Continue to the Web" - layout="topleft" - left="170" - name="error_web" - top="200" - width="160"/> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_image_preview.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_image_preview.xml index 3daff1a132..773d9aafc9 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_image_preview.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_image_preview.xml @@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ Try saving image as 24 bit Targa (.tga). </text> <check_box - control_name="LosslessJ2CUpload" enabled="false" + initial_value="false" follows="bottom|left" height="16" label="Use lossless compression" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inspect.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inspect.xml index 63334e2b24..802a6649c8 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inspect.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_inspect.xml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ width="400"> <floater.string name="timeStamp"> - [wkday,datetime,local] [mth,datetime,local] [day,datetime,local] [hour,datetime,local]:[min,datetime,local]:[second,datetime,local] [year,datetime,local] + [wkday,datetime,slt] [mth,datetime,slt] [day,datetime,slt] [hour,datetime,slt]:[min,datetime,slt]:[second,datetime,slt] [year,datetime,slt] </floater.string> <scroll_list bottom="268" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index a52d0a95d6..3a66911389 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -48,42 +48,28 @@ </text> <!-- mode selector --> - <radio_group + <combo_box control_name="mode_selection" height="20" layout="topleft" - left="0" - top_pad="80" + left="6" + top_pad="77" name="mode_selection" - follows="left|top"> - <radio_item + follows="left|top" + width="120"> + <combo_box.item label="Inventory" name="inventory" - top_delta="20" - layout="topleft" - height="16" - left="0" - value="0" - width="70" /> - <radio_item + value="0" /> + <combo_box.item label="Local" - left_pad="0" - layout="topleft" - top_delta="0" - height="16" name="local" - value="1" - width="50" /> - <radio_item + value="1" /> + <combo_box.item label="Bake" - left_pad="0" - layout="topleft" - top_delta="0" - height="16" name="bake" - value="2" - width="50" /> - </radio_group> + value="2" /> + </combo_box> <!-- --> <text @@ -92,21 +78,9 @@ follows="left|top" height="14" layout="topleft" - left_delta="12" + left="8" name="size_lbl" top_pad="4"> - Size: - </text> - - <text - type="string" - length="1" - follows="left|top" - height="14" - layout="topleft" - left_delta="0" - name="unknown" - top_pad="4"> [DIMENSIONS] </text> <!-- middle: inventory mode --> @@ -149,8 +123,8 @@ image_selected="eye_button_active.tga" image_unselected="eye_button_inactive.tga" layout="topleft" - left_delta="-80" - top_delta="-10" + left="18" + top_delta="-23" name="Pipette" width="28" /> <text @@ -329,7 +303,7 @@ layout="topleft" label="OK" label_selected="OK" layout="topleft" - left="95" + left="176" top="-30" name="Select" width="100" /> @@ -352,5 +326,5 @@ layout="topleft" left="6" name="apply_immediate_check" top_delta="0" - width="120" /> + width="150" /> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml index 76df0abdfd..d88c267a95 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <file>msyh.ttc</file> <file load_collection="true">Cambria.ttc</file> <file>malgun.ttf</file> + <file>micross.ttf</file> </os> <os name="Mac"> <file>ヒラギノ角ゴシック W3.ttc</file> @@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ <file>华文细黑.ttf</file> <file>PingFang.ttc</file> <file>STIXGeneral.otf</file> + <file>Thonburi.ttc</file> </os> </font> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_script_chiclet.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_script_chiclet.xml index db29d9cebc..49e52ebb8d 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_script_chiclet.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_script_chiclet.xml @@ -16,4 +16,12 @@ function="ScriptChiclet.Action" parameter="end" /> </menu_item_call> + <menu_item_call + label="Close All Dialogs" + layout="topleft" + name="Close All"> + <menu_item_call.on_click + function="ScriptChiclet.Action" + parameter="close all" /> + </menu_item_call> </menu> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml index 873b95926b..5fa1847d1b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml @@ -1733,6 +1733,16 @@ function="World.EnvPreset" parameter="character" /> </menu_item_check> <menu_item_check + label="Animeshes" + name="Rendering Type Control Avatar"> + <menu_item_check.on_check + function="Advanced.CheckRenderType" + parameter="controlAV" /> + <menu_item_check.on_click + function="Advanced.ToggleRenderType" + parameter="controlAV" /> + </menu_item_check> + <menu_item_check label="Surface Patch" name="Rendering Type Surface Patch" shortcut="control|alt|shift|5"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml index 32ae56e3af..a0d56a0d08 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml @@ -1343,6 +1343,18 @@ You must agree to the Second Life Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Term <notification icon="alertmodal.tga" + name="CouldNotBuyCurrency" + type="alertmodal"> +[TITLE] +[MESSAGE] + <tag>fail</tag> + <usetemplate + name="okbutton" + yestext="OK"/> + </notification> + + <notification + icon="alertmodal.tga" name="CouldNotPutOnOutfit" type="alertmodal"> Could not put on outfit. @@ -3680,6 +3692,17 @@ Could not teleport to [SLURL] as it's on a different grid ([GRID]) than the curr </notification> <notification icon="alertmodal.tga" + name="GeneralCertificateErrorShort" + type="alertmodal"> +Could not connect to the server. +[REASON] + <tag>fail</tag> + <usetemplate + name="okbutton" + yestext="OK"/> + </notification> + + <notification icon="alertmodal.tga" name="GeneralCertificateError" type="alertmodal"> Could not connect to the server. diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_landmark_info.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_landmark_info.xml index 13986c4030..87035e5cd3 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_landmark_info.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_landmark_info.xml @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ </string> <string name="acquired_date"> - [wkday,datetime,local] [mth,datetime,local] [day,datetime,local] [hour,datetime,local]:[min,datetime,local]:[second,datetime,local] [year,datetime,local] + [wkday,datetime,slt] [mth,datetime,slt] [day,datetime,slt] [hour,datetime,slt]:[min,datetime,slt]:[second,datetime,slt] [year,datetime,slt] </string> <!-- Texture names for rating icons --> <string diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_outfits_inventory.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_outfits_inventory.xml index eeb930485e..6c8cc9d39a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_outfits_inventory.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_outfits_inventory.xml @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ tab_height="30" tab_position="top" halign="center" - hide_scroll_arrows="true" top="8" width="315"> <panel diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_chat.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_chat.xml index ece6c95080..c023cb036e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_chat.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_chat.xml @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ </check_box> <check_box - control_name="VoiceCallsFriendsOnly" + enabled="false" height="16" label="Only friends and groups can call or IM me" layout="topleft" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_sound.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_sound.xml index c2defdd772..65b9a64111 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_sound.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_sound.xml @@ -514,12 +514,12 @@ follows="left|top" height="23" is_toggle="true" - label="Input/Output devices" + label="Voice Input/Output devices" layout="topleft" left="20" top_pad="6" name="device_settings_btn" - width="190"> + width="230"> </button> <panel layout="topleft" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_settings_sky_atmos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_settings_sky_atmos.xml index bec793bbee..6f82a0efa1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_settings_sky_atmos.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_settings_sky_atmos.xml @@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ Ice Level: </text> <slider - decimal_digits="1" + decimal_digits="3" follows="left|top" height="14" - increment="0.1" + increment="0.001" initial_value="0" left_delta="5" top_delta="20" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_appearance.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_appearance.xml index 2a1eb425ed..1777a0db05 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_appearance.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_appearance.xml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ width="333"> top="5" follows="left|top|right" layout="topleft" - width="303" + width="307" height="33" name="panel_currentlook" > @@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ width="333"> name="Filter" search_button_visible="true" top_pad="10" - width="303" /> + width="307" /> <panel class="panel_outfits_inventory" filename="panel_outfits_inventory.xml" name="panel_outfits_inventory" height="493" min_height="410" - width="320" + width="325" visible="false" left="0" tab_group="1" diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_item_info.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_item_info.xml index acb6f5b42a..9a68479d05 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_item_info.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_item_info.xml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ </panel.string> <panel.string name="acquiredDate"> - [wkday,datetime,local] [mth,datetime,local] [day,datetime,local] [hour,datetime,local]:[min,datetime,local]:[second,datetime,local] [year,datetime,local] + [wkday,datetime,slt] [mth,datetime,slt] [day,datetime,slt] [hour,datetime,slt]:[min,datetime,slt]:[second,datetime,slt] [year,datetime,slt] </panel.string> <panel.string name="origin_inventory"> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml index 3964c749be..903580dba1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ <string name="BuildConfig">Build Configuration [BUILD_CONFIG]</string> <string name="AboutPosition"> -You are at [POSITION_LOCAL_0,number,1], [POSITION_LOCAL_1,number,1], [POSITION_LOCAL_2,number,1] in [REGION] located at <nolink>[HOSTNAME]</nolink> ([HOSTIP]) +You are at [POSITION_LOCAL_0,number,1], [POSITION_LOCAL_1,number,1], [POSITION_LOCAL_2,number,1] in [REGION] located at <nolink>[HOSTNAME]</nolink> SLURL: <nolink>[SLURL]</nolink> (global coordinates [POSITION_0,number,1], [POSITION_1,number,1], [POSITION_2,number,1]) [SERVER_VERSION] @@ -107,7 +107,9 @@ Voice Server Version: [VOICE_VERSION] <string name="CertExpired">The certificate returned by the Grid appears to be expired. Please check your system clock, or contact your Grid administrator.</string> <string name="CertKeyUsage">The certificate returned by the server could not be used for SSL. Please contact your Grid administrator.</string> <string name="CertBasicConstraints">Too many certificates were in the servers Certificate chain. Please contact your Grid administrator.</string> + <string name="CertInvalid">Could not load certificate. Please contact your Grid administrator.</string> <string name="CertInvalidSignature">The certificate signature returned by the Grid server could not be verified. Please contact your Grid administrator.</string> + <string name="CertAllocationFailure">Failed to allocate openssl memory for certificate.</string> <string name="LoginFailedNoNetwork">Network error: Could not establish connection, please check your network connection.</string> <string name="LoginFailed">Login failed.</string> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_buy_currency.xml index dbff3fcf0e..086150dd57 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ no el objeto. </text> <button label="Comprar ahora" name="buy_btn"/> <button label="Cancelar" name="cancel_btn"/> - <text name="info_cannot_buy" left="150" font="SansSerifBig"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy"> No se pudo hacer la compra - </text> - <button label="Ir a la web" name="error_web"/> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index 2e409ef69c..a77dd99af0 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ <text name="Multiple"> Texturas múltiples </text> - <radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="Inventario" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="Local" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="Hornear" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - Tamaño: [DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="Inventario" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="Local" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="Por defecto" label_selected="Por defecto" name="Default" width="84"/> <button label="Blanca" label_selected="Blanca" name="Blank"/> <button label="Ninguna" label_selected="Ninguna" left="90" name="None"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_advanced.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_advanced.xml index 007101b8fe..0ba676898f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_advanced.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_advanced.xml @@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ <check_box label="Mostrar la selección de cuadrícula al iniciar sesión" name="show_grid_selection_check"/> <check_box label="Mostrar el menú Avanzado" name="show_advanced_menu_check"/> <check_box label="Mostrar el menú Desarrollar" name="show_develop_menu_check"/> - <button label="Permisos de creación predeterminados" name="default_creation_permissions"/> + <button label="Permisos de creación predeterminados" name="default_creation_permissions" width="235"/> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml index 816c698548..47815d0296 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ </text> <check_box initial_value="true" label="Renderizar siempre los amigos" name="AlwaysRenderFriends"/> <button label="Excepciones..." name="RenderExceptionsButton"/> - <button label="Guardar configuración como valor predefinido..." name="PrefSaveButton"/> - <button label="Cargar predefinido..." name="PrefLoadButton"/> + <button label="Guardar configuración como valor predefinido" name="PrefSaveButton" width="260" left="5"/> + <button label="Cargar predefinido" name="PrefLoadButton" left_pad="7"/> min_val="0.125" - <button label="Eliminar predefinido..." name="PrefDeleteButton"/> - <button label="Restablecer la configuración recomendada" name="Defaults"/> + <button label="Eliminar predefinido" name="PrefDeleteButton" width="117" left_pad="7"/> + <button label="Restablecer la configuración recomendada" name="Defaults" width="248"/> <button label="Configuración avanzada..." name="AdvancedSettings"/> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_buy_currency.xml index c295172abf..55b0d1825a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ le Lindex... </text> <button label="Acheter" name="buy_btn"/> <button label="Annuler" name="cancel_btn"/> - <text name="info_cannot_buy" left="160" width="200"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy" left="160" width="200"> Achat impossible - </text> - <button label="Accéder au Web" name="error_web"/> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index 2925727b48..a4de7954c5 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ <text name="Multiple"> Textures multiples </text> - <radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="Inventaire" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="Local" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="Figer" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - Taille : [DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="Inventaire" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="Local" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="Défaut" label_selected="Défaut" name="Default" width="60"/> <button label="Vierge" label_selected="Vierge" name="Blank" width="60"/> <button label="Aucune" label_selected="Aucune" left="68" name="None" width="60"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml index 7117ace7e1..46d6305290 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ </text> <check_box initial_value="true" label="Toujours effectuer le rendu des amis" name="AlwaysRenderFriends"/> <button label="Exceptions..." name="RenderExceptionsButton"/> - <button label="Enregistrer les paramètres comme préréglage..." name="PrefSaveButton"/> - <button label="Charger un préréglage..." name="PrefLoadButton"/> + <button label="Enregistrer les paramètres comme préréglage" name="PrefSaveButton" width="260" /> + <button label="Charger un préréglage" name="PrefLoadButton" width="132"/> min_val="0,125" - <button label="Supprimer un préréglage..." name="PrefDeleteButton"/> - <button label="Réinitialiser les paramètres recommandés" name="Defaults"/> + <button label="Supprimer un préréglage" name="PrefDeleteButton" width="148" top_delta="30" left_pad="-220"/> + <button label="Réinitialiser les paramètres recommandés" name="Defaults" width="255" top_delta="35"/> <button label="Paramètres avancés" name="AdvancedSettings"/> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_buy_currency.xml index 53a2057455..522d26373e 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ l'oggetto. </text> <button label="Acquista" name="buy_btn"/> <button label="Annulla" name="cancel_btn"/> - <text name="info_cannot_buy" left="160" font="SansSerifBig"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy" left="160" font="SansSerifBig"> Non in grado di acquistare - </text> - <button label="Continua sul Web" name="error_web"/> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index 2e4644cef3..f857bfe49f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ <text name="Multiple"> Texture multiple </text> - <radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="Inventario" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="Locale" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="Effettua il bake" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - Dimensioni: [DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="Inventario" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="Locale" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="Default" label_selected="Default" name="Default"/> <button label="Vuoto" label_selected="Vuoto" name="Blank"/> <button label="Niente" label_selected="Niente" name="None"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml index f3ca9fafb3..c7739b8472 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ </text> <check_box initial_value="true" label="Esegui sempre il rendering degli amici" name="AlwaysRenderFriends"/> <button label="Eccezioni..." name="RenderExceptionsButton"/> - <button label="Salva impostazioni come valori predefiniti..." name="PrefSaveButton"/> - <button label="Carica valore predefinito..." name="PrefLoadButton"/> + <button label="Salva impostazioni come valori predefiniti" name="PrefSaveButton" width="240" left="4"/> + <button label="Carica valore predefinito" name="PrefLoadButton" width="145" left_pad="7"/> min_val="0.125" - <button label="Elimina valore predefinito..." name="PrefDeleteButton"/> + <button label="Elimina valore predefinito" name="PrefDeleteButton" width="148" left_pad="7"/> <button label="Ripristina impostazioni consigliate" name="Defaults"/> <button label="Impostazioni avanzate..." name="AdvancedSettings"/> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_setup.xml index aa3ff53f4a..c9d90539e1 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ <text name="Proxy Settings:"> Impostazioni proxy: </text> - 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<radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="インベントリ" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="ローカル" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="構築(ベーク)" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - サイズ: [DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="インベントリ" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="ローカル" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="デフォルト" label_selected="デフォルト" name="Default"/> <button label="ブランク" label_selected="ブランク" name="Blank"/> <button label="なし" label_selected="なし" name="None"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_buy_currency.xml index 72167e0d3c..a1d703a15a 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ </text> <button label="Kup teraz" name="buy_btn" /> <button label="Anuluj" name="cancel_btn" /> - <text name="info_cannot_buy"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy"> Nie można kupić - </text> - <button label="Odwiedź stronę WWW" name="error_web" /> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index 8ac158b462..2425213160 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ <text name="Multiple"> Wiele tekstur </text> - <radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="Szafa" name="inventory" /> - <radio_item label="Lokalna" name="local" /> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - Rozm.: [DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="Szafa" name="inventory" /> + <combo_box.item label="Lokalna" name="local" /> + </combo_box> <button label="Domyślna" label_selected="Domyślna" name="Default" /> <button label="Pusta" label_selected="Pusta" name="Blank" /> <button label="Przezrocz." label_selected="Przezrocz." name="None" /> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_buy_currency.xml index 513400954b..c740b90472 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ </text> <button label="Comprar já!" name="buy_btn"/> <button label="Fechar" name="cancel_btn"/> - <text name="info_cannot_buy" font="SansSerifBig"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy"> Transação incompleta - </text> - <button label="Prosseguir para a web" name="error_web"/> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index d06c16d8c8..d3eec114e2 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ <text name="Multiple"> Multiplas texturas </text> - <radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="Inventário" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="Local" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="Assar" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - Tamanho: [DIMENSÕES] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="Inventário" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="Local" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="Padrão" label_selected="Padrão" name="Default"/> <button label="Branco" label_selected="Branco" name="Blank"/> <button label="Nenhum" label_selected="Nenhum" name="None"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml index a0f4ea4ed5..d387c4c869 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ rápido </text> <check_box initial_value="true" label="Sempre renderizar amigos" name="AlwaysRenderFriends"/> <button label="Exceções..." name="RenderExceptionsButton"/> - <button label="Salvar configurações como predefinição..." name="PrefSaveButton"/> - <button label="Carregar predefinição..." name="PrefLoadButton"/> + <button label="Salvar configurações como predefinição" name="PrefSaveButton" width="235" left="5"/> + <button label="Carregar predefinição" name="PrefLoadButton" width="130" left_pad="8"/> min_val="0.125" - <button label="Excluir predefinição..." name="PrefDeleteButton"/> - <button label="Redefinir para configurações recomendadas" left="110" name="Defaults"/> + <button label="Excluir predefinição" name="PrefDeleteButton" width="122" left_pad="8"/> + <button label="Redefinir para configurações recomendadas" name="Defaults" width="255"/> <button label="Configurações avançadas..." name="AdvancedSettings"/> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_setup.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_setup.xml index 03536f28c3..56fc225bc0 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_setup.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_setup.xml @@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ <text name="Proxy Settings:"> Configurações de proxy: </text> - 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<radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="Инвентарь" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="Локально" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="Зафиксировать" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - Размер: [DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="Инвентарь" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="Локально" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="По умолчанию" label_selected="По умолчанию" name="Default"/> <button label="Очистить" label_selected="Очистить" name="Blank"/> <button label="Нет" label_selected="Нет" name="None"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml index 517c4db278..f3d52aacb9 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml @@ -1612,22 +1612,22 @@ [DOWNLOAD_PATH]. </notification> <notification name="RequiredUpdate"> - Для входа необходима версия \[VERSION]. + Для входа необходима версия [VERSION]. Скачайте обновление с веб-сайта https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="PauseForUpdate"> - Для входа необходима версия \[VERSION]. + Для входа необходима версия [VERSION]. Нажмите OK для загрузки и установки. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="OptionalUpdateReady"> - Версия \[VERSION] загружена и готова к установке. + Версия [VERSION] загружена и готова к установке. Нажмите OK для установки. <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/> </notification> <notification name="PromptOptionalUpdate"> - Версия \[VERSION] загружена и готова к установке. + Версия [VERSION] загружена и готова к установке. Продолжить? <usetemplate canceltext="Не сейчас" name="yesnocancelbuttons" notext="Пропустить" yestext="Установить"/> </notification> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_advanced.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_advanced.xml index dd0cf8e172..79d5cb7960 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_advanced.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_advanced.xml @@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ <check_box label="Выбор сетки при входе" name="show_grid_selection_check"/> <check_box label="Показывать расширенное меню" name="show_advanced_menu_check"/> <check_box label="Показать меню разработчика" name="show_develop_menu_check"/> - <button label="Стандартные разрешения на создание" name="default_creation_permissions"/> + <button label="Стандартные разрешения на создание" name="default_creation_permissions" width="235"/> </panel> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml index 4524fb4d43..f392a1f0b7 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_graphics1.xml @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ </text> <check_box initial_value="true" label="Всегда рисовать друзей" name="AlwaysRenderFriends"/> <button label="Исключения..." name="RenderExceptionsButton"/> - <button label="Сохранить настройки как пресет..." name="PrefSaveButton"/> + <button label="Сохранить настройки как пресет..." name="PrefSaveButton" width="210"/> <button label="Загрузить пресет..." name="PrefLoadButton"/> min_val="0,125" <button label="Удалить пресет..." name="PrefDeleteButton"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_buy_currency.xml index d90985dcff..33c4b2287f 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ </text> <button label="Şimdi Satın Al" name="buy_btn"/> <button label="İptal" name="cancel_btn"/> - <text name="info_cannot_buy"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy"> Satın Alınamıyor - </text> - <button label="Web'e devam et" name="error_web"/> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index 1a16709127..0389cdcbe5 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ <text name="Multiple"> Birden çok doku </text> - <radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="Envanter" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="Yerel" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="Kurut" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - Büyüklük: [DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="Envanter" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="Yerel" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="Varsayılan" label_selected="Varsayılan" name="Default"/> <button label="Boş" label_selected="Boş" name="Blank"/> <button label="Hiçbiri" label_selected="Hiçbiri" name="None"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_buy_currency.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_buy_currency.xml index fcf2800728..41c8c26ccc 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_buy_currency.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_buy_currency.xml @@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ </text> <button label="立即購買" name="buy_btn"/> <button label="取消" name="cancel_btn"/> - <text name="info_cannot_buy"> + <floater.string name="info_cannot_buy"> 無法購買 - </text> - <button label="繼續到網頁" name="error_web"/> + </floater.string> </floater> diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_texture_ctrl.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_texture_ctrl.xml index 881ca40338..6fc3e1129b 100644 --- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_texture_ctrl.xml +++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_texture_ctrl.xml @@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ <text name="Multiple"> 多重材質 </text> - <radio_group name="mode_selection"> - <radio_item label="收納區" name="inventory" value="0"/> - <radio_item label="本地" name="local" value="1"/> - <radio_item label="確定產出" name="bake" value="2"/> - </radio_group> - <text name="unknown"> - 尺寸:[DIMENSIONS] - </text> + <combo_box name="mode_selection"> + <combo_box.item label="收納區" name="inventory" value="0"/> + <combo_box.item label="本地" name="local" value="1"/> + </combo_box> <button label="預設" label_selected="預設" name="Default"/> <button label="空白" label_selected="空白" name="Blank"/> <button label="無" label_selected="無" name="None"/> diff --git a/indra/newview/tests/llsechandler_basic_test.cpp b/indra/newview/tests/llsechandler_basic_test.cpp index 63967fae37..e5d226a2a4 100644 --- a/indra/newview/tests/llsechandler_basic_test.cpp +++ b/indra/newview/tests/llsechandler_basic_test.cpp @@ -124,6 +124,14 @@ S32 LLMachineID::getUniqueID(unsigned char *unique_id, size_t len) S32 LLMachineID::init() { return 1; } +LLCertException::LLCertException(const LLSD& cert_data, const std::string& msg) + : LLException(msg), + mCertData(cert_data) +{ + LL_WARNS("SECAPI") << "Certificate Error: " << msg << LL_ENDL; +} + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TUT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py b/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py index f5edde1923..90a2af98f7 100755 --- a/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py +++ b/indra/newview/viewer_manifest.py @@ -523,6 +523,11 @@ class WindowsManifest(ViewerManifest): else: self.path("fmod.dll") + if self.args['openal'] == 'ON': + # Get openal dll + self.path("OpenAL32.dll") + self.path("alut.dll") + # For textures self.path("openjpeg.dll") @@ -1515,7 +1520,6 @@ class Linux_i686_Manifest(LinuxManifest): print "Skipping libfmod.so - not found" pass - # Vivox runtimes with self.prefix(src=relpkgdir, dst="bin"): self.path("SLVoice") @@ -1545,10 +1549,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": print('%s \\\n%s' % (sys.executable, ' '.join((("'%s'" % arg) if ' ' in arg else arg) for arg in sys.argv))) + # fmodstudio and openal can be used simultaneously and controled by environment extra_arguments = [ dict(name='bugsplat', description="""BugSplat database to which to post crashes, if BugSplat crash reporting is desired""", default=''), dict(name='fmodstudio', description="""Indication if fmod studio libraries are needed""", default='OFF'), + dict(name='openal', description="""Indication openal libraries are needed""", default='OFF'), ] try: main(extra=extra_arguments) |