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authorNat Goodspeed <>2024-08-28 16:47:38 -0400
committerNat Goodspeed <>2024-08-28 16:47:38 -0400
commit14c8fc3768d978205bf17ffc1905c2772afbd434 (patch)
parent841e19c1cb62341c10254e6f4bf992c0c19d27b8 (diff)
Add `LL.setdtor()` function to add a "destructor" to any Lua object.
`setdtor('description', object, function)` returns a proxy userdata object referencing object and function. When the proxy is garbage-collected, or at the end of the script, its destructor calls `function(object)`. The original object may be retrieved as `proxy._target`, e.g. to pass it to the `table` library. The proxy also has a metatable with metamethods supporting arithmetic operations, string concatenation, length and table indexing. For other operations, retrieve `proxy._target`. (But don't assign to `proxy._target`. It will appear to work, in that subsequent references to `proxy._target` will retrieve the replacement object -- however, the destructor will still call `function(original object)`.) Fix bugs in `lua_setfieldv()`, `lua_rawgetfield()` and `lua_rawsetfield()`. Add C++ functions `lua_destroyuserdata()` to explicitly destroy a `lua_emplace<T>()` userdata object, plus `lua_destroybounduserdata()`. The latter can bind such a userdata object as an upvalue to pass to `LL.atexit()`. Make `` and `LL.leaphelp()` help text include the `LL.` prefix.
3 files changed, 396 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/lua_function.cpp b/indra/llcommon/lua_function.cpp
index 880bc209f6..12cff89fbd 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/lua_function.cpp
+++ b/indra/llcommon/lua_function.cpp
@@ -100,6 +100,34 @@ fsyspath source_path(lua_State* L)
} // namespace lluau
+* lua_destroyuserdata(), lua_destroybounduserdata() (see lua_emplace<T>())
+int lua_destroyuserdata(lua_State* L)
+ // stack: lua_emplace() userdata to be destroyed
+ if (int tag;
+ lua_isuserdata(L, -1) &&
+ (tag = lua_userdatatag(L, -1)) != 0)
+ {
+ auto dtor = lua_getuserdatadtor(L, tag);
+ // detach this userdata from the destructor with tag 'tag'
+ lua_setuserdatatag(L, -1, 0);
+ // now run the real destructor
+ dtor(L, lua_touserdata(L, -1));
+ }
+ lua_settop(L, 0);
+ return 0;
+int lua_destroybounduserdata(lua_State *L)
+ // called with no arguments -- push bound upvalue
+ lluau_checkstack(L, 1);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
+ return lua_destroyuserdata(L);
* Lua <=> C++ conversions
std::string lua_tostdstring(lua_State* L, int index)
@@ -664,10 +692,10 @@ LuaListener& LuaState::obtainListener(lua_State* L)
// At this point, one way or the other, the stack top should be (a Lua
// userdata containing) our LuaListener.
LuaListener* listener{ lua_toclass<LuaListener>(L, -1) };
- // userdata objects created by lua_emplace<T>() are bound on the atexit()
- // queue, and are thus never garbage collected: they're destroyed only
- // when ~LuaState() walks that queue. That's why we dare pop the userdata
- // value off the stack while still depending on a pointer into its data.
+ // Since our LuaListener instance is stored in the Registry, it won't be
+ // garbage collected: it will be destroyed only when lua_close() clears
+ // out the Registry. That's why we dare pop the userdata value off the
+ // stack while still depending on a pointer into its data.
lua_pop(L, 1);
return *listener;
@@ -851,8 +879,8 @@ lua_function(check_stop, "check_stop(): ensure that a Lua script responds to vie
* help()
- "help(): list viewer's Lua functions\n"
- "help(function): show help string for specific function")
+ " list viewer's Lua functions\n"
+ " show help string for specific function")
auto& luapump{ LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("lua output") };
const auto& [registry, lookup]{ LuaFunction::getRState() };
@@ -911,8 +939,8 @@ lua_function(help,
- "leaphelp(): list viewer's LEAP APIs\n"
- "leaphelp(api): show help for specific api string name")
+ "LL.leaphelp(): list viewer's LEAP APIs\n"
+ "LL.leaphelp(api): show help for specific api string name")
LLSD request;
int top{ lua_gettop(L) };
@@ -975,6 +1003,287 @@ lua_function(
+* setdtor
+namespace {
+// proxy userdata object returned by setdtor()
+struct setdtor_refs
+ lua_State* L;
+ std::string desc;
+ // You can't directly store a Lua object in a C++ object, but you can
+ // create a Lua "reference" by storing the object in the Lua Registry and
+ // capturing its Registry index.
+ int objref;
+ int dtorref;
+ setdtor_refs(lua_State* L, const std::string& desc, int objref, int dtorref):
+ L(L),
+ desc(desc),
+ objref(objref),
+ dtorref(dtorref)
+ {}
+ setdtor_refs(const setdtor_refs&) = delete;
+ setdtor_refs& operator=(const setdtor_refs&) = delete;
+ ~setdtor_refs();
+ static void push_metatable(lua_State* L);
+ static std::string binop(const std::string& name, const std::string& op);
+ static int meta__index(lua_State* L);
+} // anonymous namespace
+ setdtor,
+ "setdtor(desc, obj, dtorfunc) => proxy object referencing obj and dtorfunc.\n"
+ "When the returned proxy object is garbage-collected, or when the script\n"
+ "ends, call dtorfunc(obj). String desc is logged in the error message, if any.\n"
+ "Use the returned proxy object (or proxy._target) like obj.\n"
+ "obj won't be destroyed as long as the proxy exists; it's the proxy object's\n"
+ "lifespan that determines when dtorfunc(obj) will be called.")
+ if (lua_gettop(L) != 3)
+ {
+ return lluau::error(L, "setdtor(desc, obj, dtor) requires exactly 3 arguments");
+ }
+ // called with (desc, obj, dtor), returns proxy object
+ lua_checkdelta(L, -2);
+ lluau_checkstack(L, 3); // might get up to 6 stack entries
+ auto desc{ lua_tostdstring(L, 1) };
+ // Get Lua "references" for each of the object and the dtor function.
+ int objref = lua_ref(L, 2);
+ int dtorref = lua_ref(L, 3);
+ // Having captured each of our parameters, discard them.
+ lua_settop(L, 0);
+ // Push our setdtor_refs userdata. Not only do we want to push it on L's
+ // stack, but setdtor_refs's constructor itself requires L.
+ lua_emplace<setdtor_refs>(L, L, desc, objref, dtorref);
+ // stack: proxy (i.e. setdtor_refs userdata)
+ // have to set its metatable
+ lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "setdtor_meta");
+ // stack: proxy, setdtor_meta (which might be nil)
+ if (lua_isnil(L, -1))
+ {
+ // discard nil
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ // compile and push our forwarding metatable
+ setdtor_refs::push_metatable(L);
+ // stack: proxy, metatable
+ // duplicate metatable to save it
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
+ // stack: proxy, metatable, metable
+ // save metatable for future calls
+ lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "setdtor_meta");
+ // stack: proxy, metatable
+ }
+ // stack: proxy, metatable
+ lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
+ // stack: proxy
+ // Because ~setdtor_refs() necessarily uses the Lua stack, the Registry et
+ // al., we can't let a setdtor_refs instance be destroyed by lua_close():
+ // the Lua environment will already be partially shut down. To destroy
+ // this new setdtor_refs instance BEFORE lua_close(), bind it with
+ // lua_destroybounduserdata() and register it with LL.atexit().
+ // push (the entry point for) LL.atexit()
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, atexit_luasub::call, "LL.atexit()");
+ // stack: proxy, atexit()
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
+ // stack: proxy, atexit(), proxy
+ int tag = lua_userdatatag(L, -1);
+ // We don't have a lookup table to get from an int Lua userdata tag to the
+ // corresponding C++ typeinfo name string. We'll introduce one if we need
+ // it for debugging. But for this particular call, we happen to know it's
+ // always a setdtor_refs object.
+ lua_pushcclosure(L, lua_destroybounduserdata,
+ stringize("lua_destroybounduserdata<", tag, ">()").c_str(),
+ 1);
+ // stack: proxy, atexit(), lua_destroybounduserdata
+ // call atexit(): one argument, no results, let error propagate
+ lua_call(L, 1, 0);
+ // stack: proxy
+ return 1;
+namespace {
+void setdtor_refs::push_metatable(lua_State* L)
+ lua_checkdelta(L, 1);
+ lluau_checkstack(L, 1);
+ // Ideally we want a metatable that forwards every operation on our
+ // setdtor_refs userdata proxy object to the original object. But the
+ // published C API doesn't include (e.g.) arithmetic operations on Lua
+ // objects, so in fact it's easier to express the desired metatable in Lua
+ // than in C++. We could make setdtor() depend on an external Lua module,
+ // but it seems less fragile to embed the Lua source code right here.
+ static const std::string setdtor_meta = stringize(R"-(
+ -- This metatable literal doesn't define __index() because that's
+ -- implemented in C++. We cannot, in Lua, peek into the setdtor_refs
+ -- userdata object to obtain objref, nor can we fetch Registry[objref].
+ -- So our C++ __index() metamethod recognizes access to '_target' as a
+ -- reference to Registry[objref].
+ -- The rest are defined per
+ -- Luau supports destructors instead of __gc metamethod -- we rely on that!
+ -- We don't set __mode because our proxy is not a table. Real references
+ -- are stored in the wrapped table, so ITS __mode is what counts.
+ -- Initial definition of meta omits binary metamethods so they can bind the
+ -- metatable itself, as explained for binop() below.
+ local meta = {
+ __unm = function(arg)
+ return -arg._target
+ end,
+ __len = function(arg)
+ return #arg._target
+ end,
+ -- Comparison metamethods __eq(), __lt() and __le() are only called
+ -- when both operands have the same metamethod. For our purposes, that
+ -- means both operands are setdtor_refs userdata objects.
+ __eq = function(lhs, rhs)
+ return (lhs._target == rhs._target)
+ end,
+ __lt = function(lhs, rhs)
+ return (lhs._target < rhs._target)
+ end,
+ __le = function(lhs, rhs)
+ return (lhs._target <= rhs._target)
+ end,
+ __newindex = function(t, key, value)
+ t._target[key] = value
+ end,
+ __call = function(func, ...)
+ return func._target(...)
+ end,
+ __tostring = function(arg)
+ -- don't fret about arg._target's __tostring metamethod,
+ -- if any, because built-in tostring() deals with that
+ return tostring(arg._target)
+ end
+ }
+ binop("add", "+"),
+ binop("sub", "-"),
+ binop("mul", "*"),
+ binop("div", "/"),
+ binop("mod", "%"),
+ binop("pow", "^"),
+ binop("concat", ".."),
+ return meta
+ // only needed for debugging binop()
+// LL_DEBUGS("Lua") << setdtor_meta << LL_ENDL;
+ if (lluau::dostring(L, LL_PRETTY_FUNCTION, setdtor_meta) != LUA_OK)
+ {
+ // stack: error message string
+ lua_error(L);
+ }
+ llassert(lua_gettop(L) > 0);
+ llassert(lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE);
+ // stack: Lua metatable compiled from setdtor_meta source
+ // Inject our C++ __index metamethod.
+ lua_rawsetfield(L, -1, "__index"sv, &setdtor_refs::meta__index);
+// In the definition of setdtor_meta above, binary arithmethic and
+// concatenation metamethods are a little funny in that we don't know a
+// priori which operand is the userdata with our metatable: the metamethod
+// can be invoked either way. So every such metamethod must check, which
+// leads to lots of redundancy. Hence this helper function. Call it a Lua
+// macro.
+std::string setdtor_refs::binop(const std::string& name, const std::string& op)
+ return stringize(
+ " meta.__", name, " = function(lhs, rhs)\n"
+ " if getmetatable(lhs) == meta then\n"
+ " return lhs._target ", op, " rhs\n"
+ " else\n"
+ " return lhs ", op, " rhs._target\n"
+ " end\n"
+ " end\n");
+// setdtor_refs __index() metamethod
+int setdtor_refs::meta__index(lua_State* L)
+ // called with (setdtor_refs userdata, key), returns retrieved object
+ lua_checkdelta(L, -1);
+ lluau_checkstack(L, 2);
+ // stack: proxy, key
+ // get ptr to the C++ struct data
+ auto ptr = lua_toclass<setdtor_refs>(L, -2);
+ // meta__index() should NEVER be called with anything but setdtor_refs!
+ llassert(ptr);
+ // push the wrapped object
+ lua_getref(L, ptr->objref);
+ // stack: proxy, key, _target
+ // replace userdata with _target
+ lua_replace(L, -3);
+ // stack: _target, key
+ // Duplicate key because lua_tostring() converts number to string:
+ // if the key is (e.g.) 1, don't try to retrieve _target["1"]!
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
+ // stack: _target, key, key
+ // recognize the special _target field
+ if (lua_tostdstring(L, -1) == "_target")
+ {
+ // okay, ditch both copies of "_target" string key
+ lua_pop(L, 2);
+ // stack: _target
+ }
+ else // any key but _target
+ {
+ // ditch stringized key
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ // stack: _target, key
+ // replace key with _target[key], invoking metamethod if any
+ lua_gettable(L, -2);
+ // stack: _target, _target[key]
+ // discard _target
+ lua_remove(L, -2);
+ // stack: _target[key]
+ }
+ return 1;
+// When Lua destroys a setdtor_refs userdata object, either from garbage
+// collection or from LL.atexit(lua_destroybounduserdata), it's time to keep
+// its promise to call the specified Lua destructor function with the
+// specified Lua object. Of course we must also delete the captured
+// "references" to both objects.
+ lua_checkdelta(L);
+ lluau_checkstack(L, 2);
+ // push Registry[dtorref]
+ lua_getref(L, dtorref);
+ // push Registry[objref]
+ lua_getref(L, objref);
+ // free Registry[dtorref]
+ lua_unref(L, dtorref);
+ // free Registry[objref]
+ lua_unref(L, objref);
+ // call dtor(obj): one arg, no result, no error function
+ int rc = lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, 0);
+ if (rc != LUA_OK)
+ {
+ // TODO: we don't really want to propagate the error here.
+ // If this setdtor_refs instance is being destroyed by
+ // LL.atexit(), we want to continue cleanup. If it's being
+ // garbage-collected, the call is completely unpredictable from
+ // the consuming script's point of view. But what to do about this
+ // error?? For now, just log it.
+ LL_WARNS("Lua") << "setdtor(" << std::quoted(desc) << ") error: "
+ << lua_tostring(L, -1) << LL_ENDL;
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ }
+} // anonymous namespace
* lua_what
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const lua_what& self)
diff --git a/indra/llcommon/lua_function.h b/indra/llcommon/lua_function.h
index 6965e206ab..83abe8d71e 100644
--- a/indra/llcommon/lua_function.h
+++ b/indra/llcommon/lua_function.h
@@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ auto lua_getfieldv(lua_State* L, int index, const char* k)
template <typename T>
auto lua_setfieldv(lua_State* L, int index, const char* k, const T& value)
+ index = lua_absindex(L, index);
lluau_checkstack(L, 1);
lua_push(L, value);
@@ -349,6 +350,7 @@ auto lua_setfieldv(lua_State* L, int index, const char* k, const T& value)
template <typename T>
auto lua_rawgetfield(lua_State* L, int index, const std::string_view& k)
+ index = lua_absindex(L, index);
lluau_checkstack(L, 1);
lua_pushlstring(L,, k.length());
@@ -361,6 +363,7 @@ auto lua_rawgetfield(lua_State* L, int index, const std::string_view& k)
template <typename T>
void lua_rawsetfield(lua_State* L, int index, const std::string_view& k, const T& value)
+ index = lua_absindex(L, index);
lluau_checkstack(L, 2);
lua_pushlstring(L,, k.length());
@@ -459,7 +462,7 @@ DistinctInt TypeTag<T>::value;
* containing a newly-constructed C++ object T(args...). The userdata has a
* Luau destructor guaranteeing that the new T instance is destroyed when the
* userdata is garbage-collected, no later than when the LuaState is
- * destroyed.
+ * destroyed. It may be destroyed explicitly by calling lua_destroyuserdata().
* Usage:
* lua_emplace<T>(L, T constructor args...);
@@ -511,6 +514,19 @@ T* lua_toclass(lua_State* L, int index)
return static_cast<T*>(ptr);
+ * Call lua_destroyuserdata() with the doomed userdata on the stack top.
+ * It must have been created by lua_emplace().
+ */
+int lua_destroyuserdata(lua_State* L);
+ * Call lua_pushcclosure(L, lua_destroybounduserdata, 1) with the target
+ * userdata on the stack top. When the resulting C closure is called with no
+ * arguments, the bound userdata is destroyed by lua_destroyuserdata().
+ */
+int lua_destroybounduserdata(lua_State *L);
* lua_what()
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/test_setdtor.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/test_setdtor.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..743c5168d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/test_setdtor.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+inspect = require 'inspect'
+print('initial setdtor')
+bye = LL.setdtor('initial setdtor', 'Goodbye world!', print)
+n = LL.setdtor('arithmetic', 11, print)
+print("n =", n)
+print("n._target =", n._target)
+print("getmetatable(n) =", inspect(getmetatable(n)))
+print("-n =", -n)
+for i = 10, 12 do
+ -- Comparison metamethods are only called if both operands have the same
+ -- metamethod.
+ tempi = LL.setdtor('tempi', i, function(n) print('temp', i) end)
+ print(`n < {i}`, n < tempi)
+ print(`n <= {i}`, n <= tempi)
+ print(`n == {i}`, n == tempi)
+ print(`n ~= {i}`, n ~= tempi)
+ print(`n >= {i}`, n >= tempi)
+ print(`n > {i}`, n > tempi)
+for i = 2, 3 do
+ print(`n + {i} =`, n + i)
+ print(`{i} + n =`, i + n)
+ print(`n - {i} =`, n - i)
+ print(`{i} - n =`, i - n)
+ print(`n * {i} =`, n * i)
+ print(`{i} * n =`, i * n)
+ print(`n / {i} =`, n / i)
+ print(`{i} / n =`, i / n)
+ print(`n % {i} =`, n % i)
+ print(`{i} % n =`, i % n)
+ print(`n ^ {i} =`, n ^ i)
+ print(`{i} ^ n =`, i ^ n)
+s = LL.setdtor('string', 'hello', print)
+print('s =', s)
+print('#s =', #s)
+print('s .. " world" =', s .. " world")
+print('"world " .. s =', "world " .. s)
+t = LL.setdtor('table', {'[1]', '[2]', abc='.abc', def='.def'},
+ function(t) print(inspect(t)) end)
+print('t =', inspect(t))
+print('t._target =', inspect(t._target))
+print('#t =', #t)
+print('t[2] =', t[2])
+print('t.def =', t.def)
+t[1] = 'new [1]'
+print('t[1] =', t[1])
+f = LL.setdtor('function', function(a, b) return (a .. b) end, print)
+print('f =', f)
+print('f._target =', f._target)
+print('f("Hello", " world") =', f("Hello", " world"))