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authorJames Cook <>2010-03-29 17:33:40 -0700
committerJames Cook <>2010-03-29 17:33:40 -0700
commit0b14880d14c412e9841284c357789a973e1f0f40 (patch)
parentecc2c726502448076295254714c0bfa8c0074f25 (diff)
Fix conflicting localizations of "You paid..." notification
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
index 1491febd78..ffe638dfbf 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermessage.cpp
@@ -4530,68 +4530,71 @@ void process_time_dilation(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data)
-static void show_money_balance_notification(const std::string& desc)
- // Intercept some messages constructed in lltransactionflags.cpp
- // to fix avatar names and allow localization.
- LLSD args;
- LLSD payload;
- std::string name;
- boost::smatch match;
- const char* notification_name = NULL;
- // <name> paid you L$<amount> for <reason>.
- static const boost::regex paid_you_for("(.+) paid you L\\$(\\d+) for (.*)\\.");
- // <name> paid you L$<amount>.
- static const boost::regex paid_you("(.+) paid you L\\$(\\d+)\\.");
- // You paid <name> L$<amount> [for <reason>].
- static const boost::regex you_paid("You paid (.*) L\\$(\\d+)(.*)\\.");
- if (boost::regex_match(desc, match, paid_you_for))
- {
- name = match[1].str();
- // IDEVO strip legacy "Resident" name
- name = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
- args["NAME"] = name;
- args["AMOUNT"] = match[2].str();
- args["REASON"] = match[3].str();
- notification_name = "PaymentReceivedFor";
- }
- else if (boost::regex_match(desc, match, paid_you))
- {
- name = match[1].str();
- // IDEVO strip legacy "Resident" name
- name = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
- args["NAME"] = name;
- args["AMOUNT"] = match[2].str();
- notification_name = "PaymentReceived";
- }
- else if (boost::regex_match(desc, match, you_paid))
- {
- name = match[1].str();
- // IDEVO strip legacy "Resident" name
- name = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
- args["NAME"] = name;
- args["AMOUNT"] = match[2].str();
- args["REASON"] = match[3].str();
- notification_name = "PaymentSent";
- }
- // if name extracted and name cache contains avatar id send loggable notification
- LLUUID from_id;
- if (notification_name != NULL
- && gCacheName->getUUID(name, from_id))
- {
- payload["from_id"] = from_id;
- LLNotificationsUtil::add(notification_name, args, payload);
- }
- else
- {
- args["MESSAGE"] = desc;
- LLNotificationsUtil::add("SystemMessage", args);
- }
+// Both Product Engine and I wrote solutions to non-localized payment messages.
+// Their code probably has more localized strings against it.
+// James Cook, 2010-03-27
+//static void show_money_balance_notification(const std::string& desc)
+// // Intercept some messages constructed in lltransactionflags.cpp
+// // to fix avatar names and allow localization.
+// LLSD args;
+// LLSD payload;
+// std::string name;
+// boost::smatch match;
+// const char* notification_name = NULL;
+// // <name> paid you L$<amount> for <reason>.
+// static const boost::regex paid_you_for("(.+) paid you L\\$(\\d+) for (.*)\\.");
+// // <name> paid you L$<amount>.
+// static const boost::regex paid_you("(.+) paid you L\\$(\\d+)\\.");
+// // You paid <name> L$<amount> [for <reason>].
+// static const boost::regex you_paid("You paid (.*) L\\$(\\d+)(.*)\\.");
+// if (boost::regex_match(desc, match, paid_you_for))
+// {
+// name = match[1].str();
+// // IDEVO strip legacy "Resident" name
+// name = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
+// args["NAME"] = name;
+// args["AMOUNT"] = match[2].str();
+// args["REASON"] = match[3].str();
+// notification_name = "PaymentReceivedFor";
+// }
+// else if (boost::regex_match(desc, match, paid_you))
+// {
+// name = match[1].str();
+// // IDEVO strip legacy "Resident" name
+// name = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
+// args["NAME"] = name;
+// args["AMOUNT"] = match[2].str();
+// notification_name = "PaymentReceived";
+// }
+// else if (boost::regex_match(desc, match, you_paid))
+// {
+// name = match[1].str();
+// // IDEVO strip legacy "Resident" name
+// name = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
+// args["NAME"] = name;
+// args["AMOUNT"] = match[2].str();
+// args["REASON"] = match[3].str();
+// notification_name = "PaymentSent";
+// }
+// // if name extracted and name cache contains avatar id send loggable notification
+// LLUUID from_id;
+// if (notification_name != NULL
+// && gCacheName->getUUID(name, from_id))
+// {
+// payload["from_id"] = from_id;
+// LLNotificationsUtil::add(notification_name, args, payload);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// args["MESSAGE"] = desc;
+// LLNotificationsUtil::add("SystemMessage", args);
+// }
void process_money_balance_reply( LLMessageSystem* msg, void** )
@@ -4667,13 +4670,13 @@ void process_money_balance_reply( LLMessageSystem* msg, void** )
//reform description
LLStringUtil::format_map_t str_args;
- str_args["NAME"] = base_name;
+ str_args["NAME"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
str_args["AMOUNT"] = ammount;
std::string new_description = LLTrans::getString("paid_you_ldollars", str_args);
args["MESSAGE"] = new_description;
- args["NAME"] = name;
+ args["NAME"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
LLSD payload;
payload["from_id"] = from_id;
LLNotificationsUtil::add("PaymentReceived", args, payload);
@@ -4712,7 +4715,7 @@ void process_money_balance_reply( LLMessageSystem* msg, void** )
std::string name = std::string(matches[1]);
- str_args["[NAME]"] = name;
+ str_args["[NAME]"] = LLCacheName::cleanFullName(name);
line = "you_paid_ldollars";