#!/usr/bin/env python3 """\ @file profile_cmp.py @author Nat Goodspeed @date 2024-09-13 @brief Compare a frame profile stats file with a similar baseline file. $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2024&license=viewerlgpl$ Copyright (c) 2024, Linden Research, Inc. $/LicenseInfo$ """ from datetime import datetime import json from logsdir import Error, latest_file, logsdir from pathlib import Path import sys # variance that's ignorable DEFAULT_EPSILON = 0.03 # 3% def compare(baseline, test, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON): if Path(baseline).samefile(test): print(f'{baseline} same as\n{test}\nAnalysis moot.') return with open(baseline) as inf: bdata = json.load(inf) with open(test) as inf: tdata = json.load(inf) print(f'baseline {baseline}\ntestfile {test}') for k, tv in tdata['context'].items(): bv = bdata['context'].get(k) if bv != tv: print(f'baseline {k}={bv} vs.\ntestfile {k}={tv}') btime = bdata['context'].get('time') ttime = tdata['context'].get('time') if btime and ttime: print('testfile newer by', datetime.fromisoformat(ttime) - datetime.fromisoformat(btime)) # The following ignores totals and unused shaders, except to the extent # that some shaders were used in the baseline but not in the recent test # or vice-versa. While the viewer considers that a shader has been used if # 'binds' is nonzero, we exclude any whose 'time' is zero to avoid zero # division. bshaders = {s['name']: s for s in bdata['shaders'] if s['time'] and s['samples']} tshaders = {s['name']: s for s in tdata['shaders'] if s['time']} bothshaders = set(bshaders).intersection(tshaders) deltas = [] for shader in bothshaders: bshader = bshaders[shader] tshader = tshaders[shader] bthruput = bshader['samples']/bshader['time'] tthruput = tshader['samples']/tshader['time'] delta = (tthruput - bthruput)/bthruput if abs(delta) > epsilon: deltas.append((delta, shader, bthruput, tthruput)) # descending order of performance gain deltas.sort(reverse=True) print(f'{len(deltas)} shaders showed nontrivial performance differences ' '(millon samples/sec):') namelen = max(len(s[1]) for s in deltas) if deltas else 0 for delta, shader, bthruput, tthruput in deltas: print(f' {shader.rjust(namelen)} {delta*100:6.1f}% ' f'{bthruput/1000000:8.2f} -> {tthruput/1000000:8.2f}') tunused = set(bshaders).difference(tshaders) print(f'{len(tunused)} baseline shaders not used in test:') for s in tunused: print(f' {s}') bunused = set(tshaders).difference(bshaders) print(f'{len(bunused)} shaders newly used in test:') for s in bunused: print(f' {s}') def main(*raw_args): from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description=""" %(prog)s compares a baseline JSON file from Develop -> Render Tests -> Frame Profile to another such file from a more recent test. It identifies shaders that have gained and lost in throughput. """) parser.add_argument('-e', '--epsilon', type=float, default=int(DEFAULT_EPSILON*100), help="""percent variance considered ignorable (default %(default)s%%)""") parser.add_argument('baseline', help="""baseline profile filename to compare against""") parser.add_argument('test', nargs='?', help="""test profile filename to compare (default is most recent)""") args = parser.parse_args(raw_args) compare(args.baseline, args.test or latest_file(logsdir(), 'profile.*.json'), epsilon=(args.epsilon / 100.)) if __name__ == "__main__": try: sys.exit(main(*sys.argv[1:])) except (Error, OSError, json.JSONDecodeError) as err: sys.exit(str(err))