This module contains tools for manipulating and validating the avatar skeleton file.
Second Life Viewer Source Code
Copyright (C) 2016, Linden Research, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
version 2.1 of the License only.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
import argparse
from lxml import etree
def get_joint_names(tree):
joints = [element.get('name') for element in tree.getroot().iter() if element.tag in ['bone','collision_volume']]
print "joints:",joints
return joints
def get_aliases(tree):
aliases = {}
alroot = tree.getroot()
for element in alroot.iter():
for key in element.keys():
if key == 'aliases':
name = element.get('name')
val = element.get('aliases')
aliases[name] = val
return aliases
def fix_name(element):
def enforce_precision_rules(element):
def float_tuple(str):
return [float(e) for e in str.split(" ")]
return (0,0,0)
def check_symmetry(name, field, vec1, vec2):
if vec1[0] != vec2[0]:
print name,field,"x match fail"
if vec1[1] != -vec2[1]:
print name,field,"y mirror image fail"
if vec1[2] != vec2[2]:
print name,field,"z match fail"
def enforce_symmetry(tree, element, field, fix=False):
name = element.get("name")
if not name:
if "Right" in name:
left_name = name.replace("Right","Left")
left_element = get_element_by_name(tree, left_name)
pos = element.get(field)
left_pos = left_element.get(field)
pos_tuple = float_tuple(pos)
left_pos_tuple = float_tuple(left_pos)
def get_element_by_name(tree,name):
if tree is None:
return None
matches = [elt for elt in tree.getroot().iter() if elt.get("name")==name]
if len(matches)==1:
return matches[0]
elif len(matches)>1:
print "multiple matches for name",name
return None
return None
def list_tree(tree):
for element in tree.getroot().iter():
if element.tag == "bone":
print element.get("name"),"-",element.get("support")
def validate_child_order(tree, ogtree, fix=False):
unfixable = 0
#print "validate_child_order am failing for NO RAISIN!"
#unfixable += 1
tofix = set()
for element in tree.getroot().iter():
if element.tag != "bone":
og_element = get_element_by_name(ogtree,element.get("name"))
if og_element is not None:
for echild,ochild in zip(list(element),list(og_element)):
if echild.get("name") != ochild.get("name"):
print "Child ordering error, parent",element.get("name"),echild.get("name"),"vs",ochild.get("name")
if fix:
children = {}
for name in tofix:
print "FIX",name
element = get_element_by_name(tree,name)
og_element = get_element_by_name(ogtree,name)
children = []
# add children matching the original joints first, in the same order
for og_elt in list(og_element):
elt = get_element_by_name(tree,og_elt.get("name"))
if elt is not None:
print "b:",elt.get("name")
print "b missing:",og_elt.get("name")
# then add children that are not present in the original joints
for elt in list(element):
og_elt = get_element_by_name(ogtree,elt.get("name"))
if og_elt is None:
print "e:",elt.get("name")
# if we've done this right, we have a rearranged list of the same length
if len(children)!=len(element):
print "children",[e.get("name") for e in children]
print "element",[e.get("name") for e in element]
print "children changes for",name,", cannot reconcile"
element[:] = children
return unfixable
# Checklist for the final file, started from SL-276:
# - new "end" attribute on all bones
# - new "connected" attribute on all bones
# - new "support" tag on all bones and CVs
# - aliases where appropriate for backward compatibility. rFoot and lFoot associated with mAnkle bones (not mFoot bones)
# - correct counts of bones and collision volumes in header
# - check all comments
# - old fields of old bones and CVs should be identical to their previous values.
# - old bones and CVs should retain their previous ordering under their parent, with new joints going later in any given child list
# - corresponding right and left joints should be mirror symmetric.
# - childless elements should be in short form ( instead of )
# - digits of precision should be consistent (again, except for old joints)
def validate_tree(tree, ogtree, reftree, fix=False):
print "validate_tree"
(num_bones,num_cvs) = (0,0)
unfixable = 0
defaults = {"connected": "false",
"group": "Face"
for element in tree.getroot().iter():
og_element = get_element_by_name(ogtree,element.get("name"))
ref_element = get_element_by_name(reftree,element.get("name"))
# Preserve values from og_file:
for f in ["pos","rot","scale","pivot"]:
if og_element is not None and og_element.get(f) and (str(element.get(f)) != str(og_element.get(f))):
print element.get("name"),"field",f,"has changed:",og_element.get(f),"!=",element.get(f)
if fix:
element.set(f, og_element.get(f))
# Pick up any other fields that we can from ogtree and reftree
fields = []
if element.tag in ["bone","collision_volume"]:
fields = ["support","group"]
if element.tag == 'bone':
for f in fields:
if not element.get(f):
print element.get("name"),"missing required field",f
if fix:
if og_element is not None and og_element.get(f):
print "fix from ogtree"
elif ref_element is not None and ref_element.get(f):
print "fix from reftree"
if f in defaults:
print "fix by using default value",f,"=",defaults[f]
elif f == "support":
if og_element is not None:
print "unfixable:",element.get("name"),"no value for field",f
unfixable += 1
for field in ["pos","pivot"]:
enforce_symmetry(tree, element, field, fix)
if element.tag == "linden_skeleton":
num_bones = int(element.get("num_bones"))
num_cvs = int(element.get("num_collision_volumes"))
all_bones = [e for e in tree.getroot().iter() if e.tag=="bone"]
all_cvs = [e for e in tree.getroot().iter() if e.tag=="collision_volume"]
if num_bones != len(all_bones):
print "wrong bone count, expected",len(all_bones),"got",num_bones
if fix:
element.set("num_bones", str(len(all_bones)))
if num_cvs != len(all_cvs):
print "wrong cv count, expected",len(all_cvs),"got",num_cvs
if fix:
element.set("num_collision_volumes", str(len(all_cvs)))
print "skipping child order code"
#unfixable += validate_child_order(tree, ogtree, fix)
if fix and (unfixable > 0):
print "BAD FILE:", unfixable,"errs could not be fixed"
def remove_joint_by_name(tree, name):
print "remove joint:",name
elt = get_element_by_name(tree,name)
while elt is not None:
children = list(elt)
parent = elt.getparent()
print "graft",[e.get("name") for e in children],"into",parent.get("name")
print "remove",elt.get("name")
#parent_children = list(parent)
loc = parent.index(elt)
parent[loc:loc+1] = children
elt[:] = []
print "parent now:",[e.get("name") for e in list(parent)]
elt = get_element_by_name(tree,name)
def compare_trees(atree,btree):
diffs = {}
realdiffs = {}
a_missing = set()
b_missing = set()
a_names = set(e.get("name") for e in atree.getroot().iter() if e.get("name"))
b_names = set(e.get("name") for e in btree.getroot().iter() if e.get("name"))
print "a_names\n ",str("\n ").join(sorted(list(a_names)))
print "b_names\n ","\n ".join(sorted(list(b_names)))
all_names = set.union(a_names,b_names)
for name in all_names:
if not name:
a_element = get_element_by_name(atree,name)
b_element = get_element_by_name(btree,name)
if a_element is None or b_element is None:
print "something not found for",name,a_element,b_element
if a_element is not None and b_element is not None:
all_attrib = set.union(set(a_element.attrib.keys()),set(b_element.attrib.keys()))
print name,all_attrib
for att in all_attrib:
if a_element.get(att) != b_element.get(att):
if not att in diffs:
diffs[att] = set()
print "tuples",name,att,float_tuple(a_element.get(att)),float_tuple(b_element.get(att))
if float_tuple(a_element.get(att)) != float_tuple(b_element.get(att)):
print "diff in",name,att
if not att in realdiffs:
realdiffs[att] = set()
for att in diffs:
print "Differences in",att
for name in sorted(diffs[att]):
print " ",name
for att in realdiffs:
print "Real differences in",att
for name in sorted(diffs[att]):
print " ",name
a_missing = b_names.difference(a_names)
b_missing = a_names.difference(b_names)
if len(a_missing) or len(b_missing):
print "Missing from comparison"
for name in a_missing:
print " ",name
print "Missing from infile"
for name in b_missing:
print " ",name
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="process SL animations")
parser.add_argument("--ogfile", help="specify file containing base bones")
parser.add_argument("--ref_file", help="specify another file containing replacements for missing fields")
parser.add_argument("--aliases", help="specify file containing bone aliases")
parser.add_argument("--validate", action="store_true", help="check specified input file for validity")
parser.add_argument("--fix", action="store_true", help="try to correct errors")
parser.add_argument("--remove", nargs="+", help="remove specified joints")
parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", help="list joint names")
parser.add_argument("--compare", help="alternate skeleton file to compare")
parser.add_argument("infilename", help="name of a skel .xml file to input")
parser.add_argument("outfilename", nargs="?", help="name of a skel .xml file to output")
args = parser.parse_args()
tree = etree.parse(args.infilename)
aliases = {}
if args.aliases:
altree = etree.parse(args.aliases)
aliases = get_aliases(altree)
ogtree = None
reftree = None
if args.ogfile:
ogtree = etree.parse(args.ogfile)
if args.ref_file:
reftree = etree.parse(args.ref_file)
if args.remove:
for name in args.remove:
if args.validate and ogtree:
validate_tree(tree, ogtree, reftree)
if args.fix and ogtree:
validate_tree(tree, ogtree, reftree, True)
if args.list and tree:
if args.compare and tree:
compare_tree = etree.parse(args.compare)
if args.outfilename:
f = open(args.outfilename,"w")
print >>f, etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True) #need update to get: , short_empty_elements=True)