#!runpy.sh """\ This module contains tools for manipulating the .anim files supported for Second Life animation upload. Note that this format is unrelated to any non-Second Life formats of the same name. $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2016&license=viewerlgpl$ Second Life Viewer Source Code Copyright (C) 2016, Linden Research, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License only. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA $/LicenseInfo$ """ import sys import os import struct import StringIO import math import argparse import random from lxml import etree U16MAX = 65535 OOU16MAX = 1.0/(float)(U16MAX) LL_MAX_PELVIS_OFFSET = 5.0 class FilePacker(object): def __init__(self): self.data = StringIO.StringIO() self.offset = 0 def write(self,filename): f = open(filename,"wb") f.write(self.data.getvalue()) f.close() def pack(self,fmt,*args): buf = struct.pack(fmt, *args) self.offset += struct.calcsize(fmt) self.data.write(buf) def pack_string(self,str,size=0): buf = str + "\000" if size and (len(buf) < size): buf += "\000" * (size-len(buf)) self.data.write(buf) class FileUnpacker(object): def __init__(self, filename): f = open(filename,"rb") self.data = f.read() self.offset = 0 def unpack(self,fmt): result = struct.unpack_from(fmt, self.data, self.offset) self.offset += struct.calcsize(fmt) return result def unpack_string(self, size=0): result = "" i = 0 while (self.data[self.offset+i] != "\000"): result += self.data[self.offset+i] i += 1 i += 1 if size: # fixed-size field for the string i = size self.offset += i return result # translated from the C++ version in lldefs.h def llclamp(a, minval, maxval): if amaxval: return maxval return a # translated from the C++ version in llquantize.h def F32_to_U16(val, lower, upper): val = llclamp(val, lower, upper); # make sure that the value is positive and normalized to <0, 1> val -= lower; val /= (upper - lower); # return the U16 return int(math.floor(val*U16MAX)) # translated from the C++ version in llquantize.h def U16_to_F32(ival, lower, upper): if ival < 0 or ival > U16MAX: raise Exception("U16 out of range: "+ival) val = ival*OOU16MAX delta = (upper - lower) val *= delta val += lower max_error = delta*OOU16MAX; # make sure that zeroes come through as zero if abs(val) < max_error: val = 0.0 return val; class BadFormat(Exception): pass class RotKey(object): def __init__(self): pass def unpack(self, anim, fup): (self.time_short, ) = fup.unpack(">f, " rot_key: t",self.time,"st",self.time_short,"rot",",".join([str(f) for f in self.rotation]) def pack(self, anim, fp): if not hasattr(self,"time_short"): self.time_short = F32_to_U16(self.time, 0.0, anim.duration) fp.pack(">f, " pos_key: t",self.time,"pos ",",".join([str(f) for f in self.position]) def pack(self, anim, fp): if not hasattr(self,"time_short"): self.time_short = F32_to_U16(self.time, 0.0, anim.duration) fp.pack(">f, " constraint:" print >>f, " chain_length",self.chain_length print >>f, " constraint_type",self.constraint_type print >>f, " source_volume",self.source_volume print >>f, " source_offset",self.source_offset print >>f, " target_volume",self.target_volume print >>f, " target_offset",self.target_offset print >>f, " target_dir",self.target_dir print >>f, " ease_in_start",self.ease_in_start print >>f, " ease_in_stop",self.ease_in_stop print >>f, " ease_out_start",self.ease_out_start print >>f, " ease_out_stop",self.ease_out_stop class Constraints(object): def __init__(self): pass def unpack(self, anim, fup): (self.num_constraints, ) = fup.unpack(">f, "constraints:",self.num_constraints for c in self.constraints: c.dump(f) class PositionCurve(object): def __init__(self): self.num_pos_keys = 0 self.keys = [] def is_static(self): if self.keys: k0 = self.keys[0] for k in self.keys: if k.position != k0.position: return False return True def unpack(self, anim, fup): (self.num_pos_keys, ) = fup.unpack(">f, " position_curve:" print >>f, " num_pos_keys", self.num_pos_keys for k in xrange(0,self.num_pos_keys): self.keys[k].dump(f) class RotationCurve(object): def __init__(self): self.num_rot_keys = 0 self.keys = [] def is_static(self): if self.keys: k0 = self.keys[0] for k in self.keys: if k.rotation != k0.rotation: return False return True def unpack(self, anim, fup): (self.num_rot_keys, ) = fup.unpack(">f, " rotation_curve:" print >>f, " num_rot_keys", self.num_rot_keys for k in xrange(0,self.num_rot_keys): self.keys[k].dump(f) class JointInfo(object): def __init__(self): pass def unpack(self, anim, fup): self.joint_name = fup.unpack_string() (self.joint_priority, ) = fup.unpack(">f, "joint:" print >>f, " joint_name:",self.joint_name print >>f, " joint_priority:",self.joint_priority self.rotation_curve.dump(f) self.position_curve.dump(f) class Anim(object): def __init__(self, filename=None): if filename: self.read(filename) def read(self, filename): fup = FileUnpacker(filename) self.unpack(fup) # various validity checks could be added - see LLKeyframeMotion::deserialize() def unpack(self,fup): (self.version, self.sub_version, self.base_priority, self.duration) = fup.unpack("@HHhf") if self.version == 0 and self.sub_version == 1: self.old_version = True raise BadFormat("old version not supported") elif self.version == 1 and self.sub_version == 0: self.old_version = False else: raise BadFormat("Bad combination of version, sub_version: %d %d" % (self.version, self.sub_version)) self.emote_name = fup.unpack_string() (self.loop_in_point, self.loop_out_point, self.loop, self.ease_in_duration, self.ease_out_duration, self.hand_pose, self.num_joints) = fup.unpack("@ffiffII") self.joints = [] for j in xrange(0,self.num_joints): joint_info = JointInfo() joint_info.unpack(self, fup) self.joints.append(joint_info) print "unpacked joint",joint_info.joint_name self.constraints = Constraints() self.constraints.unpack(self, fup) self.data = fup.data def pack(self, fp): fp.pack("@HHhf", self.version, self.sub_version, self.base_priority, self.duration) fp.pack_string(self.emote_name, 0) fp.pack("@ffiffII", self.loop_in_point, self.loop_out_point, self.loop, self.ease_in_duration, self.ease_out_duration, self.hand_pose, self.num_joints) for j in self.joints: j.pack(anim, fp) self.constraints.pack(anim, fp) def dump(self, filename="-"): if filename=="-": f = sys.stdout else: f = open(filename,"w") print >>f, "versions: ", self.version, self.sub_version print >>f, "base_priority: ", self.base_priority print >>f, "duration: ", self.duration print >>f, "emote_name: ", self.emote_name print >>f, "loop_in_point: ", self.loop_in_point print >>f, "loop_out_point: ", self.loop_out_point print >>f, "loop: ", self.loop print >>f, "ease_in_duration: ", self.ease_in_duration print >>f, "ease_out_duration: ", self.ease_out_duration print >>f, "hand_pose", self.hand_pose print >>f, "num_joints", self.num_joints for j in self.joints: j.dump(f) self.constraints.dump(f) def write(self, filename): fp = FilePacker() self.pack(fp) fp.write(filename) def write_src_data(self, filename): print "write file",filename f = open(filename,"wb") f.write(self.data) f.close() def find_joint(self, name): joints = [j for j in self.joints if j.joint_name == name] if joints: return joints[0] else: return None def add_joint(self, name, priority): if not self.find_joint(name): j = JointInfo() j.joint_name = name j.joint_priority = priority j.rotation_curve = RotationCurve() j.position_curve = PositionCurve() self.joints.append(j) self.num_joints = len(self.joints) def delete_joint(self, name): j = self.find_joint(name) if j: if args.verbose: print "removing joint", name anim.joints.remove(j) anim.num_joints = len(self.joints) else: if args.verbose: print "joint not found to remove", name def summary(self): nj = len(self.joints) nz = len([j for j in self.joints if j.joint_priority > 0]) nstatic = len([j for j in self.joints if j.rotation_curve.is_static() and j.position_curve.is_static()]) print "summary: %d joints, non-zero priority %d, static %d" % (nj, nz, nstatic) def add_pos(self, joint_names, positions): js = [joint for joint in self.joints if joint.joint_name in joint_names] for j in js: if args.verbose: print "adding positions",j.joint_name,positions j.joint_priority = 4 j.position_curve.num_pos_keys = len(positions) j.position_curve.keys = [] for i,pos in enumerate(positions): key = PosKey() key.time = self.duration * i / (len(positions) - 1) key.time_short = F32_to_U16(key.time, 0.0, self.duration) key.position = pos j.position_curve.keys.append(key) def add_rot(self, joint_names, rotations): js = [joint for joint in self.joints if joint.joint_name in joint_names] for j in js: print "adding rotations",j.joint_name j.joint_priority = 4 j.rotation_curve.num_rot_keys = len(rotations) j.rotation_curve.keys = [] for i,pos in enumerate(rotations): key = RotKey() key.time = self.duration * i / (len(rotations) - 1) key.time_short = F32_to_U16(key.time, 0.0, self.duration) key.rotation = pos j.rotation_curve.keys.append(key) def twistify(anim, joint_names, rot1, rot2): js = [joint for joint in anim.joints if joint.joint_name in joint_names] for j in js: print "twisting",j.joint_name print j.rotation_curve.num_rot_keys j.joint_priority = 4 j.rotation_curve.num_rot_keys = 2 j.rotation_curve.keys = [] key1 = RotKey() key1.time_short = 0 key1.time = U16_to_F32(key1.time_short, 0.0, anim.duration) key1.rotation = rot1 key2 = RotKey() key2.time_short = U16MAX key2.time = U16_to_F32(key2.time_short, 0.0, anim.duration) key2.rotation = rot2 j.rotation_curve.keys.append(key1) j.rotation_curve.keys.append(key2) def float_triple(arg): vals = arg.split() if len(vals)==3: return [float(x) for x in vals] else: raise Exception("arg %s does not resolve to a float triple" % arg) def get_joint_by_name(tree,name): if tree is None: return None matches = [elt for elt in tree.getroot().iter() if \ elt.get("name")==name and elt.tag in ["bone", "collision_volume", "attachment_point"]] if len(matches)==1: return matches[0] elif len(matches)>1: print "multiple matches for name",name return None else: return None def get_elt_pos(elt): if elt.get("pos"): return float_triple(elt.get("pos")) elif elt.get("position"): return float_triple(elt.get("position")) else: return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def resolve_joints(names, skel_tree, lad_tree): print "resolve joints, no_hud is",args.no_hud if skel_tree and lad_tree: all_elts = [elt for elt in skel_tree.getroot().iter()] all_elts.extend([elt for elt in lad_tree.getroot().iter()]) matches = [] for elt in all_elts: if elt.get("name") is None: continue #print elt.get("name"),"hud",elt.get("hud") if args.no_hud and elt.get("hud"): #print "skipping hud joint", elt.get("name") continue if elt.get("name") in names or elt.tag in names: matches.append(elt.get("name")) return list(set(matches)) else: return names if __name__ == "__main__": # default search location for config files is defined relative to # the script location; assuming they live in the same viewer repo pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) path_to_skel = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(pathname),"..","..","indra","newview","character") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="process SL animations") parser.add_argument("--verbose", help="verbose flag", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--dump", help="dump to specified file") parser.add_argument("--rot", help="specify sequence of rotations", type=float_triple, nargs="+") parser.add_argument("--rand_pos", help="request random positions", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--reset_pos", help="request original positions", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--pos", help="specify sequence of positions", type=float_triple, nargs="+") parser.add_argument("--num_pos", help="number of positions to create", type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("--delete_joints", help="specify joints to be deleted", nargs="+") parser.add_argument("--joints", help="specify joints to be added or modified", nargs="+") parser.add_argument("--summary", help="print summary of the output animation", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--skel", help="name of the avatar_skeleton file", default= os.path.join(path_to_skel,"avatar_skeleton.xml")) parser.add_argument("--lad", help="name of the avatar_lad file", default= os.path.join(path_to_skel,"avatar_lad.xml")) parser.add_argument("--set_version", nargs=2, type=int, help="set version and sub-version to specified values") parser.add_argument("--no_hud", help="omit hud joints from list of attachments", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--base_priority", help="set base priority", type=int) parser.add_argument("--joint_priority", help="set joint priority for all joints", type=int) parser.add_argument("infilename", help="name of a .anim file to input") parser.add_argument("outfilename", nargs="?", help="name of a .anim file to output") args = parser.parse_args() print "anim_tool.py: " + " ".join(sys.argv) print "dump is", args.dump print "infilename",args.infilename,"outfilename",args.outfilename print "rot",args.rot print "pos",args.pos print "joints",args.joints try: anim = Anim(args.infilename) skel_tree = None lad_tree = None joints = [] if args.skel: skel_tree = etree.parse(args.skel) if skel_tree is None: print "failed to parse",args.skel exit(1) if args.lad: lad_tree = etree.parse(args.lad) if lad_tree is None: print "failed to parse",args.lad exit(1) if args.joints: joints = resolve_joints(args.joints, skel_tree, lad_tree) if args.verbose: print "joints resolved to",joints for name in joints: anim.add_joint(name,0) if args.delete_joints: for name in args.delete_joints: anim.delete_joint(name) if joints and args.rot: anim.add_rot(joints, args.rot) if joints and args.pos: anim.add_pos(joints, args.pos) if joints and args.rand_pos: for joint in joints: pos_array = list(tuple(random.uniform(-1,1) for i in xrange(3)) for j in xrange(args.num_pos)) pos_array.append(pos_array[0]) anim.add_pos([joint], pos_array) if joints and args.reset_pos: for joint in joints: elt = get_joint_by_name(skel_tree,joint) if elt is None: elt = get_joint_by_name(lad_tree,joint) if elt is not None: pos_array = [] pos_array.append(get_elt_pos(elt)) pos_array.append(pos_array[0]) anim.add_pos([joint], pos_array) else: print "no elt or no pos data for",joint if args.set_version: anim.version = args.set_version[0] anim.sub_version = args.set_version[1] if args.base_priority is not None: print "set base priority",args.base_priority anim.base_priority = args.base_priority if args.joint_priority is not None: print "set joint priority",args.joint_priority for joint in anim.joints: joint.joint_priority = args.joint_priority if args.dump: anim.dump(args.dump) if args.summary: anim.summary() if args.outfilename: anim.write(args.outfilename) except: raise