#!/usr/bin/env python """\ This script scans the SL codebase for translation-related strings. $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2020&license=viewerlgpl$ Second Life Viewer Source Code Copyright (C) 2020, Linden Research, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License only. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA $/LicenseInfo$ """ from __future__ import print_function import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import argparse import os import sys from git import Repo, Git # requires the gitpython package import pandas as pd import re from datetime import datetime usage_msg="""%(prog)s [options] Analyze the XUI configuration files to find text that may need to be translated. Works by comparing two specified revisions, one specified by --rev (default HEAD) and one specified by --rev_base (default master). The script works by comparing xui contents of the two revisions, and outputs a spreadsheet listing any areas of difference. The target language must be specified using the --lang option. Output is an excel file, which can be used as-is or imported into google sheets. If the --rev revision already contains a translation for the text, it will be included in the spreadsheet for reference. Normally you would want --rev_base to be the last revision to have translations added, and --rev to be the tip of the current project. You can find the last commit with translation work using "git log --grep INTL- | head" The --missing argument can be used to find all text with missing translations, regardless of when it was added. If translations are being kept reasonably current, you will normally not need this argument. """ translate_attribs = [ "title", "short_title", "value", "label", "label_selected", "tool_tip", "ignoretext", "yestext", "notext", "canceltext", "description", "longdescription" ] def codify_for_print(val): if isinstance(val, unicode): return val.encode("utf-8") else: return unicode(val, 'utf-8').encode("utf-8") # Returns a dict of { name => xml_node } def read_xml_elements(blob): try: contents = blob.data_stream.read() except: # default - pretend we read a file with no elements of interest. # Parser will complain if it gets no elements at all. contents = '' xml = ET.fromstring(contents) elts = {} for child in xml.iter(): if "name" in child.attrib: name = child.attrib['name'] elts[name] = child return elts def failure(*msg): print(*msg) sys.exit(1) # return True iff any element of lis is "in" thing def has_any(thing,lis): for l in lis: if l in thing: return True return False def should_translate(filename, elt, field, val): if val is None: return False # Should translate apply recursively? if "translate" in elt.attrib and elt.attrib["translate"] == "false": return False if has_any(filename,["floater_test","floater_aaa","floater_ui_preview"]): return False if "TestString PleaseIgnore" in val: return False val = re.sub(r"\[.*?\]","",val) if len(val) == 0: return False if val.isspace(): return False val = val.strip() if val.isdigit(): return False if not re.search('\w+', val): return False if re.match(r"^\s*\d*\s*x\s*\d*\s*$", val): #print(val, "matches resolution string, will ignore") return False # "value" attribute is a hairball, mostly used to encode non-display info but a few exceptions if field == "value": if elt.text is not None and len(elt.text) > 0: #print("value has text, ignoring", ET.tostring(elt)) return False if has_any(elt.attrib,["label"]): return False if elt.tag in ["string","text"]: return True #print("including value attribute", val, "tag", elt.tag,"in", ET.tostring(elt)) return True return True def make_translation_table(mod_tree, base_tree, lang, args): xui_path = "{}/{}".format(xui_base, args.base_lang) try: mod_xui_tree = mod_tree[xui_path] except: failure("xui tree not found for base language", args.base_lang,"or target lang", lang) if args.rev == args.rev_base: failure("Revs are the same, nothing to compare") data = [] # For all files to be checked for translations all_en_strings = set() for mod_blob in mod_xui_tree.traverse(): filename = mod_blob.path if mod_blob.type == "tree": # directory, skip continue if args.verbose: print(filename) try: base_blob = base_tree[filename] except: if args.verbose: print("No matching base file found for", filename) base_blob = None try: transl_filename = filename.replace("/xui/{}/".format(args.base_lang), "/xui/{}/".format(lang)) transl_blob = mod_tree[transl_filename] except: if args.verbose: print("No matching translation file found at", transl_filename) transl_blob = None mod_dict = read_xml_elements(mod_blob) base_dict = read_xml_elements(base_blob) transl_dict = read_xml_elements(transl_blob) rows = 0 for name in mod_dict.keys(): if not name in base_dict or mod_dict[name].text != base_dict[name].text or (args.missing and not name in transl_dict): elt = mod_dict[name] val = elt.text field = "text" if should_translate(filename, elt, field, val): transl_val = "--" if name in transl_dict: transl_val = transl_dict[name].text if val in all_en_strings: new_val = "(DUPLICATE)" else: new_val = "" data.append([val, transl_val, new_val, "", "", filename, name, field]) all_en_strings.add(val) rows += 1 for attr in translate_attribs: if attr in mod_dict[name].attrib: if name not in base_dict \ or attr not in base_dict[name].attrib \ or mod_dict[name].attrib[attr] != base_dict[name].attrib[attr] \ or (args.missing and (not name in transl_dict or not attr in transl_dict[name].attrib)): elt = mod_dict[name] val = elt.attrib[attr] if should_translate(filename, elt, attr, val): transl_val = "--" if name in transl_dict and attr in transl_dict[name].attrib: transl_val = transl_dict[name].attrib[attr] if val in all_en_strings: new_val = "(DUPLICATE)" else: new_val = "" #attr = attr + ":" + ET.tostring(elt) data.append([val, transl_val, new_val, "", "", filename, name, attr]) all_en_strings.add(val) rows += 1 return data def find_deletions(mod_tree, base_tree, lang, args, f): transl_xui_path = "{}/{}".format(xui_base, lang) try: transl_xui_tree = mod_tree[transl_xui_path] except: failure("xui tree not found for base language", args.base_lang,"or target lang", lang) for transl_blob in transl_xui_tree.traverse(): if transl_blob.type == "tree": # directory, skip continue transl_filename = transl_blob.path mod_filename = transl_filename.replace("/xui/{}/".format(lang), "/xui/{}/".format(args.base_lang)) #print("checking",transl_filename,"against",mod_filename) try: mod_blob = mod_tree[mod_filename] except: print(" delete file", transl_filename, file=f) continue mod_dict = read_xml_elements(mod_blob) if len(mod_dict) == 0: print(" delete file", transl_filename, file=f) continue transl_dict = read_xml_elements(transl_blob) #print("mod vs transl", len(mod_dict), len(transl_dict)) lines = 0 for elt_key in transl_dict: if not elt_key in mod_dict: if lines == 0: print(" in file", transl_filename, file=f) lines += 1 print(" delete element", elt_key, file=f) else: transl_elt = transl_dict[elt_key] mod_elt = mod_dict[elt_key] for a in transl_elt.attrib: if not a in mod_elt.attrib: if lines == 0: print(" in file", transl_filename, file=f) lines += 1 print(" delete attribute", a, "from", elt_key, file=f) if transl_elt.text and (not mod_elt.text): if lines == 0: print(" in file", transl_filename, file=f) lines += 1 print(" delete text from", elt_key, file=f) def save_translation_file(per_lang_data, aux_data, outfile): langs = sorted(per_lang_data.keys()) print("Saving languages", ",".join(langs),"as",outfile) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outfile, engine='xlsxwriter') workbook = writer.book wrap_format = workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True}) bold_wrap_format = workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True, 'bold': True}) wrap_unlocked_format = workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True, 'locked': False}) for lang in langs: data = per_lang_data[lang] num_translations = len(data) cols = ["EN", "Previous Translation ({})".format(lang.upper()), "ENTER NEW TRANSLATION ({})".format(lang.upper()), "Translator Questions", "Notes", "File", "Element", "Field"] df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=cols) df.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name = lang.upper()) worksheet = writer.sheets[lang.upper()] # Translators primarily care about columns A-C, and should write # only in column C. Hide the others. Set widths. worksheet.protect() worksheet.set_column('A:B', 60, wrap_format) worksheet.set_column('C:C', 60, wrap_unlocked_format) worksheet.set_column('D:E', 40, wrap_unlocked_format) worksheet.set_column('F:F', 50, wrap_format, {'hidden': True}) worksheet.set_column('G:H', 30, wrap_format, {'hidden': True}) # Lock the top row (column headers) in place while scrolling worksheet.freeze_panes(1, 0) print("Added", num_translations, "rows for language", lang) # Reference info, not for translation for aux, data in aux_data.items(): df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ["Key", "Value"]) df.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name=aux) worksheet = writer.sheets[aux] worksheet.set_column('A:A', 50, bold_wrap_format) worksheet.set_column('B:B', 80, wrap_format) print("Writing", outfile) writer.save() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="analyze viewer xui files for needed translations", usage=usage_msg) parser.add_argument("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", help="verbose flag") parser.add_argument("--missing", action="store_true", default = False, help="include all fields for which a translation does not exist") parser.add_argument("--deleted", action="store_true", default = False, help="show all translated entities which don't exist in english") parser.add_argument("--skip_spreadsheet", action="store_true", default = False, help="skip creating the translation spreadsheet") parser.add_argument("--rev", help="revision with modified strings, default HEAD", default="HEAD") parser.add_argument("--rev_base", help="previous revision to compare against, default master", default="master") parser.add_argument("--base_lang", help="base language, default en (normally leave unchanged - other values are only useful for testing)", default="en") parser.add_argument("--lang", help="target languages, or 'all_valid' or 'supported'; default is 'supported'", nargs="+", default = ["supported"]) args = parser.parse_args() cwd = os.getcwd() rootdir = Git(cwd).rev_parse("--show-toplevel") repo = Repo(rootdir) try: mod_commit = repo.commit(args.rev) except: failure(args.rev,"is not a valid commit") try: base_commit = repo.commit(args.rev_base) except: failure(args.rev_base,"is not a valid commit") print("Will identify changes in", args.rev, "not present in", args.rev_base) if args.missing: print("Will also include any text for which no corresponding translation exists, regardless of when it was added") sys.stdout.flush() mod_tree = mod_commit.tree base_tree = base_commit.tree xui_base = "indra/newview/skins/default/xui" xui_base_tree = mod_tree[xui_base] # Find target languages # all languages present in the codebase valid_langs = [tree.name.lower() for tree in xui_base_tree if tree.name.lower() != args.base_lang.lower()] # offically supported languages supported_langs = ["fr", "es", "it", "pt", "ja", "de"] langs = [l.lower() for l in args.lang] if "supported" in args.lang: langs = supported_langs if "all_valid" in args.lang: langs = valid_langs langs = sorted(langs) for lang in langs: if not lang in valid_langs: failure("Unknown target language {}. Valid values are {}".format(lang,", ".join(sorted(valid_langs) + ["all_valid","supported"]))) print("Target language(s) are", ",".join(sorted(langs))) sys.stdout.flush() outfile = "SL_Translations.xlsx" try: f = open(outfile,"a+") f.close() except: failure("Can't write to output file",outfile,". Is it already open?") aux_data = { "REFERENCE": [["Command", " ".join(sys.argv)], ["Date", str(datetime.now())], ["Mod Commit", mod_commit.hexsha], ["Base Commit", base_commit.hexsha], ] } if not args.skip_spreadsheet: per_lang_data = {} for lang in langs: print("Creating spreadsheet for language", lang) sys.stdout.flush() per_lang_data[lang] = make_translation_table(mod_tree, base_tree, lang, args) print("Saving output file", outfile) save_translation_file(per_lang_data, aux_data, outfile) if args.deleted: deletion_file = "Translate_deletions.txt" print("Saving deletion info to", deletion_file) with open(deletion_file,"w") as f: for lang in langs: find_deletions(mod_tree, base_tree, lang, args, f)