/** * @file llupdaterservice.cpp * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llupdaterservice.h" #include "llupdatedownloader.h" #include "llevents.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "llupdatechecker.h" #include "llupdateinstaller.h" #include "llversionviewer.h" #include #include #include "lldir.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "llfile.h" #if LL_WINDOWS #pragma warning (disable : 4355) // 'this' used in initializer list: yes, intentionally #endif namespace { boost::weak_ptr gUpdater; const std::string UPDATE_MARKER_FILENAME("SecondLifeUpdateReady.xml"); std::string update_marker_path() { return gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS, UPDATE_MARKER_FILENAME); } std::string install_script_path(void) { #ifdef LL_WINDOWS std::string scriptFile = "update_install.bat"; #else std::string scriptFile = "update_install"; #endif return gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_EXECUTABLE, scriptFile); } LLInstallScriptMode install_script_mode(void) { #ifdef LL_WINDOWS return LL_COPY_INSTALL_SCRIPT_TO_TEMP; #else return LL_RUN_INSTALL_SCRIPT_IN_PLACE; #endif }; } class LLUpdaterServiceImpl : public LLUpdateChecker::Client, public LLUpdateDownloader::Client { static const std::string sListenerName; std::string mProtocolVersion; std::string mUrl; std::string mPath; std::string mChannel; std::string mVersion; unsigned int mCheckPeriod; bool mIsChecking; bool mIsDownloading; LLUpdateChecker mUpdateChecker; LLUpdateDownloader mUpdateDownloader; LLTimer mTimer; LLUpdaterService::app_exit_callback_t mAppExitCallback; LLUpdaterService::eUpdaterState mState; LOG_CLASS(LLUpdaterServiceImpl); public: LLUpdaterServiceImpl(); virtual ~LLUpdaterServiceImpl(); void initialize(const std::string& protocol_version, const std::string& url, const std::string& path, const std::string& channel, const std::string& version); void setCheckPeriod(unsigned int seconds); void setBandwidthLimit(U64 bytesPerSecond); void startChecking(bool install_if_ready); void stopChecking(); bool isChecking(); LLUpdaterService::eUpdaterState getState(); void setAppExitCallback(LLUpdaterService::app_exit_callback_t aecb) { mAppExitCallback = aecb;} std::string updatedVersion(void); bool checkForInstall(bool launchInstaller); // Test if a local install is ready. bool checkForResume(); // Test for resumeable d/l. // LLUpdateChecker::Client: virtual void error(std::string const & message); virtual void optionalUpdate(std::string const & newVersion, LLURI const & uri, std::string const & hash); virtual void requiredUpdate(std::string const & newVersion, LLURI const & uri, std::string const & hash); virtual void upToDate(void); // LLUpdateDownloader::Client void downloadComplete(LLSD const & data); void downloadError(std::string const & message); bool onMainLoop(LLSD const & event); private: std::string mNewVersion; void restartTimer(unsigned int seconds); void setState(LLUpdaterService::eUpdaterState state); void stopTimer(); }; const std::string LLUpdaterServiceImpl::sListenerName = "LLUpdaterServiceImpl"; LLUpdaterServiceImpl::LLUpdaterServiceImpl() : mIsChecking(false), mIsDownloading(false), mCheckPeriod(0), mUpdateChecker(*this), mUpdateDownloader(*this), mState(LLUpdaterService::INITIAL) { } LLUpdaterServiceImpl::~LLUpdaterServiceImpl() { LL_INFOS("UpdaterService") << "shutting down updater service" << LL_ENDL; LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainloop").stopListening(sListenerName); } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::initialize(const std::string& protocol_version, const std::string& url, const std::string& path, const std::string& channel, const std::string& version) { if(mIsChecking || mIsDownloading) { throw LLUpdaterService::UsageError("LLUpdaterService::initialize call " "while updater is running."); } mProtocolVersion = protocol_version; mUrl = url; mPath = path; mChannel = channel; mVersion = version; } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::setCheckPeriod(unsigned int seconds) { mCheckPeriod = seconds; } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::setBandwidthLimit(U64 bytesPerSecond) { mUpdateDownloader.setBandwidthLimit(bytesPerSecond); } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::startChecking(bool install_if_ready) { if(mUrl.empty() || mChannel.empty() || mVersion.empty()) { throw LLUpdaterService::UsageError("Set params before call to " "LLUpdaterService::startCheck()."); } mIsChecking = true; // Check to see if an install is ready. bool has_install = checkForInstall(install_if_ready); if(!has_install) { checkForResume(); // will set mIsDownloading to true if resuming if(!mIsDownloading) { setState(LLUpdaterService::CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE); // Checking can only occur during the mainloop. // reset the timer to 0 so that the next mainloop event // triggers a check; restartTimer(0); } else { setState(LLUpdaterService::DOWNLOADING); } } } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::stopChecking() { if(mIsChecking) { mIsChecking = false; stopTimer(); } if(mIsDownloading) { mUpdateDownloader.cancel(); mIsDownloading = false; } setState(LLUpdaterService::TERMINAL); } bool LLUpdaterServiceImpl::isChecking() { return mIsChecking; } LLUpdaterService::eUpdaterState LLUpdaterServiceImpl::getState() { return mState; } std::string LLUpdaterServiceImpl::updatedVersion(void) { return mNewVersion; } bool LLUpdaterServiceImpl::checkForInstall(bool launchInstaller) { bool foundInstall = false; // return true if install is found. llifstream update_marker(update_marker_path(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(update_marker.is_open()) { // Found an update info - now lets see if its valid. LLSD update_info; LLSDSerialize::fromXMLDocument(update_info, update_marker); update_marker.close(); // Get the path to the installer file. LLSD path = update_info.get("path"); if(update_info["current_version"].asString() != ll_get_version()) { // This viewer is not the same version as the one that downloaded // the update. Do not install this update. if(!path.asString().empty()) { llinfos << "ignoring update dowloaded by different client version" << llendl; LLFile::remove(path.asString()); LLFile::remove(update_marker_path()); } else { ; // Nothing to clean up. } foundInstall = false; } else if(path.isDefined() && !path.asString().empty()) { if(launchInstaller) { setState(LLUpdaterService::INSTALLING); LLFile::remove(update_marker_path()); int result = ll_install_update(install_script_path(), update_info["path"].asString(), update_info["required"].asBoolean(), install_script_mode()); if((result == 0) && mAppExitCallback) { mAppExitCallback(); } else if(result != 0) { llwarns << "failed to run update install script" << LL_ENDL; } else { ; // No op. } } foundInstall = true; } } return foundInstall; } bool LLUpdaterServiceImpl::checkForResume() { bool result = false; std::string download_marker_path = mUpdateDownloader.downloadMarkerPath(); if(LLFile::isfile(download_marker_path)) { llifstream download_marker_stream(download_marker_path, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(download_marker_stream.is_open()) { LLSD download_info; LLSDSerialize::fromXMLDocument(download_info, download_marker_stream); download_marker_stream.close(); if(download_info["current_version"].asString() == ll_get_version()) { mIsDownloading = true; mNewVersion = download_info["update_version"].asString(); mUpdateDownloader.resume(); result = true; } else { // The viewer that started this download is not the same as this viewer; ignore. llinfos << "ignoring partial download from different viewer version" << llendl; std::string path = download_info["path"].asString(); if(!path.empty()) LLFile::remove(path); LLFile::remove(download_marker_path); } } } return result; } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::error(std::string const & message) { if(mIsChecking) { setState(LLUpdaterService::TEMPORARY_ERROR); restartTimer(mCheckPeriod); } } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::optionalUpdate(std::string const & newVersion, LLURI const & uri, std::string const & hash) { stopTimer(); mNewVersion = newVersion; mIsDownloading = true; mUpdateDownloader.download(uri, hash, newVersion, false); setState(LLUpdaterService::DOWNLOADING); } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::requiredUpdate(std::string const & newVersion, LLURI const & uri, std::string const & hash) { stopTimer(); mNewVersion = newVersion; mIsDownloading = true; mUpdateDownloader.download(uri, hash, newVersion, true); setState(LLUpdaterService::DOWNLOADING); } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::upToDate(void) { if(mIsChecking) { restartTimer(mCheckPeriod); } setState(LLUpdaterService::UP_TO_DATE); } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::downloadComplete(LLSD const & data) { mIsDownloading = false; // Save out the download data to the SecondLifeUpdateReady // marker file. llofstream update_marker(update_marker_path()); LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(data, update_marker); LLSD event; event["pump"] = LLUpdaterService::pumpName(); LLSD payload; payload["type"] = LLSD(LLUpdaterService::DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE); payload["required"] = data["required"]; payload["version"] = mNewVersion; event["payload"] = payload; LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainlooprepeater").post(event); setState(LLUpdaterService::TERMINAL); } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::downloadError(std::string const & message) { LL_INFOS("UpdaterService") << "Error downloading: " << message << LL_ENDL; mIsDownloading = false; // Restart the timer on error if(mIsChecking) { restartTimer(mCheckPeriod); } LLSD event; event["pump"] = LLUpdaterService::pumpName(); LLSD payload; payload["type"] = LLSD(LLUpdaterService::DOWNLOAD_ERROR); payload["message"] = message; event["payload"] = payload; LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainlooprepeater").post(event); setState(LLUpdaterService::FAILURE); } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::restartTimer(unsigned int seconds) { LL_INFOS("UpdaterService") << "will check for update again in " << seconds << " seconds" << LL_ENDL; mTimer.start(); mTimer.setTimerExpirySec(seconds); LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainloop").listen( sListenerName, boost::bind(&LLUpdaterServiceImpl::onMainLoop, this, _1)); } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::setState(LLUpdaterService::eUpdaterState state) { if(state != mState) { mState = state; LLSD event; event["pump"] = LLUpdaterService::pumpName(); LLSD payload; payload["type"] = LLSD(LLUpdaterService::STATE_CHANGE); payload["state"] = state; event["payload"] = payload; LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainlooprepeater").post(event); LL_INFOS("UpdaterService") << "setting state to " << state << LL_ENDL; } else { ; // State unchanged; noop. } } void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::stopTimer() { mTimer.stop(); LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainloop").stopListening(sListenerName); } bool LLUpdaterServiceImpl::onMainLoop(LLSD const & event) { if(mTimer.getStarted() && mTimer.hasExpired()) { stopTimer(); // Check for failed install. if(LLFile::isfile(ll_install_failed_marker_path())) { int requiredValue = 0; { llifstream stream(ll_install_failed_marker_path()); stream >> requiredValue; if(stream.fail()) requiredValue = 0; } // TODO: notify the user. llinfos << "found marker " << ll_install_failed_marker_path() << llendl; llinfos << "last install attempt failed" << llendl; LLFile::remove(ll_install_failed_marker_path()); LLSD event; event["type"] = LLSD(LLUpdaterService::INSTALL_ERROR); event["required"] = LLSD(requiredValue); LLEventPumps::instance().obtain(LLUpdaterService::pumpName()).post(event); setState(LLUpdaterService::TERMINAL); } else { mUpdateChecker.check(mProtocolVersion, mUrl, mPath, mChannel, mVersion); setState(LLUpdaterService::CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE); } } else { // Keep on waiting... } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Facade interface std::string const & LLUpdaterService::pumpName(void) { static std::string name("updater_service"); return name; } bool LLUpdaterService::updateReadyToInstall(void) { return LLFile::isfile(update_marker_path()); } LLUpdaterService::LLUpdaterService() { if(gUpdater.expired()) { mImpl = boost::shared_ptr(new LLUpdaterServiceImpl()); gUpdater = mImpl; } else { mImpl = gUpdater.lock(); } } LLUpdaterService::~LLUpdaterService() { } void LLUpdaterService::initialize(const std::string& protocol_version, const std::string& url, const std::string& path, const std::string& channel, const std::string& version) { mImpl->initialize(protocol_version, url, path, channel, version); } void LLUpdaterService::setCheckPeriod(unsigned int seconds) { mImpl->setCheckPeriod(seconds); } void LLUpdaterService::setBandwidthLimit(U64 bytesPerSecond) { mImpl->setBandwidthLimit(bytesPerSecond); } void LLUpdaterService::startChecking(bool install_if_ready) { mImpl->startChecking(install_if_ready); } void LLUpdaterService::stopChecking() { mImpl->stopChecking(); } bool LLUpdaterService::isChecking() { return mImpl->isChecking(); } LLUpdaterService::eUpdaterState LLUpdaterService::getState() { return mImpl->getState(); } void LLUpdaterService::setImplAppExitCallback(LLUpdaterService::app_exit_callback_t aecb) { return mImpl->setAppExitCallback(aecb); } std::string LLUpdaterService::updatedVersion(void) { return mImpl->updatedVersion(); } std::string const & ll_get_version(void) { static std::string version(""); if (version.empty()) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << LL_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << LL_VERSION_MINOR << "." << LL_VERSION_PATCH << "." << LL_VERSION_BUILD; version = stream.str(); } return version; }