#!/usr/bin/env python
@file update_manager.py
@author coyot
@date 2016-05-16
@brief executes viewer update checking and manages downloading and applying of updates
Second Life Viewer Source Code
Copyright (C) 2016, Linden Research, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
version 2.1 of the License only.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
import os
# For POSIX platforms, llbase will be imported from the same directory.
# For Windows, llbase will be compiled into the executable by pyinstaller
from llbase import llrest
from llbase.llrest import RESTError
from llbase import llsd
#if Windows, this is expected, if not, we're dead
if os.name == 'nt':
from copy import deepcopy
from urlparse import urljoin
import apply_update
import download_update
import errno
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import InstallerUserMessage
import json
import platform
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import thread
import urllib
def silent_write(log_file_handle, text):
#if we have a log file, write. If not, do nothing.
#this is so we don't have to keep trapping for an exception with a None handle
#oh and because it is best effort, it is also a holey_write ;)
if (log_file_handle):
#prepend text for easy grepping
log_file_handle.write("UPDATE MANAGER: " + text + "\n")
def after_frame(message, timeout = 10000):
#pop up a InstallerUserMessage.basic_message that kills itself after timeout milliseconds
#note that this blocks the caller for the duration of timeout
frame = InstallerUserMessage.InstallerUserMessage(title = "Second Life Installer", icon_name="head-sl-logo.gif")
#this is done before basic_message so that we aren't blocked by mainloop()
#frame.after(timeout, lambda: frame._delete_window)
frame.after(timeout, lambda: frame.destroy())
frame.basic_message(message = message)
def convert_version_file_style(version):
#converts a version string a.b.c.d to a_b_c_d as used in downloaded filenames
#re will throw a TypeError if it gets None, just return that.
pattern = re.compile('\.')
return pattern.sub('_', version)
except TypeError, te:
return None
def get_platform_key():
#this is the name that is inserted into the VVM URI
#and carried forward through the rest of the updater to determine
#platform specific actions as appropriate
platform_dict = {'Darwin':'mac', 'Linux':'lnx', 'Windows':'win'}
platform_uname = platform.system()
return platform_dict[platform_uname]
except KeyError:
return None
def get_summary(platform_name, launcher_path):
#get the contents of the summary.json file.
#for linux and windows, this file is in the same directory as the script
#for mac, the script is in ../Contents/MacOS/ and the file is in ../Contents/Resources/
script_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
if (platform_name == 'mac'):
summary_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, "../Resources"))
summary_dir = script_dir
summary_file = os.path.join(summary_dir,"summary.json")
with open(summary_file) as summary_handle:
return json.load(summary_handle)
def get_parent_path(platform_name):
#find the parent of the logs and user_settings directories
if (platform_name == 'mac'):
settings_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'Library','Application Support','SecondLife')
elif (platform_name == 'lnx'):
settings_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.secondlife')
#using list format of join is important here because the Windows pathsep in a string escapes the next char
elif (platform_name == 'win'):
settings_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'AppData','Roaming','SecondLife')
settings_dir = None
return settings_dir
def make_download_dir(parent_dir, new_version):
#make a canonical download dir if it does not already exist
#format: ../user_settings/downloads/
#we do this so that multiple viewers on the same host can update separately
#this also functions as a getter
download_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "downloads", new_version)
except OSError, hell:
#Directory already exists, that's okay. Other OSErrors are not okay.
if hell[0] == errno.EEXIST:
raise hell
return download_dir
def check_for_completed_download(download_dir):
#there will be two files on completion, the download and a marker file called "".done""
#for optional upgrades, there may also be a .skip file to skip this particular upgrade
#or .next to install on next run
completed = None
marker_regex = '*' + '.done'
skip_regex = '*' + '.skip'
next_regex = '*' + '.next'
for filename in os.listdir(download_dir):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, marker_regex):
completed = 'done'
elif fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, skip_regex):
completed = 'skip'
elif fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, next_regex):
#so we don't skip infinitely
completed = 'next'
if not completed:
return completed
def get_settings(log_file_handle, parent_dir):
#return the settings file parsed into a dict
settings_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parent_dir,'user_settings','settings.xml'))
#this happens when the path to settings file happens on the command line
#we get a full path and don't need to munge it
if not os.path.exists(settings_file):
settings_file = parent_dir
settings = llsd.parse((open(settings_file)).read())
except llsd.LLSDParseError as lpe:
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Could not parse settings file %s" % lpe)
return None
return settings
def get_log_file_handle(parent_dir):
#return a write handle on the log file
#plus log rotation and not dying on failure
log_file = os.path.join(parent_dir, 'update_manager.log')
old_file = log_file + '.old'
#if someone's log files are present but not writable, they've screwed up their install.
if os.access(log_file, os.W_OK):
if os.access(old_file, os.W_OK):
os.rename(log_file, old_file)
elif not os.path.exists(log_file):
#reimplement TOUCH(1) in Python
#perms default to 644 which is fine
open(log_file, 'w+').close()
f = open(log_file,'w+')
except Exception as e:
#we don't have a log file to write to, make a best effort and sally onward
print "Could not open update manager log file %s" % log_file
f = None
return f
def make_VVM_UUID_hash(platform_key):
#NOTE: There is no python library support for a persistent machine specific UUID
# AND all three platforms do this a different way, so exec'ing out is really the best we can do
#Lastly, this is a best effort service. If we fail, we should still carry on with the update
uuid = None
if (platform_key == 'lnx'):
uuid = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/hostid']).rstrip()
elif (platform_key == 'mac'):
#this is absurdly baroque
#/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | fgrep 'Serial' | awk '{print $NF}'
uuid = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/sbin/system_profiler", "SPHardwareDataType"])
#findall[0] does the grep for the value we are looking for: "Serial Number (system): XXXXXXXX"
#split(:)[1] gets us the XXXXXXX part
#lstrip shaves off the leading space that was after the colon
uuid = re.split(":", re.findall('Serial Number \(system\): \S*', uuid)[0])[1].lstrip()
elif (platform_key == 'win'):
# wmic csproduct get UUID | grep -v UUID
uuid = subprocess.check_output(['wmic','csproduct','get','UUID'])
#outputs in two rows:
uuid = re.split('\n',uuid)[1].rstrip()
if uuid is not None:
return hashlib.md5(uuid).hexdigest()
#fake it
return hashlib.md5(str(uuid.uuid1())).hexdigest()
def query_vvm(log_file_handle = None, platform_key = None, settings = None, summary_dict = None, UpdaterServiceURL = None, UpdaterWillingToTest = None):
result_data = None
baseURI = None
#URI template /update/v1.1/channelname/version/platformkey/platformversion/willing-to-test/uniqueid
#note that the only two valid options are:
# # version-phx0.damballah.lindenlab.com
# # version-qa.secondlife-staging.com
if UpdaterServiceURL:
#we can't really expect the users to put the protocol or base dir on, they will give us a host
base_URI = urljoin('https://' + UpdaterServiceURL[0], '/update/')
base_URI = 'https://update.secondlife.com/update/'
channelname = summary_dict['Channel']
#this is kind of a mess because the settings value is a) in a map and b) is both the cohort and the version in one string
version = summary_dict['Version']
#we need to use the dotted versions of the platform versions in order to be compatible with VVM rules and arithmetic
if platform_key == 'win':
platform_version = platform.win32_ver()[1]
elif platform_key == 'mac':
platform_version = platform.mac_ver()[0]
platform_version = platform.release()
#this will always return something usable, error handling in method
UUID = str(make_VVM_UUID_hash(platform_key))
#note that this will not normally be in a settings.xml file and is only here for test builds.
#for test builds, add this key to the ../user_settings/settings.xml
if UpdaterWillingToTest is not None:
if UpdaterWillingToTest:
test_ok = 'testok'
test_ok = 'testno'
test_ok = settings['test']['Value']
except KeyError:
#normal case, no testing key
test_ok = 'testok'
#because urljoin can't be arsed to take multiple elements
#channelname is a list because although it is only one string, it is a kind of argument and viewer args can take multiple keywords.
query_string = urllib.quote('v1.0/' + channelname[0] + '/' + version + '/' + platform_key + '/' + platform_version + '/' + test_ok + '/' + UUID)
silent_write(log_file_handle, "About to query VVM: %s" % base_URI + query_string)
VVMService = llrest.SimpleRESTService(name='VVM', baseurl=base_URI)
result_data = VVMService.get(query_string)
except RESTError as re:
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Failed to query VVM using %s failed as %s" % (urljoin(base_URI,query_string), re))
return None
return result_data
def download(url = None, version = None, download_dir = None, size = 0, background = False, chunk_size = None, log_file_handle = None):
download_tries = 0
download_success = False
if not chunk_size:
chunk_size = 1024
#for background execution
path_to_downloader = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "download_update.py")
#three strikes and you're out
while download_tries < 3 and not download_success:
#323: Check for a partial update of the required update; in either event, display an alert that a download is required, initiate the download, and then install and launch
if download_tries == 0:
after_frame(message = "Downloading new version " + version + " Please wait.", timeout = 5000)
after_frame(message = "Trying again to download new version " + version + " Please wait.", timeout = 5000)
if not background:
download_update.download_update(url = url, download_dir = download_dir, size = size, progressbar = True, chunk_size = chunk_size)
download_success = True
except Exception, e:
download_tries += 1
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Failed to download new version " + version + ". Trying again.")
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Logging download exception: %s" % e.message)
#Python does not have a facility to multithread a method, so we make the method a standalone
#and subprocess that
subprocess.call(path_to_downloader, "--url = %s --dir = %s --pb --size = %s --chunk_size = %s" % (url, download_dir, size, chunk_size))
download_success = True
download_tries += 1
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Failed to download new version " + version + ". Trying again.")
if not download_success:
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Failed to download new version " + version)
after_frame(message = "Failed to download new version " + version + " Please check connectivity.")
return False
return True
def install(platform_key = None, download_dir = None, log_file_handle = None, in_place = None, downloaded = None):
#user said no to this one
if downloaded != 'skip':
after_frame(message = "New version downloaded. Installing now, please wait.")
success = apply_update.apply_update(download_dir, platform_key, log_file_handle, in_place)
version = download_dir.split('/')[-1]
if success:
silent_write(log_file_handle, "successfully updated to " + version)
#this is either True for in place or the path to the new install for not in place
return success
after_frame(message = "Failed to apply " + version)
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Failed to update viewer to " + version)
return False
def download_and_install(downloaded = None, url = None, version = None, download_dir = None, size = None,
platform_key = None, log_file_handle = None, in_place = None, chunk_size = 1024):
#extracted to a method because we do it twice in update_manager() and this makes the logic clearer
if not downloaded:
#do the download, exit if we fail
if not download(url = url, version = version, download_dir = download_dir, size = size, chunk_size = chunk_size, log_file_handle = log_file_handle):
return (False, 'download', version)
#do the install
path_to_new_launcher = install(platform_key = platform_key, download_dir = download_dir,
log_file_handle = log_file_handle, in_place = in_place, downloaded = downloaded)
if path_to_new_launcher:
#if we succeed, propagate the success type upwards
if in_place:
return (True, 'in place', True)
return (True, 'in place', path_to_new_launcher)
#propagate failure
return (False, 'apply', version)
def update_manager(cli_overrides = None):
#cli_overrides is a dict where the keys are specific parameters of interest and the values are the arguments to
#comments that begin with '323:' are steps taken from the algorithm in the description of SL-323.
# Note that in the interest of efficiency, such as determining download success once at the top
# The code does follow precisely the same order as the algorithm.
#return values rather than exit codes. All of them are to communicate with launcher
#we print just before we return so that __main__ outputs something - returns are swallowed
# (False, 'setup', None): error occurred before we knew what the update was (e.g., in setup or parsing)
# (False, 'download', version): we failed to download the new version
# (False, 'apply', version): we failed to apply the new version
# (True, None, None): No update found
# (True, 'in place, True): update applied in place
# (True, 'in place', path_to_new_launcher): Update applied by a new install to a new location
# (True, 'background', True): background download initiated
#setup and getting initial parameters
platform_key = get_platform_key()
parent_dir = get_parent_path(platform_key)
log_file_handle = get_log_file_handle(parent_dir)
settings = None
#check to see if user has install rights
#get the owner of the install and the current user
script_owner_id = os.stat(os.path.realpath(__file__)).st_uid
user_id = os.geteuid()
#if we are on lnx or mac, we can pretty print the IDs as names using the pwd module
#win does not provide this support and Python will throw an ImportError there, so just use raw IDs
if script_owner_id != user_id:
if platform_key != 'win':
import pwd
script_owner_name = pwd.getpwuid(script_owner_id)[0]
username = pwd.getpwuid(user_id)[0]
username = user_id
script_owner_name = script_owner_id
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Upgrade notification attempted by userid " + username)
frame = InstallerUserMessage(title = "Second Life Installer", icon_name="head-sl-logo.gif")
frame.binary_choice_message(message = "Second Life was installed by userid " + script_owner_name
+ ". Do you have privileges to install?", true = "Yes", false = 'No')
if not frame.choice.get():
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Upgrade attempt declined by userid " + username)
after_frame(message = "Please find a system admin to upgrade Second Life")
print "Update manager exited with (%s, %s, %s)" % (False, 'setup', None)
return (False, 'setup', None)
if cli_overrides is not None:
if 'settings' in cli_overrides.keys():
if cli_overrides['settings'] is not None:
settings = get_settings(log_file_handle, cli_overrides['settings'][0])
settings = get_settings(log_file_handle, parent_dir)
if settings is None:
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Failed to load viewer settings")
print "Update manager exited with (%s, %s, %s)" % (False, 'setup', None)
return (False, 'setup', None)
#323: If a complete download of that update is found, check the update preference:
#settings['UpdaterServiceSetting'] = 0 is manual install
if cli_overrides is not None:
if 'set' in cli_overrides.keys():
if 'UpdaterServiceSetting' in cli_overrides['set'].keys():
install_automatically = cli_overrides['set']['UpdaterServiceSetting']
install_automatically = settings['UpdaterServiceSetting']['Value']
#because, for some godforsaken reason, we delete the setting rather than changing the value
except KeyError:
install_automatically = 1
#use default chunk size if none is given
if cli_overrides is not None:
if 'set' in cli_overrides.keys():
if 'UpdaterMaximumBandwidth' in cli_overrides['set'].keys():
chunk_size = cli_overrides['set']['UpdaterMaximumBandwidth']
chunk_size = 1024
#get channel and version
summary_dict = get_summary(platform_key, os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
#we send the override to the VVM, but retain the summary.json version for in_place computations
channel_override_summary = deepcopy(summary_dict)
if cli_overrides is not None:
if 'channel' in cli_overrides.keys():
channel_override_summary['Channel'] = cli_overrides['channel']
except Exception, e:
silent_write(log_file_handle, "Could not obtain channel and version, exiting.")
silent_write(log_file_handle, e.message)
print "Update manager exited with (%s, %s, %s)" % (False, 'setup', None)
return (False, 'setup', None)
#323: On launch, the Viewer Manager should query the Viewer Version Manager update api.
if cli_overrides is not None:
if '--update-service' in cli_overrides.keys():
UpdaterServiceURL = cli_overrides['update-service']
#tells query_vvm to use the default
UpdaterServiceURL = None
result_data = query_vvm(log_file_handle, platform_key, settings, channel_override_summary, UpdaterServiceURL)
#nothing to do or error
if not result_data:
silent_write(log_file_handle, "No update found.")
print "Update manager exited with (%s, %s, %s)" % (True, None, None)
return (True, None, None)
#get download directory, if there are perm issues or similar problems, give up
download_dir = make_download_dir(parent_dir, result_data['version'])
except Exception, e:
print "Update manager exited with (%s, %s, %s)" % (False, 'setup', None)
return (False, 'setup', None)
#if the channel name of the response is the same as the channel we are launched from, the update is "in place"
#and launcher will launch the viewer in this install location. Otherwise, it will launch the Launcher from
#the new location and kill itself.
in_place = (summary_dict['Channel'] == result_data['channel'])
print "summary %s, result %s, in_place %s" % (summary_dict['Channel'], result_data['channel'], in_place)
#determine if we've tried this download before
downloaded = check_for_completed_download(download_dir)
#323: If the response indicates that there is a required update:
if result_data['required'] or (not result_data['required'] and install_automatically):
#323: Check for a completed download of the required update; if found, display an alert, install the required update, and launch the newly installed viewer.
#323: If [optional download and] Install Automatically: display an alert, install the update and launch updated viewer.
return download_and_install(downloaded = downloaded, url = result_data['url'], version = result_data['version'], download_dir = download_dir,
size = result_data['size'], platform_key = platform_key, log_file_handle = log_file_handle, in_place = in_place, chunk_size = chunk_size)
#323: If the update response indicates that there is an optional update:
#323: Check to see if the optional update has already been downloaded.
#323: If a complete download of that update is found, check the update preference:
#note: automatic install handled above as the steps are the same as required upgrades
#323: If Install Manually: display a message with the update information and ask the user whether or not to install the update with three choices:
#323: Skip this update: create a marker that subsequent launches should not prompt for this update as long as it is optional,
# but leave the download in place so that if it becomes required it will be there.
#323: Install next time: create a marker that skips the prompt and installs on the next launch
#323: Install and launch now: do it.
if downloaded is not None and downloaded != 'skip':
frame = InstallerUserMessage(title = "Second Life Installer", icon_name="head-sl-logo.gif")
#The choices are reordered slightly to encourage immediate install and slightly discourage skipping
frame.trinary_message(message = "Please make a selection",
one = "Install new version now.", two = 'Install the next time the viewer is launched.', three = 'Skip this update.')
choice = frame.choice.get()
if choice == 1:
return download_and_install(downloaded = downloaded, url = result_data['url'], version = result_data['version'], download_dir = download_dir,
size = result_data['size'], platform_key = platform_key, log_file_handle = log_file_handle, in_place = in_place, chunk_size = chunk_size)
elif choice == 2:
tempfile.mkstmp(suffix = ".next", dir = download_dir)
return (True, None, None)
tempfile.mkstmp(suffix = ".skip", dir = download_dir)
return (True, None, None)
#multithread a download
download(url = result_data['url'], version = result_data['version'], download_dir = download_dir, size = result_data['size'], background = True, log_file_handle = log_file_handle)
print "Update manager exited with (%s, %s, %s)" % (True, 'background', True)
return (True, 'background', True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#there is no argument parsing or other main() work to be done