/** * @file LLFBConnectTest.cpp * @brief Facebook Connect Test App * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_FB_CONNECT_H #define LL_FB_CONNECT_H #include #include #include "llpluginclassmedia.h" #include "llgl.h" // Forward declarations class GLUI_Rotation; class GLUI_Translation; class GLUI_Listbox; class GLUI_EditText; class GLUI_StaticText; class GLUI; class GLUI_Button; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // struct mediaPanel { public: mediaPanel(); ~mediaPanel(); int mId; std::string mStartUrl; std::string mMimeType; std::string mTarget; LLPluginClassMedia *mMediaSource; int mMediaWidth; int mMediaHeight; int mTextureWidth; int mTextureHeight; double mTextureScaleX; double mTextureScaleY; GLuint mMediaTextureHandle; GLuint mPickTextureHandle; unsigned char* mPickTexturePixels; bool mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL; bool mReadyToRender; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class LLFBConnectTest : public LLPluginClassMediaOwner { public: LLFBConnectTest( int app_window, int window_width, int window_height ); ~LLFBConnectTest(); void reshape( int width, int height ); void display(); void idle(); void gluiCallback( int control_id ); void keyboard( int key ); void mousePassive( int x, int y ); void mouseButton( int button, int state, int x, int y ); void mouseMove( int x, int y ); void bindTexture(GLuint texture, GLint row_length = 0, GLint alignment = 1); bool checkGLError(const char *name = "OpenGL"); void drawGeometry( int panel, bool selected ); void startPanelHighlight( float red, float green, float blue, float line_width ); void endPanelHighlight(); enum { DrawTypePickTexture, DrawTypeMediaTexture }; void draw( int draw_type ); void windowPosToTexturePos( int window_x, int window_y, int& media_x, int& media_y, int& id ); mediaPanel* addMediaPanel( std::string url ); void updateMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel ); void remMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel ); mediaPanel* replaceMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel, std::string url ); void getRandomMediaSize( int& width, int& height, std::string mime_type ); void navigateToNewURI( std::string uri ); void initUrlHistory( std::string uri ); void selectPanelById( int id ); void selectPanel( mediaPanel* panel ); mediaPanel* findMediaPanel( LLPluginClassMedia* panel ); mediaPanel* findMediaPanel( const std::string &target_name ); void makePickTexture( int id, GLuint* texture_handle, unsigned char** texture_pixels ); void makeChrome(); void resetView(); void dumpPanelInfo(); void updateStatusBar(); GLfloat distanceToCamera( GLfloat point_x, GLfloat point_y, GLfloat point_z ); // Inherited from LLPluginClassMediaOwner /*virtual*/ void handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* self, LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaEvent); private: const int mVersionMajor; const int mVersionMinor; const int mVersionPatch; const int mMaxPanels; int mAppWindow; int mWindowWidth; int mWindowHeight; int mCurMouseX; int mCurMouseY; unsigned char mPixelReadColor[ 3 ]; bool mFuzzyMedia; const std::string mHomeWebUrl; std::vector< mediaPanel* > mMediaPanels; mediaPanel* mSelectedPanel; std::string mimeTypeFromUrl( std::string& url ); std::string pluginNameFromMimeType( std::string& mime_type ); GLUI_Rotation* mViewRotationCtrl; GLUI_Translation* mViewScaleCtrl; GLUI_Translation* mViewTranslationCtrl; float mViewportAspect; float mViewPos[ 3 ]; float mViewRotation[ 16 ]; float mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry; int mIdControlAddPanel; int mIdControlRemPanel; std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > mBookmarks; GLUI_Listbox* mBookmarkList; int mIdBookmarks; int mIdUrlEdit; GLUI_EditText* mUrlEdit; //int mIdUrlInitHistoryEdit; //GLUI_EditText* mUrlInitHistoryEdit; int mSelBookmark; //int mIdRandomPanelCount; //int mRandomPanelCount; //int mIdRandomBookmarks; //int mRandomBookmarks; //int mIdDisableTimeout; //int mDisableTimeout; //int mIdUsePluginReadThread; //int mUsePluginReadThread; //int mIdLargePanelSpacing; //int mLargePanelSpacing; //int mIdControlCrashPlugin; //int mIdControlHangPlugin; int mIdControlExitApp; //GLUI* mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow; //int mIdMediaTimeControlPlay; //int mIdMediaTimeControlLoop; //int mIdMediaTimeControlPause; //int mIdMediaTimeControlStop; //int mIdMediaTimeControlSeek; //int mIdMediaTimeControlVolume; //int mMediaTimeControlVolume; //int mIdMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds; //int mMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds; //int mIdMediaTimeControlRewind; //int mIdMediaTimeControlFastForward; GLUI* mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow; int mIdMediaBrowserControlBack; GLUI_Button* mMediaBrowserControlBackButton; int mIdMediaBrowserControlStop; int mIdMediaBrowserControlForward; GLUI_Button* mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton; bool mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag; bool mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag; bool mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag; bool mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag; int mIdMediaBrowserControlHome; int mIdMediaBrowserControlReload; int mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCache; int mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCookies; int mIdMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies; int mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies; GLUI* mBottomGLUIWindow; GLUI_StaticText* mStatusText; }; #endif // LL_FB_CONNECT_H