 * @file   namedtempfile.h
 * @author Nat Goodspeed
 * @date   2012-01-13
 * @brief  NamedTempFile class for tests that need disk files as fixtures.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2012, Linden Research, Inc.
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#if ! defined(LL_NAMEDTEMPFILE_H)

#include "llerror.h"
#include "llapr.h"
#include "apr_file_io.h"
#include <string>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/argument.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/operator/bitwise.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

 * Create a text file with specified content "somewhere in the
 * filesystem," cleaning up when it goes out of scope.
class NamedTempFile: public boost::noncopyable
    NamedTempFile(const std::string& pfx, const std::string& content, apr_pool_t* pool=gAPRPoolp):
        createFile(pfx, boost::phoenix::placeholders::arg1 << content);

    // Disambiguate when passing string literal
    NamedTempFile(const std::string& pfx, const char* content, apr_pool_t* pool=gAPRPoolp):
        createFile(pfx, boost::phoenix::placeholders::arg1 << content);

    // Function that accepts an ostream ref and (presumably) writes stuff to
    // it, e.g.:
    // (boost::phoenix::placeholders::arg1 << "the value is " << 17 << '\n')
    typedef boost::function<void(std::ostream&)> Streamer;

    NamedTempFile(const std::string& pfx, const Streamer& func, apr_pool_t* pool=gAPRPoolp):
        createFile(pfx, func);

    virtual ~NamedTempFile()
        ll_apr_assert_status(apr_file_remove(mPath.c_str(), mPool));

    virtual std::string getName() const { return mPath; }

    void peep()
        std::cout << "File '" << mPath << "' contains:\n";
        std::ifstream reader(mPath.c_str());
        std::string line;
        while (std::getline(reader, line))
            std::cout << line << '\n';
        std::cout << "---\n";

    void createFile(const std::string& pfx, const Streamer& func)
        // Create file in a temporary place.
        const char* tempdir = NULL;
        ll_apr_assert_status(apr_temp_dir_get(&tempdir, mPool));

        // Construct a temp filename template in that directory.
        char *tempname = NULL;
                                                (pfx + "XXXXXX").c_str(),

        // Create a temp file from that template.
        apr_file_t* fp = NULL;
                                             APR_CREATE | APR_WRITE | APR_EXCL,
        // apr_file_mktemp() alters tempname with the actual name. Not until
        // now is it valid to capture as our mPath.
        mPath = tempname;

        // Write desired content.
        std::ostringstream out;
        // Stream stuff to it.

        std::string data(out.str());
        apr_size_t writelen(data.length());
        ll_apr_assert_status(apr_file_write(fp, data.c_str(), &writelen));
        llassert_always(writelen == data.length());

    std::string mPath;
    apr_pool_t* mPool;

 * Create a NamedTempFile with a specified filename extension. This is useful
 * when, for instance, you must be able to use the file in a Python import
 * statement.
 * A NamedExtTempFile actually has two different names. We retain the original
 * no-extension name as a placeholder in the temp directory to ensure
 * uniqueness; to that we link the name plus the desired extension. Naturally,
 * both must be removed on destruction.
class NamedExtTempFile: public NamedTempFile
    NamedExtTempFile(const std::string& ext, const std::string& content, apr_pool_t* pool=gAPRPoolp):
        NamedTempFile(remove_dot(ext), content, pool),
        mLink(mPath + ensure_dot(ext))

    // Disambiguate when passing string literal
    NamedExtTempFile(const std::string& ext, const char* content, apr_pool_t* pool=gAPRPoolp):
        NamedTempFile(remove_dot(ext), content, pool),
        mLink(mPath + ensure_dot(ext))

    NamedExtTempFile(const std::string& ext, const Streamer& func, apr_pool_t* pool=gAPRPoolp):
        NamedTempFile(remove_dot(ext), func, pool),
        mLink(mPath + ensure_dot(ext))

    virtual ~NamedExtTempFile()
        ll_apr_assert_status(apr_file_remove(mLink.c_str(), mPool));

    // Since the caller has gone to the trouble to create the name with the
    // extension, that should be the name we return. In this class, mPath is
    // just a placeholder to ensure that future createFile() calls won't
    // collide.
    virtual std::string getName() const { return mLink; }

    static std::string ensure_dot(const std::string& ext)
        if (ext.empty())
            // What SHOULD we do when the caller makes a point of using
            // NamedExtTempFile to generate a file with a particular
            // extension, then passes an empty extension? Use just "."? That
            // sounds like a Bad Idea, especially on Windows. Treat that as a
            // coding error.
            LL_ERRS("NamedExtTempFile") << "passed empty extension" << LL_ENDL;
        if (ext[0] == '.')
            return ext;
        return std::string(".") + ext;

    static std::string remove_dot(const std::string& ext)
        std::string::size_type found = ext.find_first_not_of(".");
        if (found == std::string::npos)
            return ext;
        return ext.substr(found);

    void linkto(const std::string& path)
        // This method assumes that since mPath (without extension) is
        // guaranteed by apr_file_mktemp() to be unique, then (mPath + any
        // extension) is also unique. This is likely, though not guaranteed:
        // files could be created in the same temp directory other than by
        // this class.
        ll_apr_assert_status(apr_file_link(mPath.c_str(), path.c_str()));

    std::string mLink;

#endif /* ! defined(LL_NAMEDTEMPFILE_H) */