/** * @file LLSaleInfo_tut.cpp * @author Adroit * @date 2007-03 * @brief Test cases of llsaleinfo.h * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include <tut/tut.hpp> #include "linden_common.h" #include "lltut.h" #include "llsaleinfo.h" namespace tut { struct llsaleinfo_tut { }; typedef test_group<llsaleinfo_tut> llsaleinfo_tut_t; typedef llsaleinfo_tut_t::object llsaleinfo_test_t; tut::llsaleinfo_tut_t tut_llsaleinfo_test("llsaleinfo"); template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<1>() { //test case for getSaleType(), getSalePrice(), getCRC32() fn. //test case for setSaleType(), setSalePrice() fn. S32 sale_price = 10000; LLSaleInfo llsaleinfo(LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY, sale_price); const char* sale= "copy"; LLSD llsd_obj1 = ll_create_sd_from_sale_info(llsaleinfo); LLSaleInfo saleinfo1 = ll_sale_info_from_sd(llsd_obj1); ensure("1. The getSaleType() fn failed", LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY == llsaleinfo.getSaleType()); ensure("2. LLSaleInfo::isForSale() fn failed", TRUE == llsaleinfo.isForSale()); ensure("3. The getSalePrice() fn failed", sale_price == llsaleinfo.getSalePrice()); ensure("4. The getCRC32() fn failed", 235833404 == llsaleinfo.getCRC32()); ensure("5. LLSaleInfo::lookup(const char* name) fn failed", LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY == llsaleinfo.lookup(sale)); ensure_equals("6. ll_create_sd_from_sale_info() fn failed", llsaleinfo.getSalePrice(), saleinfo1.getSalePrice()); ensure_equals("7. ll_create_sd_from_sale_info() fn failed", llsaleinfo.getSaleType(), saleinfo1.getSaleType()); llsaleinfo.setSalePrice(10000000); llsaleinfo.setSaleType(LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL); sale = "cntn"; llsd_obj1 = ll_create_sd_from_sale_info(llsaleinfo); saleinfo1 = ll_sale_info_from_sd(llsd_obj1); ensure("8. The getSaleType() and setSaleType() fn failed", LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL == llsaleinfo.getSaleType()); ensure("9. LLSaleInfo::isForSale() fn failed", TRUE == llsaleinfo.isForSale()); ensure("10. The getSalePrice() fn failed", 10000000 == llsaleinfo.getSalePrice()); ensure("11. The getCRC32() fn failed", 127911702 == llsaleinfo.getCRC32()); ensure("12. LLSaleInfo::lookup(const char* name) fn failed", LLSaleInfo::FS_CONTENTS == llsaleinfo.lookup(sale)); ensure_equals("13. ll_create_sd_from_sale_info() fn failed", llsaleinfo.getSalePrice(), saleinfo1.getSalePrice()); ensure_equals("14. ll_create_sd_from_sale_info() fn failed", llsaleinfo.getSaleType(), saleinfo1.getSaleType()); llsaleinfo.setSalePrice(55000550); llsaleinfo.setSaleType(LLSaleInfo::FS_CONTENTS); sale = "orig"; llsd_obj1 = ll_create_sd_from_sale_info(llsaleinfo); saleinfo1 = ll_sale_info_from_sd(llsd_obj1); ensure("15. The getSaleType() and setSaleType() fn failed", LLSaleInfo::FS_CONTENTS == llsaleinfo.getSaleType()); ensure("16. LLSaleInfo::isForSale() fn failed", TRUE == llsaleinfo.isForSale()); ensure("17. The getSalePrice() fn failed", 55000550 == llsaleinfo.getSalePrice()); ensure("18. The getCRC32() fn failed", 408735656 == llsaleinfo.getCRC32()); ensure("19. LLSaleInfo::lookup(const char* name) fn failed", LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL == llsaleinfo.lookup(sale)); ensure_equals("20. ll_create_sd_from_sale_info() fn failed", llsaleinfo.getSalePrice(), saleinfo1.getSalePrice()); ensure_equals("21. ll_create_sd_from_sale_info() fn failed", llsaleinfo.getSaleType(), saleinfo1.getSaleType()); llsaleinfo.setSalePrice(-6432); llsaleinfo.setSaleType(LLSaleInfo::FS_NOT); sale = "not"; llsd_obj1 = ll_create_sd_from_sale_info(llsaleinfo); saleinfo1 = ll_sale_info_from_sd(llsd_obj1); ensure("22. The getSaleType() and setSaleType() fn failed", LLSaleInfo::FS_NOT == llsaleinfo.getSaleType()); ensure("23. LLSaleInfo::isForSale() fn failed", FALSE == llsaleinfo.isForSale()); ensure("24. The getSalePrice() fn failed", 0 == llsaleinfo.getSalePrice()); ensure("25. The getCRC32() fn failed", 0 == llsaleinfo.getCRC32()); ensure("26. LLSaleInfo::lookup(const char* name) fn failed", LLSaleInfo::FS_NOT == llsaleinfo.lookup(sale)); ensure_equals("27. ll_create_sd_from_sale_info() fn failed", llsaleinfo.getSalePrice(), saleinfo1.getSalePrice()); ensure_equals("28. ll_create_sd_from_sale_info() fn failed", llsaleinfo.getSaleType(), saleinfo1.getSaleType()); } template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<2>() { LLFILE* fp = LLFile::fopen("linden_file.dat","w+"); if(!fp) { llerrs << "file could not be opened\n" << llendl; return; } S32 sale_price = 43500; LLSaleInfo llsaleinfo(LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY, sale_price); llsaleinfo.exportFile(fp); fclose(fp); LLSaleInfo llsaleinfo1; U32 perm_mask; BOOL has_perm_mask; fp = LLFile::fopen("linden_file.dat","r"); if(!fp) { llerrs << "file coudnt be opened\n" << llendl; return; } llsaleinfo1.importFile(fp, has_perm_mask, perm_mask); fclose(fp); ensure("importFile() fn failed ", llsaleinfo.getSaleType() == llsaleinfo1.getSaleType() && llsaleinfo.getSalePrice() == llsaleinfo1.getSalePrice()); } template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<3>() { S32 sale_price = 525452; LLSaleInfo llsaleinfo(LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL, sale_price); std::ostringstream ostream; llsaleinfo.exportStream(ostream); std::istringstream istream(ostream.str()); LLSaleInfo llsaleinfo1; U32 perm_mask = 0; BOOL has_perm_mask = FALSE; llsaleinfo1.importStream(istream, has_perm_mask, perm_mask); ensure("importStream() fn failed ", llsaleinfo.getSalePrice() == llsaleinfo1.getSalePrice() && llsaleinfo.getSaleType() == llsaleinfo1.getSaleType()); } template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<4>() { // Deleted LLSaleInfo::exportFileXML() and LLSaleInfo::importXML() // because I can't find any non-test code references to it. 2009-05-04 JC } template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<5>() { S32 sale_price = 99000; LLSaleInfo saleinfo(LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL, sale_price); LLSD sd_result = saleinfo.asLLSD(); U32 perm_mask = 0 ; BOOL has_perm_mask = FALSE; LLSaleInfo saleinfo1; saleinfo1.fromLLSD( sd_result, has_perm_mask, perm_mask); ensure_equals("asLLSD and fromLLSD failed", saleinfo.getSalePrice(), saleinfo1.getSalePrice()); ensure_equals("asLLSD and fromLLSD failed", saleinfo.getSaleType(), saleinfo1.getSaleType()); } //static EForSale lookup(const char* name) fn test template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<6>() { S32 sale_price = 233223; LLSaleInfo::EForSale ret_type = LLSaleInfo::lookup("orig"); ensure_equals("lookup(const char* name) fn failed", ret_type, LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL); LLSaleInfo saleinfo(LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY, sale_price); const char* result = LLSaleInfo::lookup(LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY); ensure("char* lookup(EForSale type) fn failed", 0 == strcmp("copy", result)); } //void LLSaleInfo::accumulate(const LLSaleInfo& sale_info) fn test template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<7>() { S32 sale_price = 20; LLSaleInfo saleinfo(LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY, sale_price); LLSaleInfo saleinfo1(LLSaleInfo::FS_COPY, sale_price); saleinfo1.accumulate(saleinfo); ensure_equals("LLSaleInfo::accumulate(const LLSaleInfo& sale_info) fn failed", saleinfo1.getSalePrice(), 40); } // test cases of bool operator==(const LLSaleInfo &rhs) fn // test case of bool operator!=(const LLSaleInfo &rhs) fn template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<8>() { S32 sale_price = 55000; LLSaleInfo saleinfo(LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL, sale_price); LLSaleInfo saleinfoequal(LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL, sale_price); LLSaleInfo saleinfonotequal(LLSaleInfo::FS_ORIGINAL, sale_price*2); ensure("operator == fn. failed", true == (saleinfo == saleinfoequal)); ensure("operator != fn. failed", true == (saleinfo != saleinfonotequal)); } template<> template<> void llsaleinfo_test_t::test<9>() { //TBD: void LLSaleInfo::packMessage(LLMessageSystem* msg) const //TBD: void LLSaleInfo::unpackMessage(LLMessageSystem* msg, const char* block) //TBD: void LLSaleInfo::unpackMultiMessage(LLMessageSystem* msg, const char* block, S32 block_num) } }