#!/usr/bin/python # @file viewer_manifest.py # @author Ryan Williams # @brief Description of all installer viewer files, and methods for packaging # them into installers for all supported platforms. # # $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewergpl$ # # Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Linden Research, Inc. # # Second Life Viewer Source Code # The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab # to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 # ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement # ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of # the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or # online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 # # There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as # it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception # in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or # online at # http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception # # By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge # that you have read and understood your obligations described above, # and agree to abide by those obligations. # # ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO # WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, # COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. # $/LicenseInfo$ import sys import os.path import re import tarfile viewer_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # add llmanifest library to our path so we don't have to muck with PYTHONPATH sys.path.append(os.path.join(viewer_dir, '../lib/python/indra/util')) from llmanifest import LLManifest, main, proper_windows_path, path_ancestors class ViewerManifest(LLManifest): def construct(self): super(ViewerManifest, self).construct() self.exclude("*.svn*") self.path(src="../../scripts/messages/message_template.msg", dst="app_settings/message_template.msg") self.path(src="../../etc/message.xml", dst="app_settings/message.xml") if self.prefix(src="app_settings"): self.exclude("logcontrol.xml") self.exclude("logcontrol-dev.xml") self.path("*.pem") self.path("*.ini") self.path("*.xml") self.path("*.db2") # include the entire shaders directory recursively self.path("shaders") # ... and the entire windlight directory self.path("windlight") self.end_prefix("app_settings") if self.prefix(src="character"): self.path("*.llm") self.path("*.xml") self.path("*.tga") self.end_prefix("character") # Include our fonts if self.prefix(src="fonts"): self.path("*.ttf") self.path("*.txt") self.end_prefix("fonts") # skins if self.prefix(src="skins"): self.path("paths.xml") # include the entire textures directory recursively if self.prefix(src="*/textures"): self.path("*/*.tga") self.path("*/*.j2c") self.path("*/*.jpg") self.path("*/*.png") self.path("*.tga") self.path("*.j2c") self.path("*.jpg") self.path("*.png") self.path("textures.xml") self.end_prefix("*/textures") self.path("*/xui/*/*.xml") self.path("*/xui/*/widgets/*.xml") self.path("*/*.xml") # Local HTML files (e.g. loading screen) if self.prefix(src="*/html"): self.path("*.png") self.path("*/*/*.html") self.path("*/*/*.gif") self.end_prefix("*/html") self.end_prefix("skins") # Files in the newview/ directory self.path("gpu_table.txt") def login_channel(self): """Channel reported for login and upgrade purposes ONLY; used for A/B testing""" # NOTE: Do not return the normal channel if login_channel # is not specified, as some code may branch depending on # whether or not this is present return self.args.get('login_channel') def grid(self): return self.args['grid'] def channel(self): return self.args['channel'] def channel_unique(self): return self.channel().replace("Second Life", "").strip() def channel_oneword(self): return "".join(self.channel_unique().split()) def channel_lowerword(self): return self.channel_oneword().lower() def flags_list(self): """ Convenience function that returns the command-line flags for the grid""" # Set command line flags relating to the target grid grid_flags = '' if not self.default_grid(): grid_flags = "--grid %(grid)s "\ "--helperuri http://preview-%(grid)s.secondlife.com/helpers/" %\ {'grid':self.grid()} # set command line flags for channel channel_flags = '' if self.login_channel() and self.login_channel() != self.channel(): # Report a special channel during login, but use default channel_flags = '--channel "%s"' % (self.login_channel()) elif not self.default_channel(): channel_flags = '--channel "%s"' % self.channel() # Deal with settings setting_flags = '' if not self.default_channel() or not self.default_grid(): if self.default_grid(): setting_flags = '--settings settings_%s.xml'\ % self.channel_lowerword() else: setting_flags = '--settings settings_%s_%s.xml'\ % (self.grid(), self.channel_lowerword()) return " ".join((channel_flags, grid_flags, setting_flags)).strip() class WindowsManifest(ViewerManifest): def final_exe(self): if self.default_channel(): if self.default_grid(): return "SecondLife.exe" else: return "SecondLifePreview.exe" else: return ''.join(self.channel().split()) + '.exe' def construct(self): super(WindowsManifest, self).construct() # the final exe is complicated because we're not sure where it's coming from, # nor do we have a fixed name for the executable self.path(self.find_existing_file('debug/secondlife-bin.exe', 'release/secondlife-bin.exe', 'relwithdebinfo/secondlife-bin.exe'), dst=self.final_exe()) # need to get the kdu dll from any of the build directories as well try: self.path(self.find_existing_file('../llkdu/%s/llkdu.dll' % self.args['configuration'], '../../libraries/i686-win32/lib/release/llkdu.dll'), dst='llkdu.dll') pass except: print "Skipping llkdu.dll" pass self.path(src="licenses-win32.txt", dst="licenses.txt") self.path("featuretable.txt") # For use in crash reporting (generates minidumps) self.path("dbghelp.dll") # For using FMOD for sound... DJS self.path("fmod.dll") # For textures if self.prefix(src="../../libraries/i686-win32/lib/release", dst=""): self.path("openjpeg.dll") self.end_prefix() # Mozilla appears to force a dependency on these files so we need to ship it (CP) - updated to vc8 versions (nyx) # These need to be installed as a SxS assembly, currently a 'private' assembly. # See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235291(VS.80).aspx if self.prefix(src=self.args['configuration'], dst=""): if self.args['configuration'] == 'Debug': self.path("msvcr80d.dll") self.path("msvcp80d.dll") self.path("Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT.manifest") else: self.path("msvcr80.dll") self.path("msvcp80.dll") self.path("Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest") self.end_prefix() # Mozilla runtime DLLs (CP) if self.prefix(src="../../libraries/i686-win32/lib/release", dst=""): self.path("freebl3.dll") self.path("js3250.dll") self.path("nspr4.dll") self.path("nss3.dll") self.path("nssckbi.dll") self.path("plc4.dll") self.path("plds4.dll") self.path("smime3.dll") self.path("softokn3.dll") self.path("ssl3.dll") self.path("xpcom.dll") self.path("xul.dll") self.end_prefix() # Mozilla runtime misc files (CP) if self.prefix(src="app_settings/mozilla"): self.path("chrome/*.*") self.path("components/*.*") self.path("greprefs/*.*") self.path("plugins/*.*") self.path("res/*.*") self.path("res/*/*") self.end_prefix() # Mozilla hack to get it to accept newer versions of msvc*80.dll than are listed in manifest # necessary as llmozlib2-vc80.lib refers to an old version of msvc*80.dll - can be removed when new version of llmozlib is built - Nyx # The config file name needs to match the exe's name. self.path("SecondLife.exe.config", dst=self.final_exe() + ".config") # Vivox runtimes if self.prefix(src="vivox-runtime/i686-win32", dst=""): self.path("SLVoice.exe") self.path("alut.dll") self.path("vivoxsdk.dll") self.path("ortp.dll") self.path("wrap_oal.dll") self.end_prefix() # pull in the crash logger and updater from other projects self.path(src=self.find_existing_file( # tag:"crash-logger" here as a cue to the exporter "../win_crash_logger/debug/windows-crash-logger.exe", "../win_crash_logger/release/windows-crash-logger.exe", "../win_crash_logger/relwithdebinfo/windows-crash-logger.exe"), dst="win_crash_logger.exe") self.path(src=self.find_existing_file( "../win_updater/debug/windows-updater.exe", "../win_updater/release/windows-updater.exe", "../win_updater/relwithdebinfo/windows-updater.exe"), dst="updater.exe") # For google-perftools tcmalloc allocator. if self.prefix(src="../../libraries/i686-win32/lib/release", dst=""): self.path("libtcmalloc_minimal.dll") self.end_prefix() def nsi_file_commands(self, install=True): def wpath(path): if path.endswith('/') or path.endswith(os.path.sep): path = path[:-1] path = path.replace('/', '\\') return path result = "" dest_files = [pair[1] for pair in self.file_list if pair[0] and os.path.isfile(pair[1])] # sort deepest hierarchy first dest_files.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.count(os.path.sep),b.count(os.path.sep)) or cmp(a,b)) dest_files.reverse() out_path = None for pkg_file in dest_files: rel_file = os.path.normpath(pkg_file.replace(self.get_dst_prefix()+os.path.sep,'')) installed_dir = wpath(os.path.join('$INSTDIR', os.path.dirname(rel_file))) pkg_file = wpath(os.path.normpath(pkg_file)) if installed_dir != out_path: if install: out_path = installed_dir result += 'SetOutPath ' + out_path + '\n' if install: result += 'File ' + pkg_file + '\n' else: result += 'Delete ' + wpath(os.path.join('$INSTDIR', rel_file)) + '\n' # at the end of a delete, just rmdir all the directories if not install: deleted_file_dirs = [os.path.dirname(pair[1].replace(self.get_dst_prefix()+os.path.sep,'')) for pair in self.file_list] # find all ancestors so that we don't skip any dirs that happened to have no non-dir children deleted_dirs = [] for d in deleted_file_dirs: deleted_dirs.extend(path_ancestors(d)) # sort deepest hierarchy first deleted_dirs.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.count(os.path.sep),b.count(os.path.sep)) or cmp(a,b)) deleted_dirs.reverse() prev = None for d in deleted_dirs: if d != prev: # skip duplicates result += 'RMDir ' + wpath(os.path.join('$INSTDIR', os.path.normpath(d))) + '\n' prev = d return result def package_finish(self): # a standard map of strings for replacing in the templates substitution_strings = { 'version' : '.'.join(self.args['version']), 'version_short' : '.'.join(self.args['version'][:-1]), 'version_dashes' : '-'.join(self.args['version']), 'final_exe' : self.final_exe(), 'grid':self.args['grid'], 'grid_caps':self.args['grid'].upper(), # escape quotes becase NSIS doesn't handle them well 'flags':self.flags_list().replace('"', '$\\"'), 'channel':self.channel(), 'channel_oneword':self.channel_oneword(), 'channel_unique':self.channel_unique(), } version_vars = """ !define INSTEXE "%(final_exe)s" !define VERSION "%(version_short)s" !define VERSION_LONG "%(version)s" !define VERSION_DASHES "%(version_dashes)s" """ % substitution_strings if self.default_channel(): if self.default_grid(): # release viewer installer_file = "Second_Life_%(version_dashes)s_Setup.exe" grid_vars_template = """ OutFile "%(installer_file)s" !define INSTFLAGS "%(flags)s" !define INSTNAME "SecondLife" !define SHORTCUT "Second Life" !define URLNAME "secondlife" Caption "Second Life ${VERSION}" """ else: # beta grid viewer installer_file = "Second_Life_%(version_dashes)s_(%(grid_caps)s)_Setup.exe" grid_vars_template = """ OutFile "%(installer_file)s" !define INSTFLAGS "%(flags)s" !define INSTNAME "SecondLife%(grid_caps)s" !define SHORTCUT "Second Life (%(grid_caps)s)" !define URLNAME "secondlife%(grid)s" !define UNINSTALL_SETTINGS 1 Caption "Second Life %(grid)s ${VERSION}" """ else: # some other channel on some grid installer_file = "Second_Life_%(version_dashes)s_%(channel_oneword)s_Setup.exe" grid_vars_template = """ OutFile "%(installer_file)s" !define INSTFLAGS "%(flags)s" !define INSTNAME "SecondLife%(channel_oneword)s" !define SHORTCUT "%(channel)s" !define URLNAME "secondlife" !define UNINSTALL_SETTINGS 1 Caption "%(channel)s ${VERSION}" """ if 'installer_name' in self.args: installer_file = self.args['installer_name'] else: installer_file = installer_file % substitution_strings substitution_strings['installer_file'] = installer_file tempfile = "secondlife_setup_tmp.nsi" # the following replaces strings in the nsi template # it also does python-style % substitution self.replace_in("installers/windows/installer_template.nsi", tempfile, { "%%VERSION%%":version_vars, "%%SOURCE%%":self.get_src_prefix(), "%%GRID_VARS%%":grid_vars_template % substitution_strings, "%%INSTALL_FILES%%":self.nsi_file_commands(True), "%%DELETE_FILES%%":self.nsi_file_commands(False)}) # We use the Unicode version of NSIS, available from # http://www.scratchpaper.com/ NSIS_path = 'C:\\Program Files\\NSIS\\Unicode\\makensis.exe' self.run_command('"' + proper_windows_path(NSIS_path) + '" ' + self.dst_path_of(tempfile)) # self.remove(self.dst_path_of(tempfile)) # If we're on a build machine, sign the code using our Authenticode certificate. JC sign_py = 'C:\\buildscripts\\code-signing\\sign.py' if os.path.exists(sign_py): self.run_command(sign_py + ' ' + self.dst_path_of(installer_file)) else: print "Skipping code signing,", sign_py, "does not exist" self.created_path(self.dst_path_of(installer_file)) self.package_file = installer_file class DarwinManifest(ViewerManifest): def construct(self): # copy over the build result (this is a no-op if run within the xcode script) self.path(self.args['configuration'] + "/Second Life.app", dst="") if self.prefix(src="", dst="Contents"): # everything goes in Contents # Expand the tar file containing the assorted mozilla bits into # /Contents/MacOS/ self.contents_of_tar(self.args['source']+'/mozilla-universal-darwin.tgz', 'MacOS') self.path("Info-SecondLife.plist", dst="Info.plist") # copy additional libs in /Contents/MacOS/ self.path("../../libraries/universal-darwin/lib_release/libndofdev.dylib", dst="MacOS/libndofdev.dylib") # replace the default theme with our custom theme (so scrollbars work). if self.prefix(src="mozilla-theme", dst="MacOS/chrome"): self.path("classic.jar") self.path("classic.manifest") self.end_prefix("MacOS/chrome") # most everything goes in the Resources directory if self.prefix(src="", dst="Resources"): super(DarwinManifest, self).construct() if self.prefix("cursors_mac"): self.path("*.tif") self.end_prefix("cursors_mac") self.path("licenses-mac.txt", dst="licenses.txt") self.path("featuretable_mac.txt") self.path("SecondLife.nib") # If we are not using the default channel, use the 'Firstlook # icon' to show that it isn't a stable release. if self.default_channel() and self.default_grid(): self.path("secondlife.icns") else: self.path("secondlife_firstlook.icns", "secondlife.icns") self.path("SecondLife.nib") # Translations self.path("English.lproj") self.path("German.lproj") self.path("Japanese.lproj") self.path("Korean.lproj") self.path("da.lproj") self.path("es.lproj") self.path("fr.lproj") self.path("hu.lproj") self.path("it.lproj") self.path("nl.lproj") self.path("pl.lproj") self.path("pt.lproj") self.path("ru.lproj") self.path("tr.lproj") self.path("uk.lproj") self.path("zh-Hans.lproj") # SLVoice and vivox lols self.path("vivox-runtime/universal-darwin/libalut.dylib", "libalut.dylib") self.path("vivox-runtime/universal-darwin/libopenal.dylib", "libopenal.dylib") self.path("vivox-runtime/universal-darwin/libortp.dylib", "libortp.dylib") self.path("vivox-runtime/universal-darwin/libvivoxsdk.dylib", "libvivoxsdk.dylib") self.path("vivox-runtime/universal-darwin/SLVoice", "SLVoice") # need to get the kdu dll from any of the build directories as well try: self.path(self.find_existing_file('../llkdu/%s/libllkdu.dylib' % self.args['configuration'], "../../libraries/universal-darwin/lib_release/libllkdu.dylib"), dst='libllkdu.dylib') pass except: print "Skipping libllkdu.dylib" pass #libfmodwrapper.dylib self.path(self.args['configuration'] + "/libfmodwrapper.dylib", "libfmodwrapper.dylib") # our apps self.path("../mac_crash_logger/" + self.args['configuration'] + "/mac-crash-logger.app", "mac-crash-logger.app") self.path("../mac_updater/" + self.args['configuration'] + "/mac-updater.app", "mac-updater.app") # command line arguments for connecting to the proper grid self.put_in_file(self.flags_list(), 'arguments.txt') self.end_prefix("Resources") self.end_prefix("Contents") # NOTE: the -S argument to strip causes it to keep enough info for # annotated backtraces (i.e. function names in the crash log). 'strip' with no # arguments yields a slightly smaller binary but makes crash logs mostly useless. # This may be desirable for the final release. Or not. if ("package" in self.args['actions'] or "unpacked" in self.args['actions']): self.run_command('strip -S "%(viewer_binary)s"' % { 'viewer_binary' : self.dst_path_of('Contents/MacOS/Second Life')}) def package_finish(self): channel_standin = 'Second Life' # hah, our default channel is not usable on its own if not self.default_channel(): channel_standin = self.channel() imagename="SecondLife_" + '_'.join(self.args['version']) # MBW -- If the mounted volume name changes, it breaks the .DS_Store's background image and icon positioning. # If we really need differently named volumes, we'll need to create multiple DS_Store file images, or use some other trick. volname="Second Life Installer" # DO NOT CHANGE without understanding comment above if self.default_channel(): if not self.default_grid(): # beta case imagename = imagename + '_' + self.args['grid'].upper() else: # first look, etc imagename = imagename + '_' + self.channel_oneword().upper() sparsename = imagename + ".sparseimage" finalname = imagename + ".dmg" # make sure we don't have stale files laying about self.remove(sparsename, finalname) self.run_command('hdiutil create "%(sparse)s" -volname "%(vol)s" -fs HFS+ -type SPARSE -megabytes 300 -layout SPUD' % { 'sparse':sparsename, 'vol':volname}) # mount the image and get the name of the mount point and device node hdi_output = self.run_command('hdiutil attach -private "' + sparsename + '"') devfile = re.search("/dev/disk([0-9]+)[^s]", hdi_output).group(0).strip() volpath = re.search('HFS\s+(.+)', hdi_output).group(1).strip() # Copy everything in to the mounted .dmg if self.default_channel() and not self.default_grid(): app_name = "Second Life " + self.args['grid'] else: app_name = channel_standin.strip() # Hack: # Because there is no easy way to coerce the Finder into positioning # the app bundle in the same place with different app names, we are # adding multiple .DS_Store files to svn. There is one for release, # one for release candidate and one for first look. Any other channels # will use the release .DS_Store, and will look broken. # - Ambroff 2008-08-20 dmg_template = os.path.join( 'installers', 'darwin', '%s-dmg' % "".join(self.channel_unique().split()).lower()) if not os.path.exists (self.src_path_of(dmg_template)): dmg_template = os.path.join ('installers', 'darwin', 'release-dmg') for s,d in {self.get_dst_prefix():app_name + ".app", os.path.join(dmg_template, "_VolumeIcon.icns"): ".VolumeIcon.icns", os.path.join(dmg_template, "background.jpg"): "background.jpg", os.path.join(dmg_template, "_DS_Store"): ".DS_Store"}.items(): print "Copying to dmg", s, d self.copy_action(self.src_path_of(s), os.path.join(volpath, d)) # Hide the background image, DS_Store file, and volume icon file (set their "visible" bit) self.run_command('SetFile -a V "' + os.path.join(volpath, ".VolumeIcon.icns") + '"') self.run_command('SetFile -a V "' + os.path.join(volpath, "background.jpg") + '"') self.run_command('SetFile -a V "' + os.path.join(volpath, ".DS_Store") + '"') # Create the alias file (which is a resource file) from the .r self.run_command('rez "' + self.src_path_of("installers/darwin/release-dmg/Applications-alias.r") + '" -o "' + os.path.join(volpath, "Applications") + '"') # Set the alias file's alias and custom icon bits self.run_command('SetFile -a AC "' + os.path.join(volpath, "Applications") + '"') # Set the disk image root's custom icon bit self.run_command('SetFile -a C "' + volpath + '"') # Unmount the image self.run_command('hdiutil detach -force "' + devfile + '"') print "Converting temp disk image to final disk image" self.run_command('hdiutil convert "%(sparse)s" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "%(final)s"' % {'sparse':sparsename, 'final':finalname}) # get rid of the temp file self.package_file = finalname self.remove(sparsename) class LinuxManifest(ViewerManifest): def construct(self): super(LinuxManifest, self).construct() self.path("licenses-linux.txt","licenses.txt") self.path("res/ll_icon.png","secondlife_icon.png") if self.prefix("linux_tools", dst=""): self.path("client-readme.txt","README-linux.txt") self.path("client-readme-voice.txt","README-linux-voice.txt") self.path("client-readme-joystick.txt","README-linux-joystick.txt") self.path("wrapper.sh","secondlife") self.path("handle_secondlifeprotocol.sh") self.path("register_secondlifeprotocol.sh") self.end_prefix("linux_tools") # Create an appropriate gridargs.dat for this package, denoting required grid. self.put_in_file(self.flags_list(), 'gridargs.dat') def package_finish(self): if 'installer_name' in self.args: installer_name = self.args['installer_name'] else: installer_name_components = ['SecondLife_', self.args.get('arch')] installer_name_components.extend(self.args['version']) installer_name = "_".join(installer_name_components) if self.default_channel(): if not self.default_grid(): installer_name += '_' + self.args['grid'].upper() else: installer_name += '_' + self.channel_oneword().upper() # Fix access permissions self.run_command(""" find %(dst)s -type d | xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod 755; find %(dst)s -type f -perm 0700 | xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod 0755; find %(dst)s -type f -perm 0500 | xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod 0555; find %(dst)s -type f -perm 0600 | xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod 0644; find %(dst)s -type f -perm 0400 | xargs --no-run-if-empty chmod 0444; true""" % {'dst':self.get_dst_prefix() }) self.package_file = installer_name + '.tar.bz2' # temporarily move directory tree so that it has the right # name in the tarfile self.run_command("mv %(dst)s %(inst)s" % { 'dst': self.get_dst_prefix(), 'inst': self.build_path_of(installer_name)}) try: # --numeric-owner hides the username of the builder for # security etc. self.run_command('tar -C %(dir)s --numeric-owner -cjf ' '%(inst_path)s.tar.bz2 %(inst_name)s' % { 'dir': self.get_build_prefix(), 'inst_name': installer_name, 'inst_path':self.build_path_of(installer_name)}) finally: self.run_command("mv %(inst)s %(dst)s" % { 'dst': self.get_dst_prefix(), 'inst': self.build_path_of(installer_name)}) class Linux_i686Manifest(LinuxManifest): def construct(self): super(Linux_i686Manifest, self).construct() # install either the libllkdu we just built, or a prebuilt one, in # decreasing order of preference. for linux package, this goes to bin/ try: self.path(self.find_existing_file('../llkdu/libllkdu.so', '../../libraries/i686-linux/lib_release_client/libllkdu.so'), dst='bin/libllkdu.so') # keep this one to preserve syntax, open source mangling removes previous lines pass except: print "Skipping libllkdu.so - not found" pass self.path("secondlife-stripped","bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin") self.path("../linux_crash_logger/linux-crash-logger-stripped","linux-crash-logger.bin") self.path("linux_tools/launch_url.sh","launch_url.sh") if self.prefix("res-sdl"): self.path("*") # recurse self.end_prefix("res-sdl") self.path("featuretable_linux.txt") #self.path("secondlife-i686.supp") self.path("app_settings/mozilla-runtime-linux-i686") if self.prefix("../../libraries/i686-linux/lib_release_client", dst="lib"): #self.path("libkdu_v42R.so", "libkdu.so") self.path("libfmod-3.75.so") self.path("libapr-1.so.0") self.path("libaprutil-1.so.0") self.path("libdb-4.2.so") self.path("libcrypto.so.0.9.7") self.path("libexpat.so.1") self.path("libssl.so.0.9.7") self.path("libuuid.so", "libuuid.so.1") self.path("libSDL-1.2.so.0") self.path("libELFIO.so") self.path("libopenjpeg.so.1.3.0", "libopenjpeg.so.1.3") self.path("libalut.so") self.path("libopenal.so", "libopenal.so.1") self.end_prefix("lib") # Vivox runtimes if self.prefix(src="vivox-runtime/i686-linux", dst="bin"): self.path("SLVoice") self.end_prefix() if self.prefix(src="vivox-runtime/i686-linux", dst="lib"): self.path("libortp.so") self.path("libvivoxsdk.so") self.end_prefix("lib") class Linux_x86_64Manifest(LinuxManifest): def construct(self): super(Linux_x86_64Manifest, self).construct() self.path("secondlife-stripped","bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin") self.path("../linux_crash_logger/linux-crash-logger-stripped","linux-crash-logger.bin") self.path("linux_tools/launch_url.sh","launch_url.sh") if self.prefix("res-sdl"): self.path("*") # recurse self.end_prefix("res-sdl") self.path("featuretable_linux.txt") self.path("secondlife-i686.supp") if __name__ == "__main__": main()