/** * @file llworldmap_test.cpp * @author Merov Linden * @date 2009-03-09 * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // Dependencies #include "linden_common.h" #include "llsingleton.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "lluistring.h" #include "../llviewertexture.h" #include "../llworldmapmessage.h" // Class to test #include "../llworldmap.h" // Tut header #include "../test/lltut.h" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stubbing: Declarations required to link and run the class being tested // Notes: // * Add here stubbed implementation of the few classes and methods used in the class to be tested // * Add as little as possible (let the link errors guide you) // * Do not make any assumption as to how those classes or methods work (i.e. don't copy/paste code) // * A simulator for a class can be implemented here. Please comment and document thoroughly. // Stub image calls void LLViewerTexture::setBoostLevel(S32 ) { } void LLViewerTexture::setAddressMode(LLTexUnit::eTextureAddressMode ) { } LLViewerFetchedTexture* LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(const LLUUID&, BOOL, LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel, S8, LLGLint, LLGLenum, LLHost ) { return NULL; } // Stub related map calls LLWorldMapMessage::LLWorldMapMessage() { } LLWorldMapMessage::~LLWorldMapMessage() { } void LLWorldMapMessage::sendItemRequest(U32 type, U64 handle) { } void LLWorldMapMessage::sendMapBlockRequest(U16 min_x, U16 min_y, U16 max_x, U16 max_y, bool return_nonexistent) { } LLWorldMipmap::LLWorldMipmap() { } LLWorldMipmap::~LLWorldMipmap() { } void LLWorldMipmap::reset() { } void LLWorldMipmap::dropBoostLevels() { } void LLWorldMipmap::equalizeBoostLevels() { } LLPointer LLWorldMipmap::getObjectsTile(U32 grid_x, U32 grid_y, S32 level, bool load) { return NULL; } // Stub other stuff std::string LLTrans::getString(const std::string &, const LLStringUtil::format_map_t& ) { return std::string("test_trans"); } void LLUIString::updateResult() const { } void LLUIString::setArg(const std::string& , const std::string& ) { } void LLUIString::assign(const std::string& ) { } // End Stubbing // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TUT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const F32 X_WORLD_TEST = 1000.0f * REGION_WIDTH_METERS; const F32 Y_WORLD_TEST = 2000.0f * REGION_WIDTH_METERS; const F32 Z_WORLD_TEST = 240.0f; const std::string ITEM_NAME_TEST = "Item Foo"; const std::string TOOLTIP_TEST = "Tooltip Foo"; const std::string SIM_NAME_TEST = "Sim Foo"; namespace tut { // Test wrapper declarations struct iteminfo_test { // Instance to be tested LLItemInfo* mItem; // Constructor and destructor of the test wrapper iteminfo_test() { LLUUID id; mItem = new LLItemInfo(X_WORLD_TEST, Y_WORLD_TEST, ITEM_NAME_TEST, id); } ~iteminfo_test() { delete mItem; } }; struct siminfo_test { // Instance to be tested LLSimInfo* mSim; // Constructor and destructor of the test wrapper siminfo_test() { U64 handle = to_region_handle_global(X_WORLD_TEST, Y_WORLD_TEST); mSim = new LLSimInfo(handle); } ~siminfo_test() { delete mSim; } }; struct worldmap_test { // Instance to be tested LLWorldMap* mWorld; // Constructor and destructor of the test wrapper worldmap_test() { mWorld = LLWorldMap::getInstance(); } ~worldmap_test() { mWorld = NULL; } }; // Tut templating thingamagic: test group, object and test instance typedef test_group iteminfo_t; typedef iteminfo_t::object iteminfo_object_t; tut::iteminfo_t tut_iteminfo("LLItemInfo"); typedef test_group siminfo_t; typedef siminfo_t::object siminfo_object_t; tut::siminfo_t tut_siminfo("LLSimInfo"); typedef test_group worldmap_t; typedef worldmap_t::object worldmap_object_t; tut::worldmap_t tut_worldmap("LLWorldMap"); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test functions // Notes: // * Test as many as you possibly can without requiring a full blown simulation of everything // * The tests are executed in sequence so the test instance state may change between calls // * Remember that you cannot test private methods with tut // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test the LLItemInfo interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<> template<> void iteminfo_object_t::test<1>() { // Test 1 : setCount() / getCount() mItem->setCount(10); ensure("LLItemInfo::setCount() test failed", mItem->getCount() == 10); // Test 2 : setTooltip() / getToolTip() std::string tooltip = TOOLTIP_TEST; mItem->setTooltip(tooltip); ensure("LLItemInfo::setTooltip() test failed", mItem->getToolTip() == TOOLTIP_TEST); // Test 3 : setElevation() / getGlobalPosition() mItem->setElevation(Z_WORLD_TEST); LLVector3d pos = mItem->getGlobalPosition(); LLVector3d ref(X_WORLD_TEST, Y_WORLD_TEST, Z_WORLD_TEST); ensure("LLItemInfo::getGlobalPosition() test failed", pos == ref); // Test 4 : getName() std::string name = mItem->getName(); ensure("LLItemInfo::getName() test failed", name == ITEM_NAME_TEST); // Test 5 : isName() ensure("LLItemInfo::isName() test failed", mItem->isName(name)); // Test 6 : getUUID() LLUUID id; ensure("LLItemInfo::getUUID() test failed", mItem->getUUID() == id); // Test 7 : getRegionHandle() U64 handle = to_region_handle_global(X_WORLD_TEST, Y_WORLD_TEST); ensure("LLItemInfo::getRegionHandle() test failed", mItem->getRegionHandle() == handle); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test the LLSimInfo interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test Setters and Accessors methods template<> template<> void siminfo_object_t::test<1>() { // Test 1 : setName() / getName() std::string name = SIM_NAME_TEST; mSim->setName(name); ensure("LLSimInfo::setName() test failed", mSim->getName() == SIM_NAME_TEST); // Test 2 : isName() ensure("LLSimInfo::isName() test failed", mSim->isName(name)); // Test 3 : getGlobalPos() LLVector3 local; LLVector3d ref(X_WORLD_TEST, Y_WORLD_TEST, 0.0f); LLVector3d pos = mSim->getGlobalPos(local); ensure("LLSimInfo::getGlobalPos() test failed", pos == ref); // Test 4 : getGlobalOrigin() pos = mSim->getGlobalOrigin(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getGlobalOrigin() test failed", pos == ref); // Test 5 : clearImage() try { mSim->clearImage(); } catch (...) { fail("LLSimInfo::clearImage() test failed"); } // Test 6 : dropImagePriority() try { mSim->dropImagePriority(); } catch (...) { fail("LLSimInfo::dropImagePriority() test failed"); } // Test 7 : updateAgentCount() try { mSim->updateAgentCount(0.0f); } catch (...) { fail("LLSimInfo::updateAgentCount() test failed"); } // Test 8 : getAgentCount() S32 agents = mSim->getAgentCount(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getAgentCount() test failed", agents == 0); // Test 9 : setLandForSaleImage() / getLandForSaleImage() LLUUID id; mSim->setLandForSaleImage(id); LLPointer image = mSim->getLandForSaleImage(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getLandForSaleImage() test failed", image.isNull()); // Test 10 : isPG() mSim->setAccess(SIM_ACCESS_PG); ensure("LLSimInfo::isPG() test failed", mSim->isPG()); // Test 11 : isDown() mSim->setAccess(SIM_ACCESS_DOWN); ensure("LLSimInfo::isDown() test failed", mSim->isDown()); // Test 12 : Access strings can't be accessed from unit test... //ensure("LLSimInfo::getAccessString() test failed", mSim->getAccessString() == "Offline"); // Test 13 : Region strings can't be accessed from unit test... //mSim->setRegionFlags(REGION_FLAGS_SANDBOX); //ensure("LLSimInfo::setRegionFlags() test failed", mSim->getFlagsString() == "Sandbox"); } // Test management of LLInfoItem lists template<> template<> void siminfo_object_t::test<2>() { // Test 14 : clearItems() try { mSim->clearItems(); } catch (...) { fail("LLSimInfo::clearItems() at init test failed"); } // Test 15 : Verify that all the lists are empty LLSimInfo::item_info_list_t list; list = mSim->getTeleHub(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getTeleHub() empty at init test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getInfoHub(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getInfoHub() empty at init test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getPGEvent(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getPGEvent() empty at init test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getMatureEvent(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getMatureEvent() empty at init test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getLandForSale(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getLandForSale() empty at init test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getAgentLocation(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getAgentLocation() empty at init test failed", list.empty()); // Create an item to be inserted LLUUID id; LLItemInfo item(X_WORLD_TEST, Y_WORLD_TEST, ITEM_NAME_TEST, id); // Insert the item in each list mSim->insertTeleHub(item); mSim->insertInfoHub(item); mSim->insertPGEvent(item); mSim->insertMatureEvent(item); mSim->insertLandForSale(item); mSim->insertAgentLocation(item); // Test 16 : Verify that the lists contain 1 item each list = mSim->getTeleHub(); ensure("LLSimInfo::insertTeleHub() test failed", list.size() == 1); list = mSim->getInfoHub(); ensure("LLSimInfo::insertInfoHub() test failed", list.size() == 1); list = mSim->getPGEvent(); ensure("LLSimInfo::insertPGEvent() test failed", list.size() == 1); list = mSim->getMatureEvent(); ensure("LLSimInfo::insertMatureEvent() test failed", list.size() == 1); list = mSim->getLandForSale(); ensure("LLSimInfo::insertLandForSale() test failed", list.size() == 1); list = mSim->getAgentLocation(); ensure("LLSimInfo::insertAgentLocation() test failed", list.size() == 1); // Test 17 : clearItems() try { mSim->clearItems(); } catch (...) { fail("LLSimInfo::clearItems() at end test failed"); } // Test 18 : Verify that all the lists are empty again... *except* agent which is persisted!! (on purpose) list = mSim->getTeleHub(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getTeleHub() empty after clear test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getInfoHub(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getInfoHub() empty after clear test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getPGEvent(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getPGEvent() empty after clear test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getMatureEvent(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getMatureEvent() empty after clear test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getLandForSale(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getLandForSale() empty after clear test failed", list.empty()); list = mSim->getAgentLocation(); ensure("LLSimInfo::getAgentLocation() empty after clear test failed", list.size() == 1); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test the LLWorldMap interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test Setters and Accessors methods template<> template<> void worldmap_object_t::test<1>() { // Test 1 : reset() try { mWorld->reset(); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::reset() at init test failed"); } // Test 2 : clearImageRefs() try { mWorld->clearImageRefs(); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::clearImageRefs() test failed"); } // Test 3 : dropImagePriorities() try { mWorld->dropImagePriorities(); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::dropImagePriorities() test failed"); } // Test 4 : reloadItems() try { mWorld->reloadItems(true); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::reloadItems() test failed"); } // Test 5 : updateRegions() try { mWorld->updateRegions(1000, 1000, 1004, 1004); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::updateRegions() test failed"); } // Test 6 : equalizeBoostLevels() try { mWorld->equalizeBoostLevels(); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::equalizeBoostLevels() test failed"); } // Test 7 : getObjectsTile() try { LLPointer image = mWorld->getObjectsTile((U32)(X_WORLD_TEST/REGION_WIDTH_METERS), (U32)(Y_WORLD_TEST/REGION_WIDTH_METERS), 1); ensure("LLWorldMap::getObjectsTile() failed", image.isNull()); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::getObjectsTile() test failed with exception"); } } // Test management of LLSimInfo lists template<> template<> void worldmap_object_t::test<2>() { // Test 8 : reset() try { mWorld->reset(); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::reset() at init test failed"); } // Test 9 : Verify that all the region list is empty LLWorldMap::sim_info_map_t list; list = mWorld->getRegionMap(); ensure("LLWorldMap::getRegionMap() empty at init test failed", list.empty()); // Test 10 : Insert a region bool success; LLUUID id; std::string name_sim = SIM_NAME_TEST; success = mWorld->insertRegion( U32(X_WORLD_TEST), U32(Y_WORLD_TEST), name_sim, id, SIM_ACCESS_PG, REGION_FLAGS_SANDBOX); list = mWorld->getRegionMap(); ensure("LLWorldMap::insertRegion() failed", success && (list.size() == 1)); // Test 11 : Insert an item in the same region -> number of regions doesn't increase std::string name_item = ITEM_NAME_TEST; success = mWorld->insertItem( U32(X_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2), U32(Y_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2), name_item, id, MAP_ITEM_LAND_FOR_SALE, 0, 0); list = mWorld->getRegionMap(); ensure("LLWorldMap::insertItem() in existing region failed", success && (list.size() == 1)); // Test 12 : Insert an item in another region -> number of regions increases success = mWorld->insertItem( U32(X_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS*2), U32(Y_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS*2), name_item, id, MAP_ITEM_LAND_FOR_SALE, 0, 0); list = mWorld->getRegionMap(); ensure("LLWorldMap::insertItem() in unexisting region failed", success && (list.size() == 2)); // Test 13 : simInfoFromPosGlobal() in region LLVector3d pos1( X_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS*2 + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2, Y_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS*2 + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2, 0.0f); LLSimInfo* sim; sim = mWorld->simInfoFromPosGlobal(pos1); ensure("LLWorldMap::simInfoFromPosGlobal() test on existing region failed", sim != NULL); // Test 14 : simInfoFromPosGlobal() outside region LLVector3d pos2( X_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS*4 + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2, Y_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS*4 + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2, 0.0f); sim = mWorld->simInfoFromPosGlobal(pos2); ensure("LLWorldMap::simInfoFromPosGlobal() test outside region failed", sim == NULL); // Test 15 : simInfoFromName() sim = mWorld->simInfoFromName(name_sim); ensure("LLWorldMap::simInfoFromName() test on existing region failed", sim != NULL); // Test 16 : simInfoFromHandle() U64 handle = to_region_handle_global(X_WORLD_TEST, Y_WORLD_TEST); sim = mWorld->simInfoFromHandle(handle); ensure("LLWorldMap::simInfoFromHandle() test on existing region failed", sim != NULL); // Test 17 : simNameFromPosGlobal() LLVector3d pos3( X_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2, Y_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2, 0.0f); success = mWorld->simNameFromPosGlobal(pos3, name_sim); ensure("LLWorldMap::simNameFromPosGlobal() test on existing region failed", success && (name_sim == SIM_NAME_TEST)); // Test 18 : reset() try { mWorld->reset(); } catch (...) { fail("LLWorldMap::reset() at end test failed"); } // Test 19 : Verify that all the region list is empty list = mWorld->getRegionMap(); ensure("LLWorldMap::getRegionMap() empty at end test failed", list.empty()); } // Test tracking template<> template<> void worldmap_object_t::test<3>() { // Point to track LLVector3d pos( X_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2, Y_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS/2, Z_WORLD_TEST); // Test 20 : no tracking mWorld->cancelTracking(); ensure("LLWorldMap::cancelTracking() at begin test failed", mWorld->isTracking() == false); // Test 21 : set tracking mWorld->setTracking(pos); ensure("LLWorldMap::setTracking() failed", mWorld->isTracking() && !mWorld->isTrackingValidLocation()); // Test 22 : set click and commit flags mWorld->setTrackingDoubleClick(); ensure("LLWorldMap::setTrackingDoubleClick() failed", mWorld->isTrackingDoubleClick()); mWorld->setTrackingCommit(); ensure("LLWorldMap::setTrackingCommit() failed", mWorld->isTrackingCommit()); // Test 23 : in rectangle test bool inRect = mWorld->isTrackingInRectangle( X_WORLD_TEST, Y_WORLD_TEST, X_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS, Y_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS); ensure("LLWorldMap::isTrackingInRectangle() in rectangle failed", inRect); inRect = mWorld->isTrackingInRectangle( X_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS, Y_WORLD_TEST + REGION_WIDTH_METERS, X_WORLD_TEST + 2 * REGION_WIDTH_METERS, Y_WORLD_TEST + 2 * REGION_WIDTH_METERS); ensure("LLWorldMap::isTrackingInRectangle() outside rectangle failed", !inRect); // Test 24 : set tracking to valid and invalid mWorld->setTrackingValid(); ensure("LLWorldMap::setTrackingValid() failed", mWorld->isTrackingValidLocation() && !mWorld->isTrackingInvalidLocation()); mWorld->setTrackingInvalid(); ensure("LLWorldMap::setTrackingInvalid() failed", !mWorld->isTrackingValidLocation() && mWorld->isTrackingInvalidLocation()); // Test 25 : getTrackedPositionGlobal() LLVector3d res = mWorld->getTrackedPositionGlobal(); ensure("LLWorldMap::getTrackedPositionGlobal() failed", res == pos); // Test 26 : reset tracking mWorld->cancelTracking(); ensure("LLWorldMap::cancelTracking() at end test failed", mWorld->isTracking() == false); } }