Problem encountered processing your teleport request. You may need to log back in before you can teleport. 如果你持續得到此訊息,請查閱 [SUPPORT_SITE]。 Problem encountered processing your region crossing. You may need to log back in before you can cross regions. 如果你持續得到此訊息,請查閱 [SUPPORT_SITE]。 抱歉,目前瞬間傳送已被阻擋。請稍後再試。 如果你仍無法進行瞬間傳送,請登出後重新入來解決此一問題。 抱歉,不過系統無法找到地標所在目的地。 抱歉,不過系統無法完成瞬間傳送的聯接。 請稍後再試。 您不能瞬间转移回“援助岛”。 去“公共援助岛”重复您的教程。 抱歉,你並沒有權限進入要瞬間傳送的目的地。 Your attachments have not arrived yet. Try waiting for a few more seconds or log out and back in again before attempting to teleport. The asset queue in this region is currently clogged so your teleport request will not be able to succeed in a timely manner. Please try again in a few minutes or go to a less busy area. Sorry, but the system was unable to complete your teleport request in a timely fashion. Please try again in a few minutes. Sorry, but the system was unable to complete your region crossing in a timely fashion. Please try again in a few minutes. Unable to find teleport destination. The destination may be temporarily unavailable or no longer exists. Please try again in a few minutes. 收納區功能目前無法使用。 Sending to destination. 重新導向至不同位置。 Relaying to destination. 送出家位置的要求。 地標位置要求瞬間傳送中。 瞬間傳送完成。 由 [T_SLURL] 瞬間傳送完成。 目的地解決中。 聯繫到新的地區。 抵達中... 瞬間傳送要求中...