<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<panel label="成員與角色" name="roles_tab">
	<panel.string name="default_needs_apply_text">
		There are unsaved changes
	<panel.string name="want_apply_text">
		Do you want to save your changes?
	<tab_container name="roles_tab_container">
		<panel label="成員" name="members_sub_tab" tool_tip="成員">
			<panel.string name="help_text">
				You can add or remove Roles assigned to Members.
Select multiple Members by holding the Ctrl key and
clicking on their names.
			<panel.string name="donation_area">
				[AREA] m²
			<filter_editor label="成員過濾器" name="filter_input"/>
			<name_list name="member_list">
				<name_list.columns label="成員" name="name"/>
				<name_list.columns label="捐款" name="donated"/>
				<name_list.columns label="狀態" name="online"/>
			<button label="邀請" name="member_invite"/>
			<button label="踢出" name="member_eject"/>
		<panel label="角色" name="roles_sub_tab">
			<panel.string name="help_text">
				Roles have a title and an allowed list of Abilities
that Members can perform. Members can belong to
one or more Roles. A group can have up to 10 Roles,
including the Everyone and Owner Roles.
			<panel.string name="cant_delete_role">
				The &apos;Everyone&apos; and &apos;Owners&apos; Roles are special and can&apos;t be deleted.
			<filter_editor label="角色過濾器" name="filter_input"/>
			<scroll_list name="role_list">
				<scroll_list.columns label="角色" name="name"/>
				<scroll_list.columns label="頭銜" name="title"/>
				<scroll_list.columns label="#" name="members"/>
			<button label="新角色" name="role_create"/>
			<button label="刪除角色" name="role_delete"/>
		<panel label="能力" name="actions_sub_tab" tool_tip="You can view an Ability&apos;s Description and which Roles and Members can execute the Ability.">
			<panel.string name="help_text">
				Abilities allow Members in Roles to do specific
things in this group. There&apos;s a broad variety of Abilities.
			<filter_editor label="能力過濾器" name="filter_input"/>
			<scroll_list name="action_list" tool_tip="Select an Ability to view more details"/>
	<panel name="members_footer">
		<text name="static">
			Assigned Roles
		<text name="static2">
			Allowed Abilities
		<scroll_list name="member_allowed_actions" tool_tip="For details of each allowed ability see the abilities tab"/>
	<panel name="roles_footer">
		<text name="static">
		<text name="static3">
		<text name="static2">
		<text name="static4">
			Assigned Members
		<check_box label="Reveal members" name="role_visible_in_list" tool_tip="Sets whether members of this role are visible in the General tab to people outside of the group."/>
		<text name="static5">
			Allowed Abilities
		<scroll_list name="role_allowed_actions" tool_tip="For details of each allowed ability see the abilities tab"/>
	<panel name="actions_footer">
		<text_editor name="action_description">
			This Ability is &apos;Eject Members from this Group&apos;. Only an Owner can eject another Owner.
		<text name="static2">
			Roles with this ability
		<text name="static3">
			Members with this ability