<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <panel label="Invite a Member" name="invite_panel"> <panel.string name="confirm_invite_owner_str"> Are you sure you want to invite new owner(s)? This action is permanent! </panel.string> <panel.string name="loading"> (載入中...) </panel.string> <panel.string name="already_in_group"> Some Residents you chose are already in the group, and so were not sent an invitation. </panel.string> <text name="help_text"> You can select multiple Residents to invite to your group. Click 'Open Resident Chooser' to start. </text> <button label="Open Resident Chooser" name="add_button"/> <name_list name="invitee_list" tool_tip="Hold the Ctrl key and click Resident names to multi-select"/> <button label="Remove Selected from List" name="remove_button" tool_tip="Removes the Residents selected above from the invite list"/> <text name="role_text"> Choose what Role to assign them to: </text> <combo_box name="role_name" tool_tip="Choose from the list of Roles you are allowed to assign members to"/> <button label="Send Invitations" name="ok_button"/> <button label="取銷" name="cancel_button"/> <string name="GroupInvitation"> 社團邀請 </string> </panel>