<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <!-- Not can_close / no title to avoid window chrome Single instance - only have one at a time, recycle it each spawn --> <floater name="inspect_avatar"> <string name="Subtitle"> [AGE] </string> <string name="Details"> [SL_PROFILE] </string> <text name="user_subtitle" value="11 Months, 3 days old"/> <text name="user_details"> This is my second life description and I really think it is great. But for some reason my description is super extra long because I like to talk a whole lot </text> <slider name="volume_slider" tool_tip="Voice volume" value="0.5"/> <button label="加為朋友" name="add_friend_btn"/> <button label="IM" name="im_btn"/> <button label="檔案" name="view_profile_btn"/> <panel name="moderator_panel"> <button label="Disable Voice" name="disable_voice"/> <button label="Enable Voice" name="enable_voice"/> </panel> </floater>