<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="sell land" title="出售土地"> <scroll_container name="profile_scroll"> <panel name="scroll_content_panel"> <text name="info_parcel_label"> 地段: </text> <text name="info_parcel"> 地段名稱 </text> <text name="info_size_label"> 尺寸: </text> <text name="info_size"> [AREA] m² </text> <text name="info_action"> To sell this parcel: </text> <text name="price_label"> 1. Set a price: </text> <text name="price_text"> Choose an appropriate price. </text> <text name="price_ld"> L$ </text> <line_editor name="price"> 0 </line_editor> <text name="price_per_m"> (L$[PER_METER] per m²) </text> <text name="sell_to_label"> 2. Sell the land to: </text> <text name="sell_to_text"> Choose whether to sell to anyone or a particular buyer. </text> <combo_box name="sell_to"> <combo_box.item label="- 選擇一個 -" name="--selectone--"/> <combo_box.item label="任何人" name="Anyone"/> <combo_box.item label="指定人:" name="Specificuser:"/> </combo_box> <button label="選擇" name="sell_to_select_agent"/> <text name="sell_objects_label"> 3. Sell the objects with the land? </text> <text name="sell_objects_text"> Land owner's transferable objects on parcel will change ownership. </text> <radio_group name="sell_objects"> <radio_item label="No, keep ownership of objects" name="no"/> <radio_item label="Yes, sell objects with land" name="yes"/> </radio_group> <button label="顯示物件" name="show_objects"/> <text name="nag_message_label"> REMEMBER: All sales are final. </text> <button label="Set Land For Sale" name="sell_btn"/> <button label="取消" name="cancel_btn"/> </panel> </scroll_container> </floater>