<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<floater name="land holdings floater" title="MY LAND">
	<floater.string name="area_string">
		[AREA] m²
	<scroll_list name="parcel list">
		<scroll_list.columns label="地段" name="name"/>
		<scroll_list.columns label="地區" name="location"/>
		<scroll_list.columns label="Type" name="type"/>
		<scroll_list.columns label="Area" name="area"/>
	<button label="瞬間傳送" label_selected="瞬間傳送" name="Teleport" tool_tip="Teleport to the center of this land."/>
	<button label="地圖" label_selected="地圖" name="Show on Map" tool_tip="Show this land on the world map"/>
	<text name="contrib_label">
		Contributions to your groups:
	<scroll_list name="grant list">
		<scroll_list.columns label="社團" name="group"/>
		<scroll_list.columns label="Area" name="area"/>
	<text name="allowed_label">
		Allowed land holdings at current payment plan:
	<text name="allowed_text">
		[AREA] m²
	<text name="current_label">
		Current land holdings:
	<text name="current_text">
		[AREA] m²
	<text name="available_label">
		Available for land purchases:
	<text name="available_text">
		[AREA] m²