<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<floater name="godtools floater" title="神之工具">
	<tab_container name="GodTools Tabs">
		<panel label="網格" name="grid">
			<button label="刷新這個地區的地圖可視快取" label_selected="刷新這個地區的地圖可視快取" name="Flush This Region&apos;s Map Visibility Caches"/>
		<panel label="地區" name="region">
			<text name="Region Name:">
			<check_box label="Prelude" name="check prelude" tool_tip="Set this to make the region a prelude"/>
			<check_box label="固定太陽" name="check fixed sun" tool_tip="Fix the sun position (like in Region/Estate &gt; Terrain"/>
			<check_box label="Reset Home On Teleport" name="check reset home" tool_tip="When Resident teleports out, reset their home to the destination position."/>
			<check_box label="Visible" name="check visible" tool_tip="Set this to make the region visible to non-gods"/>
			<check_box label="傷害" name="check damage" tool_tip="Set this to enable damage in this region"/>
			<check_box label="阻止流量追蹤" name="block dwell" tool_tip="Set this to make the region not compute traffic"/>
			<check_box label="阻止變形" name="block terraform" tool_tip="Set this to disallow people terraforming their land"/>
			<check_box label="沙盒" name="is sandbox" tool_tip="Toggle whether this is a sandbox region"/>
			<button label="Bake Terrain" label_selected="Bake Terrain" name="Bake Terrain" tool_tip="儲存目前的地形為預設"/>
			<button label="Revert Terrain" label_selected="Revert Terrain" name="Revert Terrain" tool_tip="Replace the current terrain with default"/>
			<button label="Swap Terrain" label_selected="Swap Terrain" name="Swap Terrain" tool_tip="Swap current terrain with default"/>
			<text name="estate id">
				領地 ID:
			<text name="parent id">
				Parent ID:
			<line_editor name="parentestate" tool_tip="This is the parent estate for this region"/>
			<text name="Grid Pos: ">
			<line_editor name="gridposx" tool_tip="This is the grid x position for this region"/>
			<line_editor name="gridposy" tool_tip="This is the grid y position for this region"/>
			<text name="Redirect to Grid: ">
				Redirect to Grid:
			<text name="billable factor text">
				Billable Factor:
			<text name="land cost text">
				L$ per m²:
			<button label="重新整理" label_selected="重新整理" name="Refresh" tool_tip="Click here to refresh the above information"/>
			<button label="套用" label_selected="套用" name="Apply" tool_tip="點擊此處以接受套用上述變更"/>
			<button label="選擇地區" label_selected="選擇地區" name="Select Region" tool_tip="Select the whole region with the land tool"/>
			<button label="立即自動儲存" label_selected="立即自動儲存" name="Autosave now" tool_tip="Save gzipped state to autosave directory"/>
		<panel label="物件" name="objects">
			<panel.string name="no_target">
			<text name="Region Name:">
			<text name="region name">
			<check_box label="關閉腳本" name="disable scripts" tool_tip="關閉這個地區現在的全部腳本"/>
			<check_box label="Disable Collisions" name="disable collisions" tool_tip="Set this to disable non-agent collisions in this region"/>
			<check_box label="Disable Physics" name="disable physics" tool_tip="Set this to disable all physics in this region"/>
			<button label="套用" label_selected="套用" name="Apply" tool_tip="Click here to apply any changes from above"/>
			<button label="Set Target" label_selected="Set Target" name="Set Target" tool_tip="Set the target avatar for object deletion"/>
			<text name="target_avatar_name">
			<button label="Delete Target&apos;s Scripted Objects On Others Land" label_selected="Delete Target&apos;s Scripted Objects On Others Land" name="Delete Target&apos;s Scripted Objects On Others Land" tool_tip="Delete all scripted objects owned by the target on land not owned by the target. (no copy) objects will be returned."/>
			<button label="Delete Target&apos;s Scripted Objects On *Any* Land" label_selected="Delete Target&apos;s Scripted Objects On *Any* Land" name="Delete Target&apos;s Scripted Objects On *Any* Land" tool_tip="Delete all scripted objects owned by the target in this region. (no copy) objects will be returned."/>
			<button label="Delete *ALL* Of Target&apos;s Objects" label_selected="Delete *ALL* Of Target&apos;s Objects" name="Delete *ALL* Of Target&apos;s Objects" tool_tip="Delete all objects owned by the target in this region. (no copy) objects will be returned."/>
			<button label="Get Top Colliders" label_selected="Get Top Colliders" name="Get Top Colliders" tool_tip="Gets list of objects experiencing the most narrowphase callbacks"/>
			<button label="Get Top Scripts" label_selected="Get Top Scripts" name="Get Top Scripts" tool_tip="Gets list of objects spending the most time running scripts"/>
			<button label="Scripts digest" label_selected="Scripts digest" name="Scripts digest" tool_tip="Gets a list of all scripts and number of occurences of each"/>
		<panel label="Request" name="request">
			<text name="Destination:">
			<combo_box name="destination">
				<combo_box.item label="Selection" name="item1"/>
				<combo_box.item label="Agent Region" name="item2"/>
			<text name="Request:">
			<combo_box name="request">
				<combo_box.item label="colliders &lt;steps&gt;" name="item1"/>
				<combo_box.item label="scripts &lt;count&gt;,&lt;optional pattern&gt;" name="item2"/>
				<combo_box.item label="objects &lt;pattern&gt;" name="item3"/>
				<combo_box.item label="rez &lt;asset_id&gt;" name="item4"/>
			<text name="Parameter:">
			<button label="Make Request" label_selected="Make Request" name="Make Request"/>