May be resold. May not be resold. May be joined or subdivided. May not be joined or subdivided. You do not have permission to buy land for your active group. 無土地被選擇。 Multiple different parcels selected. Try selecting a smaller area. You do not have permission to buy land for your active group. 所選擇的地段不出售。. 這個群組已擁有這個地段。 你已經擁有這個地段。 The selected parcel is set to sell to another party. The selected area has no public land. Land owned by another Resident is selected. Try selecting a smaller area. Processing your purchase... (過程這將會花費一到兩分鐘) There has been an error while fetching land buying information. Buying this land will: Buying land for group will: Cannot buy now: 不出售: none needed 你的帳戶必須要升級才能擁有土地。 你的帳戶能擁有土地。 你持有 [BUYER] m² 土地。 Pay L$ [AMOUNT] to [SELLER] for this land Buy L$ [AMOUNT] for approx. [LOCAL_AMOUNT], 這個地段為 [AMOUNT] m² This land is premium, and will charge as [AMOUNT] m². This land is discounted, and will charge as [AMOUNT] m². [AMOUNT] m² supports [AMOUNT2] objects sold with objects objects not included L$ [PRICE] (L$ [PRICE_PER_SQM]/m²) [SOLD_WITH_OBJECTS] The group [GROUP] will need sufficient contributed land use credits to cover this parcel before the purchase will complete. You have L$ [AMOUNT], which is enough to buy this land. You have only L$ [AMOUNT], and need L$ [AMOUNT2] more. After the purchase, you will have L$ [AMOUNT] left. You need to buy at least L$ [AMOUNT] to afford this land. (無地段被選擇) 地區: (未知) 類型: (未知) 領地: (未知) 領地擁有者: (未知) Purchased land in this region: May or may not be resold. May or may not be joined or subdivided. You must agree to the Estate Covenant: 載入中... 地段: Scotopteryx 138,204 尺寸: 1024 m² 價格: L$ 1500 (L$ 1.1/m²) sold with objects Buying this land will: Something ain't right.