<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <floater name="floaterland" title="關於土地"> <floater.string name="maturity_icon_general"> "Parcel_PG_Dark" </floater.string> <floater.string name="maturity_icon_moderate"> "Parcel_M_Dark" </floater.string> <floater.string name="maturity_icon_adult"> "Parcel_R_Dark" </floater.string> <floater.string name="Minutes"> [MINUTES] minutes </floater.string> <floater.string name="Minute"> minute </floater.string> <floater.string name="Seconds"> [SECONDS] seconds </floater.string> <floater.string name="Remaining"> remaining </floater.string> <tab_container name="landtab"> <panel label="一般" name="land_general_panel"> <panel.string name="new users only"> New Residents only </panel.string> <panel.string name="anyone"> Anyone </panel.string> <panel.string name="area_text"> 區域 </panel.string> <panel.string name="area_size_text"> [AREA] m² </panel.string> <panel.string name="auction_id_text"> Auction ID: [ID] </panel.string> <panel.string name="need_tier_to_modify"> You must approve your purchase to modify this land. </panel.string> <panel.string name="group_owned_text"> (群組所擁有) </panel.string> <panel.string name="profile_text"> 檔案 </panel.string> <panel.string name="info_text"> 資訊 </panel.string> <panel.string name="public_text"> (公開) </panel.string> <panel.string name="none_text"> (無) </panel.string> <panel.string name="sale_pending_text"> (Sale Pending) </panel.string> <panel.string name="no_selection_text"> No parcel selected. </panel.string> <panel.string name="time_stamp_template"> [wkday,datetime,local] [mth,datetime,local] [day,datetime,local] [hour,datetime,local]:[min,datetime,local]:[second,datetime,local] [year,datetime,local] </panel.string> <text name="Name:"> 名稱: </text> <text name="Description:"> 描述: </text> <text name="LandType"> 類型: </text> <text name="LandTypeText"> Mainland / Homestead </text> <text name="ContentRating"> 分級: </text> <text name="ContentRatingText"> 完全成人 </text> <text name="Owner:"> 擁有者: </text> <text name="Group:"> 群組: </text> <button label="設定" name="Set..."/> <check_box label="允許讓渡給群組" name="check deed" tool_tip="A group officer can deed this land to the group, so it will be supported by the group's land allocation."/> <button label="讓渡" name="Deed..." tool_tip="You may only deed land if you are an officer in the selected group."/> <check_box label="Owner Makes Contribution With Deed" name="check contrib" tool_tip="When the land is deeded to the group, the former owner contributes enough land allocation to support it."/> <text name="For Sale:"> 出售: </text> <text name="Not for sale."> 不出售 </text> <text name="For Sale: Price L$[PRICE]."> Price: L$[PRICE] (L$[PRICE_PER_SQM]/m²) </text> <button label="出售土地" name="Sell Land..."/> <text name="For sale to"> 出售給:[BUYER] </text> <text name="Sell with landowners objects in parcel."> Objects included in sale </text> <text name="Selling with no objects in parcel."> Objects not included in sale </text> <button label="Cancel Land Sale" label_selected="Cancel Land Sale" name="Cancel Land Sale"/> <text name="Claimed:"> Claimed: </text> <text name="DateClaimText"> Tue Aug 15 13:47:25 2006 </text> <text name="PriceLabel"> 面積: </text> <text name="PriceText"> 4048 m² </text> <text name="Traffic:"> 流量: </text> <text name="DwellText"> 0 </text> <button label="購買土地" name="Buy Land..."/> <button label="腳本資訊" name="Scripts..."/> <button label="為群組購買" name="Buy For Group..."/> <button label="購買通行權" name="Buy Pass..." tool_tip="通行權允許你暫時可出入這塊土地。"/> <button label="放棄土地" name="Abandon Land..."/> <button label="Reclaim Land" name="Reclaim Land..."/> <button label="Linden Sale" name="Linden Sale..." tool_tip="Land must be owned, set content, and not already for auction."/> </panel> <panel label="契約" name="land_covenant_panel"> <panel.string name="can_resell"> Purchased land in this region may be resold. </panel.string> <panel.string name="can_not_resell"> Purchased land in this region may not be resold. </panel.string> <panel.string name="can_change"> Purchased land in this region may be joined or subdivided. </panel.string> <panel.string name="can_not_change"> Purchased land in this region may not be joined or subdivided. </panel.string> <text name="estate_section_lbl"> 領地: </text> <text name="estate_name_text"> mainland </text> <text name="estate_owner_lbl"> 擁有者: </text> <text name="estate_owner_text"> (無) </text> <text_editor name="covenant_editor"> There is no Covenant provided for this Estate. </text_editor> <text name="covenant_timestamp_text"> Last Modified Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969 </text> <text name="region_section_lbl"> 地區: </text> <text name="region_name_text"> EricaVille </text> <text name="region_landtype_lbl"> 類型: </text> <text name="region_landtype_text"> Mainland / Homestead </text> <text name="region_maturity_lbl"> 分級: </text> <text name="region_maturity_text"> 完全成人 </text> <text name="resellable_lbl"> Resale: </text> <text name="resellable_clause"> Land in this region may not be resold. </text> <text name="changeable_lbl"> Subdivide: </text> <text name="changeable_clause"> Land in this region may not be joined/subdivided. </text> </panel> <panel label="物件" name="land_objects_panel"> <panel.string name="objects_available_text"> [COUNT] out of [MAX] ([AVAILABLE] available) </panel.string> <panel.string name="objects_deleted_text"> [COUNT] out of [MAX] ([DELETED] will be deleted) </panel.string> <text name="parcel_object_bonus"> Region Object Bonus Factor: [BONUS] </text> <text name="Simulator primitive usage:"> 幾何元件使用: </text> <text name="objects_available"> 使用 [MAX] 中的 [COUNT] (剩餘 [AVAILABLE] 可用) </text> <text name="Primitives parcel supports:"> 地段所提供的幾何元件數: </text> <text name="object_contrib_text"> [COUNT] </text> <text name="Primitives on parcel:"> 地段上的幾何元件數: </text> <text name="total_objects_text"> [COUNT] </text> <text name="Owned by parcel owner:"> 地段擁有者所擁有: </text> <text name="owner_objects_text"> [COUNT] </text> <button label="顯示" label_selected="顯示" name="ShowOwner"/> <button label="退回" name="ReturnOwner..." tool_tip="退回物件給它們的擁有者。"/> <text name="Set to group:"> 設定群組: </text> <text name="group_objects_text"> [COUNT] </text> <button label="顯示" label_selected="顯示" name="ShowGroup"/> <button label="退回" name="ReturnGroup..." tool_tip="退回物件給它們的擁有者。"/> <text name="Owned by others:"> 其他人所擁有: </text> <text name="other_objects_text"> [COUNT] </text> <button label="顯示" label_selected="顯示" name="ShowOther"/> <button label="退回" name="ReturnOther..." tool_tip="退回物件給它們的擁有者。"/> <text name="Selected / sat upon:"> Selected / sat upon: </text> <text name="selected_objects_text"> [COUNT] </text> <text name="Autoreturn"> Auto return other Residents' objects (minutes, 0 for off): </text> <text name="Object Owners:"> 物件擁有者: </text> <button name="Refresh List" tool_tip="刷新物件清單"/> <button label="退回物件" name="Return objects..."/> <name_list name="owner list"> <name_list.columns label="Type" name="type"/> <name_list.columns label="名稱" name="name"/> <name_list.columns label="Count" name="count"/> <name_list.columns label="Most Recent" name="mostrecent"/> </name_list> </panel> <panel label="選項" name="land_options_panel"> <panel.string name="search_enabled_tooltip"> 讓其他人可以在搜尋結果中看到這塊地段 </panel.string> <panel.string name="search_disabled_small_tooltip"> This option is disabled because this parcel's area is 128 m² or smaller. Only large parcels can be listed in search. </panel.string> <panel.string name="search_disabled_permissions_tooltip"> 這個選項已關閉因為你不能修改這個地段的選項。 </panel.string> <panel.string name="mature_check_mature"> 適度成人內容 </panel.string> <panel.string name="mature_check_adult"> 完全成人內容 </panel.string> <panel.string name="mature_check_mature_tooltip"> Your parcel information or content is considered moderate. </panel.string> <panel.string name="mature_check_adult_tooltip"> Your parcel information or content is considered adult. </panel.string> <panel.string name="landing_point_none"> (無) </panel.string> <panel.string name="push_restrict_text"> 禁止推撞 </panel.string> <panel.string name="push_restrict_region_text"> 禁止推撞(地區設定覆蓋) </panel.string> <text name="allow_label"> 允許其他居民去: </text> <check_box label="編輯地形" name="edit land check" tool_tip="若勾選則任何人將可以變形你的土地,最好是保持未勾選,因為你隨時可以編輯變更你的土地。"/> <check_box label="飛行" name="check fly" tool_tip="逤勾選則居民可以在你飛行,不然就只能由外面飛入或飛越你的土地。"/> <text name="allow_label2"> 建造: </text> <check_box label="任何人" name="edit objects check"/> <check_box label="群組" name="edit group objects check"/> <text name="allow_label3"> 物件進入: </text> <check_box label="任何人" name="all object entry check"/> <check_box label="群組" name="group object entry check"/> <text name="allow_label4"> 執行腳本: </text> <check_box label="任何人" name="check other scripts"/> <check_box label="群組" name="check group scripts"/> <text name="land_options_label"> 土地選項: </text> <check_box label="安全(無傷害)" name="check safe" tool_tip="若勾選則設應土地為安全的,傷害性的戰鬥將被關閉。清除勾選後才能進行傷害性的戰鬥。"/> <check_box label="禁止推撞" name="PushRestrictCheck" tool_tip="防止使用腳本推撞。勾選這個選項將可以有效防止你土地上的破壞行為。"/> <check_box label="將地點刊登顯示在搜尋中(L$30 / 每週)" name="ShowDirectoryCheck" tool_tip="讓其他人可以在搜尋結果中看到這塊地段"/> <combo_box name="land category with adult"> <combo_box.item label="任何類別" name="item0"/> <combo_box.item label="Linden Location" name="item1"/> <combo_box.item label="完全成人" name="item2"/> <combo_box.item label="藝術與文化" name="item3"/> <combo_box.item label="商業" name="item4"/> <combo_box.item label="教育" name="item5"/> <combo_box.item label="遊戲" name="item6"/> <combo_box.item label="聚會所" name="item7"/> <combo_box.item label="新手友善" name="item8"/> <combo_box.item label="公園與自然" name="item9"/> <combo_box.item label="住宅" name="item10"/> <combo_box.item label="採購" name="item11"/> <combo_box.item label="Rental" name="item13"/> <combo_box.item label="Other" name="item12"/> </combo_box> <combo_box name="land category"> <combo_box.item label="任何類別" name="item0"/> <combo_box.item label="Linden Location" name="item1"/> <combo_box.item label="藝術與文化" name="item3"/> <combo_box.item label="商業" name="item4"/> <combo_box.item label="教育" name="item5"/> <combo_box.item label="遊戲" name="item6"/> <combo_box.item label="聚會所" name="item7"/> <combo_box.item label="新手友善" name="item8"/> <combo_box.item label="公園與自然" name="item9"/> <combo_box.item label="住宅" name="item10"/> <combo_box.item label="採購" name="item11"/> <combo_box.item label="Rental" name="item13"/> <combo_box.item label="Other" name="item12"/> </combo_box> <check_box label="適度成人內容" name="MatureCheck" tool_tip=" "/> <text name="Snapshot:"> 快照: </text> <texture_picker name="snapshot_ctrl" tool_tip="點擊以挑選圖像"/> <text name="landing_point"> 登陸點:[LANDING] </text> <button label="設定" label_selected="設定" name="Set" tool_tip="Sets the landing point where visitors arrive. Sets to your avatar's location inside this parcel."/> <button label="清除" label_selected="清除" name="Clear" tool_tip="清除登陸點"/> <text name="Teleport Routing: "> 瞬間傳送路徑: </text> <combo_box name="landing type" tool_tip="Teleport Routing -- select how to handle teleports onto your land"> <combo_box.item label="Blocked" name="Blocked"/> <combo_box.item label="Landing Point" name="LandingPoint"/> <combo_box.item label="Anywhere" name="Anywhere"/> </combo_box> </panel> <panel label="MEDIA" name="land_media_panel"> <text name="with media:"> 類型: </text> <combo_box name="media type" tool_tip="Specify if the URL is a movie, web page, or other media"/> <text name="at URL:"> 首頁: </text> <button label="設定" name="set_media_url"/> <text name="Description:"> 描述: </text> <line_editor name="url_description" tool_tip="Text displayed next to play/load button"/> <text name="Media texture:"> 取代材質: </text> <texture_picker name="media texture" tool_tip="點擊以挑選圖像"/> <text name="replace_texture_help"> Objects using this texture will show the movie or web page after you click the play arrow. Select the thumbnail to choose a different texture. </text> <check_box label="自動縮放" name="media_auto_scale" tool_tip="Checking this option will scale the content for this parcel automatically. It may be slightly slower and lower quality visually but no other texture scaling or alignment will be required."/> <text name="media_size" tool_tip="Size to render Web media, leave 0 for default."> 尺寸: </text> <spinner name="media_size_width" tool_tip="Size to render Web media, leave 0 for default."/> <spinner name="media_size_height" tool_tip="Size to render Web media, leave 0 for default."/> <text name="pixels"> 像素 </text> <text name="Options:"> 選項: </text> <check_box label="Loop" name="media_loop" tool_tip="Play media in a loop. When the media has finished playing, it will restart from the beginning."/> </panel> <panel label="聲音" name="land_audio_panel"> <text name="MusicURL:"> 音樂 URL: </text> <text name="Sound:"> 聲音: </text> <check_box label="Restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel" name="check sound local"/> <text name="Voice settings:"> Voice: </text> <check_box label="Enable Voice" name="parcel_enable_voice_channel"/> <check_box label="Enable Voice (established by the Estate)" name="parcel_enable_voice_channel_is_estate_disabled"/> <check_box label="Restrict Voice to this parcel" name="parcel_enable_voice_channel_local"/> </panel> <panel label="ACCESS" name="land_access_panel"> <panel.string name="access_estate_defined"> (Defined by the Estate) </panel.string> <panel.string name="allow_public_access"> Allow Public Access ([MATURITY]) (Note: Unchecking this will create ban lines) </panel.string> <panel.string name="estate_override"> One or more of these options is set at the estate level </panel.string> <text name="Limit access to this parcel to:"> 出入此地段 </text> <text name="Only Allow"> Restrict Access to Residents verified by: </text> <check_box label="Payment Information on File [ESTATE_PAYMENT_LIMIT]" name="limit_payment" tool_tip="Ban unidentified Residents."/> <check_box label="年齡驗證 [ESTATE_AGE_LIMIT]" name="limit_age_verified" tool_tip="Ban Residents who have not verified their age. See the [SUPPORT_SITE] for more information."/> <check_box label="允許出入的群組:[GROUP]" name="GroupCheck" tool_tip="設定群組於一般頁籤。"/> <check_box label="出售通行權給:" name="PassCheck" tool_tip="允許暫時出入這個地段"/> <combo_box name="pass_combo"> <combo_box.item label="Anyone" name="Anyone"/> <combo_box.item label="群組" name="Group"/> </combo_box> <spinner label="Price in L$:" name="PriceSpin"/> <spinner label="Hours of access:" name="HoursSpin"/> <panel name="Allowed_layout_panel"> <text label="Always Allow" name="AllowedText"> Allowed Residents </text> <name_list name="AccessList" tool_tip="([LISTED] listed, [MAX] max)"/> <button label="添加" name="add_allowed"/> <button label="移除" label_selected="移除" name="remove_allowed"/> </panel> <panel name="Banned_layout_panel"> <text label="禁止" name="BanCheck"> 被封鎖的居民 </text> <name_list name="BannedList" tool_tip="([LISTED] listed, [MAX] max)"/> <button label="添加" name="add_banned"/> <button label="移除" label_selected="移除" name="remove_banned"/> </panel> </panel> </tab_container> </floater>