<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <fonts> <font name="default" comment="default font files (global fallbacks)"> <file> NotoSansCJKjp-Medium.otf </file> <file> DejaVuSans.ttf </file> <os name="Windows"> <file load_collection="true"> YuGothM.ttc </file> <file> meiryo.TTC </file> <file> MSGOTHIC.TTC </file> <file> gulim.ttc </file> <file> simhei.ttf </file> <file> ArialUni.ttf </file> <file> msyh.ttc </file> <file load_collection="true"> Cambria.ttc </file> <file> malgun.ttf </file> <file> micross.ttf </file> </os> <os name="Mac"> <file> YuGothic-Medium.otf </file> <file> ヒラギノ角ゴシック W3.ttc </file> <file> ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3.otf </file> <file> ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3.otf </file> <file> AppleGothic.dfont </file> <file> AppleGothic.ttf </file> <file> AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular.otf </file> <file> AppleSDGothicNeo.ttc </file> <file> 华文细黑.ttf </file> <file> PingFang.ttc </file> <file> STIXGeneral.otf </file> <file> Thonburi.ttc </file> </os> </font> <font name="SansSerifBold" comment="Name of bold sans-serif font"> <file> NotoSansCJKjp-Bold.otf </file> <file> DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf </file> <os name="Windows"> <file load_collection="true"> YuGothB.ttc </file> <file> arialbd.ttf </file> </os> <os name="Mac"> <file> YuGothic-Bold.otf </file> <file> Helvetica.dfont </file> </os> </font> <font name="SansSerif" comment="Name of san-serif font (Truetype file name)"> <file> NotoSansCJKjp-Bold.otf </file> <file> DejaVuSans.ttf </file> <os name="Windows"> <file> arial.ttf </file> </os> <os name="Mac"> <file> Helvetica.dfont </file> </os> </font> <font name="SansSerif" comment="Name of bold sans-serif font" font_style="BOLD"> <file> DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf </file> </font> <font name="SansSerif" comment="Name of italic sans-serif font" font_style="ITALIC"> <file> DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf </file> </font> <font name="SansSerif" comment="Name of bold italic sans-serif font" font_style="BOLD|ITALIC"> <file> DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf </file> </font> <font name="Monospace" comment="Name of monospace font"> <file> NotoSansMonoCJKjp-Regular.otf </file> <file> DejaVuSansMono.ttf </file> </font> <font name="DejaVu" comment="Name of DejaVu font"> <file> DejaVuSans.ttf </file> </font> <font name="DejaVu" comment="Name of DejaVu font (bold)" font_style="BOLD"> <file> DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf </file> </font> <font name="DejaVu" comment="Name of DejaVu font (italic)" font_style="ITALIC"> <file> DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf </file> </font> <font name="DejaVu" comment="Name of DejaVu font (bold italic)" font_style="BOLD|ITALIC"> <file> DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf </file> </font> <font name="Helvetica" comment="Name of Helvetica font"> <file> DejaVuSans.ttf </file> <os name="Windows"> <file> arial.ttf </file> </os> <os name="Mac"> <file> arial.ttf </file> </os> </font> <font name="Helvetica" comment="Name of Helvetica font (bold)" font_style="BOLD"> <file> DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf </file> <os name="Windows"> <file> arialbd.ttf </file> </os> <os name="Mac"> <file> arialbd.ttf </file> </os> </font> <font name="Helvetica" comment="Name of Helvetica font (italic)" font_style="ITALIC"> <file> DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf </file> <os name="Windows"> <file> ariali.ttf </file> </os> <os name="Mac"> <file> ariali.ttf </file> </os> </font> <font name="Helvetica" comment="Name of Helvetica font (bold italic)" font_style="BOLD|ITALIC"> <file> DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf </file> <os name="Windows"> <file> arialbi.ttf </file> </os> <os name="Mac"> <file> arialbi.ttf </file> </os> </font> <font name="OverrideTest" comment="Name of font to test overriding"> <file> times.ttf </file> <file> DejaVuSans.ttf </file> </font> <font_size name="Monospace" comment="Size for monospaced font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)" size="8.0"/> <font_size name="Huge" comment="Size of huge font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)" size="16.0"/> <font_size name="Large" comment="Size of large font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)" size="10.6"/> <font_size name="Medium" comment="Size of medium font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)" size="8.6"/> <font_size name="Small" comment="Size of small font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)" size="7.6"/> </fonts>