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<floater name="floater_about" title="ACERCA DE [CAPITALIZED_APP_NAME]">
	<floater.string name="AboutHeader">
	<floater.string name="AboutCompiler">
		Compilado con [COMPILER], versión [COMPILER_VERSION]
	<floater.string name="AboutPosition">
		Estás en la posición [POSITION_0,number,1], [POSITION_1,number,1], [POSITION_2,number,1], de [REGION], alojada en &lt;nolink&gt;[HOSTNAME]&lt;/nolink&gt; ([HOSTIP])
	<floater.string name="AboutSystem">
		CPU: [CPU]
Memoria: [MEMORY_MB] MB
Versión del Sistema Operativo: [OS_VERSION]
Fabricante de la tarjeta gráfica: [GRAPHICS_CARD_VENDOR]
Tarjeta gráfica: [GRAPHICS_CARD]
	<floater.string name="AboutDriver">
		Versión de Windows Graphics Driver: [GRAPHICS_DRIVER_VERSION]
	<floater.string name="AboutLibs">
		Versión de OpenGL: [OPENGL_VERSION]

Versión de libcurl: [LIBCURL_VERSION]
Versión de J2C Decoder: [J2C_VERSION]
Versión de Audio Driver: [AUDIO_DRIVER_VERSION]
Versión de Qt Webkit: [QT_WEBKIT_VERSION]
Versión del servidor de voz: [VOICE_VERSION]
	<floater.string name="none">
		(no hay)
	<floater.string name="AboutTraffic">
		Paquetes perdidos: [PACKETS_LOST,number,0]/[PACKETS_IN,number,0] ([PACKETS_PCT,number,1]%)
	<floater.string name="ErrorFetchingServerReleaseNotesURL">
		Error al obtener la URL de las notas de la versión del servidor.
	<tab_container name="about_tab">
		<panel label="Información" name="support_panel">
			<button label="Copiar al portapapeles" name="copy_btn" width="165"/>
		<panel label="Créditos" name="credits_panel">
			<text name="linden_intro">
				Second Life ofrecido por los Lindens:
			<text_editor name="linden_names">
				Philip, Andrew, Doug, Richard, Phoenix, Ian, Mark, Robin, Dan, Char, Ryan, Eric, Jim, Lee, Jeff, Michael, Kelly, Steve, Catherine, Bub, Ramzi, Jill, Jeska, Don, Kona, Callum, Charity, Jack, Shawn, babbage, James, Lauren, Blue, Brent, Reuben, Pathfinder, Jesse, Patsy, Torley, Bo, Cyn, Jonathan, Gia, Annette, Ginsu, Harry, Lex, Runitai, Guy, Cornelius, Beth, Swiss, Thumper, Wendy, Teeple, Seth, Dee, Mia, Sally, Liana, Aura, Beez, Milo, Red, Gulliver, Marius, Joe, Jose, Dore, Justin, Nora, Morpheus, Lexie, Amber, Chris, Xan, Leyla, Walker, Sabin, Joshua, Hiromi, Tofu, Fritz, June, Jean, Ivy, Dez, Ken, Betsy, Which, Spike, Rob, Zee, Dustin, George, Claudia, del, Matthew, jane, jay, Adrian, Yool, Rika, Yoz, siobhan, Qarl, Benjamin, Beast, Everett, madhavi, Christopher, Izzy, stephany, Jeremy, sean, adreanne, Pramod, Tobin, sejong, Iridium, maurice, kj, Meta, kari, JP, bert, kyle, Jon, Socrates, Bridie, Ivan, maria, Aric, Coco, Periapse, sandy, Storrs, Lotte, Colossus, Brad, Pastrami, Zen, BigPapi, Banzai, Sardonyx, Mani, Garry, Jaime, Neuro, Samuel, Niko, CeeLo, Austin, Soft, Poppy, emma, tessa, angelo, kurz, alexa, Sue, CG, Blake, Erica, Brett, Bevis, kristen, Q, simon, Enus, MJ, laurap, Kip, Scouse, Ron, Ram, kend, Marty, Prospero, melissa, kraft, Nat, Seraph, Hamilton, Lordan, Green, miz, Ashlei, Trinity, Ekim, Echo, Charlie, Rowan, Rome, Jt, Doris, benoc, Christy, Bao, Kate, Tj, Patch, Cheah, Johan, Brandy, Angela, Oreh, Cogsworth, Lan, Mitchell, Space, Bambers, Einstein, Bender, Malbers, Matias, Maggie, Rothman, Milton, Niall, Marin, Allison, Mango, Andrea, Katt, Yi, Ambroff, Rico, Raymond, Gail, Christa, William, Dawn, Usi, Dynamike, M, Corr, Dante, Molly, kaylee, Danica, Kelv, Lil, jacob, Nya, Rodney, elsie, Blondin, Grant, Nyx, Devin, Monty, Minerva, Keira, Katie, Jenn, Makai, Clare, Joy, Cody, Gayathri, FJ, spider, Oskar, Landon, Jarv, Noelle, Al, Doc, Gray, Vir, t, Maestro, Simone, Shannon, yang, Courtney, Scott, charlene, Quixote, Susan, Zed, Amanda, Katelin, Esbee, JoRoan, Enkidu, roxie, Scarlet, Merov, Kevin, Judy, Rand, Newell, Les, Dessie, Galen, Michon, Geo, Siz, Calyle, Pete, Praveen, Callen, Sheldon, Pink, Nelson, jenelle, Terrence, Nathan, Juan, Sascha, Huseby, Karina, Kaye, Kotler, Lis, Darv, Charrell, Dakota, Kimmora, Theeba, Taka, Mae, Perry, Ducot, dana, Esther, Dough, gisele, Doten, Viale, Fisher, jessieann, ashley, Torres, delby, rountree, kurt, Slaton, Madison, Rue, Gino, Wen, Casssandra, Brodesky, Squid, Gez, Rakesh, Gecko, Ladan, Tony, Tatem, Squire, Falcon, BK, Crimp, Tiggs, Bacon, Coyot, Carmilla, Webb, Sea, Arch, Jillian, Jason, Bernard, Vogt, Peggy, dragon, Pup, xandix, Wallace, Bewest, Inoshiro, Rhett, AG, Aimee, Ghengis, Itiaes, Eli, Steffan, Epic, Grapes, Stone, Prep, Scobu, Robert, Alain, Carla, Vicky, Tia, Alec, Taras, Lisa, Oz, Ariane, Log, House, Kazu, Kim, Drofnas, Tyler, Campbell, Michele, Madeline, Nelly, Baron, Thor, Lori, Hele, Fredrik, Teddy, Pixie, Berry, Gabrielle, Alfonso, Brooke, Wolf, Ringo, Cru, Charlar, Rodvik, Gibson, Elise, Bagman, Greger, Leonidas, Jerm, Leslie, CB, Brenda, Durian, Carlo, mm, Zeeshan, Caleb, Max, Elikak, Mercille, Steph, Chase
			<text name="contrib_intro">
				con contribuciones de código abierto de:
			<text_editor name="contrib_names">
				Dummy Name sustituido durante la ejecución
			<text name="trans_intro">
				y traducido por:
			<text_editor name="trans_names">
				Dummy Name sustituido durante la ejecución
		<panel label="Licencias" name="licenses_panel">
			<text_editor name="credits_editor">
				3Dconnexion SDK Copyright (C) 1992-2007 3Dconnexion
        APR Copyright (C) 2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
        Collada DOM Copyright 2005 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
        cURL Copyright (C) 1996-2002, Daniel Stenberg, (daniel@haxx.se)
        DBus/dbus-glib Copyright (C) 2002, 2003  CodeFactory AB / Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
        expat Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd.
        FreeType Copyright (C) 1996-2002, The FreeType Project (www.freetype.org).
        GL Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Brian Paul.
        GLOD Copyright (C) 2003-04 Jonathan Cohen, Nat Duca, Chris Niski, Johns Hopkins University and David Luebke, Brenden Schubert, University of Virginia.
        google-perftools Copyright (c) 2005, Google Inc.
        Havok.com(TM) Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Telekinesys Research Limited.
        jpeg2000 Copyright (C) 2001, David Taubman, The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
        jpeglib Copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane.
        ogg/vorbis Copyright (C) 2001, Xiphophorus
        OpenSSL Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The OpenSSL Project.
        PCRE Copyright (c) 1997-2008 University of Cambridge
        SDL Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Sam Lantinga
        SSLeay Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)
        xmlrpc-epi Copyright (C) 2000 Epinions, Inc.
        zlib Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
        google-perftools Copyright (c) 2005, Google Inc.

        El visor de Second Life usa Havok (TM) Physics. (c)Copyright 1999-2010 Havok.com Inc. (y sus licenciadores). Reservados todos los derechos. Vea los detalles en www.havok.com.

        Este software contiene código fuente suministrado por NVIDIA Corporation.

        Reservados todos los derechos.  Consulte los detalles en licenses.txt.

        Codificación del audio del chat de voz: Polycom(R) Siren14(TM) (ITU-T Rec. G.722.1 Annex C)