Second Life
Second Life
Second Life Grid
Second Life Support Portal
Detecting hardware...
Loading [APP_NAME]...
Clearing cache...
Initializing Texture Cache...
Initializing VFS...
Changing Resolution...
Fullbright (Legacy)
Logging in. [APP_NAME] may appear frozen. Please wait.
Logging in...
Performing account maintenance...
Previous login attempt failed. Logging in, attempt [NUMBER]
Loading world...
Initializing embedded web browser...
Initializing multimedia...
Loading fonts...
Verifying cache files (can take 60-90 seconds)...
Processing Response...
Initializing World...
Decoding images...
Initializing QuickTime...
QuickTime not found - unable to initialize.
QuickTime initialized successfully.
Waiting for region handshake...
Connecting to region...
Downloading clothing...
The server returned an invalid or corrupt certificate. Please contact the Grid administrator.
An invalid hostname was used to access the server, please check your SLURL or Grid hostname.
The certificate returned by the Grid appears to be expired. Please check your system clock, or contact your Grid administrator.
The certificate returned by the server could not be used for SSL. Please contact your Grid administrator.
Too many certificates were in the servers Certificate chain. Please contact your Grid administrator.
The certificate signature returned by the Grid server could not be verified. Please contact your Grid administrator.
Network Error: Could not establish connection, please check your network connection.
Login failed.
This region may be experiencing trouble. Please check your connection to the Internet.
Saving your settings...
Logging out...
Shutting down...
You have been disconnected from the region you were in.
You were sent to an invalid region.
Testing viewer disconnect
(no name)
For Sale: L$[AMOUNT]
Group Build
No Build
Group Build
Not Safe
No Fly
Group Scripts
No Scripts
Only a single item can be dragged here
Click to view this web page
Click to view this location's information
Click to view this Resident's profile
Click to mute this Resident
Click to unmute this Resident
Click to IM this Resident
Click to Pay this Resident
Click to offer a teleport request to this Resident
Click to send a friend request to this Resident
Click to view this group's description
Click to view this event's description
Click to view this classified
Click to view this parcel's description
Click to teleport to this location
Click to view this object's description
Click to view this location on a map
Click to run the secondlife:// command
Teleport to
Show Map for
Offer Teleport to
Friend Request
Close (⌘W)
Close (Ctrl+W)
Tear Off
Show Help
None found.
Release Notes
Avaline Caller [ORDER]
No error
Asset request: failed
Asset request: non-existent file
Asset request: asset not found in database
End of file
Cannot open file
File not found
File transfer timeout
Circuit gone
Viewer and server do not agree on price
Unknown status
calling card
legacy script
LSL2 script
LSL bytecode
tga texture
body part
Lost and Found
targa image
jpeg image
folder link
(Editing Appearance)
Belly Laugh
Blow Kiss
Court Bow
Dance 1
Dance 2
Dance 3
Dance 4
Dance 5
Dance 6
Dance 7
Dance 8
Finger Wag
Fist Pump
Floating Yoga
Jump For Joy
Kiss My Butt
Muscle Beach
No (Unhappy)
One-Two Punch
Open Mouth
Point at Other
Point at Self
Punch Left
Punch Right
RPS count
RPS paper
RPS rock
RPS scissors
Roundhouse Kick
Smoke Idle
Smoke Inhale
Smoke Throw Down
Sword Strike
Wink (Hollywood)
Yes (Happy)
None found.
Premature end of file
Can't find ROOT or JOINT.
Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
Voice not available at your current location
Disconnected from in-world Voice Chat
You will now be reconnected to Nearby Voice Chat
'[OBJECTNAME]', an object owned by '[OWNERNAME]', located in [REGIONNAME] at [REGIONPOS], has been granted permission to: [PERMISSIONS].
'[OBJECTNAME]', an object owned by '[OWNERNAME]', located in [REGIONNAME] at [REGIONPOS], has been denied permission to: [PERMISSIONS].
Take Linden dollars (L$) from you
Act on your control inputs
Remap your control inputs
Animate your avatar
Attach to your avatar
Release ownership and become public
Link and delink from other objects
Add and remove joints with other objects
Change its permissions
Track your camera
Control your camera
Not Connected
All Files
Targa Images
Bitmap Images
AVI Movie File
XAF Anim File
XML File
RAW File
Compressed Images
Load Files
Choose Directory
Sleeps script for [SLEEP_TIME] seconds.
float llSin(float theta)
Returns the sine of theta (theta in radians)
float llCos(float theta)
Returns the cosine of theta (theta in radians)
float llTan(float theta)
Returns the tangent of theta (theta in radians)
float llAtan2(float y, float x)
Returns the arctangent2 of y, x
float llSqrt(float val)
Returns the square root of val, or returns 0 and triggers a Math Error for imaginary results
float llPow(float base, float exponent)
Returns the base raised to the power exponent, or returns 0 and triggers Math Error for imaginary results
integer llAbs(integer val)
Returns the positive version of val
float llFabs(float val)
Returns the positive version of val
float llFrand(float mag)
Returns a pseudo random number in the range [0,mag) or (mag,0]
integer llFloor(float val)
Returns largest integer value <= val
integer llCeil(float val)
Returns smallest integer value >= val
integer llRound(float val)
Returns val rounded to the nearest integer
float llVecMag(vector v)
Returns the magnitude of v
vector llVecNorm(vector v)
Returns the v normalized
float llVecDist(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the 3D distance between v1 and v2
vector llRot2Euler(rotation q)
Returns the Euler representation (roll, pitch, yaw) of q
rotation llEuler2Rot(vector v)
Returns the rotation representation of Euler Angles v
rotation llAxes2Rot(vector fwd, vector left, vector up)
Returns the rotation defined by the coordinate axes
vector llRot2Fwd(rotation q)
Returns the forward vector defined by q
vector llRot2Left(rotation q)
Returns the left vector defined by q
vector llRot2Up(rotation q)
Returns the up vector defined by q
rotation llRotBetween(vector v1, vector v2)
Returns the rotation to rotate v1 to v2
llWhisper(integer channel, string msg)
Whispers the text of msg on channel
llSay(integer channel, string msg)
Says the text of msg on channel
llShout(integer channel, string msg)
Shouts the text of msg on channel
integer llListen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg)
Sets a callback for msg on channel from name and id (name, id, and/or msg can be empty) and returns an identifier that can be used to deactivate or remove the listen
llListenControl(integer number, integer active)
Makes a listen event callback active or inactive
llListenRemove(integer number)
Removes listen event callback number
llSensor(string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc)
Performs a single scan for name and id with type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, and/or SCRIPTED) within range meters and arc radians of forward vector (name, id, and/or keytype can be empty or 0)
llSensorRepeat(string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc, float rate)
Sets a callback for name and id with type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, and/or SCRIPTED) within range meters and arc radians of forward vector (name, id, and/or keytype can be empty or 0) and repeats every rate seconds
Removes the sensor setup by llSensorRepeat
string llDetectedName(integer number)
Returns the name of detected object number (returns empty string if number is not a valid sensed object)
key llDetectedKey(integer number)
Returns the key of detected object number (returns empty key if number is not a valid sensed object)
key llDetectedOwner(integer number)
Returns the key of detected object's owner (returns empty key if number is not a valid sensed object)
integer llDetectedType(integer number)
Returns the type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, SCRIPTED) of detected object (returns 0 if number is not a valid sensed object)
vector llDetectedPos(integer number)
Returns the position of detected object number (returns <0,0,0> if number is not a valid sensed object)
vector llDetectedVel(integer number)
Returns the velocity of detected object number (returns <0,0,0> if number is not a valid sensed object)
vector llDetectedGrab(integer number)
Returns the grab offset of the user touching object (returns <0,0,0> if number is not a valid sensed object)
rotation llDetectedRot(integer number)
Returns the rotation of detected object number (returns <0,0,0,1> if number is not a valid sensed object)
integer llDetectedGroup(integer number)
Returns TRUE if detected object is part of same group as owner
integer llDetectedLinkNumber(integer number)
Returns the link position of the triggered event for touches and collisions only
Deletes the object
float llGround(vector offset)
Returns the ground height below the object position + offset
float llCloud(vector offset)
Returns the cloud density at the object position + offset
vector llWind(vector offset)
Returns the wind velocity at the object position + offset
llSetStatus(integer status, integer value)
integer llGetStatus(integer status)
llSetScale(vector scale)
Sets the scale of the prim
vector llGetScale()
Returns the scale of the prim
llSetColor(vector color, integer face)
Sets the color on face of the prim
float llGetAlpha(integer face)
Returns the alpha of face
llSetAlpha(float alpha, integer face)
Sets the alpha on face
vector llGetColor(integer face)
Returns the color on face
llSetTexture(string texture, integer face)
Sets the texture of face or ALL_SIDES
llScaleTexture(float u, float v, integer face)
Sets the texture u & v scales for the chosen face or ALL_SIDES
llOffsetTexture(float u, float v, integer face)
Sets the texture u & v offsets for the chosen face or ALL_SIDES
llRotateTexture(float rotation, integer face)
Sets the texture rotation for the chosen face
string llGetTexture(integer face)
Returns a string that is the texture on face (the inventory name if it is a texture in the prim's inventory, otherwise the key)
llSetPos(vector pos)
Moves the object or prim towards pos without using physics (if the script isn't physical)
vector llGetPos()
Returns the position of the task in region coordinates
vector llGetLocalPos()
Returns the position relative to the root
llSetRot(rotation rot)
Sets the rotation
rotation llGetRot()
Returns the rotation relative to the region's axes
rotation llGetLocalRot()
Returns the rotation local to the root
llSetForce(vector force, integer local)
Applies force to the object (if the script is physical), in local coords if local == TRUE
vector llGetForce()
Returns the force (if the script is physical)
integer llTarget(vector position, float range)
Sets positions within range of position as a target and return an ID for the target
llTargetRemove(integer number)
Removes positional target number registered with llTarget
integer llRotTarget(rotation rot, float error)
Set rotations with error of rot as a rotational target and return an ID for the rotational target
llRotTargetRemove(integer number)
Removes rotational target number registered with llRotTarget
llMoveToTarget(vector target, float tau)
Critically damps to target in tau seconds (if the script is physical)
Stops critically damped motion
llApplyImpulse(vector force, integer local)
Applies impulse to object (if the script is physical), in local coords if local == TRUE
llApplyRotationalImpulse(vector force, integer local)
Applies rotational impulse to object (if the script is physical), in local coords if local == TRUE
llSetTorque(vector torque, integer local)
Sets the torque of object (if the script is physical), in local coords if local == TRUE
vector llGetTorque()
Returns the torque (if the script is physical)
llSetForceAndTorque(vector force, vector torque, integer local)
Sets the force and torque of object (if the script is physical), in local coords if local == TRUE
vector llGetVel()
Returns the velocity of the object
vector llGetAccel()
Returns the acceleration of the object relative to the region's axes
vector llGetOmega()
Returns the rotation velocity in radians per second
float llGetTimeOfDay()
Returns the time in seconds since [SECOND_LIFE] server midnight or since region up-time, whichever is smaller
float llGetWallclock()
Returns the time in seconds since midnight California Pacific time (PST/PDT)
float llGetTime()
Returns the time in seconds since the last region reset, script reset, or call to either llResetTime or llGetAndResetTime
Sets the script timer to zero
float llGetAndResetTime()
Returns the script time in seconds and then resets the script timer to zero
llSound(string sound, float volume, integer queue, integer loop)
Plays sound at volume and whether it should loop or not
llPlaySound(string sound, float volume)
Plays attached sound once at volume (0.0 - 1.0)
llLoopSound(string sound, float volume)
Plays attached sound looping indefinitely at volume (0.0 - 1.0)
llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, float volume)
Plays attached sound looping at volume (0.0 - 1.0), declares it a sync master
llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, float volume)
Plays attached sound looping at volume (0.0 - 1.0), synced to most audible sync master
llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, float volume)
Plays attached sound once at volume (0.0 - 1.0), synced to next loop of most audible sync master
llTriggerSound(string sound, float volume)
Plays sound at volume (0.0 - 1.0), centered at but not attached to object
Stops currently attached sound
llPreloadSound(string sound)
Preloads a sound on viewers within range
string llGetSubString(string src, integer start, integer end)
Returns the indicated substring
string llDeleteSubString(string src, integer start, integer end)
Removes the indicated substring and returns the result
string llInsertString(string dst, integer position, string src)
Returns a destination string dst with the string src inserted starting at position pos
string llToUpper(string src)
Returns a string that is src with all upper-case characters
string llToLower(string src)
Returns a string that is src with all lower-case characters
llGiveMoney(key destination, integer amount)
Transfers amount of L$ from script owner to destination
llMakeExplosion(integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, string texture, vector offset)
Makes a round explosion of particles
llMakeFountain(integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, integer bounce, string texture, vector offset, float bounce_offset)
Makes a fountain of particles
llMakeSmoke(integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, string texture, vector offset)
Makes smoke like particles
llMakeFire(integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, string texture, vector offset)
Makes fire like particles
llRezObject(string inventory, vector pos, vector vel, rotation rot, integer param)
Instantiates owner's inventory object at pos with velocity vel and rotation rot with start parameter param
llLookAt(vector target, float strength, float damping)
Causes object to point its up axis (positive z) towards target, while keeping its forward axis (positive x) below the horizon
Stops causing object to point at a target
llSetTimerEvent(float sec)
Causes the timer event to be triggered a maximum of once every sec seconds
llSleep(float sec)
Puts the script to sleep for sec seconds
float llGetMass()
Returns the mass of object that the script is attached to
llCollisionFilter(string name, key id, integer accept)
Sets the collision filter, exclusively or inclusively. If accept == TRUE, only accept collisions with objects name and id (either is optional), otherwise with objects not name or id
llTakeControls(integer controls, integer accept, integer pass_on)
Allows for intercepting keyboard and mouse clicks from the agent the script has permissions for
Stops taking inputs that were taken with llTakeControls
llAttachToAvatar(integer attach_point)
Attaches the object to the avatar who has granted permission to the script
Detaches object from avatar
llTakeCamera(key avatar)
Moves avatar's viewpoint to task
llReleaseCamera(key avatar)
Returns camera to agent avatar
key llGetOwner()
Returns the object owner's UUID
llInstantMessage(key user, string message)
Sends the specified string as an Instant Message to the user
llEmail(string address, string subject, string message)
Sends an email to address with the subject and message
llGetNextEmail(string address, string subject)
Gets the next waiting email that comes from address, with specified subject
key llGetKey()
Returns the key of the prim the script is attached to
llSetBuoyancy(float buoyancy)
Sets the buoyancy of the task or object (0 is disabled, < 1.0 sinks, 1.0 floats, > 1.0 rises)
llSetHoverHeight(float height, integer water, float tau)
Critically damps to a height above the ground (or water) in tau seconds
Stops hovering to a height
llMinEventDelay(float delay)
Sets the minimum time between events being handled
llSoundPreload(string sound)
Preloads a sound on viewers within range
llRotLookAt(rotation target, float strength, float damping)
Causes object to point its forward axis towards target
integer llStringLength(string str)
Returns the length of string
llStartAnimation(string anim)
Starts animation anim for agent that granted PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION if the permission has not been revoked
llStopAnimation(string anim)
Stops animation anim for agent that granted permission
llPointAt(vector pos)
Makes agent that owns object point at pos
Stops pointing agent that owns object
llTargetOmega(vector axis, float spinrate, float gain)
Rotates the object around axis at spinrate with strength gain
integer llGetStartParameter()
Returns an integer that is the script start/rez parameter
llGodLikeRezObject(key inventory, vector pos)
Rezzes directly off of UUID if owner is in God Mode
llRequestPermissions(key agent, integer perm)
Asks the agent for permission to run certain classes of functions
key llGetPermissionsKey()
Returns the key of the avatar that last granted permissions to the script
integer llGetPermissions()
Returns an integer bitfield with the permissions that have been granted
integer llGetLinkNumber()
Returns the link number of the prim containing the script (0 means not linked, 1 the prim is the root, 2 the prim is the first child, etc)
llSetLinkColor(integer linknumber, vector color, integer face)
Sets face to color if a task exists in the link chain at linknumber
llCreateLink(key target, integer parent)
Attempts to link the script's object with the target (requires that PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be granted). If parent == TRUE, then the script's object becomes the root
llBreakLink(integer linknum)
Delinks the prim with the given link number in a linked object set (requires that PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be granted)
Delinks all prims in the link set (requires that PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be granted)
key llGetLinkKey(integer linknumber)
Returns the key of the linked prim linknumber
string llGetLinkName(integer linknumber)
Returns the name of linknumber in a link set
integer llGetInventoryNumber(integer type)
Returns the number of items of a given type (INVENTORY_* flag) in the prim's inventory
string llGetInventoryName(integer type, integer number)
Returns the name of the inventory item number of a given type
llSetScriptState(string name, integer run)
Sets the running state of the specified script
float llGetEnergy()
Returns how much energy is in the object as a percentage of maximum
llGiveInventory(key destination, string inventory)
Gives inventory to destination
llRemoveInventory(string item)
Removes the named inventory item
llSetText(string text, vector color, float alpha)
Displays text that hovers over the prim with specific color and translucency specified with alpha
float llWater(vector offset)
Returns the water height below the object position + offset
llPassTouches(integer pass)
If pass == TRUE, touches are passed from children on to parents
key llRequestAgentData(key id, integer data)
Requests data about agent id. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised.
key llRequestInventoryData(string name)
Requests data from object's inventory object. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised.
llSetDamage(float damage)
Sets the amount of damage that will be done when this object hits an avatar.
llTeleportAgentHome(key id)
Teleports avatar on the owner's land to their home location without any warning
llModifyLand(integer action, integer brush)
Modifies land using the specified action on the specified brush size of land
llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, float impact_volume)
Suppresses default collision sounds, replaces default impact sounds with impact_sound at the volume impact_volume
llCollisionSprite(string impact_sprite)
Suppresses default collision sprites, replaces default impact sprite with impact_sprite (use an empty string to just suppress)
string llGetAnimation(key id)
Returns the name of the currently playing locomotion animation for avatar id
Resets the script
llMessageLinked(integer linknum, integer num, string str, key id)
Allows scripts in the same object to communicate. Triggers a link_message event with the same parameters num, str, and id in all scripts in the prim(s) described by linknum.
llPushObject(key id, vector impulse, vector ang_impulse, integer local)
Applies impulse and ang_impulse to object id
llPassCollisions(integer pass)
If pass == TRUE, collisions are passed from children on to parents (default is FALSE)
string llGetScriptName()
Returns the name of the script that this function is used in
integer llGetNumberOfSides()
Returns the number of faces (or sides) of the prim
rotation llAxisAngle2Rot(vector axis, float angle)
Returns the rotation that is a generated angle about axis
vector llRot2Axis(rotation rot)
Returns the rotation axis represented by rot
float llRot2Angle(rotation rot)
Returns the rotation angle represented by rot
float llAcos(float val)
Returns the arccosine in radians of val
float llAsin(float val)
Returns the arcsine in radians of val
float llAngleBetween(rotation a, rotation b)
Returns angle between rotation a and b
key llGetInventoryKey(string name)
Returns the key that is the UUID of the inventory name
llAllowInventoryDrop(integer add)
If add == TRUE, users without modify permissions can still drop inventory items onto a prim
vector llGetSunDirection()
Returns a normalized vector of the direction of the sun in the region
vector llGetTextureOffset(integer face)
Returns the texture offset of face in the x and y components of a vector
vector llGetTextureScale(integer side)
Returns the texture scale of side in the x and y components of a vector
float llGetTextureRot(integer side)
Returns the texture rotation of side
integer llSubStringIndex(string source, string pattern)
Returns an integer that is the index in source where pattern first appears.
(Returns -1 if not found)
key llGetOwnerKey(key id)
Returns the owner of object id
vector llGetCenterOfMass()
Returns the prim's center of mass (unless called from the root prim, where it returns the object's center of mass)
list llListSort(list src, integer stride, integer ascending)
Sorts the list into blocks of stride, in ascending order if ascending == TRUE.
The sort order is affected by type.
integer llGetListLength(list src)
Returns the number of elements in the list
integer llList2Integer(list src, integer index)
Copies the integer at index in the list
float llList2Float(list src, integer index)
Copies the float at index in the list
string llList2String(list src, integer index)
Copies the string at index in the list
key llList2Key(list src, integer index)
Copies the key at index in the list
vector llList2Vector(list src, integer index)
Copies the vector at index in the list
rotation llList2Rot(list src, integer index)
Copies the rotation at index in the list
list llList2List(list src, integer start, integer end)
Copies the slice of the list from start to end
list llDeleteSubList(list src, integer start, integer end)
Removes the slice from start to end and returns the remainder of the list
integer llGetListEntryType(list src, integer index)
Returns the type of the index entry in the list
string llList2CSV(list src)
Creates a string of comma separated values from list
list llCSV2List(string src)
Creates a list from a string of comma separated values
list llListRandomize(list src, integer stride)
Returns a randomized list of blocks of size stride
list llList2ListStrided(list src, integer start, integer end, integer stride)
Copies the strided slice of the list from start to end
vector llGetRegionCorner()
Returns a vector in meters that is the global location of the south-west corner of the region which the object is in
list llListInsertList(list dest, list src, integer start)
Returns a list that contains all the elements from dest but with the elements from src inserted at position start
integer llListFindList(list src, list test)
Returns the index of the first instance of test in src.
(Returns -1 if not found)
string llGetObjectName()
Returns the name of the prim which the script is attached to
llSetObjectName(string name)
Sets the prim's name to the name parameter
string llGetDate()
Returns the current date in the UTC time zone in the format YYYY-MM-DD
integer llEdgeOfWorld(vector pos, vector dir)
Checks to see whether the border hit by dir from pos is the edge of the world (has no neighboring region)
integer llGetAgentInfo(key id)
Returns an integer bitfield containing the agent information about id.
llAdjustSoundVolume(float volume)
Adjusts volume of attached sound (0.0 - 1.0)
llSetSoundQueueing(integer queue)
Sets whether attached sounds wait for the current sound to finish (If queue == TRUE then queuing is enabled, if FALSE queuing is disabled [default])
llSetSoundRadius(float radius)
Establishes a hard cut-off radius for audibility of scripted sounds (both attached and triggered)
string llKey2Name(key id)
Returns the name of the prim or avatar specified by id.
(The id must be a valid rezzed prim or avatar key in the current simulator, otherwise an empty string is returned.)
llSetTextureAnim(integer mode, integer face, integer sizex, integer sizey, float start, float length, float rate)
Animates the texture on the specified face/faces
llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, float volume, vector top_north_east, vector bottom_south_west)
Plays sound at volume (0.0 - 1.0), centered at but not attached to object, limited to the box defined by vectors top_north_east and bottom_south_west
llEjectFromLand(key avatar)
Ejects avatar from the parcel
list llParseString2List(string src, list separators, list spacers)
Breaks src into a list, discarding separators, keeping spacers
(separators and spacers must be lists of strings, maximum of 8 each)
integer llOverMyLand(key id)
Returns TRUE if id is over land owned by the script owner, otherwise FALSE
key llGetLandOwnerAt(vector pos)
Returns the key of the land owner, returns NULL_KEY if public
key llGetNotecardLine(string name, integer line)
Returns line line of notecard name via the dataserver event
vector llGetAgentSize(key id)
If the avatar is in the same region, returns the size of the bounding box of the requested avatar by id, otherwise returns ZERO_VECTOR
integer llSameGroup(key id)
Returns TRUE if avatar id is in the same region and has the same active group, otherwise FALSE
key llUnSit(key id)
If avatar identified by id is sitting on the object the script is attached to or is over land owned by the object's owner, the avatar is forced to stand up
vector llGroundSlope(vector offset)
Returns the ground slope below the object position + offset
vector llGroundNormal(vector offset)
Returns the ground normal below the object position + offset
vector llGroundCountour(vector offset)
Returns the ground contour direction below the object position + offset
integer llGetAttached()
Returns the object's attachment point, or 0 if not attached
integer llGetFreeMemory()
Returns the number of free bytes of memory the script can use
string llGetRegionName()
Returns the current region name
float llGetRegionTimeDilation()
Returns the current time dilation as a float between 0.0 (full dilation) and 1.0 (no dilation)
float llGetRegionFPS()
Returns the mean region frames per second
llParticleSystem(list rules)
Creates a particle system based on rules. An empty list removes the particle system.
List format is [ rule1, data1, rule2, data2 . . . rulen, datan ]
llGroundRepel(float height, integer water, float tau)
Critically damps to height if within height*0.5 of level (either above ground level, or above the higher of land and water if water == TRUE)
llGiveInventoryList(key target, string folder, list inventory)
Gives inventory items to target, creating a new folder to put them in
llSetVehicleType(integer type)
Sets the vehicle to one of the default types
llSetVehicleFloatParam(integer param, float value)
Sets the specified vehicle float parameter
llSetVehicleVectorParam(integer param, vector vec)
Sets the specified vehicle vector parameter
llSetVehicleVectorParam(integer param, rotation rot)
Sets the specified vehicle rotation parameter
llSetVehicleFlags(integer flags)
Sets the enabled bits in 'flags'
llRemoveVehicleFlags(integer flags)
Removes the enabled bits in 'flags'
llSitTarget(vector offset, rotation rot)
Sets the sit location for the prim. If offset == <0,0,0> then the sit target is removed.
key llAvatarOnSitTarget()
If an avatar is seated on the sit target, returns the avatar's key, otherwise NULL_KEY
llAddToLandPassList(key avatar, float hours)
Adds avatar to the land pass list for hours, or indefinitely if hours is 0
llSetTouchText(string text)
Displays text rather than the default 'Touch' in the pie menu
llSetSitText(string text)
Displays text rather than the default 'Sit Here' in the pie menu
llSetCameraEyeOffset(vector offset)
Sets the camera eye offset for avatars that sit on the object
llSetCameraAtOffset(vector offset)
Sets the point the camera is looking at to offset for avatars that sit on the object
string llDumpList2String(list src, string separator)
Returns the list in a single string, using separator between the entries
integer llScriptDanger(vector pos)
Returns TRUE if pos is over public land, sandbox land, land that doesn't allow everyone to edit and build, or land that doesn't allow outside scripts
llDialog(key avatar, string message, list buttons, integer chat_channel
Shows a dialog box on the avatar's screen with a message and up to 12 buttons.
If a button is pressed, the avatar says the text of the button label on chat_channel.
llVolumeDetect(integer detect)
If detect = TRUE, object works much like Phantom, but triggers collision_start and collision_end events when other objects start and stop interpenetrating.
Must be applied to the root prim.
llResetOtherScript(string name)
Resets script name
integer llGetScriptState(string name)
Returns TRUE if the script name is running
DEPRECATED! Please use llRemoteLoadScriptPin instead.
llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(integer pin)
If pin is set to a non-zero number, allows a prim to have scripts remotely loaded via llRemoteLoadScriptPin when it passes in the correct pin. Otherwise, llRemoteLoadScriptPin is ignored.
llRemoteLoadScriptPin(key target, string name, integer pin, integer running, integer start_param)
Copies script name onto target, if the owner of this scripted object can modify target and is in the same region, and the matching pin is used.
If running == TRUE, starts the script with start_param
Creates a channel to listen for XML-RPC calls, and will trigger a remote_data event with channel id once it is available
key llSendRemoteData(key channel, string dest, integer idata, string sdata)
Sends an XML-RPC request to dest through channel with payload of channel (in a string), integer idata and string sdata.
Returns a key that is the message_id for the resulting remote_data events.
llRemoteDataReply(key channel, key message_id, string sdata, integer idata)
Sends an XML-RPC reply to message_id on channel with payload of string sdata and integer idata
llCloseRemoteDataChannel(key channel)
Closes XML-RPC channel
string llMD5String(string src, integer nonce)
Returns a string of 32 hex characters that is a RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm of src with nonce
llSetPrimitiveParams(list rules)
Sets the prim's parameters according to rules
string llStringToBase64(string str)
Converts a string to the Base64 representation of the string
string llBase64ToString(string str)
Converts a Base64 string to a conventional string.
If the conversion creates any unprintable characters, they are converted to spaces.
string llXorBase64Strings(string s1, string s2)
DEPRECATED! Please use llXorBase64StringsCorrect instead.
Incorrectly performs an exclusive or on two Base64 strings and returns a Base64 string. s2 repeats if it is shorter than s1. Retained for backwards compatability.
DEPRECATED! Please use llOpenRemoteDataChannel instead.
If an object using remote data channels changes regions, you must call this function to reregister the remote data channels. This call is not needed if the prim does not change regions.
float llLog10(float val)
Returns the base 10 logarithm of val. Returns zero if val <= 0.
float llLog(float val)
Returns the natural logarithm of val. Returns zero if val <= 0.
list llGetAnimationList(key id)
Returns a list of keys of playing animations for avatar described by id
llSetParcelMusicURL(string url)
Sets the streaming audio URL for the parcel which the object is on
vector llGetRootPosition()
Returns the position (in region coordinates) of the root prim of the object which the script is attached to
rotation llGetRootRotation()
Returns the rotation (relative to the region) of the root prim of the object which the script is attached to
string llGetObjectDesc()
Returns the description of the prim the script is attached to
llSetObjectDesc(string name)
Sets the prim's description
key llGetCreator()
Returns a key for the creator of the prim
string llGetTimestamp()
Returns the timestamp in the UTC time zone in the format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ff..fZ
llSetLinkAlpha(integer linknumber, float alpha, integer face)
If a prim exists in the link chain at linknumber, sets face to alpha
integer llGetNumberOfPrims()
Returns the number of prims in a link set the script is attached to
key llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name)
Returns number of lines in notecard name via the dataserver event (cast return value to integer)
list llGetBoundingBox(key object)
Returns the bounding box around the object (including any linked prims) relative to its root prim, in a list in the format [ (vector) min_corner, (vector) max_corner ]
vector llGetGeometricCenter()
Returns the geometric center of the linked set the script is attached to.
list llGetPrimitiveParams(list params)
Returns the primitive parameters specified in the params list.
string llIntegerToBase64(integer number)
Returns a string that is a Base64 big endian encode of number
integer llBase64ToInteger(string str)
Returns an integer that is the str Base64 decoded as a big endian integer
float llGetGMTclock()
Returns the time in seconds since midnight GMT
string llGetSimulatorHostname()
Returns the hostname of the machine which the script is running on (same as string in viewer Help dialog)
llSetLocalRot(rotation rot)
Sets the rotation of a child prim relative to the root prim
list llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, list separators, list spacers)
Breaks src into a list, discarding separators, keeping spacers, keeping any null values generated.
(separators and spacers must be lists of strings, maximum of 8 each)
llRezAtRoot(string inventory, vector pos, vector vel, rotation rot, integer param)
Instantiates owner's inventory object rotated to rot with its root at pos, moving at vel, using param as the start parameter
integer llGetObjectPermMask(integer mask)
Returns the requested permission mask for the root object the task is attached to
llSetObjectPermMask(integer mask, integer value)
Sets the given permission mask to the new value on the root object the task is attached to (requires God Mode)
integer llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, integer mask)
Returns the requested permission mask for the inventory item
llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, integer mask, integer value)
Sets the given permission mask to the new value on the inventory item (requires God Mode)
key llGetInventoryCreator(string item)
Returns a key for the creator of the inventory item
llOwnerSay(string msg)
Says msg to owner only. (Owner must be in the same region.)
key llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, integer data)
Requests data about simulator. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised.
llForceMouselook(integer mouselook)
If mouselook is TRUE, any avatar that sits upon the prim will be forced into mouselook mode
float llGetObjectMass(key id)
Returns the mass of the avatar or object in the region
list llListReplaceList(list dest, list src, integer start, integer end)
Returns a list that is dest with start through end removed and src inserted at start
llLoadURL(key avatar, string message, string url)
Shows a dialog to avatar offering to load the web page at url with a message.
If user clicks yes, launches the page in their web browser.
llParcelMediaCommandList(list command)
Sends a list of commands, some with arguments, to a parcel to control the playback of movies and other media
list llParcelMediaQuery(list query)
Returns a list containing results of the sent query
integer llModPow(integer a, integer b, integer c)
Returns a raised to the b power, mod c. ( (a**b)%c )
b is capped at 0xFFFF (16 bits).
integer llGetInventoryType(string name)
Returns the type of the inventory item name
llSetPayPrice(integer price, list quick_pay_buttons)
Sets the default amount on the dialog that appears when someone chooses to pay this prim
vector llGetCameraPos()
Returns the current camera position for the agent the task has permissions for
rotation llGetCameraRot()
Returns the current camera orientation for the agent the task has permissions for
llSetPrimURL(string url)
Updates the URL for the web page shown on the sides of the object
Reloads the web page shown on the sides of the object
string llEscapeURL(string url)
Returns an escaped/encoded version of url, replacing spaces with %20 etc.
string llUnescapeURL(string url)
Returns an unescaped/ unencoded version of url, replacing %20 with spaces etc.
llMapDestination(string simname, vector pos, vector look_at)
Opens the World Map centered on the region simname with pos highlighted. (NOTE: look_at currently does nothing.)
Only works for scripts attached to avatar, or during touch events.
llAddToLandBanList(key avatar, float hours)
Adds avatar to the land ban list for hours, or indefinitely if hours is 0
llRemoveFromLandPassList(key avatar)
Removes avatar from the land pass list
llRemoveFromLandBanList(key avatar)
Removes avatar from the land ban list
llSetCameraParams(list rules)
Sets multiple camera parameters at once.
List format is [ rule1, data1, rule2, data2 . . . rulen, datan ]
Resets all camera parameters to default values and turns off scripted camera control
float llListStatistics(integer operation, list src)
Performs statistical aggregate functions on list src using LIST_STAT_* operations
integer llGetUnixTime()
Returns the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, Jan 1, 1970 UTC from the system clock
integer llGetParcelFlags(vector pos)
Returns a mask of the parcel flags (PARCEL_FLAG_*) for the parcel that includes the point pos
integer llGetRegionFlags()
Returns the region flags (REGION_FLAG_*) for the region the object is in
string llXorBase64StringsCorrect(string s1, string s2)
Correctly performs an exclusive or on two Base64 strings and returns a Base64 string.
s2 repeats if it is shorter than s1.
llHTTPRequest(string url, list parameters, string body)
Sends an HTTP request to the specified url with the body of the request and parameters
Removes all Residents from the land ban list
Removes all Residents from the land access/pass list
integer llGetObjectPrimCount(key object_id)
Returns the total number of prims for an object in the region
list llGetParcelPrimOwners(vector pos)
Returns a list of all Residents who own objects on the parcel at pos and with individual prim counts.
Requires owner-like permissions for the parcel.
integer llGetParcelPrimCount(vector pos, integer category, integer sim_wide)
Returns the number of prims on the parcel at pos of the given category.
integer llGetParcelMaxPrims(vector pos, integer sim_wide)
Returns the maximum number of prims allowed on the parcel at pos
list llGetParcelDetails(vector pos, list params)
Returns the parcel details specified in params for the parcel at pos.
Params is one or more of: PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME, _DESC, _OWNER, _GROUP, _AREA
llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(integer linknumber, list rules)
Sets primitive parameters for linknumber based on rules
llSetLinkTexture(integer linknumber, string texture, integer face)
Sets the texture of face for a task that exists in the link chain at linknumber
string llStringTrim(string src, integer trim_type)
Trims the leading and/or trailing white spaces from a string.
llRegionSay(integer channel, string msg)
Broadcasts msg on channel (not 0) that can be heard anywhere in the region by a script listening on channel
list llGetObjectDetails(key id, list params)
Returns the object details specified in params for the object with key id.
llSetClickAction(integer action)
Sets the action performed when a prim is clicked upon
integer llGetRegionAgentCount()
Returns the number of avatars in the region
llTextBox(key avatar, string message, integer chat_channel
Shows a dialog box on the avatar's screen with the message.
It contains a text box for input, and if entered that text is chatted on chat_channel.
string llGetAgentLanguage(key avatar)
Returns the language code of the preferred interface language of the avatar
vector llDetectedTouchUV(integer index)
Returns the u and v coordinates in the first two components of a vector, for the texture coordinates where the prim was touched in a triggered touch event
integer llDetectedTouchFace(integer index)
Returns the index of the face where the avatar clicked in a triggered touch event
vector llDetectedTouchPos(integer index)
Returns the position where the object was touched in a triggered touch event
vector llDetectedTouchNormal(integer index)
Returns the surface normal for a triggered touch event
vector llDetectedTouchBinormal(integer index)
Returns the surface binormal for a triggered touch event
vector llDetectedTouchST(integer index)
Returns the s and t coordinates in the first two components of a vector, for the surface coordinates where the prim was touched in a triggered touch event
string llSHA1String(string src)
Returns a string of 40 hex characters that is the SHA1 security Hash of src
integer llGetFreeURLs()
Returns the number of available URLs for the current script
key llRequestURL()
Requests one HTTP:// url for use by this object.
An http_request event is triggered with the results.
key llRequestSecureURL()
Requests one HTTPS:// (SSL) url for use by this object.
An http_request event is triggered with the results.
llReleaseURL(string url)
Releases the specified URL, it will no longer be usable
llHTTPResponse(key request_id, integer status, string body)
Responds to request_id with status and body
string llGetHTTPHeader(key request_id, string header)
Returns the value for header for request_id
llSetPrimMediaParams(integer face, list params)
Sets the media params for a particular face on an object. If media is not already on this object, add it.
List is a set of name/value pairs in no particular order. Params not specified are unchanged, or if new media is added then set to the default specified.
The possible names are below, along with the types of values and what they mean.
list llGetPrimMediaParams(integer face, list params)
Returns the media params for a particular face on an object, given the desired list of names, in the order requested.
(Returns an empty list if no media exists on the face.)
llClearPrimMedia(integer face)
Clears (deletes) the media and all params from the given face.
Not Away
Not Busy
Shirt not worn
Pants not worn
Shoes not worn
Socks not worn
Jacket not worn
Gloves not worn
Undershirt not worn
Underpants not worn
Skirt not worn
Alpha not worn
Tattoo not worn
Group Notice
Group Notices
Sent by
View past notices or opt-out of receiving these messages here.
Open Attachment
Save Attachment
Teleport offering
New notifications arrived while you were away.
You have %d more notification
Right Arm
Left Arm
Left Leg
Right Leg
Press ESC to return to World View
Didn't find what you're looking for? Try [secondlife:///app/search/all/[SEARCH_TERM] Search].
Didn't find what you're looking for? Try [secondlife:///app/search/places/[SEARCH_TERM] Search].
Drag a landmark here to add it to your favorites.
You do not have a copy of this texture in your inventory
Loading contents...
No contents
My Inventory
My Favorites
Calling Cards
New Folder
Uncompressed Images
Body Parts
Photo Album
Lost And Found
Uncompressed Sounds
Current Outfit
My Outfits
Buy for L$
Left Shoulder
Right Shoulder
Left Hand
Right Hand
Left Foot
Right Foot
Left Ear
Right Ear
Left Eyeball
Right Eyeball
R Upper Arm
R Forearm
L Upper Arm
L Forearm
Right Hip
R Upper Leg
R Lower Leg
Left Hip
L Upper Leg
L Lower Leg
Left Pec
Right Pec
Joined today
[COUNT] year
[COUNT] years
[COUNT] years
[COUNT] month
[COUNT] months
[COUNT] months
[COUNT] week
[COUNT] weeks
[COUNT] weeks
[COUNT] day
[COUNT] days
[COUNT] days
[COUNT] member
[COUNT] members
[COUNT] members
Charter Member
Linden Lab Employee
Payment Info Used
Payment Info On File
No Payment Info On File
Not Age-verified
Center 2
Top Right
Top Left
Bottom Left
Bottom Right
Downloaded, now compiling
Script not found on server.
Problem downloading
Insufficient permissions to download a script.
Insufficient permissions for
Unknown failure to download
Recompilation Progress
Reset Progress
Set Running Progress
set running
Set Not Running Progress
set not running
Compile successful!
Compile successful, saving...
Save complete.
Script (object out of range)
Object [OBJECT] owned by [OWNER]
No group data found for group
parent estate
all estates owned by [OWNER]
all estates that you own
all estates that you manage for [OWNER]
Allowed Residents: ([ALLOWEDAGENTS], max [MAXACCESS])
Allowed groups: ([ALLOWEDGROUPS], max [MAXACCESS])
Parcel Script Memory
Parcels Listed: [PARCELS]
Memory used: [COUNT] kb out of [MAX] kb; [AVAILABLE] kb available
Memory used: [COUNT] kb
Parcel Script URLs
URLs used: [COUNT] out of [MAX]; [AVAILABLE] available
URLs used: [COUNT]
Error requesting information
No Parcel Selected
Error: script information is only available in your current region
Retrieving information...
You do not have permission to examine this parcel
Sitting On
Left Shoulder
Right Shoulder
Left Hand
Right Hand
Left Foot
Right Foot
Left Ear
Right Ear
Left Eye
Right Eye
Right Upper Arm
Right Lower Arm
Left Upper Arm
Left Lower Arm
Right Hip
Right Upper Leg
Right Lower Leg
Left Hip
Left Upper Leg
Left Lower Leg
Right Pec
Left Pec
HUD Center 2
HUD Top Right
HUD Top Center
HUD Top Left
HUD Center 1
HUD Bottom Left
HUD Bottom
HUD Bottom Right
Line [LINE], Column [COLUMN]
[COUNT] found
[hour12,datetime,slt]:[min,datetime,slt] [ampm,datetime,slt]
New Script
Content of object
The Resident you messaged is in 'busy mode' which means they have requested not to be disturbed. Your message will still be shown in their IM panel for later viewing.
(By name)
There is no Covenant provided for this Estate.
There is no Covenant provided for this Estate. The land on this estate is being sold by the Estate owner, not Linden Lab. Please contact the Estate Owner for sales details.
Group Owned
Clicks: [TELEPORT] teleport, [MAP] map, [PROFILE] profile
(will update after publish)
You haven't created any Picks or Classifieds. Click the Plus button below to create a Pick or Classified.
User has no picks or classfields
An object named
owned by the group
owned by an unknown group
owned by
owned by an unknown user
gave you
You decline
paid you
paid into
bought pass to
paid fee for event
paid prize for event
Acquired Items
Uploading [NAME] costs L$ [AMOUNT]
Buying this costs L$ [AMOUNT]
Unknown file extension .%s
Expected .wav, .tga, .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, or .bvh
Add to My Landmarks...
Edit my Landmark...
File Saved
Any Category
Land Rental
Property Rental
Special Attraction
New Products
Linden Location
Arts & Culture
Newcomer Friendly
Parks & Nature
Multiple Media
Play/Pause Media
An error was found parsing the command line.
Please see:
[APP_NAME] Command line usage:
[APP_NAME] is unable to access a file that it needs.
This can be because you somehow have multiple copies running, or your system incorrectly thinks a file is open.
If this message persists, restart your computer and try again.
If it continues to persist, you may need to completely uninstall [APP_NAME] and reinstall it.
Fatal Error
[APP_NAME] requires a processor with AltiVec (G4 or later).
[APP_NAME] is already running.
Check your task bar for a minimized copy of the program.
If this message persists, restart your computer.
[APP_NAME] appears to have frozen or crashed on the previous run.
Would you like to send a crash report?
[APP_NAME] is unable to detect DirectX 9.0b or greater.
[APP_NAME] uses DirectX to detect hardware and/or outdated drivers that can cause stability problems, poor performance and crashes. While you can run [APP_NAME] without it, we highly recommend running with DirectX 9.0b.
Do you wish to continue?
Automatic updating is not yet implemented for Linux.
Please download the latest version from
RegisterClass failed
Unable to run fullscreen at [WIDTH] x [HEIGHT].
Running in window.
Shutdown Error while destroying window (DestroyWindow() failed)
Shutdown Error
Can't make GL device context
Can't find suitable pixel format
Can't get pixel format description
[APP_NAME] requires True Color (32-bit) to run.
Please go to your computer's display settings and set the color mode to 32-bit.
[APP_NAME] is unable to run because it can't get an 8 bit alpha channel. Usually this is due to video card driver issues.
Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers installed.
Also be sure your monitor is set to True Color (32-bit) in Control Panels > Display > Settings.
If you continue to receive this message, contact the [SUPPORT_SITE].
Can't set pixel format
Can't create GL rendering context
Can't activate GL rendering context
[APP_NAME] is unable to run because your video card drivers did not install properly, are out of date, or are for unsupported hardware. Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers and even if you do have the latest, try reinstalling them.
If you continue to receive this message, contact the [SUPPORT_SITE].
5 O'Clock Shadow
All White
Anime Eyes
Arm Length
Attached Earlobes
Back Fringe
Beady Eyes
Belly Size
Big Butt
Big Hair: Back
Big Hair: Front
Big Hair: Top
Big Head
Big Pectorals
Big Spikes
Blonde Hair
Blush Color
Blush Opacity
Body Definition
Body Fat
Body Freckles
Body Thick
Body Thickness
Body Thin
Bow Legged
Breast Buoyancy
Breast Cleavage
Breast Size
Bridge Width
Brow Size
Bug Eyes
Bugged Eyes
Bulbous Nose
Bushy Eyebrows
Bushy Hair
Butt Size
Bustle Skirt
No Bustle
More Bustle
Cheek Bones
Chest Size
Chin Angle
Chin Cleft
Chin Curtains
Chin Depth
Chin Heavy
Chin In
Chin Out
Close Set Eyes
Closed Back
Closed Front
Closed Left
Closed Right
Coin Purse
Collar Back
Collar Front
Corner Down
Corner Up
Crooked Nose
Cuff Flare
Dark Green
Default Heels
Double Chin
Duffle Bag
Ear Angle
Ear Size
Ear Tips
Egg Head
Eye Bags
Eye Color
Eye Depth
Eye Lightness
Eye Opening
Eye Pop
Eye Size
Eye Spacing
Eyebrow Arc
Eyebrow Density
Eyebrow Height
Eyebrow Points
Eyebrow Size
Eyelash Length
Eyeliner Color
Eyes Bugged
Face Shear
Facial Definition
Far Set Eyes
Fat Lips
Flared Cuffs
Flat Butt
Flat Head
Flat Toe
Foot Size
Forehead Angle
Forehead Heavy
Front Fringe
Full Back
Full Eyeliner
Full Front
Full Hair Sides
Full Sides
Glove Fingers
Glove Length
Hair: Back
Hair: Front
Hair: Sides
Hair Sweep
Hair Thickness
Hair Thickness
Hair Tilt
Hair Tilted Left
Hair Tilted Right
Hair: Volume
Hand Size
Head Length
Head Shape
Head Size
Head Stretch
Heel Height
Heel Shape
High Heels
High Jaw
High Platforms
High and Tight
Hip Length
Hip Width
Inner Shadow Color
Inner Shadow Opacity
Inner Eye Corner
Inner Eye Shadow
Inner Shadow
Jacket Length
Jacket Wrinkles
Jaw Angle
Jaw Jut
Jaw Shape
Knee Angle
Knock Kneed
Large Hands
Left Part
Leg Length
Leg Muscles
Less Body Fat
Less Curtains
Less Freckles
Less Full
Less Gravity
Less Love
Less Muscles
Less Muscular
Less Rosy
Less Round
Less Saddle
Less Square
Less Volume
Less soul
Lip Cleft
Lip Cleft Depth
Lip Fullness
Lip Pinkness
Lip Ratio
Lip Thickness
Lip Width
Lipstick Color
Long Head
Long Hips
Long Legs
Long Neck
Long Pigtails
Long Ponytail
Long Torso
Long arms
Loose Pants
Loose Shirt
Loose Sleeves
Love Handles
Low Heels
Low Jaw
Low Platforms
Low and Loose
Lower Bridge
Lower Cheeks
Middle Part
More Blush
More Body Fat
More Curtains
More Eyeshadow
More Freckles
More Full
More Gravity
More Lipstick
More Love
More Lower Lip
More Muscles
More Muscular
More Rosy
More Round
More Saddle
More Sloped
More Square
More Upper Lip
More Vertical
More Volume
More soul
Mouth Corner
Mouth Position
Mutton Chops
Nail Polish
Nail Polish Color
Narrow Back
Narrow Front
Narrow Lips
Neck Length
Neck Thickness
No Blush
No Eyeliner
No Eyeshadow
No Lipgloss
No Lipstick
No Part
No Polish
No Red
No Spikes
No White
No Wrinkles
Normal Lower
Normal Upper
Nose Left
Nose Right
Nose Size
Nose Thickness
Nose Tip Angle
Nose Tip Shape
Nose Width
Nostril Division
Nostril Width
Open Back
Open Front
Open Left
Open Right
Outer Shadow Color
Outer Shadow Opacity
Outer Eye Corner
Outer Eye Shadow
Outer Shadow
Painted Nails
Pants Crotch
Pants Fit
Pants Length
Pants Waist
Pants Wrinkles
Part Bangs
Platform Height
Platform Width
Pointy Heels
Poofy Skirt
Pop Left Eye
Pop Right Eye
Puffy Eyelids
Rainbow Color
Red Hair
Right Part
Rosy Complexion
Rumpled Hair
Saddle Bags
Scrawny Leg
Shear Back
Shear Face
Shear Front
Shear Left Up
Shear Right Up
Sheared Back
Sheared Front
Shift Left
Shift Mouth
Shift Right
Shirt Bottom
Shirt Fit
Shirt Wrinkles
Shoe Height
Short Arms
Short Legs
Short Neck
Short Pigtails
Short Ponytail
Short Sideburns
Short Torso
Short hips
Side Fringe
Sides Hair
Sides Hair Down
Sides Hair Up
Skinny Neck
Skirt Fit
Skirt Length
Slanted Forehead
Sleeve Length
Sleeve Looseness
Slit: Back
Slit: Front
Slit: Left
Slit: Right
Small Hands
Small Head
Smooth Hair
Socks Length
Spiked Hair
Square Toe
Squash Head
Stretch Head
Sunken Chest
Sunken Eyes
Sweep Back
Sweep Forward
Taper Back
Taper Front
Thick Heels
Thick Neck
Thick Toe
Thin Eyebrows
Thin Lips
Thin Nose
Tight Chin
Tight Cuffs
Tight Pants
Tight Shirt
Tight Skirt
Tight Sleeves
Toe Shape
Toe Thickness
Torso Length
Torso Muscles
Torso Scrawny
Upper Bridge
Upper Cheeks
Upper Chin Cleft
Upper Eyelid Fold
Very Red
Waist Height
White Hair
Wide Back
Wide Front
Wide Lips
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Buy this land
Voice not available here
Flying not allowed
No pushing
Building/dropping objects not allowed
Scripts not allowed
Adult Region
Moderate Region
General Region
[APP_NAME] Update
Now updating [APP_NAME]...
Installing [APP_NAME]...
Your [APP_NAME] Viewer is being updated to the latest release. This may take some time, so please be patient.
Downloading update...
Downloading update
Failed to download update
An error occurred while updating [APP_NAME]. Please download the latest version from
Failed to install update
Failed to start viewer
[APP_NAME]: Items coming in too fast from [FROM_NAME], automatic preview disabled for [TIME] seconds
[APP_NAME]: Items coming in too fast, automatic preview disabled for [TIME] seconds
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[NAME] is typing...
(Moderated: Voices off by default)
Text chat is not available for this call.
Your text chat has been disabled by a Group Moderator.
Click here to instant message.
Your call has been answered
You started a voice call
You joined the voice call
[NAME] started a voice call
Joining voice call...
Connected, click Leave Call to hang up
Left voice call
Ad-hoc Conference
Inventory item offered
Drag items from inventory here
You are the only user in this session.
[FIRST] [LAST] is offline.
Click the [BUTTON NAME] button to accept/connect to this voice chat.
You have blocked this Resident. Sending a message will automatically unblock them.
Error making request, please try again later.
Error making request, please try again later.
You do not have sufficient permissions.
The session no longer exists
You do not have that ability.
You do not have that ability.
You are not a session moderator.
A group moderator disabled your text chat.
A group moderator disabled your text chat.
Unable to add users to chat session with [RECIPIENT].
Unable to send your message to the chat session with [RECIPIENT].
Unable to send your message to the chat session with [RECIPIENT].
Error while moderating.
You have been removed from the group.
You have been removed from the group.
You no longer have the ability to be in the chat session.
[SOURCES] has said something new
[SOURCES] have said something new
The session initialization is timed out
[NAME] paid you L$[AMOUNT]
You paid [NAME] L$[AMOUNT] [REASON].
You paid L$[AMOUNT].
You paid [NAME] L$[AMOUNT].
You paid L$[AMOUNT] [REASON].
for a parcel of land
for a land access pass
for deeding land
to create a group
to join a group
to upload
Giving L$ [AMOUNT]
Uploading costs L$ [AMOUNT]
This costs L$ [AMOUNT]
Buying selected land for L$ [AMOUNT]
This object costs L$ [AMOUNT]
Abuse Report
New Shape
New Skin
New Hair
New Eyes
New Shirt
New Pants
New Shoes
New Socks
New Jacket
New Gloves
New Undershirt
New Underpants
New Skirt
New Alpha
New Tattoo
Invalid Wearable
New Script
New Folder
Male Gestures
Female Gestures
Other Gestures
Speech Gestures
Common Gestures
Male - Excuse me
Male - Get lost
Male - Blow kiss
Male - Boo
Male - Bored
Male - Hey
Male - Laugh
Male - Repulsed
Male - Shrug
Male - Stick tougue out
Male - Wow
FeMale - Excuse me
FeMale - Get lost
FeMale - Blow kiss
FeMale - Boo
Female - Bored
Female - Hey
Female - Laugh
Female - Repulsed
Female - Shrug
Female - Stick tougue out
Female - Wow
Can't load images larger than [WIDTH]*[HEIGHT]
Despite our best efforts, something unexpected has gone wrong.
Please check to see if there is a known problem with the service.
If you continue to experience problems, please check your network and firewall setup.