Don't show me this again Don't show me this again (for current session) Always choose this option Close Your version of [APP_NAME] does not know how to display the notification it just received. Please verify that you have the latest Viewer installed. Error details: The notification called '[_NAME]' was not found in notifications.xml. fail Floater error: Could not find the following controls: [CONTROLS] fail No tutorial is currently available. fail [MESSAGE] [MESSAGE] [MESSAGE] An error occurred while updating [APP_NAME]. Please [ download the latest version] of the Viewer. fail fail Could not connect to the [SECOND_LIFE_GRID]. '[DIAGNOSTIC]' Make sure your Internet connection is working properly. fail Viewer received malformed response from server. Please, make sure your Internet connection is working properly and try again later. If you feel this is in error, please contact Support. Message Template [PATH] not found. fail Save changes to current clothing/body part? You don't have permission to copy one or more of these items to the Merchant Outbox. You can move them or leave them behind. A new folder has been created for each item you have transferred into the top level of your Merchant Outbox. Success All folders were successfully sent to the Marketplace. Some folders did not transfer Errors occurred when some folders were sent to the Marketplace. Those folders are still in your Merchant Outbox. See the [[MARKETPLACE_IMPORTS_URL] error log] for more information. Transfer failed with error '[ERROR_CODE]' No folders were sent to the Marketplace because of a system or network error. Try again later. Marketplace initialization failed with error '[ERROR_CODE]' Initialization with the Marketplace failed because of a system or network error. Try again later. Copy or move to Stock Folder failed with error : '[ERROR_CODE]' One or more items can't be used inside "My outfits" Copy or move to Marketplace Listings failed with error : '[ERROR_CODE]' The transaction with the Marketplace failed with the following error : [ERROR_REASON][ERROR_DESCRIPTION] We are unable to list this product or activate the version folder. Usually this is caused by missing information in the listing description form, but it may be due to errors in the folder structure. Either edit the listing or check the listing folder for errors. Listing to Marketplace failed with error : '[ERROR_CODE]' Activating this version folder failed with error : '[ERROR_CODE]' There was an invalid keystroke entered. [REASON]. Please input a valid text. In order to create your listing, we fixed the hierarchy of your listing contents. confirm This action will change the active content of this listing. Do you want to continue? confirm Items dragged to the Marketplace Listings window are moved from their original locations, not copied. Do you want to continue? confirm Moving or deleting a listing folder will delete your Marketplace listing. If you would like to keep the Marketplace listing, move or delete the contents of the version folder you would like to modify. Do you want to continue? confirm You don't have permission to copy one or more of these items to the Marketplace. You can move them or leave them behind. confirm This action will unlist this listing. Do you want to continue? confirm This action will deactivate the version folder of the current listing. Do you want to continue? confirm This listing could not be updated. [[URL] Click here] to edit it on the Marketplace. You cannot wear clothes or body parts that are in the Marketplace Listings folder. fail Invalid listing ID. fail There are several or no version folders in this listing. You will need to select and activate one independently later. confirm We have separated stock items of different types into separate stock folders, so your folder is arranged in a way that we can list it. confirm We have unlisted your listing because the stock is empty. You need to add more units to the stock folder to list the listing again. confirm We have unlisted your listing because the version folder is empty. You need to add items to the version folder to list the listing again. confirm There was a problem writing animation data. Please try again later. fail There was a problem uploading the auction snapshot due to the following reason: [REASON] fail Unable to view the contents of more than one item at a time. Please select only one object and try again. fail Save all changes to clothing/body parts? confirm Non-friends won't know that you've chosen to ignore their calls and instant messages. Note: When you turn on this option, anyone who uses this computer can see your list of favorite locations. Running multiple Second Life viewers is not supported. It can lead to texture cache collisions, corruption and degraded visuals and performance. Granting modify rights to another Resident allows them to change, delete or take ANY objects you may have in-world. Be VERY careful when handing out this permission. Do you want to grant modify rights for [NAME]? confirm Granting modify rights to another Resident allows them to change ANY objects you may have in-world. Be VERY careful when handing out this permission. Do you want to grant modify rights for the selected Residents? confirm Do you want to revoke modify rights for [NAME]? confirm Do you want to revoke modify rights for the selected Residents? confirm A group name must be between [MIN_LEN] and [MAX_LEN] characters. group fail Unable to create group. [MESSAGE] group fail [NEEDS_APPLY_MESSAGE] [WANT_APPLY_MESSAGE] confirm group You must specify a subject to send a group notice. group fail You are about to add group members to the role of [ROLE_NAME]. Members cannot be removed from that role. The members must resign from the role themselves. Are you sure you want to continue? group confirm You are about to add the Ability '[ACTION_NAME]' to the Role '[ROLE_NAME]'. *WARNING* Any Member in a Role with this Ability can assign themselves -- and any other member -- to Roles that have more powers than they currently have, potentially elevating themselves to near-Owner power. Be sure you know what you're doing before assigning this Ability. Add this Ability to '[ROLE_NAME]'? You are about to add the Ability '[ACTION_NAME]' to the Role '[ROLE_NAME]'. *WARNING* Any Member in a Role with this Ability can assign themselves -- and any other member -- all Abilities, elevating themselves to near-Owner power. Add this Ability to '[ROLE_NAME]'? You are about to add the Ability '[ACTION_NAME]' to the Role '[ROLE_NAME]'. *WARNING* Any Member in a Role with this Ability will also be granted the Abilities '[ACTION_NAME_2]' and '[ACTION_NAME_3]' You are removing the Ability '[ACTION_NAME]' to the Role '[ROLE_NAME]'. *WARNING* Removing this ability will NOT remove the Abilities '[ACTION_NAME_2]' and '[ACTION_NAME_3]'. If you no longer wish to have these abilities granted to this role, disable them immediately! You are about to eject [AVATAR_NAME] from the group. group confirm You are about to eject [COUNT] members from the group. group confirm You are about to ban [AVATAR_NAME] from the group. group confirm You are about to ban [COUNT] members from group. group confirm Some residents have not been sent an invite due to being banned from the group. You are about to drop your attachment. Are you sure you want to continue? confirm Joining this group costs L$[COST]. Do you wish to proceed? confirm funds group You are joining group <nolink>[NAME]</nolink>. Do you wish to proceed? group confirm Joining this group costs L$[COST]. You do not have enough L$ to join this group. group fail funds Creating this group will cost L$[COST]. Groups need more than one member, or they are deleted forever. Please invite members within 48 hours. group funds This group is not accessible to you. group_id success Error processing your group membership request. group_id success Unable to join group: [reason] group_id success reason Sorry, trial users can't join groups. group_id success You cannot join '<nolink>[group_name]</nolink>': You are already a member of [group_count] groups, the maximum number allowed is [max_groups] success group_id group_name group_count max_groups You cannot join '<nolink>[group_name]</nolink>': The group no longer has open enrollment. group_id success Unable to transfer the required L$ [membership_fee] membership fee. group_id success fail For L$[COST] you can enter this land ('[PARCEL_NAME]') for [TIME] hours. Buy a pass? funds confirm Sale price must be set to more than L$0 if selling to anyone. Please select an individual to sell to if selling for L$0. fail The selected [LAND_SIZE] m² land is being set for sale. Your selling price will be L$[SALE_PRICE] and will be authorized for sale to [NAME]. confirm ATTENTION: Clicking 'sell to anyone' makes your land available to the entire [SECOND_LIFE] community, even those not in this region. The selected [LAND_SIZE] m² land is being set for sale. Your selling price will be L$[SALE_PRICE] and will be authorized for sale to [NAME]. confirm Are you sure you want to return all objects shared with the group '<nolink>[NAME]</nolink>' on this parcel of land back to their previous owner's inventory? *WARNING* This will delete the non-transferable objects deeded to the group! Objects: [N] confirm group Are you sure you want to return all objects owned by the Resident '[NAME]' on this parcel of land back to their inventory? Objects: [N] confirm Are you sure you want to return all objects owned by you on this parcel of land back to your inventory? Objects: [N] confirm Are you sure you want to return all objects NOT owned by you on this parcel of land back to their owner's inventory? Transferable objects deeded to a group will be returned to their previous owners. *WARNING* This will delete the non-transferable objects deeded to the group! Objects: [N] confirm Are you sure you want to return all objects NOT owned by [NAME] on this parcel of land back to their owner's inventory? Transferable objects deeded to a group will be returned to their previous owners. *WARNING* This will delete the non-transferable objects deeded to the group! Objects: [N] confirm Are you sure you want to return all listed objects back to their owner's inventory? This will return ALL scripted objects in the region! confirm Are you sure you want to disable all objects in this region? confirm Return the objects on this parcel of land that are NOT shared with the group <nolink>[NAME]</nolink> back to their owners? Objects: [N] confirm group Can not disable scripts. This entire region is damage enabled. Scripts must be allowed to run for weapons to work. fail Multiple faces are currently selected. If you continue this action, separate instances of media will be set on multiple faces of the object. To place the media on only one face, choose Select Face and click on the desired face of that object then click Add. confirm You must be standing inside the land parcel to set its Landing Point. fail Please enter a valid email address for the recipient(s). fail Please enter your email address. fail Email snapshot with the default subject or message? confirm Error processing snapshot data fail Error encoding snapshot. fail You need L$[COST] to save a photo to your inventory. You may either buy L$ or save the photo to your computer instead. fail You need L$[COST] to upload this item. fail You need L$[COST] to save a texture to your inventory. You may either buy L$ or save the photo to your computer instead. fail There was a problem sending a snapshot due to the following reason: [REASON] fail There was a problem uploading a report screenshot due to the following reason: [REASON] fail fail You must agree to the Second Life Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service to continue logging into [SECOND_LIFE]. [TITLE] [MESSAGE] fail Could not put on outfit. The outfit folder contains no clothing, body parts, or attachments. fail You can not wear clothes or body parts that are in the trash fail Could not attach object. Exceeds the attachments limit of [MAX_ATTACHMENTS] objects. Please detach another object first. fail You can not wear that item because it has not yet loaded. Please try again in a minute. fail fail Please enter your Password to log in. fail Oops! Something was left blank. You need to enter the Username name of your avatar. You need an account to enter [SECOND_LIFE]. Would you like to create one now? confirm [create_account_url] fail You need to enter either the Username or both the First and Last name of your avatar into the Username field, then login again. fail '[GRID]' is not a valid grid identifier. fail Your start location did not specify a valid grid. Delete classified '[NAME]'? There is no reimbursement for fees paid. confirm You have selected to delete the media associated with this face. Are you sure you want to continue? confirm Save changes to classified [NAME]? confirm Insufficient funds to create classified. fail Delete classified <nolink>[CLASSIFIED]</nolink>? confirm Delete pick <nolink>[PICK]</nolink>? confirm You have unpublished classifieds. They will be lost if you close the window. confirm You have unsaved changes. confirm save Delete the selected outfit? confirm Go to the [SECOND_LIFE] events web page? confirm Please select a proposal to view. fail Please select a history item to view. fail Cache will be cleared after you restart [APP_NAME]. Cache will be moved after you restart [APP_NAME]. Note: This will clear the cache. Port settings take effect after you restart [APP_NAME]. This debug setting change will take effect after you restart [APP_NAME]. The new skin will appear after you restart [APP_NAME]. Changing language will take effect after you restart [APP_NAME]. Go to the [SECOND_LIFE] web page to see auction details or make a bid? confirm[AUCTION_ID] Save Changes? confirm Delete Notecard? confirm Do you want to use previous screenshot for your report? confirm Gesture save failed. This gesture has too many steps. Try removing some steps, then save again. fail Gesture save failed. Please try again in a minute. fail Could not save gesture because the object or the associated object inventory could not be found. The object may be out of range or may have been deleted. fail There was a problem saving a gesture due to the following reason: [REASON]. Please try resaving the gesture later. fail Could not save notecard because the object or the associated object inventory could not be found. The object may be out of range or may have been deleted. fail There was a problem saving a notecard due to the following reason: [REASON]. Please try re-saving the notecard later. fail Could not undo all changes in your version of the script. Would you like to load the server's last saved version? (**Warning** This operation cannot be undone.) confirm Could not save the script because the object it is in could not be found. The object may be out of range or may have been deleted. fail Your Start Region is not defined. Please type the Region name in Start Location box or choose My Last Location or My Home as your Start Location. fail Could not start or stop the script because the object it is on could not be found. The object may be out of range or may have been deleted. fail Unable to download file fail confirm You have requested a file download, which is not supported within [SECOND_LIFE]. Unable to write file [[FILE]] fail Just so you know, your computer does not meet [APP_NAME]'s minimum system requirements. You may experience poor performance. Unfortunately, the [SUPPORT_SITE] can't provide technical support for unsupported system configurations. Visit [_URL] for more information? confirm fail There is likely a newer driver for your graphics chip. Updating graphics drivers can substantially improve performance. Visit [URL] to check for driver updates? confirm [URL] fail Your system contains a graphics card that [APP_NAME] doesn't recognize. This is often the case with new hardware that hasn't been tested yet with [APP_NAME]. It will probably be ok, but you may need to adjust your graphics settings. (Me > Preferences > Graphics).
[APP_NAME] crashed while initializing graphics drivers. Graphics Quality will be set to Low to avoid some common driver errors. This will disable some graphics features. We recommend updating your graphics card drivers. Graphics Quality can be raised in Preferences > Graphics. fail Changing this setting will disable automatic adjustment and turn off 'Automatic settings'. Are you sure you want to continue? confirm To turn on advanced lighting, we need to increase quality to level 4. confirm To enable shadows, we need to increase quality to level 4. confirm The region [REGION] does not allow terraforming. fail You are not allowed to terraform parcel [PARCEL]. fail You do not have permission to copy the following items: <nolink>[ITEMS]</nolink> and will lose it from your inventory if you give it away. Do you really want to offer these items? confirm fail Unable to give inventory item. fail Transaction cancelled. Cannot give more than 42 items in a single inventory transfer. fail You do not have permission to transfer the selected items. fail You do not have permission to copy [COUNT] of the selected items. You will lose these items from your inventory. Do you really want to give these items? confirm fail You do not have permission to transfer the selected folder. fail Freeze this avatar? He or she will temporarily be unable to move, chat, or interact with the world. confirm Freeze [AVATAR_NAME]? He or she will temporarily be unable to move, chat, or interact with the world. confirm Eject [AVATAR_NAME] from your land? confirm Eject this avatar from your land? confirm Eject [AVATAR_NAME] from your land? confirm You ejected [AVATAR_NAME] from group <nolink>[GROUP_NAME]</nolink> group ACQUIRE ERROR: Too many objects selected. fail ACQUIRE ERROR: Objects span more than one region. Please move all objects to be acquired onto the same region. fail [EXTRA] Go to [_URL] for information on purchasing L$? confirm Unable to add new entry to block list because you reached the limit of [MUTE_LIMIT] entries. fail Unable to link these [COUNT] objects. You can link a maximum of [MAX] objects. fail You can only link complete sets of objects, and must select more than one object. fail Unable to link because you don't have modify permission on all the objects. Please make sure none are locked, and that you own all of them. fail Objects cannot be linked across region boundaries. fail Objects cannot be linked across region boundaries. fail Unable to link because not all of the objects have the same owner. Please make sure you own all of the selected objects. fail No file extension for the file: '[FILE]' Please make sure the file has a correct file extension. fail Invalid file extension [EXTENSION] Expected [VALIDS] fail Couldn't open uploaded sound file for reading: [FILE] fail File does not appear to be a RIFF WAVE file: [FILE] fail File does not appear to be a PCM WAVE audio file: [FILE] fail File has invalid number of channels (must be mono or stereo): [FILE] fail File does not appear to be a supported sample rate (must be 44.1k): [FILE] fail File does not appear to be a supported word size (must be 8 or 16 bit): [FILE] fail Could not find 'data' chunk in WAV header: [FILE] fail Wrong chunk size in WAV file: [FILE] fail Audio file is too long (30 second maximum): [FILE] fail Problem with file [FILE]: [ERROR] fail Couldn't open temporary compressed sound file for writing: [FILE] fail Unknown Vorbis encode failure on: [FILE] fail Unable to encode file: [FILE] fail We can't fill in your username and password. This may happen when you change network setup fail Corrupt resource file: [FILE] fail Unknown Linden resource file version in file: [FILE] fail Unable to create output file: [FILE] fail [APP_NAME] does not currently support bulk upload of BVH format animation files. fail Unable to upload [FILE] due to the following reason: [REASON] Please try again later. fail Unable to upload snapshot [FILE] due to the following reason: [REASON] File might be too big, try reducing resolution, quality or try again later. fail Unable to upload snapshot. File might be too big, try reducing resolution or try again later. fail You have added "[LANDMARK_NAME]" to your [FOLDER_NAME] folder. You already have a landmark for this location. fail You cannot create a landmark here because the owner of the land doesn't allow it. fail Choose a name for the folder: confirm