Error: Dae parsing issue - see log for details. Warning: bind shape matrix is not in standard X-forward orientation. Error: Material of model is not a subset of reference model. Loading... Generating Meshes... Error: Vertex number is more than 65534, aborted! Error: element is invalid High Medium Low Lowest Ship it! N/A None Levels of detail have a different number of textureable faces. Levels of detail have a different number of mesh instances. Level of detail has too many vertices. Missing required level of detail. LOD materials are not a subset of reference model. Some physical hulls exceed vertex limitations. The physics mesh too dense remove the small thin triangles (see preview) All Analyzing... Simplifying... TBD Skinning disabled due to too many joints: [JOINTS], maximum: [MAX] Rigged to unrecognized joint name [NAME] Skinning disabled due to [COUNT] unknown joints Model name: