Lag Meter 360 Lag 90 Client 10 15 Normal, window in background Client frame rate below [CLIENT_FRAME_RATE_CRITICAL] Client frame rate between [CLIENT_FRAME_RATE_CRITICAL] and [CLIENT_FRAME_RATE_WARNING] Normal Possible cause: Draw distance set too high Possible cause: Images loading Possible cause: Too many images in memory Possible cause: Too many complex objects in scene Network 10 5 Connection is dropping over [NETWORK_PACKET_LOSS_CRITICAL]% of packets Connection is dropping [NETWORK_PACKET_LOSS_WARNING]%-[NETWORK_PACKET_LOSS_CRITICAL]% of packets Normal 600 300 Connection ping time is over [NETWORK_PING_CRITICAL] ms Connection ping time is [NETWORK_PING_WARNING]-[NETWORK_PING_CRITICAL] ms Possible bad connection or 'Bandwidth' pref too high. Possible bad connection or file-sharing app. Server 20 30 20 Simulator framerate below [SERVER_FRAME_RATE_CRITICAL] Simulator framerate between [SERVER_FRAME_RATE_CRITICAL] and [SERVER_FRAME_RATE_WARNING] Normal Possible Cause: Too many physical objects Possible Cause: Too many scripted objects Possible Cause: Too much network traffic Possible Cause: Too many moving people in region Possible Cause: Too many image calculations Possible Cause: Simulator load too heavy >> <<