-- Lua implementation of LEAP (LLSD Event API Plugin) protocol -- -- This module supports Lua scripts run by the Second Life viewer. -- -- LEAP protocol passes LLSD objects, converted to/from Lua tables, in both -- directions. A typical LLSD object is a map containing keys 'pump' and -- 'data'. -- -- The viewer's Lua post_to(pump, data) function posts 'data' to the -- LLEventPump 'pump'. This is typically used to engage an LLEventAPI method. -- -- Similarly, the viewer gives each Lua script its own LLEventPump with a -- unique name. That name is returned by get_event_pumps(). Every event -- received on that LLEventPump is queued for retrieval by get_event_next(), -- which returns (pump, data): the name of the LLEventPump on which the event -- was received and the received event data. When the queue is empty, -- get_event_next() blocks the calling Lua script until the next event is -- received. -- -- Usage: -- 1. Launch some number of Lua coroutines. The code in each coroutine may -- call leap.send(), leap.request() or leap.generate(). leap.send() returns -- immediately ("fire and forget"). leap.request() blocks the calling -- coroutine until it receives and returns the viewer's response to its -- request. leap.generate() expects an arbitrary number of responses to the -- original request. -- 2. To handle events from the viewer other than direct responses to -- requests, instantiate a leap.WaitFor object with a filter(pump, data) -- override method that returns non-nil for desired events. A coroutine may -- call wait() on any such WaitFor. -- 3. Once the coroutines have been launched, call leap.process() on the main -- coroutine. process() retrieves incoming events from the viewer and -- dispatches them to waiting request() or generate() calls, or to -- appropriate WaitFor instances. process() returns when either -- get_event_next() raises an error or the viewer posts nil to the script's -- reply pump to indicate it's done. -- 4. Alternatively, a running coroutine may call leap.done() to break out of -- leap.process(). process() won't notice until the next event from the -- viewer, though. local ErrorQueue = require('ErrorQueue') local leap = {} -- _reply: string name of reply LLEventPump. Any events the viewer posts to -- this pump will be queued for get_event_next(). We usually specify it as the -- reply pump for requests to internal viewer services. -- _command: string name of command LLEventPump. post_to(_command, ...) -- engages LLLeapListener operations such as listening on a specified other -- LLEventPump, etc. leap._reply, leap._command = get_event_pumps() -- Dict of features added to the LEAP protocol since baseline implementation. -- Before engaging a new feature that might break an older viewer, we can -- check for the presence of that feature key. This table is solely about the -- LEAP protocol itself, the way we communicate with the viewer. To discover -- whether a given listener exists, or supports a particular operation, use -- _command's "getAPI" operation. -- For Lua, _command's "getFeatures" operation suffices? -- leap._features = {} -- Each outstanding request() or generate() call has a corresponding -- WaitForReqid object (later in this module) to handle the -- response(s). If an incoming event contains an echoed ["reqid"] key, -- we can look up the appropriate WaitForReqid object more efficiently -- in a dict than by tossing such objects into the usual waitfors list. -- Note: the ["reqid"] must be unique, otherwise we could end up -- replacing an earlier WaitForReqid object in self.pending with a -- later one. That means that no incoming event will ever be given to -- the old WaitForReqid object. Any coroutine waiting on the discarded -- WaitForReqid object would therefore wait forever. leap._pending = {} -- Our consumer will instantiate some number of WaitFor subclass objects. -- As these are traversed in descending priority order, we must keep -- them in a list. leap._waitfors = {} -- It has been suggested that we should use UUIDs as ["reqid"] values, -- since UUIDs are guaranteed unique. However, as the "namespace" for -- ["reqid"] values is our very own _reply pump, we can get away with -- an integer. leap._reqid = 0 -- break leap.process() loop leap._done = false -- get the name of the reply pump function leap.replypump() return leap._reply end -- get the name of the command pump function leap.cmdpump() return leap._command end -- local inspect = require('inspect') -- Fire and forget. Send the specified request LLSD, expecting no reply. -- In fact, should the request produce an eventual reply, it will be -- treated as an unsolicited event. -- -- See also request(), generate(). function leap.send(pump, data, reqid) -- print_debug('leap.send('..pump..', '..inspect(data)..', '..reqid..') entry') local data = data if type(data) == 'table' then data = table.clone(data) data['reply'] = leap._reply if reqid ~= nil then data['reqid'] = reqid end end -- print_debug('leap.send('..pump..', '..inspect(data)..') calling post_on()') post_on(pump, data) end -- Send the specified request LLSD, expecting exactly one reply. Block -- the calling coroutine until we receive that reply. -- -- Every request() (or generate()) LLSD block we send will get stamped -- with a distinct ["reqid"] value. The requested event API must echo the -- same ["reqid"] field in each reply associated with that request. This way -- we can correctly dispatch interleaved replies from different requests. -- -- If the desired event API doesn't support the ["reqid"] echo convention, -- you should use send() instead -- since request() or generate() would -- wait forever for a reply stamped with that ["reqid"] -- and intercept -- any replies using WaitFor. -- -- Unless the request data already contains a ["reply"] key, we insert -- reply=self.replypump to try to ensure that the expected reply will be -- returned over the socket. -- -- See also send(), generate(). function leap.request(pump, data) local reqid = leap._requestSetup(pump, data) local waitfor = leap._pending[reqid] -- print_debug('leap.request('..tostring(pump)..', '..inspect(data)..') about to wait on '.. -- tostring(waitfor)) local ok, response = pcall(waitfor.wait, waitfor) -- print_debug('leap.request('..tostring(pump)..', '..inspect(data)..') got '.. -- tostring(ok)..': '..inspect(response)) -- kill off temporary WaitForReqid object, even if error leap._pending[reqid] = nil if ok then response.reqid = nil return response else error(response) end end -- common setup code shared by request() and generate() function leap._requestSetup(pump, data) -- invent a new, unique reqid leap._reqid += 1 local reqid = leap._reqid -- Instantiate a new WaitForReqid object. The priority is irrelevant -- because, unlike the WaitFor base class, WaitForReqid does not -- self-register on our leap._waitfors list. Instead, capture the new -- WaitForReqid object in leap._pending so _dispatch() can find it. leap._pending[reqid] = leap.WaitForReqid:new(reqid) -- Pass reqid to send() to stamp it into (a copy of) the request data. -- print_debug('leap._requestSetup('..tostring(pump)..', '..inspect(data)..')') leap.send(pump, data, reqid) return reqid end -- Send the specified request LLSD, expecting an arbitrary number of replies. -- Each one is yielded on receipt. If you omit checklast, this is an infinite -- generator; it's up to the caller to recognize when the last reply has been -- received, and stop resuming for more. -- -- If you pass checklast=<callable accepting(event)>, each response event is -- passed to that callable (after the yield). When the callable returns -- True, the generator terminates in the usual way. -- -- See request() remarks about ["reqid"]. function leap.generate(pump, data, checklast) -- Invent a new, unique reqid. Arrange to handle incoming events -- bearing that reqid. Stamp the outbound request with that reqid, and -- send it. local reqid = leap._requestSetup(pump, data) local waitfor = leap._pending[reqid] local ok, response repeat ok, response = pcall(waitfor.wait, waitfor) if not ok then break end response.reqid = nil coroutine.yield(response) until checklast and checklast(response) -- If we break the above loop, whether or not due to error, clean up. leap._pending[reqid] = nil if not ok then error(response) end end -- Kick off response processing. The calling script must create and resume one -- or more coroutines to perform viewer requests using send(), request() or -- generate() before calling this function to handle responses. -- -- While waiting for responses from the viewer, the C++ coroutine running the -- calling Lua script is blocked: no other Lua coroutine is running. function leap.process() leap._done = false local ok, pump, data while not leap._done do -- print_debug('leap.process() calling get_event_next()') ok, pump, data = pcall(get_event_next) -- print_debug('leap.process() got '..tostring(ok)..': '..pump..', '..inspect(data)) -- ok false means get_event_next() raised a Lua error -- data nil means get_event_next() returned (pump, LLSD()) to indicate done if not (ok and data) then break end leap._dispatch(pump, data) end -- print_debug('leap.process() done') -- we're done: clean up all pending coroutines -- if ok, then we're just done. -- if not ok, then 'pump' is actually the error message. message = if ok then 'done' else pump for i, waitfor in pairs(leap._pending) do waitfor:_exception(message) end for i, waitfor in pairs(leap._waitfors) do waitfor:_exception(message) end -- now that we're done with cleanup, propagate the error we caught above if not ok then error(pump) end end function leap.done() leap._done = true end -- Route incoming (pump, data) event to the appropriate waiting coroutine. function leap._dispatch(pump, data) local reqid = data['reqid'] -- if the response has no 'reqid', it's not from request() or generate() if reqid == nil then return leap._unsolicited(pump, data) end -- have reqid; do we have a WaitForReqid? local waitfor = leap._pending[reqid] if waitfor == nil then return leap._unsolicited(pump, data) end -- found the right WaitForReqid object, let it handle the event data['reqid'] = nil waitfor:_handle(pump, data) end -- Handle an incoming (pump, data) event with no recognizable ['reqid'] function leap._unsolicited(pump, data) -- we maintain waitfors in descending priority order, so the first waitfor -- to claim this event is the one with the highest priority for i, waitfor in pairs(leap._waitfors) do if waitfor:_handle(pump, data) then return end end -- print_debug('_unsolicited(', pump, ', ', data, ') discarding unclaimed event') end -- called by WaitFor.enable() function leap._registerWaitFor(waitfor) table.insert(leap._waitfors, waitfor) -- keep waitfors sorted in descending order of specified priority table.sort(leap._waitfors, function (lhs, rhs) return lhs.priority > rhs.priority end) end -- called by WaitFor.disable() function leap._unregisterWaitFor(waitfor) for i, w in pairs(leap._waitfors) do if w == waitfor then leap._waitfors[i] = nil break end end end -- ****************************************************************************** -- WaitFor and friends -- ****************************************************************************** -- An unsolicited event is handled by the highest-priority WaitFor subclass -- object willing to accept it. If no such object is found, the unsolicited -- event is discarded. -- -- * First, instantiate a WaitFor subclass object to register its interest in -- some incoming event(s). WaitFor instances are self-registering; merely -- instantiating the object suffices. -- * Any coroutine may call a given WaitFor object's wait() method. This blocks -- the calling coroutine until a suitable event arrives. -- * WaitFor's constructor accepts a float priority. Every incoming event -- (other than those claimed by request() or generate()) is passed to each -- extant WaitFor.filter() method in descending priority order. The first -- such filter() to return nontrivial data claims that event. -- * At that point, the blocked wait() call on that WaitFor object returns the -- item returned by filter(). -- * WaitFor contains a queue. Multiple arriving events claimed by that WaitFor -- object's filter() method are added to the queue. Naturally, until the -- queue is empty, calling wait() immediately returns the front entry. -- -- It's reasonable to instantiate a WaitFor subclass whose filter() method -- unconditionally returns the incoming event, and whose priority places it -- last in the list. This object will enqueue every unsolicited event left -- unclaimed by other WaitFor subclass objects. -- -- It's not strictly necessary to associate a WaitFor object with exactly one -- coroutine. You might have multiple "worker" coroutines drawing from the same -- WaitFor object, useful if the work being done per event might itself involve -- "blocking" operations. Or a given coroutine might sample a number of WaitFor -- objects in round-robin fashion... etc. etc. Nonetheless, it's -- straightforward to designate one coroutine for each WaitFor object. -- --------------------------------- WaitFor --------------------------------- leap.WaitFor = { _id=0 } function leap.WaitFor:new(priority, name) local obj = setmetatable({}, self) self.__index = self obj.priority = priority if name then obj.name = name else self._id += 1 obj.name = 'WaitFor' .. self._id end obj._queue = ErrorQueue:new() obj._registered = false -- if no priority, then don't enable() - remember 0 is truthy if priority then obj:enable() end return obj end function leap.WaitFor.tostring(self) -- Lua (sub)classes have no name; can't prefix with that return self.name end -- Re-enable a disable()d WaitFor object. New WaitFor objects are -- enable()d by default. function leap.WaitFor:enable() if not self._registered then leap._registerWaitFor(self) self._registered = true end end -- Disable an enable()d WaitFor object. function leap.WaitFor:disable() if self._registered then leap._unregisterWaitFor(self) self._registered = false end end -- Block the calling coroutine until a suitable unsolicited event (one -- for which filter() returns the event) arrives. function leap.WaitFor:wait() -- print_debug(self.name .. ' about to wait') item = self._queue:Dequeue() -- print_debug(self.name .. ' got ', item) return item end -- Loop over wait() calls. function leap.WaitFor:iterate() -- on each iteration, call self.wait(self) return self.wait, self, nil end -- Override filter() to examine the incoming event in whatever way -- makes sense. -- -- Return nil to ignore this event. -- -- To claim the event, return the item you want placed in the queue. -- Typically you'd write: -- return data -- or perhaps -- return {pump=pump, data=data} -- or some variation. function leap.WaitFor:filter(pump, data) error('You must override the WaitFor.filter() method') end -- called by leap._unsolicited() for each WaitFor in leap._waitfors function leap.WaitFor:_handle(pump, data) item = self:filter(pump, data) -- if this item doesn't pass the filter, we're not interested if not item then return false end -- okay, filter() claims this event self:process(item) return true end -- called by WaitFor:_handle() for an accepted event function leap.WaitFor:process(item) self._queue:Enqueue(item) end -- called by leap.process() when get_event_next() raises an error function leap.WaitFor:_exception(message) print_warning(self.name .. ' error: ' .. message) self._queue:Error(message) end -- ------------------------------ WaitForReqid ------------------------------- leap.WaitForReqid = leap.WaitFor:new() function leap.WaitForReqid:new(reqid) -- priority is meaningless, since this object won't be added to the -- priority-sorted ViewerClient.waitfors list. Use the reqid as the -- debugging name string. local obj = leap.WaitFor:new(nil, 'WaitForReqid(' .. reqid .. ')') setmetatable(obj, self) self.__index = self return obj end function leap.WaitForReqid:filter(pump, data) -- Because we expect to directly look up the WaitForReqid object of -- interest based on the incoming ["reqid"] value, it's not necessary -- to test the event again. Accept every such event. return data end return leap