 * @file roles_constants.h
 * @brief General Roles Constants
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


// This value includes the everyone group.
const S32 MAX_ROLES = 10;

enum LLRoleMemberChangeType

enum LLRoleChangeType

// Powers

// KNOWN HOLES: use these for any single bit powers you need
// bit 0x1 << 52 and above

// These powers were removed to make group roles simpler
// bit 0x1 << 41 (GP_ACCOUNTING_VIEW)
// bit 0x1 << 46 (GP_PROPOSAL_VIEW)

const U64 GP_NO_POWERS = 0x0;
const U64 GP_ALL_POWERS = 0xFFFFffffFFFFffffLL;

// Membership
const U64 GP_MEMBER_INVITE              = 0x1LL << 1;   // Invite member
const U64 GP_MEMBER_EJECT               = 0x1LL << 2;   // Eject member from group
const U64 GP_MEMBER_OPTIONS             = 0x1LL << 3;   // Toggle "Open enrollment" and change "Signup Fee"
const U64 GP_MEMBER_VISIBLE_IN_DIR      = 0x1LL << 47;

// Roles
const U64 GP_ROLE_CREATE                = 0x1LL << 4;   // Create new roles
const U64 GP_ROLE_DELETE                = 0x1LL << 5;   // Delete roles
const U64 GP_ROLE_PROPERTIES            = 0x1LL << 6;   // Change Role Names, Titles, and Descriptions (Of roles the user is in, only, or any role in group?)
const U64 GP_ROLE_ASSIGN_MEMBER_LIMITED = 0x1LL << 7;   // Assign Member to a Role that the assigner is in
const U64 GP_ROLE_ASSIGN_MEMBER         = 0x1LL << 8;   // Assign Member to Role
const U64 GP_ROLE_REMOVE_MEMBER         = 0x1LL << 9;   // Remove Member from Role
const U64 GP_ROLE_CHANGE_ACTIONS        = 0x1LL << 10;  // Change actions a role can perform

// Group Identity
const U64 GP_GROUP_CHANGE_IDENTITY      = 0x1LL << 11;  // Charter, insignia, 'Show In Group List', 'Publish on the web', 'Mature', all 'Show Member In Group Profile' checkboxes

// Parcel Management
const U64 GP_LAND_DEED                  = 0x1LL << 12;  // Deed Land and Buy Land for Group
const U64 GP_LAND_RELEASE               = 0x1LL << 13;  // Release Land (to Gov. Linden)
const U64 GP_LAND_SET_SALE_INFO         = 0x1LL << 14;  // Set for sale info (Toggle "For Sale", Set Price, Set Target, Toggle "Sell objects with the land")
const U64 GP_LAND_DIVIDE_JOIN           = 0x1LL << 15;  // Divide and Join Parcels

// Parcel Identity
const U64 GP_LAND_FIND_PLACES           = 0x1LL << 17;  // Toggle "Show in Find Places" and Set Category.
const U64 GP_LAND_CHANGE_IDENTITY       = 0x1LL << 18;  // Change Parcel Identity: Parcel Name, Parcel Description, Snapshot, 'Publish on the web', and 'Mature' checkbox
const U64 GP_LAND_SET_LANDING_POINT     = 0x1LL << 19;  // Set Landing Point

// Parcel Settings
const U64 GP_LAND_CHANGE_MEDIA          = 0x1LL << 20;  // Change Media Settings
const U64 GP_LAND_EDIT                  = 0x1LL << 21;  // Toggle Edit Land
const U64 GP_LAND_OPTIONS               = 0x1LL << 22;  // Toggle Set Home Point, Fly, Outside Scripts, Create/Edit Objects, Landmark, and Damage checkboxes

// Parcel Powers
const U64 GP_LAND_ALLOW_EDIT_LAND       = 0x1LL << 23;  // Bypass Edit Land Restriction
const U64 GP_LAND_ALLOW_FLY             = 0x1LL << 24;  // Bypass Fly Restriction
const U64 GP_LAND_ALLOW_CREATE          = 0x1LL << 25;  // Bypass Create/Edit Objects Restriction
const U64 GP_LAND_ALLOW_LANDMARK        = 0x1LL << 26;  // Bypass Landmark Restriction
const U64 GP_LAND_ALLOW_SET_HOME        = 0x1LL << 28;  // Bypass Set Home Point Restriction
const U64 GP_LAND_ALLOW_HOLD_EVENT      = 0x1LL << 41;  // Allowed to hold events on group-owned land
const U64 GP_LAND_ALLOW_ENVIRONMENT     = 0x1LL << 46;  // Allowed to change the environment

// Parcel Access
const U64 GP_LAND_MANAGE_ALLOWED        = 0x1LL << 29;  // Manage Allowed List
const U64 GP_LAND_MANAGE_BANNED         = 0x1LL << 30;  // Manage Banned List
const U64 GP_LAND_MANAGE_PASSES         = 0x1LL << 31;  // Change Sell Pass Settings
const U64 GP_LAND_ADMIN                 = 0x1LL << 32;  // Eject and Freeze Users on the land

// Parcel Content
const U64 GP_LAND_RETURN_GROUP_SET      = 0x1LL << 33;  // Return objects on parcel that are set to group
const U64 GP_LAND_RETURN_NON_GROUP      = 0x1LL << 34;  // Return objects on parcel that are not set to group
const U64 GP_LAND_RETURN_GROUP_OWNED    = 0x1LL << 48;  // Return objects on parcel that are owned by the group

// Select a power-bit based on an object's relationship to a parcel.
                                | GP_LAND_RETURN_GROUP_SET
                                | GP_LAND_RETURN_NON_GROUP;

const U64 GP_LAND_GARDENING             = 0x1LL << 35;  // Parcel Gardening - plant and move linden trees

// Object Management
const U64 GP_OBJECT_DEED                = 0x1LL << 36;  // Deed Object
const U64 GP_OBJECT_MANIPULATE          = 0x1LL << 38;  // Manipulate Group Owned Objects (Move, Copy, Mod)
const U64 GP_OBJECT_SET_SALE            = 0x1LL << 39;  // Set Group Owned Object for Sale

// Accounting
const U64 GP_ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNTABLE     = 0x1LL << 40;  // Pay Group Liabilities and Receive Group Dividends

// Notices
const U64 GP_NOTICES_SEND               = 0x1LL << 42;  // Send Notices
const U64 GP_NOTICES_RECEIVE            = 0x1LL << 43;  // Receive Notices and View Notice History

// Proposals
// TODO: _DEPRECATED suffix as part of vote removal - DEV-24856:
const U64 GP_PROPOSAL_START             = 0x1LL << 44;  // Start Proposal
// TODO: _DEPRECATED suffix as part of vote removal - DEV-24856:
const U64 GP_PROPOSAL_VOTE              = 0x1LL << 45;  // Vote on Proposal

// Group chat moderation related
const U64 GP_SESSION_JOIN               = 0x1LL << 16;  //can join session
const U64 GP_SESSION_VOICE              = 0x1LL << 27;  //can hear/talk
const U64 GP_SESSION_MODERATOR          = 0x1LL << 37;  //can mute people's session

const U64 GP_EXPERIENCE_ADMIN           = 0x1LL << 49;  // has admin rights to any experiences owned by this group
const U64 GP_EXPERIENCE_CREATOR         = 0x1LL << 50;  // can sign scripts for experiences owned by this group

// Group Banning
const U64 GP_GROUP_BAN_ACCESS           = 0x1LL << 51;  // Allows access to ban / un-ban agents from a group.

                                | GP_LAND_ALLOW_SET_HOME
                                | GP_NOTICES_RECEIVE
                                | GP_SESSION_JOIN
                                | GP_SESSION_VOICE

                                | GP_GROUP_CHANGE_IDENTITY
                                | GP_LAND_ADMIN
                                | GP_LAND_ALLOW_EDIT_LAND
                                | GP_LAND_ALLOW_FLY
                                | GP_LAND_ALLOW_CREATE
                                | GP_LAND_ALLOW_ENVIRONMENT
                                | GP_LAND_ALLOW_LANDMARK
                                | GP_LAND_CHANGE_IDENTITY
                                | GP_LAND_CHANGE_MEDIA
                                | GP_LAND_DEED
                                | GP_LAND_DIVIDE_JOIN
                                | GP_LAND_EDIT
                                | GP_LAND_FIND_PLACES
                                | GP_LAND_GARDENING
                                | GP_LAND_MANAGE_ALLOWED
                                | GP_LAND_MANAGE_BANNED
                                | GP_LAND_MANAGE_PASSES
                                | GP_LAND_OPTIONS
                                | GP_LAND_RELEASE
                                | GP_LAND_RETURN_GROUP_OWNED
                                | GP_LAND_RETURN_GROUP_SET
                                | GP_LAND_RETURN_NON_GROUP
                                | GP_LAND_SET_LANDING_POINT
                                | GP_LAND_SET_SALE_INFO
                                | GP_MEMBER_EJECT
                                | GP_MEMBER_INVITE
                                | GP_MEMBER_OPTIONS
                                | GP_MEMBER_VISIBLE_IN_DIR
                                | GP_NOTICES_SEND
                                | GP_OBJECT_DEED
                                | GP_OBJECT_MANIPULATE
                                | GP_OBJECT_SET_SALE
                                | GP_ROLE_ASSIGN_MEMBER_LIMITED
                                | GP_ROLE_PROPERTIES
                                | GP_SESSION_MODERATOR