/** * @file pipeline.h * @brief Rendering pipeline definitions * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_PIPELINE_H #define LL_PIPELINE_H #include "llcamera.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "lldrawpool.h" #include "llspatialpartition.h" #include "m4math.h" #include "llpointer.h" #include "lldrawpoolalpha.h" #include "lldrawpoolmaterials.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "llrendertarget.h" #include class LLViewerTexture; class LLFace; class LLViewerObject; class LLTextureEntry; class LLCullResult; class LLVOAvatar; class LLVOPartGroup; class LLGLSLShader; class LLDrawPoolAlpha; typedef enum e_avatar_skinning_method { SKIN_METHOD_SOFTWARE, SKIN_METHOD_VERTEX_PROGRAM } EAvatarSkinningMethod; bool compute_min_max(LLMatrix4& box, LLVector2& min, LLVector2& max); // Shouldn't be defined here! bool LLRayAABB(const LLVector3 ¢er, const LLVector3 &size, const LLVector3& origin, const LLVector3& dir, LLVector3 &coord, F32 epsilon = 0); bool setup_hud_matrices(); // use whole screen to render hud bool setup_hud_matrices(const LLRect& screen_region); // specify portion of screen (in pixels) to render hud attachments from (for picking) extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_GEOMETRY; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_GRASS; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_INVISIBLE; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_OCCLUSION; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_SHINY; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_SIMPLE; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_TERRAIN; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_TREES; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_UI; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_WATER; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_WL_SKY; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_ALPHA; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_CHARACTERS; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_BUMP; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_MATERIALS; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_FULLBRIGHT; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_GLOW; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_STATESORT; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_PIPELINE; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_CLIENT_COPY; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_UI_HUD; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_UI_3D; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_UI_2D; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_UI_DEBUG_TEXT; extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_UI_SCENE_MON; class LLPipeline { public: LLPipeline(); ~LLPipeline(); void destroyGL(); void restoreGL(); void resetVertexBuffers(); void doResetVertexBuffers(bool forced = false); void requestResizeScreenTexture(); // set flag only, no work, safer for callbacks... void requestResizeShadowTexture(); // set flag only, no work, safer for callbacks... void resizeScreenTexture(); void resizeShadowTexture(); void releaseGLBuffers(); void releaseLUTBuffers(); void releaseScreenBuffers(); void releaseShadowBuffers(); void createGLBuffers(); void createLUTBuffers(); //allocate the largest screen buffer possible up to resX, resY //returns true if full size buffer allocated, false if some other size is allocated bool allocateScreenBuffer(U32 resX, U32 resY); typedef enum { FBO_SUCCESS_FULLRES = 0, FBO_SUCCESS_LOWRES, FBO_FAILURE } eFBOStatus; private: //implementation of above, wrapped for easy error handling eFBOStatus doAllocateScreenBuffer(U32 resX, U32 resY); public: //attempt to allocate screen buffers at resX, resY //returns true if allocation successful, false otherwise bool allocateScreenBuffer(U32 resX, U32 resY, U32 samples); bool allocateShadowBuffer(U32 resX, U32 resY); void allocatePhysicsBuffer(); void resetVertexBuffers(LLDrawable* drawable); void generateImpostor(LLVOAvatar* avatar); void bindScreenToTexture(); void renderFinalize(); void init(); void cleanup(); bool isInit() { return mInitialized; }; /// @brief Get a draw pool from pool type (POOL_SIMPLE, POOL_MEDIA) and texture. /// @return Draw pool, or NULL if not found. LLDrawPool *findPool(const U32 pool_type, LLViewerTexture *tex0 = NULL); /// @brief Get a draw pool for faces of the appropriate type and texture. Create if necessary. /// @return Always returns a draw pool. LLDrawPool *getPool(const U32 pool_type, LLViewerTexture *tex0 = NULL); /// @brief Figures out draw pool type from texture entry. Creates pool if necessary. static LLDrawPool* getPoolFromTE(const LLTextureEntry* te, LLViewerTexture* te_image); static U32 getPoolTypeFromTE(const LLTextureEntry* te, LLViewerTexture* imagep); void addPool(LLDrawPool *poolp); // Only to be used by LLDrawPool classes for splitting pools! void removePool( LLDrawPool* poolp ); void allocDrawable(LLViewerObject *obj); void unlinkDrawable(LLDrawable*); static void removeMutedAVsLights(LLVOAvatar*); // Object related methods void markVisible(LLDrawable *drawablep, LLCamera& camera); void markOccluder(LLSpatialGroup* group); //downsample source to dest, taking the maximum depth value per pixel in source and writing to dest // if source's depth buffer cannot be bound for reading, a scratch space depth buffer must be provided void downsampleDepthBuffer(LLRenderTarget& source, LLRenderTarget& dest, LLRenderTarget* scratch_space = NULL); void doOcclusion(LLCamera& camera, LLRenderTarget& source, LLRenderTarget& dest, LLRenderTarget* scratch_space = NULL); void doOcclusion(LLCamera& camera); void markNotCulled(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLCamera &camera); void markMoved(LLDrawable *drawablep, bool damped_motion = false); void markShift(LLDrawable *drawablep); void markTextured(LLDrawable *drawablep); void markGLRebuild(LLGLUpdate* glu); void markRebuild(LLSpatialGroup* group, bool priority = false); void markRebuild(LLDrawable *drawablep, LLDrawable::EDrawableFlags flag = LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, bool priority = false); void markPartitionMove(LLDrawable* drawablep); void markMeshDirty(LLSpatialGroup* group); //get the object between start and end that's closest to start. LLViewerObject* lineSegmentIntersectInWorld(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, bool pick_transparent, bool pick_rigged, S32* face_hit, // return the face hit LLVector4a* intersection = NULL, // return the intersection point LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL, // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point LLVector4a* normal = NULL, // return the surface normal at the intersection point LLVector4a* tangent = NULL // return the surface tangent at the intersection point ); //get the closest particle to start between start and end, returns the LLVOPartGroup and particle index LLVOPartGroup* lineSegmentIntersectParticle(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, LLVector4a* intersection, S32* face_hit); LLViewerObject* lineSegmentIntersectInHUD(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, bool pick_transparent, S32* face_hit, // return the face hit LLVector4a* intersection = NULL, // return the intersection point LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL, // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point LLVector4a* normal = NULL, // return the surface normal at the intersection point LLVector4a* tangent = NULL // return the surface tangent at the intersection point ); // Something about these textures has changed. Dirty them. void dirtyPoolObjectTextures(const std::set& textures); void resetDrawOrders(); U32 addObject(LLViewerObject *obj); void enableShadows(const bool enable_shadows); void releaseShadowTargets(); void releaseShadowTarget(U32 index); // void setLocalLighting(const bool local_lighting); // bool isLocalLightingEnabled() const; S32 setLightingDetail(S32 level); S32 getLightingDetail() const { return mLightingDetail; } S32 getMaxLightingDetail() const; void setUseVertexShaders(bool use_shaders); bool getUseVertexShaders() const { return mVertexShadersEnabled; } bool canUseVertexShaders(); bool canUseWindLightShaders() const; bool canUseWindLightShadersOnObjects() const; bool canUseAntiAliasing() const; // phases void resetFrameStats(); void updateMoveDampedAsync(LLDrawable* drawablep); void updateMoveNormalAsync(LLDrawable* drawablep); void updateMovedList(LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t& move_list); void updateMove(); bool visibleObjectsInFrustum(LLCamera& camera); bool getVisibleExtents(LLCamera& camera, LLVector3 &min, LLVector3& max); bool getVisiblePointCloud(LLCamera& camera, LLVector3 &min, LLVector3& max, std::vector& fp, LLVector3 light_dir = LLVector3(0,0,0)); void updateCull(LLCamera& camera, LLCullResult& result, S32 water_clip = 0, LLPlane* plane = NULL); //if water_clip is 0, ignore water plane, 1, cull to above plane, -1, cull to below plane void createObjects(F32 max_dtime); void createObject(LLViewerObject* vobj); void processPartitionQ(); void updateGeom(F32 max_dtime); void updateGL(); void rebuildPriorityGroups(); void rebuildGroups(); void clearRebuildGroups(); void clearRebuildDrawables(); //calculate pixel area of given box from vantage point of given camera static F32 calcPixelArea(LLVector3 center, LLVector3 size, LLCamera& camera); static F32 calcPixelArea(const LLVector4a& center, const LLVector4a& size, LLCamera &camera); void stateSort(LLCamera& camera, LLCullResult& result); void stateSort(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLCamera& camera); void stateSort(LLSpatialBridge* bridge, LLCamera& camera, BOOL fov_changed = FALSE); void stateSort(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLCamera& camera); void postSort(LLCamera& camera); void forAllVisibleDrawables(void (*func)(LLDrawable*)); void renderObjects(U32 type, U32 mask, bool texture = true, bool batch_texture = false); void renderMaskedObjects(U32 type, U32 mask, bool texture = true, bool batch_texture = false); void renderFullbrightMaskedObjects(U32 type, U32 mask, bool texture = true, bool batch_texture = false); void renderGroups(LLRenderPass* pass, U32 type, U32 mask, bool texture); void grabReferences(LLCullResult& result); void clearReferences(); //check references will assert that there are no references in sCullResult to the provided data void checkReferences(LLFace* face); void checkReferences(LLDrawable* drawable); void checkReferences(LLDrawInfo* draw_info); void checkReferences(LLSpatialGroup* group); void renderGeom(LLCamera& camera, bool forceVBOUpdate = false); void renderGeomDeferred(LLCamera& camera); void renderGeomPostDeferred(LLCamera& camera, bool do_occlusion=true); void renderGeomShadow(LLCamera& camera); void bindDeferredShader(LLGLSLShader& shader, LLRenderTarget* light_target = nullptr); void setupSpotLight(LLGLSLShader& shader, LLDrawable* drawablep); void unbindDeferredShader(LLGLSLShader& shader); void renderDeferredLighting(LLRenderTarget* light_target); void postDeferredGammaCorrect(LLRenderTarget* screen_target); void generateWaterReflection(LLCamera& camera); void generateSunShadow(LLCamera& camera); LLRenderTarget* getShadowTarget(U32 i); void generateHighlight(LLCamera& camera); void renderHighlight(const LLViewerObject* obj, F32 fade); void setHighlightObject(LLDrawable* obj) { mHighlightObject = obj; } void renderShadow(glh::matrix4f& view, glh::matrix4f& proj, LLCamera& camera, LLCullResult& result, bool use_shader, bool use_occlusion, U32 target_width); void renderHighlights(); void renderDebug(); void renderPhysicsDisplay(); void rebuildPools(); // Rebuild pools void findReferences(LLDrawable *drawablep); // Find the lists which have references to this object bool verify(); // Verify that all data in the pipeline is "correct" S32 getLightCount() const { return mLights.size(); } void calcNearbyLights(LLCamera& camera); void setupHWLights(LLDrawPool* pool); void setupAvatarLights(bool for_edit = false); void enableLights(U32 mask); void enableLightsStatic(); void enableLightsDynamic(); void enableLightsAvatar(); void enableLightsPreview(); void enableLightsAvatarEdit(const LLColor4& color); void enableLightsFullbright(); void disableLights(); void shiftObjects(const LLVector3 &offset); void setLight(LLDrawable *drawablep, bool is_light); bool hasRenderBatches(const U32 type) const; LLCullResult::drawinfo_iterator beginRenderMap(U32 type); LLCullResult::drawinfo_iterator endRenderMap(U32 type); LLCullResult::sg_iterator beginAlphaGroups(); LLCullResult::sg_iterator endAlphaGroups(); void addTrianglesDrawn(S32 index_count, U32 render_type = LLRender::TRIANGLES); bool hasRenderDebugFeatureMask(const U32 mask) const { return bool(mRenderDebugFeatureMask & mask); } bool hasRenderDebugMask(const U64 mask) const { return bool(mRenderDebugMask & mask); } void setAllRenderDebugFeatures() { mRenderDebugFeatureMask = 0xffffffff; } void clearAllRenderDebugFeatures() { mRenderDebugFeatureMask = 0x0; } void setAllRenderDebugDisplays() { mRenderDebugMask = 0xffffffffffffffff; } void clearAllRenderDebugDisplays() { mRenderDebugMask = 0x0; } bool hasRenderType(const U32 type) const; bool hasAnyRenderType(const U32 type, ...) const; void setRenderTypeMask(U32 type, ...); // This is equivalent to 'setRenderTypeMask' //void orRenderTypeMask(U32 type, ...); void andRenderTypeMask(U32 type, ...); void clearRenderTypeMask(U32 type, ...); void setAllRenderTypes(); void clearAllRenderTypes(); void pushRenderTypeMask(); void popRenderTypeMask(); void pushRenderDebugFeatureMask(); void popRenderDebugFeatureMask(); static void toggleRenderType(U32 type); // For UI control of render features static bool hasRenderTypeControl(U32 data); static void toggleRenderDebug(U64 data); static void toggleRenderDebugFeature(U32 data); static void toggleRenderTypeControl(U32 data); static bool toggleRenderTypeControlNegated(S32 data); static bool toggleRenderDebugControl(U64 data); static bool toggleRenderDebugFeatureControl(U32 data); static void setRenderDebugFeatureControl(U32 bit, bool value); static void setRenderParticleBeacons(bool val); static void toggleRenderParticleBeacons(); static bool getRenderParticleBeacons(); static void setRenderSoundBeacons(bool val); static void toggleRenderSoundBeacons(); static bool getRenderSoundBeacons(); static void setRenderMOAPBeacons(bool val); static void toggleRenderMOAPBeacons(); static bool getRenderMOAPBeacons(); static void setRenderPhysicalBeacons(bool val); static void toggleRenderPhysicalBeacons(); static bool getRenderPhysicalBeacons(); static void setRenderScriptedBeacons(bool val); static void toggleRenderScriptedBeacons(); static bool getRenderScriptedBeacons(); static void setRenderScriptedTouchBeacons(bool val); static void toggleRenderScriptedTouchBeacons(); static bool getRenderScriptedTouchBeacons(); static void setRenderBeacons(bool val); static void toggleRenderBeacons(); static bool getRenderBeacons(); static void setRenderHighlights(bool val); static void toggleRenderHighlights(); static bool getRenderHighlights(); static void setRenderHighlightTextureChannel(LLRender::eTexIndex channel); // sets which UV setup to display in highlight overlay static void updateRenderBump(); static void updateRenderDeferred(); static void refreshCachedSettings(); void addDebugBlip(const LLVector3& position, const LLColor4& color); void hidePermanentObjects( std::vector& restoreList ); void restorePermanentObjects( const std::vector& restoreList ); void skipRenderingOfTerrain( bool flag ); void hideObject( const LLUUID& id ); void restoreHiddenObject( const LLUUID& id ); private: void unloadShaders(); void addToQuickLookup( LLDrawPool* new_poolp ); void removeFromQuickLookup( LLDrawPool* poolp ); bool updateDrawableGeom(LLDrawable* drawable, bool priority); void assertInitializedDoError(); bool assertInitialized() { const bool is_init = isInit(); if (!is_init) assertInitializedDoError(); return is_init; }; void connectRefreshCachedSettingsSafe(const std::string name); void hideDrawable( LLDrawable *pDrawable ); void unhideDrawable( LLDrawable *pDrawable ); public: enum {GPU_CLASS_MAX = 3 }; enum LLRenderTypeMask { // Following are pool types (some are also object types) RENDER_TYPE_SKY = LLDrawPool::POOL_SKY, RENDER_TYPE_WL_SKY = LLDrawPool::POOL_WL_SKY, RENDER_TYPE_GROUND = LLDrawPool::POOL_GROUND, RENDER_TYPE_TERRAIN = LLDrawPool::POOL_TERRAIN, RENDER_TYPE_SIMPLE = LLDrawPool::POOL_SIMPLE, RENDER_TYPE_GRASS = LLDrawPool::POOL_GRASS, RENDER_TYPE_ALPHA_MASK = LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA_MASK, RENDER_TYPE_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK = LLDrawPool::POOL_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, RENDER_TYPE_FULLBRIGHT = LLDrawPool::POOL_FULLBRIGHT, RENDER_TYPE_BUMP = LLDrawPool::POOL_BUMP, RENDER_TYPE_MATERIALS = LLDrawPool::POOL_MATERIALS, RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR = LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR, RENDER_TYPE_CONTROL_AV = LLDrawPool::POOL_CONTROL_AV, // Animesh RENDER_TYPE_TREE = LLDrawPool::POOL_TREE, RENDER_TYPE_INVISIBLE = LLDrawPool::POOL_INVISIBLE, RENDER_TYPE_VOIDWATER = LLDrawPool::POOL_VOIDWATER, RENDER_TYPE_WATER = LLDrawPool::POOL_WATER, RENDER_TYPE_ALPHA = LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA, RENDER_TYPE_GLOW = LLDrawPool::POOL_GLOW, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SIMPLE = LLRenderPass::PASS_SIMPLE, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_GRASS = LLRenderPass::PASS_GRASS, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT = LLRenderPass::PASS_FULLBRIGHT, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_INVISIBLE = LLRenderPass::PASS_INVISIBLE, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_INVISI_SHINY = LLRenderPass::PASS_INVISI_SHINY, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT_SHINY = LLRenderPass::PASS_FULLBRIGHT_SHINY, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SHINY = LLRenderPass::PASS_SHINY, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_BUMP = LLRenderPass::PASS_BUMP, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_POST_BUMP = LLRenderPass::PASS_POST_BUMP, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_GLOW = LLRenderPass::PASS_GLOW, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_ALPHA = LLRenderPass::PASS_ALPHA, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_ALPHA_MASK = LLRenderPass::PASS_ALPHA_MASK, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK = LLRenderPass::PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_MATERIAL = LLRenderPass::PASS_MATERIAL, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA = LLRenderPass::PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_MASK = LLRenderPass::PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_MASK, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_EMISSIVE= LLRenderPass::PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_EMISSIVE, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SPECMAP = LLRenderPass::PASS_SPECMAP, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SPECMAP_BLEND = LLRenderPass::PASS_SPECMAP_BLEND, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SPECMAP_MASK = LLRenderPass::PASS_SPECMAP_MASK, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_SPECMAP_EMISSIVE = LLRenderPass::PASS_SPECMAP_EMISSIVE, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_NORMMAP = LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMMAP, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_NORMMAP_BLEND = LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMMAP_BLEND, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_NORMMAP_MASK = LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMMAP_MASK, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_NORMMAP_EMISSIVE = LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMMAP_EMISSIVE, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_NORMSPEC = LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMSPEC, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_NORMSPEC_BLEND = LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMSPEC_BLEND, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_NORMSPEC_MASK = LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMSPEC_MASK, RENDER_TYPE_PASS_NORMSPEC_EMISSIVE = LLRenderPass::PASS_NORMSPEC_EMISSIVE, // Following are object types (only used in drawable mRenderType) RENDER_TYPE_HUD = LLRenderPass::NUM_RENDER_TYPES, RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME, RENDER_TYPE_PARTICLES, RENDER_TYPE_CLOUDS, RENDER_TYPE_HUD_PARTICLES, NUM_RENDER_TYPES, END_RENDER_TYPES = NUM_RENDER_TYPES }; enum LLRenderDebugFeatureMask { RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_UI = 0x0001, RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_SELECTED = 0x0002, RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_HIGHLIGHTED = 0x0004, RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_DYNAMIC_TEXTURES = 0x0008, // RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_HW_LIGHTING = 0x0010, RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_FLEXIBLE = 0x0010, RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_FOG = 0x0020, RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_FR_INFO = 0x0080, RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_FOOT_SHADOWS = 0x0100, }; enum LLRenderDebugMask: U64 { RENDER_DEBUG_COMPOSITION = 0x00000001, RENDER_DEBUG_VERIFY = 0x00000002, RENDER_DEBUG_BBOXES = 0x00000004, RENDER_DEBUG_OCTREE = 0x00000008, RENDER_DEBUG_WIND_VECTORS = 0x00000010, RENDER_DEBUG_OCCLUSION = 0x00000020, RENDER_DEBUG_POINTS = 0x00000040, RENDER_DEBUG_TEXTURE_PRIORITY = 0x00000080, RENDER_DEBUG_TEXTURE_AREA = 0x00000100, RENDER_DEBUG_FACE_AREA = 0x00000200, RENDER_DEBUG_PARTICLES = 0x00000400, RENDER_DEBUG_GLOW = 0x00000800, // not used RENDER_DEBUG_TEXTURE_ANIM = 0x00001000, RENDER_DEBUG_LIGHTS = 0x00002000, RENDER_DEBUG_BATCH_SIZE = 0x00004000, RENDER_DEBUG_ALPHA_BINS = 0x00008000, // not used RENDER_DEBUG_RAYCAST = 0x00010000, RENDER_DEBUG_AVATAR_DRAW_INFO = 0x00020000, RENDER_DEBUG_SHADOW_FRUSTA = 0x00040000, RENDER_DEBUG_SCULPTED = 0x00080000, RENDER_DEBUG_AVATAR_VOLUME = 0x00100000, RENDER_DEBUG_AVATAR_JOINTS = 0x00200000, RENDER_DEBUG_BUILD_QUEUE = 0x00400000, RENDER_DEBUG_AGENT_TARGET = 0x00800000, RENDER_DEBUG_UPDATE_TYPE = 0x01000000, RENDER_DEBUG_PHYSICS_SHAPES = 0x02000000, RENDER_DEBUG_NORMALS = 0x04000000, RENDER_DEBUG_LOD_INFO = 0x08000000, RENDER_DEBUG_RENDER_COMPLEXITY = 0x10000000, RENDER_DEBUG_ATTACHMENT_BYTES = 0x20000000, // not used RENDER_DEBUG_TEXEL_DENSITY = 0x40000000, RENDER_DEBUG_TRIANGLE_COUNT = 0x80000000, RENDER_DEBUG_IMPOSTORS = 0x100000000 }; public: LLSpatialPartition* getSpatialPartition(LLViewerObject* vobj); void updateCamera(bool reset = false); LLVector3 mFlyCamPosition; LLQuaternion mFlyCamRotation; bool mBackfaceCull; S32 mMatrixOpCount; S32 mTextureMatrixOps; S32 mNumVisibleNodes; S32 mDebugTextureUploadCost; S32 mDebugSculptUploadCost; S32 mDebugMeshUploadCost; S32 mNumVisibleFaces; static S32 sCompiles; static bool sShowHUDAttachments; static bool sForceOldBakedUpload; // If true will not use capabilities to upload baked textures. static S32 sUseOcclusion; // 0 = no occlusion, 1 = read only, 2 = read/write static bool sDelayVBUpdate; static bool sAutoMaskAlphaDeferred; static bool sAutoMaskAlphaNonDeferred; static bool sDisableShaders; // if true, rendering will be done without shaders static bool sRenderBump; static bool sBakeSunlight; static bool sNoAlpha; static bool sUseTriStrips; static bool sUseFarClip; static bool sShadowRender; static bool sWaterReflections; static bool sDynamicLOD; static bool sPickAvatar; static bool sReflectionRender; static bool sDistortionRender; static bool sImpostorRender; static bool sImpostorRenderAlphaDepthPass; static bool sUnderWaterRender; static bool sRenderGlow; static bool sTextureBindTest; static bool sRenderFrameTest; static bool sRenderAttachedLights; static bool sRenderAttachedParticles; static bool sRenderDeferred; static S32 sVisibleLightCount; static F32 sMinRenderSize; static bool sRenderingHUDs; static F32 sDistortionWaterClipPlaneMargin; static LLTrace::EventStatHandle sStatBatchSize; //screen texture U32 mScreenWidth; U32 mScreenHeight; LLRenderTarget mScreen; LLRenderTarget mUIScreen; LLRenderTarget mDeferredScreen; LLRenderTarget mFXAABuffer; LLRenderTarget mEdgeMap; LLRenderTarget mDeferredDepth; LLRenderTarget mOcclusionDepth; LLRenderTarget mDeferredLight; LLRenderTarget mHighlight; LLRenderTarget mPhysicsDisplay; LLCullResult mSky; LLCullResult mReflectedObjects; LLCullResult mRefractedObjects; //utility buffer for rendering post effects, gets abused by renderDeferredLighting LLPointer mDeferredVB; //utility buffer for rendering cubes, 8 vertices are corners of a cube [-1, 1] LLPointer mCubeVB; //sun shadow map LLRenderTarget mShadow[6]; LLRenderTarget mShadowOcclusion[6]; std::vector mShadowFrustPoints[4]; LLVector4 mShadowError; LLVector4 mShadowFOV; LLVector3 mShadowFrustOrigin[4]; LLCamera mShadowCamera[8]; LLVector3 mShadowExtents[4][2]; glh::matrix4f mSunShadowMatrix[6]; glh::matrix4f mShadowModelview[6]; glh::matrix4f mShadowProjection[6]; glh::matrix4f mReflectionModelView; LLPointer mShadowSpotLight[2]; F32 mSpotLightFade[2]; LLPointer mTargetShadowSpotLight[2]; LLVector4 mSunClipPlanes; LLVector4 mSunOrthoClipPlanes; LLVector2 mScreenScale; //water reflection texture LLRenderTarget mWaterRef; //water distortion texture (refraction) LLRenderTarget mWaterDis; LLRenderTarget mBake; //texture for making the glow LLRenderTarget mGlow[3]; //noise map U32 mNoiseMap; U32 mTrueNoiseMap; U32 mLightFunc; LLColor4 mSunDiffuse; LLColor4 mMoonDiffuse; LLVector4 mSunDir; LLVector4 mMoonDir; bool mNeedsShadowTargetClear; LLVector4 mTransformedSunDir; LLVector4 mTransformedMoonDir; bool mInitialized; bool mVertexShadersEnabled; S32 mVertexShadersLoaded; // 0 = no, 1 = yes, -1 = failed U32 mTransformFeedbackPrimitives; //number of primitives expected to be generated by transform feedback protected: bool mRenderTypeEnabled[NUM_RENDER_TYPES]; std::stack mRenderTypeEnableStack; U32 mRenderDebugFeatureMask; U64 mRenderDebugMask; U64 mOldRenderDebugMask; std::stack mRenderDebugFeatureStack; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mMovedList; LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mMovedBridge; LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mShiftList; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // // struct Light { Light(LLDrawable* ptr, F32 d, F32 f = 0.0f) : drawable(ptr), dist(d), fade(f) {} LLPointer drawable; F32 dist; F32 fade; struct compare { bool operator()(const Light& a, const Light& b) const { if ( a.dist < b.dist ) return true; else if ( a.dist > b.dist ) return false; else return a.drawable < b.drawable; } }; }; typedef std::set< Light, Light::compare > light_set_t; LLDrawable::drawable_set_t mLights; light_set_t mNearbyLights; // lights near camera LLColor4 mHWLightColors[8]; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // // Different queues of drawables being processed. // LLDrawable::drawable_list_t mBuildQ1; // priority LLDrawable::drawable_list_t mBuildQ2; // non-priority LLSpatialGroup::sg_vector_t mGroupQ1; //priority LLSpatialGroup::sg_vector_t mGroupQ2; // non-priority LLSpatialGroup::sg_vector_t mGroupSaveQ1; // a place to save mGroupQ1 until it is safe to unref LLSpatialGroup::sg_vector_t mMeshDirtyGroup; //groups that need rebuildMesh called U32 mMeshDirtyQueryObject; LLDrawable::drawable_list_t mPartitionQ; //drawables that need to update their spatial partition radius bool mGroupQ2Locked; bool mGroupQ1Locked; bool mResetVertexBuffers; //if true, clear vertex buffers on next update LLViewerObject::vobj_list_t mCreateQ; LLDrawable::drawable_set_t mRetexturedList; class HighlightItem { public: const LLPointer mItem; mutable F32 mFade; HighlightItem(LLDrawable* item) : mItem(item), mFade(0) { } bool operator<(const HighlightItem& rhs) const { return mItem < rhs.mItem; } bool operator==(const HighlightItem& rhs) const { return mItem == rhs.mItem; } void incrFade(F32 val) const { mFade = llclamp(mFade+val, 0.f, 1.f); } }; std::set mHighlightSet; LLPointer mHighlightObject; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Draw pools are responsible for storing all rendered data, // and performing the actual rendering of objects. // struct compare_pools { bool operator()(const LLDrawPool* a, const LLDrawPool* b) const { if (!a) return true; else if (!b) return false; else { S32 atype = a->getType(); S32 btype = b->getType(); if (atype < btype) return true; else if (atype > btype) return false; else return a->getId() < b->getId(); } } }; typedef std::set pool_set_t; pool_set_t mPools; LLDrawPool* mLastRebuildPool; // For quick-lookups into mPools (mapped by texture pointer) std::map mTerrainPools; std::map mTreePools; LLDrawPoolAlpha* mAlphaPool; LLDrawPool* mSkyPool; LLDrawPool* mTerrainPool; LLDrawPool* mWaterPool; LLDrawPool* mGroundPool; LLRenderPass* mSimplePool; LLRenderPass* mGrassPool; LLRenderPass* mAlphaMaskPool; LLRenderPass* mFullbrightAlphaMaskPool; LLRenderPass* mFullbrightPool; LLDrawPool* mInvisiblePool; LLDrawPool* mGlowPool; LLDrawPool* mBumpPool; LLDrawPool* mMaterialsPool; LLDrawPool* mWLSkyPool; // Note: no need to keep an quick-lookup to avatar pools, since there's only one per avatar public: std::vector mHighlightFaces; // highlight faces on physical objects protected: std::vector mSelectedFaces; class DebugBlip { public: LLColor4 mColor; LLVector3 mPosition; F32 mAge; DebugBlip(const LLVector3& position, const LLColor4& color) : mColor(color), mPosition(position), mAge(0.f) { } }; std::list mDebugBlips; LLPointer mFaceSelectImagep; U32 mLightMask; U32 mLightMovingMask; S32 mLightingDetail; static bool sRenderPhysicalBeacons; static bool sRenderMOAPBeacons; static bool sRenderScriptedTouchBeacons; static bool sRenderScriptedBeacons; static bool sRenderParticleBeacons; static bool sRenderSoundBeacons; public: static bool sRenderBeacons; static bool sRenderHighlight; // Determines which set of UVs to use in highlight display // static LLRender::eTexIndex sRenderHighlightTextureChannel; //debug use static U32 sCurRenderPoolType ; //cached settings static bool WindLightUseAtmosShaders; static bool RenderAvatarVP; static bool RenderDeferred; static F32 RenderDeferredSunWash; static U32 RenderFSAASamples; static U32 RenderResolutionDivisor; static bool RenderUIBuffer; static S32 RenderShadowDetail; static bool RenderDeferredSSAO; static F32 RenderShadowResolutionScale; static bool RenderLocalLights; static bool RenderDelayCreation; static bool RenderAnimateRes; static bool FreezeTime; static S32 DebugBeaconLineWidth; static F32 RenderHighlightBrightness; static LLColor4 RenderHighlightColor; static F32 RenderHighlightThickness; static bool RenderSpotLightsInNondeferred; static LLColor4 PreviewAmbientColor; static LLColor4 PreviewDiffuse0; static LLColor4 PreviewSpecular0; static LLColor4 PreviewDiffuse1; static LLColor4 PreviewSpecular1; static LLColor4 PreviewDiffuse2; static LLColor4 PreviewSpecular2; static LLVector3 PreviewDirection0; static LLVector3 PreviewDirection1; static LLVector3 PreviewDirection2; static F32 RenderGlowMinLuminance; static F32 RenderGlowMaxExtractAlpha; static F32 RenderGlowWarmthAmount; static LLVector3 RenderGlowLumWeights; static LLVector3 RenderGlowWarmthWeights; static S32 RenderGlowResolutionPow; static S32 RenderGlowIterations; static F32 RenderGlowWidth; static F32 RenderGlowStrength; static bool RenderDepthOfField; static bool RenderDepthOfFieldInEditMode; static F32 CameraFocusTransitionTime; static F32 CameraFNumber; static F32 CameraFocalLength; static F32 CameraFieldOfView; static F32 RenderShadowNoise; static F32 RenderShadowBlurSize; static F32 RenderSSAOScale; static U32 RenderSSAOMaxScale; static F32 RenderSSAOFactor; static LLVector3 RenderSSAOEffect; static F32 RenderShadowOffsetError; static F32 RenderShadowBiasError; static F32 RenderShadowOffset; static F32 RenderShadowBias; static F32 RenderSpotShadowOffset; static F32 RenderSpotShadowBias; static LLDrawable* RenderSpotLight; static F32 RenderEdgeDepthCutoff; static F32 RenderEdgeNormCutoff; static LLVector3 RenderShadowGaussian; static F32 RenderShadowBlurDistFactor; static bool RenderDeferredAtmospheric; static S32 RenderReflectionDetail; static F32 RenderHighlightFadeTime; static LLVector3 RenderShadowClipPlanes; static LLVector3 RenderShadowOrthoClipPlanes; static LLVector3 RenderShadowNearDist; static F32 RenderFarClip; static LLVector3 RenderShadowSplitExponent; static F32 RenderShadowErrorCutoff; static F32 RenderShadowFOVCutoff; static bool CameraOffset; static F32 CameraMaxCoF; static F32 CameraDoFResScale; static F32 RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit; }; void render_bbox(const LLVector3 &min, const LLVector3 &max); void render_hud_elements(); extern LLPipeline gPipeline; extern bool gDebugPipeline; extern const LLMatrix4* gGLLastMatrix; #endif