/** * @file pipeline.h * @brief Rendering pipeline definitions * * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #ifndef LL_PIPELINE_H #define LL_PIPELINE_H #include "lldarrayptr.h" #include "lldqueueptr.h" #include "llstat.h" #include "lllinkedqueue.h" #include "llskiplist.h" #include "lldrawpool.h" #include "llspatialpartition.h" #include "m4math.h" #include "llmemory.h" #include "lldrawpool.h" #include "llgl.h" class LLViewerImage; class LLDrawable; class LLEdge; class LLFace; class LLViewerObject; class LLAgent; class LLDisplayPrimitive; class LLTextureEntry; class LLRenderFunc; class LLCubeMap; typedef enum e_avatar_skinning_method { SKIN_METHOD_SOFTWARE, SKIN_METHOD_VERTEX_PROGRAM } EAvatarSkinningMethod; BOOL compute_min_max(LLMatrix4& box, LLVector2& min, LLVector2& max); // Shouldn't be defined here! bool LLRayAABB(const LLVector3 ¢er, const LLVector3 &size, const LLVector3& origin, const LLVector3& dir, LLVector3 &coord, F32 epsilon = 0); BOOL LLLineSegmentAABB(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end, const LLVector3& center, const LLVector3& size); BOOL setup_hud_matrices(BOOL for_select); class LLPipeline { public: LLPipeline(); ~LLPipeline(); void destroyGL(); void restoreGL(); void resetVertexBuffers(); void releaseGLBuffers(); void resetVertexBuffers(LLDrawable* drawable); void setUseVBO(BOOL use_vbo); void generateReflectionMap(LLCubeMap* cube_map, LLCamera& camera, GLsizei res); void blurReflectionMap(LLCubeMap* cube_in, LLCubeMap* cube_out, U32 res); void bindScreenToTexture(); void renderBloom(GLuint source, GLuint dest, GLuint buffer, U32 res, LLVector2 tc1, LLVector2 tc2); void init(); void cleanup(); /// @brief Get a draw pool from pool type (POOL_SIMPLE, POOL_MEDIA) and texture. /// @return Draw pool, or NULL if not found. LLDrawPool *findPool(const U32 pool_type, LLViewerImage *tex0 = NULL); /// @brief Get a draw pool for faces of the appropriate type and texture. Create if necessary. /// @return Always returns a draw pool. LLDrawPool *getPool(const U32 pool_type, LLViewerImage *tex0 = NULL); /// @brief Figures out draw pool type from texture entry. Creates pool if necessary. static LLDrawPool* getPoolFromTE(const LLTextureEntry* te, LLViewerImage* te_image); static U32 getPoolTypeFromTE(const LLTextureEntry* te, LLViewerImage* imagep); void addPool(LLDrawPool *poolp); // Only to be used by LLDrawPool classes for splitting pools! void removePool( LLDrawPool* poolp ); void allocDrawable(LLViewerObject *obj); void unlinkDrawable(LLDrawable*); // Object related methods void markVisible(LLDrawable *drawablep, LLCamera& camera); void doOcclusion(LLCamera& camera); void markNotCulled(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLCamera &camera, BOOL active = FALSE); void markMoved(LLDrawable *drawablep, BOOL damped_motion = FALSE); void markShift(LLDrawable *drawablep); void markTextured(LLDrawable *drawablep); void markRebuild(LLDrawable *drawablep, LLDrawable::EDrawableFlags flag = LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, BOOL priority = FALSE); void markRelight(LLDrawable *drawablep, const BOOL now = FALSE); //get the object between start and end that's closest to start. Return the point of collision in collision. LLViewerObject* pickObject(const LLVector3 &start, const LLVector3 &end, LLVector3 &collision); // Something about these textures has changed. Dirty them. void dirtyPoolObjectTextures(const std::set& textures); void resetDrawOrders(); U32 addObject(LLViewerObject *obj); void enableShadows(const BOOL enable_shadows); // void setLocalLighting(const BOOL local_lighting); // BOOL isLocalLightingEnabled() const; S32 setLightingDetail(S32 level); S32 getLightingDetail() const { return mLightingDetail; } S32 getMaxLightingDetail() const; void setUseVertexShaders(BOOL use_shaders); BOOL getUseVertexShaders() const { return mVertexShadersEnabled; } BOOL canUseVertexShaders(); // phases void resetFrameStats(); void updateMoveDampedAsync(LLDrawable* drawablep); void updateMoveNormalAsync(LLDrawable* drawablep); void updateMovedList(LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t& move_list); void updateMove(); void updateCull(LLCamera& camera); void updateGeom(F32 max_dtime); //calculate pixel area of given box from vantage point of given camera static F32 calcPixelArea(LLVector3 center, LLVector3 size, LLCamera& camera); void stateSort(LLCamera& camera); void stateSort(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLCamera& camera); void stateSort(LLSpatialBridge* bridge, LLCamera& camera); void stateSort(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLCamera& camera); void postSort(LLCamera& camera); void forAllDrawables(LLSpatialGroup::sg_vector_t& groups, void (*func)(LLDrawable*)); void forAllVisibleDrawables(void (*func)(LLDrawable*)); static void highlightPhysical(LLDrawable* drawablep); void renderObjects(U32 type, U32 mask, BOOL texture = TRUE); void renderGeom(LLCamera& camera); void renderHighlights(); void renderDebug(); void processOcclusion(LLCamera& camera); void renderForSelect(std::set& objects); void renderFaceForUVSelect(LLFace* facep); void rebuildPools(); // Rebuild pools void findReferences(LLDrawable *drawablep); // Find the lists which have references to this object BOOL verify(); // Verify that all data in the pipeline is "correct" S32 getVisibleCount() const { return mVisibleList.size(); } S32 getLightCount() const { return mLights.size(); } void calcNearbyLights(LLCamera& camera); void setupHWLights(LLDrawPool* pool); void setupAvatarLights(BOOL for_edit = FALSE); void enableLights(U32 mask, F32 shadow_factor); void enableLightsStatic(F32 shadow_factor); void enableLightsDynamic(F32 shadow_factor); void enableLightsAvatar(F32 shadow_factor); void enableLightsAvatarEdit(const LLColor4& color); void enableLightsFullbright(const LLColor4& color); void disableLights(); void setAmbient(const LLColor4& ambient); void shiftObjects(const LLVector3 &offset); void setLight(LLDrawable *drawablep, BOOL is_light); void setActive(LLDrawable *drawablep, BOOL active); BOOL hasRenderType(const U32 type) const { return (type && (mRenderTypeMask & (1< mAlphaSizzleImagep; //MUST MATCH THE ORDER OF DECLARATION IN LLPipeline::init() typedef enum { PARTITION_VOLUME = 0, PARTITION_BRIDGE, PARTITION_HUD, PARTITION_TERRAIN, PARTITION_WATER, PARTITION_TREE, PARTITION_PARTICLE, PARTITION_CLOUD, PARTITION_GRASS, PARTITION_NONE, NUM_PARTITIONS } eObjectPartitions; private: std::vector mObjectPartition; public: LLSpatialPartition* getSpatialPartition(LLViewerObject* vobj); LLSpatialPartition* getSpatialPartition(U32 index); void updateCamera(BOOL reset = FALSE); LLVector3 mFlyCamPosition; LLQuaternion mFlyCamRotation; BOOL mBackfaceCull; S32 mTrianglesDrawn; LLStat mTrianglesDrawnStat; LLStat mCompilesStat; S32 mVerticesRelit; LLStat mVerticesRelitStat; S32 mLightingChanges; LLStat mLightingChangesStat; S32 mGeometryChanges; LLStat mGeometryChangesStat; LLStat mMoveChangesStat; S32 mNumVisibleFaces; LLStat mNumVisibleFacesStat; LLStat mNumVisibleDrawablesStat; static S32 sCompiles; static BOOL sShowHUDAttachments; static BOOL sUseOcclusion; static BOOL sSkipUpdate; //skip lod updates static BOOL sDynamicReflections; static BOOL sRenderGlow; //screen texture GLuint mScreenTex; LLVector2 mScreenScale; //texture for making the glow GLuint mGlowMap; GLuint mGlowBuffer; //framebuffer objects for off-screen scratch space GLuint mFramebuffer[2]; //dynamic cube map scratch space LLPointer mCubeBuffer; //frambuffer object for rendering dynamic cube maps GLuint mCubeFrameBuffer; //depth buffer object for rendering dynamic cube maps GLuint mCubeDepth; LLColor4 mSunDiffuse; LLVector3 mSunDir; LLSpatialGroup::sg_vector_t mActiveGroups; std::vector mRenderMap[LLRenderPass::NUM_RENDER_TYPES]; std::vector mAlphaGroups; std::vector mAlphaGroupsPostWater; LLSpatialGroup::sg_vector_t mVisibleGroups; LLSpatialGroup::sg_vector_t mDrawableGroups; void clearRenderMap(); BOOL mInitialized; BOOL mVertexShadersEnabled; S32 mVertexShadersLoaded; // 0 = no, 1 = yes, -1 = failed protected: U32 mRenderTypeMask; U32 mRenderFeatureMask; U32 mRenderDebugFeatureMask; U32 mRenderDebugMask; U32 mOldRenderDebugMask; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // // LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mVisibleList; LLSpatialBridge::bridge_vector_t mVisibleBridge; LLSpatialBridge::bridge_vector_t mOccludedBridge; LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mMovedList; LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mMovedBridge; LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mShiftList; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // // struct Light { Light(LLDrawable* ptr, F32 d, F32 f = 0.0f) : drawable(ptr), dist(d), fade(f) {} LLPointer drawable; F32 dist; F32 fade; struct compare { bool operator()(const Light& a, const Light& b) const { if ( a.dist < b.dist ) return true; else if ( a.dist > b.dist ) return false; else return a.drawable < b.drawable; } }; }; typedef std::set< Light, Light::compare > light_set_t; LLDrawable::drawable_set_t mLights; light_set_t mNearbyLights; // lights near camera LLColor4 mHWLightColors[8]; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // // Different queues of drawables being processed. // LLDrawable::drawable_list_t mBuildQ1; // priority LLDrawable::drawable_list_t mBuildQ2; // non-priority LLDrawable::drawable_set_t mActiveQ; LLDrawable::drawable_set_t mRetexturedList; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Draw pools are responsible for storing all rendered data, // and performing the actual rendering of objects. // struct compare_pools { bool operator()(const LLDrawPool* a, const LLDrawPool* b) const { if (!a) return true; else if (!b) return false; else { S32 atype = a->getType(); S32 btype = b->getType(); if (atype < btype) return true; else if (atype > btype) return false; else return a->getId() < b->getId(); } } }; typedef std::set pool_set_t; pool_set_t mPools; LLDrawPool* mLastRebuildPool; // For quick-lookups into mPools (mapped by texture pointer) std::map mTerrainPools; std::map mTreePools; LLDrawPool* mAlphaPool; LLDrawPool* mAlphaPoolPostWater; LLDrawPool* mSkyPool; LLDrawPool* mStarsPool; LLDrawPool* mTerrainPool; LLDrawPool* mWaterPool; LLDrawPool* mGroundPool; LLRenderPass* mSimplePool; LLDrawPool* mGlowPool; LLDrawPool* mBumpPool; // Note: no need to keep an quick-lookup to avatar pools, since there's only one per avatar std::vector mHighlightFaces; // highlight faces on physical objects std::vector mSelectedFaces; LLPointer mFaceSelectImagep; LLPointer mBloomImagep; LLPointer mBloomImage2p; U32 mLightMask; U32 mLightMovingMask; S32 mLightingDetail; F32 mSunShadowFactor; static BOOL sRenderPhysicalBeacons; static BOOL sRenderScriptedBeacons; static BOOL sRenderParticleBeacons; static BOOL sRenderSoundBeacons; }; void render_bbox(const LLVector3 &min, const LLVector3 &max); extern LLPipeline gPipeline; extern BOOL gRenderForSelect; #endif