/** * @file llwlparamset.cpp * @brief Implementation for the LLWLParamSet class. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llwlparamset.h" #include "llwlanimator.h" #include "llwlparammanager.h" #include "llglslshader.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llsliderctrl.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include #include LLWLParamSet::LLWLParamSet(void) : mName("Unnamed Preset"), mCloudScrollXOffset(0.f), mCloudScrollYOffset(0.f) {} static LLTrace::TimeBlock FTM_WL_PARAM_UPDATE("WL Param Update"); void LLWLParamSet::update(LLGLSLShader * shader) const { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_WL_PARAM_UPDATE); for(LLSD::map_const_iterator i = mParamValues.beginMap(); i != mParamValues.endMap(); ++i) { const std::string& param = i->first; if (param == "star_brightness" || param == "preset_num" || param == "sun_angle" || param == "east_angle" || param == "enable_cloud_scroll" || param == "cloud_scroll_rate" || param == "lightnorm" ) { continue; } if (param == "cloud_pos_density1") { LLVector4 val; val.mV[0] = F32(i->second[0].asReal()) + mCloudScrollXOffset; val.mV[1] = F32(i->second[1].asReal()) + mCloudScrollYOffset; val.mV[2] = (F32) i->second[2].asReal(); val.mV[3] = (F32) i->second[3].asReal(); stop_glerror(); shader->uniform4fv(param, 1, val.mV); stop_glerror(); } else if (param == "cloud_scale" || param == "cloud_shadow" || param == "density_multiplier" || param == "distance_multiplier" || param == "haze_density" || param == "haze_horizon" || param == "max_y" ) { F32 val = (F32) i->second[0].asReal(); stop_glerror(); shader->uniform1f(param, val); stop_glerror(); } else // param is the uniform name { // handle all the different cases if (i->second.isArray() && i->second.size() == 4) { LLVector4 val; val.mV[0] = (F32) i->second[0].asReal(); val.mV[1] = (F32) i->second[1].asReal(); val.mV[2] = (F32) i->second[2].asReal(); val.mV[3] = (F32) i->second[3].asReal(); stop_glerror(); shader->uniform4fv(param, 1, val.mV); stop_glerror(); } else if (i->second.isReal()) { F32 val = (F32) i->second.asReal(); stop_glerror(); shader->uniform1f(param, val); stop_glerror(); } else if (i->second.isInteger()) { S32 val = (S32) i->second.asInteger(); stop_glerror(); shader->uniform1i(param, val); stop_glerror(); } else if (i->second.isBoolean()) { S32 val = (i->second.asBoolean() ? 1 : 0); stop_glerror(); shader->uniform1i(param, val); stop_glerror(); } } } if (LLPipeline::sRenderDeferred && !LLPipeline::sReflectionRender && !LLPipeline::sUnderWaterRender) { shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOBAL_GAMMA, 2.2); } else { shader->uniform1f(LLShaderMgr::GLOBAL_GAMMA, 1.0); } } void LLWLParamSet::set(const std::string& paramName, float x) { // handle case where no array if(mParamValues[paramName].isReal()) { mParamValues[paramName] = x; } // handle array else if(mParamValues[paramName].isArray() && mParamValues[paramName][0].isReal()) { mParamValues[paramName][0] = x; } } void LLWLParamSet::set(const std::string& paramName, float x, float y) { mParamValues[paramName][0] = x; mParamValues[paramName][1] = y; } void LLWLParamSet::set(const std::string& paramName, float x, float y, float z) { mParamValues[paramName][0] = x; mParamValues[paramName][1] = y; mParamValues[paramName][2] = z; } void LLWLParamSet::set(const std::string& paramName, float x, float y, float z, float w) { mParamValues[paramName][0] = x; mParamValues[paramName][1] = y; mParamValues[paramName][2] = z; mParamValues[paramName][3] = w; } void LLWLParamSet::set(const std::string& paramName, const float * val) { mParamValues[paramName][0] = val[0]; mParamValues[paramName][1] = val[1]; mParamValues[paramName][2] = val[2]; mParamValues[paramName][3] = val[3]; } void LLWLParamSet::set(const std::string& paramName, const LLVector4 & val) { mParamValues[paramName][0] = val.mV[0]; mParamValues[paramName][1] = val.mV[1]; mParamValues[paramName][2] = val.mV[2]; mParamValues[paramName][3] = val.mV[3]; } void LLWLParamSet::set(const std::string& paramName, const LLColor4 & val) { mParamValues[paramName][0] = val.mV[0]; mParamValues[paramName][1] = val.mV[1]; mParamValues[paramName][2] = val.mV[2]; mParamValues[paramName][3] = val.mV[3]; } LLVector4 LLWLParamSet::getVector(const std::string& paramName, bool& error) { // test to see if right type LLSD cur_val = mParamValues.get(paramName); if (!cur_val.isArray()) { error = true; return LLVector4(0,0,0,0); } LLVector4 val; val.mV[0] = (F32) cur_val[0].asReal(); val.mV[1] = (F32) cur_val[1].asReal(); val.mV[2] = (F32) cur_val[2].asReal(); val.mV[3] = (F32) cur_val[3].asReal(); error = false; return val; } F32 LLWLParamSet::getFloat(const std::string& paramName, bool& error) { // test to see if right type LLSD cur_val = mParamValues.get(paramName); if (cur_val.isArray() && cur_val.size() != 0) { error = false; return (F32) cur_val[0].asReal(); } if(cur_val.isReal()) { error = false; return (F32) cur_val.asReal(); } error = true; return 0; } void LLWLParamSet::setSunAngle(float val) { // keep range 0 - 2pi if(val > F_TWO_PI || val < 0) { F32 num = val / F_TWO_PI; num -= floor(num); val = F_TWO_PI * num; } mParamValues["sun_angle"] = val; } void LLWLParamSet::setEastAngle(float val) { // keep range 0 - 2pi if(val > F_TWO_PI || val < 0) { F32 num = val / F_TWO_PI; num -= floor(num); val = F_TWO_PI * num; } mParamValues["east_angle"] = val; } void LLWLParamSet::mix(LLWLParamSet& src, LLWLParamSet& dest, F32 weight) { // set up the iterators // keep cloud positions and coverage the same /// TODO masking will do this later F32 cloudPos1X = (F32) mParamValues["cloud_pos_density1"][0].asReal(); F32 cloudPos1Y = (F32) mParamValues["cloud_pos_density1"][1].asReal(); F32 cloudPos2X = (F32) mParamValues["cloud_pos_density2"][0].asReal(); F32 cloudPos2Y = (F32) mParamValues["cloud_pos_density2"][1].asReal(); F32 cloudCover = (F32) mParamValues["cloud_shadow"][0].asReal(); LLSD srcVal; LLSD destVal; // Iterate through values for(LLSD::map_iterator iter = mParamValues.beginMap(); iter != mParamValues.endMap(); ++iter) { // If param exists in both src and dest, set the holder variables, otherwise skip if(src.mParamValues.has(iter->first) && dest.mParamValues.has(iter->first)) { srcVal = src.mParamValues[iter->first]; destVal = dest.mParamValues[iter->first]; } else { continue; } if(iter->second.isReal()) // If it's a real, interpolate directly { iter->second = srcVal.asReal() + ((destVal.asReal() - srcVal.asReal()) * weight); } else if(iter->second.isArray() && iter->second[0].isReal() // If it's an array of reals, loop through the reals and interpolate on those && iter->second.size() == srcVal.size() && iter->second.size() == destVal.size()) { // Actually do interpolation: old value + (difference in values * factor) for(int i=0; i < iter->second.size(); ++i) { // iter->second[i] = (1.f-weight)*(F32)srcVal[i].asReal() + weight*(F32)destVal[i].asReal(); // old way of doing it -- equivalent but one more operation iter->second[i] = srcVal[i].asReal() + ((destVal[i].asReal() - srcVal[i].asReal()) * weight); } } else // Else, skip { continue; } } // now mix the extra parameters setStarBrightness((1 - weight) * (F32) src.getStarBrightness() + weight * (F32) dest.getStarBrightness()); llassert(src.getSunAngle() >= - F_PI && src.getSunAngle() <= 3 * F_PI); llassert(dest.getSunAngle() >= - F_PI && dest.getSunAngle() <= 3 * F_PI); llassert(src.getEastAngle() >= 0 && src.getEastAngle() <= 4 * F_PI); llassert(dest.getEastAngle() >= 0 && dest.getEastAngle() <= 4 * F_PI); // sun angle and east angle require some handling to make sure // they go in circles. Yes quaternions would work better. F32 srcSunAngle = src.getSunAngle(); F32 destSunAngle = dest.getSunAngle(); F32 srcEastAngle = src.getEastAngle(); F32 destEastAngle = dest.getEastAngle(); if(fabsf(srcSunAngle - destSunAngle) > F_PI) { if(srcSunAngle > destSunAngle) { destSunAngle += 2 * F_PI; } else { srcSunAngle += 2 * F_PI; } } if(fabsf(srcEastAngle - destEastAngle) > F_PI) { if(srcEastAngle > destEastAngle) { destEastAngle += 2 * F_PI; } else { srcEastAngle += 2 * F_PI; } } setSunAngle((1 - weight) * srcSunAngle + weight * destSunAngle); setEastAngle((1 - weight) * srcEastAngle + weight * destEastAngle); // now setup the sun properly // reset those cloud positions mParamValues["cloud_pos_density1"][0] = cloudPos1X; mParamValues["cloud_pos_density1"][1] = cloudPos1Y; mParamValues["cloud_pos_density2"][0] = cloudPos2X; mParamValues["cloud_pos_density2"][1] = cloudPos2Y; mParamValues["cloud_shadow"][0] = cloudCover; } void LLWLParamSet::updateCloudScrolling(void) { static LLTimer s_cloud_timer; F64 delta_t = s_cloud_timer.getElapsedTimeAndResetF64(); if(getEnableCloudScrollX()) { mCloudScrollXOffset += F32(delta_t * (getCloudScrollX() - 10.f) / 100.f); } if(getEnableCloudScrollY()) { mCloudScrollYOffset += F32(delta_t * (getCloudScrollY() - 10.f) / 100.f); } }