/** * @file llwlparammanager.cpp * @brief Implementation for the LLWLParamManager class. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llwlparammanager.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llsky.h" #include "lldiriterator.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llsliderctrl.h" #include "llspinctrl.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "v4math.h" #include "llviewerdisplay.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "lldrawpoolwater.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "lldaycyclemanager.h" #include "llenvmanager.h" #include "llwlparamset.h" #include "llpostprocess.h" #include "llfloaterwindlight.h" #include "llfloaterdaycycle.h" #include "llfloaterenvsettings.h" #include "llviewershadermgr.h" #include "llglslshader.h" #include "curl/curl.h" #include "llstreamtools.h" LLWLParamManager::LLWLParamManager() : //set the defaults for the controls // index is from sWLUniforms in pipeline.cpp line 979 /// Sun Delta Terrain tweak variables. mSunDeltaYaw(180.0f), mSceneLightStrength(2.0f), mWLGamma(1.0f, "gamma"), mBlueHorizon(0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f, 1.0f, "blue_horizon", "WLBlueHorizon"), mHazeDensity(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, "haze_density"), mBlueDensity(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f, "blue_density", "WLBlueDensity"), mDensityMult(1.0f, "density_multiplier", 1000), mHazeHorizon(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, "haze_horizon"), mMaxAlt(4000.0f, "max_y"), // Lighting mLightnorm(0.f, 0.707f, -0.707f, 1.f, "lightnorm"), mSunlight(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, "sunlight_color", "WLSunlight"), mAmbient(0.5f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.19f, "ambient", "WLAmbient"), mGlow(18.0f, 0.0f, -0.01f, 1.0f, "glow"), // Clouds mCloudColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, "cloud_color", "WLCloudColor"), mCloudMain(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.125f, 1.0f, "cloud_pos_density1"), mCloudCoverage(0.0f, "cloud_shadow"), mCloudDetail(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, "cloud_pos_density2"), mDistanceMult(1.0f, "distance_multiplier"), mCloudScale(0.42f, "cloud_scale"), // sky dome mDomeOffset(0.96f), mDomeRadius(15000.f) { } LLWLParamManager::~LLWLParamManager() { } void LLWLParamManager::clearParamSetsOfScope(LLWLParamKey::EScope scope) { if (LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL == scope) { LL_WARNS("Windlight") << "Tried to clear windlight sky presets from local system! This shouldn't be called..." << LL_ENDL; return; } std::set to_remove; for(std::map::iterator iter = mParamList.begin(); iter != mParamList.end(); ++iter) { if(iter->first.scope == scope) { to_remove.insert(iter->first); } } for(std::set::iterator iter = to_remove.begin(); iter != to_remove.end(); ++iter) { mParamList.erase(*iter); } } // returns all skies referenced by the day cycle, with their final names // side effect: applies changes to all internal structures! std::map LLWLParamManager::finalizeFromDayCycle(LLWLParamKey::EScope scope) { lldebugs << "mDay before finalizing:" << llendl; { for (std::map::iterator iter = mDay.mTimeMap.begin(); iter != mDay.mTimeMap.end(); ++iter) { LLWLParamKey& key = iter->second; lldebugs << iter->first << "->" << key.name << llendl; } } std::map final_references; // Move all referenced to desired scope, renaming if necessary // First, save skies referenced std::map current_references; // all skies referenced by the day cycle, with their current names // guard against skies with same name and different scopes std::set inserted_names; std::map conflicted_names; // integer later used as a count, for uniquely renaming conflicts LLWLDayCycle& cycle = mDay; for(std::map::iterator iter = cycle.mTimeMap.begin(); iter != cycle.mTimeMap.end(); ++iter) { LLWLParamKey& key = iter->second; std::string desired_name = key.name; replace_newlines_with_whitespace(desired_name); // already shouldn't have newlines, but just in case if(inserted_names.find(desired_name) == inserted_names.end()) { inserted_names.insert(desired_name); } else { // make exist in map conflicted_names[desired_name] = 0; } current_references[key] = mParamList[key]; } // forget all old skies in target scope, and rebuild, renaming as needed clearParamSetsOfScope(scope); for(std::map::iterator iter = current_references.begin(); iter != current_references.end(); ++iter) { const LLWLParamKey& old_key = iter->first; std::string desired_name(old_key.name); replace_newlines_with_whitespace(desired_name); LLWLParamKey new_key(desired_name, scope); // name will be replaced later if necessary // if this sky is one with a non-unique name, rename via appending a number // an existing preset of the target scope gets to keep its name if (scope != old_key.scope && conflicted_names.find(desired_name) != conflicted_names.end()) { std::string& new_name = new_key.name; do { // if this executes more than once, this is an absurdly pathological case // (e.g. "x" repeated twice, but "x 1" already exists, so need to use "x 2") std::stringstream temp; temp << desired_name << " " << (++conflicted_names[desired_name]); new_name = temp.str(); } while (inserted_names.find(new_name) != inserted_names.end()); // yay, found one that works inserted_names.insert(new_name); // track names we consume here; shouldn't be necessary due to ++int? but just in case // *TODO factor out below into a rename()? LL_INFOS("Windlight") << "Renamed " << old_key.name << " (scope" << old_key.scope << ") to " << new_key.name << " (scope " << new_key.scope << ")" << LL_ENDL; // update name in sky iter->second.mName = new_name; // update keys in day cycle for(std::map::iterator frame = cycle.mTimeMap.begin(); frame != cycle.mTimeMap.end(); ++frame) { if (frame->second == old_key) { frame->second = new_key; } } // add to master sky map mParamList[new_key] = iter->second; } final_references[new_key] = iter->second; } lldebugs << "mDay after finalizing:" << llendl; { for (std::map::iterator iter = mDay.mTimeMap.begin(); iter != mDay.mTimeMap.end(); ++iter) { LLWLParamKey& key = iter->second; lldebugs << iter->first << "->" << key.name << llendl; } } return final_references; } // static LLSD LLWLParamManager::createSkyMap(std::map refs) { LLSD skies = LLSD::emptyMap(); for(std::map::iterator iter = refs.begin(); iter != refs.end(); ++iter) { skies.insert(iter->first.name, iter->second.getAll()); } return skies; } void LLWLParamManager::addAllSkies(const LLWLParamKey::EScope scope, const LLSD& sky_presets) { for(LLSD::map_const_iterator iter = sky_presets.beginMap(); iter != sky_presets.endMap(); ++iter) { LLWLParamSet set; set.setAll(iter->second); mParamList[LLWLParamKey(iter->first, scope)] = set; } } void LLWLParamManager::refreshRegionPresets() { // Remove all region sky presets because they may belong to a previously visited region. clearParamSetsOfScope(LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION); // Add all sky presets belonging to the current region. addAllSkies(LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION, LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getRegionSettings().getSkyMap()); } void LLWLParamManager::loadPresets(const std::string& file_name) { std::string path_name(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS, "windlight/skies", "")); LL_INFOS2("AppInit", "Shaders") << "Loading Default WindLight settings from " << path_name << LL_ENDL; bool found = true; LLDirIterator app_settings_iter(path_name, "*.xml"); while(found) { std::string name; found = app_settings_iter.next(name); if(found) { name=name.erase(name.length()-4); // bugfix for SL-46920: preventing filenames that break stuff. char * curl_str = curl_unescape(name.c_str(), name.size()); std::string unescaped_name(curl_str); curl_free(curl_str); curl_str = NULL; LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit", "Shaders") << "name: " << name << LL_ENDL; loadPreset(LLWLParamKey(unescaped_name, LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL),FALSE); } } // And repeat for user presets, note the user presets will modify any system presets already loaded std::string path_name2(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename( LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS , "windlight/skies", "")); LL_INFOS2("AppInit", "Shaders") << "Loading User WindLight settings from " << path_name2 << LL_ENDL; found = true; LLDirIterator user_settings_iter(path_name2, "*.xml"); while(found) { std::string name; found = user_settings_iter.next(name); if(found) { name=name.erase(name.length()-4); // bugfix for SL-46920: preventing filenames that break stuff. char * curl_str = curl_unescape(name.c_str(), name.size()); std::string unescaped_name(curl_str); curl_free(curl_str); curl_str = NULL; LL_DEBUGS2("AppInit", "Shaders") << "name: " << name << LL_ENDL; loadPreset(LLWLParamKey(unescaped_name,LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL),FALSE); } } } // untested and unmaintained! sanity-check me before using /* void LLWLParamManager::savePresets(const std::string & fileName) { //Nobody currently calls me, but if they did, then its reasonable to write the data out to the user's folder //and not over the RO system wide version. LLSD paramsData(LLSD::emptyMap()); std::string pathName(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename( LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS , "windlight", fileName)); for(std::map::iterator mIt = mParamList.begin(); mIt != mParamList.end(); ++mIt) { paramsData[mIt->first.name] = mIt->second.getAll(); } llofstream presetsXML(pathName); LLPointer formatter = new LLSDXMLFormatter(); formatter->format(paramsData, presetsXML, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY); presetsXML.close(); } */ void LLWLParamManager::loadPreset(const LLWLParamKey key, bool propagate) { if(mParamList.find(key) == mParamList.end()) // key does not already exist in mapping { if(key.scope == LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL) // local scope, so try to load from file { // bugfix for SL-46920: preventing filenames that break stuff. char * curl_str = curl_escape(key.name.c_str(), key.name.size()); std::string escaped_filename(curl_str); curl_free(curl_str); curl_str = NULL; escaped_filename += ".xml"; std::string pathName(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS, "windlight/skies", escaped_filename)); llinfos << "Loading WindLight sky setting from " << pathName << llendl; llifstream presetsXML; presetsXML.open(pathName.c_str()); // That failed, try loading from the users area instead. if(!presetsXML) { pathName=gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename( LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS , "windlight/skies", escaped_filename); llinfos << "Loading User WindLight sky setting from " << pathName << llendl; presetsXML.open(pathName.c_str()); } if (presetsXML) { loadPresetFromXML(key, presetsXML); presetsXML.close(); } else { llwarns << "Could not load local WindLight sky setting " << key.toString() << llendl; return; } } else { llwarns << "Attempted to load non-local WindLight sky settings " << key.toString() << "; not found in parameter mapping." << llendl; return; } } if(propagate) { getParamSet(key, mCurParams); propagateParameters(); } } void LLWLParamManager::loadPresetFromXML(LLWLParamKey key, std::istream & presetsXML) { LLSD paramsData(LLSD::emptyMap()); LLPointer parser = new LLSDXMLParser(); parser->parse(presetsXML, paramsData, LLSDSerialize::SIZE_UNLIMITED); std::map::iterator mIt = mParamList.find(key); if(mIt == mParamList.end()) addParamSet(key, paramsData); else setParamSet(key, paramsData); } void LLWLParamManager::savePreset(LLWLParamKey key) { // bugfix for SL-46920: preventing filenames that break stuff. char * curl_str = curl_escape(key.name.c_str(), key.name.size()); std::string escaped_filename(curl_str); curl_free(curl_str); curl_str = NULL; escaped_filename += ".xml"; // make an empty llsd LLSD paramsData(LLSD::emptyMap()); std::string pathName(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename( LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS , "windlight/skies", escaped_filename)); // fill it with LLSD windlight params paramsData = mParamList[key].getAll(); // write to file llofstream presetsXML(pathName); LLPointer formatter = new LLSDXMLFormatter(); formatter->format(paramsData, presetsXML, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY); presetsXML.close(); propagateParameters(); } void LLWLParamManager::updateShaderUniforms(LLGLSLShader * shader) { if (gPipeline.canUseWindLightShaders()) { mCurParams.update(shader); } if (shader->mShaderGroup == LLGLSLShader::SG_DEFAULT) { shader->uniform4fv(LLViewerShaderMgr::LIGHTNORM, 1, mRotatedLightDir.mV); shader->uniform3fv("camPosLocal", 1, LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin().mV); } else if (shader->mShaderGroup == LLGLSLShader::SG_SKY) { shader->uniform4fv(LLViewerShaderMgr::LIGHTNORM, 1, mClampedLightDir.mV); } shader->uniform1f("scene_light_strength", mSceneLightStrength); } static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_UPDATE_WLPARAM("Update Windlight Params"); void LLWLParamManager::propagateParameters(void) { LLFastTimer ftm(FTM_UPDATE_WLPARAM); LLVector4 sunDir; LLVector4 moonDir; // set the sun direction from SunAngle and EastAngle F32 sinTheta = sin(mCurParams.getEastAngle()); F32 cosTheta = cos(mCurParams.getEastAngle()); F32 sinPhi = sin(mCurParams.getSunAngle()); F32 cosPhi = cos(mCurParams.getSunAngle()); sunDir.mV[0] = -sinTheta * cosPhi; sunDir.mV[1] = sinPhi; sunDir.mV[2] = cosTheta * cosPhi; sunDir.mV[3] = 0; moonDir = -sunDir; // is the normal from the sun or the moon if(sunDir.mV[1] >= 0) { mLightDir = sunDir; } else if(sunDir.mV[1] < 0 && sunDir.mV[1] > LLSky::NIGHTTIME_ELEVATION_COS) { // clamp v1 to 0 so sun never points up and causes weirdness on some machines LLVector3 vec(sunDir.mV[0], sunDir.mV[1], sunDir.mV[2]); vec.mV[1] = 0; vec.normVec(); mLightDir = LLVector4(vec, 0.f); } else { mLightDir = moonDir; } // calculate the clamp lightnorm for sky (to prevent ugly banding in sky // when haze goes below the horizon mClampedLightDir = sunDir; if (mClampedLightDir.mV[1] < -0.1f) { mClampedLightDir.mV[1] = -0.1f; } mCurParams.set("lightnorm", mLightDir); // bind the variables for all shaders only if we're using WindLight LLViewerShaderMgr::shader_iter shaders_iter, end_shaders; end_shaders = LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->endShaders(); for(shaders_iter = LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->beginShaders(); shaders_iter != end_shaders; ++shaders_iter) { if (shaders_iter->mProgramObject != 0 && (gPipeline.canUseWindLightShaders() || shaders_iter->mShaderGroup == LLGLSLShader::SG_WATER)) { shaders_iter->mUniformsDirty = TRUE; } } // get the cfr version of the sun's direction LLVector3 cfrSunDir(sunDir.mV[2], sunDir.mV[0], sunDir.mV[1]); // set direction and don't allow overriding gSky.setSunDirection(cfrSunDir, LLVector3(0,0,0)); gSky.setOverrideSun(TRUE); } void LLWLParamManager::update(LLViewerCamera * cam) { LLFastTimer ftm(FTM_UPDATE_WLPARAM); // update clouds, sun, and general mCurParams.updateCloudScrolling(); // update only if running if(mAnimator.getIsRunning()) { mAnimator.update(mCurParams); } // update the shaders and the menu propagateParameters(); // sync menus if they exist LLFloaterWindLight* wlfloater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("env_windlight"); if (wlfloater) { wlfloater->syncMenu(); } LLFloaterDayCycle* dlfloater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("env_day_cycle"); if (dlfloater) { dlfloater->syncMenu(); } LLFloaterEnvSettings* envfloater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("old_env_settings"); if (envfloater) { envfloater->syncMenu(); } F32 camYaw = cam->getYaw(); stop_glerror(); // *TODO: potential optimization - this block may only need to be // executed some of the time. For example for water shaders only. { F32 camYawDelta = mSunDeltaYaw * DEG_TO_RAD; LLVector3 lightNorm3(mLightDir); lightNorm3 *= LLQuaternion(-(camYaw + camYawDelta), LLVector3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f)); mRotatedLightDir = LLVector4(lightNorm3, 0.f); LLViewerShaderMgr::shader_iter shaders_iter, end_shaders; end_shaders = LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->endShaders(); for(shaders_iter = LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->beginShaders(); shaders_iter != end_shaders; ++shaders_iter) { if (shaders_iter->mProgramObject != 0 && (gPipeline.canUseWindLightShaders() || shaders_iter->mShaderGroup == LLGLSLShader::SG_WATER)) { shaders_iter->mUniformsDirty = TRUE; } } } } void LLWLParamManager::applyUserPrefs(bool interpolate) { LLEnvManagerNew& env_mgr = LLEnvManagerNew::instance(); if (env_mgr.getUseRegionSettings()) // apply region-wide settings { if (env_mgr.getRegionSettings().getSkyMap().size() == 0) { applyDefaults(); } else { // *TODO: Support fixed sky from region. LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Applying region sky" << LL_ENDL; // Apply region day cycle. const LLEnvironmentSettings& region_settings = env_mgr.getRegionSettings(); applyDayCycleParams( region_settings.getWLDayCycle(), LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION, region_settings.getDayTime()); } } else // apply user-specified settings { if (env_mgr.getUseDayCycle()) { if (!env_mgr.useDayCycle(env_mgr.getDayCycleName(), LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL)) { // *TODO: fix user prefs applyDefaults(); } } else { LLWLParamSet param_set; std::string sky = env_mgr.getSkyPresetName(); if (!getParamSet(LLWLParamKey(sky, LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL), param_set)) { llwarns << "No sky named " << sky << llendl; } else { LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Loading fixed sky " << sky << LL_ENDL; applySkyParams(param_set.getAll()); } } } } void LLWLParamManager::applyDefaults() { LLEnvManagerNew::instance().useDayCycle("Default", LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL); } bool LLWLParamManager::applyDayCycleParams(const LLSD& params, LLEnvKey::EScope scope, F32 time) { mDay.loadDayCycle(params, scope); resetAnimator(time, true); // set to specified time and start animator return true; } bool LLWLParamManager::applySkyParams(const LLSD& params) { mAnimator.deactivate(); mCurParams.setAll(params); return true; } void LLWLParamManager::resetAnimator(F32 curTime, bool run) { mAnimator.setTrack(mDay.mTimeMap, mDay.mDayRate, curTime, run); return; } bool LLWLParamManager::addParamSet(const LLWLParamKey& key, LLWLParamSet& param) { // add a new one if not one there already std::map::iterator mIt = mParamList.find(key); if(mIt == mParamList.end()) { llassert(!key.name.empty()); // *TODO: validate params mParamList[key] = param; return true; } return false; } BOOL LLWLParamManager::addParamSet(const LLWLParamKey& key, LLSD const & param) { // add a new one if not one there already std::map::const_iterator finder = mParamList.find(key); if(finder == mParamList.end()) { llassert(!key.name.empty()); // *TODO: validate params mParamList[key].setAll(param); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } bool LLWLParamManager::getParamSet(const LLWLParamKey& key, LLWLParamSet& param) { // find it and set it std::map::iterator mIt = mParamList.find(key); if(mIt != mParamList.end()) { param = mParamList[key]; param.mName = key.name; return true; } return false; } bool LLWLParamManager::setParamSet(const LLWLParamKey& key, LLWLParamSet& param) { llassert(!key.name.empty()); // *TODO: validate params mParamList[key] = param; return true; } bool LLWLParamManager::setParamSet(const LLWLParamKey& key, const LLSD & param) { llassert(!key.name.empty()); // *TODO: validate params // quick, non robust (we won't be working with files, but assets) check // this might not actually be true anymore.... if(!param.isMap()) { return false; } mParamList[key].setAll(param); return true; } void LLWLParamManager::removeParamSet(const LLWLParamKey& key, bool delete_from_disk) { // remove from param list std::map::iterator mIt = mParamList.find(key); if(mIt != mParamList.end()) { mParamList.erase(mIt); } else { LL_WARNS("WindLight") << "Unable to delete key " << key.toString() << "; not found." << LL_ENDL; } mDay.removeReferencesTo(key); if(delete_from_disk && key.scope == LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL) { std::string path_name(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename( LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS , "windlight/skies", "")); // use full curl escaped name char * curl_str = curl_escape(key.name.c_str(), key.name.size()); std::string escaped_name(curl_str); curl_free(curl_str); curl_str = NULL; if(gDirUtilp->deleteFilesInDir(path_name, escaped_name + ".xml") < 1) { LL_WARNS("WindLight") << "Unable to delete key " << key.toString() << " from disk; not found." << LL_ENDL; } } } // virtual static void LLWLParamManager::initSingleton() { LL_DEBUGS("Windlight") << "Initializing sky" << LL_ENDL; loadPresets(LLStringUtil::null); // load the day std::string preferred_day = LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getDayCycleName(); if (!LLDayCycleManager::instance().getPreset(preferred_day, mDay)) { // Fall back to default. llwarns << "No day cycle named " << preferred_day << ", falling back to defaults" << llendl; mDay.loadDayCycleFromFile("Default.xml"); // *TODO: Fix user preferences accordingly. } // *HACK - sets cloud scrolling to what we want... fix this better in the future std::string sky = LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getSkyPresetName(); if (!getParamSet(LLWLParamKey(sky, LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL), mCurParams)) { llwarns << "No sky preset named " << sky << ", falling back to defaults" << llendl; getParamSet(LLWLParamKey("Default", LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL), mCurParams); // *TODO: Fix user preferences accordingly. } // set it to noon resetAnimator(0.5, LLEnvManagerNew::instance().getUseDayCycle()); // but use linden time sets it to what the estate is mAnimator.setTimeType(LLWLAnimator::TIME_LINDEN); applyUserPrefs(false); }