 * @file llwldaycycle.cpp
 * @brief Implementation for the LLWLDayCycle class.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"

#include "llwldaycycle.h"
#include "llsdserialize.h"
#include "llwlparammanager.h"
#include "llnotifications.h"

#include "llviewerwindow.h"

#include <map>

LLWLDayCycle::LLWLDayCycle() : mDayRate(120)


void LLWLDayCycle::loadDayCycle(const LLSD& day_data, LLWLParamKey::EScope scope)
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Loading day cycle (day_data.size() = " << day_data.size() << ", scope = " << scope << ")" << LL_ENDL;

	// add each key frame
	for(S32 i = 0; i < day_data.size(); ++i)
		// make sure it's a two array
		if(day_data[i].size() != 2)
		// check each param key exists in param manager
		bool success;
		LLWLParamSet pset;
		LLWLParamKey frame = LLWLParamKey(day_data[i][1].asString(), scope);
		success =
			LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->getParamSet(frame, pset);
			// *HACK: If loading region day cycle, try local sky presets as well.
			// Local presets may be referenced by a region day cycle after
			// it has been edited but the changes have not been uploaded.
			if (scope == LLEnvKey::SCOPE_REGION)
				frame.scope = LLEnvKey::SCOPE_LOCAL;
				success = LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->getParamSet(frame, pset);

			if (!success)
				// alert the user
				LLSD args;
				args["SKY"] = day_data[i][1].asString();
				LLNotifications::instance().add("WLMissingSky", args, LLSD());
		// then add the keyframe
		addKeyframe((F32)day_data[i][0].asReal(), frame);

void LLWLDayCycle::loadDayCycleFromFile(const std::string & fileName)
	loadDayCycle(loadCycleDataFromFile(fileName), LLWLParamKey::SCOPE_LOCAL);

/*static*/ LLSD LLWLDayCycle::loadCycleDataFromFile(const std::string & fileName)
	// *FIX: Cannot load user day cycles.
	std::string pathName(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS, 
		"windlight/days", fileName));

	return loadDayCycleFromPath(pathName);

// static
LLSD LLWLDayCycle::loadDayCycleFromPath(const std::string& file_path)
	LL_INFOS("Windlight") << "Loading DayCycle settings from " << file_path << LL_ENDL;
	llifstream day_cycle_xml(file_path);
	if (day_cycle_xml.is_open())
		// load and parse it
		LLSD day_data(LLSD::emptyArray());
		LLPointer<LLSDParser> parser = new LLSDXMLParser();
		parser->parse(day_cycle_xml, day_data, LLSDSerialize::SIZE_UNLIMITED);
		return day_data;
		return LLSD();

void LLWLDayCycle::saveDayCycle(const std::string & fileName)
	std::string pathName(gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS, "windlight/days", fileName));
	//LL_INFOS() << "Saving WindLight settings to " << pathName << LL_ENDL;


void LLWLDayCycle::save(const std::string& file_path)
	LLSD day_data = asLLSD();

	llofstream day_cycle_xml(file_path);
	LLPointer<LLSDFormatter> formatter = new LLSDXMLFormatter();
	formatter->format(day_data, day_cycle_xml, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY);

	LLSD day_data(LLSD::emptyArray());
	for(std::map<F32, LLWLParamKey>::const_iterator mIt = mTimeMap.begin(); mIt != mTimeMap.end(); ++mIt) 
		LLSD key(LLSD::emptyArray());

	LL_DEBUGS() << "Dumping day cycle (" << mTimeMap.size() << ") to LLSD: " << day_data << LL_ENDL;
	return day_data;

bool LLWLDayCycle::getSkyRefs(std::map<LLWLParamKey, LLWLParamSet>& refs) const
	bool result = true;
	LLWLParamManager& wl_mgr = LLWLParamManager::instance();

	for (std::map<F32, LLWLParamKey>::const_iterator iter = mTimeMap.begin(); iter != mTimeMap.end(); ++iter)
		const LLWLParamKey& key = iter->second;
		if (!wl_mgr.getParamSet(key, refs[key]))
			LL_WARNS() << "Cannot find sky [" << key.name << "] referenced by a day cycle" << LL_ENDL;
			result = false;

	return result;

bool LLWLDayCycle::getSkyMap(LLSD& sky_map) const
	std::map<LLWLParamKey, LLWLParamSet> refs;

	if (!getSkyRefs(refs))
		return false;

	sky_map = LLWLParamManager::createSkyMap(refs);
	return true;

void LLWLDayCycle::clearKeyframes()
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Clearing key frames" << LL_ENDL;

bool LLWLDayCycle::addKeyframe(F32 newTime, LLWLParamKey frame)
	// no adding negative time
	if(newTime < 0) 
		newTime = 0;

	// if time not being used, add it and return true
	if(mTimeMap.find(newTime) == mTimeMap.end()) 
		mTimeMap.insert(std::pair<F32, LLWLParamKey>(newTime, frame));
		LL_DEBUGS() << "Adding key frame (" << newTime << ", " << frame.toLLSD() << ")" << LL_ENDL;
		return true;

	// otherwise, don't add, and return error
	LL_WARNS() << "Error adding key frame (" << newTime << ", " << frame.toLLSD() << ")" << LL_ENDL;
	return false;

bool LLWLDayCycle::changeKeyframeTime(F32 oldTime, F32 newTime)
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Changing key frame time (" << oldTime << " => " << newTime << ")" << LL_ENDL;

	// just remove and add back
	LLWLParamKey frame = mTimeMap[oldTime];

	bool stat = removeKeyframe(oldTime);
	if(stat == false) 
		LL_DEBUGS() << "Failed to change key frame time (" << oldTime << " => " << newTime << ")" << LL_ENDL;
		return stat;

	return addKeyframe(newTime, frame);

bool LLWLDayCycle::changeKeyframeParam(F32 time, LLWLParamKey key)
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Changing key frame param (" << time << ", " << key.toLLSD() << ")" << LL_ENDL;

	// just remove and add back
	// make sure param exists
	LLWLParamSet tmp;
	bool stat = LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->getParamSet(key, tmp);
	if(stat == false) 
		LL_DEBUGS() << "Failed to change key frame param (" << time << ", " << key.toLLSD() << ")" << LL_ENDL;
		return stat;

	mTimeMap[time] = key;
	return true;

bool LLWLDayCycle::removeKeyframe(F32 time)
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Removing key frame (" << time << ")" << LL_ENDL;

	// look for the time.  If there, erase it
	std::map<F32, LLWLParamKey>::iterator mIt = mTimeMap.find(time);
	if(mIt != mTimeMap.end()) 
		return true;

	return false;

bool LLWLDayCycle::getKeytime(LLWLParamKey frame, F32& key_time) const
	// scroll through till we find the correct value in the map
	std::map<F32, LLWLParamKey>::const_iterator mIt = mTimeMap.begin();
	for(; mIt != mTimeMap.end(); ++mIt) 
		if(frame == mIt->second) 
			key_time = mIt->first;
			return true;

	return false;

bool LLWLDayCycle::getKeyedParam(F32 time, LLWLParamSet& param)
	// just scroll on through till you find it
	std::map<F32, LLWLParamKey>::iterator mIt = mTimeMap.find(time);
	if(mIt != mTimeMap.end())
		return LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->getParamSet(mIt->second, param);

	// return error if not found
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Key " << time << " not found" << LL_ENDL;
	return false;

bool LLWLDayCycle::getKeyedParamName(F32 time, std::string & name)
	// just scroll on through till you find it
	std::map<F32, LLWLParamKey>::iterator mIt = mTimeMap.find(time);
	if(mIt != mTimeMap.end()) 
		name = mTimeMap[time].name;
		return true;

	// return error if not found
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Key " << time << " not found" << LL_ENDL;
	return false;

bool LLWLDayCycle::hasReferencesTo(const LLWLParamKey& keyframe) const
	F32 dummy;
	return getKeytime(keyframe, dummy);

void LLWLDayCycle::removeReferencesTo(const LLWLParamKey& keyframe)
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Removing references to key frame " << keyframe.toLLSD() << LL_ENDL;
	F32 keytime;
	bool might_exist;
		// look for it
		might_exist = getKeytime(keyframe, keytime);
		might_exist = removeKeyframe(keytime);

	} while(might_exist); // might be another one