 * @file llvovolume.h
 * @brief LLVOVolume class header file
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at
 * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "llviewerobject.h"
#include "llviewerimage.h"
#include "llframetimer.h"
#include "llapr.h"
#include "m3math.h"		// LLMatrix3
#include "m4math.h"		// LLMatrix4
#include <map>

class LLViewerTextureAnim;
class LLDrawPool;
class LLSelectNode;

enum LLVolumeInterfaceType

// Base class for implementations of the volume - Primitive, Flexible Object, etc.
class LLVolumeInterface
	virtual ~LLVolumeInterface() { }
	virtual LLVolumeInterfaceType getInterfaceType() const = 0;
	virtual BOOL doIdleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time) = 0;
	virtual BOOL doUpdateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable) = 0;
	virtual LLVector3 getPivotPosition() const = 0;
	virtual void onSetVolume(const LLVolumeParams &volume_params, const S32 detail) = 0;
	virtual void onSetScale(const LLVector3 &scale, BOOL damped) = 0;
	virtual void onParameterChanged(U16 param_type, LLNetworkData *data, BOOL in_use, bool local_origin) = 0;
	virtual void onShift(const LLVector3 &shift_vector) = 0;
	virtual bool isVolumeUnique() const = 0; // Do we need a unique LLVolume instance?
	virtual bool isVolumeGlobal() const = 0; // Are we in global space?
	virtual bool isActive() const = 0; // Is this object currently active?
	virtual const LLMatrix4& getWorldMatrix(LLXformMatrix* xform) const = 0;
	virtual void updateRelativeXform() = 0;
	virtual U32 getID() const = 0;
	virtual void preRebuild() = 0;

// Class which embodies all Volume objects (with pcode LL_PCODE_VOLUME)
class LLVOVolume : public LLViewerObject
	virtual				~LLVOVolume();

	static		void	initClass();
	static 		void 	preUpdateGeom();
		VERTEX_DATA_MASK =	(1 << LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_VERTEX) |
							(1 << LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_NORMAL) |
							(1 << LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TEXCOORD0) |
							(1 << LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TEXCOORD1) |
							(1 << LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_COLOR)

						LLVOVolume(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp);

	/*virtual*/ LLDrawable* createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline);

				void	deleteFaces();

				void	animateTextures();
	/*virtual*/ BOOL	idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time);

	/*virtual*/ BOOL	isActive() const;
	/*virtual*/ BOOL	isAttachment() const;
	/*virtual*/ BOOL	isRootEdit() const; // overridden for sake of attachments treating themselves as a root object
	/*virtual*/ BOOL	isHUDAttachment() const;

				void	generateSilhouette(LLSelectNode* nodep, const LLVector3& view_point);
	/*virtual*/	BOOL	setParent(LLViewerObject* parent);
				S32		getLOD() const							{ return mLOD; }
	const LLVector3		getPivotPositionAgent() const;
	const LLMatrix4&	getRelativeXform() const				{ return mRelativeXform; }
	const LLMatrix3&	getRelativeXformInvTrans() const		{ return mRelativeXformInvTrans; }
	/*virtual*/	const LLMatrix4	getRenderMatrix() const;

	/*virtual*/ BOOL lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end, 
										  S32 face = -1,                        // which face to check, -1 = ALL_SIDES
										  BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE,
										  S32* face_hit = NULL,                 // which face was hit
										  LLVector3* intersection = NULL,       // return the intersection point
										  LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL,          // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point
										  LLVector3* normal = NULL,             // return the surface normal at the intersection point
										  LLVector3* bi_normal = NULL           // return the surface bi-normal at the intersection point
				LLVector3 agentPositionToVolume(const LLVector3& pos) const;
				LLVector3 agentDirectionToVolume(const LLVector3& dir) const;
				LLVector3 volumePositionToAgent(const LLVector3& dir) const;
				LLVector3 volumeDirectionToAgent(const LLVector3& dir) const;

				BOOL	getVolumeChanged() const				{ return mVolumeChanged; }
				F32		getTextureVirtualSize(LLFace* face);
	/*virtual*/ F32  	getRadius() const						{ return mVObjRadius; };
				const LLMatrix4& getWorldMatrix(LLXformMatrix* xform) const;

				void	markForUpdate(BOOL priority)			{ LLViewerObject::markForUpdate(priority); mVolumeChanged = TRUE; }

	/*virtual*/ void	onShift(const LLVector3 &shift_vector); // Called when the drawable shifts

	/*virtual*/ void	parameterChanged(U16 param_type, bool local_origin);
	/*virtual*/ void	parameterChanged(U16 param_type, LLNetworkData* data, BOOL in_use, bool local_origin);

	/*virtual*/ U32		processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys,
											void **user_data,
											U32 block_num, const EObjectUpdateType update_type,
											LLDataPacker *dp);

	/*virtual*/ void	setSelected(BOOL sel);
	/*virtual*/ BOOL	setDrawableParent(LLDrawable* parentp);

	/*virtual*/ void	setScale(const LLVector3 &scale, BOOL damped);

	/*virtual*/ void	setTEImage(const U8 te, LLViewerImage *imagep);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID &uuid);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEColor(const U8 te, const LLColor3 &color);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEColor(const U8 te, const LLColor4 &color);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEBumpmap(const U8 te, const U8 bump);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEShiny(const U8 te, const U8 shiny);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEFullbright(const U8 te, const U8 fullbright);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEBumpShinyFullbright(const U8 te, const U8 bump);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEMediaFlags(const U8 te, const U8 media_flags);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEGlow(const U8 te, const F32 glow);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEScale(const U8 te, const F32 s, const F32 t);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEScaleS(const U8 te, const F32 s);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEScaleT(const U8 te, const F32 t);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTETexGen(const U8 te, const U8 texgen);
	/*virtual*/ S32		setTEMediaTexGen(const U8 te, const U8 media);
	/*virtual*/ BOOL 	setMaterial(const U8 material);

				void	setTexture(const S32 face);

	/*virtual*/ BOOL	setVolume(const LLVolumeParams &volume_params, const S32 detail, bool unique_volume = false);
				void	sculpt();
				void	updateRelativeXform();
	/*virtual*/ BOOL	updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable);
	/*virtual*/ void	updateFaceSize(S32 idx);
	/*virtual*/ BOOL	updateLOD();
				void	updateRadius();
	/*virtual*/ void	updateTextures(LLAgent &agent);
				void	updateTextures();

				void	updateFaceFlags();
				void	regenFaces();
				BOOL	genBBoxes(BOOL force_global);
				void	preRebuild();
	virtual		void	updateSpatialExtents(LLVector3& min, LLVector3& max);
	virtual		F32		getBinRadius();
	virtual U32 getPartitionType() const;

	// For Lights
	void setIsLight(BOOL is_light);
	void setLightColor(const LLColor3& color);
	void setLightIntensity(F32 intensity);
	void setLightRadius(F32 radius);
	void setLightFalloff(F32 falloff);
	void setLightCutoff(F32 cutoff);
	BOOL getIsLight() const;
	LLColor3 getLightBaseColor() const; // not scaled by intensity
	LLColor3 getLightColor() const; // scaled by intensity
	F32 getLightIntensity() const;
	F32 getLightRadius() const;
	F32 getLightFalloff() const;
	F32 getLightCutoff() const;
	// Flexible Objects
	U32 getVolumeInterfaceID() const;
	virtual BOOL isFlexible() const;
	virtual BOOL isSculpted() const;
	BOOL isVolumeGlobal() const;
	BOOL canBeFlexible() const;
	BOOL setIsFlexible(BOOL is_flexible);
	S32	computeLODDetail(F32	distance, F32 radius);
	BOOL calcLOD();
	LLFace* addFace(S32 face_index);
	void updateTEData();

	LLViewerTextureAnim *mTextureAnimp;
	U8 mTexAnimMode;
	friend class LLDrawable;
	BOOL		mFaceMappingChanged;
	LLFrameTimer mTextureUpdateTimer;
	S32			mLOD;
	BOOL		mLODChanged;
	S32         mSculptLevel;
	BOOL		mSculptChanged;
	LLMatrix4	mRelativeXform;
	LLMatrix3	mRelativeXformInvTrans;
	BOOL		mVolumeChanged;
	F32			mVObjRadius;
	LLVolumeInterface *mVolumeImpl;
	LLPointer<LLViewerImage> mSculptTexture;
	// statics
	static F32 sLODSlopDistanceFactor;// Changing this to zero, effectively disables the LOD transition slop 
	static F32 sLODFactor;				// LOD scale factor
	static F32 sDistanceFactor;			// LOD distance factor
	static S32 sNumLODChanges;
	friend class LLVolumeImplFlexible;