/** * @file llvotextbubble.cpp * @brief Viewer-object text bubble. * * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llvotextbubble.h" #include "imageids.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llprimitive.h" #include "llsphere.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llbox.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "llface.h" #include "llviewerimagelist.h" #include "llvolume.h" #include "pipeline.h" LLVOTextBubble::LLVOTextBubble(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp) : LLAlphaObject(id, pcode, regionp) { setScale(LLVector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 0.25f)); mbCanSelect = FALSE; mLOD = MIN_LOD; mVolumeChanged = TRUE; setVelocity(LLVector3(0.f, 0.f, 0.75f)); LLVolumeParams volume_params; volume_params.setType(LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE); volume_params.setBeginAndEndS(0.f, 1.f); volume_params.setBeginAndEndT(0.f, 1.f); volume_params.setRatio(0.25f, 0.25f); volume_params.setShear(0.f, 0.f); setVolume(volume_params); mColor = LLColor4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.f); S32 i; for (i = 0; i < getNumTEs(); i++) { setTEColor(i, mColor); setTETexture(i, LLUUID(IMG_DEFAULT)); } } LLVOTextBubble::~LLVOTextBubble() { } BOOL LLVOTextBubble::isActive() const { return TRUE; } BOOL LLVOTextBubble::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time) { F32 dt = mUpdateTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); // Die after a few seconds. if (dt > 1.5f) { return FALSE; } LLViewerObject::idleUpdate(agent, world, time); setScale(0.5f * (1.f+dt) * LLVector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f)); F32 alpha = 0.35f*dt; LLColor4 color = mColor; color.mV[VALPHA] -= alpha; if (color.mV[VALPHA] <= 0.05f) { return FALSE; } S32 i; for (i = 0; i < getNumTEs(); i++) { setTEColor(i, color); setTEFullbright(i, TRUE); } gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME, TRUE); return TRUE; } void LLVOTextBubble::updateTextures(LLAgent &agent) { // Update the image levels of all textures... // First we do some quick checks. U32 i; // This doesn't take into account whether the object is in front // or behind... LLVector3 position_local = getPositionAgent() - agent.getCameraPositionAgent(); F32 dot_product = position_local * agent.getFrameAgent().getAtAxis(); F32 cos_angle = dot_product / position_local.magVec(); if (cos_angle > 1.f) { cos_angle = 1.f; } for (i = 0; i < getNumTEs(); i++) { const LLTextureEntry *te = getTE(i); F32 texel_area_ratio = fabs(te->mScaleS * te->mScaleT); LLViewerImage *imagep = getTEImage(i); if (imagep) { imagep->addTextureStats(mPixelArea, texel_area_ratio, cos_angle); } } } LLDrawable *LLVOTextBubble::createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline) { pipeline->allocDrawable(this); mDrawable->setLit(FALSE); mDrawable->setRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME); for (U32 i = 0; i < getNumTEs(); i++) { LLViewerImage *imagep; const LLTextureEntry *texture_entry = getTE(i); imagep = gImageList.getImage(texture_entry->getID()); mDrawable->addFace((LLFacePool*) NULL, imagep); } return mDrawable; } BOOL LLVOTextBubble::setVolume(const LLVolumeParams &volume_params) { if (LLPrimitive::setVolume(volume_params, mLOD)) { if (mDrawable) { gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME, TRUE); mVolumeChanged = TRUE; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL LLVOTextBubble::updateLOD() { return FALSE; } BOOL LLVOTextBubble::updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable) { if (!(gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME))) return TRUE; if (mVolumeChanged) { LLVolumeParams volume_params = getVolume()->getParams(); setVolume(volume_params); LLPipeline::sCompiles++; drawable->setNumFaces(getVolume()->getNumFaces(), drawable->getFace(0)->getPool(), getTEImage(0)); } LLMatrix4 identity4; LLMatrix3 identity3; for (S32 i = 0; i < drawable->getNumFaces(); i++) { LLFace *face = drawable->getFace(i); face->setTEOffset(i); face->setTexture(LLViewerImage::sSmokeImagep); face->setState(LLFace::FULLBRIGHT); } mVolumeChanged = FALSE; mDrawable->movePartition(); return TRUE; } void LLVOTextBubble::updateFaceSize(S32 idx) { LLFace* face = mDrawable->getFace(idx); if (idx == 0 || idx == 2) { face->setSize(0,0); } else { const LLVolumeFace& vol_face = getVolume()->getVolumeFace(idx); face->setSize(vol_face.mVertices.size(), vol_face.mIndices.size()); } } void LLVOTextBubble::getGeometry(S32 idx, LLStrider& verticesp, LLStrider& normalsp, LLStrider& texcoordsp, LLStrider& colorsp, LLStrider& indicesp) { if (idx == 0 || idx == 2) { return; } const LLVolumeFace& face = getVolume()->getVolumeFace(idx); LLVector3 pos = getPositionAgent(); LLColor4U color = LLColor4U(getTE(idx)->getColor()); U32 offset = mDrawable->getFace(idx)->getGeomIndex(); for (U32 i = 0; i < face.mVertices.size(); i++) { *verticesp++ = face.mVertices[i].mPosition.scaledVec(getScale()) + pos; *normalsp++ = face.mVertices[i].mNormal; *texcoordsp++ = face.mVertices[i].mTexCoord; *colorsp++ = color; } for (U32 i = 0; i < face.mIndices.size(); i++) { *indicesp++ = face.mIndices[i] + offset; } } U32 LLVOTextBubble::getPartitionType() const { return LLPipeline::PARTITION_PARTICLE; }