/** * @file llvopartgroup.cpp * @brief Group of particle systems * * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llvopartgroup.h" #include "lldrawpoolalpha.h" #include "llfasttimer.h" #include "message.h" #include "v2math.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "llface.h" #include "llsky.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llviewerpartsim.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "pipeline.h" const F32 MAX_PART_LIFETIME = 120.f; extern U64 gFrameTime; LLVOPartGroup::LLVOPartGroup(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp) : LLAlphaObject(id, pcode, regionp), mViewerPartGroupp(NULL) { setNumTEs(1); setTETexture(0, LLUUID::null); mbCanSelect = FALSE; // users can't select particle systems mDebugColor = LLColor4(ll_frand(), ll_frand(), ll_frand(), 1.f); } LLVOPartGroup::~LLVOPartGroup() { } BOOL LLVOPartGroup::isActive() const { return TRUE; } F32 LLVOPartGroup::getBinRadius() { return mScale.mV[0]*2.f; } void LLVOPartGroup::updateSpatialExtents(LLVector3& newMin, LLVector3& newMax) { LLVector3 pos_agent = getPositionAgent(); mExtents[0] = pos_agent - mScale; mExtents[1] = pos_agent + mScale; newMin = mExtents[0]; newMax = mExtents[1]; mDrawable->setPositionGroup(pos_agent); } BOOL LLVOPartGroup::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time) { return TRUE; } void LLVOPartGroup::setPixelAreaAndAngle(LLAgent &agent) { // mPixelArea is calculated during render F32 mid_scale = getMidScale(); F32 range = (getRenderPosition()-gCamera->getOrigin()).magVec(); if (range < 0.001f || isHUDAttachment()) // range == zero { mAppAngle = 180.f; } else { mAppAngle = (F32) atan2( mid_scale, range) * RAD_TO_DEG; } } void LLVOPartGroup::updateTextures(LLAgent &agent) { // Texture stats for particles need to be updated in a different way... } LLDrawable* LLVOPartGroup::createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline) { pipeline->allocDrawable(this); mDrawable->setLit(FALSE); mDrawable->setRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PARTICLES); return mDrawable; } const F32 MAX_PARTICLE_AREA_SCALE = 0.02f; // some tuned constant, limits on how much particle area to draw F32 LLVOPartGroup::getPartSize(S32 idx) { if (idx < (S32) mViewerPartGroupp->mParticles.size()) { return mViewerPartGroupp->mParticles[idx]->mScale.mV[0]; } return 0.f; } BOOL LLVOPartGroup::updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable) { LLFastTimer ftm(LLFastTimer::FTM_UPDATE_PARTICLES); LLVector3 at; LLVector3 position_agent; LLVector3 camera_agent = gCamera->getOrigin(); S32 num_parts = mViewerPartGroupp->getCount(); LLFace *facep; LLSpatialGroup* group = drawable->getSpatialGroup(); if (!group && num_parts) { drawable->movePartition(); group = drawable->getSpatialGroup(); } if (!num_parts) { if (group && drawable->getNumFaces()) { group->dirtyGeom(); } drawable->setNumFaces(0, NULL, getTEImage(0)); LLPipeline::sCompiles++; return TRUE; } if (!(gPipeline.hasRenderType(LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PARTICLES))) { return TRUE; } if (num_parts > drawable->getNumFaces()) { drawable->setNumFacesFast(num_parts+num_parts/4, NULL, getTEImage(0)); } F32 tot_area = 0; BOOL is_particle = isParticle(); F32 max_area = LLViewerPartSim::getMaxPartCount() * MAX_PARTICLE_AREA_SCALE; F32 pixel_meter_ratio = gCamera->getPixelMeterRatio(); pixel_meter_ratio *= pixel_meter_ratio; S32 count=0; S32 i; F32 max_width = 0.f; mDepth = 0.f; for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++) { const LLViewerPart &part = *((LLViewerPart*) mViewerPartGroupp->mParticles[i]); LLVector3 part_pos_agent(part.mPosAgent); at = part_pos_agent - camera_agent; F32 camera_dist_squared = at.magVecSquared(); F32 inv_camera_dist_squared; if (camera_dist_squared > 1.f) inv_camera_dist_squared = 1.f / camera_dist_squared; else inv_camera_dist_squared = 1.f; F32 area = part.mScale.mV[0] * part.mScale.mV[1] * inv_camera_dist_squared; tot_area += area; if (!is_particle && tot_area > max_area) { break; } count++; facep = drawable->getFace(i); if (!facep) { llwarns << "No face found for index " << i << "!" << llendl; continue; } facep->setTEOffset(i); const F32 NEAR_PART_DIST_SQ = 5.f*5.f; // Only discard particles > 5 m from the camera const F32 MIN_PART_AREA = .005f*.005f; // only less than 5 mm x 5 mm at 1 m from camera if (!is_particle) { if (camera_dist_squared > NEAR_PART_DIST_SQ && area < MIN_PART_AREA) { facep->setSize(0, 0); continue; } facep->setSize(4, 6); } else { facep->setSize(1,1); } facep->setViewerObject(this); if (part.mFlags & LLPartData::LL_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK) { facep->setState(LLFace::FULLBRIGHT); } else { facep->clearState(LLFace::FULLBRIGHT); } facep->mCenterLocal = part.mPosAgent; facep->setFaceColor(part.mColor); facep->setTexture(part.mImagep); if (i == 0) { mExtents[0] = mExtents[1] = part.mPosAgent; } else { update_min_max(mExtents[0], mExtents[1], part.mPosAgent); } max_width = llmax(max_width, part.mScale.mV[0]); max_width = llmax(max_width, part.mScale.mV[1]); mPixelArea = tot_area * pixel_meter_ratio; const F32 area_scale = 10.f; // scale area to increase priority a bit facep->setVirtualSize(mPixelArea*area_scale); } for (i = count; i < drawable->getNumFaces(); i++) { LLFace* facep = drawable->getFace(i); if (!facep) { llwarns << "No face found for index " << i << "!" << llendl; continue; } facep->setTEOffset(i); facep->setSize(0,0); } LLVector3 y = gCamera->mYAxis; LLVector3 z = gCamera->mZAxis; LLVector3 pad; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pad.mV[i] = llmax(max_width, max_width * (fabsf(y.mV[i]) + fabsf(z.mV[i]))); } mExtents[0] -= pad; mExtents[1] += pad; mDrawable->movePartition(); LLPipeline::sCompiles++; return TRUE; } void LLVOPartGroup::getGeometry(S32 idx, LLStrider& verticesp, LLStrider& normalsp, LLStrider& texcoordsp, LLStrider& colorsp, LLStrider& indicesp) { if (idx >= (S32) mViewerPartGroupp->mParticles.size()) { return; } const LLViewerPart &part = *((LLViewerPart*) (mViewerPartGroupp->mParticles[idx])); U32 vert_offset = mDrawable->getFace(idx)->getGeomIndex(); if (isParticle()) { LLVector3 part_pos_agent(part.mPosAgent); const LLVector3& normal = -gCamera->getXAxis(); *verticesp++ = part_pos_agent; *normalsp++ = normal; *colorsp++ = part.mColor; *texcoordsp++ = LLVector2(0.5f, 0.5f); *indicesp++ = vert_offset; } else { LLVector3 part_pos_agent(part.mPosAgent); LLVector3 camera_agent = gAgent.getCameraPositionAgent(); LLVector3 at = part_pos_agent - camera_agent; LLVector3 up, right; right = at % LLVector3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f); right.normVec(); up = right % at; up.normVec(); if (part.mFlags & LLPartData::LL_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK) { LLVector3 normvel = part.mVelocity; normvel.normVec(); LLVector2 up_fracs; up_fracs.mV[0] = normvel*right; up_fracs.mV[1] = normvel*up; up_fracs.normVec(); LLVector3 new_up; LLVector3 new_right; new_up = up_fracs.mV[0] * right + up_fracs.mV[1]*up; new_right = up_fracs.mV[1] * right - up_fracs.mV[0]*up; up = new_up; right = new_right; up.normVec(); right.normVec(); } right *= 0.5f*part.mScale.mV[0]; up *= 0.5f*part.mScale.mV[1]; const LLVector3& normal = -gCamera->getXAxis(); *verticesp++ = part_pos_agent + up - right; *verticesp++ = part_pos_agent - up - right; *verticesp++ = part_pos_agent + up + right; *verticesp++ = part_pos_agent - up + right; *colorsp++ = part.mColor; *colorsp++ = part.mColor; *colorsp++ = part.mColor; *colorsp++ = part.mColor; *texcoordsp++ = LLVector2(0.f, 1.f); *texcoordsp++ = LLVector2(0.f, 0.f); *texcoordsp++ = LLVector2(1.f, 1.f); *texcoordsp++ = LLVector2(1.f, 0.f); *normalsp++ = normal; *normalsp++ = normal; *normalsp++ = normal; *normalsp++ = normal; *indicesp++ = vert_offset + 0; *indicesp++ = vert_offset + 1; *indicesp++ = vert_offset + 2; *indicesp++ = vert_offset + 1; *indicesp++ = vert_offset + 3; *indicesp++ = vert_offset + 2; } } BOOL LLVOPartGroup::isParticle() { return FALSE; //gGLManager.mHasPointParameters && mViewerPartGroupp->mUniformParticles; } U32 LLVOPartGroup::getPartitionType() const { return LLPipeline::PARTITION_PARTICLE; } LLParticlePartition::LLParticlePartition() : LLSpatialPartition(LLDrawPoolAlpha::VERTEX_DATA_MASK) { mRenderPass = LLRenderPass::PASS_ALPHA; mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_PARTICLES; mPartitionType = LLPipeline::PARTITION_PARTICLE; mBufferUsage = GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB; mSlopRatio = 0.f; mLODPeriod = 1; } void LLParticlePartition::addGeometryCount(LLSpatialGroup* group, U32& vertex_count, U32& index_count) { group->mBufferUsage = mBufferUsage; mFaceList.clear(); for (LLSpatialGroup::element_iter i = group->getData().begin(); i != group->getData().end(); ++i) { LLDrawable* drawablep = *i; if (drawablep->isDead()) { continue; } LLAlphaObject* obj = (LLAlphaObject*) drawablep->getVObj().get(); obj->mDepth = 0.f; if (drawablep->isAnimating()) { group->mBufferUsage = GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB; } U32 count = 0; for (S32 j = 0; j < drawablep->getNumFaces(); ++j) { drawablep->updateFaceSize(j); LLFace* facep = drawablep->getFace(j); if ( !facep || !facep->hasGeometry()) { continue; } count++; facep->mDistance = (facep->mCenterLocal - gCamera->getOrigin()) * gCamera->getAtAxis(); obj->mDepth += facep->mDistance; mFaceList.push_back(facep); vertex_count += facep->getGeomCount(); index_count += facep->getIndicesCount(); } obj->mDepth /= count; } } void LLParticlePartition::getGeometry(LLSpatialGroup* group) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_SPACE_PARTITION); std::sort(mFaceList.begin(), mFaceList.end(), LLFace::CompareDistanceGreater()); U32 index_count = 0; U32 vertex_count = 0; group->clearDrawMap(); LLVertexBuffer* buffer = group->mVertexBuffer; LLStrider indicesp; LLStrider verticesp; LLStrider normalsp; LLStrider texcoordsp; LLStrider colorsp; buffer->getVertexStrider(verticesp); buffer->getNormalStrider(normalsp); buffer->getColorStrider(colorsp); buffer->getTexCoordStrider(texcoordsp); buffer->getIndexStrider(indicesp); LLSpatialGroup::drawmap_elem_t& draw_vec = group->mDrawMap[mRenderPass]; for (std::vector::iterator i = mFaceList.begin(); i != mFaceList.end(); ++i) { LLFace* facep = *i; LLAlphaObject* object = (LLAlphaObject*) facep->getViewerObject(); facep->setGeomIndex(vertex_count); facep->setIndicesIndex(index_count); facep->mVertexBuffer = buffer; facep->setPoolType(LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA); object->getGeometry(facep->getTEOffset(), verticesp, normalsp, texcoordsp, colorsp, indicesp); vertex_count += facep->getGeomCount(); index_count += facep->getIndicesCount(); S32 idx = draw_vec.size()-1; BOOL fullbright = facep->isState(LLFace::FULLBRIGHT); F32 vsize = facep->getVirtualSize(); if (idx >= 0 && draw_vec[idx]->mEnd == facep->getGeomIndex()-1 && draw_vec[idx]->mTexture == facep->getTexture() && draw_vec[idx]->mEnd - draw_vec[idx]->mStart + facep->getGeomCount() <= (U32) gGLManager.mGLMaxVertexRange && draw_vec[idx]->mCount + facep->getIndicesCount() <= (U32) gGLManager.mGLMaxIndexRange && draw_vec[idx]->mEnd - draw_vec[idx]->mStart + facep->getGeomCount() < 4096 && draw_vec[idx]->mFullbright == fullbright) { draw_vec[idx]->mCount += facep->getIndicesCount(); draw_vec[idx]->mEnd += facep->getGeomCount(); draw_vec[idx]->mVSize = llmax(draw_vec[idx]->mVSize, vsize); } else { U32 start = facep->getGeomIndex(); U32 end = start + facep->getGeomCount()-1; U32 offset = facep->getIndicesStart(); U32 count = facep->getIndicesCount(); LLDrawInfo* info = new LLDrawInfo(start,end,count,offset,facep->getTexture(), buffer, fullbright); info->mVSize = vsize; draw_vec.push_back(info); } } mFaceList.clear(); } F32 LLParticlePartition::calcPixelArea(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLCamera& camera) { return 1024.f; }