/** * @file llvoiceclient.cpp * @brief Voice client delegation class implementation. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llvoiceclient.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llvoicevivox.h" #include "llviewernetwork.h" #include "llcommandhandler.h" #include "llhttpnode.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" #include "llagent.h" const F32 LLVoiceClient::OVERDRIVEN_POWER_LEVEL = 0.7f; const F32 LLVoiceClient::VOLUME_MIN = 0.f; const F32 LLVoiceClient::VOLUME_DEFAULT = 0.5f; const F32 LLVoiceClient::VOLUME_MAX = 1.0f; // Support for secondlife:///app/voice SLapps class LLVoiceHandler : public LLCommandHandler { public: // requests will be throttled from a non-trusted browser LLVoiceHandler() : LLCommandHandler("voice", UNTRUSTED_THROTTLE) {} bool handle(const LLSD& params, const LLSD& query_map, LLMediaCtrl* web) { if (params[0].asString() == "effects") { LLVoiceEffectInterface* effect_interface = LLVoiceClient::instance().getVoiceEffectInterface(); // If the voice client doesn't support voice effects, we can't handle effects SLapps if (!effect_interface) { return false; } // Support secondlife:///app/voice/effects/refresh to update the voice effect list with new effects if (params[1].asString() == "refresh") { effect_interface->refreshVoiceEffectLists(false); return true; } } return false; } }; LLVoiceHandler gVoiceHandler; std::string LLVoiceClientStatusObserver::status2string(LLVoiceClientStatusObserver::EStatusType inStatus) { std::string result = "UNTRANSLATED"; // Prevent copy-paste errors when updating this list... #define CASE(x) case x: result = #x; break switch(inStatus) { CASE(STATUS_LOGIN_RETRY); CASE(STATUS_LOGGED_IN); CASE(STATUS_JOINING); CASE(STATUS_JOINED); CASE(STATUS_LEFT_CHANNEL); CASE(STATUS_VOICE_DISABLED); CASE(STATUS_VOICE_ENABLED); CASE(BEGIN_ERROR_STATUS); CASE(ERROR_CHANNEL_FULL); CASE(ERROR_CHANNEL_LOCKED); CASE(ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); CASE(ERROR_UNKNOWN); default: { std::ostringstream stream; stream << "UNKNOWN(" << (int)inStatus << ")"; result = stream.str(); } break; } #undef CASE return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LLVoiceClient::LLVoiceClient(LLPumpIO *pump) : mVoiceModule(NULL), m_servicePump(NULL), mVoiceEffectEnabled(LLCachedControl(gSavedSettings, "VoiceMorphingEnabled", true)), mVoiceEffectDefault(LLCachedControl(gSavedPerAccountSettings, "VoiceEffectDefault", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")), mPTTDirty(true), mPTT(true), mUsePTT(true), mPTTIsMiddleMouse(false), mPTTKey(0), mPTTIsToggle(false), mUserPTTState(false), mMuteMic(false), mDisableMic(false) { updateSettings(); init(pump); } //--------------------------------------------------- // Basic setup/shutdown LLVoiceClient::~LLVoiceClient() { } void LLVoiceClient::init(LLPumpIO *pump) { // Initialize all of the voice modules m_servicePump = pump; } void LLVoiceClient::userAuthorized(const std::string& user_id, const LLUUID &agentID) { // In the future, we should change this to allow voice module registration // with a table lookup of sorts. std::string voice_server = gSavedSettings.getString("VoiceServerType"); LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "voice server type " << voice_server << LL_ENDL; if(voice_server == "vivox") { mVoiceModule = (LLVoiceModuleInterface *)LLVivoxVoiceClient::getInstance(); } else { mVoiceModule = NULL; return; } mVoiceModule->init(m_servicePump); mVoiceModule->userAuthorized(user_id, agentID); } void LLVoiceClient::setHidden(bool hidden) { if (mVoiceModule) { mVoiceModule->setHidden(hidden); } } void LLVoiceClient::terminate() { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->terminate(); mVoiceModule = NULL; } const LLVoiceVersionInfo LLVoiceClient::getVersion() { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getVersion(); } else { LLVoiceVersionInfo result; result.serverVersion = std::string(); result.serverType = std::string(); return result; } } void LLVoiceClient::updateSettings() { setUsePTT(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PTTCurrentlyEnabled")); std::string keyString = gSavedSettings.getString("PushToTalkButton"); setPTTKey(keyString); setPTTIsToggle(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PushToTalkToggle")); mDisableMic = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VoiceDisableMic"); updateMicMuteLogic(); if (mVoiceModule) { mVoiceModule->updateSettings(); } } //-------------------------------------------------- // tuning void LLVoiceClient::tuningStart() { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->tuningStart(); } void LLVoiceClient::tuningStop() { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->tuningStop(); } bool LLVoiceClient::inTuningMode() { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->inTuningMode(); } else { return false; } } void LLVoiceClient::tuningSetMicVolume(float volume) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->tuningSetMicVolume(volume); } void LLVoiceClient::tuningSetSpeakerVolume(float volume) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->tuningSetSpeakerVolume(volume); } float LLVoiceClient::tuningGetEnergy(void) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->tuningGetEnergy(); } else { return 0.0; } } //------------------------------------------------ // devices bool LLVoiceClient::deviceSettingsAvailable() { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->deviceSettingsAvailable(); } else { return false; } } bool LLVoiceClient::deviceSettingsUpdated() { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->deviceSettingsUpdated(); } else { return false; } } void LLVoiceClient::refreshDeviceLists(bool clearCurrentList) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->refreshDeviceLists(clearCurrentList); } void LLVoiceClient::setCaptureDevice(const std::string& name) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->setCaptureDevice(name); } void LLVoiceClient::setRenderDevice(const std::string& name) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->setRenderDevice(name); } const LLVoiceDeviceList& LLVoiceClient::getCaptureDevices() { static LLVoiceDeviceList nullCaptureDevices; if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getCaptureDevices(); } else { return nullCaptureDevices; } } const LLVoiceDeviceList& LLVoiceClient::getRenderDevices() { static LLVoiceDeviceList nullRenderDevices; if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getRenderDevices(); } else { return nullRenderDevices; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // participants void LLVoiceClient::getParticipantList(std::set &participants) { if (mVoiceModule) { mVoiceModule->getParticipantList(participants); } else { participants = std::set(); } } bool LLVoiceClient::isParticipant(const LLUUID &speaker_id) { if(mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->isParticipant(speaker_id); } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------- // text chat BOOL LLVoiceClient::isSessionTextIMPossible(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->isSessionTextIMPossible(id); } else { return FALSE; } } BOOL LLVoiceClient::isSessionCallBackPossible(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->isSessionCallBackPossible(id); } else { return FALSE; } } /* obsolete BOOL LLVoiceClient::sendTextMessage(const LLUUID& participant_id, const std::string& message) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->sendTextMessage(participant_id, message); } else { return FALSE; } } */ void LLVoiceClient::endUserIMSession(const LLUUID& participant_id) { if (mVoiceModule) { // mVoiceModule->endUserIMSession(participant_id); // A SLim leftover } } //---------------------------------------------- // channels bool LLVoiceClient::inProximalChannel() { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->inProximalChannel(); } else { return false; } } void LLVoiceClient::setNonSpatialChannel( const std::string &uri, const std::string &credentials) { if (mVoiceModule) { mVoiceModule->setNonSpatialChannel(uri, credentials); } } void LLVoiceClient::setSpatialChannel( const std::string &uri, const std::string &credentials) { if (mVoiceModule) { mVoiceModule->setSpatialChannel(uri, credentials); } } void LLVoiceClient::leaveNonSpatialChannel() { if (mVoiceModule) { mVoiceModule->leaveNonSpatialChannel(); } } void LLVoiceClient::leaveChannel(void) { if (mVoiceModule) { mVoiceModule->leaveChannel(); } } std::string LLVoiceClient::getCurrentChannel() { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getCurrentChannel(); } else { return std::string(); } } //--------------------------------------- // invitations void LLVoiceClient::callUser(const LLUUID &uuid) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->callUser(uuid); } bool LLVoiceClient::isValidChannel(std::string &session_handle) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->isValidChannel(session_handle); } else { return false; } } bool LLVoiceClient::answerInvite(std::string &channelHandle) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->answerInvite(channelHandle); } else { return false; } } void LLVoiceClient::declineInvite(std::string &channelHandle) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->declineInvite(channelHandle); } //------------------------------------------ // Volume/gain void LLVoiceClient::setVoiceVolume(F32 volume) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->setVoiceVolume(volume); } void LLVoiceClient::setMicGain(F32 volume) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->setMicGain(volume); } //------------------------------------------ // enable/disable voice features bool LLVoiceClient::voiceEnabled() { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->voiceEnabled(); } else { return false; } } void LLVoiceClient::setVoiceEnabled(bool enabled) { if (mVoiceModule) { mVoiceModule->setVoiceEnabled(enabled); } } void LLVoiceClient::updateMicMuteLogic() { // If not configured to use PTT, the mic should be open (otherwise the user will be unable to speak). bool new_mic_mute = false; if(mUsePTT) { // If configured to use PTT, track the user state. new_mic_mute = !mUserPTTState; } if(mMuteMic || mDisableMic) { // Either of these always overrides any other PTT setting. new_mic_mute = true; } if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->setMuteMic(new_mic_mute); } void LLVoiceClient::setLipSyncEnabled(BOOL enabled) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->setLipSyncEnabled(enabled); } BOOL LLVoiceClient::lipSyncEnabled() { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->lipSyncEnabled(); } else { return false; } } void LLVoiceClient::setMuteMic(bool muted) { mMuteMic = muted; updateMicMuteLogic(); mMicroChangedSignal(); } // ---------------------------------------------- // PTT void LLVoiceClient::setUserPTTState(bool ptt) { mUserPTTState = ptt; updateMicMuteLogic(); mMicroChangedSignal(); } bool LLVoiceClient::getUserPTTState() { return mUserPTTState; } void LLVoiceClient::setUsePTT(bool usePTT) { if(usePTT && !mUsePTT) { // When the user turns on PTT, reset the current state. mUserPTTState = false; } mUsePTT = usePTT; updateMicMuteLogic(); } void LLVoiceClient::setPTTIsToggle(bool PTTIsToggle) { if(!PTTIsToggle && mPTTIsToggle) { // When the user turns off toggle, reset the current state. mUserPTTState = false; } mPTTIsToggle = PTTIsToggle; updateMicMuteLogic(); } bool LLVoiceClient::getPTTIsToggle() { return mPTTIsToggle; } void LLVoiceClient::setPTTKey(std::string &key) { if(key == "MiddleMouse") { mPTTIsMiddleMouse = true; } else { mPTTIsMiddleMouse = false; if(!LLKeyboard::keyFromString(key, &mPTTKey)) { // If the call failed, don't match any key. key = KEY_NONE; } } } void LLVoiceClient::inputUserControlState(bool down) { if(mPTTIsToggle) { if(down) // toggle open-mic state on 'down' { toggleUserPTTState(); } } else // set open-mic state as an absolute { setUserPTTState(down); } } void LLVoiceClient::toggleUserPTTState(void) { setUserPTTState(!getUserPTTState()); } void LLVoiceClient::keyDown(KEY key, MASK mask) { if (gKeyboard->getKeyRepeated(key)) { // ignore auto-repeat keys return; } if (!mPTTIsMiddleMouse && LLAgent::isActionAllowed("speak") && (key == mPTTKey)) { bool down = gKeyboard->getKeyDown(mPTTKey); if (down) { inputUserControlState(down); } } } void LLVoiceClient::keyUp(KEY key, MASK mask) { if (!mPTTIsMiddleMouse && (key == mPTTKey)) { bool down = gKeyboard->getKeyDown(mPTTKey); if (!down) { inputUserControlState(down); } } } void LLVoiceClient::middleMouseState(bool down) { if(mPTTIsMiddleMouse && LLAgent::isActionAllowed("speak")) { inputUserControlState(down); } } //------------------------------------------- // nearby speaker accessors BOOL LLVoiceClient::getVoiceEnabled(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getVoiceEnabled(id); } else { return FALSE; } } std::string LLVoiceClient::getDisplayName(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getDisplayName(id); } else { return std::string(); } } bool LLVoiceClient::isVoiceWorking() const { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->isVoiceWorking(); } return false; } BOOL LLVoiceClient::isParticipantAvatar(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->isParticipantAvatar(id); } else { return FALSE; } } BOOL LLVoiceClient::isOnlineSIP(const LLUUID& id) { return FALSE; } BOOL LLVoiceClient::getIsSpeaking(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getIsSpeaking(id); } else { return FALSE; } } BOOL LLVoiceClient::getIsModeratorMuted(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getIsModeratorMuted(id); } else { return FALSE; } } F32 LLVoiceClient::getCurrentPower(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getCurrentPower(id); } else { return 0.0; } } BOOL LLVoiceClient::getOnMuteList(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getOnMuteList(id); } else { return FALSE; } } F32 LLVoiceClient::getUserVolume(const LLUUID& id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->getUserVolume(id); } else { return 0.0; } } void LLVoiceClient::setUserVolume(const LLUUID& id, F32 volume) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->setUserVolume(id, volume); } //-------------------------------------------------- // status observers void LLVoiceClient::addObserver(LLVoiceClientStatusObserver* observer) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->addObserver(observer); } void LLVoiceClient::removeObserver(LLVoiceClientStatusObserver* observer) { if (mVoiceModule && mVoiceModule->singletoneInstanceExists()) mVoiceModule->removeObserver(observer); } void LLVoiceClient::addObserver(LLFriendObserver* observer) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->addObserver(observer); } void LLVoiceClient::removeObserver(LLFriendObserver* observer) { if (mVoiceModule && mVoiceModule->singletoneInstanceExists()) mVoiceModule->removeObserver(observer); } void LLVoiceClient::addObserver(LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver* observer) { if (mVoiceModule) mVoiceModule->addObserver(observer); } void LLVoiceClient::removeObserver(LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver* observer) { if (mVoiceModule && mVoiceModule->singletoneInstanceExists()) mVoiceModule->removeObserver(observer); } std::string LLVoiceClient::sipURIFromID(const LLUUID &id) { if (mVoiceModule) { return mVoiceModule->sipURIFromID(id); } else { return std::string(); } } LLVoiceEffectInterface* LLVoiceClient::getVoiceEffectInterface() const { return getVoiceEffectEnabled() ? dynamic_cast(mVoiceModule) : NULL; } /////////////////// // version checking class LLViewerRequiredVoiceVersion : public LLHTTPNode { static BOOL sAlertedUser; virtual void post( LLHTTPNode::ResponsePtr response, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { //You received this messsage (most likely on region cross or //teleport) if ( input.has("body") && input["body"].has("major_version") ) { int major_voice_version = input["body"]["major_version"].asInteger(); // int minor_voice_version = // input["body"]["minor_version"].asInteger(); LLVoiceVersionInfo versionInfo = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getVersion(); if (major_voice_version > 1) { if (!sAlertedUser) { //sAlertedUser = TRUE; LLNotificationsUtil::add("VoiceVersionMismatch"); gSavedSettings.setBOOL("EnableVoiceChat", FALSE); // toggles listener } } } } }; class LLViewerParcelVoiceInfo : public LLHTTPNode { virtual void post( LLHTTPNode::ResponsePtr response, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { //the parcel you are in has changed something about its //voice information //this is a misnomer, as it can also be when you are not in //a parcel at all. Should really be something like //LLViewerVoiceInfoChanged..... if ( input.has("body") ) { LLSD body = input["body"]; //body has "region_name" (str), "parcel_local_id"(int), //"voice_credentials" (map). //body["voice_credentials"] has "channel_uri" (str), //body["voice_credentials"] has "channel_credentials" (str) //if we really wanted to be extra careful, //we'd check the supplied //local parcel id to make sure it's for the same parcel //we believe we're in if ( body.has("voice_credentials") ) { LLSD voice_credentials = body["voice_credentials"]; std::string uri; std::string credentials; if ( voice_credentials.has("channel_uri") ) { uri = voice_credentials["channel_uri"].asString(); } if ( voice_credentials.has("channel_credentials") ) { credentials = voice_credentials["channel_credentials"].asString(); } LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->setSpatialChannel(uri, credentials); } } } }; const std::string LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::SETTINGS_FILE_NAME = "volume_settings.xml"; LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::LLSpeakerVolumeStorage() { load(); } LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::~LLSpeakerVolumeStorage() { save(); } void LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::storeSpeakerVolume(const LLUUID& speaker_id, F32 volume) { if ((volume >= LLVoiceClient::VOLUME_MIN) && (volume <= LLVoiceClient::VOLUME_MAX)) { mSpeakersData[speaker_id] = volume; // Enable this when debugging voice slider issues. It's way to spammy even for debug-level logging. // LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "Stored volume = " << volume << " for " << id << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_WARNS("Voice") << "Attempted to store out of range volume " << volume << " for " << speaker_id << LL_ENDL; llassert(0); } } bool LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::getSpeakerVolume(const LLUUID& speaker_id, F32& volume) { speaker_data_map_t::const_iterator it = mSpeakersData.find(speaker_id); if (it != mSpeakersData.end()) { volume = it->second; // Enable this when debugging voice slider issues. It's way to spammy even for debug-level logging. // LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "Retrieved stored volume = " << volume << " for " << id << LL_ENDL; return true; } return false; } void LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::removeSpeakerVolume(const LLUUID& speaker_id) { mSpeakersData.erase(speaker_id); // Enable this when debugging voice slider issues. It's way to spammy even for debug-level logging. // LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "Removing stored volume for " << id << LL_ENDL; } /* static */ F32 LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::transformFromLegacyVolume(F32 volume_in) { // Convert to linear-logarithmic [0.0..1.0] with 0.5 = 0dB // from legacy characteristic composed of two square-curves // that intersect at volume_in = 0.5, volume_out = 0.56 F32 volume_out = 0.f; volume_in = llclamp(volume_in, 0.f, 1.0f); if (volume_in <= 0.5f) { volume_out = volume_in * volume_in * 4.f * 0.56f; } else { volume_out = (1.f - 0.56f) * (4.f * volume_in * volume_in - 1.f) / 3.f + 0.56f; } return volume_out; } /* static */ F32 LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::transformToLegacyVolume(F32 volume_in) { // Convert from linear-logarithmic [0.0..1.0] with 0.5 = 0dB // to legacy characteristic composed of two square-curves // that intersect at volume_in = 0.56, volume_out = 0.5 F32 volume_out = 0.f; volume_in = llclamp(volume_in, 0.f, 1.0f); if (volume_in <= 0.56f) { volume_out = sqrt(volume_in / (4.f * 0.56f)); } else { volume_out = sqrt((3.f * (volume_in - 0.56f) / (1.f - 0.56f) + 1.f) / 4.f); } return volume_out; } void LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::load() { // load per-resident voice volume information std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); LL_INFOS("Voice") << "Loading stored speaker volumes from: " << filename << LL_ENDL; LLSD settings_llsd; llifstream file; file.open(filename.c_str()); if (file.is_open()) { if (LLSDParser::PARSE_FAILURE == LLSDSerialize::fromXML(settings_llsd, file)) { LL_WARNS("Voice") << "failed to parse " << filename << LL_ENDL; } } for (LLSD::map_const_iterator iter = settings_llsd.beginMap(); iter != settings_llsd.endMap(); ++iter) { // Maintain compatibility with 1.23 non-linear saved volume levels F32 volume = transformFromLegacyVolume((F32)iter->second.asReal()); storeSpeakerVolume(LLUUID(iter->first), volume); } } void LLSpeakerVolumeStorage::save() { // If we quit from the login screen we will not have an SL account // name. Don't try to save, otherwise we'll dump a file in // C:\Program Files\SecondLife\ or similar. JC std::string user_dir = gDirUtilp->getLindenUserDir(); if (!user_dir.empty()) { std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, SETTINGS_FILE_NAME); LLSD settings_llsd; LL_INFOS("Voice") << "Saving stored speaker volumes to: " << filename << LL_ENDL; for(speaker_data_map_t::const_iterator iter = mSpeakersData.begin(); iter != mSpeakersData.end(); ++iter) { // Maintain compatibility with 1.23 non-linear saved volume levels F32 volume = transformToLegacyVolume(iter->second); settings_llsd[iter->first.asString()] = volume; } llofstream file; file.open(filename.c_str()); LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(settings_llsd, file); } } BOOL LLViewerRequiredVoiceVersion::sAlertedUser = FALSE; LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationMessageParcelVoiceInfo( "/message/ParcelVoiceInfo"); LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationMessageRequiredVoiceVersion( "/message/RequiredVoiceVersion");