 * @file llvoavatar.h
 * @brief Declaration of LLVOAvatar class which is a derivation of
 * LLViewerObject
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <map>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/signals2/trackable.hpp>

#include "llavatarappearance.h"
#include "llchat.h"
#include "lldrawpoolalpha.h"
#include "llviewerobject.h"
#include "llcharacter.h"
#include "llcontrol.h"
#include "llviewerjointmesh.h"
#include "llviewerjointattachment.h"
#include "llrendertarget.h"
#include "llavatarappearancedefines.h"
#include "lltexglobalcolor.h"
#include "lldriverparam.h"
#include "llviewertexlayer.h"
#include "material_codes.h"     // LL_MCODE_END
#include "llrigginginfo.h"
#include "llviewerstats.h"
#include "llvovolume.h"
#include "llavatarrendernotifier.h"
#include "llmodel.h"


class LLViewerWearable;
class LLVoiceVisualizer;
class LLHUDNameTag;
class LLHUDEffectSpiral;
class LLTexGlobalColor;

struct LLAppearanceMessageContents;
class LLViewerJointMesh;

const F32 MAX_AVATAR_LOD_FACTOR = 1.0f;

extern U32 gFrameCount;

// LLVOAvatar
class LLVOAvatar :
    public LLAvatarAppearance,
    public LLViewerObject,
    public boost::signals2::trackable

    friend class LLVOAvatarSelf;
    friend class LLAvatarCheckImpostorMode;

 **                                                                            **
 **                    INITIALIZATION

    LLVOAvatar(const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp);
    virtual void        markDead();
    static void         initClass(); // Initialize data that's only init'd once per class.
    static void         cleanupClass(); // Cleanup data that's only init'd once per class.
    virtual void        initInstance(); // Called after construction to initialize the class.
    virtual             ~LLVOAvatar();

/**                    Initialization
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    INHERITED

    // LLViewerObject interface and related
    /*virtual*/ void            updateGL();
    /*virtual*/ LLVOAvatar*     asAvatar();

    virtual U32             processUpdateMessage(LLMessageSystem *mesgsys,
                                                     void **user_data,
                                                     U32 block_num,
                                                     const EObjectUpdateType update_type,
                                                     LLDataPacker *dp);
    virtual void            idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, const F64 &time);
    /*virtual*/ BOOL            updateLOD();
    BOOL                    updateJointLODs();
    void                    updateLODRiggedAttachments( void );
    /*virtual*/ BOOL            isActive() const; // Whether this object needs to do an idleUpdate.
    S32Bytes                totalTextureMemForUUIDS(std::set<LLUUID>& ids);
    bool                        allTexturesCompletelyDownloaded(std::set<LLUUID>& ids) const;
    bool                        allLocalTexturesCompletelyDownloaded() const;
    bool                        allBakedTexturesCompletelyDownloaded() const;
    void                        bakedTextureOriginCounts(S32 &sb_count, S32 &host_count,
                                                         S32 &both_count, S32 &neither_count);
    std::string                 bakedTextureOriginInfo();
    void                        collectLocalTextureUUIDs(std::set<LLUUID>& ids) const;
    void                        collectBakedTextureUUIDs(std::set<LLUUID>& ids) const;
    void                        collectTextureUUIDs(std::set<LLUUID>& ids);
    void                        releaseOldTextures();
    /*virtual*/ void            updateTextures();
    LLViewerFetchedTexture*     getBakedTextureImage(const U8 te, const LLUUID& uuid);
    /*virtual*/ S32             setTETexture(const U8 te, const LLUUID& uuid); // If setting a baked texture, need to request it from a non-local sim.
    /*virtual*/ void            onShift(const LLVector4a& shift_vector);
    /*virtual*/ U32             getPartitionType() const;
    /*virtual*/ const           LLVector3 getRenderPosition() const;
    /*virtual*/ void            updateDrawable(BOOL force_damped);
    /*virtual*/ LLDrawable*     createDrawable(LLPipeline *pipeline);
    /*virtual*/ BOOL            updateGeometry(LLDrawable *drawable);
    /*virtual*/ void            setPixelAreaAndAngle(LLAgent &agent);
    /*virtual*/ void            updateRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp);
    /*virtual*/ void            updateSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& newMin, LLVector4a &newMax);
    void                        calculateSpatialExtents(LLVector4a& newMin, LLVector4a& newMax);
    /*virtual*/ BOOL            lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end,
                                                 S32 face = -1,                    // which face to check, -1 = ALL_SIDES
                                                 BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE,
                                                 BOOL pick_rigged = FALSE,
                                                 BOOL pick_unselectable = TRUE,
                                                 S32* face_hit = NULL,             // which face was hit
                                                 LLVector4a* intersection = NULL,   // return the intersection point
                                                 LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL,      // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point
                                                 LLVector4a* normal = NULL,         // return the surface normal at the intersection point
                                                 LLVector4a* tangent = NULL);     // return the surface tangent at the intersection point
    virtual LLViewerObject* lineSegmentIntersectRiggedAttachments(
                                                 const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end,
                                                 S32 face = -1,                    // which face to check, -1 = ALL_SIDES
                                                 BOOL pick_transparent = FALSE,
                                                 BOOL pick_rigged = FALSE,
                                                 BOOL pick_unselectable = TRUE,
                                                 S32* face_hit = NULL,             // which face was hit
                                                 LLVector4a* intersection = NULL,   // return the intersection point
                                                 LLVector2* tex_coord = NULL,      // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point
                                                 LLVector4a* normal = NULL,         // return the surface normal at the intersection point
                                                 LLVector4a* tangent = NULL);     // return the surface tangent at the intersection point

    // LLCharacter interface and related
    /*virtual*/ LLVector3       getCharacterPosition();
    /*virtual*/ LLQuaternion    getCharacterRotation();
    /*virtual*/ LLVector3       getCharacterVelocity();
    /*virtual*/ LLVector3       getCharacterAngularVelocity();

    /*virtual*/ LLUUID          remapMotionID(const LLUUID& id);
    /*virtual*/ BOOL            startMotion(const LLUUID& id, F32 time_offset = 0.f);
    /*virtual*/ BOOL            stopMotion(const LLUUID& id, BOOL stop_immediate = FALSE);
    virtual bool            hasMotionFromSource(const LLUUID& source_id);
    virtual void            stopMotionFromSource(const LLUUID& source_id);
    virtual void            requestStopMotion(LLMotion* motion);
    LLMotion*               findMotion(const LLUUID& id) const;
    void                    startDefaultMotions();
    void                    dumpAnimationState();

    virtual LLJoint*        getJoint(const std::string &name);
    LLJoint*                getJoint(S32 num);

    //if you KNOW joint_num is a valid animated joint index, use getSkeletonJoint for efficiency
    inline LLJoint* getSkeletonJoint(S32 joint_num) { return mSkeleton[joint_num]; }
    inline size_t getSkeletonJointCount() const { return mSkeleton.size(); }

    void                    notifyAttachmentMeshLoaded();
    void                    addAttachmentOverridesForObject(LLViewerObject *vo, std::set<LLUUID>* meshes_seen = NULL, bool recursive = true);
    void                    removeAttachmentOverridesForObject(const LLUUID& mesh_id);
    void                    removeAttachmentOverridesForObject(LLViewerObject *vo);
    bool                    jointIsRiggedTo(const LLJoint *joint) const;
    void                    clearAttachmentOverrides();
    void                    rebuildAttachmentOverrides();
    void                    updateAttachmentOverrides();
    void                    showAttachmentOverrides(bool verbose = false) const;
    void                    getAttachmentOverrideNames(std::set<std::string>& pos_names,
                                                       std::set<std::string>& scale_names) const;

    void                    getAssociatedVolumes(std::vector<LLVOVolume*>& volumes);

    // virtual
    void                    updateRiggingInfo();
    // This encodes mesh id and LOD, so we can see whether display is up-to-date.
    std::map<LLUUID,S32>    mLastRiggingInfoKey;

    std::set<LLUUID>        mActiveOverrideMeshes;
    virtual void            onActiveOverrideMeshesChanged();

    /*virtual*/ const LLUUID&   getID() const;
    /*virtual*/ void            addDebugText(const std::string& text);
    /*virtual*/ F32             getTimeDilation();
    /*virtual*/ void            getGround(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
    /*virtual*/ F32             getPixelArea() const;
    /*virtual*/ LLVector3d      getPosGlobalFromAgent(const LLVector3 &position);
    /*virtual*/ LLVector3       getPosAgentFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &position);
    virtual void                updateVisualParams();

/**                    Inherited
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    STATE

    virtual bool    isSelf() const { return false; } // True if this avatar is for this viewer's agent

    virtual bool    isControlAvatar() const { return mIsControlAvatar; } // True if this avatar is a control av (no associated user)
    virtual bool    isUIAvatar() const { return mIsUIAvatar; } // True if this avatar is a supplemental av used in some UI views (no associated user)

    // If this is an attachment, return the avatar it is attached to. Otherwise NULL.
    virtual const LLVOAvatar *getAttachedAvatar() const { return NULL; }
    virtual LLVOAvatar *getAttachedAvatar() { return NULL; }

private: //aligned members
    LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a  mImpostorExtents[2]);

    // Updates
    void            updateAppearanceMessageDebugText();
    void            updateAnimationDebugText();
    virtual void    updateDebugText();
    virtual bool    computeNeedsUpdate();
    virtual bool    updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent);
    void            updateFootstepSounds();
    void            computeUpdatePeriod();
    void            updateOrientation(LLAgent &agent, F32 speed, F32 delta_time);
    void            updateTimeStep();
    void            updateRootPositionAndRotation(LLAgent &agent, F32 speed, bool was_sit_ground_constrained);

    void            idleUpdateVoiceVisualizer(bool voice_enabled, const LLVector3 &position);
    void            idleUpdateMisc(bool detailed_update);
    virtual void    idleUpdateAppearanceAnimation();
    void            idleUpdateLipSync(bool voice_enabled);
    void            idleUpdateLoadingEffect();
    void            idleUpdateWindEffect();
    void            idleUpdateNameTag(const LLVector3& root_pos_last);
    void            idleUpdateNameTagText(bool new_name);
    void            idleUpdateNameTagAlpha(bool new_name, F32 alpha);
    LLColor4        getNameTagColor(bool is_friend);
    void            clearNameTag();
    static void     invalidateNameTag(const LLUUID& agent_id);
    // force all name tags to rebuild, useful when display names turned on/off
    static void     invalidateNameTags();
    void            addNameTagLine(const std::string& line, const LLColor4& color, S32 style, const LLFontGL* font, const bool use_ellipses = false);
    void            idleUpdateRenderComplexity();
    void            idleUpdateDebugInfo();
    void            accountRenderComplexityForObject(LLViewerObject *attached_object,
                                                     const F32 max_attachment_complexity,
                                                     LLVOVolume::texture_cost_t& textures,
                                                     U32& cost,
                                                     hud_complexity_list_t& hud_complexity_list,
                                                     object_complexity_list_t& object_complexity_list);
    void            calculateUpdateRenderComplexity();
    void            updateVisualComplexity();

    void placeProfileQuery();
    void readProfileQuery(S32 retries);

    // get the GPU time in ms of rendering this avatar including all attachments
    // returns 0.f if this avatar has not been profiled using gPipeline.profileAvatar
    // or the avatar is visually muted
    F32             getGPURenderTime();

    // get the total GPU render time in ms of all avatars that have been benched
    static F32      getTotalGPURenderTime();

    // get the max GPU render time in ms of all avatars that have been benched
    static F32      getMaxGPURenderTime();

    // get the average GPU render time in ms of all avatars that have been benched
    static F32      getAverageGPURenderTime();

    // get the CPU time in ms of rendering this avatar including all attachments
    // return 0.f if this avatar has not been profiled using gPipeline.mProfileAvatar
    F32             getCPURenderTime() { return mCPURenderTime; }

    // avatar render cost
    U32             getVisualComplexity()           { return mVisualComplexity;             };

    // surface area calculation
    F32             getAttachmentSurfaceArea()      { return mAttachmentSurfaceArea;        };

    U32             getReportedVisualComplexity()                   { return mReportedVisualComplexity;             };  // Numbers as reported by the SL server
    void            setReportedVisualComplexity(U32 value)          { mReportedVisualComplexity = value;            };

    S32             getUpdatePeriod()               { return mUpdatePeriod;         };
    const LLColor4 &  getMutedAVColor()             { return mMutedAVColor;         };
    static void     updateImpostorRendering(U32 newMaxNonImpostorsValue);

    void            idleUpdateBelowWater();

    static void updateNearbyAvatarCount();

    LLVector3 idleCalcNameTagPosition(const LLVector3 &root_pos_last);

    // Static preferences (controlled by user settings/menus)
    static S32      sRenderName;
    static BOOL     sRenderGroupTitles;
    static const U32 NON_IMPOSTORS_MAX_SLIDER; /* Must equal the maximum allowed the RenderAvatarMaxNonImpostors
                                                * slider in panel_preferences_graphics1.xml */
    static U32      sMaxNonImpostors; // affected by control "RenderAvatarMaxNonImpostors"
    static bool     sLimitNonImpostors; // use impostors for far away avatars
    static F32      sRenderDistance; // distance at which avatars will render.
    static BOOL     sShowAnimationDebug; // show animation debug info
    static BOOL     sShowCollisionVolumes;  // show skeletal collision volumes
    static BOOL     sVisibleInFirstPerson;
    static S32      sNumLODChangesThisFrame;
    static S32      sNumVisibleChatBubbles;
    static BOOL     sDebugInvisible;
    static BOOL     sShowAttachmentPoints;
    static F32      sLODFactor; // user-settable LOD factor
    static F32      sPhysicsLODFactor; // user-settable physics LOD factor
    static BOOL     sJointDebug; // output total number of joints being touched for each avatar

    static LLPointer<LLViewerTexture>  sCloudTexture;

    static std::vector<LLUUID> sAVsIgnoringARTLimit;
    static S32 sAvatarsNearby;

    // Region state
    LLHost          getObjectHost() const;

    // Loading state
    BOOL            isFullyLoaded() const;

    // check and return current state relative to limits
    // default will test only the geometry (combined=false).
    // this allows us to disable shadows separately on complex avatars.

    inline bool     isTooSlowWithoutShadows() const {return mTooSlowWithoutShadows;};
    bool    isTooSlow() const;

    void            updateTooSlow();

    bool            isTooComplex() const;
    bool            visualParamWeightsAreDefault();
    virtual bool    getIsCloud() const;
    BOOL            isFullyTextured() const;
    BOOL            hasGray() const;
    S32             getRezzedStatus() const; // 0 = cloud, 1 = gray, 2 = textured, 3 = textured and fully downloaded.
    void            updateRezzedStatusTimers(S32 status);

    S32             mLastRezzedStatus;

    void            startPhase(const std::string& phase_name);
    void            stopPhase(const std::string& phase_name, bool err_check = true);
    void            clearPhases();
    void            logPendingPhases();
    static void     logPendingPhasesAllAvatars();
    void            logMetricsTimerRecord(const std::string& phase_name, F32 elapsed, bool completed);

    void            calcMutedAVColor();

    LLViewerStats::PhaseMap& getPhases() { return mPhases; }
    BOOL            updateIsFullyLoaded();
    BOOL            processFullyLoadedChange(bool loading);
    void            updateRuthTimer(bool loading);
    F32             calcMorphAmount();

    BOOL            mFirstFullyVisible;
    F32             mFirstUseDelaySeconds;
    LLFrameTimer    mFirstAppearanceMessageTimer;

    BOOL            mFullyLoaded;
    BOOL            mPreviousFullyLoaded;
    BOOL            mFullyLoadedInitialized;
    S32             mFullyLoadedFrameCounter;
    LLColor4        mMutedAVColor;
    LLFrameTimer    mFullyLoadedTimer;
    LLFrameTimer    mRuthTimer;

    // variables to hold "slowness" status
    bool            mTooSlow{false};
    bool            mTooSlowWithoutShadows{false};

    bool            mTuned{false};

    LLViewerStats::PhaseMap mPhases;

    LLFrameTimer    mInvisibleTimer;

/**                    State
 **                                                                            **
 **                                                                            **
 **                    SKELETON

    /*virtual*/ LLAvatarJoint*  createAvatarJoint(); // Returns LLViewerJoint
    /*virtual*/ LLAvatarJoint*  createAvatarJoint(S32 joint_num); // Returns LLViewerJoint
    /*virtual*/ LLAvatarJointMesh*  createAvatarJointMesh(); // Returns LLViewerJointMesh
    void                updateHeadOffset();
    void                debugBodySize() const;
    void                postPelvisSetRecalc( void );

    /*virtual*/ BOOL    loadSkeletonNode();
    void                initAttachmentPoints(bool ignore_hud_joints = false);
    /*virtual*/ void    buildCharacter();
    void                resetVisualParams();
    void                applyDefaultParams();
    void                resetSkeleton(bool reset_animations);

    LLVector3           mCurRootToHeadOffset;
    LLVector3           mTargetRootToHeadOffset;

    S32                 mLastSkeletonSerialNum;

/**                    Skeleton
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    RENDERING

    U32         renderImpostor(LLColor4U color = LLColor4U(255,255,255,255), S32 diffuse_channel = 0);
    bool        isVisuallyMuted();
    bool        isInMuteList() const;
    void        forceUpdateVisualMuteSettings();

    // Visual Mute Setting is an input. Does not necessarily determine
    // what the avatar looks like, because it interacts with other
    // settings like muting, complexity threshold. Should be private or protected.
    enum VisualMuteSettings
        AV_DO_NOT_RENDER   = 1,
        AV_ALWAYS_RENDER   = 2
    void        setVisualMuteSettings(VisualMuteSettings set);

    // If you think you need to access this outside LLVOAvatar, you probably want getOverallAppearance()
    VisualMuteSettings  getVisualMuteSettings()                     { return mVisuallyMuteSetting;  };


    // Overall Appearance is an output. Depending on whether the
    // avatar is blocked/muted, whether it exceeds the complexity
    // threshold, etc, avatar will want to be displayed in one of
    // these ways. Rendering code that wants to know how to display an
    // avatar should be looking at this value, NOT the visual mute
    // settings
    enum AvatarOverallAppearance

    AvatarOverallAppearance getOverallAppearance() const;
    void setOverallAppearanceNormal();
    void setOverallAppearanceJellyDoll();
    void setOverallAppearanceInvisible();

    void updateOverallAppearance();
    void updateOverallAppearanceAnimations();

    std::set<LLUUID> mJellyAnims;

    U32         renderRigid();
    U32         renderSkinned();
    F32         getLastSkinTime() { return mLastSkinTime; }
    U32         renderTransparent(BOOL first_pass);
    void        renderCollisionVolumes();
    void        renderBones(const std::string &selected_joint = std::string());
    void        renderJoints();
    static void deleteCachedImages(bool clearAll=true);
    static void destroyGL();
    static void restoreGL();
    S32         mSpecialRenderMode; // special lighting

    friend class LLPipeline;
    AvatarOverallAppearance mOverallAppearance;
    F32         mAttachmentSurfaceArea; //estimated surface area of attachments
    U32         mAttachmentVisibleTriangleCount;
    F32         mAttachmentEstTriangleCount;
    bool        shouldAlphaMask();

    BOOL        mNeedsSkin; // avatar has been animated and verts have not been updated
    F32         mLastSkinTime; //value of gFrameTimeSeconds at last skin update

    S32         mUpdatePeriod;
    S32         mNumInitFaces; //number of faces generated when creating the avatar drawable, does not inculde splitted faces due to long vertex buffer.

    // profile handle
    U32 mGPUTimerQuery = 0;

    // profile results

    // GPU render time in ms
    F32 mGPURenderTime = 0.f;
    bool mGPUProfilePending = false;

    // CPU render time in ms
    F32 mCPURenderTime = 0.f;

    // the isTooComplex method uses these mutable values to avoid recalculating too frequently
    // DEPRECATED -- obsolete avatar render cost values
    mutable U32  mVisualComplexity;
    mutable bool mVisualComplexityStale;
    U32          mReportedVisualComplexity; // from other viewers through the simulator

    mutable bool        mCachedInMuteList;
    mutable F64         mCachedMuteListUpdateTime;

    VisualMuteSettings      mVisuallyMuteSetting;           // Always or never visually mute this AV

    // animated object status
    bool mIsControlAvatar;
    bool mIsUIAvatar;
    bool mEnableDefaultMotions;

    // Morph masks
    /*virtual*/ void    applyMorphMask(U8* tex_data, S32 width, S32 height, S32 num_components, LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);
    BOOL        morphMaskNeedsUpdate(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::EBakedTextureIndex index = LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::BAKED_NUM_INDICES);

    // Global colors
    /*virtual*/void onGlobalColorChanged(const LLTexGlobalColor* global_color);

    // Visibility
    void        updateVisibility();
    U32         mVisibilityRank;
    BOOL        mVisible;

    // Shadowing
    void        updateShadowFaces();
    LLDrawable* mShadow;
    LLFace*     mShadow0Facep;
    LLFace*     mShadow1Facep;
    LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> mShadowImagep;

    // Impostors
    virtual BOOL isImpostor();
    BOOL        shouldImpostor(const F32 rank_factor = 1.0);
    BOOL        needsImpostorUpdate() const;
    const LLVector3& getImpostorOffset() const;
    const LLVector2& getImpostorDim() const;
    void        getImpostorValues(LLVector4a* extents, LLVector3& angle, F32& distance) const;
    void        cacheImpostorValues();
    void        setImpostorDim(const LLVector2& dim);
    static void resetImpostors();
    static void updateImpostors();
    LLRenderTarget mImpostor;
    BOOL        mNeedsImpostorUpdate;
    S32         mLastImpostorUpdateReason;
    F32SecondsImplicit mLastImpostorUpdateFrameTime;
    const LLVector3*  getLastAnimExtents() const { return mLastAnimExtents; }
    void        setNeedsExtentUpdate(bool val) { mNeedsExtentUpdate = val; }

    LLVector3   mImpostorOffset;
    LLVector2   mImpostorDim;
    // This becomes true in the constructor and false after the first
    // idleUpdateMisc(). Not clear it serves any purpose.
    BOOL        mNeedsAnimUpdate;
    bool        mNeedsExtentUpdate;
    LLVector3   mImpostorAngle;
    F32         mImpostorDistance;
    F32         mImpostorPixelArea;
    LLVector3   mLastAnimExtents[2];
    LLVector3   mLastAnimBasePos;

    LLCachedControl<bool> mRenderUnloadedAvatar;

    // Wind rippling in clothes
    LLVector4   mWindVec;
    F32         mRipplePhase;
    BOOL        mBelowWater;
    F32         mWindFreq;
    LLFrameTimer mRippleTimer;
    F32         mRippleTimeLast;
    LLVector3   mRippleAccel;
    LLVector3   mLastVel;

    // Culling
    static void cullAvatarsByPixelArea();
    BOOL        isCulled() const { return mCulled; }
    BOOL        mCulled;

    // Constants
    virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel    getAvatarBoostLevel() const { return LLGLTexture::BOOST_AVATAR; }
    virtual LLViewerTexture::EBoostLevel    getAvatarBakedBoostLevel() const { return LLGLTexture::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED; }
    virtual S32                         getTexImageSize() const;
    /*virtual*/ S32                     getTexImageArea() const { return getTexImageSize()*getTexImageSize(); }

/**                    Rendering
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    TEXTURES

    // Loading status
    virtual BOOL    isTextureDefined(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
    virtual BOOL    isTextureVisible(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex type, U32 index = 0) const;
    virtual BOOL    isTextureVisible(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerWearable *wearable) const;

    BOOL            isFullyBaked();
    static BOOL     areAllNearbyInstancesBaked(S32& grey_avatars);
    static void     getNearbyRezzedStats(std::vector<S32>& counts);
    static std::string rezStatusToString(S32 status);

    // Baked textures
    /*virtual*/ LLTexLayerSet*  createTexLayerSet(); // Return LLViewerTexLayerSet
    void            releaseComponentTextures(); // ! BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY !

    static void     onBakedTextureMasksLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
    static void     onInitialBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
    static void     onBakedTextureLoaded(BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata);
    virtual void    removeMissingBakedTextures();
    void            useBakedTexture(const LLUUID& id);
    LLViewerTexLayerSet*  getTexLayerSet(const U32 index) const { return dynamic_cast<LLViewerTexLayerSet*>(mBakedTextureDatas[index].mTexLayerSet);    }

    LLLoadedCallbackEntry::source_callback_list_t mCallbackTextureList ;
    BOOL mLoadedCallbacksPaused;
    S32 mLoadedCallbackTextures; // count of 'loaded' baked textures, filled from mCallbackTextureList
    LLFrameTimer mLastTexCallbackAddedTime;
    std::set<LLUUID>    mTextureIDs;
    // Local Textures
    virtual void    setLocalTexture(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerTexture* tex, BOOL baked_version_exits, U32 index = 0);
    virtual void    addLocalTextureStats(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex type, LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 texel_area_ratio, BOOL rendered, BOOL covered_by_baked);
    // MULTI-WEARABLE: make self-only?
    virtual void    setBakedReady(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex type, BOOL baked_version_exists, U32 index = 0);

    // Texture accessors
    virtual void                setImage(const U8 te, LLViewerTexture *imagep, const U32 index);
    virtual LLViewerTexture*    getImage(const U8 te, const U32 index) const;
    const std::string           getImageURL(const U8 te, const LLUUID &uuid);

    virtual const LLTextureEntry* getTexEntry(const U8 te_num) const;
    virtual void setTexEntry(const U8 index, const LLTextureEntry &te);

    void checkTextureLoading() ;
    // Layers
    void            deleteLayerSetCaches(bool clearAll = true);
    void            addBakedTextureStats(LLViewerFetchedTexture* imagep, F32 pixel_area, F32 texel_area_ratio, S32 boost_level);

    // Composites
    virtual void    invalidateComposite(LLTexLayerSet* layerset);
    virtual void    invalidateAll();
    virtual void    setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(bool b) {}
    virtual void    setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(U32 index, bool b) {}
    virtual bool    isCompositeUpdateEnabled(U32 index) { return false; }

    // Static texture/mesh/baked dictionary
    static BOOL     isIndexLocalTexture(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex i);
    static BOOL     isIndexBakedTexture(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex i);

    // Messaging
    void            onFirstTEMessageReceived();
    BOOL            mFirstTEMessageReceived;
    BOOL            mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived;

/**                    Textures
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    MESHES

    void            debugColorizeSubMeshes(U32 i, const LLColor4& color);
    virtual void    updateMeshTextures();
    void            updateSexDependentLayerSets();
    virtual void    dirtyMesh(); // Dirty the avatar mesh
    void            updateMeshData();
    void            updateMeshVisibility();
    LLViewerTexture*        getBakedTexture(const U8 te);

    // Matrix palette cache entry
    class alignas(16) MatrixPaletteCache
        // Last frame this entry was updated
        U32 mFrame;

        // List of Matrix4a's for this entry
        LLMeshSkinInfo::matrix_list_t mMatrixPalette;

        // Float array ready to be sent to GL
        std::vector<F32> mGLMp;

        MatrixPaletteCache() :
            mFrame(gFrameCount - 1)

    // Accessor for Matrix Palette Cache
    // Will do a map lookup for the entry associated with the given MeshSkinInfo
    // Will update said entry if it hasn't been updated yet this frame
    const MatrixPaletteCache& updateSkinInfoMatrixPalette(const LLMeshSkinInfo* skinInfo);

    // Map of LLMeshSkinInfo::mHash to MatrixPaletteCache
    typedef std::unordered_map<U64, MatrixPaletteCache> matrix_palette_cache_t;
    matrix_palette_cache_t mMatrixPaletteCache;

    void            releaseMeshData();
    virtual void restoreMeshData();
    virtual void    dirtyMesh(S32 priority); // Dirty the avatar mesh, with priority
    LLViewerJoint*  getViewerJoint(S32 idx);
    S32             mDirtyMesh; // 0 -- not dirty, 1 -- morphed, 2 -- LOD
    BOOL            mMeshTexturesDirty;

    // Destroy invisible mesh
    BOOL            mMeshValid;
    LLFrameTimer    mMeshInvisibleTime;

/**                    Meshes
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    APPEARANCE

    LLPointer<LLAppearanceMessageContents>  mLastProcessedAppearance;

    void            parseAppearanceMessage(LLMessageSystem* mesgsys, LLAppearanceMessageContents& msg);
    void            processAvatarAppearance(LLMessageSystem* mesgsys);
    void            applyParsedAppearanceMessage(LLAppearanceMessageContents& contents, bool slam_params);
    void            hideHair();
    void            hideSkirt();
    void            startAppearanceAnimation();

    // Appearance morphing
    BOOL            getIsAppearanceAnimating() const { return mAppearanceAnimating; }

    // True if we are computing our appearance via local compositing
    // instead of baked textures, as for example during wearable
    // editing or when waiting for a subsequent server rebake.
    /*virtual*/ BOOL    isUsingLocalAppearance() const { return mUseLocalAppearance; }

    // True if we are currently in appearance editing mode. Often but
    // not always the same as isUsingLocalAppearance().
    /*virtual*/ BOOL    isEditingAppearance() const { return mIsEditingAppearance; }

    // FIXME review isUsingLocalAppearance uses, some should be isEditing instead.

    BOOL            mAppearanceAnimating;
    LLFrameTimer    mAppearanceMorphTimer;
    F32             mLastAppearanceBlendTime;
    BOOL            mIsEditingAppearance; // flag for if we're actively in appearance editing mode
    BOOL            mUseLocalAppearance; // flag for if we're using a local composite

    // Visibility
    BOOL            isVisible() const;
    virtual bool    shouldRenderRigged() const;
    void            setVisibilityRank(U32 rank);
    U32             getVisibilityRank() const { return mVisibilityRank; }
    static S32      sNumVisibleAvatars; // Number of instances of this class
/**                    Appearance
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    WEARABLES

    // Attachments
    void                clampAttachmentPositions();
    virtual const LLViewerJointAttachment* attachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
    virtual BOOL        detachObject(LLViewerObject *viewer_object);
    static bool         getRiggedMeshID( LLViewerObject* pVO, LLUUID& mesh_id );
    void                cleanupAttachedMesh( LLViewerObject* pVO );
    bool                hasPendingAttachedMeshes();
    static LLVOAvatar*  findAvatarFromAttachment(LLViewerObject* obj);
    /*virtual*/ BOOL    isWearingWearableType(LLWearableType::EType type ) const;
    LLViewerObject *    findAttachmentByID( const LLUUID & target_id ) const;
    LLViewerJointAttachment* getTargetAttachmentPoint(LLViewerObject* viewer_object);

    void                lazyAttach();
    void                rebuildRiggedAttachments( void );

    // Map of attachment points, by ID
    S32                 getAttachmentCount(); // Warning: order(N) not order(1) // currently used only by -self
    typedef std::map<S32, LLViewerJointAttachment*> attachment_map_t;
    attachment_map_t                                mAttachmentPoints;
    std::vector<LLPointer<LLViewerObject> >         mPendingAttachment;

    // HUD functions
    BOOL                hasHUDAttachment() const;
    LLBBox              getHUDBBox() const;
    void                resetHUDAttachments();
    S32                 getMaxAttachments() const;
    BOOL                canAttachMoreObjects(U32 n=1) const;
    S32                 getMaxAnimatedObjectAttachments() const;
    BOOL                canAttachMoreAnimatedObjects(U32 n=1) const;
    U32                 getNumAttachments() const; // O(N), not O(1)
    U32                 getNumAnimatedObjectAttachments() const; // O(N), not O(1)

/**                    Wearables
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    ACTIONS

    // Animations
    BOOL            isAnyAnimationSignaled(const LLUUID *anim_array, const S32 num_anims) const;
    void            processAnimationStateChanges();
    BOOL            processSingleAnimationStateChange(const LLUUID &anim_id, BOOL start);
    void            resetAnimations();
    LLTimer         mAnimTimer;
    F32             mTimeLast;

    // Animation state data
    typedef std::map<LLUUID, S32>::iterator AnimIterator;
    std::map<LLUUID, S32>                   mSignaledAnimations; // requested state of Animation name/value
    std::map<LLUUID, S32>                   mPlayingAnimations; // current state of Animation name/value

    typedef std::multimap<LLUUID, LLUUID>   AnimationSourceMap;
    typedef AnimationSourceMap::iterator    AnimSourceIterator;
    AnimationSourceMap                      mAnimationSources; // object ids that triggered anim ids

    // Chat
    void            addChat(const LLChat& chat);
    void            clearChat();
    void            startTyping() { mTyping = TRUE; mTypingTimer.reset(); }
    void            stopTyping() { mTyping = FALSE; }
    bool            mVisibleChat;

    // Lip synch morphs
    bool            mLipSyncActive; // we're morphing for lip sync
    LLVisualParam*  mOohMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync
    LLVisualParam*  mAahMorph; // cached pointers morphs for lip sync

    // Flight
    BOOL            mInAir;
    LLFrameTimer    mTimeInAir;

/**                    Actions
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    PHYSICS

    F32         mSpeedAccum; // measures speed (for diagnostics mostly).
    BOOL        mTurning; // controls hysteresis on avatar rotation
    F32         mSpeed; // misc. animation repeated state

    // Dimensions
    void        resolveHeightGlobal(const LLVector3d &inPos, LLVector3d &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
    bool        distanceToGround( const LLVector3d &startPoint, LLVector3d &collisionPoint, F32 distToIntersectionAlongRay );
    void        resolveHeightAgent(const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm);
    void        resolveRayCollisionAgent(const LLVector3d start_pt, const LLVector3d end_pt, LLVector3d &out_pos, LLVector3 &out_norm);
    void        slamPosition(); // Slam position to transmitted position (for teleport);

    // Material being stepped on
    BOOL        mStepOnLand;
    U8          mStepMaterial;
    LLVector3   mStepObjectVelocity;

/**                    Physics
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    HIERARCHY

    /*virtual*/ BOOL    setParent(LLViewerObject* parent);
    /*virtual*/ void    addChild(LLViewerObject *childp);
    /*virtual*/ void    removeChild(LLViewerObject *childp);

    // Sitting
    void            sitDown(BOOL bSitting);
    BOOL            isSitting(){return mIsSitting;}
    void            sitOnObject(LLViewerObject *sit_object);
    void            getOffObject();
    // set this property only with LLVOAvatar::sitDown method
    BOOL            mIsSitting;
    // position backup in case of missing data
    LLVector3       mLastRootPos;

/**                    Hierarchy
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    NAME

    virtual std::string getFullname() const; // Returns "FirstName LastName"
    std::string     avString() const; // Frequently used string in log messages "Avatar '<full name'"
    static void     getAnimLabels(std::vector<std::string>* labels);
    static void     getAnimNames(std::vector<std::string>* names);
    bool            mNameIsSet;
    std::string     mTitle;
    bool            mNameAway;
    bool            mNameDoNotDisturb;
    bool            mNameMute;
    bool            mNameAppearance;
    bool            mNameFriend;
    bool            mNameCloud;
    F32             mNameAlpha;
    BOOL            mRenderGroupTitles;

    // Display the name (then optionally fade it out)
    LLFrameTimer    mChatTimer;
    LLPointer<LLHUDNameTag> mNameText;
    LLFrameTimer    mTimeVisible;
    std::deque<LLChat> mChats;
    BOOL            mTyping;
    LLFrameTimer    mTypingTimer;

/**                    Name
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    SOUNDS

    // Voice visualizer
    // Responsible for detecting the user's voice signal (and when the
    // user speaks, it puts a voice symbol over the avatar's head) and gesticulations
    LLPointer<LLVoiceVisualizer>  mVoiceVisualizer;
    int                 mCurrentGesticulationLevel;

    // Step sound
    const LLUUID&       getStepSound() const;
    // Global table of sound ids per material, and the ground
    const static LLUUID sStepSounds[LL_MCODE_END];
    const static LLUUID sStepSoundOnLand;

    // Foot step state (for generating sounds)
    void                setFootPlane(const LLVector4 &plane) { mFootPlane = plane; }
    LLVector4           mFootPlane;
    BOOL                mWasOnGroundLeft;
    BOOL                mWasOnGroundRight;

/**                    Sounds
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    DIAGNOSTICS

    // General
    void                getSortedJointNames(S32 joint_type, std::vector<std::string>& result) const;
    void                dumpArchetypeXML(const std::string& prefix, bool group_by_wearables = false);
    void                dumpAppearanceMsgParams( const std::string& dump_prefix,
                                                 const LLAppearanceMessageContents& contents);
    static void         dumpBakedStatus();
    const std::string   getBakedStatusForPrintout() const;
    void                dumpAvatarTEs(const std::string& context) const;

    static F32          sUnbakedTime; // Total seconds with >=1 unbaked avatars
    static F32          sUnbakedUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame)
    static F32          sGreyTime; // Total seconds with >=1 grey avatars
    static F32          sGreyUpdateTime; // Last time stats were updated (to prevent multiple updates per frame)
    S32                 getUnbakedPixelAreaRank();
    BOOL                mHasGrey;
    F32                 mMinPixelArea;
    F32                 mMaxPixelArea;
    F32                 mAdjustedPixelArea;
    std::string         mDebugText;
    std::string         mBakedTextureDebugText;

    // Avatar Rez Metrics
    void            debugAvatarRezTime(std::string notification_name, std::string comment = "");
    F32             debugGetExistenceTimeElapsedF32() const { return mDebugExistenceTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); }

    LLFrameTimer    mRuthDebugTimer; // For tracking how long it takes for av to rez
    LLFrameTimer    mDebugExistenceTimer; // Debugging for how long the avatar has been in memory.
    LLFrameTimer    mLastAppearanceMessageTimer; // Time since last appearance message received.

    // COF monitoring

    // COF version of last viewer-initiated appearance update request. For non-self avs, this will remain at default.
    S32 mLastUpdateRequestCOFVersion;

    // COF version of last appearance message received for this av.
    S32 mLastUpdateReceivedCOFVersion;

/**                    Diagnostics
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    SUPPORT CLASSES

protected: // Shared with LLVOAvatarSelf

/**                    Support classes
 **                                                                            **

}; // LLVOAvatar
extern const F32 SELF_ADDITIONAL_PRI;

extern const F32 MAX_HOVER_Z;
extern const F32 MIN_HOVER_Z;

std::string get_sequential_numbered_file_name(const std::string& prefix,
                                              const std::string& suffix);
void dump_sequential_xml(const std::string outprefix, const LLSD& content);
void dump_visual_param(apr_file_t* file, LLVisualParam* viewer_param, F32 value);

#endif // LL_VOAVATAR_H